public function Download($link)
     global $premium_acc, $Referer;
     $page = $this->GetPage($link);
     is_present($page, "Removed", "The file has been removed or has been expired!");
     if (stristr($page, 'class="handlinkblocked"')) {
         $pass = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] : $premium_acc["fileflyer_com"]["pass"];
         if (empty($pass)) {
             html_error("This link required premium account!");
         if (!preg_match('/<form name="form1" method="post" action="(.*)"/U', $page, $pre)) {
             html_error('Error: Premium link not found?');
         $link = $pre[1];
         $post = array();
         $post['__EVENTTARGET'] = "";
         $post['__EVENTARGUMENT'] = "";
         $post['__VIEWSTATE'] = urlencode(cut_str($page, 'id="__VIEWSTATE" value="', '"'));
         $post['__EVENTVALIDATION'] = urlencode(cut_str($page, 'id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="', '"'));
         $post['SMSButton'] = "Go";
         $post['Password'] = $pass;
         $post['TextBox1'] = "";
         $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $Referer);
         is_notpresent($page, "Access enabled", "Invalid premium codes");
     $cookie = GetCookies($page);
     if (!preg_match('@http:\\/\\/.+fileflyer\\.com\\/d\\/[^"]+@', $page, $dl)) {
         html_error('Error: Download link not found, plugin need to be updated!');
     $dlink = trim($dl[0]);
     $filename = parse_url($dlink);
     $FileName = basename($filename['path']);
     $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, $cookie, 0, $Referer);
 public function DownloadPremium($link, $user, $pass)
     $rootURL = '';
     if (!preg_match('#http://(?:www\\.)?', $link)) {
         html_error("Invalid URL");
     } else {
         $login = array('loginFormSubmit' => 'Login', 'loginUserName' => $user, 'loginUserPassword' => $pass, 'autoLogin' => 'on');
         $page = $this->getPage("{$rootURL}login.php", 0, $login);
         $cookie = GetCookies($page);
         is_notpresent($cookie, "Cookie=", "Login error. Cookie not found.");
         $page = $this->GetPage("{$rootURL}dashboard.php", $cookie, 0, $rootURL);
         is_present($page, "acctype_free", "Error:Not Premium [0]");
         is_notpresent($page, "Expiry date: ", "Error:Not Premium [1]");
         $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookie, array('download' => 'premium'));
         if (stristr($page, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK")) {
             $page = $this->GetPage($this->link, $cookie, array('download' => 'premium'));
         if (preg_match('/Location: (http:\\/\\/d\\[^\\r\\n]+)/i', $page, $tmpDownload)) {
             $download_link = $tmpDownload[1];
         } else {
             is_present($page, "You are not able to download", "Error:Not Premium [2]");
         $downloadElements = parse_url($download_link);
         $filename = urldecode(basename($downloadElements["path"]));
         $this->RedirectDownload($download_link, $filename, $cookie);
Esempio n. 3
 private function login()
     global $premium_acc;
     $url = '';
     $page = $this->GetPage($url . 'login');
     $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page);
     $pA = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] && $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? true : false;
     $user = $pA ? $_REQUEST["premium_user"] : $premium_acc["slingfile_com"]["user"];
     $pass = $pA ? $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] : $premium_acc["slingfile_com"]["pass"];
     if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
         html_error("Login Failed: Email or Password is empty. Please check login data.", 0);
     $post = array();
     $post['f_user'] = $user;
     $post['f_password'] = $pass;
     $post['f_keepMeLoggedIn'] = '1';
     $post['submit'] = urlencode('Login &raquo;');
     $page = $this->GetPage($url . 'login', $this->cookie, $post, $url . 'login');
     $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie);
     if (!array_key_exists('cookielogin', $cookie)) {
         html_error('Invalid account');
     $page = $this->GetPage($url . 'dashboard', $cookie);
     is_notpresent($page, '<span>Premium</span>', 'Account is not premium!');
     return $cookie;
 private function DownloadPremium($link)
     global $premium_acc, $pauth, $Referer;
     // Getting file name
     $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, 0, 0, $pauth);
     is_present($page, 'File was deleted');
     is_present($page, 'File not found');
     $FileName = trim(cut_str($page, "<title>Download ", ","));
     // Getting file name end
     // login
     $login = "******";
     $post["login"] = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? $_REQUEST["premium_user"] : $premium_acc["easyshare"]["user"];
     $post["password"] = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] : $premium_acc["easyshare"]["pass"];
     $post["remember"] = "1";
     $page = $this->GetPage($login, 0, $post, "", $pauth);
     $cook = GetCookies($page);
     // end login
     is_notpresent($cook, "PREMIUM", "Login failed<br>Wrong login/password?");
     $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cook, 0, 0, $pauth);
     is_present($page, 'File was deleted');
