Esempio n. 1
function wp_emoji2_ks_shortcode($attr = array())
    global $Ktai_Style, $wp_filter;
    if (!$code) {
    $emoji = sprintf('<img localsrc="%1$s" alt="%2$s" />', $code, $alt);
    $emoji = apply_filters("ktai_raw_content", $emoji);
    if (!is_ktai()) {
        $emoji = call_user_func_array(array('KtaiServices', 'convert_pict'), array("emoji" => $emoji));
    return $emoji;
Esempio n. 2
 * add_filter the_content.
function wp_social_bookmarking_light_the_content($content)
    if (is_feed() || is_404() || is_robots() || is_comments_popup() || function_exists('is_ktai') && is_ktai()) {
        return $content;
    $options = wp_social_bookmarking_light_options();
    if ($options['single_page'] && !is_singular()) {
        return $content;
    if (!$options['is_page'] && is_page()) {
        return $content;
    $out = wp_social_bookmarking_light_output($options['services'], get_permalink(), get_the_title());
    if ($out == '') {
        return $content;
    if ($options['position'] == 'top') {
        return "{$out}{$content}";
    } else {
        if ($options['position'] == 'bottom') {
            return "{$content}{$out}";
        } else {
            if ($options['position'] == 'both') {
                return "{$out}{$content}{$out}";
    return $content;
Esempio n. 3
function is_mobilePhone()
    if (is_ktai() || is_iphone() || is_android() || is_firefox_os() || is_windows_phone() || is_blackberry()) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
    $sjk_link = '' . rawurlencode(preg_replace('|^http://|', '', ks_redir_get('full_url')));
    $google_link = '' . rawurlencode(preg_replace('|^http://|', '', ks_redir_get('full_url')));
    _e('You can translate the PC site to view suitable for mobile using services below.', 'ktai_style');
	<br /><?php 
    ks_ordered_link($accesskey++, 10, $sjk_link, __('Tsuukin(commuting)-browser', 'ktai_style'));
	<br /><?php 
    ks_ordered_link($accesskey++, 10, $google_link, __('Google Wireless Transcoder', 'ktai_style'));
    if (is_ktai() == 'KDDI' && is_ktai('type') == 'WAP2.0') {
        echo '<br />';
        ks_ordered_link(0, 10, 'device:pcsiteviewer?url=' . esc_url(ks_redir_get('full_url')), __('PC Site Viewer on your phone.', 'ktai_style'));
    } elseif (is_ktai() == 'DoCoMo' && is_ktai('type') == 'FOMA') {
        echo '<br />' . ks_pict_number(0) . sprintf(__('<a %s>Full Browser on your phone.</a>', 'ktai_style'), 'href="' . esc_url(ks_redir_get('full_url')) . '" ifb="' . esc_url(ks_redir_get('full_url')) . '" accesskey="0"');
    if (!ks_redir_get('mobile_url') || ks_redir_get('mobile_url') != ks_redir_get('full_url')) {
        _e('If you know that the site is suitable for mobile at the same URL, it is good to jump directly.', 'ktai_style');
<br />#.<a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(ks_redir_get('full_url'));
        echo htmlspecialchars(ks_redir_get('full_url'), ENT_QUOTES);
; charset=<?php 
" />
$h1_style = ' style="width:186px;background:url(' . ks_theme_url(KTAI_NOT_ECHO) . 'frame.gif) repeat-y;margin:0 auto;padding:0 23px;text-align:center;"';
// $h1_style = ' style="margin:0;text-align:center;"'; // style for bugle, lip title
// $logo_ext = '-bugle';
// $logo_ext = '-lip';
if (is_ktai() == 'DoCoMo' && ks_cookie_available()) {
<body bgcolor="#fff0e0" link="purple" vlink="fuchsia">
global $ks_settings;
$ks_settings = array();
// erase array for security
$ks_settings['h2_style'] = ' style="color:white;background-color:#ff1493;font-size:smaller;text-align:center;"';
$ks_settings['hr_color'] = '#ff69b4';
$ks_settings['list_pages'] = 'sort_column=menu_order,post_title';
$ks_settings['title_style'] = 'color:white;background-color:#ff69b4;';
$ks_settings['date_color'] = '#3366cc';
$ks_settings['comment_color'] = ks_option('ks_comment_type_color');
Esempio n. 6
 function isKtai()
     return function_exists('is_mobile') && is_mobile() || function_exists('is_ktai') && is_ktai();
 public function output()
     $charset = $this->base->ktai->get('charset');
     $title = __('Confirm connecting to external sites', 'ktai_style');
     $html = '<p>';
     if (!$this->mobile_url) {
         $html .= __('You are about to visit a website for PC:', 'ktai_style') . '<br /><a href="' . esc_url($this->url) . '">' . esc_url($this->full_url) . '</a>';
     } else {
         if ($this->mobile_url === $this->full_url) {
