Esempio n. 1
  * Starting from Omeka 1.3, is_admin_theme() should respond to a front
  * controller parameter, NOT a constant, as using a constant reduces 
  * testability to zero.
  * Since this test is flagged as an admin test, is_admin_theme() should be
  * true by default.  Then it should be false when we change the front 
  * controller param.
 public function testIsAdminThemeDependsOnFrontController()
     $this->_frontController->setParam('admin', false);
     $this->_frontController->setParam('admin', true);
Esempio n. 2
  * Add the appropriate view scripts directories for a given request.
  * This is pretty much the glue between the plugin broker and the
  * View object, since it uses data from the plugin broker to determine what
  * script paths will be available to the view.  
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request Request object.
  * @return void
 public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     // Getting the module name from the request object is pretty much the main
     // reason why this needs to be in a controller plugin and can't be localized
     // to the view script.
     $moduleName = $request->getModuleName();
     $isPluginModule = !in_array($moduleName, array('default', null));
     $themeType = is_admin_theme() ? 'admin' : 'public';
     $pluginScriptDirs = $this->_pluginMvc->getViewScriptDirs($themeType);
     // Remove the current plugin, if any, from the set of "normal" plugin paths
     if ($isPluginModule && isset($pluginScriptDirs[$moduleName])) {
         $currentPluginScriptDirs = $pluginScriptDirs[$moduleName];
     // Add all the "normal" plugin paths
     foreach ($pluginScriptDirs as $modulePaths) {
     // Add the theme and core paths
     // Add plugin and theme-override paths for current plugin
     if ($isPluginModule) {
         if (isset($currentPluginScriptDirs)) {
         $this->_addOverridePathForPlugin($themeType, $moduleName);
Esempio n. 3
  * Adds the homepage route to the router (as specified by the navigation settings page)
  * The route will not be added if the user is currently on the admin theme.
  * @param Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite $router The router
 private function _addHomepageRoute($router)
     // Don't add the route if the user is on the admin theme
     if (!is_admin_theme()) {
         $homepageUri = get_option(Omeka_Form_Navigation::HOMEPAGE_URI_OPTION_NAME);
         $homepageUri = trim($homepageUri);
         $withoutAdminUri = $this->_leftTrim($this->_leftTrim($homepageUri, ADMIN_BASE_URL), '/' . ADMIN_WEB_DIR);
         if ($withoutAdminUri != $homepageUri) {
             // homepage uri is an admin link
             $homepageUri = WEB_ROOT . '/' . ADMIN_WEB_DIR . $withoutAdminUri;
             $this->addRedirectRouteForDefaultRoute(self::HOMEPAGE_ROUTE_NAME, $homepageUri, array(), $router);
         } else {
             // homepage uri is not an admin link
             // left trim root directory off of the homepage uri
             $homepageUri = $this->_leftTrim($homepageUri, PUBLIC_BASE_URL);
             // make sure the new homepage is not the default homepage
             if ($homepageUri == '' || $homepageUri == self::DEFAULT_ROUTE_NAME || $homepageUri == PUBLIC_BASE_URL) {
             $homepageRequest = new Zend_Controller_Request_Http();
             // web root includes server and root directory
             $dispatcher = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getDispatcher();
             if ($dispatcher->isDispatchable($homepageRequest)) {
                 // homepage is an internal link
                 $router->addRoute(self::HOMEPAGE_ROUTE_NAME, new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(self::DEFAULT_ROUTE_NAME, $homepageRequest->getParams()));
             } else {
                 // homepage is some external link or a broken internal link
                 $this->addRedirectRouteForDefaultRoute(self::HOMEPAGE_ROUTE_NAME, $homepageUri, array(), $router);
Esempio n. 4
  * Defines public routes.
  * @return void
 public function hookDefineRoutes($args)
     if (is_admin_theme()) {
     $args['router']->addConfig(new Zend_Config_Ini(dirname(__FILE__) . '/routes.ini', 'routes'));
Esempio n. 5
  * Return a URL to a record.