     is_present($page, 'File not found');
     if (!isset($FileName) || $FileName == "") {
         $Url = parse_url($link);
         $FileName = !$FileName ? basename($Url["path"]) : $FileName;
     preg_match('/Location:.+?\\r/i', $page, $loca);
     $redir = rtrim($loca[0]);
     preg_match('/http:.+/i', $redir, $loca);
     $Href = trim($loca[0]);
     $cookie = $cook . "; " . $this->BiscottiDiKaox($page);
     $this->RedirectDownload($Href, $FileName, $cookie, 0, $Referer, 0, $pauth);
 private function Login($link)
     global $premium_acc;
     $pA = !empty($_REQUEST['premium_user']) && !empty($_REQUEST['premium_pass']) ? true : false;
     $user = $pA ? $_REQUEST['premium_user'] : $premium_acc['ultramegabit_com']['user'];
     $pass = $pA ? $_REQUEST['premium_pass'] : $premium_acc['ultramegabit_com']['pass'];
     if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
         html_error('Login Failed: User or Password is empty. Please check login data.');
     $purl = '';
     $post = array();
     $post['csrf_token'] = cut_str($this->page, 'name="csrf_token" value="', '"');
     $post['submit'] = 'Login';
     $post['return_url'] = urlencode($purl . 'user/details');
     $post['username'] = urlencode($user);
     $post['password'] = urlencode($pass);
     $page = $this->GetPage($purl . 'login', $this->cookie, $post, $purl);
     is_present($page, 'Invalid username or password', 'Login failed: User/Password incorrect.');
     is_notpresent($page, "\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n", 'Login failed.');
     $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page);
     $page = $this->GetPage($purl . 'user/details', $this->cookie, 0, $purl . 'login');
     $this->page = $this->GetPage($link, $this->cookie);
     if (stripos($page, '"Premium Member"') === false) {
         $this->changeMesg(lang(300) . '<br /><b>Account isn\'t premium</b><br />Using it as member.');
         return $this->FreeDL($link, true);
     } else {
         return $this->PremiumDL($link);
Esempio n. 6
 private function FreeDL($link)
     if (!empty($_POST['step']) && $_POST['step'] == 1) {
         if (empty($_POST['captcha'])) {
             html_error('You didn\'t enter the image verification code.');
         $this->cookie = !empty($_POST['cookie']) ? StrToCookies(decrypt(urldecode($_POST['cookie']))) : array();
         $this->cookie['lang'] = 'english';
         $post = array('recaptcha_challenge_field' => $_POST['challenge'], 'recaptcha_response_field' => $_POST['captcha']);
         $post['op'] = $_POST['T8']['op'];
         $post['id'] = $_POST['T8']['id'];
         $post['rand'] = $_POST['T8']['rand'];
         $post['referer'] = '';
         $post['method_free'] = $_POST['T8']['method_free'];
         $post['down_script'] = 1;
         $page = $this->GetPage($link, $this->cookie, $post);
         is_present($page, '>Skipped countdown', 'Error: Skipped countdown?.');
         is_present($page, '>Wrong captcha<', 'Error: Wrong Captcha Entered.');
         if (preg_match('@You can download files up to \\d+ [KMG]b only.@i', $page, $err)) {
             html_error('Error: ' . $err[0]);
         if (!preg_match('@https?://[^/\\r\\n\\:]+(?:\\:\\d+)?/(?:(?:files)|(?:dl?))/[^\'\\"\\t<>\\r\\n]+@i', $page, $dlink)) {
             html_error('Error: Download link not found.');
         $FileName = urldecode(basename(parse_url($dlink[0], PHP_URL_PATH)));
         $this->RedirectDownload($dlink[0], $FileName);
     } else {
         $page2 = cut_str($this->page, 'Form method="POST" action=', '</form>');
         //Cutting page
         $post = array();
         $post['op'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="op" value="', '"');
         $post['usr_login'] = empty($this->cookie['xfss']) ? '' : $this->cookie['xfss'];
         $post['id'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="id" value="', '"');
         $post['fname'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="fname" value="', '"');
         $post['referer'] = '';
         $post['method_free'] = urlencode(html_entity_decode(cut_str($page2, 'name="method_free" value="', '"')));
         $page = $this->GetPage($link, $this->cookie, $post);
         if (preg_match('@You have to wait (?:\\d+ \\w+,\\s)?\\d+ \\w+ till next download@', $page, $err)) {
             html_error('Error: ' . $err[0]);
         $page2 = cut_str($page, '<form name="F1" method="POST"', '</form>');
         //Cutting page
         if (!preg_match('@https?://(?:[^/]+\\.)?(?:(?:google\\.com/recaptcha/api)|(?:recaptcha\\.net))/(?:(?:challenge)|(?:noscript))\\?k=([\\w\\.\\-]+)@i', $page, $pid)) {
             html_error('Error: reCAPTCHA not found.');
         if (!preg_match('@<div id="countdown_str"[^>]*>[^<>]+<p>[^<>]*<h2[^>]*>(\\d+)</h2>[^<>]+</p>[^<>]+</div>@i', $page2, $count)) {
             html_error('Countdown not found.');
         $data = $this->DefaultParamArr($link, empty($this->cookie['xfss']) ? 0 : encrypt(CookiesToStr($this->cookie)));
         $data['T8[op]'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="op" value="', '"');
         is_notpresent($data['T8[op]'], 'download', 'Error parsing download post data (2).');
         $data['T8[id]'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="id" value="', '"');
