Esempio n. 1
function validate_search_word($word, $idx)
    static $stopwords;
    // If the word is a keyword we don't want to index it, but we do want to be allowed to search it
    if (is_keyword($word)) {
        return !$idx;
    if (!isset($stopwords)) {
        if (file_exists(FORUM_CACHE_DIR . 'cache_stopwords.php')) {
            include FORUM_CACHE_DIR . 'cache_stopwords.php';
        if (!defined('FORUM_STOPWORDS_LOADED')) {
            if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) {
                require FORUM_ROOT . 'include/cache.php';
            require FORUM_CACHE_DIR . 'cache_stopwords.php';
    // If it is a stopword it isn't valid
    if (in_array($word, $stopwords)) {
        return false;
    // If the word is CJK we don't want to index it, but we do want to be allowed to search it
    if (is_cjk($word)) {
        return !$idx;
    // Exclude % and * when checking whether current word is valid
    $word = str_replace(array('%', '*'), '', $word);
    // Check the word is within the min/max length
    $num_chars = luna_strlen($word);
    return $num_chars >= FORUM_SEARCH_MIN_WORD && $num_chars <= FORUM_SEARCH_MAX_WORD;
Esempio n. 2
function validate_search_word($word, $idx)
    global $cache;
    static $stopwords;
    // If the word is a keyword we don't want to index it, but we do want to be allowed to search it
    if (is_keyword($word)) {
        return !$idx;
    if (!isset($stopwords)) {
        $cache_id = generate_stopwords_cache_id();
        $stopwords = $cache->get('stopwords.' . $cache_id);
        if ($stopwords === Flux_Cache::NOT_FOUND) {
            $stopwords = array();
            $d = dir(PUN_ROOT . 'lang');
            while (($entry = $d->read()) !== false) {
                if ($entry[0] == '.') {
                if (is_dir(PUN_ROOT . 'lang/' . $entry) && file_exists(PUN_ROOT . 'lang/' . $entry . '/stopwords.txt')) {
                    $stopwords = array_merge($stopwords, file(PUN_ROOT . 'lang/' . $entry . '/stopwords.txt'));
            // Tidy up and filter the stopwords
            $stopwords = array_map('pun_trim', $stopwords);
            $stopwords = array_filter($stopwords);
            $cache->set('stopwords.' . $cache_id, $stopwords);
    // If it is a stopword it isn't valid
    if (in_array($word, $stopwords)) {
        return false;
    // If the word if CJK we don't want to index it, but we do want to be allowed to search it
    if (is_cjk($word)) {
        return !$idx;
    // Exclude % and * when checking whether current word is valid
    $word = str_replace(array('%', '*'), '', $word);
    // Check the word is within the min/max length
    $num_chars = pun_strlen($word);
    return $num_chars >= PUN_SEARCH_MIN_WORD && $num_chars <= PUN_SEARCH_MAX_WORD;
Esempio n. 3
 $word_count = 0;
 $match_type = 'and';
 $sort_data = array();
 foreach ($keywords_array as $cur_word) {
     $data = array();
     $data[] = $panther_user['g_id'];
     switch ($cur_word) {
         case 'and':
         case 'or':
         case 'not':
             $match_type = $cur_word;
             $where_cond = str_replace('*', '%', $cur_word);
             $data[] = '%' . $where_cond . '%';
             if (is_cjk($cur_word)) {
                 if ($search_in) {
                     if ($search_in > 0) {
                         $where_cond = 'p.message LIKE ?';
                     } else {
                         $where_cond = 't.subject LIKE ?';
                 } else {
                     $data[] = '%' . $where_cond . '%';
                     $where_cond = 'p.message LIKE ? OR t.subject LIKE ?';
                 $data = array_merge($data, $forums);
                 // Now merge the forums in with the other data
                 $ps = $db->run('SELECT AS post_id, p.topic_id, ' . $sort_by_sql . ' AS sort_by FROM ' . $db->prefix . 'posts AS p INNER JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'topics AS t ON LEFT JOIN ' . $db->prefix . 'forum_perms AS fp ON (fp.forum_id=t.forum_id AND fp.group_id=?) WHERE (p.approved=1 AND t.deleted=0 AND ' . $where_cond . ') AND (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) ' . $forum_sql, $data);
             } else {
