Esempio n. 1
function perl_theme()
    global $user, $globals, $l, $theme, $softpanel, $iscripts, $catwise, $error, $scripts, $allcatwise;
    global $software, $soft, $info, $settings, $init_tab, $dbtype, $dbs, $installed, $__settings, $setupcontinue, $installations, $notes, $cron, $datadir, $ajaxdb, $ajaxdbexists, $overwrite_option, $protocols, $nopackage, $www, $ajaxhttpsexists, $ajaxhttps, $new_insid;
    if (optGET('notify')) {
        get_softaculous_file('"' . $soft . '"');
        echo 1;
        return true;
    if (optGET('ajaxdownload') && !empty($nopackage)) {
        // Try to download the package
        if (method_exists($softpanel, 'updatesoftwares')) {
            $softpanel->updatesoftwares($soft, 0, 0, 1);
            echo 1;
            return true;
        // False call
        echo 0;
        return false;
    // Give the staus
    if (optGET('ajaxstatus')) {
        $_status = soft_progress(optGET('ajaxstatus'));
        $tmp_status = unserialize($_status[1]);
        $_status[1] = $tmp_status['current_status'];
        if (!empty($_status)) {
            echo implode('|', $_status);
            return true;
        // False call
        echo 0;
        return false;
    if (!empty($ajaxdb)) {
        echo $ajaxdbexists;
        return true;
    if (!empty($ajaxhttps)) {
        echo $ajaxhttpsexists;
        return true;
    // Auto Installation responses
    if (isset($_GET['autoinstall'])) {
        // Installed successfully
        if (!empty($installed)) {
            echo 'installed';
            return true;
        // Are there errors
        if (!empty($error)) {
            echo serialize($error);
            return false;
    //First add the installation info
    if (empty($installed)) {
        $random_username = true;
        // This is to see if a script has predefined username and cannot be changed
        foreach ($settings as $ik => $iv) {
            if ($ik == 'hidden') {
            foreach ($iv as $ikk => $ivv) {
                if ($ikk == 'admin_username' && preg_match('/disabled=\\"disabled\\"/ie', $ivv['tag'])) {
                    $random_username = false;
        $info['install'] = '<div id="fadeout_div"><form accept-charset="' . $globals['charset'] . '" name="installsoftware" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return checkform();" id="installsoftware" class="form-horizontal">';
        if (empty($globals['lictype']) && !empty($scripts[$soft]['force_scripts'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="alert alert-warning">
			<a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>
			<center>' . lang_vars($l['not_in_free'], array($software['name'])) . (!webuzo() ? '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['notify_admin'] : '') . '</center>
        $info['install'] .= error_handle($error, "100%", 0, 1) . '

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
function toggle_advoptions(ele){
	if ($("#"+ele).is(":hidden")){
		$("#advoptions_toggle_plus").attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'minus_new.gif");
		$("#advoptions_toggle_plus").attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'plus_new.gif");

function plus_onmouseover(ele){
	$("#""_plus").attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'plus_hover.gif");

function plus_onmouseout(ele){
	$("#""_plus").attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'plus.gif");

function display_pass_strength(score, per){
	var lang;
	//disp_per = $("#pass-strength-hidden").val();
	if(typeof per == "undefined") per = 0;
	if(score == "bad") lang = "' . $l['bad'] . '";
	if(score == "good") lang = "' . $l['good'] . '";
	if(score == "strong") lang = "' . $l['strong'] . '";
	if(score == "short") lang = "' . $l['short'] . '";
	if(score == "strength_indicator") lang = "' . $l['strength_indicator'] . '";
	$("#pass-strength-result").addClass(score).html( lang+" ("+per+"/100)" );

function checkform(dosubmit){
	// If admin has set the password strength than only we will check for it.
	' . (!empty($globals['pass_strength']) ? '
	if(parseInt($("#pass-strength-hidden").val()) < ' . $globals['pass_strength'] . '){
		alert("' . $l['err_pass_strength'] . '"+' . $globals['pass_strength'] . ');
		return false;
	}' : '') . '
			return false;
		//Do nothing
	$_("softsubmitbut").disabled = true;	
		return false;
		// Send a request to check the status
		// Return false so that the form is not submitted
		return false;
	// This is OLD School !
		if(dosubmit == 1){			
		show_msg("' . $l['installing'] . '");
	return true;

var progressbar = {
	timer: 0,
	total_width: 0,	
	status_key: "",
	synctimer: 0,
	fadeout_div: "#fadeout_div",
	win_div: "#install_win",
	progress_div: "#progress_bar",
	formid: "#installsoftware",
	frequency: 8000,
	current: function(){
			var tmp_cur = Math.round(parseInt($_("progress_color").width)/parseInt($_("table_progress").width)*100);
			if(tmp_cur > 100){
				tmp_cur = 99;
			return tmp_cur;
			return -1;	
	reset: function(){ try{
		$_("progress_color").width = 1;
	}catch(e){ }},
	move: function(dest, speed, todo){ try{
		var cur = this.current();
		if(cur < 0){
			return false;
		var cent = cur + 1;
		var new_width = cent/100*this.total_width;
		if(new_width < 1){
			new_width = 1;
		//alert(new_width+" "+dest+" "+cent);
		$_("progress_color").width = new_width;
		$_("progress_percent").innerHTML = "("+cent+" %)";
		if(cent < dest){
			this.timer = setTimeout("progressbar.move("+dest+", "+speed+")", speed);
	}catch(e){ }},
	text: function(txt){ try{
		$_("progress_txt").innerHTML = txt;
	}catch(e){ }},
	sync: function(){
		if(progressbar.status_key.length < 2){
			return false;
			url: window.location+"&ajaxstatus="+progressbar.status_key+"&random="+Math.random(),
			type: "GET",
			success: function(data){
				if(data == 0) return false;
				var tmp = data.split("|");
				var cur = progressbar.current();
				tmp[2] = (3000/(tmp[0]-cur));
				if(tmp[0] > cur){
					if(parseInt(tmp[2]) == 0){
						tmp[2] = 800;
					progressbar.move(tmp[0], tmp[2]);
				progressbar.synctimer = setTimeout("progressbar.sync()", progressbar.frequency);
	sync_abort: function(){
	start: function(){ try{;
		this.total_width = parseInt($_("table_progress").width);
		this.move(95, 800);
		this.status_key = $("#soft_status_key").attr("value");
	}catch(e){ }},
	post: function(){
		// Scroll to the Top and show the progress bar
			url: window.location+"&jsnohf=1",
			type: "POST",
			data: $(progressbar.formid).serialize(),
			complete: function( jqXHR, status, responseText ) {
				// Store the response as specified by the jqXHR object
				responseText = jqXHR.responseText;
						progressbar.text("' . addslashes($l['finishing_process']) . '");
						progressbar.move(99, 10, "$(progressbar.progress_div).fadeOut(1)");
				}catch(e){ }
				if ( jqXHR.isResolved() ) {
					// #4825: Get the actual response in case
					// a dataFilter is present in ajaxSettings
					jqXHR.done(function( r ) {
						responseText = r;
					// Create a dummy div to hold the results
					// inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts
					// to avoid any "Permission Denied" errors in IE
					var newhtml = jQuery("<div>").append(responseText).find(progressbar.win_div).html();
					$(progressbar.win_div).animate({opacity: 0}, 1000, "", function(){
					}).delay(50).animate({opacity: 1}, 500);
					alert("Oops ... the connection was lost");

function show_msg(msg){	
	$_("show_txt").innerHTML = "<br /><br /> &nbsp; "+msg+" &nbsp; <img src=\\"' . $theme['images'] . 'progress.gif\\" />";
	$_("show_txt").style.display = "";

// Is the package there ?
var nopackage = ' . (empty($nopackage) ? 0 : 1) . ';

// Use the Progress Bar ?
var useprog = 1;
	if(BrowserDetect.browser.toLowerCase() == "safari" && BrowserDetect.version.toString().substr(0, 1) == "3"){
		useprog = 0;
}catch(e){ }

function get_package(){	
		show_msg("' . $l['downloading'] . '");
			AJAX("' . $globals['index'] . 'act=perl&soft=' . $soft . '&ajaxdownload=1&random="+Math.random(), "get_package_handle(re)");
		}catch(e){ }
		return false;
		$_("show_txt").style.display = "none";
		return true;

function get_package_handle(resp){
	nopackage = 0;
	show_msg("' . $l['installing'] . '");

softemail = new Object();
function softmail(){
		var sofdom = "softdomain";
		for(x in softemail){
			if(softemail[x] == true) continue;
			var temp = $_(x).value.split("@");
			if($_(sofdom).value.indexOf("/") > 0){
				var dom_value = $_(sofdom).value.substring(0, $_(sofdom).value.indexOf("/"));
				var dom_value = $_(sofdom).value;
			$_(x).value = temp[0] + "@" + dom_value;
		return false;

function checkhttps(proto_id, softdomain_id, alrt){
		var id = $_(proto_id);
		var proto = id.options[id.selectedIndex].text;
		if(proto.indexOf("https") !== -1){
				type: "POST",
				url: "' . $globals['index'] . 'act=perl&soft=' . $soft . '&checkhttps="+encodeURIComponent(proto+$_(softdomain_id).value),
				// Checking for error
				success: function(data){
				error: function(jqXHR, status, e) {
					return false;
			//AJAX("' . $globals['index'] . 'act=software&soft=' . $soft . '&checkhttps="+id.options[id.selectedIndex].text+$_(softdomain_id).value, "is_https(re)");
		if(alrt == true){
	return true;

function is_https(re){
		httpserror = "";
		//Check if it exists
		if(re !== "true"){
			httpserror = "' . $l['no_https'] . '";
		if(httpserror != ""){
			$_("httpserror").style.display = "block";
			$_("httpserror").innerHTML = httpserror;
			return false;
			$_("httpserror").style.display = "none";
	return true;

function prepend_prefix(prefix){
	if(prefix != "" && prefix == "username") prefix = "' . $softpanel->user['name'] . '";
	if(prefix != "" && prefix == "domain") prefix = "' . current(array_keys($softpanel->domainroots)) . '";
	if(prefix != "" && prefix != "domain" && prefix != "username");
	var old = $_("admin_username").value
	temp = $_("admin_username").value.split("-");
	if (typeof temp[1] == \'string\' || temp[1] instanceof String){
		$_("admin_username").value = prefix+"-"+temp[1];
		$_("admin_username").value = prefix+"-"+old;

function change_admin_prefix(domain){
	var admin_prefix = \'' . $globals['admin_prefix'] . '\';
	var random_username = \'' . (!empty($random_username) ? 'true' : '') . '\';
	var empty_username = \'' . (empty($globals['empty_username']) ? 'true' : '') . '\';
	var gl_random_username = \'' . (empty($globals['random_username']) ? 'true' : '') . '\';
	if(admin_prefix == "domain" && random_username == "true" && empty_username == "true" && gl_random_username == "true"){
// show/hide backup options
function show_backup(){

	var auto_backup = $("#auto_backup").val();
	if(auto_backup == 0){
		$("#auto_backup_rotation").attr("disabled", true);
		$("#auto_backup_rotation").attr("disabled", false);
	return true;

' . (!empty($_POST) ? '' : 'addonload(\'softmail();show_backup();\');');
        if (!empty($dbtype)) {
            $info['install'] .= 'function checkdbname(id, alrt){
		AJAX("' . $globals['index'] . 'act=perl&soft=' . $soft . '&checkdbexists="+$_(id).value, "dbexists(\'"+id+"\', "+alrt+", re)");	
	return true;

function dbexists(id, alrt, re){
		dberror = "";
		//Is the length fine
		if($_(id).value.length > 7){
			dberror = "' . $l['db_name_long'] . '";
		//There should be only alphanumeric characters
			dberror = "' . $l['db_alpha_num'] . '";
		//Check if it exists
		if(re == "true"){
			dberror = "' . $l['database_exists'] . '";
		if(dberror != ""){
			$_(id+"error").style.display = "block";
			$_(id+"error").innerHTML = dberror;
			if(alrt == true){
			return false;
			$_(id+"error").style.display = "none";
	return true;
        //End of if($dbtype)
        $info['install'] .= '// ]]></script>';
        $info['install'] .= '
<div class="bg">
	<div class="sai_sub_head">' . $l['setup'] . '</div><hr>';
        if (empty($softpanel->noprotocol) && empty($globals['hide_protocol'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label for="softproto" class="sai_head">' . $l['choose_protocol'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['choose_protocol_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<select name="softproto" class="form-control" id="softproto" onblur="checkhttps(\'softproto\', \'softdomain\', false)">';
            foreach ($protocols as $k => $v) {
                $info['install'] .= '<option value="' . $k . '" ' . (optPOST('softproto') == $k || $globals['default_protocol'] == $k && empty($_POST['softproto']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $v . '</option>';
            $info['install'] .= '</select><div style="display:none;" id="checkhttps_wait">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'progress.gif" alt="please wait.."></div><br />
				<div class="row">
					<span id="httpserror" style="display:none; padding:10px;" class="alert alert-danger"></span>
        $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">';
        $info['install'] .= '
				<label for="softdomain" class="sai_head">' . $l['choose_domain'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['choose_domain_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<select name="softdomain" class="form-control" id="softdomain" onchange="softmail();change_admin_prefix(this.value);" onblur="checkhttps(\'softproto\', \'softdomain\', false)">';
        if (!empty($globals['blank_domain'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '<option value="" ' . (empty($_POST['softdomain']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>(' . $l['select_domain'] . ')</option>';
        foreach ($softpanel->domainroots as $domain => $dompath) {
            $info['install'] .= '<option value="' . $domain . '" ' . (!empty($_POST['softdomain']) && $_POST['softdomain'] == $domain ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $domain . '</option>';
        $info['install'] .= '
		</div><br />
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label for="softdirectory" class="sai_head">' . $l['in_directory'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['in_directory_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">	
				<input type="text" name="softdirectory" class="form-control" id="softdirectory" size="30" value="' . POSTval('softdirectory', !empty($globals['no_prefill']) ? '' : $software['softname']) . '" />
		</div><br />';
        // A www Directory ?
        if (!empty($www)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label for="wwwdir" class="sai_head">' . $l['wwwdir'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['wwwdir_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<input type="text" name="wwwdir" id="wwwdir" class="form-control" size="30" value="' . POSTval('wwwdir', $www) . '" />		
		</div><br />';
        if (!empty($datadir)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label for="datadir" class="sai_head">' . $l['datadir'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['datadir_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<input type="text" name="datadir" class="form-control" id="datadir" size="30" value="' . POSTval('datadir', $datadir) . '" />		
		</div><br />';
        if (!empty($dbtype)) {
            $dbname = mysqldbname($software['softname']);
            if (method_exists($softpanel, 'mysqldbname')) {
                $dbname = $softpanel->mysqldbname();
            if (empty($dbtype) || aefer()) {
                $info['install'] .= '
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-sm-5">
					<label for="softdb" class="sai_head">' . $l['database_name'] . '</label><br />
					<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['database_name_exp'] . '</span>
				<div class="col-sm-7">
					<input type="text" name="softdb" id="softdb" class="form-control" size="30" value="' . POSTval('softdb', $dbname) . '" onblur="checkdbname(\'softdb\', false)" />
					<span id="softdberror" style="background: #FDB3B3; display:none; width:200px;"></span>
			</div><br />';
        // Are there any cron jobs
        if (!empty($cron)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<span class="sai_head">' . $l['cron_job'] . '</span><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['cron_job_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-2">
						<span>' . $l['cron_min'] . '</span>	
						<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cron_min" id="cron_min" size="2" value="' . POSTval('cron_min', $cron['min']) . '" />
					<div class="col-sm-2">
						<span>' . $l['cron_hour'] . '</span>
						<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cron_hour" id="cron_hour" size="2" value="' . POSTval('cron_hour', $cron['hour']) . '" />
					<div class="col-sm-2">
						<span>' . $l['cron_day'] . '</span>
						<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cron_day" id="cron_day" size="2" value="' . POSTval('cron_day', $cron['day']) . '" />
					<div class="col-sm-2">
						<span>' . $l['cron_month'] . '</span>
						<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cron_month" id="cron_month" size="2" value="' . POSTval('cron_month', $cron['month']) . '" />
					<div class="col-sm-2">
						<span>' . $l['cron_weekday'] . '</span>
						<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cron_weekday" id="cron_weekday" size="2" value="' . POSTval('cron_weekday', $cron['weekday']) . '" />
		</div><br />';
        if (!empty($overwrite_option)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<span class="sai_head">' . $l['overwrite'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<input type="checkbox" name="overwrite_existing" id="overwrite_existing" />
        $info['install'] .= '
</div><br /><!--end of bg class-->';
        if (!empty($settings)) {
            if (file_exists($software['path'] . '/install.js')) {
                $info['install'] .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--// --><![CDATA[';
                $info['install'] .= @parselanguages(str_replace('$(', '$_(', implode('', file($software['path'] . '/install.js'))));
                $info['install'] .= '// ]]></script>';
            foreach ($settings as $group => $sets) {
                if ($group == 'hidden' || empty($sets)) {
                $info['install'] .= '
			<div class="bg">
				<div class="sai_sub_head">' . $group . '</div><hr>';
                foreach ($sets as $sk => $sv) {
                    //Adding class to input
                    if (preg_match('/type="text"/is', $sv['tag'])) {
                        $sv['tag'] = preg_replace('/>/is', ' class="form-control">', $sv['tag']);
                    if (preg_match('/<select/is', $sv['tag'])) {
                        $sv['tag'] = preg_replace('/<select/is', '<select class="form-control"', $sv['tag']);
                    $info['install'] .= '
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-5">
						<label for=' . $sk . ' class="sai_head" id="sai_head">' . $sv['head'] . '</label>
							' . (empty($sv['exp']) ? '' : '<span class="sai_exp">' . $sv['exp'] . '</span>') . '	
					' . (preg_match('/admin_pass|softpass/is', $sv['tag']) ? preg_replace('/>|\\/>/is', ' onkeyup="check_pass_strength();" >', '
						<div class="col-sm-6">' . $sv['tag'] . '<div id="pass-strength-result" style="border-radius:3px;">' . $l['strength_indicator'] . '</div></div>') : '<div class="col-sm-7 ">' . $sv['tag'] . '</div>') . '
						' . (preg_match('/softmail/is', $sv['tag']) ? '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
						softemail["' . $sk . '"] = false;
						//Add an event handler
						$_("' . $sk . '").onkeydown = function(){
							softemail["' . $sk . '"] = true;
						// ]]></script>
						' : '') . '
						' . (preg_match('/admin_pass|softpass/is', $sv['tag']) ? '
						<div class="col-sm-1">
							<a href="javascript: void(0);"  onclick="$_(\'' . $sk . '\').value=randstr(10, 1, ' . (!empty($globals['pass_strength']) ? $globals['pass_strength'] : 0) . ');check_pass_strength();return false;" title="' . $l['randpass'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'randpass.gif" /></a>
						<div class="clearfix"></div>
						' : '') . '
						' . (preg_match('/admin_pass|softpass/is', $sv['tag']) && (!empty($softpanel->securepass) || !empty($globals['random_pass'])) ? '
						<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
						addonload(\'$_("' . $sk . '").value=randstr(10, 1, ' . (!empty($globals['pass_strength']) ? $globals['pass_strength'] : 0) . ');check_pass_strength();\');
						// ]]></script>
						' : '') . '
						' . (preg_match('/admin_pass|softpass/is', $sv['tag']) && !empty($globals['empty_pass']) ? '
						<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
						addonload(\'$_("' . $sk . '").value="";check_pass_strength();\');
						// ]]></script>
						' : '') . '
						' . (preg_match('/dbprefix/is', $sv['tag']) && !empty($globals['random_dbprefix']) ? '
						<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
						addonload(\'$_("' . $sk . '").value=randstr(3)+"_";\');
						// ]]></script>
						' : '') . '
						' . (preg_match('/admin_username/is', $sv['tag']) && !empty($globals['random_username']) && !empty($random_username) ? '
						<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
						addonload(\'$_("' . $sk . '").value=randstr(5);\');
						// ]]></script>
						' : '') . '
						' . (preg_match('/admin_username/is', $sv['tag']) && !empty($globals['empty_username']) && !empty($random_username) ? '
						<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
						addonload(\'$_("' . $sk . '").value="";\');
						// ]]></script>
						' : '') . '
						' . (preg_match('/admin_username/is', $sv['tag']) && !empty($globals['admin_prefix']) && empty($globals['empty_username']) && empty($globals['random_username']) && !empty($random_username) ? '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
						addonload(\'prepend_prefix("' . $globals['admin_prefix'] . '");\');
							// ]]></script>
						' : '') . '
				</div><br />';
                $info['install'] .= '</div><br /><!--end of bg class-->';
            //The Hidden groups
            if (!empty($settings['hidden'])) {
                foreach ($settings['hidden'] as $sk => $sv) {
                    $info['install'] .= $sv['tag'] . '
				' . (preg_match('/softmail/is', $sv['tag']) ? '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
				softemail["' . $sk . '"] = false;
				//Add an event handler
				$_("' . $sk . '").onkeydown = function(){
					softemail["' . $sk . '"] = true;
				// ]]></script>
				' : '');
        //End of if($settings)
        //Is it a SOFTCOPY, then Leave a NOTE
        if (!empty($setupcontinue)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		' . $l['softcopy_note'] . '
        // Advance option
        $info['install'] .= '
	<div class="bg">
		<div class="sai_sub_head" id="advoptions_toggle" onclick="toggle_advoptions(\'advoptions\');" style="cursor:pointer"><img id="advoptions_toggle_plus"  src="' . $theme['images'] . 'plus_new.gif" style="margin-top:-4px;"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['adv_option'] . '</div>
		<div id="advoptions" style="display:none;"><hr>
			' . (aefer() ? "" : '<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-5">
						<label for="softdb" class="sai_head">' . $l['database_name'] . '</label><br />
						<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['database_name_exp'] . '</span>
					<div class="col-sm-7">
						<input type="text" name="softdb" class="form-control" id="softdb" size="30" value="' . POSTval('softdb', $dbname) . '" onblur="checkdbname(\'softdb\', false)" /><br />
						<span id="softdberror" style="background: #FDB3B3; display:none; width:200px;"></span>
				</div>') . '