  * @uses Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord::getCurrentRecord()
  * @uses Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord::getRecordUrl()
  * @uses Omeka_View_Helper_Url::url()
  * @uses Omeka_View_Helper_GetRecordFullIdentifier::getRecordFullIdentifier()
  * @throws Omeka_View_Exception
  * @param Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord|string $record
  * @param string|null $action
  * @param bool $getAbsoluteUrl
  * @param array $queryParams
  * @return string
 public function recordUrl($record, $action = null, $getAbsoluteUrl = false, $queryParams = array())
     if (is_admin_theme() && !get_option('clean_url_use_admin')) {
         return parent::recordUrl($record, $action, $getAbsoluteUrl, $queryParams);
     // Get the current record from the view if passed as a string.
     if (is_string($record)) {
         $record = $this->view->getCurrentRecord($record);
     if (!$record instanceof Omeka_Record_AbstractRecord) {
         throw new Omeka_View_Exception(__('Invalid record passed while getting record URL.'));
     // Get the clean url if any.
     $cleanUrl = $this->_getCleanUrl($record, $action);
     if ($cleanUrl) {
         $url = $cleanUrl;
         if ($getAbsoluteUrl) {
             $url = $this->view->serverUrl() . $url;
         if ($queryParams) {
             $query = http_build_query($queryParams);
             // Append params if query is already part of the URL.
             if (strpos($url, '?') === false) {
                 $url .= '?' . $query;
             } else {
                 $url .= '&' . $query;
         return $url;
     return parent::recordUrl($record, $action, $getAbsoluteUrl, $queryParams);
Esempio n. 6
  * Adds the homepage route to the router (as specified by the navigation settings page)
  * The route will not be added if the user is currently on the admin theme.
  * @param Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite $router The router
 private function _addHomepageRoute($router)
     // Don't add the route if the user is on the admin theme
     if (is_admin_theme()) {
     $homepageUri = trim(get_option(Omeka_Form_Navigation::HOMEPAGE_URI_OPTION_NAME));
     if (strpos($homepageUri, ADMIN_BASE_URL) === 0) {
         // homepage uri is an admin link
         $this->_addHomepageRedirect($homepageUri, $router);
     } else {
         if (strpos($homepageUri, '?') === false) {
             // left trim root directory off of the homepage uri
             $relativeUri = $this->_leftTrim($homepageUri, PUBLIC_BASE_URL);
             // make sure the new homepage is not the default homepage
             if ($relativeUri == '' || $relativeUri == '/') {
             $homepageRequest = new Zend_Controller_Request_Http();
             $dispatcher = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getDispatcher();
             if ($dispatcher->isDispatchable($homepageRequest)) {
                 // homepage is an internal link
                 $router->addRoute(self::HOMEPAGE_ROUTE_NAME, new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('/', $homepageRequest->getParams()));
     // homepage is some external link, a broken internal link, or has a
     // query string
     $this->_addHomepageRedirect($homepageUri, $router);
Esempio n. 7
 public function indexAction()
     if (!is_admin_theme()) {
Esempio n. 8
 protected function _preventAdminAccess($request)
     $user = current_user();
     // If we're logged in, then prevent access to the admin for guest users
     if ($user && $user->role == 'guest' && is_admin_theme()) {
         $this->_getRedirect()->gotoUrl(WEB_ROOT . '/guest-user/user/me');
  * Use global settings for determining browse page limits.
  * @return int
 public function _getBrowseRecordsPerPage()
     if (is_admin_theme()) {
         return (int) get_option('per_page_admin');
     } else {
         return (int) get_option('per_page_public');
Esempio n. 10
 public function indexAction()
     if (is_admin_theme()) {
         // There is no API endpoint on the admin theme.
