function publications_admin_templates_page($args) { if (!xarSecurityCheck('AdminPublications')) { return; } extract($args); if (!xarVarFetch('confirm', 'int', $confirm, 0, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('ptid', 'id', $data['ptid'], 0, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('itemid', 'id', $data['itemid'], 0, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('file', 'str', $data['file'], 'summary', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('source_data', 'str', $data['source_data'], '', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (empty($data['itemid']) || empty($data['ptid'])) { return xarResponse::NotFound(); } $pubtypeobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'publications_types')); $pubtypeobject->getItem(array('itemid' => $data['ptid'])); $pubtype = explode('_', $pubtypeobject->properties['name']->value); $pubtype = isset($pubtype[1]) ? $pubtype[1] : $pubtype[0]; $data['object'] = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => $pubtypeobject->properties['name']->value)); $basepath = sys::code() . "modules/publications/xartemplates/objects/" . $pubtype; $sourcefile = $basepath . "/" . $data['file'] . "_" . $data['itemid'] . ".xt"; $overridepath = "themes/" . xarModVars::get('themes', 'default_theme') . "/modules/publications/objects/" . $pubtype; $overridefile = $overridepath . "/" . $data['file'] . "-" . $data['itemid'] . ".xt"; // If we are saving, write the file now if ($confirm && !empty($data['source_data'])) { xarMod::apiFunc('publications', 'admin', 'write_file', array('file' => $overridefile, 'data' => $data['source_data'])); } // Let the template know what kind of file this is if (file_exists($overridefile)) { $data['filetype'] = 'theme'; $filepath = $overridefile; $data['writable'] = is_writable($overridefile); } else { $data['filetype'] = 'module'; $filepath = $sourcefile; $data['writable'] = is_writeable_dir($overridepath); } $data['source_data'] = trim(xarMod::apiFunc('publications', 'admin', 'read_file', array('file' => $filepath))); // Initialize the template if (empty($data['source_data'])) { $data['source_data'] = '<xar:template xmlns:xar="">'; $data['source_data'] .= "\n"; $data['source_data'] .= "\n" . '</xar:template>'; } $data['files'] = array(array('id' => 'summary', 'name' => 'summary display'), array('id' => 'detail', 'name' => 'detail display')); return $data; }
function publications_admin_stylesheet_type($args) { if (!xarSecurityCheck('AdminPublications')) { return; } extract($args); if (!xarVarFetch('confirm', 'int', $confirm, 0, XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('ptid', 'id', $data['ptid'], xarModVars::get('publications', 'defaultpubtype'), XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('file', 'str', $data['file'], '', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } if (!xarVarFetch('source_data', 'str', $data['source_data'], '', XARVAR_NOT_REQUIRED)) { return; } $pubtypeobject = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => 'publications_types')); $pubtypeobject->getItem(array('itemid' => $data['ptid'])); $pubtype = explode('_', $pubtypeobject->properties['name']->value); $pubtype = isset($pubtype[1]) ? $pubtype[1] : $pubtype[0]; $data['object'] = DataObjectMaster::getObject(array('name' => $pubtypeobject->properties['name']->value)); $basepath = sys::code() . "modules/publications/xarstyles"; $sourcefile = $basepath . "/" . $data['file'] . ".css"; $overridepath = "themes/" . xarModVars::get('themes', 'default_theme') . "/modules/publications/style"; $overridefile = $overridepath . "/" . $data['file'] . ".css"; // If we are saving, write the file now if ($confirm && !empty($data['file']) && !empty($data['source_data'])) { xarMod::apiFunc('publications', 'admin', 'write_file', array('file' => $overridefile, 'data' => $data['source_data'])); } // Let the template know what kind of file this is if (empty($data['file'])) { $data['filetype'] = 'empty'; $filepath = ''; $data['writable'] = 0; } elseif (file_exists($overridefile)) { $data['filetype'] = 'theme'; $filepath = $overridefile; $data['writable'] = is_writable($overridefile); } elseif (file_exists($sourcefile)) { $data['filetype'] = 'module'; $filepath = $sourcefile; $data['writable'] = is_writeable_dir($overridepath); } else { $data['filetype'] = 'unknown'; $filepath = $overridefile; $data['writable'] = is_writeable_dir($overridepath); } $data['source_data'] = trim(xarMod::apiFunc('publications', 'admin', 'read_file', array('file' => $filepath))); return $data; }
function is_writable_dir($dir, $chmod = true) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { @mkdir($dir, 0777); } if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($fp = @fopen("{$dir}/test.txt", 'w')) { @fclose($fp); @unlink("{$dir}/test.txt"); return true; } elseif ($chmod) { @chmod($dir, 0777); return is_writeable_dir($dir, false); } else { return false; } } }