             $html .= __('A mobile view is provided with the same URL at the visiting site:', 'ktai_style');
         } else {
             $html .= '<p>' . __('A mobile site found for the visiting site:', 'ktai_style');
         $html .= '<br /><a href="' . esc_url($this->mobile_url) . '">' . esc_url($this->mobile_url) . '</a>';
         if (!$this->same_host) {
             $html .= '<br /><font color="red">' . __('The host is diffrent from the origial. Make sure the valid mobile site.', 'ktai_style') . '</font>';
         if ($this->mobile_url != $this->full_url) {
             $html .= '</p><p>' . __('The original URL of the site:', 'ktai_style') . '<br /><a href="' . esc_url($this->url) . '">' . esc_url($this->full_url) . '</a>';
     if (is_ktai() == 'KDDI' && is_ktai('type') == 'WAP2.0') {
         $html .= '<br />' . sprintf(__('(<a %s>View the site by PC Site Viewer.</a>)', 'ktai_style'), ' href="device:pcsiteviewer?url=' . esc_url($this->full_url) . '"');
     } elseif (is_ktai() == 'DoCoMo' && is_ktai('type') == 'FOMA') {
         $html .= '<br />' . sprintf(__('(<a %s>View the site by Full Browser.</a>)', 'ktai_style'), 'href="' . esc_url($this->url) . '" ifb="' . esc_url($this->full_url) . '"');
     $html .= "</p>\n<p>" . __("If you are sure, follow above link. If not, go to the previous page with browser's back button.", 'ktai_style') . '</p>';
     $html .= '<form action=""><div>' . __('To copy the URL, use below text field:', 'ktai_style') . '<br /><input type="text" name="url" size="80" maxlength="255" value="' . esc_url($this->full_url) . '" /></div></form>';
     $this->base->ks_die($html, $title, false);
            return isset($Ktai_Style->ktai) ? $Ktai_Style->ktai->get('flat_rate') : false;
        case 'search_engine':
            return isset($Ktai_Style->ktai) ? $Ktai_Style->ktai->is_search_engine() : KtaiStyle::is_search_engine();
            return isset($Ktai_Style->ktai) ? $Ktai_Style->is_ktai() : false;
/* ==================================================
 * @param	string  $name
 * @return	mix     $value
function ks_option($name)
    return KtaiStyle::get_option($name);
// ==================================================
global $Ktai_Style;
$Ktai_Style = new KtaiStyle();
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/operators/base.php';
$Ktai_Style->ktai = KtaiServices::factory();
if (is_ktai()) {
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . KtaiStyle::PATCHES_DIR . '/mobile.php';
} else {
    require dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . KtaiStyle::PATCHES_DIR . '/pc.php';
Esempio n. 9
 * true if can be displayed, false if not
 * @return bool
function wp_social_bookmarking_light_is_enabled()
    if (is_feed() || is_404() || is_robots() || is_comments_popup() || function_exists('is_ktai') && is_ktai()) {
        return false;
    $options = wp_social_bookmarking_light_options();
    if ($options['single_page'] && !is_singular()) {
        return false;
    if (!$options['is_page'] && is_page()) {
        return false;
    global $wp_current_filter;
    if (in_array('get_the_excerpt', (array) $wp_current_filter)) {
        return false;
    return true;
function ks_comments_post_url($id = 0)
    $address = get_permalink($id);
    $address .= (strpos($address, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . 'view=co_post';
    if (isset($_GET['replytocom'])) {
        $address = add_query_arg('replytocom', absint($_GET['replytocom'], $address));
    if (!ks_is_loggedin() && ks_option('ks_require_term_id') && is_ktai() == 'DoCoMo') {
        $address .= '&guid=ON';
    return $address;
Esempio n. 11
function is_xpress_mobile()
    if (function_exists('is_ktai')) {
        if (is_ktai()) {
            //			$file_path = $GLOBALS['xoopsModuleConfig']["ktai_style_tmpdir"] . '/comments.php';
            return true;
    if (function_exists('is_mobile')) {
        if (is_mobile()) {
            return true;
    if (preg_match("/DoCoMo/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match("/softbank/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match("/vodafone/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match("/J-PHONE/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match("/UP\\.Browser/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match("/ASTEL/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match("/PDXGW/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;