function process_poller_output(&$rrdtool_pipe, $remainder = FALSE) { global $config, $debug; include_once $config["library_path"] . "/rrd.php"; /* let's count the number of rrd files we processed */ $rrds_processed = 0; if ($remainder) { $limit = ""; } else { $limit = "LIMIT 10000"; } /* create/update the rrd files */ $results = db_fetch_assoc("select\n\t\tpoller_output.output,\n\t\tpoller_output.time,\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(poller_output.time) as unix_time,\n\t\tpoller_output.local_data_id,\n\t\tpoller_item.rrd_path,\n\t\tpoller_item.rrd_name,\n\t\tpoller_item.rrd_num\n\t\tfrom (poller_output,poller_item)\n\t\twhere (poller_output.local_data_id=poller_item.local_data_id and poller_output.rrd_name=poller_item.rrd_name)\n\t\torder by poller_output.local_data_id\n\t\t{$limit}"); if (sizeof($results) > 0) { /* create an array keyed off of each .rrd file */ foreach ($results as $item) { /* trim the default characters, but add single and double quotes */ $value = trim($item["output"], " \r\n\t\v\"'"); $unix_time = $item["unix_time"]; $rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["local_data_id"] = $item["local_data_id"]; /* single one value output */ if (is_numeric($value) || $value == "U") { $rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time][$item["rrd_name"]] = $value; /* special case of one value output: hexadecimal to decimal conversion */ } elseif (is_hexadecimal($value)) { /* attempt to accomodate 32bit and 64bit systems */ $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value); if (strlen($value) <= 8 || 2147483647 + 1 == intval(2147483647 + 1)) { $rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time][$item["rrd_name"]] = hexdec($value); } elseif (function_exists("bcpow")) { $dec = 0; $vallen = strlen($value); for ($i = 1; $i <= $vallen; $i++) { $dec = bcadd($dec, bcmul(strval(hexdec($value[$i - 1])), bcpow('16', strval($vallen - $i)))); } $rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time][$item["rrd_name"]] = $dec; } else { $rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time][$item["rrd_name"]] = "U"; } /* multiple value output */ } else { $values = explode(" ", $value); $rrd_field_names = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("select\n\t\t\t\t\tdata_template_rrd.data_source_name,\n\t\t\t\t\tdata_input_fields.data_name\n\t\t\t\t\tfrom (data_template_rrd,data_input_fields)\n\t\t\t\t\twhere\n\t\t\t\t\tand data_template_rrd.local_data_id=" . $item["local_data_id"]), "data_name", "data_source_name"); if (sizeof($values)) { foreach ($values as $value) { $matches = explode(":", $value); if (sizeof($matches) == 2) { if (isset($rrd_field_names[$matches[0]])) { if (read_config_option("log_verbosity") >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_DEBUG || $debug) { cacti_log("Parsed MULTI output field '" . $matches[0] . ":" . $matches[1] . "' [map " . $matches[0] . "->" . $rrd_field_names[$matches[0]] . "]", true, "POLLER"); } $rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time][$rrd_field_names[$matches[0]]] = $matches[1]; } } } } } /* fallback values */ if (!isset($rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time]) && $item["rrd_name"] != "") { $rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time][$item["rrd_name"]] = "U"; } else { if (!isset($rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time]) && $item["rrd_name"] == "") { unset($rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]); } } } /* make sure each .rrd file has complete data */ reset($results); $k = 0; $data_ids = array(); foreach ($results as $item) { $unix_time = $item["unix_time"]; if (isset($rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time])) { if ($item["rrd_num"] <= sizeof($rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time])) { $data_ids[] = $item["local_data_id"]; $k++; if ($k % 10000 == 0) { db_execute("DELETE FROM poller_output WHERE local_data_id IN (" . implode(",", $data_ids) . ")"); $k = 0; $data_ids = array(); } } else { unset($rrd_update_array[$item["rrd_path"]]["times"][$unix_time]); } } } if ($k > 0) { db_execute("DELETE FROM poller_output WHERE local_data_id IN (" . implode(",", $data_ids) . ")"); } api_plugin_hook_function('poller_output', $rrd_update_array); if (api_plugin_hook_function('poller_on_demand', $results)) { $rrds_processed = rrdtool_function_update($rrd_update_array, $rrdtool_pipe); } } return $rrds_processed; }
