protected function validate_posted_data($data, &$errors = array()) { if (empty($data['awpcp_sender_name'])) { $errors['awpcp_sender_name'] = __('Please enter your name.', 'AWPCP'); } if (empty($data['awpcp_sender_email'])) { $errors['awpcp_sender_email'] = __('Please enter your email.', 'AWPCP'); } else { if (!isValidEmailAddress($data['awpcp_sender_email'])) { $errors['ad_contact_email'] = __("The email address you entered was not a valid email address. Please check for errors and try again.", "AWPCP"); } } if (empty($data['awpcp_contact_message'])) { $errors['awpcp_contact_message'] = __('There was no text in your message. Please enter a message.', 'AWPCP'); } if (get_awpcp_option('useakismet')) { $spam_filter = awpcp_listing_reply_spam_filter(); if ($spam_filter->is_spam($data)) { $errors['awpcp_contact_message'] = __('Your message was flagged as spam. Please contact the administrator of this site.', 'AWPCP'); } } if (get_awpcp_option('captcha-enabled')) { $captcha = awpcp_create_captcha(get_awpcp_option('captcha-provider')); $error = ''; if (!$captcha->validate($error)) { $errors['captcha'] = $error; } } return empty($errors); }
if (!$isAdminFull) { echo "<p>Access denied.</p>"; } else { $sql = "SELECT mail, name, player_id, msn from $playerstable ". "where player_id order by player_id asc"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $i = 1; $block = 200; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $name = $row['name']; $mail = $row['mail']; if (!isValidEmailAddress($mail)) { $mail = $row['msn']; } if (!isValidEmailAddress($mail)) { // echo "<p>Invalid mail address for [$player_id] $name: $mail</p>"; } else { $player_id = $row['player_id']; // echo "<p>Player: [$player_id] $name | Mail: $mail</p>"; $sql2 = "SELECT userId from $playerstatustable ". "where userId = '$player_id' and type='B' and active='Y'"; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2); if (mysql_num_rows($result2) > 0) { // echo "<p>Player ".$name." is banned!</p>"; } else { echo $mail.","; }
$_REQUEST['to'] = $image->user_id; } else { die("ERROR: no image/user specified"); } } else { $msg = ''; } $recipient = new GeographUser($_REQUEST['to']); $from_name = !empty($_REQUEST['from_name']) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['from_name']) : die('ERROR: no name'); $from_email = !empty($_REQUEST['from_email']) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['from_email']) : die('ERROR: no email'); $domain = !empty($_REQUEST['domain']) && preg_match('/^[\\w.]+$/', $_REQUEST['domain']) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['domain']) : die('ERROR: no domain'); $msg = !empty($_REQUEST['message']) ? $msg . stripslashes($_REQUEST['message']) : die('ERROR: no message'); #$msg = preg_replace("/[^\r]\n/","\r\n",$msg); $ok = true; $errors = array(); if (!isValidEmailAddress($from_email)) { $ok = false; $errors['from_email'] = 'Please specify a valid email address'; } if (!isValidRealName($from_name)) { $ok = false; $errors['from_name'] = 'Only letters A-Z, a-z, hyphens and apostrophes allowed'; } if (strlen($msg) == 0) { $ok = false; $errors['msg'] = "Please enter a message to send"; } if (isSpam($msg)) { $ok = false; $errors['msg'] = "Sorry, this looks like spam"; }
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // for each player that played do... $logged = 0; $sendmail = 0; $name = $row[0]; if (!empty($name)) { $profileurl = $directory . "/editprofile.php"; $gamesquery = "select * from {$gamestable} " . "WHERE (winner = '{$name}' OR winner2 = '{$name}' OR loser = '{$name}' OR loser2 = '{$name}') " . "AND deleted = 'no' " . "AND dateday = '{$yesterday}' " . "ORDER BY date DESC"; $playergames = mysql_query($gamesquery); $gamescount = mysql_num_rows($playergames); $playerquery = "SELECT mail, sendGamesMail from {$playerstable} " . "WHERE name = '{$name}'"; $player = mysql_query($playerquery); $playerresult = mysql_fetch_array($player); $toAddress = $playerresult['mail']; $sendGamesMail = $playerresult['sendGamesMail'] == 'yes'; if (isValidEmailAddress($toAddress) && $sendGamesMail) { $subject = "[{$leaguename}] {$name}'s games for {$yesterday}"; $head = "From:" . $adminmail . "\r\nReply-To:" . $adminmail . "\r\nReturn-Path:" . $adminmail; $message = "Hello {$name},\n" . "\n" . "here's a summary of the {$leaguename} games you played today.\n" . "\n"; while ($row_game = mysql_fetch_array($playergames)) { $gametime = date("h:i a", $row_game['date']); $winpoints = $row_game['winpoints']; $winner = $row_game['winner']; $winner2 = $row_game['winner2']; if (strlen($winner2) > 0) { $winner = $winner . "/" . $winner2; } $winnerresult = $row_game['winnerresult']; $loserresult = $row_game['loserresult']; $loser = $row_game['loser']; $loser2 = $row_game['loser2'];
