Esempio n. 1
function recv()
    global $_SERVER;
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    # get data
    $type = g('type', 'pageview');
    $uid = readSecureId(g('u', ''), "userid");
    if ($uid == -1) {
    $location = trim(g('l', ''));
    if (strlen($location) == 0) {
    $referer = trim(g('r', ''));
    $width = gi('w', 0);
    $height = gi('h', 0);
    $historylen = gi('hl', 0);
    $agent = g('a', '');
    $cookies = strtolower(trim(g('c', 'na')));
    if ($cookies != 'na' && $cookies != 'y' && $cookies != 'n') {
        $cookies = 'na';
    # split domain info
    $url = parseurl($location);
    if ($url === false) {
    $time = time();
    $ispro = isPro($uid);
    $eventid = LOG_EVENT_PAGEVIEW;
    if ($type == 'adclick') {
        $eventid = LOG_EVENT_ADCLICK;
    if (!$ispro && $eventid != LOG_EVENT_PAGEVIEW) {
    # Log the visit. We assign a new event ID to every logged event.
    # Note that PHP running on 32 bit systems will overflow the ID soon
    # or later.
    $r = redisLink();
    $logid = $r->incr("global:nextLogId");
    $aux = array("time" => $time, "user_id" => $uid, "event_id" => $eventid, "location" => $location, "proto" => $url['proto'], "domain" => $url['domain'], "path" => $url['path'], "query" => $url['query'], "ref" => $referer, "swidth" => $width, "sheight" => $height, "cookies" => $cookies, "ip" => $ip, "agent" => $agent, "historylen" => $historylen, "id" => $logid);
    # Insert new
    $r->push("last:{$uid}", serialize($aux), false);
    # History length is different for PRO / non PRO user.
    $r->ltrim("last:{$uid}", 0, $ispro ? 1000 : 50);
    if ($eventid != LOG_EVENT_PAGEVIEW) {
    # Update stats
    $nv = gi('nv', 0);
    $rv = gi('rv', 0);
    $t = time();
    $t = $t - $t % (3600 * 24);
    # Update unique visits
    if ($nv) {
        if ($rv) {
Esempio n. 2
<div id="usernav">
<span class="username"><?php 
echo htmlentities(userName());
if (isPro()) {
    echo " [pro]";
</span> |
function userNav()
    global $_COOKIE;
    $n['View realtime logs'] = "/";
    $n['Settings'] = "/settings";
    $n['Feedbacks'] = "/feedbacks";
    if (isAdmin()) {
        $n['Admin'] = "/admin";
    $c = 1;
    foreach ($n as $title => $link) {
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == $link || strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $link . "?") === 0) {
            echo "<strong>" . htmlentities($title) . "</strong> ";
        } else {
            echo "<a href=\"{$link}\">" . htmlentities($title) . "</a> ";
        if ($c++ != count($n)) {
            echo " | ";
    $allowed = getAllowed();
    if (count($allowed)) {
Esempio n. 3
        echo $e->getCode(), '--', $e->getFile(), '--' . $e->getFile();
    //    set_exception_handler('hydrogenExceptionHandler');
if (!function_exists('isPro')) {
    function isPro()
        return defined('ENV') && ENV === 'production';
if ('cgi' == php_sapi_name() && !function_exists('isTest')) {
    function isTest()
        return defined('ENV') && ENV === 'test';
if (!function_exists('isDev')) {
    function isDev()
        return !defined('ENV') || ENV === 'development';
if (!function_exists('pre') && !isPro()) {
    function pre($var)
        echo "<pre>";
        echo "</pre>";
Esempio n. 4

require "../lib.php";
if (!isLoggedIn()) {
if (g("username") === false || strlen(trim(g("username"))) == 0) {
    echo "ERR: Please specify the username to allow";
if (isPro() || count(getAllowing()) < 1) {
    $uid = getIdFromUsername(g("username"));
    if ($uid == -1) {
        echo "ERR: The username specified does not exist";
    } else {
        addAllowed(userId(), $uid);
        echo "OK";
} else {
    echo "ERR: Free accounts can only allow a single user. Upgrade to PRO in order to allow infinite users.";
Esempio n. 5
function poll()
    $numres = 1;
    $r = redisLink();
    $uid = reqUserId();
    $minid = gi("minid", 0);
    $proto = gi("proto", 1);
    $loadhistory = 0;
    if ($minid == 0) {
        # First client request. Just return the latest entry
        $latest = unserialize($r->lindex("last:{$uid}", 0));
        $minid = $latest['id'];
    } else {
        if ($minid < 0) {
            # minid < 0 means: load history, with abs(minid) elements
            $numres = abs($minid);
            if ($numres > 1000) {
                $numres = 1000;
            $loadhistory = 1;
    $rows = $r->lrange("last:{$uid}", 0, $numres - 1);
    # Handle free accounts timeouts.
    # NOTE: this is actually disabled, left here for historical reasons
    # and because the javascript still handles it.
    $ispro = isPro($uid);
    if (0 && !$ispro) {
        $startpoll = $r->get("startpoll:{$uid}");
        if (!$startpoll) {
            $r->set("startpoll:{$uid}", time());
        } else {
            $delta = time() - $r->get("startpoll:{$uid}");
            if ($delta > FREE_MAXTIME + FREE_WAIT) {
            } else {
                if ($delta > FREE_MAXTIME) {
                    echo "TRYLATER:" . floor(1 + (FREE_MAXTIME + FREE_WAIT - $delta) / 60);
    # Empty list?
    if (count($rows) == 0) {
        echo "NODATA";
    # Check if even the most recent element (the first one)
    # is still too old. If so, no new data to return.
    $latest = unserialize($rows[0]);
    if ($latest['id'] < $minid) {
        echo "NODATA";
    # Try to get all the data required. Up to 50 elements for request
    while (!$loadhistory) {
        $oldest = unserialize($rows[count($rows) - 1]);
        if ($oldest['id'] > $minid && $numres < 50) {
            # We need more data
            $numres = ($numres + 1) * 2;
            if ($numres > 50) {
                $numres = 50;
            $rows = $r->lrange("last:{$uid}", 0, $numres - 1);
        } else {
    # Ok now reverse the array to sort ascending and return data to ajax.
    $rows = array_reverse($rows);
    $gi = geoip_open("geoipdata/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD);
    foreach ($rows as $srow) {
        $row = unserialize($srow);
        if ($row['id'] < $minid) {
        $keys = array("time", "location", "domain", "ref", "swidth", "sheight", "cookies", "ip", "agent", "historylen");
        $aux = array();
        foreach ($keys as $k) {
            $aux[$k] = $row[$k];
        $aux['country'] = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, $aux['ip']);
        $aux['type'] = 'pageview';
        # At some point LLOOGG supported the ability to display user clicks
        # adsense ADs. Now the javascript we inject no longer support this
        # but the support inside LLOOGG itself remains.
        if ($row['event_id'] == LOG_EVENT_ADCLICK) {
            $aux['type'] = 'adclick';
        $t[] = $aux;
        if ($row['id'] > $maxid) {
            $maxid = $row['id'];
    $t[] = $maxid + 1;
    if ($proto >= 2) {
        $t[] = logTodayVisitors();
        $t[] = logTodayPageviews();
    $json = new Services_JSON();
    $output = $json->encode($t);
    echo $output;