                 $data = array_merge($data, $forums);
Esempio n. 4
 public function get_search_results()
     global $db_type, $lang_common, $lang_search;
     $search = array();
     $action = $this->request->get('action') ? $this->request->get('action') : null;
     $forums = $this->request->get('forums') ? is_array($this->request->get('forums')) ? $this->request->get('forums') : array_filter(explode(',', $this->request->get('forums'))) : ($this->request->get('forums') ? array($this->request->get('forums')) : array());
     $sort_dir = $this->request->get('sort_dir') && $this->request->get('sort_dir') == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
     $forums = array_map('intval', $forums);
     // Allow the old action names for backwards compatibility reasons
     if ($action == 'show_user') {
         $action = 'show_user_posts';
     } elseif ($action == 'show_24h') {
         $action = 'show_recent';
     // If a search_id was supplied
     if ($this->request->get('search_id')) {
         $search_id = intval($this->request->get('search_id'));
         if ($search_id < 1) {
             message($lang_common['Bad request'], '404');
     } elseif ($action == 'search') {
         $keywords = $this->request->get('keywords') ? utf8_strtolower(feather_trim($this->request->get('keywords'))) : null;
         $author = $this->request->get('author') ? utf8_strtolower(feather_trim($this->request->get('author'))) : null;
         if (preg_match('%^[\\*\\%]+$%', $keywords) || feather_strlen(str_replace(array('*', '%'), '', $keywords)) < FEATHER_SEARCH_MIN_WORD && !is_cjk($keywords)) {
             $keywords = '';
         if (preg_match('%^[\\*\\%]+$%', $author) || feather_strlen(str_replace(array('*', '%'), '', $author)) < 2) {
             $author = '';
         if (!$keywords && !$author) {
             message($lang_search['No terms']);
         if ($author) {
             $author = str_replace('*', '%', $author);
         $show_as = $this->request->get('show_as') && $this->request->get('show_as') == 'topics' ? 'topics' : 'posts';
         $sort_by = $this->request->get('sort_by') ? intval($this->request->get('sort_by')) : 0;
         $search_in = !$this->request->get('search_in') || $this->request->get('search_in') == '0' ? 0 : ($this->request->get('search_in') == '1' ? 1 : -1);
     } elseif ($action == 'show_user_posts' || $action == 'show_user_topics' || $action == 'show_subscriptions') {
         $user_id = $this->request->get('user_id') ? intval($this->request->get('user_id')) : $this->user->id;
         if ($user_id < 2) {
             message($lang_common['Bad request'], '404');
         // Subscribed topics can only be viewed by admins, moderators and the users themselves
         if ($action == 'show_subscriptions' && !$this->user->is_admmod && $user_id != $this->user->id) {
             message($lang_common['No permission'], '403');
     } elseif ($action == 'show_recent') {
         $interval = $this->request->get('value') ? intval($this->request->get('value')) : 86400;
     } elseif ($action == 'show_replies') {
         if ($this->user->is_guest) {
             message($lang_common['Bad request'], '404');
     } elseif ($action != 'show_new' && $action != 'show_unanswered') {
         message($lang_common['Bad request'], '404');
     // If a valid search_id was supplied we attempt to fetch the search results from the db
     if (isset($search_id)) {
         $ident = $this->user->is_guest ? get_remote_address() : $this->user->username;
         $search_data = DB::for_table('search_cache')->where('id', $search_id)->where('ident', $ident)->find_one_col('search_data');
         if ($search_data) {
             $temp = unserialize($search_data);
             $search_ids = unserialize($temp['search_ids']);
             $num_hits = $temp['num_hits'];
             $sort_by = $temp['sort_by'];
             $sort_dir = $temp['sort_dir'];
             $show_as = $temp['show_as'];
             $search_type = $temp['search_type'];
         } else {
             message($lang_search['No hits']);
     } else {
         $keyword_results = $author_results = array();
         // Search a specific forum?