$smarty->assign_by_ref('image', $image); } //try and send? if (!$throttle && isset($_POST['msg'])) { $ok = true; $msg = htmlentities(trim(stripslashes($_POST['msg']))); $errors = array(); if (!isValidEmailAddress($from_email)) { $ok = false; $errors['from_email'] = $MESSAGES['ecard']['email_invalid']; } if (!isValidRealName($from_name)) { $ok = false; $errors['from_name'] = $MESSAGES['ecard']['name_chars']; } if (!isValidEmailAddress($to_email)) { $ok = false; $errors['to_email'] = $MESSAGES['ecard']['email_invalid']; } if (!isValidRealName($to_name)) { $ok = false; $errors['to_name'] = $MESSAGES['ecard']['name_chars']; } if (strlen($msg) == 0) { $ok = false; $errors['msg'] = $MESSAGES['ecard']['empty_message']; } $smarty->assign_by_ref('errors', $errors); $smarty->assign_by_ref('msg', html_entity_decode($msg)); //will be re-htmlentities'ed when output $smarty->assign_by_ref('charset', $CONF['mail_charset']);
$msgs .= "Send [" . $address . "] -> "; $result = sendHtmlMail($address, $mailSubject, $userMailText, $plainText); $msgs .= "Result [" . $result . "]<br>"; logSentMail("", $address, $mailType); } else { if (mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['target']) == 'all') { $sql = "SELECT mail, name, player_id, msn from $playerstable " . "where player_id <= " . $limit2 . " and player_id >= " . $limit1 . " " . "and sendNewsletter = 'yes' order by player_id asc"; $result3 = mysql_query($sql); $msgs .= "<p>".mysql_num_rows($result3)." matched your query</p>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result3)) { $name = $row['name']; $mail = $row['mail']; $invalidEmail = $row['invalidEmail'] == 1; if (!isValidEmailAddress($mail) || $invalidEmail) { $msgs .= "Invalid mail address for [$player_id] $name: $mail<br>"; } else { $player_id = $row['player_id']; $msgs .= "Player: [$player_id] $name ->"; $sql2 = "SELECT userId from $playerstatustable " . "where userId = '$player_id' and type='B' and active='Y'"; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2); if (mysql_num_rows($result2) > 0) { $msgs .= "Player " . $name . " is banned!<br>"; } else { $unsubscribeUrl = "http://www.yoursite/unsubscribe.php?id=" . md5($name); $userMailText = str_replace('%playername%', $name, $mailText); $userMailText = str_replace('%unsubscribeLink%', $unsubscribeUrl, $userMailText); $plainText = str_replace('%playername%', $name, $plainText);
<?php include 'config.php'; include 'functions.php'; $name = mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes(trim($_POST['name']))); $email = mysql_real_escape_string(addslashes(trim($_POST['email']))); $mail = isValidEmailAddress($email); $bib = mysql_query("select * from invites where email='{$email}'"); $numb = mysql_num_rows($bib); if ($numb == 0) { if ($mail == 1) { $sql = mysql_query("\n\t\t\t\t\t INSERT INTO `invites` (\n\t\t\t\t\t`invite_id` ,\n\t\t\t\t\t`name` ,\n\t\t\t\t\t`email` ,\n\t\t\t\t\t`permet`\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\tNULL , 'person', '{$email}', '0'\n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t "); if ($sql) { echo "<div id='good'>Thanks! Expect to hear from us soon!</div>"; } } else { echo "Oops! Please enter a valid email address."; } } else { echo "Looks like you already request access!"; }
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $played_array[] = $row[0]; } $alloldplayersquery = "SELECT player_id, name, mail " . "FROM {$playerstable} " . "WHERE approved = 'yes' " . "AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - activeDate > {$disableSpan})"; $playerresult = mysql_query($alloldplayersquery); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($playerresult)) { $name = $row['name']; $userId = $row['player_id']; if (!in_array($name, $played_array)) { // has not played in X weeks $sendmail = 0; $mailSentResult = 0; $sql = "UPDATE {$playerstable} " . "SET approved = 'no' " . "where name='{$name}'"; $updateResult = mysql_query($sql); $toAddress = $row['mail']; if (isValidEmailAddress($toAddress)) { $subject = "[{$leaguename}] {$name} account passivated"; $head = "From:" . $adminmail . "\r\nReply-To:" . $adminmail . ""; $message = "Hello {$name},\n" . "\n" . "Since you have not played any {$leaguename} games in " . $weeks . " weeks, \n" . "your account has been passivated.