function boost_process_poller_output($use_server = FALSE, $local_data_id = "") { global $config, $boost_sock, $boost_timeout, $debug, $get_memory, $memory_used; global $rrdtool_pipe, $rrdtool_read_pipe; include_once $config["library_path"] . "/rrd.php"; /* suppress warnings */ if (defined("E_DEPRECATED")) { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED); } else { error_reporting(E_ALL); } /* install the boost error handler */ set_error_handler("boost_error_handler"); /* load system variables needed */ $log_verbosity = read_config_option("log_verbosity"); $upd_string_len = read_config_option("boost_rrd_update_string_length"); /* tiny SQL where addendum for boost */ if (strlen($local_data_id)) { /* we can simplify the delete process if only one local_data_id */ $single_local_data_id = TRUE; $orig_local_data_id = $local_data_id; /* aquire lock in order to prevent race conditions */ while (!db_fetch_cell("SELECT GET_LOCK('boost.single_ds.{$local_data_id}', 1)")) { usleep(50000); } } else { $single_local_data_id = FALSE; $poller_interval = read_config_option("poller_interval"); $rrd_update_interval = read_config_option("boost_rrd_update_interval"); $data_ids_to_get = read_config_option("boost_rrd_update_max_records_per_select"); $archive_table = boost_get_arch_table_name(); if ($archive_table === FALSE) { cacti_log("Failed to determine archive table", FALSE, "BOOST"); return 0; } } /* get the records */ if ($single_local_data_id) { $query_string = ""; $arch_tables = db_fetch_assoc("\tSELECT table_name AS name\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM information_schema.tables\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE table_schema=SCHEMA()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND table_name LIKE 'poller_output_boost_arch_%'\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND table_rows>0;\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"); if (count($arch_tables)) { foreach ($arch_tables as $table) { if (strlen($query_string)) { $query_string .= " UNION "; } $query_string .= " ( SELECT local_data_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) AS timestamp, rrd_name, output FROM " . $table["name"] . " WHERE local_data_id='{$local_data_id}' ) "; } } if (strlen($query_string)) { $query_string .= " UNION "; } $timestamp = time(); $query_string .= " ( SELECT local_data_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) AS timestamp, rrd_name, output FROM poller_output_boost WHERE local_data_id='{$local_data_id}' AND time < FROM_UNIXTIME('{$timestamp}') ) "; $query_string .= " ORDER BY local_data_id ASC, timestamp ASC, rrd_name ASC "; } else { $query_string = "SELECT local_data_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(time) AS timestamp, rrd_name, output FROM {$archive_table} FORCE INDEX (PRIMARY)\r\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY local_data_id ASC, time ASC, rrd_name ASC\r\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$data_ids_to_get} "; } boost_timer("get_records", BOOST_TIMER_START); $results = db_fetch_assoc($query_string); boost_timer("get_records", BOOST_TIMER_END); /* log memory */ if ($get_memory) { $cur_memory = memory_get_usage(); if ($cur_memory > $memory_used) { $memory_used = $cur_memory; } } if ($single_local_data_id && ($debug || $log_verbosity >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_MEDIUM)) { cacti_log("NOTE: Updating Local Data ID:'{$local_data_id}', Total of '" . sizeof($results) . "' Updates to Process", FALSE, "BOOST"); } if (sizeof($results) > 0) { /* open the boost socket connection if applicable */ if (read_config_option("boost_server_enable") == "on" && $local_data_id != "" && $use_server) { $boost_timeout = read_config_option("boost_server_timeout"); $boost_sock = boost_server_connect(); if ($boost_sock < 0) { /* restore original error handler */ restore_error_handler(); return 0; } } /* create an array keyed off of each .rrd file */ $local_data_id = -1; $time = -1; $outbuf = ""; $last_update = -1; $last_item = array("local_data_id" => -1, "timestamp" => -1, "rrd_name" => ""); /* we are going to blow away all record if ok */ $vals_in_buffer = 0; /* cut last DS (likely to be incomplete due to LIMIT)*/ if (!