				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-5">
						<label class="sai_head">' . $l['disable_notify_update'] . '</label>
						<span class="sai_exp">' . $l['exp_disable_notify_update'] . '</span>
					<div class="col-sm-7">
						<input type="checkbox" name="disable_notify_update" id="disable_notify_update" ' . POSTchecked('disable_notify_update') . ' />
				</div><br />';
        // Auto backups option only if backups is not disabled and panel is not remote
        if (empty($globals['disable_backup_restore']) && empty($globals['disable_auto_backup']) && !aefer() && empty($softpanel->disable_auto_backup)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-5">
							<label for="auto_backup" class="sai_head">' . $l['auto_backup'] . '</label>
							<span class="sai_exp">' . $l['exp_auto_backup'] . '</span>
						<div class="col-sm-7">
							<select name="auto_backup" class="form-control" id="auto_backup" onchange="show_backup();">
								<option value="0" ' . POSTselect('auto_backup', '0', 1) . '>' . $l['no_backup'] . '</option>' . (empty($globals['disable_auto_backup_daily']) ? '<option value="daily" ' . POSTselect('auto_backup', 'daily') . '>' . $l['daily'] . '</option>' : '') . (empty($globals['disable_auto_backup_weekly']) ? '<option value="weekly" ' . POSTselect('auto_backup', 'weekly') . '>' . $l['weekly'] . '</option>' : '') . (empty($globals['disable_auto_backup_monthly']) ? '<option value="monthly" ' . POSTselect('auto_backup', 'monthly') . '>' . $l['monthly'] . '</option>' : '') . '
					</div><br />
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-5">
							<label class="sai_head">' . $l['auto_backup_rotation'] . '</label>
							<span class="sai_exp">' . $l['exp_auto_backup_rotation'] . '</span>
						<div class="col-sm-7"> 
							<select name="auto_backup_rotation" class="form-control" id="auto_backup_rotation">';
            for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
                // Do we have a limit from admin ?
                if (!empty($globals['auto_backup_limit']) && ($i > $globals['auto_backup_limit'] || $i == 0) || !empty($globals['max_backups']) && ($i > $globals['max_backups'] || $i == 0)) {
                $info['install'] .= '<option value="' . $i . '" ' . POSTselect('auto_backup_rotation', $i, $i == 4 ? '1' : '0') . '>' . (empty($i) ? $l['unlimited'] : $i) . '</option>';
            $info['install'] .= '</select>
					</div><br />';
        $info['install'] .= '
	</div><br /><!--end of bg-->';
        $info['install'] .= '

<p align="center">
	<input type="hidden" name="softsubmit" id="softsubmit" value="' . $l['softsubmit'] . '" />
	<input type="hidden" name="pass-strength-hidden" id="pass-strength-hidden" value="" />
	<input type="submit" name="softsubmitbut" id="softsubmitbut" value="' . $l['softsubmit'] . '" class="flat-butt" /><span id="show_txt" style="display:none;"></span>
	<br /><br /><br />
	' . (empty($globals['off_email_link']) && empty($globals['off_install_mail']) ? '<span class="sai_head">' . $l['ins_emailto'] . '</span> : <input type="text" name="emailto" id="emailto" size="20" value="' . POSTval('emailto', '') . '" />' : '') . '
<input type="hidden" name="soft_status_key" id="soft_status_key" value="' . POSTval('soft_status_key', generateRandStr(32)) . '" />

<div id="progress_bar" style="height:125px; width:100%; display: none;">
	<br />
		<font size="4" color="#222222" id="progress_txt" style="width:100%;">' . $l['checking_data'] . '</font>
		<font style="font-size: 18px; font-weight: 400; color: #444444; width:100%;" id="progress_percent">(0 %)</font><br /><br />
	<table width="500" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="table_progress" border="0" align="center" height="28" style="border:1px solid #CCC; -moz-border-radius: 5px;
	-webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; width:50%;">
			<td id="progress_color" width="1" style="background-image: url(' . $theme['images'] . 'bar.gif); -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px;"></td>
			<td id="progress_nocolor">&nbsp;</td>
<br /><center>' . $l['wait_note'] . '</center>
<br /><br /><br />';
    } elseif (!empty($installed)) {
        $info['install'] = '
	<div class="bg2">
		<h4>' . $l['congrats'] . '</h4><br />
		' . $software['name'] . ' ' . $l['succesful'] . ' : <br />
		<a href="' . $__settings['softurl'] . '" target="_blank">' . $__settings['softurl'] . '</a>
		' . (!empty($software['adminurl']) ? '<br />' . $l['admin_url'] . ' : <a href="' . $__settings['softurl'] . '/' . $software['adminurl'] . '" target="_blank">' . $__settings['softurl'] . '/' . $software['adminurl'] . '</a>' : '') . '<br /><br />
		' . (!empty($setupcontinue) ? $l['setup_continue'] . ' : <br />
		<a href="' . $__settings['softurl'] . '/' . $setupcontinue . '" target="_blank">' . $__settings['softurl'] . '/' . $setupcontinue . '</a><br /><br />' : '') . '
		' . $l['enjoy'] . '<br /><br />
		' . (!empty($notes) ? $l['install_notes'] . ' : <br />
		<div class="sai_notes">' . softparse($notes, $soft) . '</div><br /><br />' : '') . '
		' . $l['please_note'] . '<br /><br />
		' . (!empty($globals['ampps_enabled']) && empty($globals['no_ampps']) && $globals['softpanel'] != 'ampps' ? lang_vars($l['ampps_download'], array($software['name'])) . '<br /><br />' : '') . '
		' . $l['regards'] . ',<br />
		' . $l['softinstaller'] . '<br /><br />
		<center><b><a href="' . script_link($soft) . '&highlight=' . $new_insid . '&postact=install">' . $l['return'] . '</a></b></center><br /><br />';
        if (empty($globals['install_tweet_off']) || empty($globals['lictype'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '<form method="get" action="" id="tweet" onsubmit="return dotweet(this);">
				<div class="panel panel-info" style="width:55%; margin:0 auto;">
					<div class="panel-heading" style="padding:5px; font-size:15px;">
						<font><b>' . $l['install_tweet_sub'] . ' :</b></font>
					<div class="panel-body">
						<div class="row">
							<div class="col-sm-10">
								<textarea name="text" cols="80" row="3" style="resize:none; width:100%;">' . loadtweetdata('install_tweet', $l['install_tweet']) . '</textarea>
							<div class="col-sm-2">
								<input type="submit" value="Tweet!" class="btn btn-info" onsubmit="return false;" id="twitter-btn" style="margin-top:20px;"/>
        $info['install'] .= '
	</div><!--end of bg2 class--><!--PROC_DONE-->
	<br /><br />';
    softheader($l['<title>'] . $software['name']);
    $loadedinfo = array('install', 'overview', 'features', 'reviews', 'screenshots', 'ratings');
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    echo $theme['url'] . '/js/tabber.js';
" type="text/javascript">
<script language="JavaScript" id="ratings_js_file" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" id="review_js_file"  type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" id="reviews_js_file"  type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
tabs = new tabber;
tabs.tabs = new Array('<?php 
    echo implode('\', \'', $loadedinfo);
tabs.tabwindows = new Array('<?php 
    echo implode('_win\', \'', $loadedinfo);
tabs.inittab = <?php 
    echo '\'' . $init_tab . '\';';

function loadraterev(){
    if (empty($globals['off_rating_link']) && $soft < 10000) {
        echo '$_(\'ratings_js_file\').src = "' . $soft . '&user='******'name'] . '&ip=' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '";';
    if (empty($globals['off_review_link']) && $soft < 10000) {
        echo '$_(\'review_js_file\').src =  "' . $soft . '&user='******'name'] . '&ip=' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '";';
        echo '$_(\'reviews_js_file\').src =  "' . $soft . '&user='******'name'] . '&ip=' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '";';

function notifyversion(){
	if(AJAX(window.location+"&notify=true", "notified(re)")){
		return false;
		return true;	

function notified(re){
	if(re == 1){
    echo $l['notifyversion'];

function loadScreenshots(){
	$_('screenshots_iframe').src = '<?php 
    echo '' . $soft;

    $url = $theme['images'];
    $ratings = array();
    $deduct = 1;
    $r = $scripts[$soft]['ratings'];
    for ($i_r = 1; $i_r <= 5; $i_r++) {
        if ($r >= 1) {
            $ratings[$i_r] = '<img src="' . $url . 'star.png' . '" alt="(' . number_format($scripts[$soft]['ratings'], 2) . ' out of 5)" />';
        } elseif ($r > 0) {
            $ratings[$i_r] = '<img src="' . $url . 'halfstar.png' . '" alt="(' . number_format($scripts[$soft]['ratings'], 2) . ' out of 5)" />';
        } else {
            $ratings[$i_r] = '<img src="' . $url . 'nostar.png' . '" alt="(' . number_format($scripts[$soft]['ratings'], 2) . ' out of 5)" />';
        $r = $r - $deduct;
    // For custom themes
    if ($soft > 10000) {
        if (file_exists($globals['euthemes'] . '/' . $globals['theme_folder'] . '/images/topscripts/48/' . $iscripts[$soft]['softname'] . '.png')) {
            $custom_48 = $theme['images'] . 'topscripts/48/' . $iscripts[$soft]['softname'] . '.png';
        } else {
            $custom_48 = $theme['images'] . '/custom.png';
    echo '
<div class="bg">
	<div id="currentrating" style="display:none"></div>
	<div class="row" style="margin-left:10px;">
		' . (!empty($custom_48) ? '<img src="' . $custom_48 . '" alt="">' : '<img src="' . $globals['mirror_images'] . 'top15/48/' . $scripts[$soft]['softname'] . '.png" >') . '
		<span class="sai_process_heading" style="margin-left:20px;">' . $software['name'] . '</span>
	</div><br />
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-sm-2">
			' . ($soft > 10000 ? '' : '<div class="someclass" title="' . $scripts[$soft]['ratings'] . '">' . implode('', $ratings) . '</div>') . '
		<div class="col-sm-5 ver_style">
			' . $l['software_ver'] . ' : <font size="2"><b>' . (!empty($tmp_ver) ? $tmp_ver : $software['ver']) . '</b></font> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="javascript" onclick="notifyversion(); return false;" ><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'notify.gif" name="notifyver" title="' . $l['notify_ver'] . '" alt="' . $l['notify_ver'] . '"></a>
		<div class="col-sm-3 release_style">
			' . (!empty($info['release_date']) ? $l['release_date'] . ' : <font size="1"><b>' . $info['release_date'] . '</b></font>' : '') . '
		<div class="col-sm-2 change_style">
			' . (!empty($info['changelog']) ? '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#changelog_div" class="sai_changelogbut" style="text-decoration:none;">' . $l['changelog'] . '</a>' : '') . '
	</div><br />
	<script type=text/javascript>';
    if (!empty($softpanel->pheader)) {
        if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'x3') > 0) {
            echo '
				$(".change_style").css({"margin-left":"0px", "margin-top":"-15px"});
        } else {
            echo '
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    echo '
	<div class="old_tab">
		<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="sai_tabs">
				<td><a href="\'install\')" id="install" class="sai_insbut">' . $l['install'] . '</a></td>
				<td><a href="\'overview\')" class="sai_tab" id="overview">' . $l['overview'] . '</a></td>
				<td><a href="\'features\')" class="sai_tab" id="features">' . $l['features'] . '</a></td>
					' . (empty($globals['off_screenshot_link']) ? '<td><a href="\'screenshots\'); loadScreenshots();" class="sai_tab" id="screenshots">' . $l['screenshots'] . '</a></td>' : '') . '
					' . (empty($globals['off_demo_link']) ? '<td><a href="' . ($soft >= 10000 && !empty($info['demo']) ? $info['demo'] : $globals['ind'] . 'act=demos&soft=' . $soft) . '" class="sai_tab" id="demo" target="_blank">' . $l['demo'] . '</a></td>' : '') . '
					' . (empty($globals['off_rating_link']) && $soft < 10000 ? '<td><a href="\'ratings\')" class="sai_tab" id="ratings">' . $l['ratings'] . '</a></td>' : '') . '
					' . (empty($globals['off_review_link']) && $soft < 10000 ? '<td><a href="\'reviews\')" class="sai_tab" id="reviews">' . $l['reviews'] . '</a></td>' : '') . (empty($info['import']) ? '' : '<td><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=import&soft=' . $soft . '" class="sai_tab" id="ratings">' . $l['import'] . '</a></td>') . '
		</table><br />
	<div class="new_tab">
		<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
			<div class="navbar-header">
				<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>                        
				<ul class="nav">
					<li class="active" style="width:80px;"><a href="\'install\')" id="install" class="sai_tab2" style="text-decoration:none; height:40px; top:5px;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['install'] . '</a></li>
			<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="myNavbar" style="position:absolute; z-index:1000; width:100%; background:#F8F8F8;">
				<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
					<li><a href="\'overview\')"  id="overview" class="sai_tab2" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['overview'] . '</a></li>
					<li><a href="\'features\')"  id="features" class="sai_tab2" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['features'] . '</a></li>
					<li>' . (empty($globals['off_screenshot_link']) ? '<a href="\'screenshots\'); loadScreenshots();" class="sai_tab2" id="screenshots" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['screenshots'] . '</a>' : '') . '</li>
					<li>' . (empty($globals['off_demo_link']) ? '<a href="' . ($soft >= 10000 && !empty($info['demo']) ? $info['demo'] : $globals['ind'] . 'act=demos&soft=' . $soft) . '" class="sai_tab2" id="demo" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['demo'] . '</a>' : '') . '</li>
					<li>' . (empty($globals['off_rating_link']) && $soft < 10000 ? '<a href="\'ratings\')" class="sai_tab2" id="ratings" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['ratings'] . '</a>' : '') . '</li>
					<li>' . (empty($globals['off_review_link']) && $soft < 10000 ? '<a href="\'reviews\')" class="sai_tab2" id="reviews" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['reviews'] . '</a>' : '') . '</li>
					<li>' . (empty($info['import']) ? '' : '<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=import&soft=' . $soft . '" class="sai_tab2" id="ratings" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['import'] . '</a>') . '</li>
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">
	$_(tabs.inittab).className = tabs.tabbedclass;

	var softid = ' . $soft . '

