<?php require_once 'includes/allitemsets.php'; $smarty->config_load($conf_file, 'itemset'); $cache_key = cache_key(); if (!($itemsets = load_cache(ITEMSET_LISTING, $cache_key))) { unset($itemsets); $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT ?# FROM ?_itemset ORDER by name_loc' . $_SESSION['locale'] . ' {LIMIT ?d}', $itemset_col[0], $AoWoWconf['limit'] != 0 ? $AoWoWconf['limit'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP); $itemsets = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $itemsets[] = itemsetinfo2($row); } save_cache(ITEMSET_LISTING, $cache_key, $itemsets); } $smarty->assign('itemsets', $itemsets); global $page; $page = array('Mapper' => false, 'Book' => false, 'Title' => $smarty->get_config_vars('Item_Sets'), 'tab' => 0, 'type' => 0, 'typeid' => 0, 'path' => '[0, 2]'); $smarty->assign('page', $page); // --Передаем данные шаблонизатору-- // Количество MySQL запросов $smarty->assign('mysql', $DB->getStatistics()); // Запускаем шаблонизатор $smarty->display('itemsets.tpl');
WHERE Title LIKE ? {OR q.entry IN (?a)} ', $m ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $m ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $nsearch, $m ? $m : DBSIMPLE_SKIP); unset($m); unset($t); unset($tmp); foreach ($rows as $numRow => $row) { $found['quest'][] = GetQuestInfo($row, 0xffffff); } // Ищем наборы вещей $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT * FROM ?_itemset WHERE name LIKE ? ', $nsearch); foreach ($rows as $numRow => $row) { $found['itemset'][] = itemsetinfo2($row); } // Ищем спеллы $rows = $DB->select(' SELECT ?#, spellID FROM ?_spell s, ?_spellicons i WHERE s.spellname like ? AND i.id = s.spellicon ', $spell_cols[2], $nsearch); foreach ($rows as $numRow => $row) { $found['spell'][] = spellinfo2($row); } $keys = array_keys($found); if (count($found) == 1 and count($found[$keys[0]]) == 1) { header("Location: ?" . $keys[0] . '=' . $found[$keys[0]][0]['entry']);
$spell['usedbyitem'] = array(); foreach ($usedbyitem as $i => $row) { $spell['usedbyitem'][] = iteminfo2($row, 0); } unset($usedbyitem); } // Используется наборами вещей: $usedbyitemset = $DB->select(' SELECT * FROM ?_itemset WHERE spell1 = ?d OR spell2 = ?d OR spell3 = ?d OR spell4 = ?d OR spell5 = ?d OR spell6 = ?d OR spell7 = ?d OR spell8 = ?d ', $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry'], $spell['entry']); if ($usedbyitemset) { $spell['usedbyitemset'] = array(); foreach ($usedbyitemset as $i => $row) { $spell['usedbyitemset'][] = itemsetinfo2($row); } unset($usedbyitemset); } // Спелл - награда за квест $questreward = $DB->select(' SELECT c.?# { , Title_loc?d AS Title_loc } FROM quest_template c { LEFT JOIN (locales_quest l) ON c.entry = l.entry AND ? } WHERE RewSpell = ?d OR RewSpellCast = ?d ', $quest_cols[2], $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? $_SESSION['locale'] : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $_SESSION['locale'] > 0 ? 1 : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $spell['entry'], $spell['entry']); if ($questreward) { $spell['questreward'] = array();