$single_local_data_id) { reset($results); $first_ds = $results[key($results)]; $first_ds = intval($first_ds["local_data_id"]); end($results); $last_ds = $results[key($results)]; $last_ds = intval($last_ds["local_data_id"]); reset($results); if ($first_ds == $last_ds) { if (sizeof($results) == $data_ids_to_get) { cacti_log("FALURE: Current LIMIT ({$data_ids_to_get}) is too low to run multiple DS RRD writes, consider raising it", FALSE, "BOOST"); } restore_error_handler(); return boost_process_poller_output($use_server, $first_ds); } } boost_timer("results_cycle", BOOST_TIMER_START); /* go through each poller_output_boost entries and process */ foreach ($results as $item) { $item["timestamp"] = trim($item["timestamp"]); if ($single_local_data_id && $last_item["local_data_id"] == $item["local_data_id"] && $last_item["timestamp"] == $item["timestamp"] && strcmp($last_item["rrd_name"], $item["rrd_name"]) == 0) { continue; } if (!$single_local_data_id && $first_ds != $last_ds && $last_ds == $item["local_data_id"]) { /* we faced last and possibly incomplete DS, bail out */ break; } /* if the local_data_id changes, we need to flush the buffer */ if ($local_data_id != $item["local_data_id"]) { /* update the rrd for the previous local_data_id */ if ($vals_in_buffer) { if ($debug || $log_verbosity >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_MEDIUM) { cacti_log("NOTE: Updating Local Data Id:'{$local_data_id}', Template:" . $rrd_tmpl . ", Output:" . $outbuf, FALSE, "BOOST"); } boost_timer("rrdupdate", BOOST_TIMER_START); $return_value = boost_rrdtool_function_update($local_data_id, $rrd_path, $rrd_tmpl, $initial_time, $outbuf, $rrdtool_pipe); boost_timer("rrdupdate", BOOST_TIMER_END); $outbuf = ""; $vals_in_buffer = 0; /* check return status for delete operation */ if (trim($return_value) != "OK") { cacti_log("WARNING: RRD Update Warning '" . $return_value . "' for Local Data ID '{$local_data_id}'", FALSE, "BOOST"); } } /* reset the rrd file path and templates, assume non multi output */ boost_timer("rrd_filename_and_template", BOOST_TIMER_START); $rrd_data = boost_get_rrd_filename_and_template($item["local_data_id"]); $rrd_tmpl = $rrd_data["rrd_template"]; $rrd_path = $rrd_data["rrd_path"]; boost_timer("rrd_filename_and_template", BOOST_TIMER_END); $pipe = is_resource($rrdtool_read_pipe) || is_array($rrdtool_read_pipe) ? $rrdtool_read_pipe : $rrdtool_pipe; boost_timer("rrd_lastupdate", BOOST_TIMER_START); $last_update = boost_rrdtool_get_last_update_time($rrd_path, $pipe); boost_timer("rrd_lastupdate", BOOST_TIMER_END); $local_data_id = $item["local_data_id"]; $time = $item["timestamp"]; $initial_time = $time; $outbuf = " " . $time; $multi_vals_set = FALSE; } /* don't generate error messages if the RRD has already been updated */ if ($time <= $last_update) { cacti_log("WARNING: Stale Poller Data Found! Item Time:'" . $time . "', RRD Time:'" . $last_update . "' Ignoring Value!", FALSE, "BOOST"); $value = 'DNP'; } else { $value = trim($item["output"]); } if ($time != $item["timestamp"]) { if (strlen($outbuf) > $upd_string_len) { if ($log_verbosity >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_MEDIUM) { cacti_log("NOTE: Updating Local Data Id:'{$local_data_id}', Template:" . $rrd_tmpl . ", Output:" . $outbuf, FALSE, "BOOST"); } boost_timer("rrdupdate", BOOST_TIMER_START); $return_value = boost_rrdtool_function_update($local_data_id, $rrd_path, $rrd_tmpl, $initial_time, $outbuf, $rrdtool_pipe); boost_timer("rrdupdate", BOOST_TIMER_END); $outbuf = ""; $vals_in_buffer = 0; /* check return status for delete operation */ if (trim($return_value) != "OK") { cacti_log("WARNING: RRD Update Warning '" . $return_value . "' for Local Data ID '{$local_data_id}'", FALSE, "BOOST"); } } $outbuf .= " " . $item["timestamp"]; $time = $item["timestamp"]; } /* single one value output */ if (strcmp($value, 'DNP') == 0) { /* continue, bad time */ } elseif (is_numeric($value) || strcmp($value, "U") == 0) { $outbuf .