function __construct() { if (!islogged()) { redirect('login'); } $this->usermodel = new usermodel(); $this->mailerdecorator = new mailerdecorator(); }
function __construct() { if (!islogged()) { redirect('login'); } if (!isadmin()) { redirect('/'); } $this->adminmodel = new adminmodel(); $this->mailerdecorator = new mailerdecorator(); }
function getperm() { if (!islogged()) { echo "¬logged"; } else { if (isadmin()) { echo "&admin"; } else { echo "&logged"; } } }
function can_get_listrule($user) { global $session; if (isadmin()) { return TRUE; } if ($user === "guest") { return TRUE; } if ($user === "common") { return TRUE; } if (!islogged()) { return FALSE; } if ($session["user"] === $user) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
<?php if (islogged()) { echo '<div id="left-container"> <ul class="left-menu">'; if (isadmin()) { $links = array('/' . get_site_lang() => lang('title.accounts'), '/' . get_site_lang() . '/application/add' => lang('title.add.account'), '/' . get_site_lang() . '/application/import' => lang('title.import.accounts')); } $links['/' . get_site_lang() . '/application/profile'] = lang('title.profile'); $links['/' . get_site_lang() . '/login/logout'] = lang('login.logout'); foreach ($links as $link => $title) { echo '<li><a href="' . $link . '">' . $title . '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul> </div>'; }
function show_menu() { global $betatest; if (isset($_GET['iframe'])) { return; } global $webdir; global $session; $menu = <<<EOF <div class=menu-box> <div class=menu> EOF; /* // Beta testing */ /* if(islogged()) { */ $menu .= <<<EOF <a class="menulink" href="{$webdir}/"> Home</a> - <a class="menulink" href="{$webdir}/explore/"> Explore</a> - <a class="menulink" href="{$webdir}/tools.php"> Tools</a> - <a class="menulink" href="{$webdir}/help/"> Help</a> EOF; if (isadmin()) { $menu .= <<<EOF - <a class="menulink" href="{$webdir}/admin/">Admin </a> EOF; } /* // Beta testing */ /* } else { */ /* $menu .= <<<EOF */ /* NucleoidDB is in beta test */ /* EOF; */ /* } */ $menu .= <<<EOF </div> <div id="login-panel"> EOF; if (islogged()) { $menu .= <<<EOF \t <p> \t Logged as <span id="menuusername">{$session['user']}</span></p><p> \t <a href="{$webdir}/admin/user.php?action=logout">Logout</a> - \t <a href="{$webdir}/admin/change-passwd.php">Change password</a> \t </p> EOF; } else { $menu .= <<<EOF <form action="javascript:void(0)" name="loginform" \tmethod="post" onsubmit='login(event)'> <label>User: </label> \t<input class="loginField" name="username" \t type="text" maxlength="80" value="" /> <label>Pass: </label> \t<input class="loginField" name="password" \t type="password" maxlength="12" value="" /> <input class="loginField" \t type="submit" name="submit" value="Sign In" /> <p id="usererror">You are not logged in</p> </form> EOF; } $menu .= "</div>"; $menu .= "</div><br />"; echo $menu; }
function cyrus_cluster_receive() { $array = unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["cyrus-cluster"])); $users = new usersMenus(); $sock = new sockets(); $fqdn = $users->fqdn; if ($fqdn == null) { $fqdn = $users->hostname; } $_GET["admin"] = $array["admin"]; $_GET["pass"] = $array["pass"]; if (!islogged(1, 1)) { writelogs("Bad username and password", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $return["RESULT"] = "{$fqdn}: {$array["admin"]}: {username}/{password} {failed}"; $return["REPLY"] = false; echo base64_encode(serialize($return)); return; } writelogs("Username and password OK", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $users = new usersMenus(); if (!$users->cyrus_sync_installed) { $return["RESULT"] = "{$fqdn}: {sync_tools_not_compiled}"; $return["REPLY"] = false; echo base64_encode(serialize($return)); return; } if ($sock->GET_INFO("CyrusEnableImapMurderedFrontEnd") == 1) { $return["RESULT"] = "{$fqdn}: {already_a_murder_frontend}"; $return["REPLY"] = false; echo base64_encode(serialize($return)); return; } if (!function_exists("curl_init")) { $return["RESULT"] = "{$fqdn}:{error_php_curl}"; $return["REPLY"] = false; echo base64_encode(serialize($return)); return; } writelogs("Success pass tests...", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($array["cmd"] == "tests") { $return["RESULT"] = "{$fqdn}: {success}"; $return["REPLY"] = true; echo base64_encode(serialize($return)); return; } if ($array["cmd"] == "connect") { writelogs("Try to be a replica {$array["master_ip"]}:{$array["master_artica_port"]}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $cyrus_cluster = new cyrus_cluster(); if (!