if ($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['sub']) { if ($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['hit'] <= $write[wr_hit] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['good'] <= $write[wr_good] - $write[wr_nogood] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['singo'] <= $write[wr_singo] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['rate'] <= $write[wr_rate] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['comment'] <= $write[wr_comment]) { $move_flag = true; } } else { if ($mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['hit'] <= $write[wr_hit] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['good'] <= $write[wr_good] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['nogood'] <= $write[wr_nogood] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['singo'] <= $write[wr_singo] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['rate'] <= $write[wr_rate] and $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['comment'] <= $write[wr_comment]) { $move_flag = true; } } } if ($move_flag) { sql_query("update {$write_table} set wr_auto_move = '1' where wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ", false); mw_move($board, $wr_id, $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['bo_table'], $mw_basic[cf_auto_move]['use']); } // 실명인증 & 성인인증 if (($mw_basic[cf_kcb_read] || $write[wr_kcb_use]) && !is_okname()) { check_okname(); return; } $mw_membership = array(); $mw_membership_icon = array(); // 링크로그 for ($i = 1; $i <= $g4['link_count']; $i++) { //if ($mw_basic[cf_link_log]) { $view['link'][$i] = set_http(get_text($view["wr_link{$i}"])); $view['link_href'][$i] = "{$board_skin_path}/link.php?bo_table={$board['bo_table']}&wr_id={$view['wr_id']}&no={$i}" . $qstr; $view['link_hit'][$i] = (int) $view["wr_link{$i}_hit"]; //} $view['link_target'][$i] = $view["wr_link{$i}_target"]; if (!$view['link_target'][$i]) { $view['link_target'][$i] = '_blank';
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ include_once "_common.php"; include_once "{$g4['path']}/head.sub.php"; include_once "{$board_skin_path}/mw.lib/mw.skin.basic.lib.php"; if ($mw_basic[cf_kcb_comment] && is_okname()) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> opener.location.reload(); self.close(); </script> <?php } if (!$mw_basic[cf_kcb_id]) { die("KCB ID 를 입력해주세요."); } echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$board_skin_path}/style.common.css' type='text/css'>\n"; echo "<style type='text/css'> #mw_basic { display:none; } </style>\n"; $req_file = null; if ($mw_basic[cf_kcb_type] == "19ban") { $req_file = "{$board_skin_path}/mw.proc/mw.19ban.php";
$mw_is_list = false; $mw_is_view = false; $mw_is_write = true; $mw_is_comment = false; include_once "{$board_skin_path}/mw.lib/mw.skin.basic.lib.php"; $write_run_time = mw_time_log($write_run_time, "[write-head] include /mw.lib/mw.skin.basic.lib.php"); include_once "{$board_skin_path}/mw.lib/mw.sms.lib.php"; $write_run_time = mw_time_log($write_run_time, "[write-head] include /mw.lib/mw.sms.lib.php"); include_once "{$g4['path']}/lib/etc.lib.php"; $write_run_time = mw_time_log($write_run_time, "[write-head] include /lib/etc.lib.php"); $is_head = true; $wr_content = mw_spelling($wr_content); $wr_subject = mw_spelling($wr_subject); $write_run_time = mw_time_log($write_run_time, "[write-head] mw_spelling"); // 실명인증 if ($mw_basic[cf_kcb_write] && !is_okname()) { if ($mw_basic[cf_kcb_type] == "okname") { alert("실명인증 후 이용하실 수 있습니다."); } else { alert("성인인증 후 이용하실 수 있습니다."); } $write_run_time = mw_time_log($write_run_time, "[write-head] kcb okname"); } // 컨텐츠샵 멤버쉽 if (function_exists("mw_cash_is_membership")) { $is_membership = @mw_cash_is_membership($member[mb_id], $bo_table, "mp_write"); $write_run_time = mw_time_log($write_run_time, "[write-head] is_membership"); if ($is_membership == "no") { } else { if ($is_membership != "ok") { alert("{$is_membership} 회원만 이용 가능합니다.");
$mw_is_write = false; $mw_is_comment = false; $list_run_time = get_microtime(); include_once "{$board_skin_path}/mw.lib/mw.skin.basic.lib.php"; $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] include /mw.lib/mw.skin.basic.lib.php"); if ($board['bo_use_list_view'] && $wr_id) { include $board_skin_path . '/mw.proc/mw.seo.php'; $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] include /mw.proc/mw.seo.php"); } if (is_g5()) { add_stylesheet("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{$board_skin_path}/g5.css\"/>"); } mw_bomb(); $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] mw_bomb()"); // 실명인증 & 성인인증 if ($mw_basic[cf_kcb_list] && !is_okname()) { check_okname(); $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] check_okname()"); return; } // 컨텐츠샵 멤버쉽 if (function_exists("mw_cash_is_membership")) { $is_membership = @mw_cash_is_membership($member[mb_id], $bo_table, "mp_list"); if ($is_membership == "no") { } else { if ($is_membership != "ok") { mw_cash_alert_membership($is_membership); } } //alert("$is_membership 회원만 이용 가능합니다."); $list_run_time = mw_time_log($list_run_time, "[list] mw_cash_is_membership");