Esempio n. 1
function is_consistency($arr_of_parse, $arr_of_result)
    if (array_key_exists('empty', $arr_of_result)) {
        if ($arr_of_parse["msg"] == "no matched pattern") {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        if ($arr_of_parse["code"] == "100") {
            $arr = array();
            if (isset($arr_of_parse["global"])) {
                $arr = $arr_of_parse["global"];
            foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
                $val = int(float($value));
                if (int($arr_of_result[$key]) != $val) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
Esempio n. 2
 public static function getlist($job_id = null, $output = null, $page = 0, $size = 20)
     $page = int($page);
     $size = int($size);
     if ($size > 100) {
         $size = 100;
     $sql = 'select * from wm_jobs_history ';
     $cond = '';
     $params = [];
     if ($job_id !== null) {
         if (!empty($cond)) {
             $cond += ' and ';
         $cond += 'job_id = :job_id';
         $params[':job_id'] = $job_id;
     if ($output !== null) {
         if (!empty($cond)) {
             $cond += ' and ';
         $cond += 'output = :output';
         $params[':output'] = $output;
     $sql += ' where ' + $cond + ' limit ' + $page * $size + ',' + $size;
     return JobHistoryModel::findBySql($sql, $params) . all();
Esempio n. 3
 public function paginate($page, $per_page = 20, $where = '')
     $page = abs(int($page)) - 1;
     $skip = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->table}` {$where} LIMIT {$per_page} OFFSET {$skip}";
     return db_get_all($sql);
Esempio n. 4
function UploadImageSlots()
    global $ImageSlots;
    global $ImageParameters;
    foreach ($ImageSlots as $sl => $slot) {
        if (isset($_FILES['upload_image_slot_' . $sl]['tmp_name'])) {
            $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['upload_image_slot_' . $sl]['tmp_name']);
        } elseif (isset($_FILES['url_image_slot_' . $sl]) && $_FILES['url_image_slot_' . $sl] != '') {
            $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['url_image_slot_' . $sl]);
        if ($img) {
            $wd = imagesx($img);
            $ht = imagesy($img);
            foreach ($slot['images'] as $ikey) {
                $ipar = $ImageParameters[$ikey];
                $wd2 = $ipar['width'];
                $ht2 = $ipar['height'];
                $sc = min($wd2 / $wd, $ht2 / $ht);
                $img2 = imagecreatetruecolor($wd2, $ht2);
                imagecopyresized($img2, $img, int(($wd2 - $wd * $sc + 1) / 2), int(($ht2 - $ht * $sc + 1) / 2), 0, 0, int($wd * $sc + 0.5), int($ht * $sc + 0.5), $wd, $ht);
                $dir = DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES . $ikey . '/';
                mkdir($dir, 0755);
                imagejpeg($img2, $dir . $img_filename, isset($ipar['quality']) ? $ipar['quality'] : 75);
Esempio n. 5
 static function colname($col)
     if ($col < 26) {
         return chr($col + 65);
     } else {
         $x = int($col / 26);
         return chr($x + 65) . chr($col % 26 + 65);
Esempio n. 6
function safeid($v)
    if (strstr($v, ",")) {
        $arr = explode(',', $v);
        foreach ($arr as $val) {
            $value[] = (int) $val;
        $v = implode(',', $value);
    } elseif (is_array($v)) {
        foreach ($v as $val) {
            $value[] = (int) $val;
        $v = $value;
    } else {
        $v = int($v);
    return $v;
Esempio n. 7
function create_job($ticket, $values)
    $CI =& get_instance();
    $product = $ticket['product'];
    $to = $values['to'];
    $agent = get_user_by_id($ticket['agent']);
    $price = get_price($product['id'], $agent['level']);
    if (!change_credit($agent['id'], -$price, $ticket['number'])) {
    if ($product['cate'] == 4) {
        $user = get_user();
        if (!$user) {
            return 'LOGIN_REQUIRED';
        // hack self business here
        if ($product['subcate'] == 900) {
            // increase balance
            change_credit($user['id'], $product['norm_value'], $ticket['number']);
        if ($product['subcate'] == 910) {
            // upgrade agent
            $from = $product['province'] % 10;
            $to = int($product['province'] / 10);
            if ($user['level'] != $from) {
                return 'INVALID_CURRENT_LEVEL';
            if ($user['parent'] && $user['parent'] != $ticket['agent']) {
                return 'PARENT_CONFLICTED';
            $this->db->update('agent', array('level' => $to, 'parent' => $ticket['agent']), array('name' => $username));
    } else {
        $this->db->insert('job', array('create_time' => time(), 'commit_time' => 0, 'ticket_number' => $ticket['number'], 'to' => $values['to'], 'area' => $values['area'], 'product_id' => $product['id'], 'locking_on' => NULL, 'retried' => 0, 'result' => 0, 'reason' => NULL));
    return 'SUCCESS';
 function get_last_release()