         $data['T8[rand]'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="rand" value="', '"');
         $data['T8[method_free]'] = urlencode(html_entity_decode(cut_str($page2, 'name="method_free" value="', '"')));
         $data['step'] = 1;
         $this->DL_reCaptcha($pid[1], $data);
 public function Download($link)
     $page = $this->GetPage($link);
     $cookie = GetCookies($page);
     is_notpresent($cookie, 'PHPSESSID', 'File not found!');
     if (!preg_match('/(\\d+)<\\/span> Seconds/', $page, $w)) {
         html_error('Error[Timer not found!]');
     $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookie, array('Submit.x' => rand(0, 51), 'Submit.y' => rand(0, 13)), $link);
     if (!preg_match('/location: (http:\\/\\/[^\\r\\n]+)/i', $page, $dl)) {
         html_error('Error[Download link not found!]');
     $dlink = trim($dl[1]);
     $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, "sharenow", $cookie, $link);
Esempio n. 8
 public function Download($link)
     if ($_REQUEST['step'] == 'Captcha') {
         $post['captcha_key'] = $_POST['captcha_key'];
         $post['captcha'] = $_POST['captcha'];
         $post['download'] = 'Download';
         $link = urldecode($_POST['link']);
         $cookie = urldecode($_POST['cookie']);
         $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookie, $post, $link);
     } else {
         $page = $this->GetPage($link, array('lang' => 'us'));
         is_present($page, 'Attention! This file has been deleted from our server by user who uploaded it on the server.');
         is_notpresent($page, '<h1>Download file</h1>', 'Download file is not available for ur server area!');
         $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, array('lang' => 'us'));
         if (!preg_match('/(\\d+)<\\/b> second/', $page, $wait)) {
             html_error('Error[Timer not found!]');
         $time = time();
         $data = $this->DefaultParamArr($link, $cookie);
         $data['step'] = 'Captcha';
         $data['captcha_key'] = $time;
         // get the captcha
         $cap = $this->GetPage('' . $time, $cookie);
         $capt_img = substr($cap, strpos($cap, "\r\n\r\n") + 4);
         $imgfile = DOWNLOAD_DIR . "gigapeta_captcha.gif";
         if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
         if (!write_file($imgfile, $capt_img)) {
             html_error("Error getting CAPTCHA image.");
         $this->EnterCaptcha($imgfile, $data, 20);
     is_present($page, 'Entered figures don&#96;t coincide with the picture', 'You entered a wrong CAPTCHA code. Please try again.');
     if (!preg_match('/Location: (http:\\/\\/[a-z0-9]+\\.gigapeta\\.com\\/download[^|\\r|\\n]+)/i', $page, $dl)) {
         html_error('Error: Download link not found!');
     $dlink = trim($dl[1]);
     $FileName = basename(parse_url($dlink, PHP_URL_PATH));
     $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, $cookie, 0, $link);
 public function Download($link)
     global $premium_acc;
     $this->link = str_ireplace(array('://', '://', '/mobile/file/'), array('://', '://', '/file/'), $link);
     $this->domain = parse_url($this->link, PHP_URL_HOST);
     $this->Getregexp = '@(https?://(?:[^/\\r\\n\\t\\s\'\\"<>]+\\.)?(?:putlocker|sockshare)\\.com)?/get_file\\.php\\?(?:(?:id)|(?:file)|(stream))=[^\\r\\n\\t\\s\'\\"<>]+@i';
     $this->DLregexp = '@Location: (https?://(?:(?:[^/\\r\\n]+/(?:(?:download)|(?:premium)))|(?:cdn\\.[^/\\r\\n]+))/[^\\r\\n]*)@i';
     $this->pA = empty($_REQUEST['premium_user']) || empty($_REQUEST['premium_pass']) ? false : true;
     if (empty($_REQUEST['step'])) {
         $this->page = $this->GetPage($this->link);
         is_present($this->page, '/?404', 'The requested file is not found');
         $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($this->page);
     } else {
         $this->cookie = array();
     $_REQUEST['cookieuse'] = isset($_REQUEST['cookieuse']) && $_REQUEST['cookieuse'] == 'on' && !empty($_REQUEST['cookie']) ? 'on' : false;
     if ($_REQUEST['cookieuse'] == 'on' && !empty($_POST['cookie_encrypted'])) {
         $_REQUEST['cookie'] = decrypt(urldecode($_REQUEST['cookie']));
     if ($_REQUEST['cookieuse'] == 'on' && preg_match('@auth[\\s\\t]*=[\\s\\t]*([\\w\\%\\-]+);?@i', $_REQUEST['cookie'], $c) || $_REQUEST['premium_acc'] == 'on' && !empty($premium_acc['putlocker_com']['cookie'])) {
         $cookie = empty($c[1]) ? urldecode($premium_acc['putlocker_com']['cookie']) : urldecode($c[1]);
         if (strpos($cookie, '%')) {
             $cookie = urldecode($cookie);
         $this->cookie = array('auth' => urlencode($cookie));
         $page = $this->GetPage('http://' . $this->domain . '/', $this->cookie);
         is_notpresent($page, '>Sign Out</a>', 'Cookie Error: Invalid Cookie?.');
         is_present($page, '>( Free )<', 'Cookie Error: Account isn\'t premium');
         $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie);
         return $this->PremiumDL(!empty($c[1]));
     } elseif ($_REQUEST['premium_acc'] == 'on' && ($this->pA || !empty($premium_acc['putlocker_com']['user']) && !empty($premium_acc['putlocker_com']['pass']))) {
         $user = $this->pA ? $_REQUEST['premium_user'] : $premium_acc['putlocker_com']['user'];
         $pass = $this->pA ? $_REQUEST['premium_pass'] : $premium_acc['putlocker_com']['pass'];