= ":" . $value; $vals_in_buffer++; } elseif (function_exists("is_hexadecimal") && is_hexadecimal($value)) { $outbuf .= ":" . hexdec($value); $vals_in_buffer++; } elseif (strlen($value)) { /* break out multiple value output to an array */ $values = explode(" ", $value); if (!$multi_vals_set) { $rrd_field_names = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("SELECT\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdata_template_rrd.data_source_name,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdata_input_fields.data_name\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM (data_template_rrd,data_input_fields)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND data_template_rrd.local_data_id=" . $item["local_data_id"]), "data_name", "data_source_name"); $rrd_tmpl = ""; } $first_tmpl = 1; $multi_ok = FALSE; for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++) { if (preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]+):([eE0-9\\+\\.-]+)\$/", $values[$i], $matches)) { if (isset($rrd_field_names[$matches[1]])) { $multi_ok = TRUE; if ($log_verbosity == POLLER_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { cacti_log("Parsed MULTI output field '" . $matches[0] . "' [map " . $matches[1] . "->" . $rrd_field_names[$matches[1]] . "]", FALSE, "BOOST"); } if (!$multi_vals_set) { if (!$first_tmpl) { $rrd_tmpl .= ":"; } $rrd_tmpl .= $rrd_field_names[$matches[1]]; $first_tmpl = 0; } if (is_numeric($matches[2]) || $matches[2] == "U") { $outbuf .= ":" . $matches[2]; } elseif (function_exists("is_hexadecimal") && is_hexadecimal($matches[2])) { $outbuf .= ":" . hexdec($matches[2]); } else { $outbuf .= ":U"; } } } } /* we only want to process the template and gather the fields once */ $multi_vals_set = TRUE; if ($multi_ok) { $vals_in_buffer++; } } else { cacti_log("WARNING: Local Data Id [" . $item["local_data_id"] . "] Contains an empty value", FALSE, "BOOST"); } } /* process the last rrdupdate if applicable */ if ($vals_in_buffer) { if ($log_verbosity >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_MEDIUM) { cacti_log("NOTE: Updating Local Data Id:'{$local_data_id}', Template:" . $rrd_tmpl . ", Output:" . $outbuf, FALSE, "BOOST"); } boost_timer("rrdupdate", BOOST_TIMER_START); $return_value = boost_rrdtool_function_update($local_data_id, $rrd_path, $rrd_tmpl, $initial_time, $outbuf, $rrdtool_pipe); boost_timer("rrdupdate", BOOST_TIMER_END); /* check return status for delete operation */ if (trim($return_value) != "OK") { cacti_log("WARNING: RRD Update Warning '" . $return_value . "' for Local Data ID '{$local_data_id}'", FALSE, "BOOST"); } } boost_timer("results_cycle", BOOST_TIMER_END); /* remove the entries from the table */ boost_timer("delete", BOOST_TIMER_START); if ($single_local_data_id) { $tables = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT table_name AS name\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM information_schema.tables\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE table_schema=SCHEMA()\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ( table_name LIKE 'poller_output_boost_arch_%' OR table_name LIKE 'poller_output_boost' )\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND table_rows>0;\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"); if (count($tables)) { foreach ($tables as $table) { db_execute("DELETE FROM " . $table["name"] . " WHERE local_data_id='{$local_data_id}' AND time < FROM_UNIXTIME('{$timestamp}')"); } } } else { db_execute("DELETE FROM {$archive_table} WHERE local_data_id BETWEEN '{$first_ds}' AND '" . ($last_ds - 1) . "'"); } boost_timer("delete", BOOST_TIMER_END); /* close the boost server connection, if applicable */ if (read_config_option("boost_server_enable") == "on" && $local_data_id != "" && $use_server) { boost_server_disconnect($boost_sock); } } if ($single_local_data_id) { db_execute("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('boost.single_ds.{$orig_local_data_id}')"); } /* restore original error handler */ restore_error_handler(); return sizeof($results); }