	tabs.override = function(id){
		if(id == \'install\'){
			$_(\'install\').className = \'sai_insbutclicked\';
			$_(\'install\').className = \'sai_insbut\';
    //Parse and take care of images
    $info['overview'] = (!empty($info['changelog']) ? '
	<div class="modal fade" id="changelog_div" role="dialog" >
		<div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" style="margin-top:80px;">
		  <!-- Modal content-->
		  <div class="modal-content">
			<div class="modal-header" style="background:#F0F0F0;">
			  <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button>
			  <h4 class="modal-title">Changelog</h4>
			<div class="modal-body" style="height: 350px; overflow-y: auto;">
			  ' . $info['changelog'] . '
			<div class="modal-footer" style="padding-top:10px; height:50px;">
			  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
	</div>' : '') . '
	<div class="bg2">
		<div class="row">
			' . (!empty($scripts[$soft]['screenshots']) && empty($globals['panel_hf']) ? '
			<div class="col-sm-6">
				<div id="overview_img" style="padding:10px;" style="width:100%;"> <img src="' . $globals['mirror_images'] . 'softimages/screenshots/' . $soft . '_screenshot1.gif" class="img-responsive" alt=""> </div>
			<div class="col-sm-6">' : '<div class="col-sm-12">') . '
				' . softparse($info['overview'], $soft) . '<br /><br />
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-1"><font color="#447edf"><i class="fa sai-disk fa-3x"></i></font></div>
					<div class="col-sm-5">
						<span class="sai_head">' . $l['space_req'] . '</span><br />
						<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['available_space'] . ' : ' . (is_numeric($softpanel->spaceremain) ? number_format($softpanel->spaceremain / 1024 / 1024, 2) : $softpanel->spaceremain) . ' ' . $l['mb'] . '<br />
						' . $l['req_space'] . ' : ' . number_format($software['spacereq'] / 1024 / 1024, 2) . ' ' . $l['mb'] . '</span>
				</div><br />
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-1"><a href="' . $info['support'] . '"><font color="#447edf"><i class="fa sai-question fa-3x"></i></font></a></div>
						<div class="col-sm-5">
							<span class="sai_head">' . $l['software_support'] . '</span><br />
							<span class="sai_exp2"><a href="' . $info['support'] . '" target="_blank">' . $l['support_link'] . '</a><br />
							' . $l['support_note'] . '</span>
		</div><br />
	</div><!--end of bg2 class-->';
    if (!empty($installations[$soft])) {
        $is_cloneable = is_cloneable($soft);
        $highlight = optGET('highlight');
        $action = optGET('postact');
        $info['overview'] .= '<br /><br />
			<span class="sai_newhead">' . $l['current_ins'] . '</span><br />
        $info['overview'] .= '
		<div class="bg2">
			<table class="table table-hover">
				<thead  style="background:#EFEFEF;" class="sai_head2">
						<th>' . $l['link'] . '</th>
						<th>' . $l['admin'] . '</th>
						<th>' . $l['ins_time'] . '</th>
						<th>' . $l['version'] . '</th>
						<th width="130">' . $l['options'] . '</th>
						<th><input type="checkbox" id="check_all"></th>
        foreach ($installations[$soft] as $ik => $iv) {
            $is_upgradable = is_upgradable($ik);
            $info['overview'] .= '<tr id="trid' . $ik . '">
				<td class="endurl"><a href="' . $iv['softurl'] . '" target="_blank" id="insurl' . $ik . '">' . $iv['softurl'] . '</a>' . ($highlight == $ik && !empty($action) ? '<span id="highlight">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b class="sai_highlight">' . $l['act_' . $action] . '</b></span>' : '') . '</td>
				<td><a href="' . $iv['softurl'] . '/' . (!empty($iv['admin_folder']) ? $iv['admin_folder'] : admin_folder($iv['sid'])) . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . '/admin.gif" /></a></td>
				<td>' . datify($iv['itime']) . '</td>
				<td>' . $iv['ver'] . ($software['ver'] != $iv['ver'] && $is_upgradable ? ' <a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=perl_upgrade&insid=' . $ik . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'updates.gif" alt="' . $l['upd_to'] . ' ' . implode(' or ', $is_upgradable) . '" title="' . $l['upd_to'] . ' ' . implode(' or ', $is_upgradable) . '" class="someclass"/></a>' : '') . '</td><td>' . (!empty($is_cloneable) ? '<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=sclone&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['clone'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'clone.gif" /></a>&nbsp;' : '') . (empty($globals['disable_backup_restore']) ? '<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=backup&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['backup'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'backup.gif" /></a>' : '') . ' &nbsp;<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=editdetail&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['editdetail'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'editdetail.gif" /></a>' . (asperapp(0, 0, 1) && !empty($can_publish) ? ' &nbsp;<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=publish&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['publish'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'publish.gif" /></a>' : '') . ' &nbsp;<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=remove&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['remove'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'remove.gif" /></a>
					<input type="checkbox" name="insids[]" id="' . $iv['softurl'] . '" value="' . $ik . '" class="soft_inslist">
        $info['overview'] .= '</table><br />
		<p align="right" style="width:100%;">
			<span class="sai_head">' . $l['with_selected'] . ':</span>
			<select name="multi_options" id="multi_options">
				<option name="todo" id="todo" value="0">---</option>
				<option name="todo" id="todo" value="mult_rem">' . $l['remove'] . '</option>
			<input type="button" value="' . $l['go'] . '" onclick="show_confirm()" class="sai_graybluebut">
			<br />
		<div id="rem_div"></div>
		</div><!--end of bg2 class-->
	<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
	insids = new Array();
	removed = new Object();

	function show_confirm(){
		insids = new Array();
		removed = new Object();
		if($_("multi_options").value != "mult_rem"){
			return false;

		// Build the list of Installations to remove
		var field = document.getElementsByName(\'insids[]\');
			insids = new Array();
			var c = 0;
			for(i = 0; i < field.length; i++){
				if(field[i].checked == true){
					insids[c] = field[i].value;
		if(c == 0){
			alert("' . $l['no_sel_inst'] . '");
			return false;
		var r = confirm("' . $l['del_insid'] . '");
		if(r != true){
			return false;
		remove_by_id(insids[0], "", 0);

	function remove_by_id(insid, re, oldinsid){

		removed[insid] = false;
		if(re.length > 0 && oldinsid > 0){
			if(re == "removed"){
				removed[insid] = true;
		nextinsid = 0;
		// Find the next INSTALLATION to remove
		for(i = 0; i < insids.length; i++){
			if(typeof(removed[insids[i]]) != "undefined"){
			nextinsid = insids[i];
		// If there is something left to be removed
		if(insid != 0){
				AJAX("' . $globals['index'] . 'act=remove&insid="+insid+"&ajax=1&ssk="+randomstring(32)+"&random="+Math.random(), "remove_by_id(\'"+nextinsid+"\', re, \'"+insid+"\')");
				$_("rem_div").innerHTML = "<br /><br /><p align=\\"center\\"><img src=\\"' . $theme['images'] . 'ajax_remove.gif\\"> <br />' . $l['rem_inst_id'] . ' ID: " +insid+ ", URL: " + $_("insurl"+insid)+"<br /></p>";
				return true;
				return false;
		$_("rem_div").innerHTML = "";
		alert("' . $l['inst_remvd'] . '");
		return true;

		$("#check_all").on("click", function(event){
			if(this.checked == true){
				$(".soft_inslist").prop("checked", true);
				$(".soft_inslist").prop("checked", false);
		$(".sai_altrowstable tr").mouseover(function(){
			var old_class = $(this).attr("class");
			if(old_class == "nohover") return;
			$(this).attr("class", "sai_tr_bgcolor");
				$(this).attr("class", old_class);
        // If we get anything in $highlight than only we have to call this JS function other wise it will cause the JS error.
        if (!empty($highlight)) {
            $info['overview'] .= 'goto_id("insurl' . $highlight . '");
        $info['overview'] .= '});

	// ]]></script>';
    if (count($allcatwise[$software['type']][$software['cat']]) > 2 && $software['cat'] != 'others') {
        $info['overview'] .= '<br /><br /><div class="bg2">
			<table width="100%" class="table table-hover">
					<th style="background:#EFEFEF" class="sai_head2">' . $l['related_scripts'] . '</th>
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($allcatwise[$software['type']][$software['cat']] as $k => $v) {
            if ($k == $soft || !empty($scripts[$k]['parent']) && !empty($iscripts[$scripts[$k]['parent']])) {
            // Show only 5 scripts
            if ($i == 5) {
            $info['overview'] .= '
			<div style="text-decoration:none;display:inline-block;text-align:center;margin-top:10px;">
				<a href="' . script_link($k) . '"  title="' . $v['desc'] . '"  width="80" alt="" class="someclass" style="text-decoration:none;margin-top:5px;">
					<div class="sai_blog_script" style="margin-left:11%;">
						<div class="sai_demo_script_logo">
							<img src="' . $globals['mirror_images'] . 'top15/48/' . $v['softname'] . '.png" >	
						<div class="sai_script_name">' . $v['name'] . '</div>
        $info['overview'] .= '</div><!--end of bg2 class-->';
    //Parse and take care of images
    $info['features'] = '<div class="bg2"><br />' . softparse($info['features'], $soft) . '</div><!--end of bg class-->';
    $info['ratings'] = '';
    $info['screenshots'] = '<div class="bg2"><iframe src="" id="screenshots_iframe" style="width:100%;height:500px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></div><!--end of bg2 class-->';
    $info['reviews'] = '<div class="bg2"><div id="allreviews"></div></div><!--end of bg2 class-->';
    foreach ($info as $k => $v) {
        if (in_array($k, array('demo', 'support', 'import', 'changelog'))) {
        echo '<div id="' . $k . '_win" style="display: ' . ($init_tab == $k ? "block" : "none") . '; width:100%;"><br />
		' . $v . '
    echo '</div><!--end of bg-->';
Esempio n. 2
function software_theme()
    global $user, $globals, $l, $theme, $softpanel, $iscripts, $catwise, $error, $scripts, $allcatwise;
    global $software, $soft, $info, $settings, $init_tab, $dbtype, $dbs, $installed, $__settings, $setupcontinue, $installations, $notes, $cron, $datadir, $ajaxdb, $ajaxdbexists, $overwrite_option, $protocols, $nopackage, $can_publish, $not_default, $child, $install_option, $multi_ver, $child_sids, $installation_keys, $no_autoupgrade, $ajaxhttpsexists, $ajaxhttps, $new_insid, $pfx_error, $owned_themes;
    if (optGET('notify')) {
        get_softaculous_file('"' . $soft . '"');
        echo 1;
        return true;
    if (optGET('ajaxdownload') && !empty($nopackage)) {
        // Try to download the package
        if (method_exists($softpanel, 'updatesoftwares')) {
            $softpanel->updatesoftwares($soft, 0, 0, 1);
            echo 1;
            return true;
        // False call
        echo 0;
        return false;
    // Give the staus
    if (optGET('ajaxstatus')) {
        $_status = soft_progress(optGET('ajaxstatus'));
        $tmp_status = unserialize($_status[1]);
        $_status[1] = $tmp_status['current_status'];
        if (!empty($_status)) {
            echo implode('|', $_status);
            return true;
        // False call
        echo 0;
        return false;
    // If generate order call
    if (optGET('generate_order')) {
        $order_id = get_softaculous_file($globals['apipfx'] . 'fetch.php?apikey=' . $user['pfxapi_key'] . '&email=' . $user['email'] . '&pid=' . optGET('theme_id') . '&giveinfo=generate_order&index=' . rawurlencode($globals['index']));
        echo json_encode($order_id);
        return true;
    if (!empty($ajaxdb)) {
        echo $ajaxdbexists;
        return true;
    if (!empty($ajaxhttps)) {
        echo $ajaxhttpsexists;
        return true;
    // Auto Installation responses
    if (isset($_GET['autoinstall'])) {
        // Installed successfully
        if (!empty($installed)) {
            echo 'installed';
            return true;
        // Are there errors
        if (!empty($error)) {
            echo serialize($error);
            return false;
    $multi_ver = optGET('multi_ver');
    if (!empty($multi_ver)) {
        $init_tab = "install";
    //First add the installation info
    if (empty($installed)) {
        $random_username = true;
        // This is to see if a script has predefined username and cannot be changed
        foreach ($settings as $ik => $iv) {
            if ($ik == 'hidden') {
            foreach ($iv as $ikk => $ivv) {
                if ($ikk == 'admin_username' && preg_match('/disabled=\\"disabled\\"/ie', $ivv['tag'])) {
                    $random_username = false;
        $info['install'] = '<div id="fadeout_div"><form accept-charset="' . $globals['charset'] . '" name="installsoftware" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return checkform();" id="installsoftware" class="form-horizontal">';
        if (empty($globals['lictype']) && !empty($scripts[$soft]['force_scripts'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '<center class="alert alert-warning">' . lang_vars($l['not_in_free'], array($software['name'])) . (!webuzo() ? '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['notify_admin'] : '') . '</center>';
        $info['install'] .= error_handle($error, "100%", 0, 1) . '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[

function selectversion(){
	var v = 0;
	v = $_("softbranch").value;
		type: "POST",
		url: "' . $globals['index'] . 'act=software&soft="+v+"&tab=install&multi_ver=1&jsnohf=1",
		// Checking for error
		success: function(data){
			var $response=$(data);
			//query the jq object for the values
			var output = $response.find("#install_win").html();
			' . (!empty($globals['random_pass']) ? '$("#admin_pass").val(randstr(10, 1, ' . (!empty($globals['pass_strength']) ? $globals['pass_strength'] : 0) . '));check_pass_strength();' : '') . (!empty($globals['random_username']) && !empty($random_username) ? '$("#admin_username").val(randstr(5));' : '') . (!empty($globals['empty_username']) && !empty($random_username) ? '$("#admin_username").val("");' : '') . (!empty($globals['admin_prefix']) && !empty($random_username) && empty($globals['random_username']) && empty($globals['empty_username']) ? 'prepend_prefix(\'' . $globals['admin_prefix'] . '\');' : '') . (!empty($globals['empty_pass']) ? '$("#admin_pass").val("");check_pass_strength();' : '') . '
		error: function(data) {
			return false;

function toggle_advoptions(ele){
	if ($("#"+ele).is(":hidden")){
		$("#"+ele+"_toggle_plus").attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'minus_new.gif");
		$("#"+ele+"_toggle_plus").attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'plus_new.gif");

function plus_onmouseover(ele){
	$("#""_plus").attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'plus_hover.gif");

function plus_onmouseout(ele){
	$("#""_plus").attr("src", "' . $theme['images'] . 'plus.gif");

function display_pass_strength(score, per){
	var lang;
	//disp_per = $("#pass-strength-hidden").val();
	if(typeof per == "undefined") per = 0;
	if(score == "bad") lang = "' . $l['bad'] . '";
	if(score == "good") lang = "' . $l['good'] . '";
	if(score == "strong") lang = "' . $l['strong'] . '";
	if(score == "short") lang = "' . $l['short'] . '";
	if(score == "strength_indicator") lang = "' . $l['strength_indicator'] . '";
	$("#pass-strength-result").addClass(score).html( lang+" ("+per+"/100)" );

function checkform(dosubmit){
	// If admin has set the password strength than only we will check for it.
	' . (!empty($globals['pass_strength']) ? '
	if(parseInt($("#pass-strength-hidden").val()) < ' . $globals['pass_strength'] . '){
		alert("' . $l['err_pass_strength'] . '"+' . $globals['pass_strength'] . ');
		return false;
	}' : '') . '
			return false;
		//Do nothing
	$_("softsubmitbut").disabled = true;	
		return false;
		// Send a request to check the status
		// Return false so that the form is not submitted
		return false;
	// This is OLD School !
		if(dosubmit == 1){			
		show_msg("' . $l['installing'] . '");
	return true;

var progressbar = {
	timer: 0,
	total_width: 0,	
	status_key: "",
	synctimer: 0,
	fadeout_div: "#fadeout_div",
	win_div: "#install_win",
	progress_div: "#progress_bar",
	formid: "#installsoftware",
	frequency: 8000,
	current: function(){
			var tmp_cur = Math.round(parseInt($_("progress_color").width)/parseInt($_("table_progress").width)*100);
			if(tmp_cur > 100){
				tmp_cur = 99;
			return tmp_cur;
			return -1;	
	reset: function(){ try{
		$_("progress_color").width = 1;
	}catch(e){ }},
	move: function(dest, speed, todo){ try{
		var cur = this.current();
		if(cur < 0){
			return false;
		var cent = cur + 1;
		var new_width = cent/100*this.total_width;
		if(new_width < 1){
			new_width = 1;
		//alert(new_width+" "+dest+" "+cent);
		$_("progress_color").width = new_width;
		$_("progress_percent").innerHTML = "("+cent+" %)";
		if(cent < dest){
			this.timer = setTimeout("progressbar.move("+dest+", "+speed+")", speed);
	}catch(e){ }},
	text: function(txt){ try{
		$_("progress_txt").innerHTML = txt;
	}catch(e){ }},
	sync: function(){
		if(progressbar.status_key.length < 2){
			return false;
			url: window.location+"&ajaxstatus="+progressbar.status_key+"&random="+Math.random(),
			type: "GET",
			success: function(data){
				if(data == 0) return false;
				var tmp = data.split("|");
				var cur = progressbar.current();
				tmp[2] = (3000/(tmp[0]-cur));
				if(tmp[0] > cur){
					if(parseInt(tmp[2]) == 0){
						tmp[2] = 800;
					progressbar.move(tmp[0], tmp[2]);
				progressbar.synctimer = setTimeout("progressbar.sync()", progressbar.frequency);
	sync_abort: function(){
	start: function(){ try{;
		this.total_width = parseInt($_("table_progress").width);
		this.move(95, 800);
		this.status_key = $("#soft_status_key").attr("value");
	}catch(e){ }},
	post: function(){
		// Scroll to the Top and show the progress bar
			var sid = $_("softbranch").value;
			var sid = ' . $soft . '
			url: window.location+"&jsnohf=1&soft="+sid+"&multi_ver=1",
			type: "POST",
			data: $(progressbar.formid).serialize(),
			complete: function( jqXHR, status, responseText ) {
				// Store the response as specified by the jqXHR object
				responseText = jqXHR.responseText;
						progressbar.text("' . addslashes($l['finishing_process']) . '");
						progressbar.move(99, 10, "$(progressbar.progress_div).fadeOut(1)");
				}catch(e){ }
				if ( jqXHR.isResolved() ) {
					// #4825: Get the actual response in case
					// a dataFilter is present in ajaxSettings
					jqXHR.done(function( r ) {
						responseText = r;
					// Create a dummy div to hold the results
					// inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts
					// to avoid any "Permission Denied" errors in IE
					var newhtml = jQuery("<div>").append(responseText).find(progressbar.win_div).html();
					$(progressbar.win_div).animate({opacity: 0}, 1000, "", function(){
						if($("#theme_div").length != 0){
					}).delay(50).animate({opacity: 1}, 500);
					alert("Oops ... the connection was lost");

function show_msg(msg){	
	$_("show_txt").innerHTML = "<br /><br /> &nbsp; "+msg+" &nbsp; <img src=\\"' . $theme['images'] . 'progress.gif\\" />";
	$_("show_txt").style.display = "";

// Is the package there ?
var nopackage = ' . (empty($nopackage) ? 0 : 1) . ';