         $forum_sql = !empty($forums) || empty($forums) && $this->config['o_search_all_forums'] == '0' && !$this->user->is_admmod ? ' AND t.forum_id IN (' . implode(',', $forums) . ')' : '';
         if (!empty($author) || !empty($keywords)) {
             // Flood protection
             if ($this->user->last_search && time() - $this->user->last_search < $this->user->g_search_flood && time() - $this->user->last_search >= 0) {
                 message(sprintf($lang_search['Search flood'], $this->user->g_search_flood, $this->user->g_search_flood - (time() - $this->user->last_search)));
             if (!$this->user->is_guest) {
                 DB::for_table('users')->where('id', $this->user->id)->update_many('last_search', time());
             } else {
                 DB::for_table('online')->where('ident', get_remote_address())->update_many('last_search', time());
             switch ($sort_by) {
                 case 1:
                     $sort_by_sql = $show_as == 'topics' ? 't.poster' : 'p.poster';
                     $sort_type = SORT_STRING;
                 case 2:
                     $sort_by_sql = 't.subject';
                     $sort_type = SORT_STRING;
                 case 3:
                     $sort_by_sql = 't.forum_id';
                     $sort_type = SORT_NUMERIC;
                 case 4:
                     $sort_by_sql = 't.last_post';
                     $sort_type = SORT_NUMERIC;
                     $sort_by_sql = $show_as == 'topics' ? 't.last_post' : 'p.posted';
                     $sort_type = SORT_NUMERIC;
             // If it's a search for keywords
             if ($keywords) {
                 // split the keywords into words
                 $keywords_array = split_words($keywords, false);
                 if (empty($keywords_array)) {
                     message($lang_search['No hits']);
                 // Should we search in message body or topic subject specifically?
                 $search_in_cond = $search_in ? $search_in > 0 ? ' AND m.subject_match = 0' : ' AND m.subject_match = 1' : '';
                 $word_count = 0;
                 $match_type = 'and';
                 $sort_data = array();
                 foreach ($keywords_array as $cur_word) {
                     switch ($cur_word) {
                         case 'and':
                         case 'or':
                         case 'not':
                             $match_type = $cur_word;
                             if (is_cjk($cur_word)) {
                                 $where_cond = str_replace('*', '%', $cur_word);
                                 $where_cond_cjk = $search_in ? $search_in > 0 ? 'p.message LIKE %:where_cond%' : 't.subject LIKE %:where_cond%' : 'p.message LIKE %:where_cond% OR t.subject LIKE %:where_cond%';
                                 $result = DB::for_table('posts')->raw_query('SELECT AS post_id, p.topic_id, ' . $sort_by_sql . ' AS sort_by FROM ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'posts AS p INNER JOIN ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'topics AS t ON LEFT JOIN ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'forum_perms AS fp ON (fp.forum_id=t.forum_id AND fp.group_id=' . $this->user->g_id . ') WHERE (' . $where_cond_cjk . ') AND (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1)' . $forum_sql, array(':where_cond' => $where_cond))->find_many();
                             } else {
                                 $result = DB::for_table('posts')->raw_query('SELECT m.post_id, p.topic_id, ' . $sort_by_sql . ' AS sort_by FROM ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'search_words AS w INNER JOIN ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'search_matches AS m ON m.word_id = INNER JOIN ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'posts AS p ON INNER JOIN ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'topics AS t ON LEFT JOIN ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'forum_perms AS fp ON (fp.forum_id=t.forum_id AND fp.group_id=' . $this->user->g_id . ') WHERE w.word LIKE :where_cond' . $search_in_cond . ' AND (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1)' . $forum_sql, array(':where_cond' => str_replace('*', '%', $cur_word)))->find_many();
                             $row = array();
                             foreach ($result as $temp) {
                                 $row[$temp['post_id']] = $temp['topic_id'];
