public function naturalNumber($name, $value) { if ($value !== null && !is_natural_number($value)) { //return $this->getDisplayName($name) . "は自然数で入力してください"; return $this->getDisplayName($name) . "は整数で入力してください"; } }
function range_string_to_array($range_string) { $result = array(); if (is_cs_natural_numbers($range_string)) { $parts = explode(',', $range_string); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (is_natural_number_range(trim($part))) { $range = explode('..', $part); if ($range[0] < $range[1]) { for ($i = trim($range[0]); $i <= trim($range[1]); ++$i) { $result[] = $i; } } } elseif (is_natural_number(trim($part))) { $result[] = trim($part); } } sort($result, SORT_NUMERIC); $result = array_unique($result, SORT_NUMERIC); } return $result; }
/** * @param int $length * * @return self */ public function setSummaryLength($length) { if (is_natural_number($length)) { $this->summaryLength = $length; } else { $message = __METHOD__ . "() argument must be an integer."; throw new Sabel_Exception_Runtime($message); } return $this; }
/** * @param string $fileName * @param int $size * * @return void */ public function thumbnail($fileName, $size) { if (!is_natural_number($size)) { $size = self::$config["defaultThumbnailSize"]; } elseif (!in_array((int) $size, self::$config["thumbnailSizes"], true)) { $_size = 0; $diff = PHP_INT_MAX; foreach (self::$config["thumbnailSizes"] as $tSize) { if (($abs = abs($tSize - $size)) <= $diff) { $diff = $abs; $_size = $tSize; } } $size = $_size; } $filePath = $this->getThumbnailDir($size) . DS . $fileName; if (!is_file($filePath)) { if (($source = $this->getSourceImage($fileName)) === null) { return false; } else { $image = $this->createImageObject($source); $image->resize($size)->save($filePath); } } $resource = file_get_contents($filePath); $type = $this->getType($resource); header("Content-Type: image/{$type}"); echo $resource; return true; }
public function naturalNumber($name, $value) { if (!is_empty($value) && !is_natural_number($value)) { return $this->getDisplayName($name) . "は整数で入力してください"; } }
public function naturalNumber($name, $value) { if (!is_empty($value) && !is_natural_number($value)) { return $this->getDisplayName($name) . " must be a natural number."; } }