\n" . "\n" . "If you want your account reactivated sometime, simply post in the forum \n" . "activation thread at http://www.yoursite/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1084\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "- The " . $leaguename . " Staff\n"; $sendmail = @mail($toAddress, $subject, $message, $head); $mailSentResult = logSentMail($name, $toAddress, 'passivated'); } // if valid address $date = time(); $link = $directory . "/info.php?#8"; $reason = "automatically passivated on " . formatDate($date); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$playerstatustable} (userId, userName, type, active, " . "date, expireDate, forumLink, reason) " . "VALUES ('{$userId}', '{$name}', 'I', 'Y', " . "'{$date}', '', '{$link}', '{$reason}')"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $adminMessage .= "[{$name}] " . "passivated [{$updateResult}] " . "address [{$toAddress}] " . "mail sent [{$sendmail}] " . "log [{$mailSentResult}] " . "status [{$result}]\n"; } }
function updateUser($userName, $userPass, $newUserEmail, $newUserPass) { global $con; $ret = array(0, 0); if ($newUserEmail !== 0 || $newUserPass !== 0) { if ($stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT userID, userEmail, userPass, userSalt FROM users WHERE userName = ? LIMIT 1")) { $stmt->bind_param('s', $userName); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->store_result(); $stmt->bind_result($user_id, $user_email, $db_password, $salt); $stmt->fetch(); if ($stmt->num_rows == 1) { if ($db_password == passHash($salt, $userPass)) { if ($newUserEmail !== 0 && $newUserEmail !== $user_email) { if (isValidEmailAddress($newUserEmail)) { if ($check_stmt = $con->prepare("SELECT userName FROM users WHERE userEmail = ? LIMIT 1")) { $check_stmt->bind_param('s', $newUserEmail); $check_stmt->execute(); $check_stmt->store_result(); $check_stmt->bind_result($user_name); $check_stmt->fetch(); if ($check_stmt->num_rows == 0) { if ($update_stmt = $con->prepare("UPDATE users SET userEmail=? WHERE userID=? LIMIT 1")) { $update_stmt->bind_param('si', $newUserEmail, $user_id); $update_stmt->execute(); $ret[0] = true; } else { $ret[0] = -3; //problem with db } } else { $ret[0] = -4; //username or email exists } } } else { $ret[0] = -5; //invalid email or username } } if ($newUserPass !== 0) { if ($db_password !== passHash($salt, $newUserPass)) { $randomSalt = hash('sha512', uniqid(mt_rand(1, mt_getrandmax()), true)); $password = passHash($randomSalt, $newUserPass); if ($update_stmt = $con->prepare("UPDATE users SET userPass=?, userSalt=? WHERE userID=? LIMIT 1")) { $update_stmt->bind_param('ssi', $password, $randomSalt, $user_id); $update_stmt->execute(); $ret[1] = true; } else { $ret[1] = -3; //problem with db } } } } else { $ret[1] = -2; //wrong pass } } else { $ret[0] = -1; //no user } } else { $ret[0] = -3; //problem with db } } else { $ret[0] = -6; //no change value given } return $ret; }
/** * Create a new account * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request, ReservedSubdomain $reserved_subdomain) { // [ // "full_name" => "Nick Law" // "organisation" => "Stryve Technologies" // "subdomain" => "stryve-tech-123" // "phone" => "0423 640 190" // "email" => "*****@*****.**" // ] // sanitize passed params and get geo data $request = $this->account->sanitizeAndExpandRegistrationRequest($request); dd($request); // Check email address id valid if (!isValidEmailAddress($request->email)) { throw new HttpBadRequestException('Invalid email address.', 4002); } // check subdomain meets length and regex specifications if (!$this->account->isValidSubdomain($request->subdomain)) { throw new HttpBadRequestException('Invalid subdomain.', 4003); } // check subdomain is not already taken or reserved if ($this->account->exists($request->subdomain) || $reserved_subdomain->isReserved($request->subdomain)) { throw new HttpConflictException('Account already exists.', 4091); } // begin database transactions DB::transaction(function () { // create new user // create new account // create account email addresses }); // set the connection options $options = ['database' => $database, 'prefix' => $database_prefix]; // get the default connection detail so we can revert back $defaultConnection = getDefaultDatabaseConnetion(); // set the new connection setDatabaseConnetion($database, $options); // create the new tenants database $this->tenant->createNewTenantDatabase($database); // run the new tenant migration $this->tenant->runNewTenantMigration($database); // \DB::disconnect($request->database); // dd(\DB::connection('svr1')); // run new tenant seeder $this->tenant->runNewTenantTableSeeder($database); // reset