                                 if (!$word_count) {
                                     $keyword_results[$temp['post_id']] = $temp['topic_id'];
                                     $sort_data[$temp['post_id']] = $temp['sort_by'];
                                 } elseif ($match_type == 'or') {
                                     $keyword_results[$temp['post_id']] = $temp['topic_id'];
                                     $sort_data[$temp['post_id']] = $temp['sort_by'];
                                 } elseif ($match_type == 'not') {
                             if ($match_type == 'and' && $word_count) {
                                 foreach ($keyword_results as $post_id => $topic_id) {
                                     if (!isset($row[$post_id])) {
                             $pdo = DB::get_db();
                             $pdo = null;
                 // Sort the results - annoyingly array_multisort re-indexes arrays with numeric keys, so we need to split the keys out into a separate array then combine them again after
                 $post_ids = array_keys($keyword_results);
                 $topic_ids = array_values($keyword_results);
                 array_multisort(array_values($sort_data), $sort_dir == 'DESC' ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC, $sort_type, $post_ids, $topic_ids);
                 // combine the arrays back into a key=>value array (array_combine is PHP5 only unfortunately)
                 $num_results = count($keyword_results);
                 $keyword_results = array();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $num_results; $i++) {
                     $keyword_results[$post_ids[$i]] = $topic_ids[$i];
                 unset($sort_data, $post_ids, $topic_ids);
             // If it's a search for author name (and that author name isn't Guest)
             if ($author && $author != 'guest' && $author != utf8_strtolower($lang_common['Guest'])) {
                 $username_exists = DB::for_table('users')->select('id')->where_like('username', $author)->find_many();
                 if ($username_exists) {
                     $user_ids = array();
                     foreach ($username_exists as $row) {
                         $user_ids[] = $row['id'];
                     $result = DB::for_table('posts')->raw_query('SELECT AS post_id, p.topic_id FROM ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'posts AS p INNER JOIN ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'topics AS t ON LEFT JOIN ' . $this->feather->prefix . 'forum_perms AS fp ON (fp.forum_id=t.forum_id AND fp.group_id=' . $this->user->g_id . ') WHERE (fp.read_forum IS NULL OR fp.read_forum=1) AND p.poster_id IN(' . implode(',', $user_ids) . ')' . $forum_sql . ' ORDER BY ' . $sort_by_sql . ' ' . $sort_dir)->find_many();
                     foreach ($result as $temp) {
                         $author_results[$temp['post_id']] = $temp['topic_id'];
                     $pdo = DB::get_db();
                     $pdo = null;
             // If we searched for both keywords and author name we want the intersection between the results
             if ($author && $keywords) {
                 $search_ids = array_intersect_assoc($keyword_results, $author_results);
                 $search_type = array('both', array($keywords, feather_trim($this->request->get('author'))), implode(',', $forums), $search_in);
             } elseif ($keywords) {
                 $search_ids = $keyword_results;
                 $search_type = array('keywords', $keywords, implode(',', $forums), $search_in);
             } else {
                 $search_ids = $author_results;
                 $search_type = array('author', feather_trim($this->request->get('author')), implode(',', $forums), $search_in);
             unset($keyword_results, $author_results);
             if ($show_as == 'topics') {
                 $search_ids = array_values($search_ids);
             } else {
                 $search_ids = array_keys($search_ids);
             $search_ids = array_unique($search_ids);
             $num_hits = count($search_ids);
             if (!$num_hits) {
                 message($lang_search['No hits']);
         } elseif ($action == 'show_new' || $action == 'show_recent' || $action == 'show_replies' || $action == 'show_user_posts' || $action == 'show_user_topics' || $action == 'show_subscriptions' || $action == 'show_unanswered') {