         if ($this->pA && !empty($_POST['pA_encrypted'])) {
             $user = decrypt(urldecode($user));
             $pass = decrypt(urldecode($pass));
         return $this->CookieLogin($user, $pass);
     } else {
         return $this->FreeDL();
Esempio n. 10
 private function login()
     global $premium_acc;
     $user = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc["nowvideo_eu"]["user"];
     $pass = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc["nowvideo_eu"]["pass"];
     if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
         html_error("Login failed, username or password is empty!");
     $posturl = '';
     $post['user'] = $user;
     $post['pass'] = $pass;
     $post['register'] = 'Login';
     $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . 'login.php?return=', 0, $post, $posturl . 'login.php');
     $cookie = GetCookies($page);
     is_present($cookie, 'user=deleted', 'Error[Invalid login details]');
     $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . 'premium.php', $cookie);
     is_notpresent($page, 'Your premium membership expires on', 'Account isn\'t premium?');
     return $cookie;
Esempio n. 11
 private function DownloadFree($link)
     global $options;
     $page = $this->GetPage($link);
     $file_id = cut_str($page, 'name="file_id" value="', '"');
     is_present($page, "Vui lòng chờ lượt download kế tiếp ", "Vui lòng chờ lượt download kế tiếp ");
     $Cookies = GetCookies($page);
     $post = array();
     $post['link_file_pwd_dl'] = "";
     $post['action'] = "download_file";
     $post['file_id'] = $file_id;
     $page = $this->GetPage($link, $Cookies, $post, $link);
     is_notpresent($page, "var count = 30;", "Error 0x01: Plugin is out of date");
     if (!preg_match("#http://\\w+.\\w+.\\w+/download/[^/]+/[^']+#", $page, $dlink)) {
         html_error("Error 0x10: Plugin is out of date");
     $this->RedirectDownload($dlink[0], "fshare_vn", $Cookies, 0, $link);
 private function login()
     global $premium_acc;
     $user = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc["datafile_com"]["user"];
     $pass = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc["datafile_com"]["pass"];
     if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
         html_error("Login failed, username or password is empty!");
     $post = array();
     $post['login'] = $user;
     $post['password'] = $pass;
     $post['remember_me'] = 0;
     $post['remember_me'] = 1;
     $post['btn'] = '';
     $page = $this->GetPage($this->posturl . '/login.html', $this->cookie, $post, $this->posturl . '/login.html');
     $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie);
     is_present($page, 'Incorrect login or password!');
     //check account
     $page = $this->GetPage($this->posturl . '/profile.html', $cookie, 0, $this->posturl . '/index.html');
     is_notpresent($page, 'Premium Expires', 'Account isn\'t Premium?');
     return $cookie;
Esempio n. 13
 private function login()
     global $premium_acc;
     $user = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc["upstore_net"]["user"];
     $password = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc["upstore_net"]["pass"];
     if (empty($user) || empty($password)) {
         html_error("Login failed, username or password is empty!");
     $posturl = '';
     $post = array();
     $post['url'] = urlencode($posturl);
     $post['email'] = $user;
     $post['password'] = $password;
     $post['send'] = 'Login';
     $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . 'account/login/', $this->cookie, $post, $posturl);
     is_present($page, 'Wrong email or password.');
     $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie);
     //account check
     $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . 'account', $cookie, 0, $posturl);
     is_notpresent($page, 'premium till', 'Account isn\'t premium?');
     return $cookie;
 private function Login()
     global $premium_acc;
     $site = '';
     $post = array();
     $post['action'] = 'login';
     $post['submit'] = 'login';
     $post['target'] = '%252F';
     $post['action_type'] = 'login';
     $post['remember'] = '1';
     $post['username'] = urlencode($this->pA ? $_GET['premium_user'] : $premium_acc['sendspace_com']['user']);
     $post['password'] = urlencode($this->pA ? $_GET['premium_pass'] : $premium_acc['sendspace_com']['pass']);
     $post['remember'] = 'on';
     $page = $this->GetPage("{$site}/login.html", 0, $post, "{$site}/");
     is_present($page, 'check your username and password', 'Login Failed: Invalid User/Password.');
     $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page);
     if (empty($this->cookie['ssal'])) {
         html_error('Login Error: Cannot find "ssal" cookie.');
     $page = $this->GetPage("{$site}/mysendspace/myindex.html", $this->cookie, 0, "{$site}/");
     is_notpresent($page, 'Your account needs to be renewed in', 'Login Failed: Account Isn\'t Premium.');
 private function Login($pA = false)
     global $premium_acc;
     $user = $pA ? $_REQUEST["premium_user"] : $premium_acc["filejungle_com"]["user"];
     $pass = $pA ? $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] : $premium_acc["filejungle_com"]["pass"];
     if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