// Use the Progress Bar ?
var useprog = 1; 
	if(BrowserDetect.browser.toLowerCase() == "safari" && BrowserDetect.version.toString().substr(0, 1) == "3"){
		useprog = 0;
}catch(e){ }

function get_package(){	
		show_msg("' . $l['downloading'] . '");
			AJAX("' . $globals['index'] . 'act=software&soft=' . $soft . '&ajaxdownload=1&random="+Math.random(), "get_package_handle(re)");
		}catch(e){ }
		return false;
		$_("show_txt").style.display = "none";
		return true;

function get_package_handle(resp){
	nopackage = 0;
	show_msg("' . $l['installing'] . '");

softemail = new Object();
function softmail(){
		var sofdom = "softdomain";
		for(x in softemail){
			if(softemail[x] == true) continue;
			var temp = $_(x).value.split("@");
			if($_(sofdom).value.indexOf("/") > 0){
				var dom_value = $_(sofdom).value.substring(0, $_(sofdom).value.indexOf("/"));
				var dom_value = $_(sofdom).value;
			$_(x).value = temp[0] + "@" + dom_value;
		return false;

function checkhttps(proto_id, softdomain_id, alrt){
		var id = $_(proto_id);
		var proto = id.options[id.selectedIndex].text;
		if(proto.indexOf("https") !== -1){
				type: "POST",
				url: "' . $globals['index'] . 'act=software&soft=' . $soft . '&checkhttps="+encodeURIComponent(proto+$_(softdomain_id).value),
				// Checking for error
				success: function(data){
				error: function(jqXHR, status, e) {
					return false;
			//AJAX("' . $globals['index'] . 'act=software&soft=' . $soft . '&checkhttps="+id.options[id.selectedIndex].text+$_(softdomain_id).value, "is_https(re)");
		if(alrt == true){
	return true;

function is_https(re){
		httpserror = "";
		//Check if it exists
		if(re !== "true"){
			httpserror = "' . $l['no_https'] . '";
		if(httpserror != ""){
			$_("httpserror").style.display = "block";
			$_("httpserror").innerHTML = httpserror;
			return false;
			$_("httpserror").style.display = "none";
	return true;

function prepend_prefix(prefix){
	if(prefix != "" && prefix == "username") prefix = "' . $softpanel->user['name'] . '";
	if(prefix != "" && prefix == "domain") prefix = "' . current(array_keys($softpanel->domainroots)) . '";
	if(prefix != "" && prefix != "domain" && prefix != "username");
	var old = $_("admin_username").value
	temp = $_("admin_username").value.split("-");
	if (typeof temp[1] == \'string\' || temp[1] instanceof String){
		$_("admin_username").value = prefix+"-"+temp[1];
		$_("admin_username").value = prefix+"-"+old;

function change_admin_prefix(domain){
	var admin_prefix = \'' . $globals['admin_prefix'] . '\';
	var random_username = \'' . (!empty($random_username) ? 'true' : '') . '\';
	var empty_username = \'' . (empty($globals['empty_username']) ? 'true' : '') . '\';
	var gl_random_username = \'' . (empty($globals['random_username']) ? 'true' : '') . '\';
	if(admin_prefix == "domain" && random_username == "true" && empty_username == "true" && gl_random_username == "true"){
// show/hide backup options
function show_backup(){

	var auto_backup = $("#auto_backup").val();
	if(auto_backup == 0){
		$("#auto_backup_rotation").attr("disabled", true);
		$("#auto_backup_rotation").attr("disabled", false);
	return true;

' . (!empty($_POST) ? '' : 'addonload(\'softmail();show_backup();\');');
        if (!empty($dbtype)) {
            $info['install'] .= 'function checkdbname(id, alrt){
		AJAX("' . $globals['index'] . 'act=software&soft=' . $soft . '&checkdbexists="+$_(id).value, "dbexists(\'"+id+"\', "+alrt+", re)");	
	return true;

function dbexists(id, alrt, re){
		dberror = "";
		//Is the length fine
		if($_(id).value.length > ' . (empty($softpanel->maxdblen) ? 7 : $softpanel->maxdblen) . '){
			dberror = "' . $l['db_name_long'] . '";
		//There should be only alphanumeric characters
		if(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/.test($_(id).value) && !' . aefer() . '0){
			dberror = "' . $l['db_alpha_num'] . '";
		//Check if it exists
		if(re == "true"){
			dberror = "' . $l['database_exists'] . '";
		if(dberror != ""){
			$_(id+"error").style.display = "block";
			$_(id+"error").innerHTML = dberror;
			if(alrt == true){
			return false;
			$_(id+"error").style.display = "none";
	return true;
        //End of if($dbtype)
        $info['install'] .= '// ]]></script>';
        $info['install'] .= '
<div class="bg">
	<div class="sai_sub_head">' . $l['setup'] . '</div><hr>';
        if (count($software['branch']) > 1) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label for="softbranch" class="sai_head">' . $l['choose_version'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['choose_version_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<select name="softbranch" class="form-control" id="softbranch" onchange="selectversion()" style="display:inline-block;">';
            foreach ($software['branch'] as $ck => $cv) {
                $info['install'] .= '<option value=' . $ck . ' ' . ($cv['ver'] == $software['ver'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $cv['ver'] . '</option>';
            $info['install'] .= '
				</select><div style="display:none;" id="multiver_wait"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'progress.gif" alt="please wait.."></div>
		</div><br />';
        if (empty($softpanel->noprotocol) && empty($globals['hide_protocol'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label for="softproto" class="sai_head">' . $l['choose_protocol'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['choose_protocol_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<select name="softproto" class="form-control" id="softproto" onblur="checkhttps(\'softproto\', \'softdomain\', false)">';
            foreach ($protocols as $k => $v) {
                $info['install'] .= '<option value="' . $k . '" ' . (optPOST('softproto') == $k || $globals['default_protocol'] == $k && empty($_POST['softproto']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $v . '</option>';
            $info['install'] .= '</select><div style="display:none;" id="checkhttps_wait">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'progress.gif" alt="please wait.."></div><br />
				<div class="row">
					<span id="httpserror" style="display:none; padding:10px;" class="alert alert-danger"></span>
        $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">';
        $info['install'] .= '
				<label for="softdomain" class="sai_head">' . $l['choose_domain'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['choose_domain_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<select name="softdomain" class="form-control" id="softdomain" onchange="softmail();change_admin_prefix(this.value);" onblur="checkhttps(\'softproto\', \'softdomain\', false)">';
        if (!empty($globals['blank_domain'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '<option value="" ' . (empty($_POST['softdomain']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>(' . $l['select_domain'] . ')</option>';
        foreach ($softpanel->domainroots as $domain => $dompath) {
            $info['install'] .= '<option value="' . $domain . '" ' . (!empty($_POST['softdomain']) && $_POST['softdomain'] == $domain ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $domain . '</option>';
        $info['install'] .= '
		</div><br />
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label for="softdirectory" class="sai_head">' . $l['in_directory'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['in_directory_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">	
				<input type="text" name="softdirectory" class="form-control" id="softdirectory" size="30" value="' . POSTval('softdirectory', !empty($globals['no_prefill']) ? '' : $software['softname']) . '" />
		</div><br />';
        if (!empty($datadir)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label for="datadir" class="sai_head">' . $l['datadir'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['datadir_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<input type="text" name="datadir" class="form-control" id="datadir" size="30" value="' . POSTval('datadir', $datadir) . '" />		
		</div><br />';
        if (!empty($dbtype)) {
            $dbname = mysqldbname($software['softname']);
            if (method_exists($softpanel, 'mysqldbname')) {
                $dbname = $softpanel->mysqldbname();
            // This is default
            $dbhost = 'localhost';
            // Don't prefill database details
            if (!empty($globals['no_prefill_db'])) {
                $dbname = '';
                $dbhost = '';
            if (aefer()) {
                $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label for="softdb" class="sai_head">' . $l['database_name'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['database_name_exp_aefer'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<input type="text" name="softdb" class="form-control" id="softdb" size="30" value="' . POSTval('softdb', $dbname) . '" onblur="checkdbname(\'softdb\', false)" />
				<span id="softdberror" style="background: #FDB3B3; display:none; width:200px;"></span>
		</div><br />';
            if (!empty($softpanel->no_db_create)) {
                // Database Username
                $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label class="sai_head">' . $l['dbusername'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['dbusername_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<input type="text" name="dbusername" class="form-control" id="dbusername" size="30" value="' . POSTval('dbusername', '') . '" />
		</div><br />';
                // Database Password
                $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label class="sai_head">' . $l['dbuserpass'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['dbuserpass_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7"> 	
				<input type="text" name="dbuserpass" class="form-control" id="dbuserpass" size="30" value="' . POSTval('dbuserpass', '') . '" />
		</div><br />';
                //Database Host Name
                $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<label for="hostname" class="sai_head">' . $l['hostname'] . '</label><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['hostname_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">	
				<input type="text" name="hostname" class="form-control" id="hostname" size="30" value="' . POSTval('hostname', $dbhost) . '" />
		</div><br />
        // Are there any cron jobs
        if (!empty($cron)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<span class="sai_head">' . $l['cron_job'] . '</span><br />
				<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['cron_job_exp'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-2">
							<span>' . $l['cron_min'] . '</span>	
							<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cron_min" id="cron_min" size="2" value="' . POSTval('cron_min', $cron['min']) . '" />
						<div class="col-sm-2">
							<span>' . $l['cron_hour'] . '</span>
							<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cron_hour" id="cron_hour" size="2" value="' . POSTval('cron_hour', $cron['hour']) . '" />
						<div class="col-sm-2">
							<span>' . $l['cron_day'] . '</span>
							<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cron_day" id="cron_day" size="2" value="' . POSTval('cron_day', $cron['day']) . '" />
						<div class="col-sm-2">
							<span>' . $l['cron_month'] . '</span>
							<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cron_month" id="cron_month" size="2" value="' . POSTval('cron_month', $cron['month']) . '" />
						<div class="col-sm-2">
							<span>' . $l['cron_weekday'] . '</span>
							<input type="text" class="form-control" name="cron_weekday" id="cron_weekday" size="2" value="' . POSTval('cron_weekday', $cron['weekday']) . '" />
		</div><br />';
        if (!empty($overwrite_option)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<span class="sai_head">' . $l['overwrite'] . '</span>
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<input type="checkbox" name="overwrite_existing" id="overwrite_existing" />
        $info['install'] .= '</div><br /><!--end of bg class-->';
        if (!empty($settings)) {
            if (file_exists($software['path'] . '/install.js')) {
                $info['install'] .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--// --><![CDATA[';
                $info['install'] .= @parselanguages(str_replace('$(', '$_(', implode('', file($software['path'] . '/install.js'))));
                $info['install'] .= '// ]]></script>';
            foreach ($settings as $group => $sets) {
                if ($group == 'hidden' || empty($sets)) {
                $info['install'] .= '
					<div class="bg">
						<div class="sai_sub_head">' . $group . '</div><hr>';
                foreach ($sets as $sk => $sv) {
                    //Adding class to input
                    if (preg_match('/type="text"/is', $sv['tag'])) {
                        $sv['tag'] = preg_replace('/>/is', ' class="form-control">', $sv['tag']);
                    if (preg_match('/<select/is', $sv['tag'])) {
                        $sv['tag'] = preg_replace('/<select/is', '<select class="form-control"', $sv['tag']);
                    $info['install'] .= '
								<div class="row">
									<div class="col-sm-5">
										<label for=' . $sk . ' class="sai_head" id="sai_head">' . $sv['head'] . '</label>
											' . (empty($sv['exp']) ? '' : '<span class="sai_exp">' . $sv['exp'] . '</span>') . '	
									' . (preg_match('/admin_pass|softpass/is', $sv['tag']) ? preg_replace('/>|\\/>/is', ' onkeyup="check_pass_strength();" >', '
										<div class="col-sm-6">' . $sv['tag'] . '<div id="pass-strength-result" style="border-radius:3px;">' . $l['strength_indicator'] . '</div></div>') : '<div class="col-sm-7 ">' . $sv['tag'] . '</div>') . '
										' . (preg_match('/softmail/is', $sv['tag']) ? '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
										softemail["' . $sk . '"] = false;
										//Add an event handler
										$_("' . $sk . '").onkeydown = function(){
											softemail["' . $sk . '"] = true;
										// ]]></script>
										' : '') . '
										' . (preg_match('/admin_pass|softpass/is', $sv['tag']) ? '
										<div class="col-sm-1">
											<a href="javascript: void(0);"  onclick="$_(\'' . $sk . '\').value=randstr(10, 1, ' . (!empty($globals['pass_strength']) ? $globals['pass_strength'] : 0) . ');check_pass_strength();return false;" title="' . $l['randpass'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'randpass.gif" /></a>
										<div class="clearfix"></div>
										' : '') . '
										' . (preg_match('/admin_pass|softpass/is', $sv['tag']) && (!empty($softpanel->securepass) || !empty($globals['random_pass'])) ? '
										<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
										addonload(\'$_("' . $sk . '").value=randstr(10, 1, ' . (!empty($globals['pass_strength']) ? $globals['pass_strength'] : 0) . ');check_pass_strength();\');
										// ]]></script>
										' : '') . '
										' . (preg_match('/admin_pass|softpass/is', $sv['tag']) && !empty($globals['empty_pass']) ? '
										<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
										addonload(\'$_("' . $sk . '").value="";check_pass_strength();\');
										// ]]></script>
										' : '') . '
										' . (preg_match('/dbprefix/is', $sv['tag']) && !empty($globals['random_dbprefix']) ? '
										<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
										addonload(\'$_("' . $sk . '").value=randstr(3)+"_";\');
										// ]]></script>
										' : '') . '
										' . (preg_match('/admin_username/is', $sv['tag']) && !empty($globals['random_username']) && !empty($random_username) ? '
										<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
										addonload(\'$_("' . $sk . '").value=randstr(5);\');
										// ]]></script>
										' : '') . '
										' . (preg_match('/admin_username/is', $sv['tag']) && !empty($globals['empty_username']) && !empty($random_username) ? '
										<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
										addonload(\'$_("' . $sk . '").value="";\');
										// ]]></script>
										' : '') . '
										' . (preg_match('/admin_username/is', $sv['tag']) && !empty($globals['admin_prefix']) && empty($globals['empty_username']) && empty($globals['random_username']) && !empty($random_username) ? '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
										addonload(\'prepend_prefix("' . $globals['admin_prefix'] . '");\');
											// ]]></script>
										' : '') . '
								</div><br />';
                $info['install'] .= '
					</div><br /><!--end of bg class-->';
            //The Hidden groups
            if (!empty($settings['hidden'])) {
                foreach ($settings['hidden'] as $sk => $sv) {
                    $info['install'] .= $sv['tag'] . '
				' . (preg_match('/softmail/is', $sv['tag']) ? '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
				softemail["' . $sk . '"] = false;
				//Add an event handler
				$_("' . $sk . '").onkeydown = function(){
					softemail["' . $sk . '"] = true;
				// ]]></script>
				' : '');
        //End of if($settings)
        //Is it a SOFTCOPY, then Leave a NOTE
        if (!empty($setupcontinue)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		' . $l['softcopy_note'] . '
        // Advance option
        $info['install'] .= '
	<div class="bg">
		<div class="sai_sub_head" id="advoptions_toggle" onclick="toggle_advoptions(\'advoptions\');" style="cursor:pointer"><img id="advoptions_toggle_plus"  src="' . $theme['images'] . 'plus_new.gif" style="margin-top:-4px;"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['adv_option'] . '</div>
			<div id="advoptions" style="display:none;"><hr>
				' . (empty($dbtype) || aefer() ? "" : '<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-5">
						<label for="softdb" class="sai_head">' . $l['database_name'] . '</label><br />
						<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['database_name_exp'] . '</span>
					<div class="col-sm-7">
						<input type="text" name="softdb" class="form-control" id="softdb" size="30" value="' . POSTval('softdb', $dbname) . '" onblur="checkdbname(\'softdb\', false)" /><br />
						<span id="softdberror" style="background: #FDB3B3; display:none; width:200px;"></span>
				</div>') . '