         $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'index');
     $this->view->title = get_option('site_title');
     $this->view->site_url = Omeka_Record_Api_AbstractRecordAdapter::getResourceUrl('/site');
     $this->view->resource_url = Omeka_Record_Api_AbstractRecordAdapter::getResourceUrl('/resources');
 public function filterElementsSelectOptions($elementSets)
     //make this magic happen only on the advanced search page
     if (!is_admin_theme()) {
         $elementsWeWant = array('Title', 'Date', 'Text', 'Creator', 'Description', 'To', 'From', 'Email Body', 'Local URL', 'Date Published', 'Date Accessed', 'Contributor Name', 'Contributor Age', 'Contributor Gender', 'Contributor Race', 'Current Location');
         foreach ($elementSets as $elementSet => $elements) {
             foreach ($elements as $id => $element) {
                 if (!in_array($element, $elementsWeWant)) {
     return $elementSets;
  * This is a filter function.  
  * If the relation text begins with thumb:, then the thumb: portion 
  * is stripped and the remaining urn is displayed as a thumbnail.
  * If the relation text begins with full:, the full: portion
  * is stripped and the remaining urn is displayed as a link.
  * Any other relation text not meeting the criteria is simply returned as is.
  * @param string - the text from the Relation field
  * @return string - this will be an img tag if thumb:, a href tag if full:, or currently existing text.
 public function replaceDigitalObjectRelations($text, $args)
     //If the relation has a full string, check to see if it has a thumb relation.  If so, then
     //display the thumb and link it out to the full image.  Otherwise just make it a link.
     if (preg_match(get_option('digitalobjectlinkerplugin_preg_full_image_string'), $text)) {
         //Strip the full: from the text.
         $fulllink = substr($text, strlen(get_option('digitalobjectlinkerplugin_full_image_tag')));
         //The only way that I could find to get all relations during the filter was to pull the relations from the database.
         //Trying to pull from the metadata function seemed to throw this into an infinite loop.
         //This first gets the element_id for the 'Relation' element from the 'Element' table (omeka_elements if you are looking in the db).
         //Second, it then finds all of the 'Relation' element texts from the 'ElementText' table (omeka_element_texts) using
         //the record ID which was passed in from the filter and the element_id that was retrieved.
         $element = get_db()->getTable('Element')->findByElementSetNameAndElementName('Dublin Core', 'Relation');
         $elementID = $element->id;
         //Record ID that was passed in from the filter.
         $recordID = $args['record']->id;
         //We no longer need the element object that we retrieved so releas it.
         //Create the select for the ElementText table.
         $select = get_db()->select()->from(array(get_db()->ElementText), array('text'))->where('record_id=' . $recordID . ' AND element_id = ' . $elementID);
         //Fetch all of the relations.  They come back as an array in this form:
         //array(0 => array('text' => full:urn...), 1 => array('text' => thumb:urn....))
         $relations = get_db()->getTable('ElementText')->fetchAll($select);
         //As long as at least one relation was returned, we can continue.
         if (count($relations) > 0) {
             foreach ($relations as $relation) {
                 //Make sure the relation is not the full relation that we are filtering.  If it isn't,
                 //check to see if it is the thumb relation.
                 if ($relation['text'] != $text && preg_match(get_option('digitalobjectlinkerplugin_preg_thumb_string'), $relation['text'])) {
                     //Create a thumb image that links out to the full image.
                     $thumblink = substr($relation['text'], strlen(get_option('digitalobjectlinkerplugin_thumb_tag')));
                     if (!empty($thumblink)) {
                         //Determine the width and height of the thumb.