             $search_type = array('action', $action);
             $show_as = 'topics';
             // We want to sort things after last post
             $sort_by = 0;
             $sort_dir = 'DESC';
             $where_search_action = array(array('fp.read_forum' => 'IS NULL'), array('fp.read_forum' => '1'));
             // If it's a search for new posts since last visit
             if ($action == 'show_new') {
                 if ($this->user->is_guest) {
                     message($lang_common['No permission'], '403');
                 $result = DB::for_table('topics')->table_alias('t')->select('')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.forum_id', '=', 't.forum_id'), 'fp')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.group_id', '=', $this->user->g_id), null, true)->where_any_is($where_search_action)->where_gt('t.last_post', $this->user->last_visit)->where_null('t.moved_to')->order_by_desc('t.last_post');
                 if ($this->request->get('fid')) {
                     $result = $result->where('t.forum_id', intval($this->request->get('fid')));
                 $result = $result->find_many();
                 $num_hits = count($result);
                 if (!$num_hits) {
                     message($lang_search['No new posts']);
             } elseif ($action == 'show_recent') {
                 $result = DB::for_table('topics')->table_alias('t')->select('')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.forum_id', '=', 't.forum_id'), 'fp')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.group_id', '=', $this->user->g_id), null, true)->where_any_is($where_search_action)->where_gt('t.last_post', time() - $interval)->where_null('t.moved_to')->order_by_desc('t.last_post');
                 if ($this->request->get('fid')) {
                     $result = $result->where('t.forum_id', intval($this->request->get('fid')));
                 $result = $result->find_many();
                 $num_hits = count($result);
                 if (!$num_hits) {
                     message($lang_search['No recent posts']);
             } elseif ($action == 'show_replies') {
                 $result = DB::for_table('topics')->table_alias('t')->select('')->inner_join('posts', array('', '=', 'p.topic_id'), 'p')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.forum_id', '=', 't.forum_id'), 'fp')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.group_id', '=', $this->user->g_id), null, true)->where_any_is($where_search_action)->where('p.poster_id', $this->user->id)->group_by('');
                 if ($db_type == 'pgsql') {
                     $result = $result->group_by('t.last_post');
                 $result = $result->find_many();
                 $num_hits = count($result);
                 if (!$num_hits) {
                     message($lang_search['No user posts']);
             } elseif ($action == 'show_user_posts') {
                 $show_as = 'posts';
                 $result = DB::for_table('posts')->table_alias('p')->select('')->inner_join('topics', array('p.topic_id', '=', ''), 't')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.forum_id', '=', 't.forum_id'), 'fp')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.group_id', '=', $this->user->g_id), null, true)->where_any_is($where_search_action)->where('p.poster_id', $user_id)->order_by_desc('p.posted');
                 $result = $result->find_many();
                 $num_hits = count($result);
                 if (!$num_hits) {
                     message($lang_search['No user posts']);
                 // Pass on the user ID so that we can later know whose posts we're searching for
                 $search_type[2] = $user_id;
             } elseif ($action == 'show_user_topics') {
                 $result = DB::for_table('topics')->table_alias('t')->select('')->inner_join('posts', array('t.first_post_id', '=', ''), 'p')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.forum_id', '=', 't.forum_id'), 'fp')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.group_id', '=', $this->user->g_id), null, true)->where_any_is($where_search_action)->where('p.poster_id', $user_id)->order_by_desc('t.last_post');
                 $result = $result->find_many();
                 $num_hits = count($result);
                 if (!$num_hits) {
                     message($lang_search['No user topics']);