				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-5">
						<label class="sai_head">' . $l['disable_notify_update'] . '</label>
						<span class="sai_exp">' . $l['exp_disable_notify_update'] . '</span>
					<div class="col-sm-7">
						<input type="checkbox" name="disable_notify_update" id="disable_notify_update" ' . POSTchecked('disable_notify_update') . ' />
				</div><br />';
        // Auto upgrade is not available in AMPPS
        if ($globals['softpanel'] != 'ampps' && !empty($scripts[$soft]['auto_upgrade']) && empty($no_autoupgrade['disable_autoupgrade']) && empty($no_autoupgrade['scripts'][$soft])) {
            $info['install'] .= '
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-5">
							<label class="sai_head">' . $l['eu_auto_upgrade'] . '</label>
							<span class="sai_exp">' . $l['exp_eu_auto_upgrade'] . '</span>
						<div class="col-sm-7">
							<input type="checkbox" name="eu_auto_upgrade" id="eu_auto_upgrade" ' . POSTchecked('eu_auto_upgrade', $globals['enable_auto_upgrade']) . (!empty($globals['force_auto_upgrade']) ? ' checked="checked" disabled' : '') . '/>
					</div><br />';
        // Auto upgrade plugins
        if (empty($globals['off_upgrade_plugins']) && !empty($software['update_plugins'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-5">
							<label class="sai_head">' . lang_vars($l['auto_upgrade_plugins'], array($software['name'])) . '</label>
							<span class="sai_exp">' . lang_vars($l['exp_auto_upgrade_plugins'], array($software['name'])) . '</span>
						<div class="col-sm-7">
							<input type="checkbox" name="auto_upgrade_plugins" id="auto_upgrade_plugins" ' . POSTchecked('auto_upgrade_plugins') . ' />
					</div><br />';
        // Auto upgrade themes
        if (empty($globals['off_upgrade_themes']) && !empty($software['update_themes'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-5">
							<label class="sai_head">' . lang_vars($l['auto_upgrade_themes'], array($software['name'])) . '</label>
							<span class="sai_exp">' . lang_vars($l['exp_auto_upgrade_themes'], array($software['name'])) . '</span>
						<div class="col-sm-7">
							<input type="checkbox" name="auto_upgrade_themes" id="auto_upgrade_themes" ' . POSTchecked('auto_upgrade_themes') . ' />
					</div><br />';
        // Auto backups option only if backups is not disabled and panel is not remote
        if (empty($globals['disable_backup_restore']) && empty($globals['disable_auto_backup']) && !aefer() && empty($softpanel->disable_auto_backup)) {
            $info['install'] .= '
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-5">
							<label for="auto_backup" class="sai_head">' . $l['auto_backup'] . '</label>
							<span class="sai_exp">' . $l['exp_auto_backup'] . '</span>
						<div class="col-sm-7">
							<select name="auto_backup" class="form-control" id="auto_backup" onchange="show_backup();">
								<option value="0" ' . POSTselect('auto_backup', '0', 1) . '>' . $l['no_backup'] . '</option>' . (empty($globals['disable_auto_backup_daily']) ? '<option value="daily" ' . POSTselect('auto_backup', 'daily') . '>' . $l['daily'] . '</option>' : '') . (empty($globals['disable_auto_backup_weekly']) ? '<option value="weekly" ' . POSTselect('auto_backup', 'weekly') . '>' . $l['weekly'] . '</option>' : '') . (empty($globals['disable_auto_backup_monthly']) ? '<option value="monthly" ' . POSTselect('auto_backup', 'monthly') . '>' . $l['monthly'] . '</option>' : '') . '
					</div><br />
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-5">
							<label class="sai_head">' . $l['auto_backup_rotation'] . '</label>
							<span class="sai_exp">' . $l['exp_auto_backup_rotation'] . '</span>
						<div class="col-sm-7"> 
							<select name="auto_backup_rotation" class="form-control" id="auto_backup_rotation">';
            for ($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
                // Do we have a limit from admin ?
                if (!empty($globals['auto_backup_limit']) && ($i > $globals['auto_backup_limit'] || $i == 0) || !empty($globals['max_backups']) && ($i > $globals['max_backups'] || $i == 0)) {
                $info['install'] .= '<option value="' . $i . '" ' . POSTselect('auto_backup_rotation', $i, $i == 4 ? '1' : '0') . '>' . (empty($i) ? $l['unlimited'] : $i) . '</option>';
            $info['install'] .= '</select>
					</div><br />';
        $info['install'] .= '
	</div><br /><!--end of bg-->';
        // Do we have to display the theme
        if (!empty($globals['eu_enable_themes']) && !empty($software['has_theme'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="bg">
			<div id="pfx_div" style="display:none"></div>
		</div><br /><!--end of bg class-->
		<script id="paypal_js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[

		var pfx_div = \'' . str_replace(array("\n", "'"), array('', "\\'"), '<style>
		@import url(,400light,700light,400,400,700); 
		<div id="themesearch" class="sai_popupc" style="display:none;">
			<div class="sai_themesearch_div sai_popuptitle" align="center" style="padding-left:20px;">
					<fieldset class="sai_inputs">
						<div class="row">
							<input type="text"  name="themesearchstring" class="col-sm-10" id="themesearchstring"  class="sai_inputs" autofocus placeholder="Search Themes" autocomplete="off">
							<div class="col-sm-6" style="text-align:right; margin-top:8px;">
								<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="sai_popupclose b-close">Close</a>
						<div class="row">
							<h4 id="results-text" style="display:none;">Showing results for: <b id="search-string"></b></h4>
							<ul id="results"></ul><br />
			<div id="searchsuggestions"></div>
		<div class="sai_sub_head" id="theme_toggle" onclick="toggle_advoptions(\'theme\');" class="sai_heading_full" style="cursor:pointer"><img id="theme_toggle_plus" src="' . $theme['images'] . 'minus_new.gif" />&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $l['choose_theme'] . '</div>
		<div class="row">
			<div id="theme" style="display:block;" class="col-sm-12"><hr>
				<div id="theme_div" style="display:block;">
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-2">
							<a class="btn btn-default" id="search_theme">' . $l['search'] . '</a>
						<div class="col-sm-8">		
							<center>' . $l['theme_is_optional'] . '</center>
						<div class="col-sm-2">
							<a class="btn btn-default pull-right" id="refresh_theme">' . $l['refresh'] . '</a>
							<div id="sloading" style="display:none;">
								<center><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'loading.gif" alt="Loading..." /></center>
					</div><br />
					<div class="row">
						<div style="height:280;">
							<div id="loading" style="display:block;z-index:99;">
								<center><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'loading.gif" alt="Loading..." /></center>
							<center><div id="display_theme" style="height:auto;"></div></center>
					<div class="row">
						<div class="col-sm-1">
							<span id="prevBtn"><a href="javascript:void(0);"></a></span>
						<div class="col-sm-10">
							<center><div id="clear_theme" name="clear_theme" class="sai_searchbox_button" onclick="clear_theme();" style="display:none;">' . $l['clear_theme'] . '</div></center>
						<div class="col-sm-1">
							<span id="nextBtn"><a href="javascript:void(0);"></a></span>
		</div>') . '\';
		var length;
		var deduct;
		var payment_timer;
		var dg;

		' . (!empty($owned_themes) ? 'owned_theme = new Array("' . implode('", "', array_values($owned_themes)) . '");' : 'var owned_theme = new Array();') . '

		var screen_width = $(window).width();

		if(screen_width < 1282 && screen_width > 982){
			length = 3;
			deduct = 3;
		}else if(screen_width < 982 && screen_width >802){
			length = 2;
			deduct = 2;
		}else if(screen_width < 802 && screen_width >770){
			length = 1;
			deduct = 1;
		}else if(screen_width < 770 && screen_width > 362){
			length = 2;
			deduct = 2;
		}else if(screen_width < 363 && screen_width > 200){
			length = 1;
			deduct = 1;
			length = 4;
			deduct = 4;

		' . (!empty($softpanel->pheader) ? 'length = 2;deduct = 2;' : '') . '

		' . (empty($user['pfxapi_key']) ? 'var api_key = 0;' : 'var api_key = 1;') . '
		' . (empty($globals['eu_themes_premium']) ? 'var premium = 0;' : 'var premium = "' . $globals['eu_themes_premium'] . '";') . '

		function sleep(milliseconds) {
		  var start = new Date().getTime();
		  for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
			if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){

		if(api_key == 0){
			type: "POST",
			data: "generate_apikey=1&ajax=1",
			url: "' . $globals['index'] . 'act=my_themes&jsnohf=1",
			// Checking for error
			success: function(data){
				// Do nothing :)

		function show_pfx_div(){
			var current_html = $("#pfx_div").html();
			if(current_html == ""){

		function show_pay(){
			//alert(arguments[0] +" -- "+arguments[1]+" -- "+arguments[2]+" -- "+arguments[3]);
			// We will have to create an order now
				type: "GET",
				url: window.location+"&generate_order=1&ajax=1&jsnohf=1&theme_id="+arguments[1],
				success: function(data){
					var order_id = $.parseJSON(data);
			$.getScript("", function( data, textStatus, jqxhr ) {
				//alert(data +" -- "+textStatus+" -- "+jqxhr)
				if(textStatus == "success"){
					dg = new PAYPAL.apps.DGFlow({
						// HTML ID of form submit buttons that call setEC
			// Now set the variable for sending the data
				/*var timer = setInterval(function() {   
					if(dg.isOpen() !== true) {  
				}, 30000);*/

		function show_selected_theme(){
			var th_name = $("#theme_name").val();
			var th_id = $("#theme_id").val();
			//alert("' . $globals['s2api_pfx'] . 'theme_search.php?in=json&cversion=' . $software['ver'] . '&cat=' . (!is_int($software['has_theme']) ? $software['has_theme'] : $iscripts[$soft]['name']) . '&q="+th_name+"&start=0&length=1&premium="+premium+"&callback=?")
			$.getJSON("' . $globals['s2api_pfx'] . 'theme_search.php?in=json&cversion=' . $software['ver'] . '&cat=' . (!is_int($software['has_theme']) ? $software['has_theme'] : $iscripts[$soft]['name']) . '&q="+th_name+"&start=0&length=1&premium="+premium+"&callback=?",
				function (data) {
					var soft_themes = \'<div id="slider"><div class="row">\';
					var new_li = 0;
					$.each(, function (i, item) {
						if( != undefined){
							soft_themes += \'<div class="row"><div class="sai_image_container" id="img_\'+new_li+\'" onmouseover="onthemeover(\'+new_li+\');" onmouseout="onthemeout(\'+new_li+\');" value="\'\'" theme_name="\'+item.softname+\'"><div class="sai_theme_header">\'\'</div><img src="\'\'/\'\'_200.png" width="100%" height="100" class="img-responsive"><div class="sai_navigation" id="nav_\'+new_li+\'" style="display:none;"><span class="sai_demo"><a href="\'+item.demo_url+\'" target="_blank">' . addslashes($l['demo']) . '</a></span></div></div></div>\';
							soft_themes += \'</div><div class="row"><input type="hidden" name="theme_id" id="theme_id" value="\'\'"><input type="hidden" name="theme_name" id="theme_name" value="\'+item.softname+\'"></div></div>\';
						new_li += 1;
					});// end of each loop
						$(".sai_image_container, #select_this_theme").click(function(){
							if( == "select_this_theme"){

		function clear_theme(){
			show_list($("#prevBtn").val(), length);

		function onthemeover(id_no){

		function onthemeout(id_no){

		var startpt;
		function search() {
			var query_value = $("input#themesearchstring").val();
			if(startpt == undefined || startpt == ""){
				startpt = 0;
			var top = 0;
			if(query_value === ""){
				top = 1;
			$.getJSON("' . $globals['s2api_pfx'] . 'theme_search.php?in=json&cversion=' . $software['ver'] . '&cat=' . (!is_int($software['has_theme']) ? $software['has_theme'] : $iscripts[$soft]['name']) . '&start="+startpt+"&length=20&q="+query_value+"&top="+top+"&premium="+premium+"&callback=?",
			function (data) {
				var search_themes = \'<div id="slider"><table border="0" width="100%" height="200" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="3">\';
				var new_li = 0;
				$.each(, function (i, item) {
					var you_own = "";
					if( != undefined){
						var params = new Array();
						params[0] = "\'"" - "+item.desc+"\'";
						params[1] =;
						params[2] = item.price;
						params[3] = "\'simg_"+new_li+"\'";
						//alert(" -- "+ owned_theme+ " -- "+ $.inArray(, owned_theme) + " -- "+val_count(owned_theme,
						if($.inArray(, owned_theme) !== -1){
							you_own = \'<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'success.png" class="someclass" title="' . addslashes($l['your_purchased']) . '(\'+val_count(owned_theme,\')' . addslashes($l['your_purchased_times']) . '" alt="" height="22" width="22">\';
							you_own = "&nbsp;";
						if(item.price > 0){
							var price_lable = \'<td align="center" width="200"><table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="30%"><div class="sai_searchbox_button" onclick="show_pay(\'+params+\');"><span style="margin-right:20px">\'+you_own+\'</span><a href="javascript:void(0);" >' . addslashes($l['purchase']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;$\'+item.price+\'</a></div></td></tr></table></td>\';
							var price_lable = \'<td align="center" width="20">&nbsp</td>\';
						search_themes += \'<tr class="sai_tr_color"><td align="center" style="padding-left:10px;"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"><tr><td width="180"><div class="sai_image_container" id="simg_\'+new_li+\'" value="\'\'" theme_name="\'+item.softname+\'" style="width:160px;height:175px;"><img src="\'\'/\'\'_200.png" width="150" height="150" ><div class="sai_navigation" id="snav_\'+new_li+\'" style="display:none;"><span class="sai_demo"><a href="\'+item.demo_url+\'" target="_blank">' . addslashes($l['demo']) . '</a></span></div></div></td><td><table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td colspan="3"><b>\'\'</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" class="sai_search_description">\'+item.desc+\'</td></tr><tr><td colspan="3" class="sai_search_description">\'+item.overview+\'</td></tr><tr><td width="200"><div class="sai_searchbox_button" id="select_this_theme" val="simg_\'+new_li+\'">' . addslashes($l['use_this_theme']) . '</div></td><td width="200"><a href="\'+item.demo_url+\'" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;"><div class="sai_searchbox_button">' . addslashes($l['demo']) . '</div></a></td>\'+price_lable+\'</tr></table></td><td></td></tr><br /></table></td></tr>\';
					new_li += 1;
				});// end of each loop

				search_themes += \'<tr><td><input type="hidden" name="theme_id" id="theme_id"><input type="hidden" name="theme_name" id="theme_name"></td></tr></table></div>\';
				$("#searchsuggestions").animate(0, "", function(){
							$(".sai_image_container, #select_this_theme").click(function(){
								if( == "select_this_theme"){
									$("#clear_theme").css("display", "block");
				}).delay(0).animate({opacity: 1}, 300);
			}); // End of getJSON

		var search_timer;

		$("#themesearchstring").live("keyup", function(e) {
			//clearTimeout($.data(this, "timer"));
			var search_string = $(this).val();

			if (search_string == "") {
				search_timer = setTimeout("search();", 200);

		function in_array(val, array){
			for (i=0; i <= array.length; i++){
				if (array[i] == val) {
					return true;
					// {alert(i +" -- "+ids[i]+" -- "+val);return i;}
			return false;

		//function to display list of Themes
		function show_list(start, length){
			//alert("' . $globals['s2api_pfx'] . 'category.php?in=json&cversion=' . $software['ver'] . '&cat=' . (!is_int($software['has_theme']) ? $software['has_theme'] : $iscripts[$soft]['name']) . '&start="+start+"&length="+length+"&premium="+premium+"&callback=?");
			$.getJSON("' . $globals['s2api_pfx'] . 'category.php?in=json&cversion=' . $software['ver'] . '&cat=' . (!is_int($software['has_theme']) ? $software['has_theme'] : $iscripts[$soft]['name']) . '&start="+start+"&length="+length+"&premium="+premium+"&callback=?", 
			function (data) {
				if (typeof(!="object" || typeof == "undefined"){
					$("#display_theme").html("<center><span class=\'sai_newhead\'>' . $l['classes_con_failed'] . '</span></center>");	
					$("#nextBtn").css("display", "none");
					$("#prevBtn").css("display", "none");
				$("#clear_theme").css("display", "none");
				$("#nextBtn").css("display", "block");
				$("#prevBtn").css("display", "block");
				var soft_themes = \'<div id="slider"><table border="0" width="100%" height="200" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"><tr>\';
				var new_li = 0;
				$.each(, function (i, item) {
					soft_themes += \'<td align="center"><div class="sai_image_container" id="img_\'+new_li+\'" onmouseover="onthemeover(\'+new_li+\');" onmouseout="onthemeout(\'+new_li+\');" value="\'\'" theme_name="\'+item.softname+\'"><div class="sai_theme_header">\'\'</div><img src="\'\'/\'\'_200.png" width="230" height="200" ><div class="sai_navigation" id="nav_\'+new_li+\'" style="display:none;"><span class="sai_demo"><a href="\'+item.demo_url+\'" target="_blank">' . addslashes($l['demo']) . '</a></span></div></div></td>\';
					new_li += 1;
				});// end of each loop
				soft_themes += \'</tr><tr>\';
				var new_li = 0;
				$.each(, function (i, item) {
					var you_own = "";
					if( != undefined){
						var params = new Array();
						params[0] = "\'"" - "+item.desc+"\'";
						params[1] =;
						params[2] = item.price;
						params[3] = "\'img_"+new_li+"\'";
						//alert(" -- "+ owned_theme+ " -- "+ $.inArray(, owned_theme) + " -- "+val_count(owned_theme,
						if($.inArray(, owned_theme) !== -1){
							you_own = \'<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'success.png" class="someclass" title="' . addslashes($l['your_purchased']) . '(\'+val_count(owned_theme,\')' . addslashes($l['your_purchased_times']) . '" alt="" height="24" width="24">\';
							you_own = "&nbsp;";
						if(item.price > 0){
							soft_themes += \'<td align="center"><div class="sai_purchased blue" onclick="show_pay(\'+params+\');" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#pfxpay"><table border="0" width="95%"><tr><td width="25%">\'+you_own+\'</td><td width="60%"><a href="javascript:void(0);" >' . addslashes($l['purchase']) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;$\'+item.price+\'</a></td></tr></table></div><br /></td>\';
							soft_themes += \'<td align="center"><div class="sai_purchased blue"><table border="0" width="95%"><tr><td align="center" onclick="select_theme(\\\'img_\'+new_li+\'\\\');"><a href="javascript:void(0);"   id="select_theme">' . (!empty($globals['eu_themes_premium']) ? addslashes($l['free']) : addslashes($l['select'])) . '</a></td></tr></table></div><br /></td>\';
					new_li += 1;
				});// end of each loop

				soft_themes += \'</tr><tr><td><input type="hidden" name="theme_id" id="theme_id"><input type="hidden" name="theme_name" id="theme_name"></td></tr></table></div>\';
				$("#display_theme").animate(0, "", function(){
							$("#clear_theme").css("display", "block");
				}).delay(0).animate({opacity: 1}, 300);
				start = parseInt(start) + length;
				if($("#prevBtn").val() <= 0){
					$("#prevBtn").css("display", "none");
					$("#prevBtn").css("display", "block");
				if(start == (data.count)){
					$("#nextBtn").css("display", "none");
				// If we get the last data
				if(data.is_last == 1){
					$("#nextBtn").css("display", "none");
			}); // end of get json function
			// If we dont get the api key for this user we will generate one !
			if(api_key == 0){
				/* $.ajax({
					type: "POST",
					data: "generate_apikey=1",
					url: "' . $globals['index'] . 'act=my_themes&jsnohf=1",
					// Checking for error
					success: function(data){
						// At the moment nothing to do !
		}//end of show list

		function get_purchased(){
				type: "POST",
				data: "get_owned_theme=1&ajax=1",
				url: "' . $globals['index'] . 'act=my_themes&jsnohf=1",
				// Checking for error
				success: function(data){
					owned_theme = data.split(",");
					show_list(0, length);

		function select_theme(id){
			$("#clear_theme").css("display", "block");

		function theme_init(){
			show_list(0, length);
				var tmp = parseInt($("#prevBtn").val());
				tmp = tmp - deduct;
				show_list($("#prevBtn").val(), length);
				var tmp = parseInt($("#nextBtn").val());
				tmp = tmp + deduct;
				show_list($("#prevBtn").val(), length);