                         $width = is_admin_theme() ? get_option('digitalobjectlinkerplugin_width_admin') : get_option('digitalobjectlinkerplugin_width_public');
                         return "<div class=\"item-relation\"><a href=\"" . $fulllink . "\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"" . $thumblink . "\" alt=\"" . $thumblink . "\" height=\"" . $width . "\"></img></a></div>";
         //If it reaches this point, the relations did not contain a thumbnail so return a plain link.
         return "<a href=\"" . $fulllink . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $fulllink . "</a>";
     } elseif (!preg_match(get_option('digitalobjectlinkerplugin_preg_thumb_string'), $text)) {
         return $text;
     } else {
         return "<div></div>";
 public function showAction()
     $db = $this->_helper->db;
     $itemTable = $db->getTable('Item');
     $itemAlias = $itemTable->getTableAlias();
     $select = $itemTable->getSelectForFindBy(array(), is_admin_theme() ? 10 : 5);
     $rrTable = $db->getTable('RecordRelationsRelation');
     $rrAlias = $rrTable->getTableAlias();
     $select->joinInner(array($rrAlias => $rrTable->getTableName()), "{$rrAlias}.subject_id = {$itemAlias}.id", array());
     $select->where("{$rrAlias}.object_id = ?", $this->view->collection->id);
     $select->where("{$rrAlias}.object_record_type = 'Collection'");
     $select->where("{$rrAlias}.property_id = ?", get_record_relations_property_id(DCTERMS, 'isPartOf'));
     $select->where("{$rrAlias}.subject_record_type = 'Item'");
     $this->view->items = $itemTable->fetchObjects($select);
Esempio n. 14
  * Add the appropriate view scripts directories for a given request.
  * This is pretty much the glue between the plugin broker and the
  * View object, since it uses data from the plugin broker to determine what
  * script paths will be available to the view.  
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request Request object.
  * @return void
 public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     // Getting the module name from the request object is pretty much the main
     // reason why this needs to be in a controller plugin and can't be localized
     // to the view script.
     $moduleName = $request->getModuleName();
     $isPluginModule = !in_array($moduleName, array('default', null));
     $themeType = is_admin_theme() ? 'admin' : 'public';
     if ($isPluginModule) {
         // Make it so that plugin view/assets load before the theme (and only for the specific plugin/theme).
         $this->_setupPathsForPlugin($moduleName, $themeType);
     } else {
         // Make it so that plugin view/assets load after the theme (and for all possibly plugins).
Esempio n. 15
  * Return the number of results to display per page.
  * An authorized user can modify this using the "per_page" query parameter.
  * @return int
 protected function _getBrowseRecordsPerPage()
     // Return the per page if the current user has permission to modify it.
     if ($this->_helper->acl->isAllowed('modifyPerPage', 'Search')) {
         $perPage = (int) $this->getRequest()->get('per_page');
         if ($perPage) {
             return $perPage;
     if (is_admin_theme()) {
         $perPage = (int) get_option('per_page_admin');
     } else {
         $perPage = (int) get_option('per_page_public');
     return $perPage;
Esempio n. 16
  * Set up routing for the upgrade controller.
  * Only allows authorized users to upgrade, and blocks the public site when
  * an upgrade is needed.
  * @internal Decision logic for routing to the upgrade controller takes place
  * in dispatchLoopStartup so it OVERRIDES Admin controller plugin logic,
  * which otherwise causes an endless redirect.
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request Request object.
  * @return void
 public function dispatchLoopStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     // Block access to the upgrade controller.
     if ($request->getControllerName() == 'upgrade' && $request->getModuleName() == 'default' && !$this->_dbCanUpgrade()) {
     if ($this->_dbNeedsUpgrade()) {
         if (!is_admin_theme()) {
             die("Public site is unavailable until the upgrade completes.");
         // This is a workaround to avoid the authentication requirement.
         if ($request->getControllerName() != 'upgrade') {
Esempio n. 17
 public function indexAction()
     // Load the SimplePage page on homepage
     if (!is_admin_theme()) {
         // Get the page object from the passed ID.
         $pageId = 1;
         $page = $this->_helper->db->getTable('SimplePagesPage')->find($pageId);
         // Set the page object to the view.
