std_theme_styles(1); std_theme_body("../"); echo "<center>\n"; echo "<h2>"; echo "Sorry, You can't register new channels at the moment."; echo "</h2>"; echo "</center>\n"; echo "</body></html>\n\n"; die; } } $already_chan = 0; $already_pend = 0; $admin_bypass = 0; unset($lhmask); if (REGPROC_IDLECHECK && is_irc_idled($user_id, 21)) { echo "<html><head><title>REGISTRATION PROCESS</title>"; std_theme_styles(); echo "</head>\n"; std_theme_body("../"); echo "<b>CHANNEL SERVICE REGISTRATION PROCESS</b><br><hr noshade size=2><br>\n"; echo "<h2>You must login to " . BOT_NAME . " on IRC to apply to register a channel.<br></h2>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; echo "Then <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\">go back</a> and repost the form.<br>\n"; echo "</body></html>\n\n"; die; } $ress = pg_safe_exec("SELECT email FROM users WHERE id='{$user_id}'"); $rooo = pg_fetch_object($ress, 0); if (is_email_locked($LOCK_REGPROC, $rooo->email)) { echo "<html><head><title>REGISTRATION PROCESS</title>";
echo "//-->\n"; echo "</script>\n"; } echo "<br><br><a href=\"javascript:reg_form();\">Correct your entry</a>.\n"; echo "</body></html>\n\n"; die; } if (REGPROC_IDLECHECK) { $check_invalid = 0; $s_index = 0; for ($x = 0; $x < REQUIRED_SUPPORTERS; $x++) { //$res = pg_safe_exec("SELECT AS id FROM users,users_lastseen WHERE AND users_lastseen.last_seen<(now()::abstime::int4-86400*21) AND lower(users.user_name)='" . strtolower($supporters[$x]) . "'"); //if (pg_numrows($res)>0) { $res = pg_safe_exec("SELECT id FROM users WHERE lower(user_name)='" . strtolower($supporters[$x]) . "'"); $row = pg_fetch_object($res, 0); if (is_irc_idled($row->id, 21)) { $check_invalid = 1; $idled_supids[$s_index] = $x; $s_index++; } } if ($check_invalid && !file_exists("../testnet")) { echo "<h2>All your supporters must login to " . BOT_NAME . " on IRC to apply to register a channel.<br><br>Have all your supporters login to " . BOT_NAME . ", then try again posting the form.</h2>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; echo "<br><br><a href=\"javascript:reg_form();\">Go back to form</a>.\n"; echo "</body></html>\n\n"; die; } } $check_invalid = 0; $s_index = 0;