the default database connection // setDatabaseConnetion($defaultConnection['connection'], $defaultConnection['options']); // $default = \Config::get('database.default'); // dd(\Config::get('database.connections.' . $default)); exit('done'); // \DB::statement(\DB::raw('CREATE DATABASE ' . $request->database)); // \Artisan::call('migrate', [ // '--database' => $request->database, // '--path' => 'app/Stryve/Database/Migrations/Tenant' // ]); // /***/ // // Will contain the array of connections that appear in our database config file. // $connections = \Config::get('database.connections'); // // This line pulls out the default connection by key (by default it's `mysql`) // $defaultConnection = $connections[\Config::get('database.default')]; // // Now we simply copy the default connection information to our new connection. // $newConnection = $defaultConnection; // $options = [ // 'database' => $request->database, // 'prefix' => $request->database_prefix // ]; // // Override the database name. // foreach($newConnection as $item => $value) // $newConnection[$item] = isset($options[$item]) ? $options[$item] : $newConnection[$item]; // // dd($newConnection); // // $newConnection['database'] = $request->database; // // This will add our new connection to the run-time configuration for the duration of the request. // \Config::set('database.connections.'.$request->database, $newConnection); /***/ // count number of table from each database server // select database server with the least number of databases // // set the default connections options so we can revert back // $conn_name = \Config::get('database.default'); // $defaultOptions = \Config::get('database.connections.'.$conn_name); // // clone the default options // $default = $defaultOptions; // // the new conneciton options // $options = [ // 'database' => $request->database, // 'prefix' => $request->database_prefix // ]; // // replace default options // foreach($default as $item => $value) // $default[$item] = isset($options[$item]) ? $options[$item] : $default[$item]; // // set the new connection // \Config::set('database.connections.'.$conn_name, $default); // try inserting new tenant DB \DB::statement(\DB::raw('CREATE DATABASE ' . $request->database)); // dd(\Config::get('database.connections.db_svr_0')); // $this->tenant->runNewTenantMigration($request->database); // run new tenant migration \Artisan::call('migrate', ['--database' => $conn->getConnectionName(), '--path' => 'app/Stryve/Database/Migrations/Tenant']); // \Config::set('database.connections.'.\Config::get('database.default'), $defaultConnection); // dd(\Config::get('database.connections.'.\Config::get('database.default'))); exit('done'); // set the connection to insert the new tenant database // $connection = new ConnectOTF($options); // $this->tenant->setNewDbConnection($request); // dd($connection->getDefaultOptions()); // create new tenant database // $connection->createDatabase($request->database); // dd(\Config::get('database.connections.'.$connection->getConnectionName())); // perform initaial database table migration // perform initial database seed // reset the connection bac to its default // $connection->getConnection()->resetDefaultConnection(); // add request data to stryve_admin database // \Artisan::call('migrate:rollback'); }
function scrubData($string, $type = "text") { switch ($type) { case "text": // magic quotes test if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $string = stripslashes($string); } $string = strip_tags($string); $string = htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES); break; case "richtext": // magic quotes test if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $string = stripslashes($string); } break; case "email": // magic quotes test if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $string = stripslashes($string); } //removes any tags protecting against javascript injection $string = strip_tags($string); //checks to see if the email is in valid email format, if not return a blank string if (!isValidEmailAddress($string)) { $string = ''; } break; case "integer": // this just makes it into a whole number; might not be a good solution... $string = round($string); break; } return $string; }