                 // Pass on the user ID so that we can later know whose topics we're searching for
                 $search_type[2] = $user_id;
             } elseif ($action == 'show_subscriptions') {
                 if ($this->user->is_guest) {
                     message($lang_common['Bad request'], '404');
                 $result = DB::for_table('topics')->table_alias('t')->select('')->inner_join('topic_subscriptions', array('', '=', 's.topic_id'), 's')->inner_join('topic_subscriptions', array('s.user_id', '=', $user_id), null, true)->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.forum_id', '=', 't.forum_id'), 'fp')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.group_id', '=', $this->user->g_id), null, true)->where_any_is($where_search_action)->order_by_desc('t.last_post');
                 $result = $result->find_many();
                 $num_hits = count($result);
                 if (!$num_hits) {
                     message($lang_search['No subscriptions']);
                 // Pass on user ID so that we can later know whose subscriptions we're searching for
                 $search_type[2] = $user_id;
             } else {
                 $result = DB::for_table('topics')->table_alias('t')->select('')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.forum_id', '=', 't.forum_id'), 'fp')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.group_id', '=', $this->user->g_id), null, true)->where('t.num_replies', 0)->where_null('t.moved_to')->where_any_is($where_search_action)->order_by_desc('t.last_post');
                 $result = $result->find_many();
                 $num_hits = count($result);
                 if (!$num_hits) {
                     message($lang_search['No unanswered']);
             $search_ids = array();
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 $search_ids[] = $row['id'];
             $pdo = DB::get_db();
             $pdo = null;
         } else {
             message($lang_common['Bad request'], '404');
         // Prune "old" search results
         $old_searches = array();
         $result = DB::for_table('online')->select('ident')->find_many();
         if ($result) {
             foreach ($result as $row) {
                 $old_searches[] = $row['ident'];
             DB::for_table('search_cache')->where_not_in('ident', $old_searches)->delete_many();
         // Fill an array with our results and search properties
         $temp = serialize(array('search_ids' => serialize($search_ids), 'num_hits' => $num_hits, 'sort_by' => $sort_by, 'sort_dir' => $sort_dir, 'show_as' => $show_as, 'search_type' => $search_type));
         $search_id = mt_rand(1, 2147483647);
         $ident = $this->user->is_guest ? get_remote_address() : $this->user->username;
         $insert_cache = array('id' => $search_id, 'ident' => $ident, 'search_data' => $temp);
         if ($search_type[0] != 'action') {
             // Redirect the user to the cached result page
             header('Location: ' . get_link('search/?search_id=' . $search_id));
     // If we're on the new posts search, display a "mark all as read" link
     if (!$this->user->is_guest && $search_type[0] == 'action' && $search_type[1] == 'show_new') {
         $search['forum_actions'][] = '<a href="' . get_link('mark-read/') . '">' . $lang_common['Mark all as read'] . '</a>';
     // Fetch results to display
     if (!empty($search_ids)) {
         // We have results
         $search['is_result'] = true;
         switch ($sort_by) {
             case 1:
                 $sort_by_sql = $show_as == 'topics' ? 't.poster' : 'p.poster';
             case 2:
                 $sort_by_sql = 't.subject';
             case 3:
                 $sort_by_sql = 't.forum_id';
                 $sort_by_sql = $show_as == 'topics' ? 't.last_post' : 'p.posted';
         // Determine the topic or post offset (based on $_GET['p'])
         $per_page = $show_as == 'posts' ? $this->user->disp_posts : $this->user->disp_topics;
         $num_pages = ceil($num_hits / $per_page);
         $p = !$this->request->get('p') || $this->request->get('p') <= 1 || $this->request->get('p') > $num_pages ? 1 : intval($this->request->get('p'));
         $start_from = $per_page * ($p - 1);
         $search['start_from'] = $start_from;
         // Generate paging links
         $search['paging_links'] = '<span class="pages-label">' . $lang_common['Pages'] . ' </span>' . paginate_old($num_pages, $p, '?search_id=' . $search_id);