         $this->view->simple_pages_page = $page;
         $this->view->is_home_page = true;
             $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
             if( $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' && 
                 $ip != '' && 
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
     	        $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != '' &&
     	        $ip != '' &&
                 $ip != ''
                 echo "<div style='width:100%; margin-top:50px; text-align:center;'>";
                 echo "  <img src='".WEB_ROOT."/themes/cg35/images/landing.jpg'>";
                 echo "</div>";
             } else {
Esempio n. 18
  * Peform common processing for the publicly accessible actions.
  * Set a view script variable for header and footer view scripts and
  * don't allow logged-in users access.
  * The script variables are set for actions in $_publicActions, so
  * the scripts for those actions should use these variables.
 protected function _handlePublicActions()
     $action = $this->_request->getActionName();
     if (!in_array($action, $this->_publicActions)) {
     // If a user is already logged in, they should always get redirected back to the dashboard.
     if ($loggedInUser = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('Currentuser')) {
         $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'index');
     if (is_admin_theme()) {
         $header = 'login-header';
         $footer = 'login-footer';
     } else {
         $header = 'header';
         $footer = 'footer';
     $this->view->header = $header;
     $this->view->footer = $footer;
Esempio n. 19
 public function filterCollectionsBrowseParams($params)
     // Only apply to public side.
     if (!is_admin_theme()) {
         $req = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();
         $requestParams = $req->getParams();
         $sortParam = Omeka_Db_Table::SORT_PARAM;
         $sortDirParam = Omeka_Db_Table::SORT_DIR_PARAM;
         // Browse Collections
         if ($requestParams['controller'] == 'collections' && $requestParams['action'] == 'browse') {
             // If no sort, sort by Dublin Core Date, ascendant.
             if (get_option('defaultsort_collection_enabled') && !isset($params['sort_field']) || empty($params['sort_field']) || $params['sort_field'] == 'added') {
                 $params['sort_field'] = get_option('defaultsort_collections_option');
                 $params['sort_dir'] = get_option('defaultsort_collections_direction');
                 // Set the param itself, so that the correct class may be added to the HTML output in browse_sort_links()
                 $req->setParam($sortParam, get_option('defaultsort_collections_option'));
                 $req->setParam($sortDirParam, get_option('defaultsort_items_direction'));
     return $params;
 public function filterDisplayElements($elementsBySet)
     if ($this->_overrideFilter()) {
         return $elementsBySet;
     $key = is_admin_theme() ? 'admin' : 'public';
     $itemTypeSetName = ElementSet::ITEM_TYPE_NAME;
     // Account for the renamed Item Type Metadata set.
     foreach ($this->_settings[$key] as $elementSet => $elements) {
         if ($elementSet == $itemTypeSetName) {
             foreach (array_keys($elementsBySet) as $currentSet) {
                 if (substr_compare($currentSet, $itemTypeSetName, -strlen($itemTypeSetName), strlen($itemTypeSetName)) === 0) {
                     $elementSet = $currentSet;
         foreach (array_keys($elements) as $element) {
     return $elementsBySet;
  * Retrieve the number of records to display on any given browse page.
  * This can be modified as a query parameter provided that a user is
  * actually logged in.
  * @return integer
 protected function _getBrowseRecordsPerPage($pluralName = null)
     return is_admin_theme() ? (int) get_option('per_page_admin') : (int) get_option('per_page_public');
  * Override the default simple-search URI to automagically integrate into
  * the theme; leaves admin section alone for default search.
  * @param string $uri URI for Simple Search.
  * @return string
 public function filterSearchFormDefaultAction($uri)
     if (!is_admin_theme()) {
         $uri = url('solr-search/results/interceptor');
     return $uri;
  * Contribution define_routes hook
  * Defines public-only routes that set the contribution controller as the
  * only accessible one.
 public function hookDefineRoutes($args)
     $router = $args['router'];
     // Only apply custom routes on public theme.