} $errors = array(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $name = $_POST['name']; $title = $_POST['title']; $email = $_POST['email']; $body = $_POST['body']; if (empty($name)) { $errors['name'] = '名前が入力されていません'; } if (empty($title)) { $errors['title'] = '件名が入力されていません'; } if (empty($email)) { $errors['email'] = 'メールアドレスが入力されていません'; } elseif (!isValidEmailAddress($email)) { $errors['email'] = 'メールアドレスの形式が間違っています。'; } if (empty($body)) { $errors['body'] = '本文が入力されていません'; } if (empty($errors)) { $to = "*****@*****.**"; if (!sendMail($name, $email, $to, $title, $body)) { $errors['sendmail'] = "何らかの原因でメールが遅れませんでした。"; } else { header('Location: inquery-complate.html'); } } } ?>
/** * force inline login if user isn't authenticated * only return after successful login */ function login($inline = true) { global $MESSAGES; $logged_in = false; if (!$this->registered) { $errors = array(); //lets see if we are processing a login? if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = stripslashes(trim($_POST['email'])); $password = stripslashes(trim($_POST['password'])); $remember_me = isset($_POST['remember_me']) ? 1 : 0; $db = $this->_getDB(); $sql = ""; if (isValidEmailAddress($email)) { $sql = 'select * from user where email=' . $db->Quote($email) . ' limit 1'; } elseif (isValidRealName($email)) { $sql = 'select * from user where nickname=' . $db->Quote($email) . ' limit 1'; } if (strlen($sql)) { //user registered? $arr = $db->GetRow($sql); if (count($arr)) { $md5password = hash_hmac('md5', $password, $arr['salt']); //passwords match? if ($arr['password'] == $md5password) { //final test = if they have no rights, they haven't confirmed //their registration if (strlen($arr['rights'])) { //copy user fields into this object foreach ($arr as $name => $value) { if (!is_numeric($name)) { $this->{$name} = $value; } } //temporary nickname fix for beta accounts if (strlen($this->nickname) == 0) { $this->nickname = str_replace(" ", "", $this->realname); } //give user a remember me cookie? if ($remember_me) { $token = md5(uniqid(rand(), 1)); $db->query("insert into autologin(user_id,token) values ('{$this->user_id}', '{$token}')"); setcookie('autologin', $this->user_id . '_' . $token, time() + 3600 * 24 * 365, '/'); } //we're changing privilege state, so we should //generate a new session id to avoid fixation attacks session_regenerate_id(); $this->registered = true; $logged_in = true; //log into forum too $this->_forumLogin(); if (isset($_SESSION['maptt'])) { unset($_SESSION['maptt']); } } else { $errors['general'] = sprintf($MESSAGES['class_user']['must_confirm'], $email); } } else { //speak friend and enter $errors['password'] = $MESSAGES['class_user']['invalid_password']; } } else { //sorry son, your name's not on the list $errors['email'] = $MESSAGES['class_user']['user_unknown']; } } else { $errors['email'] = $MESSAGES['class_user']['user_invalid']; } } //failure to login means we never return - we show a login page //instead... if (!$logged_in) { $smarty = new GeoGraphPage(); $smarty->assign('remember_me', isset($_COOKIE['autologin']) ? 1 : 0); $smarty->assign('inline', $inline); $smarty->assign('email', $email); $smarty->assign('password', $password); $smarty->assign('errors', $errors); $smarty->assign_by_ref('_post', $_POST); $smarty->display('login.tpl'); exit; } } else { $logged_in = true; } //we're logged in return $logged_in; }
*/ require_once 'geograph/'; require_once 'geograph/'; include_messages('contact'); init_session(); $smarty = new GeographPage(); if (isset($_POST['msg'])) { //get the inputs $msg = stripslashes(trim($_POST['msg'])); $from = stripslashes(trim($_POST['from'])); $subject = stripslashes(trim($_POST['subject'])); $smarty->assign('msg', $msg); $smarty->assign('from', $from); $smarty->assign('subject', $subject); //ensure we only got one from line if (isValidEmailAddress($from)) { if (strlen($msg)) { if (strlen($subject) == 0) { $subject = 'Re: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } $msg .= "\n\n-------------------------------\n"; $msg .= "Referring page: " . $_POST['referring_page'] . "\n"; if ($_SESSION['user']->user_id) { $msg .= "User profile: http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/profile/{$_SESSION['user']->user_id}\n"; } $msg .= "Browser: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n"; $envfrom = is_null($CONF['mail_envelopefrom']) ? null : "-f {$CONF['mail_envelopefrom']}"; $encsubject = mb_encode_mimeheader($CONF['mail_subjectprefix'] . $subject, $CONF['mail_charset'], $CONF['mail_transferencoding']); $mime = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset={$CONF['mail_charset']}\n" . "Content-Disposition: inline\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"; mail($CONF['contact_email'], $encsubject, $msg, 'From: ' . $from . "\n" . $mime, $envfrom); $smarty->assign('message_sent', true);