		// ]]></script>
        $info['install'] .= '
	<p align="center">
		<input type="hidden" name="softsubmit" id="softsubmit" value="' . $l['softsubmit'] . '" />
		<input type="hidden" name="pass-strength-hidden" id="pass-strength-hidden" value="" />
		<input type="submit" name="softsubmitbut" id="softsubmitbut" value="' . $l['softsubmit'] . '" class="flat-butt" /><span id="show_txt" style="display:none;"></span>
		<br /><br /><br />
		' . (empty($globals['off_email_link']) && empty($globals['off_install_mail']) ? '<span class="sai_head">' . $l['ins_emailto'] . '</span> : <input type="text" name="emailto" id="emailto" size="20" value="' . POSTval('emailto', '') . '" />' : '') . '
	<input type="hidden" name="soft_status_key" id="soft_status_key" value="' . POSTval('soft_status_key', generateRandStr(32)) . '" />
        if (!empty($globals['eu_enable_themes']) && !empty($software['has_theme'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '
		<div class="modal fade" id="pfxpay" role="dialog">
			<div class="modal-dialog modal-sm">
				<!-- Modal content-->
				<div class="modal-content">
					<div class="modal-header">
						<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button>
						<h4 class="modal-title">' . $l['payment_heading'] . '</h4>
					<div class="modal-body" align="middle">
						<form action="' . $globals['paypal_url'] . '" method="post" name="pay" id="pay">
							' . $l['payment_redirect'] . '$<span id="item_price"></span><br /><br />
							<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
							<input type="hidden" name="business" id="business" value="' . $globals['paypal_business'] . '">
							<input type="hidden" name="return" id="return" value="' . $globals['paypal_return'] . '">
							<input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" id="cancel_return" value="' . $globals['paypal_return'] . '">
							<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" id="notify_url" value="' . $globals['paypal_return'] . '">
							<input type="hidden" name="item_name" id="item_name" value="">
							<input type="hidden" name="item_number" id="item_number" value="">
							<input type="hidden" name="amount" id="amount" value="">
							<input type="hidden" name="custom" id="custom" value="">
							<input type="hidden" name="paymentaction" id="paymentaction" value="sale">
							<!--<input type="submit" class="tiny radius button" value="Buy now">-->
							<button type="submit" name="submit" style="border: 0; background: transparent; cursor:pointer" id="submit_pay">
								<img src="" border="0" alt="Accepted Cards" style="width:100%;">
					<div class="modal-footer">
					  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
        $info['install'] .= '
	<div id="progress_bar" style="height:125px; width:100%; display: none;">
		<br />
		<font size="4" color="#222222" id="progress_txt" style="width:100%;">' . $l['checking_data'] . '</font>
		<font style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: 400;color: #444444; width:100%;" id="progress_percent">(0 %)</font><br /><br />
		<table width="500" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="table_progress" border="0" align="center" height="28" style="border:1px solid #CCC; -moz-border-radius: 5px;
		-webkit-border-radius: 5px; border-radius: 5px; width:50%">
				<td id="progress_color" width="1" style="background-image: url(' . $theme['images'] . 'bar.gif); -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; border-radius: 4px;"></td>
				<td id="progress_nocolor">&nbsp;</td>
		</table><br />
		<center>' . $l['wait_note'] . '</center>
	<br /><br /><br />';
    } elseif (!empty($installed)) {
        $info['install'] = '
	<div class="bg2">
	<h4>' . $l['congrats'] . '</h4><br />
	' . $software['name'] . ' ' . $l['succesful'] . ' : <br />
	<a href="' . $__settings['softurl'] . '" target="_blank">' . $__settings['softurl'] . '</a>
	' . (!empty($software['adminurl']) ? '<br />' . $l['admin_url'] . ' : <a href="' . $__settings['softurl'] . '/' . $software['adminurl'] . '" target="_blank">' . $__settings['softurl'] . '/' . $software['adminurl'] . '</a>' : '') . '<br /><br />
	' . (!empty($setupcontinue) ? $l['setup_continue'] . ' : <br />
	<a href="' . $__settings['softurl'] . '/' . $setupcontinue . '" target="_blank">' . $__settings['softurl'] . '/' . $setupcontinue . '</a><br /><br />' : '') . '
	' . $l['enjoy'] . '<br /><br />
	' . (!empty($pfx_error) ? error_handle($pfx_error, "100%", 0, 1) : '') . (!empty($notes) ? $l['install_notes'] . ' : <br />
	<div class="sai_notes">' . softparse($notes, $soft) . '</div><br /><br />' : '') . '
	' . $l['please_note'] . '<br /><br />
	' . (!empty($globals['ampps_enabled']) && empty($globals['no_ampps']) && $globals['softpanel'] != 'ampps' ? lang_vars($l['ampps_download'], array($software['name'])) . '<br /><br />' : '') . '
	' . $l['regards'] . ',<br />
	' . $l['softinstaller'] . '<br /><br />
	<center><b><a href="' . script_link($soft) . '&highlight=' . $new_insid . '&postact=install">' . $l['return'] . '</a></b></center><br /><br />';
        if (empty($globals['install_tweet_off']) || empty($globals['lictype'])) {
            $info['install'] .= '<form method="get" action="" id="tweet" onsubmit="return dotweet(this);">
		<div class="panel panel-info" style="width:55%; margin:0 auto;">
			<div class="panel-heading" style="padding:5px; font-size:15px;">
				<font><b>' . $l['install_tweet_sub'] . ' :</b></font>
			<div class="panel-body">
				<div class="row">
					<div class="col-sm-10">
						<textarea name="text" cols="80" row="3" style="resize:none; width:100%;">' . loadtweetdata('install_tweet', $l['install_tweet_classes']) . '</textarea>
					<div class="col-sm-2">
						<input type="submit" value="Tweet!" class="btn btn-info" onsubmit="return false;" id="twitter-btn" style="margin-top:20px;"/>
        $info['install'] .= '<br /></div><!--end of bg2 class--><!--PROC_DONE-->
	<br /><br />';
    softheader($l['<title>'] . $software['name']);
    $loadedinfo = array('install', 'overview', 'features', 'reviews', 'screenshots', 'ratings');
<script language="JavaScript" src="<?php 
    echo $theme['url'] . '/js/tabber.js';
" type="text/javascript">
<script language="JavaScript" id="ratings_js_file" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" id="review_js_file"  type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" id="reviews_js_file"  type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
tabs = new tabber;
tabs.tabs = new Array('<?php 
    echo implode('\', \'', $loadedinfo);
tabs.tabwindows = new Array('<?php 
    echo implode('_win\', \'', $loadedinfo);
tabs.inittab = <?php 
    echo '\'' . $init_tab . '\';';

function loadraterev(){
    if (empty($globals['off_rating_link']) && $soft < 10000) {
        echo '$_(\'ratings_js_file\').src = "' . $soft . '&user='******'name'] . '&ip=' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '";';
    if (empty($globals['off_review_link']) && $soft < 10000) {
        echo '$_(\'review_js_file\').src =  "' . $soft . '&user='******'name'] . '&ip=' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '";';
        echo '$_(\'reviews_js_file\').src =  "' . $soft . '&user='******'name'] . '&ip=' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '";';

function notifyversion(){
	if(AJAX(window.location+"&notify=true", "notified(re)")){
		return false;
		return true;	

function notified(re){
	if(re == 1){
    echo $l['notifyversion'];

function loadScreenshots(){
	$_('screenshots_iframe').src = '<?php 
    echo '' . $soft;

    $tmp_ver1 = array();
    // Just to show the multiple versions if a script have any branch.
    if (!empty($software['branch'])) {
        foreach ($software['branch'] as $kver => $vver) {
            $tmp_ver1[] = $vver['ver'];
        $tmp_ver = implode(', ', $tmp_ver1);
    $url = $theme['images'];
    $ratings = array();
    $deduct = 1;
    $r = $scripts[$soft]['ratings'];
    for ($i_r = 1; $i_r <= 5; $i_r++) {
        if ($r >= 1) {
            $ratings[$i_r] = '<img src="' . $url . 'star.png' . '" alt="(' . number_format($scripts[$soft]['ratings'], 2) . ' out of 5)" />';
        } elseif ($r > 0) {
            $ratings[$i_r] = '<img src="' . $url . 'halfstar.png' . '" alt="(' . number_format($scripts[$soft]['ratings'], 2) . ' out of 5)" />';
        } else {
            $ratings[$i_r] = '<img src="' . $url . 'nostar.png' . '" alt="(' . number_format($scripts[$soft]['ratings'], 2) . ' out of 5)" />';
        $r = $r - $deduct;
    // For custom themes
    if ($soft > 10000) {
        if (file_exists($globals['euthemes'] . '/' . $globals['theme_folder'] . '/images/topscripts/48/' . $iscripts[$soft]['softname'] . '.png')) {
            $custom_48 = $theme['images'] . 'topscripts/48/' . $iscripts[$soft]['softname'] . '.png';
        } else {
            $custom_48 = $theme['images'] . '/custom.png';
    echo '<div class="bg">
	<div id="currentrating" style="display:none"></div>
	<div class="row" style="margin-left:10px;">
		' . (!empty($custom_48) ? '<img src="' . $custom_48 . '" alt="">' : '<img src="' . $globals['mirror_images'] . 'top15/48/' . $scripts[$soft]['softname'] . '.png" >') . '
			<span class="sai_process_heading" style="margin-left:20px;">' . $software['name'] . '</span>
	</div><br />
	<div class="row">
		<div class="col-sm-2">
			' . ($soft > 10000 ? '' : '<div class="someclass" title="' . $scripts[$soft]['ratings'] . '">' . implode('', $ratings) . '</div>') . '
		<div class="col-sm-5 ver_style">
			' . $l['software_ver'] . ' : <font size="2"><b>' . (!empty($tmp_ver) ? $tmp_ver : $software['ver']) . '</b></font> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="javascript" onclick="notifyversion(); return false;" ><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'notify.gif" name="notifyver" title="' . $l['notify_ver'] . '" alt="' . $l['notify_ver'] . '"></a>
		<div class="col-sm-3 release_style">
			' . (!empty($info['release_date']) ? $l['release_date'] . ' : <font size="1"><b>' . $info['release_date'] . '</b></font>' : '') . '
		<div class="col-sm-2 change_style">
			' . (!empty($info['changelog']) ? '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#changelog_div" class="sai_changelogbut pull-right" style="text-decoration:none;">' . $l['changelog'] . '</a>' : '') . '
	</div><br />
	<script type=text/javascript>';
    if (!empty($softpanel->pheader)) {
        if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'x3') > 0) {
            echo '
				$(".change_style").css({"margin-left":"0px", "margin-top":"-15px"});
        } else {
            echo '
				$(".change_style").css({"margin-left":"0px", "margin-top":"-10px"});
    echo '
	<div class="old_tab">
		<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="sai_tabs">
				<td><a href="\'install\')" id="install" class="sai_insbut">' . $l['install'] . '</a></td>
				<td><a href="\'overview\')" class="sai_tab" id="overview">' . $l['overview'] . '</a></td>
				<td><a href="\'features\')" class="sai_tab" id="features">' . $l['features'] . '</a></td>
					' . (empty($globals['off_screenshot_link']) ? '<td><a href="\'screenshots\'); loadScreenshots();" class="sai_tab" id="screenshots">' . $l['screenshots'] . '</a></td>' : '') . '
					' . (empty($globals['off_demo_link']) ? '<td><a href="' . ($soft >= 10000 && !empty($info['demo']) ? $info['demo'] : $globals['ind'] . 'act=demos&soft=' . $soft) . '" class="sai_tab" id="demo" target="_blank">' . $l['demo'] . '</a></td>' : '') . '
					' . (empty($globals['off_rating_link']) && $soft < 10000 ? '<td><a href="\'ratings\')" class="sai_tab" id="ratings">' . $l['ratings'] . '</a></td>' : '') . '
					' . (empty($globals['off_review_link']) && $soft < 10000 ? '<td><a href="\'reviews\')" class="sai_tab" id="reviews">' . $l['reviews'] . '</a></td>' : '') . (empty($info['import']) ? '' : '<td><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=import&soft=' . $soft . '" class="sai_tab" id="ratings">' . $l['import'] . '</a></td>') . '
		</table><br />
	<div class="new_tab">
		<nav class="navbar navbar-default">
			<div class="navbar-header">
				<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>
					<span class="icon-bar"></span>                        
				<ul class="nav">
					<li class="active" style="width:80px;"><a href="\'install\')" id="install" class="sai_tab2" style="text-decoration:none; height:40px; top:5px;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['install'] . '</a></li>
			<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="myNavbar" style="position:absolute; z-index:1000; width:100%; background:#F8F8F8;">
				<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
					<li><a href="\'overview\')"  id="overview" class="sai_tab2" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['overview'] . '</a></li>
					<li><a href="\'features\')"  id="features" class="sai_tab2" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['features'] . '</a></li>
					<li>' . (empty($globals['off_screenshot_link']) ? '<a href="\'screenshots\'); loadScreenshots();" class="sai_tab2" id="screenshots" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['screenshots'] . '</a>' : '') . '</li>
					<li>' . (empty($globals['off_demo_link']) ? '<a href="' . ($soft >= 10000 && !empty($info['demo']) ? $info['demo'] : $globals['ind'] . 'act=demos&soft=' . $soft) . '" class="sai_tab2" id="demo" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['demo'] . '</a>' : '') . '</li>
					<li>' . (empty($globals['off_rating_link']) && $soft < 10000 ? '<a href="\'ratings\')" class="sai_tab2" id="ratings" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['ratings'] . '</a>' : '') . '</li>
					<li>' . (empty($globals['off_review_link']) && $soft < 10000 ? '<a href="\'reviews\')" class="sai_tab2" id="reviews" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['reviews'] . '</a>' : '') . '</li>
					<li>' . (empty($info['import']) ? '' : '<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=import&soft=' . $soft . '" class="sai_tab2" id="ratings" style="text-decoration:none;" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#myNavbar">' . $l['import'] . '</a>') . '</li>

<script type="text/javascript">
$_(tabs.inittab).className = tabs.tabbedclass;
var softid = ' . $soft . '

tabs.override = function(id){
	if(id == \'install\'){
		$_(\'install\').className = \'sai_insbutclicked\';
		$_(\'install\').className = \'sai_insbut\';
    //Parse and take care of images
    $info['overview'] = (!empty($info['changelog']) ? '
<div class="modal fade" id="changelog_div" role="dialog">
    <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" style="margin-top:80px;">
      <!-- Modal content-->
      <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header" style="background:#F0F0F0;">
          <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button>
          <h4 class="modal-title">Changelog</h4>
        <div class="modal-body" style="height: 350px; overflow-y: auto;">
          ' . $info['changelog'] . '
        <div class="modal-footer" style="padding-top:10px; height:50px;">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
</div>' : '') . '
<div class="bg2">
	<div class="row">
		' . (!empty($scripts[$soft]['screenshots']) && empty($globals['panel_hf']) ? '
		<div class="col-sm-6">
			<div id="overview_img" style="padding:10px;" style="width:100%;"> <img src="' . $globals['mirror_images'] . 'softimages/screenshots/' . $soft . '_screenshot1.gif" class="img-responsive" alt=""> </div>	
		<div class="col-sm-6 col-xs-6">' : '<div class="col-sm-12 col-xs-12">') . '
			' . softparse($info['overview'], $soft) . '<br /><br />
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-sm-1 col-xs-1"><font color="#447edf"><i class="fa sai-disk fa-3x"></i></font></div>
				<div class="col-sm-5 col-xs-5">
					<span class="sai_head">' . $l['space_req'] . '</span><br />
					<span class="sai_exp2">' . $l['available_space'] . ' : ' . (is_numeric($softpanel->spaceremain) ? number_format($softpanel->spaceremain / 1024 / 1024, 2) : $softpanel->spaceremain) . ' ' . $l['mb'] . '<br />
					' . $l['req_space'] . ' : ' . number_format($software['spacereq'] / 1024 / 1024, 2) . ' ' . $l['mb'] . '</span>
			</div><br />
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-sm-1 col-xs-1"><a href="' . $info['support'] . '"><font color="#447edf"><i class="fa sai-question fa-3x"></i></font></a></div>
				<div class="col-sm-5 col-xs-5">
					<span class="sai_head">' . $l['software_support'] . '</span><br />
					<span class="sai_exp2"><a href="' . $info['support'] . '" target="_blank">' . $l['support_link'] . '</a><br />
					' . $l['support_note'] . '</span>
	</div><br />
</div><!--end of bg2 class-->';
    if (!empty($installations[$soft]) || array_intersect(array_keys($installations), array_keys($software['branch']))) {
        $info['overview'] .= '<br /><br />
		<span class="sai_newhead">' . $l['current_ins'] . '</span><br />
        $info['overview'] .= '
	<div class="bg2">
		<table class="table table-hover">
		<thead  style="background:#EFEFEF;" class="sai_head2">
				<th>' . $l['link'] . '</th>
				<th>' . $l['admin'] . '</th>
				<th>' . $l['ins_time'] . '</th>
				<th>' . $l['version'] . '</th>
				<th width="50" colspan="5" style="text-align:center;">' . $l['options'] . '</th>
				<th><input type="checkbox" id="check_all"></th>
        $i = 1;
        $highlight = optGET('highlight');
        $action = optGET('postact');
        foreach ($software['branch'] as $csid => $cver) {
            $is_cloneable = is_cloneable($csid);
            // We use this count to create empty <td> for features not available for this app
            $ccount = 0;
            if (empty($is_cloneable)) {
            if (!empty($globals['disable_backup_restore'])) {
            if (!asperapp(0, 0, 1) || empty($can_publish)) {
            //Child List of Installations
            foreach ($installations[$csid] as $ik => $iv) {
                $is_upgradable = is_upgradable($ik);
                $info['overview'] .= '<tr id="trid' . $ik . '">
				<td class="endurl"><a href="' . $iv['softurl'] . '" target="_blank" id="insurl' . $ik . '">' . $iv['softurl'] . '</a>' . ($highlight == $ik && !empty($action) ? '<span id="highlight">&nbsp;&nbsp;<b class="sai_highlight">' . $l['act_' . $action] . '</b></span>' : '') . '</td>
				<td><a href="' . $iv['softurl'] . '/' . (!empty($iv['admin_folder']) ? $iv['admin_folder'] : admin_folder($iv['sid'])) . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . '/admin.gif" /></a></td>
				<td>' . datify($iv['itime']) . '</td>
				<td>' . $iv['ver'] . ($software['ver'] != $iv['ver'] && $is_upgradable ? ' <a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=upgrade&insid=' . $ik . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'updates.gif" alt="' . $l['upd_to'] . ' ' . implode(' or ', $is_upgradable) . '" title="' . $l['upd_to'] . ' ' . implode(' or ', $is_upgradable) . '" class="someclass"/></a>' : '') . (!empty($iv['eu_auto_upgrade']) && empty($no_autoupgrade['disable_autoupgrade']) && empty($no_autoupgrade['scripts'][$csid]) ? '<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'auto_upgrade.png"  title="' . $l['auto_upgrade_enabled'] . '" style="cursor:pointer"/>' : '') . '</td>' . (!empty($is_cloneable) ? '<td width="25" class="someclass" title="' . $l['clone'] . '"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=sclone&insid=' . $ik . '" ><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'clone.gif" /></td></a>&nbsp;' : '') . (empty($globals['disable_backup_restore']) ? '<td width="25" title="' . $l['backup'] . '" class="someclass"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=backup&insid=' . $ik . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'backup.gif" /></td></a>' : '') . '
				&nbsp;<td width="25" title="' . $l['editdetail'] . '" class="someclass"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=editdetail&insid=' . $ik . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'editdetail.gif" /></td></a>
				' . (asperapp(0, 0, 1) && !empty($can_publish) ? ' &nbsp;<td><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=publish&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['publish'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'publish.gif" /></td></a>' : '') . ' 
				&nbsp;<td width="25" title="' . $l['remove'] . '" class="someclass"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=remove&insid=' . $ik . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'remove.gif" /></a></td>' . (!empty($ccount) ? '<td colspan="' . $ccount . '"></td>' : '') . '
				<td width="25">
					<input type="checkbox" name="insids[]" id="' . $iv['softurl'] . '" value="' . $ik . '" class="soft_inslist">
        $info['overview'] .= '</table><br />
		<p align="right" style="width:100%;">
			<span class="sai_head">' . $l['with_selected'] . ':</span>
			<select name="multi_options" id="multi_options">
				<option name="todo" id="todo" value="0">---</option>
				<option name="todo" id="todo" value="mult_rem">' . $l['remove'] . '</option>
			<input type="button" value="' . $l['go'] . '" onclick="show_confirm()" class="sai_graybluebut">
			<br />
		<div id="rem_div"></div>
	</div><!--end of bg2 class-->
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
insids = new Array();
removed = new Object();

function show_confirm(){
	insids = new Array();
	removed = new Object();
	if($_("multi_options").value != "mult_rem"){
		return false;