     // The wildcards on both routes make these routes always apply for the
     // contribution controller.
     // get the base path
     $bp = get_option('contribution_page_path');
     if ($bp) {
         $router->addRoute('contributionCustom', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route("{$bp}/:action/*", array('module' => 'contribution', 'controller' => 'contribution', 'action' => 'contribute')));
     } else {
         $router->addRoute('contributionDefault', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('contribution/:action/*', array('module' => 'contribution', 'controller' => 'contribution', 'action' => 'contribute')));
     if (is_admin_theme()) {
         $router->addRoute('contributionAdmin', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('contribution/:controller/:action/*', array('module' => 'contribution', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index')));
Esempio n. 24
  * Return the number of records to display per page.
  * By default this will read from the _browseRecordsPerPage property, which
  * in turn defaults to null, disabling pagination. This can be 
  * overridden in subclasses by redefining the property or this method.
  * Setting the property to self::RECORDS_PER_PAGE_SETTING will enable
  * pagination using the admin-configued page limits.
  * @param string|null $pluralName
  * @return integer|null
 protected function _getBrowseRecordsPerPage($pluralName = null)
     $perPage = $this->_browseRecordsPerPage;
     // Use the user-configured page
     if ($perPage === self::RECORDS_PER_PAGE_SETTING) {
         $options = $this->getFrontController()->getParam('bootstrap')->getResource('Options');
         if (is_admin_theme()) {
             $perPage = (int) $options['per_page_admin'];
         } else {
             $perPage = (int) $options['per_page_public'];
     // If users are allowed to modify the # of items displayed per page,
     // then they can pass the 'per_page' query parameter to change that.
     if ($this->_helper->acl->isAllowed('modifyPerPage') && ($queryPerPage = $this->getRequest()->get('per_page'))) {
         $perPage = (int) $queryPerPage;
     // Any integer zero or below disables pagination.
     if ($perPage < 1) {
         $perPage = null;
     if ($pluralName) {
         $perPage = apply_filters("{$pluralName}_browse_per_page", $perPage, array('controller' => $this));
     return $perPage;
Esempio n. 25
 public function loginAction()
     if (!is_admin_theme()) {
         $referer = rtrim($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '/');
         $master = rtrim(MASTER_URL, '/');
         $login = $master . '/users/login';
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && is_integer(strpos($referer, $master)) && $referer != $master && $referer != $login && !strpos($referer, '/users/activate')) {
             $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace();
             $session->redirect = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     // require_once is necessary because lacking form autoloading.
     require_once APP_DIR . '/forms/Login.php';
     $loginForm = new Omeka_Form_Login();
     $loginForm = apply_filters('login_form', $loginForm);
     $this->view->form = $loginForm;
     if (!$this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
     if ($loginForm instanceof Zend_Form && !$loginForm->isValid($_POST)) {
     User::upgradeHashedPassword($loginForm->getValue('username'), $loginForm->getValue('password'));
     $authAdapter = new Omeka_Auth_Adapter_UserTable($this->_helper->db->getDb());
     $pluginBroker = $this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getResource('Pluginbroker');
     // If there are no plugins filtering the login adapter, set the
     // credentials for the default adapter.
     if (!$pluginBroker || !$pluginBroker->getFilters('login_adapter')) {
     } else {
         $authAdapter = apply_filters('login_adapter', $authAdapter, array('login_form' => $loginForm));
     $authResult = $this->_auth->authenticate($authAdapter);
     if (!$authResult->isValid()) {
         if ($log = $this->_getLog()) {
             $ip = $this->getRequest()->getClientIp();
             $log->info("Failed login attempt from '{$ip}'.");
         $this->_helper->flashMessenger($this->getLoginErrorMessages($authResult), 'error');
     if ($loginForm && $loginForm->getValue('remember')) {
         // Remember that a user is logged in for the default amount of
         // time (2 weeks).