         html_error("Login Failed: Username or Password is empty!");
     $posturl = "";
     $post['autoLogin'] = '******';
     $post['loginUserName'] = $user;
     $post['loginUserPassword'] = $pass;
     $post['loginFormSubmit'] = 'Login';
     $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . "login.php", 0, $post, $posturl);
     is_present($page, "The length of user name should be larger than or equal to 6");
     is_present($page, "Username doesn't exist.");
     is_present($page, "Wrong password.");
     $cookie = GetCookies($page);
     is_notpresent($cookie, "cookie=", "Login error. Problem with cookie cache?");
     $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . 'dashboard.php', $cookie, 0, $posturl);
     is_present($page, "FREE<span>", "Account Free! What do you expect from that?");
     return $cookie;
Esempio n. 16
 private function login()
     global $premium_acc;
     $user = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc["ex-load_com"]["user"];
     $pass = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc["ex-load_com"]["pass"];
     if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
         html_error("Login failed, username or password is empty!");
     $posturl = '';
     $post = array();
     $post['op'] = 'login';
     $post['redirect'] = '';
     $post['login'] = $user;
     $post['password'] = $pass;
     $post['x'] = rand(11, 41);
     $post['y'] = rand(11, 23);
     $page = $this->GetPage($posturl, $this->cookie, $post, $posturl);
     is_present($page, 'Incorrect Login or Password');
     $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie);
     //check account
     $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . '?op=my_account', $cookie, 0, $posturl);
     is_notpresent($page, 'Premium account expire', 'Account isn\'t Premium?');
     return $cookie;
Esempio n. 17
 private function DownloadPremium($link)
     global $premium_acc;
     $post = array();
     $post['httpref'] = "";
     $post['mymslogin_name'] = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? $_REQUEST["premium_user"] : $premium_acc["megashares_com"]["user"];
     $post['mymspassword'] = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] : $premium_acc["megashares_com"]["pass"];
     $post['myms_login'] = "******";
     $page = $this->GetPage("", 0, $post);
     $Cookies = GetCookies($page);
     is_notpresent($Cookies, "myms", "Login Failed");
     $page = $this->GetPage($link, $Cookies, 0, $link);
     if (preg_match("#Location: (.+)#", $page, $match)) {
         $page = $this->GetPage(trim($match[1]), $Cookies, 0, $link);
         $link = $match[1];
     is_present($page, "Link was removed due to violation of our TOS", "Link is not invalid");
     $Cookies .= "; " . GetCookies($page);
     if (!preg_match('#http://webprod\\d+.\\w+.\\w+[^"]+#', $page, $dlink)) {
         html_error("Error: Plugin is out of date or Account is expired");
     $this->RedirectDownload($dlink[0], "megashares", $Cookies, 0, $link);
Esempio n. 18
 private function login()
     global $premium_acc;
     $user = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc["speedshare_eu"]["user"];
     $pass = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc["speedshare_eu"]["pass"];
     if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
         html_error("Login failed, username[{$user}] or password[{$pass}] is empty!");
     $posturl = '';
     $post = array();
     $post['op'] = 'login';
     $post['redirect'] = $posturl;
     $post['login'] = $user;
     $post['password'] = $pass;
     $post['x'] = rand(11, 45);
     $post['y'] = rand(1, 8);
     $page = $this->GetPage($posturl, $this->cookie, $post, $posturl . 'login.html');
     is_present($page, cut_str($page, "<b class='err'>", '</b>'));
     $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie);
     //check account
     $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . '?op=my_account', $cookie, 0, $posturl);
     is_notpresent($page, '<TD>Premium account expire:</TD>', 'Account isn\'t premium?');
     return $cookie;
Esempio n. 19
 private function Login($user, $pass)
     $purl = 'https://' . $this->domain . '/';
     $post = array();
     $post['mail'] = urlencode($user);
     $post['pass'] = urlencode($pass);
     $post['lt'] = 'on';
     $post['restrict'] = 'on';
     $post['valider'] = 'Send';
     $page = $this->GetPage($purl . '', $this->cookie, $post, $purl);
     $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie);
     is_present($page, 'Invalid email address');
     is_present($page, 'Invalid username or password', 'Login Failed: Email/Password incorrect.');
     $page = $this->GetPage($purl, $this->cookie, 0, $purl . '');
     is_notpresent($page, '">Logout', 'Login Error.');
     if (stripos($page, '') === false) {
         $this->changeMesg(lang(300) . '<br /><b>Account isn\\\'t premium</b><br />Using it as member.');
         $this->page = $this->GetPage($this->link, $this->cookie);
         $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($this->page, $this->cookie);
         return $this->FreeDL();
     return $this->PremiumDL();
 private function FreeDL()
     $purl = 'http://' . $this->domain . '/';
     if (!empty($_POST['step']) && $_POST['step'] == 1) {