	// Build the list of Installations to remove
	var field = document.getElementsByName(\'insids[]\');
		insids = new Array();
		var c = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < field.length; i++){
			if(field[i].checked == true){
				insids[c] = field[i].value;
	if(c == 0){
		alert("' . $l['no_sel_inst'] . '");
		return false;
	var r = confirm("' . $l['del_insid'] . '");
	if(r != true){
		return false;
	remove_by_id(insids[0], "", 0);

function remove_by_id(insid, re, oldinsid){

	removed[insid] = false;
	if(re.length > 0 && oldinsid > 0){
		if(re == "removed"){
			removed[insid] = true;
	nextinsid = 0;
	// Find the next INSTALLATION to remove
	for(i = 0; i < insids.length; i++){
		if(typeof(removed[insids[i]]) != "undefined"){
		nextinsid = insids[i];
	// If there is something left to be removed
	if(insid != 0){
			AJAX("' . $globals['index'] . 'act=remove&insid="+insid+"&ajax=1&ssk="+randomstring(32)+"&random="+Math.random(), "remove_by_id(\'"+nextinsid+"\', re, \'"+insid+"\')");
			$_("rem_div").innerHTML = "<br /><br /><p align=\\"center\\"><img src=\\"' . $theme['images'] . 'ajax_remove.gif\\"> <br />' . $l['rem_inst_id'] . ' ID: " +insid+ ", URL: " + $_("insurl"+insid)+"<br /></p>";
			return true;
			return false;
	$_("rem_div").innerHTML = "";
	alert("' . $l['inst_remvd'] . '");
	return true;

	$("#check_all").on("click", function(event){
		if(this.checked == true){
			$(".soft_inslist").prop("checked", true);
			$(".soft_inslist").prop("checked", false);
	$(".sai_altrowstable tr").mouseover(function(){
		var old_class = $(this).attr("class");
		if(old_class == "nohover") return;
		$(this).attr("class", "sai_tr_bgcolor");
			$(this).attr("class", old_class);
        // If we get anything in $highlight than only we have to call this JS function other wise it will cause the JS error.
        if (!empty($highlight)) {
            $info['overview'] .= 'goto_id("insurl' . $highlight . '");
        $info['overview'] .= '});

// ]]></script>';
    if (count($allcatwise[$software['type']][$software['cat']]) > 2 && $software['cat'] != 'others') {
        $info['overview'] .= '<br /><br />
	<div class="bg2">
		<table width="100%" class="table table-hover">
				<th style="background:#EFEFEF" class="sai_head2">' . $l['related_scripts'] . '</th>
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($allcatwise[$software['type']][$software['cat']] as $k => $v) {
            if ($k == $soft || !empty($scripts[$k]['parent']) && !empty($iscripts[$scripts[$k]['parent']])) {
            // Show only 5 scripts
            if ($i == 5) {
            $info['overview'] .= '
			<div style="text-decoration:none;display:inline-block;text-align:center;margin-top:10px;">
				<a href="' . script_link($k) . '"  title="' . $v['desc'] . '"  width="80" alt="" class="someclass" style="text-decoration:none;margin-top:5px;">
					<div class="sai_blog_script" style="margin-left:11%;">
						<div class="sai_demo_script_logo">
							<img src="' . $globals['mirror_images'] . 'top15/48/' . $v['softname'] . '.png" >	
						<div class="sai_script_name">' . $v['name'] . '</div>
        $info['overview'] .= '</div><!--end of bg2 class-->';
    //Parse and take care of images
    $info['features'] = '<div class="bg2"><br />' . softparse($info['features'], $soft) . '</div><!--end of bg2 class-->';
    $info['ratings'] = '';
    $info['screenshots'] = '<div class="bg2"><iframe src="" id="screenshots_iframe" style="width:100%;height:500px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></div><!--end of bg class-->';
    $info['reviews'] = '<div class="bg2"><div id="allreviews"></div></div><!--end of bg2 class-->';
    foreach ($info as $k => $v) {
        if (in_array($k, array('demo', 'support', 'import', 'changelog'))) {
        echo '<div id="' . $k . '_win" style="display: ' . ($init_tab == $k ? "block" : "none") . '; width:100%;"><br />
				' . $v . '
    echo '</div>';
Esempio n. 3
function top14_theme()
    global $theme, $globals, $user, $l, $langs, $skins, $error, $saved, $categories, $iscripts, $updates_available, $allcatwise, $scripts, $cscripts;
    $top = array();
    foreach ($scripts as $k => $v) {
        if (empty($iscripts[$k])) {
        $top[$k] = $v['ratings'] * $v['votes'];
    // Sorting according to top ratings
    //To fill up the scripts if less than 7 are selected by admin
    $ext_fill = array();
    $ext_fill = $top;
    if (file_exists($globals['path'] . '/conf/top_scripts.php')) {
        $top = unserialize(file_get_contents($globals['path'] . '/conf/top_scripts.php'));
    // If Admin has checked Append scripts than only append the scripts. Otherwise Only Selected Scripts will be displayed.
    if (count($top) < 7 && !empty($globals['append_apps'])) {
        foreach ($ext_fill as $k => $v) {
            $top[$k] = $k;
    if (!empty($globals['show_cscript_in_top'])) {
        foreach ($cscripts as $ck => $cv) {
            if (array_key_exists($ck, $iscripts)) {
                $top_custom[$ck] = $ck;
        $tmp_top = $top;
        // Do we need to add any other default scripts ?
        if (!empty($top_custom)) {
            $top = $top_custom;
        if (!empty($tmp_top)) {
            $top += $tmp_top;
    foreach ($scripts as $k => $v) {
        // We have to remove the scripts which are not enabled AND yet coming from top_scripts.php (i.e. Admin have saved it from top scripts)
        if (!array_key_exists($k, $iscripts) && !empty($top[$k])) {
        if (empty($iscripts[$k]) || !empty($scripts[$k]['parent']) && !empty($iscripts[$scripts[$k]['parent']])) {
        $top[$k] = $v['ratings'] * $v['votes'];
    $updates_available = 0;
    foreach ($user['ins'] as $insid => $soft) {
        if (!empty($iscripts[$soft['sid']])) {
            if (is_upgradable($insid)) {
    $cat_image_path = 'themes/default/images/cats/';
    if ($globals['softpanel'] == 'directadmin') {
        $fullurl = 'CMD_PLUGINS/softaculous';
        $cat_image_path = 'images/themes/default/images/cats/';
    } elseif ($globals['softpanel'] == 'cpanel') {
        $fullurl = 'softaculous';
    } elseif ($globals['softpanel'] == 'plesk') {
        $fullurl = '/modules/softaculous';
    } else {
        $fullurl = 'http://localhost/ampps';
    $cat_width = 24;
    $cat_height = 40;
    if ($globals['theme'] != 'default' && substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'paper_lantern') > 0) {
        $cat_image_path = 'themes/default/';
        if ($globals['softpanel'] == 'directadmin') {
            $fullurl = 'CMD_PLUGINS/softaculous';
            $cat_image_path = 'images/themes/default/';
        } elseif ($globals['softpanel'] == 'cpanel') {
            $fullurl = 'softaculous';
        } elseif ($globals['softpanel'] == 'plesk') {
            $fullurl = '/modules/softaculous';
        } else {
            $fullurl = 'http://localhost/ampps';
        $cat_width = 90;
        $cat_height = 40;
    $custome_width = optGET('width');
    $no_cat = !empty($globals['disable_cats']) ? $globals['disable_cats'] : optGET('nocat');
    $my_ins = !empty($globals['enable_myins']) ? $globals['enable_myins'] : optGET('noins');
    if ($globals['softpanel'] == 'plesk') {
        $width = '450px';
        $s_width = '455px';
    } else {
        $width = 'auto';
        $s_width = 'auto';
    if (!empty($custome_width) && is_numeric($custome_width)) {
        $width = $custome_width . 'px';
        $s_width = $custome_width + 5 . 'px';
    $str = '
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $fullurl . '/' . $cat_image_path . 'font-awesome.css?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '" />
<!--[if IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $fullurl . '/' . $cat_image_path . 'ie7.css?' . $GLOBALS['globals']['version'] . '">
<style type="text/css">
width:' . $cat_width . 'px;
height:' . $cat_height . 'px;

font-size: 11px;
padding: 0px;
font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, "Trebuchet MS", "Times New Roman", Georgia, sans-serif, serif;

.softac_cat {
  vertical-align:middle;padding:5px;text-align:left;background-color: #DDD;

    $url = $globals['mirror_images'];
    if ($globals['softpanel'] == 'directadmin') {
        $str .= '<img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'da.gif" align="left"/><br /><br /><br />
	<div style="margin-left:70px;margin-right:15px"><br /><br />';
    if ($globals['softpanel'] == 'plesk') {
        $str .= '<center><img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'plesk.gif" /></center>';
    if (!empty($updates_available)) {
        $str .= '<div style="background-color:#FAFBD9;width:auto;padding:7px;"><center>
	<a href="' . $fullurl . '/' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=installations&showupdates=true" alt="Updates" style="background-color: #FAFBD9;font-size:13px;padding:8px;text-decoration:none;"><img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'notice.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> &nbsp; ' . lang_vars($l['updates_available'], array($updates_available)) . '</a></center></div>';
    // For Users installations
    if (!empty($my_ins)) {
        $str .= '<div class="softac_ins" style="vertical-align:middle;padding:5px;text-align:left;background-color: #EEE;width:' . $width . ';"><b>' . $l['my_installations'] . ' :</b></div>
		<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="table-layout: fixed;" width="100%"><tr>
		<td width="15px" onmouseover="mousemove(\'softins_div\', event);" onmouseout="softstop(\'softins_div\', event);" align="center">
			<img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'move_left.png" alt="Left" border="0"/>
		<div style="overflow:hidden;display: block;width:' . $s_width . ';" id="softins_div" onclick="softstop(, event);">
		<table border="0" cellpadding="7" cellspacing="3" style="table-layout:fixed;" width="100%"><tr>';
        // We want the new installations first
        $user_ins = array_reverse($user['ins']);
        foreach ($user_ins as $uk => $uv) {
            // We have to make some chnages as per the theme (i.e for x3 and paper_lantern)
            if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'paper_lantern') > 0) {
                $img_path = 'top15/48/' . $scripts[$uv['sid']]['softname'] . '.png';
                $td_width = 100;
                $td_height = 80;
            } else {
                $img_path = 'softimages/32/' . $uv['sid'] . '__logo.gif';
                $td_width = 50;
                $td_height = 50;
            // custom scripts logos path
            if ($uv['sid'] > 10000) {
                if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'paper_lantern') > 0 && file_exists($theme['images'] . 'topscripts/48/' . $uv['sid'] . '__logo.gif')) {
                    $cscript_img_path = 'softaculous/' . $theme['images'] . 'topscripts/48/' . $uv['sid'] . '__logo.gif"';
                } elseif (file_exists($theme['images'] . 'topscripts/32/' . $uv['sid'] . '__logo.gif')) {
                    $cscript_img_path = 'softaculous/' . $theme['images'] . 'topscripts/32/' . $uv['sid'] . '__logo.gif"';
                } else {
                    $cscript_img_path = $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'top14_custom_script.png"';
            $_site_name = @unserialize($uv['site_name']);
            $str .= '<td width="' . $td_width . '" valign="middle" align="center" height="' . $td_height . '"><a href="' . $fullurl . '/' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=' . ($iscripts[$uv['sid']]['type'] == 'perl' ? 'perl' : ($iscripts[$uv['sid']]['type'] == 'js' ? 'js' : 'software')) . '&soft=' . $uv['sid'] . '" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="' . ($uv['sid'] > 10000 ? $cscript_img_path : $url . $img_path . '"') . ' border="0" /><br />' . (!empty($uv['site_name']) ? !empty($_site_name) ? $_site_name : $uv['site_name'] : $iscripts[$uv['sid']]['name']) . '</a></td>';
        $str .= '</tr></table></div></td>
		<td width="15px" onmouseover="mousemove(\'softins_div\', event);" onmouseout="softstop(\'softins_div\', event);" align="center">
		<img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'move_right.png" alt="Right" border="0"/>
    // End of $my_ins
    if (empty($no_cat) || !empty($my_ins)) {
        $str .= '<div class="softac_cat" style="vertical-align:middle;padding:5px;text-align:left;background-color: #EEE;width:' . $width . ';"><b>' . $l['script'] . ':</b></div>';
    $str .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="table-layout: fixed;" width="100%"><tr>
		<td width="15px" onmouseover="mousemove(\'script_div\', event);" onmouseout="softstop(\'script_div\', event);" align="center">
			<img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'move_left.png" alt="Left" border="0"/>
		<div style="overflow:hidden;display: block;width:' . $s_width . ';" id="script_div" onclick="softstop(, event);">
		<table border="0" cellpadding="7" cellspacing="3" id="script_table" style="table-layout: fixed;" width="100%"><tr>';
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($top as $k => $v) {
        if (empty($iscripts[$k])) {
        // We have to make some chnages as per the theme (i.e for x3 and paper_lantern)
        if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'paper_lantern') > 0) {
            $img_path = 'top15/48/' . $scripts[$k]['softname'] . '.png';
            $td_width = 100;
            $td_height = 80;
        } else {
            $img_path = 'softimages/32/' . $k . '__logo.gif';
            $td_width = 50;
            $td_height = 50;
        // custom scripts logos path
        if ($k > 10000) {
            if (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'paper_lantern') > 0 && file_exists($theme['images'] . 'topscripts/48/' . $k . '__logo.gif')) {
                $cscript_img_path = 'softaculous/' . $theme['images'] . 'topscripts/48/' . $k . '__logo.gif"';
            } elseif (file_exists($theme['images'] . 'topscripts/32/' . $k . '__logo.gif')) {
                $cscript_img_path = 'softaculous/' . $theme['images'] . 'topscripts/32/' . $k . '__logo.gif"';
            } else {
                $cscript_img_path = $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'top14_custom_script.png"';
        $str .= '<td width="' . $td_width . '" valign="middle" align="center" height="' . $td_height . '"><a href="' . $fullurl . '/' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=' . ($iscripts[$k]['type'] == 'perl' ? 'perl' : ($iscripts[$v]['type'] == 'js' ? 'js' : 'software')) . '&soft=' . $k . '" style="text-decoration:none;"><img src="' . ($k > 10000 ? $cscript_img_path : $url . $img_path . '"') . ' border="0" /><br />' . $iscripts[$k]['name'] . '</a></td>';
        if ($i == 15 && !empty($globals['append_apps'])) {
        } elseif (!file_exists($globals['path'] . '/conf/top_scripts.php') && empty($globals['append_apps']) && $i == 15) {
            // This is the DEFAULT case if scripts are not selected AND append_apps is not checked then display 14 scripts by default.
    $str .= '</tr></table></div></td>
		<td width="15px" onmouseover="mousemove(\'script_div\', event);" onmouseout="softstop(\'script_div\', event);" align="center">
		<img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'move_right.png" alt="Right" border="0"/>
    // Disable category
    if (empty($no_cat)) {
        $str .= '<div class="softac_cat" style="vertical-align:middle;padding:5px;text-align:left;background-color: #EEE;width:' . $width . ';"><b>' . $l['category'] . ' :</b></div>
		<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="table-layout: fixed;" width="100%"><tr>
		<td width="15px" onmouseover="mousemove(\'softcat_div\', event);" onmouseout="softstop(\'softcat_div\', event);" align="center">
			<img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'move_left.png" alt="Left" border="0"/>
		<div style="overflow:hidden;display: block;width:' . $s_width . ';" id="softcat_div" onclick="softstop(, event);">
		<table border="0" cellpadding="7" cellspacing="0" style="table-layout:fixed;"><tr>';
        foreach ($allcatwise as $type => $cats) {
            foreach ($cats as $k => $v) {
                $str .= ' <td width="' . $td_width . '" valign="top" align="center"><a href="' . $fullurl . '/' . $globals['index'] . 'act=listsoftwares&cat=' . $k . '" style="text-decoration:none;" class="desc">' . (substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'paper_lantern') > 0 ? '<div class="top14catbg"><i class="fa sai-' . $k . ' fa-2x"></i></div>' : '<img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $cat_image_path . $type . '_' . $k . '.gif" title="' . strtoupper($type) . ' ' . strtoupper($k) . '" border="0" >') . '<br />' . $l['cat_' . $type . '_' . $k] . '</a></td>';
        $str .= '</tr></table></div></td>
		<td width="15px" onmouseover="mousemove(\'softcat_div\', event);" onmouseout="softstop(\'softcat_div\', event);" align="center">
		<img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'move_right.png" alt="Right" border="0"/>
    // End of $no_cat
    // If its Dirctadmin than Closing the DIV
    if ($globals['softpanel'] == 'directadmin') {
        $str .= '</div>';
    echo 'var softOffsets = function(e){
	e = e || window.event;
	//cache document variables
	_d = document, _dBody = _d.body, _dDocEl = _d.documentElement, _o = null,
	//calculate scroll values
	_scroll_left = _dDocEl.scrollLeft ? _dDocEl.scrollLeft : 0 + _dBody.scrollLeft ? _dBody.scrollLeft : 0,
	_scroll_top = _dDocEl.scrollTop ? _dDocEl.scrollTop : 0 + _dBody.scrollTop ? _dBody.scrollTop : 0,
	window_pos = {
	_x: (e.pageX || e.clientX) + _scroll_left, _y: (e.pageY || e.clientY) + _scroll_top
	viewport_pos = {
	_x: (e.pageX || e.clientX), _y: (e.pageY || e.clientY)
	_console = function(o, type) {
	o = (typeof o === "object") ? o : _d.getElementById(o);
	o.innerHTML = type + " = [ " +
	" X: " + ((type === "viewport") ? viewport_pos._x : window_pos._x) +
	" Y: " + ((type === "viewport") ? viewport_pos._y : window_pos._y) +
	" ] Foo: " + Math.random()
	return {
	ViewPortX: viewport_pos._x,
	ViewPortY: viewport_pos._y,
	WindowX: window_pos._x,
	WindowY: window_pos._y,
	ViewPort: [viewport_pos._x, viewport_pos._y],
	Window: [window_pos._x, window_pos._y],
	ToString: _console