     } else {
         // If a user doesn't want to be remembered, expire the cookie as
         // soon as the browser is terminated.
     $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace();
     if ($session->redirect) {
     } else {
Esempio n. 26
 public function hookCollectionsBrowseSql($args)
     $select = $args['select'];
     $params = $args['params'];
     $db = get_db();
     $collectionsTable = $db->getTable('Collection');
     //make all sorting go by date in public
     if (!is_admin_theme()) {
         //when SELECT arrives here, it's already ordered by added, so kill that
         $collectionsTable->applySorting($select, "Newspaper Metadata,start_year", "ASC");
     $select->join($db->NewspapersNewspaper, "{$db->NewspapersNewspaper}.collection_id =", array());
     if (isset($params['states'])) {
         $states = $params['states'];
     if (!empty($states)) {
         $select->where("{$db->NewspapersNewspaper}.state IN (?)", $states);
     if (isset($params['advanced'])) {
         $terms = $params['advanced'];
     } else {
         $terms = array();
     $advancedIndex = 0;
     foreach ($terms as $v) {
         // Do not search on blank rows.
         if (empty($v['element_id']) || empty($v['type'])) {
         $value = isset($v['terms']) ? $v['terms'] : null;
         $type = $v['type'];
         $elementId = (int) $v['element_id'];
         $alias = "_advanced_{$advancedIndex}";
         //copied from Item advanced search filter, and limited to what I
         //use in the modified SearchByMetadata
         $inner = true;
         $extraJoinCondition = '';
         // Determine what the WHERE clause should look like.
         switch ($type) {
             case 'is exactly':
                 $predicate = ' = ' . $db->quote($value);
             case 'contains':
                 $predicate = "LIKE " . $db->quote('%' . $value . '%');
                 throw new Omeka_Record_Exception(__('Invalid search type given!'));
         // Note that $elementId was earlier forced to int, so manual quoting
         // is unnecessary here
         $joinCondition = "{$alias}.record_id = AND {$alias}.record_type = 'Collection' AND {$alias}.element_id = {$elementId}";
         if ($extraJoinCondition) {
             $joinCondition .= ' ' . $extraJoinCondition;
         if ($inner) {
             $select->joinInner(array($alias => $db->ElementText), $joinCondition, array());
         } else {
             $select->joinLeft(array($alias => $db->ElementText), $joinCondition, array());
         $select->where("{$alias}.text {$predicate}");
Esempio n. 27
  * Defines public routes "main_path / my_collection | generic / dc:identifier".
  * @todo Rechecks performance of routes definition.
 public function hookDefineRoutes($args)
     if (is_admin_theme() && !get_option('clean_url_use_admin')) {
     $router = $args['router'];
     $mainPath = get_option('clean_url_main_path');
     $collectionGeneric = get_option('clean_url_collection_generic');
     $itemGeneric = get_option('clean_url_item_generic');
     $fileGeneric = get_option('clean_url_file_generic');
     $allowedForItems = unserialize(get_option('clean_url_item_alloweds'));
     $allowedForFiles = unserialize(get_option('clean_url_file_alloweds'));
     // Note: order of routes is important: Zend checks from the last one
     // (most specific) to the first one (most generic).
     // Get all collections identifiers with one query.
     $collectionsIdentifiers = get_view()->getRecordTypeIdentifiers('Collection', false);
     if (!empty($collectionsIdentifiers)) {
         // Use one regex for all collections. Default is case insensitve.
         $collectionsRegex = array_map('preg_quote', $collectionsIdentifiers);
         // To avoid a bug with identifiers that contain a "/", that is not
         // escaped with preg_quote().
         $collectionsRegex = '(' . str_replace('/', '\\/', implode('|', $collectionsRegex)) . ')';
         // Add a collection route.
