Esempio n. 1
        // 清除所有的回复。喜欢。还有相关资源
    } else {
    message(0, '删除成功');
    // 接受 base64 文件上传
} elseif ($action == 'upload') {
    // 允许的文件后缀名
    $types = (include './conf/attach.conf.php');
    $allowtypes = $types['all'];
    empty($uid) and message(-1, '游客不允许上传文件');
    empty($group['allowattach']) and $gid != 1 and message(-1, '您无权上传');
    $conf['ipaccess_on'] and !ipaccess_check($longip, 'attachs') and message(-1, '您的 IP 今日上传附件数达到上限,请明天再来。');
    $conf['ipaccess_on'] and !ipaccess_check($longip, 'attachsizes') and message(-1, '您的 IP 今日上传附件尺寸达到上限,请明天再来。');
    $isimage = param(2, 0);
    $tid = 0;
    $fid = 0;
    $upfile = param('upfile', '', FALSE);
    empty($upfile) and message(-1, 'upfile 数据为空');
    $json = xn_json_decode($upfile);
    empty($json) and message(-1, '数据有问题: json 为空');
    $name = $json['name'];
    $width = $json['width'];
    $height = $json['height'];
    $data = base64_decode($json['data']);
    $size = strlen($data);
    $type = attach_type($name, $types);
    empty($data) and message(-1, '数据有问题, data 为空');
    if ($isimage && $conf['tietuku_on']) {
Esempio n. 2
                message(2, '请稍后重试,每个小时只能尝试5次。');
            if ($verifycode2 != $verifycode) {
                online_set('verifytimes', $verifytimes);
                online_set('verifylastdate', $time);
                message(2, '验证码不正确');
            message(0, '检测通过,进入下一步');
    // 找回密码第2步
    // 发送激活邮件/手机短信
} elseif ($action == 'sendreset') {
    !$conf['user_find_pw_on'] and message(-1, '当前未开启找回密码功能。');
    $conf['ipaccess_on'] and $conf['user_find_pw_on'] and !ipaccess_check($longip, 'mails') and message(-1, '您的 IP 今日发送邮件数达到上限,请明天再来。');
    $conf['ipaccess_on'] and !ipaccess_check_freq($longip) and message(0, '发送邮件比较耗费资源,请您休息一会再来。');
    $smtplist = (include './conf/smtp.conf.php');
    $n = array_rand($smtplist);
    $smtp = $smtplist[$n];
    $email = param('email');
    !is_email($email, $err) and message(1, $err);
    $r = user_read_by_email($email);
    !$r and message(1, 'Email 未被注册。');
    $rand = rand(100000, 999999);
    online_set('reset_email', $email);
    online_set('reset_verifycode', $rand);
    $subject = "重设密码验证码:{$rand} - 【{$conf['sitename']}】";
    $message = $subject;
    $r = xn_send_mail($smtp, $conf['sitename'], $email, $subject, $message);
    if ($r === TRUE) {
Esempio n. 3

!defined('DEBUG') and exit('Access Denied.');
include './xiunophp/xn_html_safe.func.php';
$action = param(1);
$uid and $user = user_read($uid);
empty($user) and $user = user_guest();
// 发表主题帖
if ($action == 'create') {
    $conf['ipaccess_on'] and !ipaccess_check($longip, 'threads') and message(-1, '您的 IP 今日发表主题数达到上限,请明天再来。');
    if ($method == 'GET') {
        $fid = param(2, 0);
        $forumlist_allowthread = forum_list_access_filter($forumlist, $gid, 'allowthread');
        $forumarr = xn_json_encode(arrlist_key_values($forumlist_allowthread, 'fid', 'name'));
        if (empty($forumlist_allowthread)) {
            message(-1, '您所在的用户组没有权限发主题');
            // header("Location:user-login.htm");
        $header['title'] = '发帖' . ($uid == 0 ? ' [匿名模式]' : '');
        include './pc/view/thread_create.htm';
    } else {
        $fid = param('fid', 0);
        $forum = forum_read($fid);
        empty($forum) and message(3, '板块不存在' . $fid);
        $r = forum_access_user($fid, $gid, 'allowthread');
        if (!$r) {
            if ($gid == 0) {
                $r = forum_access_user($fid, 101, 'allowthread');
                $r and user_login_check($user);
Esempio n. 4
        $header['title'] = '用户登录';
        include './mobile/view/user_login.htm';
} elseif ($action == 'create') {
    $conf['ipaccess_on'] and $conf['user_create_email_on'] and !ipaccess_check($longip, 'mails') and message(-1, '您的 IP 今日发送邮件数达到上限,请明天再来。');
    $conf['ipaccess_on'] and !ipaccess_check($longip, 'users') and message(-1, '您的 IP 今日注册用户数达到上限,请明天再来。');
    user_check_flood($longip) and message(3, '您当前 IP 注册太频繁,请稍后再注册。');
    if ($method == 'GET') {
        $referer = user_http_referer();
        $header['title'] = '创建用户';
        include './mobile/view/user_create.htm';
    // 设置密码,创建用户
} elseif ($action == 'setpw') {
    $conf['ipaccess_on'] and $conf['user_create_email_on'] and !ipaccess_check($longip, 'mails') and message(-1, '您的 IP 今日发送邮件数达到上限,请明天再来。');
    $conf['ipaccess_on'] and !ipaccess_check($longip, 'users') and message(-1, '您的 IP 今日注册用户数达到上限,请明天再来。');
    $email = online_get('create_email');
    $verifycode = online_get('create_verifycode');
    empty($email) || $conf['user_create_email_on'] && empty($verifycode) and message(-1, '请返回填写数据');
    $user = user_read_by_email($email);
    $user and message(1, 'EMAIL 已经注册。');
    if ($method == 'GET') {
        include './mobile/view/user_setpw.htm';
} elseif ($action == 'logout') {
    $user = user_guest();
    user_token_clean('/', '', 'bbs');
    $uid = 0;
    $gid = 0;
    // 更新在线