//Finds the position of the element
function findelpos(ele){
	var curleft = 0;
	var curtop = 0;
			curleft += ele.offsetLeft;
			curtop += ele.offsetTop;
			ele = ele.offsetParent;
	}else if(ele.x){
		curleft += ele.x;
		curtop += ele.y;
	return [curleft,curtop];

function mousemove(id, e){

	if(typeof softac[id+"left"] == "undefined"){
		softac[id+"right"] = "";
		softac[id+"left"] = "";
		softac[id+"entered"] = false;
	if(softac[id+"entered"] == true){
		return false;
	softac[id+"entered"] = true;
	var ele = document.getElementById(id);
	var mouse = softOffsets(e);
	mouse[0] = mouse.ViewPortX;	
	softac[id+"elpos"] = findelpos(ele);	
	softac[id+"menuwidth"] = ele.offsetWidth;	
	softac[id+"leftbound"] =((softac[id+"menuwidth"]-20)/2) + softac[id+"elpos"][0];
	softac[id+"rightbound"] =((softac[id+"menuwidth"]+20)/2) + softac[id+"elpos"][0];
	//alert(softac[id+"leftbound"]+" "+softac[id+"rightbound"]+" "+mouse[0]);	
	//document.getElementById("aaa").innerHTML = mouse[0]+"<br />"+document.getElementById("aaa").innerHTML;
	if (mouse[0]>softac[id+"rightbound"]){
	}else if (mouse[0]<softac[id+"leftbound"]){
		softstop(id, e);
var softac = new Object();

function softLeft(id){
	document.getElementById(id).scrollLeft += 1;
	softac[id+"right"] = setTimeout("softLeft(\'"+id+"\')",10);

function softRight(id){	
	document.getElementById(id).scrollLeft -= 1;//alert(document.getElementById(id).scrollLeft);return;
	softac[id+"left"] = setTimeout("softRight(\'"+id+"\')",10);

function softstop(id, e){	
	softac[id+"entered"] = false;
    // cPanels Notice section code
    $notice = '<div style="width:195px;padding:7px;height:50px"><center>
			<a href="' . $fullurl . '/' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=installations&showupdates=true" alt="Updates" style="font-size:13px;padding:3px;text-decoration:none;"><img src="' . $fullurl . '/' . $theme['images'] . 'softaculous.gif" border="0" align="middle" height="30px" width="100px"/> <br />
&nbsp; ' . lang_vars($l['updates_available_notice'], array($updates_available)) . '</a></center></div>';
    echo 'var soft_html = \'' . str_replace(array('\'', "\n", "\r"), array('\\\'', '\'+"\\n"+\'', '\'+"\\n"+\''), $str) . '\';
    if ($globals['softpanel'] == 'directadmin') {
        echo 'document.getElementById("soft_div1").innerHTML = soft_html;';
    } elseif ($globals['softpanel'] == 'plesk') {
        echo 'document.getElementById("secondary").innerHTML = "<div class=\'applications-dashboard-box\'>" + soft_html+ "</div>"+document.getElementById("secondary").innerHTML;';
    } else {
        if (!empty($globals['show_top_scripts'])) {
            echo 'document.getElementById("soft_div-body").innerHTML = soft_html;';
        if (!empty($globals['show_in_notice']) && $updates_available > 0) {
            echo 'var soft_notice = \'' . str_replace(array('\'', "\n", "\r"), array('\\\'', '\'+"\\n"+\'', '\'+"\\n"+\''), $notice) . '\';
			document.getElementById("noticeboard").innerHTML += soft_notice;';
Esempio n. 4
function installations_theme()
    global $user, $globals, $l, $theme, $softpanel, $iscripts, $catwise, $error, $scripts, $no_autoupgrade;
    global $installations, $sortby, $disabled_scripts;
    if (!empty($installations) && optGET('api')) {
        _api($installations, optGET('api'));
    error_handle($error, '100%');
    echo '<div class="bg"><br />
<div class="row sai_main_head" style="width:100%;" align="center">
	<div class="col-sm-5 col-xs-5" style="padding:0px 10px 0 0; text-align:right;">
		<i class="fa sai-installations fa-1x" style="color:#00A0D2;"></i>
	<div class="col-sm-7 col-xs-7" style="padding-top:0px; padding-left:0; text-align:left;">' . $l['scripts_ins'] . '</div>
    if (optGET('showupdates')) {
        echo '<center class="alert alert-warning">
			<a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">&times;</a>
			<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=installations" style="text-decoration:none;">' . $l['showing_only'] . ' ' . $l['see_all'] . '</a>
    echo '<span class="sortby" style="float:right;display:inline; margin:0 10px;">
		<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
				<td><div style="display:none;" id="sortby_wait"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'progress.gif" alt="please wait.."></div></td>
				<td>' . $l['sort_by'] . '&nbsp;:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
					<select name="sortby" onchange="sortby(this.value);">
						<option selected="selected" value="default">' . $l['sort_script'] . '</option>
						<option value="domains">' . $l['sort_domain'] . '</option>
						<option value="time">' . $l['sort_ins_time'] . '</option>
	</span><br /><br /><br />';
    echo '
<div id="installations_table">
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="table table-hover">
	<thead class="sai_head2" style="background:#333; color:#fff;">
		<th><b>' . $l['link'] . '</b></th>
		<th width="150"><b>' . $l['admin'] . '</b></th>
		<th width="190"><b>' . $l['ins_time'] . '</b></th>
		<th width="150"><b>' . $l['version'] . '</b></th>
		<th width="130"><b>' . $l['options'] . '</b></th>
		<th width="50"><input type="checkbox" id="check_all_ins" onchange="multiple_check()"></th>
    if (count($installations) > 0) {
        foreach ($installations as $sid => $installs) {
            echo '<link href="' . $globals['mirror_images'] . 'sprites/20.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
		<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="table table-hover">
			<th colspan="10" style="background:#EFEFEF;">
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
					<tr class="no">
						<td ' . ($sortby != 'domains' ? 'class="sp20_' . $iscripts[$sid]['softname'] . '"' : '') . '></td>
						<th>&nbsp; ' . ($sortby != 'domains' ? empty($iscripts[$sid]) ? $l['no_info'] : '<a href="' . script_link($sid, 1) . '" style="text-decoration:none;">' . $iscripts[$sid]['name'] . '</a>' : $sid) . '</th>
            foreach ($installs as $ik => $iv) {
                $tmp_sid = is_upgradable($ik);
                $tmp_upgradeto = implode(' or ', $tmp_sid);
                $is_cloneable = is_cloneable($iv['sid']);
                if (!empty($tmp_sid)) {
                    $tmp_sid = array_keys($tmp_sid);
                echo '<tr id="trid' . $ik . '">
		<td class="endurl"><a href="' . $iv['softurl'] . '" target="_blank" id="insurl' . $ik . '">' . $iv['softurl'] . '</a></td>
		<td width="140"><a href="' . $iv['softurl'] . '/' . (!empty($iv['admin_folder']) ? $iv['admin_folder'] : admin_folder($iv['sid'])) . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . '/admin.gif" /></a></td>
		<td width="190">' . datify($iv['itime']) . '</td>
		<td width="90">' . $iv['ver'] . (!empty($tmp_sid) ? ' <a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=upgrade&insid=' . $ik . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'updates.gif" alt="' . $l['upd_to'] . ' ' . $tmp_upgradeto . '" title="' . $l['upd_to'] . ' ' . $tmp_upgradeto . '" /></a>' : '') . (!empty($iv['eu_auto_upgrade']) && empty($no_autoupgrade['disable_autoupgrade']) && empty($no_autoupgrade['scripts'][$iv['sid']]) ? '<img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'auto_upgrade.png"  title="' . $l['auto_upgrade_enabled'] . '" style="cursor:pointer"/>' : '') . '</td>
		<td width="190" align="right">' . (!empty($is_cloneable) ? '<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=sclone&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['clone'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'clone.gif" /></a>&nbsp;' : '') . (empty($globals['disable_backup_restore']) ? '<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=backup&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['backup'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'backup.gif" /></a>' : '') . ' &nbsp;<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=remove&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['remove'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'remove.gif" /></a> &nbsp;<a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=editdetail&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['editdetail'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'editdetail.gif" /></a></td>
		<td width="50"><input type="checkbox" class="check_all_ins" name="insids[]" id="' . $iv['softurl'] . '" value="' . $ik . '">
            echo '</table><br /><br />';
    } else {
        echo '<br /><center>' . $l['no_ins'] . '</center><br />';
    echo '</div><br />';
    // List the installations of scripts which have been disabled by Softaculous or Admin
    // In this user can delete, backup, and restore the installations.
    // Clone and Upgrade are not possible as the packages wont be there.
    if (count($disabled_scripts) > 0) {
        echo '<br /><center>
		<span class="sai_main_head">' . $l['disabled_scripts'] . '</span>
		<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="table table-hover">
				<thead class="sai_head2" style="background:#333; color:#fff;">
					<th><b>' . $l['link'] . '</b></th>
					<th width="150"><b>' . $l['admin'] . '</b></th>
					<th width="190"><b>' . $l['ins_time'] . '</b></th>
					<th width="120"><b>' . $l['version'] . '</b></th>
					<th width="150"><b>' . $l['options'] . '</b></th>
					<th width="50"><input type="checkbox" id="check_all_disabled" onchange="multiple_check()"></th>
        foreach ($disabled_scripts as $sid => $installs) {
            echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="table table-hover">
					<th colspan="10" style="background:#EFEFEF;">
						<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
							<tr class="no">
								<th> &nbsp; ' . $l['no_info'] . '</th>
            foreach ($installs as $ik => $iv) {
                echo '<tr id="trid' . $ik . '">
				<td class="endurl"><a href="' . $iv['softurl'] . '" target="_blank" id="insurl' . $ik . '">' . $iv['softurl'] . '</a></td>
				<td width="140"><a href="' . $iv['softurl'] . '/' . (!empty($iv['admin_folder']) ? $iv['admin_folder'] : admin_folder($iv['sid'])) . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . '/admin.gif" /></a></td>
				<td width="190">' . datify($iv['itime']) . '</td>
				<td width="70">' . $iv['ver'] . '</td>
				<td width="200" align="center"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=remove&insid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['remove'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'remove.gif" /></a>
				<td width="50"><input type="checkbox" class="check_all_disabled" name="insids[]" id="' . $iv['softurl'] . '" value="' . $ik . '">
            echo '</table><br /><br />';
    echo '<p align="right">
			' . $l['with_selected'] . ':
				<select name="multi_options" id="multi_options">
					<option name="todo" id="todo" value="0">---</option>
					<option name="todo" id="todo" value="mult_rem">' . $l['remove'] . '</option>
			<input type="button" value="' . $l['go'] . '" onclick="show_confirm()" class="sai_graybluebut">
		<div id="rem_div"></div>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
insids = new Array();
removed = new Object();

function show_confirm(){
	insids = new Array();
	removed = new Object();
	if($_("multi_options").value != "mult_rem"){
		return false;

	// Build the list of Installations to remove
	var field = document.getElementsByName(\'insids[]\');
		insids = new Array();
		var c = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < field.length; i++){
			if(field[i].checked == true){
				insids[c] = field[i].value;
	if(c == 0){
		alert("' . $l['no_sel_inst'] . '");
		return false;
	var r = confirm("' . $l['del_insid'] . '");
	if(r != true){
		return false;
	remove_by_id(insids[0], "", 0);

function remove_by_id(insid, re, oldinsid){

	removed[insid] = false;
	if(re.length > 0 && oldinsid > 0){
		if(re == "removed"){
			removed[insid] = true;
	nextinsid = 0;
	// Find the next INSTALLATION to remove
	for(i = 0; i < insids.length; i++){
		if(typeof(removed[insids[i]]) != "undefined"){
		nextinsid = insids[i];
	// If there is something left to be removed
	if(insid != 0){
			AJAX("' . $globals['index'] . 'act=remove&insid="+insid+"&ajax=1&ssk="+randomstring(32)+"&random="+Math.random(), "remove_by_id(\'"+nextinsid+"\', re, \'"+insid+"\')");
			$_("rem_div").innerHTML = "<br /><br /><p align=\\"center\\"><img src=\\"' . $theme['images'] . 'ajax_remove.gif\\"> <br />' . $l['rem_inst_id'] . ' ID: " +insid+ ", URL: " + $_("insurl"+insid)+"<br /></p>";
			return true;
			return false;
	$_("rem_div").innerHTML = "";
	alert("' . $l['inst_remvd'] . '");
	return true;

function sortby(sb){
	$("#sortby_wait").css("display", "inline");
		type: "GET",
		url: "' . $globals['index'] . 'act=installations&sortby="+sb+"&jsnohf=1",
		// Checking for error
		success: function(data){
			$("#sortby_wait").css("display", "none");
			var $response=$(data);
			//query the jq object for the values
			var output = $response.find("#installations_table").html();
		error: function(data) {
			return false;

function multiple_check(){
	$("#check_all_ins").on("click", function(event){
		if(this.checked == true){
			$(".check_all_ins").prop("checked", true);
			$(".check_all_ins").prop("checked", false);

	$("#check_all_disabled").on("click", function(event){
		if(this.checked == true){
			$(".check_all_disabled").prop("checked", true);
			$(".check_all_disabled").prop("checked", false);

	$("#check_all_classes").on("click", function(event){
		if(this.checked == true){
			$(".check_all_classes").prop("checked", true);
			$(".check_all_classes").prop("checked", false);

	$(".sai_altrowstable tr").mouseover(function(){
		if($(this).attr("class") == "no"){
		var old_class = $(this).attr("class");
		$(this).attr("class", "sai_tr_bgcolor");
			$(this).attr("class", old_class);

// ]]></script>';
    if (count($user['classes_ins']) > 0) {
        echo '<br /><center>
			<span class="sai_main_head">' . $l['classes_ins'] . '</span>
	<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"  class="table table-hover">
		<thead class="sai_head2" style="background:#333; color:#fff;">
			<th><b>' . $l['link'] . '</b></th>
			<th width="180"><b>' . $l['ins_time'] . '</b></th>
			<th width="80"><b>' . $l['version'] . '</b></th>
			<th width="120"><b>' . $l['options'] . '</b></th>
			<th width="50"><input type="checkbox" id="check_all_classes" onchange="multiple_check()"></th>
        $th = 0;
        echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="table table-hover">';
        foreach ($user['classes_ins'] as $k => $v) {
            foreach ($v as $ik => $iv) {
                if ($th == 0) {
                    echo '<tr>
					<th colspan="10" style="background:#EFEFEF;">' . $iv['name'] . $iv['cid'] . '</th>
                echo '<tr id="trid' . $ik . '">
				<td>' . $iv['softpath'] . '</td>
				<td width="180">' . datify($iv['itime']) . '</td>
				<td width="80">' . $iv['ver'] . '</td>
				<td width="120"><a href="' . $globals['ind'] . 'act=classes_remove&cinsid=' . $ik . '" title="' . $l['remove'] . '"><img src="' . $theme['images'] . 'remove.gif" /></a></td>
				<td width="50"><input type="checkbox" class="check_all_classes" name="cinsids[]" value="' . $ik . '">
                $th = 1;
            $th = 0;
        echo '</table><br /><br />
	<p align="right" style="width:100%">
		' . $l['with_selected'] . ': 
		<select name="multi_options_classes" id="multi_options_classes">
			<option name="todo_classes" id="todo_classes" value="0">---</option>
			<option name="todo_classes" id="todo_classes" value="mult_rem">' . $l['remove_classes'] . '</option>
		<input type="button" value="' . $l['go'] . '" onclick="show_confirm_classes()" class="sai_graybluebut">
		<br />
	<div id="rem_div_classes"></div>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
cinsids = new Array();
removed = new Object();

function show_confirm_classes(){
	cinsids = new Array();
	removed = new Object();
	if($_("multi_options_classes").value != "mult_rem"){
		return false;

	// Build the list of Installations to remove
	var field = document.getElementsByName(\'cinsids[]\');
		cinsids = new Array();
		var c = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < field.length; i++){
			if(field[i].checked == true){
				cinsids[c] = field[i].value;
	if(c == 0){
		alert("' . $l['no_sel_inst'] . '");
		return false;
	var r = confirm("' . $l['del_insid'] . '");
	if(r != true){
		return false;
	remove_by_id_classes(cinsids[0], "", 0);

function remove_by_id_classes(cinsid, re, oldcinsid){

	removed[cinsid] = false;
	if(re.length > 0 && oldcinsid > 0){
		if(re == "removed"){
			removed[cinsid] = true;
	nextcinsid = 0;
	// Find the next INSTALLATION to remove
	for(i = 0; i < cinsids.length; i++){
		if(typeof(removed[cinsids[i]]) != "undefined"){
		nextcinsid = cinsids[i];
	// If there is something left to be removed
	if(cinsid != 0){

			AJAX("' . $globals['index'] . 'act=classes_remove&cinsid="+cinsid+"&ajax=1&random="+Math.random(), "remove_by_id_classes(\'"+nextcinsid+"\', re, \'"+cinsid+"\')");
			$_("rem_div_classes").innerHTML = "<br /><br /><p align=\\"center\\"><img src=\\"' . $theme['images'] . 'ajax_remove.gif\\"> <br />' . $l['rem_inst_id'] . ' ID: " +cinsid+ "<br /></p>";
			return true;
			return false;
	$_("rem_div_classes").innerHTML = "";
	alert("' . $l['inst_remvd'] . '");
	return true;

// ]]></script>';
    echo '</div>';