function process_poller_output($rrdtool_pipe, $remainder = FALSE) { global $config; include_once($config["library_path"] . "/rrd.php"); /* let's count the number of rrd files we processed */ $rrds_processed = 0; if ($remainder) { $limit = ""; }else{ $limit = "LIMIT 10000"; } /* create/update the rrd files */ $results = db_fetch_assoc("select poller_output.output, poller_output.time, poller_output.local_data_id, poller_item.rrd_path, poller_item.rrd_name, poller_item.rrd_num from (poller_output,poller_item) where (poller_output.local_data_id=poller_item.local_data_id and poller_output.rrd_name=poller_item.rrd_name) $limit"); if (sizeof($results) > 0) { /* create an array keyed off of each .rrd file */ foreach ($results as $item) { $value = trim($item["output"]); $unix_time = strtotime($item["time"]); $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["local_data_id"] = $item["local_data_id"]; /* single one value output */ if ((is_numeric($value)) || ($value == "U")) { $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]{$item["rrd_name"]} = $value; /* special case of one value output: hexadecimal to decimal conversion */ }elseif (is_hexadecimal($value)) { $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]{$item["rrd_name"]} = hexdec($value); /* multiple value output */ }else{ $values = explode(" ", $value); $rrd_field_names = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("select data_template_rrd.data_source_name, data_input_fields.data_name from (data_template_rrd,data_input_fields) where and data_template_rrd.local_data_id=" . $item["local_data_id"]), "data_name", "data_source_name"); for ($i=0; $i<count($values); $i++) { if (preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+):([eE0-9\+\.-]+)$/", $values[$i], $matches)) { if (isset($rrd_field_names{$matches[1]})) { if (read_config_option("log_verbosity") == POLLER_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { cacti_log("Parsed MULTI output field '" . $matches[0] . "' [map " . $matches[1] . "->" . $rrd_field_names{$matches[1]} . "]" , true, "POLLER"); } $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]{$rrd_field_names{$matches[1]}} = $matches[2]; } } } } /* fallback values */ if ((!isset($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time])) && ($item["rrd_name"] != "")) { $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]{$item["rrd_name"]} = "U"; }else if ((!isset($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time])) && ($item["rrd_name"] == "")) { unset($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}); } } /* make sure each .rrd file has complete data */ reset($results); foreach ($results as $item) { $unix_time = strtotime($item["time"]); if (isset($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time])) { if ($item["rrd_num"] <= sizeof($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time])) { db_execute("delete from poller_output where local_data_id='" . $item["local_data_id"] . "' and rrd_name='" . $item["rrd_name"] . "' and time='" . $item["time"] . "'"); }else{ unset($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]); } } } $rrds_processed = rrdtool_function_update($rrd_update_array, $rrdtool_pipe); } return $rrds_processed; }
function strip_quotes($result) { /* first strip all single and double quotes from the string */ $result = trim(trim($result), "'\""); /* clean off ugly non-numeric data */ if (!is_numeric($result) && !is_hexadecimal($result) && $result != 'U') { $len = strlen($result); for ($a = $len - 1; $a >= 0; $a--) { $p = ord($result[$a]); if ($p > 47 && $p < 58 || $p == 85) { $result = substr($result, 0, $a + 1); break; } } } return $result; }
function mikrotik_macParse($value) { if (is_hexadecimal($value)) { return $value; } else { $newval = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($value); $i++) { $newval .= (strlen($newval) ? ":" : "") . bin2hex($value[$i]); } return $newval; } }