         if (empty($_POST['recaptcha_response_field'])) {
             html_error('You didn\'t enter the image verification code.');
         $this->cookie = StrToCookies(decrypt(urldecode($_POST['cookie'])));
         if (empty($_POST['fid'])) {
             html_error('FileID not found after POST.');
         $query = array('fid' => $_POST['fid'], 'challenge' => $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'], 'response' => $_POST['recaptcha_response_field']);
         $page = $this->GetPage($purl . 'get_file.php?' . http_build_query($query), $this->cookie);
         is_present($page, 'load_recaptcha()', 'Error: Wrong CAPTCHA entered.');
         if (!preg_match($this->DLregexp, $page, $dlink)) {
             html_error('Download link Not Found.');
         $this->RedirectDownload($dlink[0], basename(urldecode(parse_url($dlink[0], PHP_URL_PATH))));
     } else {
         $page = $this->GetPage($this->link, $this->cookie, array('gateway_result' => '1'));
         is_present($page, 'This file does not exist', 'The requested file is not found');
         $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($this->page, $this->cookie);
         if ($this->TryFreeDLTricks) {
             $this->Mesg = lang(300);
         if (stripos($page, 'Connection limit has been exhausted for your IP address!') !== false) {
             if (preg_match('@<span class="html_download_api-limit_interval">[\\s\\t\\r\\n]*(\\d+)[\\s\\t\\r\\n]*</span>@i', $page, $limit)) {
                 $x = 0;
                 if ($this->TryFreeDLTricks && $limit[1] > 45) {
                     while ($x < 3) {
                         $page = $this->GetPage($purl . 'get_file.php?fd=clearlimit', $this->cookie);
                         if (($fd2 = cut_str($page, 'name="fd2" value="', '"')) == false) {
                         insert_timer(30, 'Trying to reduce ip-limit waiting time.');
                         $page = $this->GetPage($purl . 'get_file.php?fd2=' . urlencode($fd2), $this->cookie);
                         $page = $this->GetPage($this->link, $this->cookie, array('gateway_result' => '1'));
                         if (!preg_match('@<span class="html_download_api-limit_interval">[\\s\\t\\r\\n]*(\\d+)[\\s\\t\\r\\n]*</span>@i', $page, $_limit)) {
                             $this->Mesg .= '<br /><br />Skipped the remaining ' . ($limit[1] - 30) . ' secs of ip-limit wait time.';
                             $limit[1] = 0;
                         $diff = $limit[1] - 30 - $_limit[1];
                         $limit[1] = $_limit[1];
                         $this->Mesg .= "<br /><br />Skipped {$diff} secs of ip-limit wait time.";
                         if ($diff < 1) {
                         // Error?
                 if ($limit[1] > 0) {
                     return $this->JSCountdown($limit[1], $this->DefaultParamArr($this->link), 'Connection limit has been exhausted for your IP address');
             } else {
                 html_error('Connection limit has been exhausted for your IP address. Please try again later.');
         if (!preg_match('@var[\\s\\t]+fid[\\s\\t]*=[\\s\\t]*\'(\\w+)\'@i', $page, $fid)) {
             html_error('FileID not found.');
         if (!preg_match('@Recaptcha\\.create[\\s\\t]*\\([\\s\\t]*[\'\\"]([\\w\\-]+)[\'\\"]@i', $page, $cpid)) {
             html_error('reCAPTCHA Not Found.');
         if (!preg_match('@setTimeout\\(\'load_form\\(fid, msg\\)\',[\\s\\t]*(\\d+)([\\s\\t]*\\*[\\s\\t]*1000)?[\\s\\t]*\\);@i', $page, $cd)) {
             html_error('Countdown not found.');
         $cd = empty($cd[2]) ? $cd[1] / 1000 : $cd[1];
         if ($cd > 0) {
         if ($this->TryFreeDLTricks) {
             $page = $this->GetPage($purl . 'get_file.php?fd2=' . urlencode($fid[1]), $this->cookie);
             if (preg_match($this->DLregexp, $page, $dlink)) {
                 return $this->RedirectDownload($dlink[0], basename(urldecode(parse_url($dlink[0], PHP_URL_PATH))));
             $this->Mesg .= '<br /><br /><b>Cannot skip captcha.</b>';
         $page = $this->GetPage($purl . 'get_file.php?fid=' . urlencode($fid[1]), $this->cookie);
         is_notpresent($page, 'load_recaptcha()', 'Error: Countdown skipped?.');
         $data = $this->DefaultParamArr($this->link, encrypt(CookiesToStr($this->cookie)));
         $data['step'] = '1';
         $data['fid'] = urlencode($fid[1]);
         $this->Show_reCaptcha($cpid[1], $data);
<tr><td align="center">
<div id="login" style="width:100%;text-align:center;">Login to</div>
    if (empty($_REQUEST['login']) || empty($_REQUEST['password'])) {
        html_error("Login failed: User/Password empty.", 0);
    $cookie = 'lang=english';
    $post = array();
    $post['op'] = "login";
    $post['redirect'] = "";
    $post['login'] = $_REQUEST['login'];
    $post['password'] = $_REQUEST['password'];
    $page = geturl("", 80, "/", '', $cookie, $post, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
    is_present($page, "Incorrect Login or Password", "Login failed: User/Password incorrect.");
    is_notpresent($page, 'Set-Cookie: xfss=', 'Error: Cannot find session cookie.');
    $cookie = "{$cookie};" . GetCookies($page);
<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('login').style.display='none';</script>
<div id="info" style="width:100%;text-align:center;">Retrive upload ID</div>