         // throw away the first $start_from of $search_ids, only keep the top $per_page of $search_ids
         $search_ids = array_slice($search_ids, $start_from, $per_page);
         // Run the query and fetch the results
         if ($show_as == 'posts') {
             $select_search_post = array('pid' => '', 'pposter' => 'p.poster', 'pposted' => 'p.posted', 'p.poster_id', 'p.message', 'p.hide_smilies', 'tid' => '', 't.poster', 't.subject', 't.first_post_id', 't.last_post', 't.last_post_id', 't.last_poster', 't.num_replies', 't.forum_id', 'f.forum_name');
             $result = DB::for_table('posts')->table_alias('p')->select_many($select_search_post)->inner_join('topics', array('', '=', 'p.topic_id'), 't')->inner_join('forums', array('', '=', 't.forum_id'), 'f')->where_in('', $search_ids)->order_by($sort_by_sql, $sort_dir)->find_many();
         } else {
             $select_search_topic = array('tid' => '', 't.poster', 't.subject', 't.last_post', 't.last_post_id', 't.last_poster', 't.num_replies', 't.closed', 't.sticky', 't.forum_id', 'f.forum_name');
             $result = DB::for_table('topics')->table_alias('t')->select_many($select_search_topic)->inner_join('forums', array('', '=', 't.forum_id'), 'f')->where_in('', $search_ids)->order_by($sort_by_sql, $sort_dir)->find_many();
         $search['search_set'] = array();
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $search['search_set'][] = $row;
         $search['crumbs_text']['show_as'] = $lang_search['Search'];
         if ($search_type[0] == 'action') {
             if ($search_type[1] == 'show_user_topics') {
                 $search['crumbs_text']['search_type'] = '<a href="' . get_link('search/?action=show_user_topics&amp;user_id=' . $search_type[2]) . '">' . sprintf($lang_search['Quick search show_user_topics'], feather_escape($search['search_set'][0]['poster'])) . '</a>';
             } elseif ($search_type[1] == 'show_user_posts') {
                 $search['crumbs_text']['search_type'] = '<a href="' . get_link('search/?action=show_user_posts&amp;user_id=' . $search_type[2]) . '">' . sprintf($lang_search['Quick search show_user_posts'], feather_escape($search['search_set'][0]['pposter'])) . '</a>';
             } elseif ($search_type[1] == 'show_subscriptions') {
                 // Fetch username of subscriber
                 $subscriber_id = $search_type[2];
                 $subscriber_name = DB::for_table('users')->where('id', $subscriber_id)->find_one_col('username');
                 if (!$subscriber_name) {
                     message($lang_common['Bad request'], '404');
                 $search['crumbs_text']['search_type'] = '<a href="' . get_link('search/?action=show_subscription&amp;user_id=' . $subscriber_id) . '">' . sprintf($lang_search['Quick search show_subscriptions'], feather_escape($subscriber_name)) . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $search_url = str_replace('_', '/', $search_type[1]);
                 $search['crumbs_text']['search_type'] = '<a href="' . get_link('search/' . $search_url . '/') . '">' . $lang_search['Quick search ' . $search_type[1]] . '</a>';
         } else {
             $keywords = $author = '';
             if ($search_type[0] == 'both') {
                 list($keywords, $author) = $search_type[1];
                 $search['crumbs_text']['search_type'] = sprintf($lang_search['By both show as ' . $show_as], feather_escape($keywords), feather_escape($author));
             } elseif ($search_type[0] == 'keywords') {
                 $keywords = $search_type[1];
                 $search['crumbs_text']['search_type'] = sprintf($lang_search['By keywords show as ' . $show_as], feather_escape($keywords));
             } elseif ($search_type[0] == 'author') {
                 $author = $search_type[1];
                 $search['crumbs_text']['search_type'] = sprintf($lang_search['By user show as ' . $show_as], feather_escape($author));
             $search['crumbs_text']['search_type'] = '<a href="' . get_link('search/?action=search&amp;keywords=' . urlencode($keywords) . '&amp;author=' . urlencode($author) . '&amp;forums=' . $search_type[2] . '&amp;search_in=' . $search_type[3] . '&amp;sort_by=' . $sort_by . '&amp;sort_dir=' . $sort_dir . '&amp;show_as=' . $show_as) . '">' . $search['crumbs_text']['search_type'] . '</a>';
     $search['show_as'] = $show_as;
     return $search;