         $route = $mainPath . $collectionGeneric;
         $router->addRoute('cleanUrl_collections', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route($route . ':record_identifier', array('module' => 'clean-url', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'collection-show'), array('record_identifier' => $collectionsRegex)));
         // Add a collection route for files.
         if (in_array('collection', $allowedForFiles)) {
             $router->addRoute('cleanUrl_collections_file', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route($route . ':collection_identifier/:record_identifier', array('module' => 'clean-url', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'route-collection-file'), array('collection_identifier' => $collectionsRegex)));
         // Add a collection / item route for files.
         if (in_array('collection_item', $allowedForFiles)) {
             $router->addRoute('cleanUrl_collections_item_file', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route($route . ':collection_identifier/:item_identifier/:record_identifier', array('module' => 'clean-url', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'route-collection-item-file'), array('collection_identifier' => $collectionsRegex)));
         // Add a collection route for items.
         if (in_array('collection', $allowedForItems)) {
             $router->addRoute('cleanUrl_collections_item', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route($route . ':collection_identifier/:record_identifier', array('module' => 'clean-url', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'route-collection-item'), array('collection_identifier' => $collectionsRegex)));
     // Add a generic route for files.
     if (in_array('generic', $allowedForFiles)) {
         $route = $mainPath . $fileGeneric;
         $router->addRoute('cleanUrl_generic_file', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route($route . ':record_identifier', array('module' => 'clean-url', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'route-file', 'collection_id' => NULL)));
     // Add a generic / item route for files.
     if (in_array('generic_item', $allowedForFiles)) {
         $route = $mainPath . $itemGeneric;
         $router->addRoute('cleanUrl_generic_item_file', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route($route . ':item_identifier/:record_identifier', array('module' => 'clean-url', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'route-item-file', 'collection_id' => NULL)));
     // Add a generic route for items.
     if (in_array('generic', $allowedForItems)) {
         $route = $mainPath . trim($itemGeneric, '/');
         $router->addRoute('cleanUrl_generic_items_browse', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route($route, array('module' => 'clean-url', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'items-browse')));
         $router->addRoute('cleanUrl_generic_item', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route($route . '/:record_identifier', array('module' => 'clean-url', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'route-item', 'collection_id' => NULL)));
 function hookDefineRoutes($args)
     // Don't add these routes on the admin side to avoid conflicts.
     if (is_admin_theme()) {
     $router = $args['router'];
     // Add custom routes based on the page slug.
     $router->addRoute('ajax-upload-audio', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('items/upload-audio/:id', array('module' => 'audio-recorder', 'controller' => 'recording', 'action' => 'upload')));
     if (get_option('audio_recorder_item_record_route')) {
         $router->addRoute('item-record-audio', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('items/record/:id', array('module' => 'audio-recorder', 'controller' => 'recording', 'action' => 'record')));
Esempio n. 29
$head = array('title' => html_escape($title));
echo head($head);
<style type="text/css">
#scripto-diff tr {border: none !important;}
#scripto-diff td {padding: 2px !important;}
td.diff-marker {width: 10px;}
td.diff-deletedline {background-color: #FFEDED;}
td.diff-addedline {background-color: #EDFFEF;}
ins.diffchange {background-color: #BDFFC8;}
del.diffchange {background-color: #FFBDBD;}
<div class="container">
    <div class="content-block browse-page">
if (!is_admin_theme()) {
    echo $head['title'];
        <div id="primary">
echo flash();
        <div id="scripto-diff" class="scripto">
        <!-- navigation -->
Esempio n. 30
        foreach ($record_types as $key => $value) {
            echo $this->formCheckbox('record_types[]', $key, in_array($key, $filters['record_types']) ? array('checked' => true, 'id' => 'record_types-' . $key) : null);
            echo $value;
    } elseif (is_admin_theme()) {
                <p><a href="<?php 
        echo url('settings/edit-search');
        echo __('Go to search settings to select record types to use.');
    echo link_to_item_search(__('Advanced Search (Items only)'));