function process_poller_output(&$rrdtool_pipe, $remainder = FALSE) { global $config, $debug; include_once $config['library_path'] . '/rrd.php'; /* let's count the number of rrd files we processed */ $rrds_processed = 0; if ($remainder) { $limit = ''; } else { $limit = 'LIMIT 10000'; } /* create/update the rrd files */ $results = db_fetch_assoc("select\n\t\tpoller_output.output,\n\t\tpoller_output.time,\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(poller_output.time) as unix_time,\n\t\tpoller_output.local_data_id,\n\t\tpoller_item.rrd_path,\n\t\tpoller_item.rrd_name,\n\t\tpoller_item.rrd_num\n\t\tfrom (poller_output,poller_item)\n\t\twhere (poller_output.local_data_id=poller_item.local_data_id AND poller_output.rrd_name=poller_item.rrd_name)\n\t\torder by poller_output.local_data_id\n\t\t{$limit}"); if (sizeof($results) > 0) { /* create an array keyed off of each .rrd file */ foreach ($results as $item) { /* trim the default characters, but add single and double quotes */ $value = trim($item['output'], " \r\n\t\v\"'"); $unix_time = $item['unix_time']; $rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['local_data_id'] = $item['local_data_id']; /* single one value output */ if (is_numeric($value) || $value == 'U') { $rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time][$item['rrd_name']] = $value; /* special case of one value output: hexadecimal to decimal conversion */ } elseif (is_hexadecimal($value)) { /* attempt to accomodate 32bit and 64bit systems */ $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value); if (strlen($value) <= 8 || 2147483647 + 1 == intval(2147483647 + 1)) { $rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time][$item['rrd_name']] = hexdec($value); } elseif (function_exists('bcpow')) { $dec = 0; $vallen = strlen($value); for ($i = 1; $i <= $vallen; $i++) { $dec = bcadd($dec, bcmul(strval(hexdec($value[$i - 1])), bcpow('16', strval($vallen - $i)))); } $rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time][$item['rrd_name']] = $dec; } else { $rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time][$item['rrd_name']] = 'U'; } /* multiple value output */ } else { $values = explode(' ', $value); $rrd_field_names = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT data_template_rrd.data_source_name, data_input_fields.data_name FROM (data_template_rrd, data_input_fields) WHERE data_template_rrd.data_input_field_id = and data_template_rrd.local_data_id = ?', array($item['local_data_id'])), 'data_name', 'data_source_name'); if (sizeof($values)) { foreach ($values as $value) { $matches = explode(':', $value); if (sizeof($matches) == 2) { if (isset($rrd_field_names[$matches[0]])) { if (read_config_option('log_verbosity') >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_DEBUG || $debug) { cacti_log("Parsed MULTI output field '" . $matches[0] . ':' . $matches[1] . "' [map " . $matches[0] . '->' . $rrd_field_names[$matches[0]] . ']', true, 'POLLER'); } $rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time][$rrd_field_names[$matches[0]]] = $matches[1]; } } } } } /* fallback values */ if (!isset($rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time]) && $item['rrd_name'] != '') { $rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time][$item['rrd_name']] = 'U'; } else { if (!isset($rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time]) && $item['rrd_name'] == '') { unset($rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]); } } } /* make sure each .rrd file has complete data */ reset($results); $k = 0; $data_ids = array(); foreach ($results as $item) { $unix_time = $item['unix_time']; if (isset($rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time])) { if ($item['rrd_num'] <= sizeof($rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time])) { $data_ids[] = $item['local_data_id']; $k++; if ($k % 10000 == 0) { db_execute('DELETE FROM poller_output WHERE local_data_id IN (' . implode(',', $data_ids) . ')'); $k = 0; $data_ids = array(); } } else { unset($rrd_update_array[$item['rrd_path']]['times'][$unix_time]); } } } if ($k > 0) { db_execute('DELETE FROM poller_output WHERE local_data_id IN (' . implode(',', $data_ids) . ')'); } /* process dsstats information */ dsstats_poller_output($rrd_update_array); api_plugin_hook_function('poller_output', $rrd_update_array); if (boost_poller_on_demand($results)) { $rrds_processed = rrdtool_function_update($rrd_update_array, $rrdtool_pipe); } } return $rrds_processed; }