$cyrus_cluster->test_remote_server($array["master_ip"], $array["master_artica_port"], $array["ldap_admin"], $array["ldap_password"])) { writelogs("Unable to call master server {$array["master_ip"]}:{$cyrus_cluster->error_text}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $return["RESULT"] = $cyrus_cluster->error_text; $return["REPLY"] = false; echo base64_encode(serialize($return)); return; } writelogs("Call master server {$array["master_ip"]}: success", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $ini = new Bs_IniHandler(); $ini->set("REPLICA", "servername", $array["master_ip"]); $ini->set("REPLICA", "username", $array["ldap_admin"]); $ini->set("REPLICA", "password", $array["ldap_password"]); $ini->set("REPLICA", "artica_port", $array["master_artica_port"]); $ini->set("REPLICA", "suffix", $array["suffix"]); $sock->SaveConfigFile($ini->toString(), "CyrusReplicaLDAPConfig"); $sock->SET_INFO("EnableCyrusReplicaCluster", 1); $sock->SET_INFO("EnableCyrusMasterCluster", 0); $sock->SET_INFO("CyrusReplicaClusterPort", $array["master_cyrus_port"]); $sock->SET_INFO("CyrusReplicaClusterServer", $array["master_ip"]); $sock->getFrameWork('cmd.php?cyrus-reconfigure=yes&force=yes'); writelogs("Success Enable replica", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $return["RESULT"] = "{success}"; $return["REPLY"] = true; echo base64_encode(serialize($return)); writelogs("Success to be a replica", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $sock->getFrameWork('cmd.php?cyrus-reconfigure=yes&force=yes'); return; } if ($array["cmd"] == "disconnect") { writelogs("Try to disable replica", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $sock->SET_INFO("EnableCyrusReplicaCluster", 0); writelogs("Success disable replica", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); $sock->getFrameWork('cmd.php?cyrus-reconfigure=yes&force=yes'); } if ($array["cmd"] == "isReplica") { if ($sock->GET_INFO("EnableCyrusReplicaCluster") == 1) { $return["RESULT"] = "{success}"; $return["REPLY"] = true; } else { $return["RESULT"] = "{failed}: not a replica"; $return["REPLY"] = false; } echo base64_encode(serialize($return)); } }
<link href="/public/css/base.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="/public/js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/public/js/vform.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/public/js/app.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="outter-wrap"> <div class="inner-wrap"> <div id="header"> <div id="title-site"> <a href="/<?php echo get_site_lang(); ?> "><h1>USERS MANAGER APP.</h1></a> <? if (islogged()) : ?> <div id="site-deconnection"> <?php echo ucfirst($_SESSION['user']['first_name']); ?> <?php echo ucfirst($_SESSION['user']['last_name']); ?> </div> <? endif ?> </div> <h2 id="title-header"><?php echo $title; ?> </h2> </div>
<?php include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; include_once 'ressources/'; ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('error_prepend_string', null); ini_set('error_append_string', null); if (!islogged()) { die; } if (isset($_POST["OUS"])) { IMPORT_OUS(); die; } if (isset($_POST["MEMBERS"])) { IMPORT_MEMBERS(); die; } while (list($num, $ligne) = each($_POST)) { writelogs("Unable to undertsand: {$num} = {$ligne}", "MAIN", __FILE__, __LINE__); echo "Unable to undertsand: {$num} = {$ligne}\n"; } function islogged($nomurder = 0, $noecho = 0) { $users = new usersMenus();
<?php require "../includes/config.php"; islogged(); //if form was submitted if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { //fetch data about the to-be sold stock $row = query("SELECT * FROM `stocks` WHERE `id`=? AND `symbol`=?", $_SESSION['id'], $_POST['symbol']); $result = $row[0]; //if no data was found if ($row === false || count($result) == 0) { apologize("An error has occurred, please try again."); } else { if ($_POST['num'] > $result['shares']) { //thna avilable stocks apologize("You can't sell {$_POST['num']} " . "shares you only have {$result["shares"]}."); } } if ($result['shares'] - $_POST['num'] == 0) { query("DELETE FROM `stocks` WHERE `symbol`=? AND `id`=?", $_POST['symbol'], $_SESSION['id']); } else { query("UPDATE `stocks` SET `shares`=(`shares`-?) WHERE `symbol`=?", $_POST['symbol']); } //lookup the symbol $data = lookup($_POST['symbol']); //updates user's cash query("UPDATE `users` SET `cash`=(`cash`+?) WHERE `id`=?", $_POST['num'] * $data['price'], $_SESSION['id']); //update history query("INSERT INTO history (action, id, symbol, shares, price) VALUES('s', ?, ?, ?, ?)", $_SESSION['id'], strtoupper($_POST['symbol']), $_POST['num'], $data['price']); //render result render("../templates/sell_result.php", ["shares" => $_POST['num'], "name" => $data['name'], "symbol" => $_POST['symbol'], "total" => number_format($data['price'] * $_POST['num'], 4, ".", ",")]);