    $page = geturl("", 80, "/", '', $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
    if (!preg_match('@action="(http://[^/|"]+/[^\\?|"]+)\\?@i', $page, $up)) {
        html_error('Error: Cannot find upload server.', 0);
    $uid = '';
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < 12) {
        $uid .= rand(0, 9);
    $post['username'] = $_REQUEST['login'];
    $post['password'] = $_REQUEST['password'];
    $page = geturl("", 80, "/login.php", 0, 0, $post, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
    $cookies = cut_str($page, 'Set-Cookie: ', ';');
    is_notpresent($page, 'HTTP/1.1 302 Found', 'Error logging in - are your logins correct?');
    preg_match_all('/Set-Cookie: (.*);/U', $page, $temp);
    $cookie = $temp[1];
    $cookies = implode('; ', $cookie);
    $uid = "userid=" . cut_str($cookies, 'userid=', ';') . "; ";
    $unm = "username="******"; ";
    $u2d = "uniqueid=" . cut_str($cookies, 'uniqueid=', ';') . "; ";
    $cookies = "{$uid}{$unm}{$u2d}";
    $page = geturl("", 80, "/premium.php", "", $cookies, 0, 0, "");
    is_notpresent($page, 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Error logging in - are your logins correct?');
<table width=600 align=center>
<tr><td align=center>
    $post["Filename"] = "{$lname}";
    $post["Upload"] = "Submit Query";
    $u1 = '';
    $url = parse_url($u1);
    $upagent = "Shockwave Flash";
    $upfiles = upfile($url["host"], $url["port"] ? $url["port"] : 80, $url["path"] . ($url["query"] ? "?" . $url["query"] : ""), 0, 0, $post, $lfile, $lname, "file", 0, $upagent);
<div id=final width=100% align=center>Get final code</div>
function login($user, $pass)
    global $cookie;
    $post = array();
    $post['act'] = "login";
    $post['login'] = $user;
    $post['password'] = $pass;
    $page = geturl('', 80, '/ajax/auth.php', '', 'lang=en', $post, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
    is_present($page, "Authorization data is invalid", "Login failed: User/Password incorrect.");
    is_notpresent($page, 'Set-Cookie: log=', 'Login failed: Cannot find login cookie.');
    is_notpresent($page, 'Set-Cookie: pas='******'Login failed: Cannot find paswword cookie.');
    $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page);
    $cookie['lang'] = 'en';
    SaveCookies($user, $pass);
    $page = geturl("", 80, "/", '', $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
    return $page;
if ($continue_up) {
    $not_done = false;
<table width=600 align=center>
<tr><td align=center>
<div id=login width=100% align=center>Login to</div>
    $post['submit'] = 1;
    $post['username'] = $_REQUEST['login'];
    $post['password'] = $_REQUEST['password'];
    $page = geturl("", 80, "/user/login", '', 0, $post, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
    is_notpresent($page, 'cin_temp', 'Error logging in - are your logins correct?');
    preg_match_all('/Set-Cookie: (.*);/U', $page, $temp);
    $cookie = $temp[1];
    $cookies = implode(';', $cookie);
<div id=info width=100% align=center>Retrive upload ID</div>
    $ref = '';
    $Url = parse_url($ref);
    $page = geturl($Url["host"], defport($Url), $Url["path"] . ($Url["query"] ? "?" . $Url["query"] : ""), '', $cookies, 0, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
    $rndid = cut_str($page, 'var fid = genRandId(', ')');
    $uid = cut_str($page, '<input id="uid" type="hidden" value="', '"');
    $ID = GRC();
    $servup = cut_str($page, "var curServer = '", "'");
Esempio n. 25
 private function login()
     global $premium_acc;
     $user = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc["cramit_in"]["user"];
     $pass = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc["cramit_in"]["pass"];
     if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
         html_error("Login failed, user [{$user}]  or password [{$pass}]  is empty!");
     $Url = '';
     $post['op'] = 'login';
     $post['redirect'] = '';
     $post['login'] = $user;
     $post['password'] = $pass;
     $page = $this->GetPage($Url, 0, $post, $Url . "login.html");
     $cookie = GetCookies($page);
     is_present($page, cut_str($page, "<b class='err'>", "</b>"));
     is_notpresent($cookie, 'login='******'Invalid cookie!');
     //check account
     $page = $this->GetPage($Url . "?op=my_account", $cookie, 0, $Url);
     is_notpresent($page, '<TD class=left> Username</TD>', 'Account is not valid!');
     is_notpresent($page, '<TD class=left>Premium Account expires on</TD>', 'Account type : FREE');
     return $cookie;
Esempio n. 26
 public function CheckBack($header)
     is_notpresent($header, "Disposition: attachment;", "You have input wrong captcha, Please try again!");
Esempio n. 27
 private function captcha($link)
     $url = '' . urlencode($link);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['step']) && $_REQUEST['step'] == '1') {
         if (empty($_POST['recaptcha_response_field'])) {
             html_error('You didn\'t enter the image verification code.');
         $post = array('recaptcha_challenge_field' => $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field'], 'recaptcha_response_field' => $_POST['recaptcha_response_field']);
         $post['next'] = $_POST['next'];
         $post['action_recaptcha_verify'] = $_POST['action_recaptcha_verify'];