function process_poller_output($rrdtool_pipe, $remainder = FALSE) { global $config; include_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/rrd.php"); /* let's count the number of rrd files we processed */ $rrds_processed = 0; if ($remainder) { $limit = ""; }else{ $limit = "LIMIT 10000"; } /* create/update the rrd files */ $results = db_fetch_assoc("select poller_output.output, poller_output.time, poller_output.local_data_id, poller_item.rrd_path, poller_item.rrd_name, poller_item.rrd_num from (poller_output,poller_item) where (poller_output.local_data_id=poller_item.local_data_id and poller_output.rrd_name=poller_item.rrd_name) $limit"); if (sizeof($results) > 0) { /* create an array keyed off of each .rrd file */ foreach ($results as $item) { /* trim the default characters, but add single and double quotes */ $value = trim($item["output"], " \r\n\t\x0B\0\"'"); $unix_time = strtotime($item["time"]); $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["local_data_id"] = $item["local_data_id"]; /* single one value output */ if ((is_numeric($value)) || ($value == "U")) { $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]{$item["rrd_name"]} = $value; /* special case of one value output: hexadecimal to decimal conversion */ }elseif (is_hexadecimal($value)) { /* attempt to accomodate 32bit and 64bit systems */ $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value); if (strlen($value) <= 8 || ((2147483647+1) == intval(2147483647+1))) { $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]{$item["rrd_name"]} = hexdec($value); }elseif (function_exists("bcpow")) { $dec = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $vallen; $i++) { $dec = bcadd($dec, bcmul(strval(hexdec($value[$i - 1])), bcpow('16', strval($vallen - $i)))); } $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]{$item["rrd_name"]} = $dec; }else{ $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]{$item["rrd_name"]} = "U"; } /* multiple value output */ }else{ $values = explode(" ", $value); $rrd_field_names = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("select data_template_rrd.data_source_name, data_input_fields.data_name from (data_template_rrd,data_input_fields) where and data_template_rrd.local_data_id=" . $item["local_data_id"]), "data_name", "data_source_name"); if (sizeof($values)) { foreach($values as $value) { $matches = explode(":", $value); if (sizeof($matches) == 2) { if (isset($rrd_field_names{$matches[0]})) { if (read_config_option("log_verbosity") == POLLER_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { cacti_log("Parsed MULTI output field '" . $matches[0] . ":" . $matches[1] . "' [map " . $matches[0] . "->" . $rrd_field_names{$matches[0]} . "]" , true, "POLLER"); } $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]{$rrd_field_names{$matches[0]}} = $matches[1]; } } } } } /* fallback values */ if ((!isset($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time])) && ($item["rrd_name"] != "")) { $rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]{$item["rrd_name"]} = "U"; }else if ((!isset($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time])) && ($item["rrd_name"] == "")) { unset($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}); } } /* make sure each .rrd file has complete data */ reset($results); $sql_wheres = array(); foreach ($results as $item) { $unix_time = strtotime($item["time"]); if (isset($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time])) { if ($item["rrd_num"] <= sizeof($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time])) { $sql_wheres[] = " ( local_data_id='{$item['local_data_id']}' AND rrd_name='{$item['rrd_name']}' AND time='{$item['time']}' ) "; if (count($sql_wheres) > 100) { db_execute("DELETE FROM poller_output WHERE " . implode(" OR ", $sql_wheres)); $sql_wheres = array(); } }else{ unset($rrd_update_array{$item["rrd_path"]}["times"][$unix_time]); } } } if (count($sql_wheres) > 100) { db_execute("DELETE FROM poller_output WHERE " . implode(" OR ", $sql_wheres)); } api_plugin_hook_function('poller_output', $rrd_update_array); if (api_plugin_hook_function('poller_on_demand', $results)) { $rrds_processed = rrdtool_function_update($rrd_update_array, $rrdtool_pipe); } } return $rrds_processed; }