         $post['submit'] = $_POST['_submit'];
         $post['session_token'] = $_POST['session_token'];
         $cookie = urldecode($_POST['cookie']);
         $page = $this->GetPage($url, $cookie, $post, $url);
         is_present($page, 'The verification code was invalid', 'The verification code was invalid or has timed out, please try again.');
         is_present($page, "\r\n\r\nAuthorization Error.", 'Error sending captcha.');
         is_notpresent($page, 'Set-Cookie: goojf=', 'Cannot get captcha cookie.');
         $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page);
         $this->page = $this->GetPage('' . $this->vid . '&asv=3&el=detailpage&hl=en_US', $this->cookie);
     } else {
         $page = $this->GetPage($url);
         if (!preg_match('@//(?:[^/]+\\.)?(?:(?:google\\.com/recaptcha/api)|(?:recaptcha\\.net))/(?:(?:challenge)|(?:noscript))\\?k=([\\w|\\-]+)@i', $page, $pid)) {
             html_error('Error: reCAPTCHA not found.');
         $data = $this->DefaultParamArr($link, GetCookies($page));
         $data['next'] = urlencode(html_entity_decode(cut_str($page, 'name="next" value="', '"')));
         $data['action_recaptcha_verify'] = urlencode(cut_str($page, 'name="action_recaptcha_verify" value="', '"'));
         $data['_submit'] = urlencode(cut_str($page, 'type="submit" name="submit" value="', '"'));
         $data['session_token'] = urlencode(cut_str($page, "'XSRF_TOKEN': '", "'"));
         if (isset($_REQUEST['ytube_mp4'])) {
             $data['ytube_mp4'] = $_REQUEST['ytube_mp4'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['ytdirect'])) {
             $data['ytdirect'] = $_REQUEST['ytdirect'];
         if (isset($_REQUEST['yt_fmt'])) {
             $data['yt_fmt'] = $_REQUEST['yt_fmt'];
         $data['step'] = 1;
         $this->Show_reCaptcha($pid[1], $data);
Esempio n. 28
 public function CheckBack($header)
     is_notpresent($header, 'ontent-Disposition: attachment', 'You have entered wrong captcha!');
Esempio n. 29
 // Login
 echo "<table style='width:600px;margin:auto;'>\n<tr><td align='center'>\n<div id='login' width='100%' align='center'>Login to Megashares</div>\n";
 $cookie = "";
 if (!empty($_REQUEST['up_login']) && !empty($_REQUEST['up_pass'])) {
     $post = array();
     $post["httpref"] = "";
     $post["mymslogin_name"] = $_REQUEST['up_login'];
     $post["mymspassword"] = $_REQUEST['up_pass'];
     $post["myms_login"] = "******";
     $page = geturl("", 80, "/myms_login.php", 0, $cookie, $post);
     is_present($page, "Error during login - Invalid Username.", "Login Failed: The username you have entered is incorrect.");
     is_present($page, "Password does not match Username.", "Login Failed: The password you have entered is incorrect.");
     is_present($page, "You have not verified your account yet.", "Login Failed: Account not verified.");
     $cookie = "{$cookie}; " . GetCookies($page);
     is_notpresent($cookie, "myms=", "Login Failed.");
     $login = true;
 } else {
     echo "<b><center>Login not found or empty, using non member upload.</center></b>\n";
 // Retrive upload ID
 echo "<script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementById('login').style.display='none';</script>\n<div id='info' width='100%' align='center'>Retrive upload ID</div>\n";
 $page = geturl("", 80, "/", 0, $cookie);
 if (!$login) {
     $cookie = "{$cookie}; " . GetCookies($page);
 $post = array();
 $post['APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS'] = cut_str($page, 'id="upload_id" value="', '"');
 $post['msup_id'] = cut_str($page, 'name="msup_id" value="', '"');
 $post['uploadFileDescription'] = $_REQUEST['up_description'];
 <table width='600' align='center'>        
     <tr><td align='center'>
             <div id='login' width='100%' align='center'>Login to Bayfiles</div>
 if (!empty($_REQUEST['up_login']) && !empty($_REQUEST['up_pass'])) {
     $post = array();
     $post['action'] = "login";
     $post['username'] = $_REQUEST['up_login'];
     $post['password'] = $_REQUEST['up_pass'];
     $post['next'] = "%252F";
     $post[''] = '';
     $Url = parse_url("");
     $page = geturl($Url["host"], $Url["port"] ? $Url["port"] : 80, $Url["path"] . ($Url["query"] ? "?" . $Url["query"] : ""), "\r\nX-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest", 0, $post, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
     $cookie = GetCookies($page);
     is_notpresent($page, '{"reload":true}', "Login Failed");
 } else {
     echo "<b><center>Login not found or empty, using non member upload.</center></b>\n";
             <script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementById('login').style.display='none';</script>
             <div id='info' width='100%' align='center'>Retrive upload ID</div>
 $Url = parse_url("" . microtime(true));
 $page = geturl($Url["host"], $Url["port"] ? $Url["port"] : 80, $Url["path"] . ($Url["query"] ? "?" . $Url["query"] : ""), "\r\nX-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest", $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth);
 $upload_url = str_replace("\\", "", cut_str($page, '"upload_url":"', '"'));
 $url = parse_url($upload_url);
             <script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementById('info').style.display='none';</script>