     $result = sql_do('SELECT id_rel FROM releases WHERE date_rel like (SELECT max(date_rel) FROM releases) AND id_branch=\'' . int($this->get_id_branch()) . '\'');
     if ($result->numRows() == 0) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         $row = $result->fetchRow();
         return $row[0];
Esempio n. 9
 function nxs_ogtgCallback($content)
     global $post, $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster;
     if (stripos($content, 'og:title') !== false) {
         $ogOut = "\r\n";
     } else {
         if (!isset($plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster)) {
             $options = get_option('NS_SNAutoPoster');
         } else {
             $options = $plgn_NS_SNAutoPoster->nxs_options;
         $ogimgs = array();
         if (!empty($post) && !is_object($post) && int($post) > 0) {
             $post = get_post($post);
         if (empty($options['advFindOGImg'])) {
             $options['advFindOGImg'] = 0;
         $title = preg_match('/<title>(.*)<\\/title>/', $content, $title_matches);
         if ($title !== false && count($title_matches) == 2) {
             $ogT = '<meta property="og:title" content="' . $title_matches[1] . '" />' . "\r\n";
         } else {
             if (is_home() || is_front_page()) {
                 $ogT = get_bloginfo('name');
             } else {
                 $ogT = get_the_title();
             $ogT = '<meta property="og:title" content="' . esc_attr(apply_filters('nxsog_title', $ogT)) . '" />' . "\r\n";
         $prcRes = preg_match('/<meta name="description" content="(.*)"/', $content, $description_matches);
         if ($prcRes !== false && count($description_matches) == 2) {
             $ogD = '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $description_matches[1] . '" />' . "\r\n";
         if (!empty($post) && is_object($post) && is_singular()) {
             if (has_excerpt($post->ID)) {
                 $ogD = strip_tags(nxs_snapCleanHTML(get_the_excerpt($post->ID)));
             } else {
                 $ogD = str_replace("  ", ' ', str_replace("\r\n", ' ', trim(substr(strip_tags(nxs_snapCleanHTML(strip_shortcodes($post->post_content))), 0, 200))));
         } else {
             $ogD = get_bloginfo('description');
         $ogD = preg_replace('/\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/m', '', $ogD);
         $ogD = '<meta property="og:description" content="' . esc_attr(apply_filters('nxsog_desc', $ogD)) . '" />' . "\r\n";
         $ogSN = '<meta property="og:site_name" content="' . get_bloginfo('name') . '" />' . "\r\n";
         $ogLoc = strtolower(esc_attr(get_locale()));
         if (strlen($ogLoc) == 2) {
             $ogLoc .= "_" . strtoupper($ogLoc);
         $ogLoc = '<meta property="og:locale" content="' . $ogLoc . '" />' . "\r\n";
         $iss = is_home();
         $ogType = is_singular() ? 'article' : 'website';
         if (empty($vidsFromPost)) {
             $ogType = '<meta property="og:type" content="' . esc_attr(apply_filters('nxsog_type', $ogType)) . '" />' . "\r\n";
         if (is_home() || is_front_page()) {
             $ogUrl = get_bloginfo('url');
         } else {
             $ogUrl = 'http' . (is_ssl() ? 's' : '') . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         $ogUrl = '<meta property="og:url" content="' . esc_url(apply_filters('nxsog_url', $ogUrl)) . '" />' . "\r\n";
         if (!is_home()) {
                   $vidsFromPost = nsFindVidsInPost($post); if ($vidsFromPost !== false && is_singular()) {  echo '<meta property="og:video" content="'.$vidsFromPost[0].'" />'."\n";  
                   echo '<meta property="og:video:type" content="application/x-shockwave-flash" />'."\n";
                   echo '<meta property="og:video:width" content="480" />'."\n";
                   echo '<meta property="og:video:height" content="360" />'."\n";
                   echo '<meta property="og:image" content="'.$vidsFromPost[0].'/mqdefault.jpg" />'."\n";
                   echo '<meta property="og:type" content="video" />'."\n"; 
                 } */
             if (is_object($post)) {
                 $imgURL = nxs_getPostImage($post->ID, 'full', $options['ogImgDef']);
                 if (!empty($imgURL)) {
                     $ogimgs[] = $imgURL;
                 $imgsFromPost = nsFindImgsInPost($post, (int) $options['advFindOGImg'] == 1);
                 if ($imgsFromPost !== false && is_singular() && is_array($ogimgs) && is_array($imgsFromPost)) {
                     $ogimgs = array_merge($ogimgs, $imgsFromPost);
         //## Add default image to the endof the array
         if (count($ogimgs) < 1 && isset($options['ogImgDef']) && $options['ogImgDef'] != '') {
             $ogimgs[] = $options['ogImgDef'];
         //## Output og:image tags
         $ogImgsOut = '';
         if (!empty($ogimgs) && is_array($ogimgs)) {
             foreach ($ogimgs as $ogimage) {
                 $ogImgsOut .= '<meta property="og:image" content="' . esc_url(apply_filters('ns_ogimage', $ogimage)) . '" />' . "\r\n";
         $ogOut = "\r\n" . $ogSN . $ogT . $ogD . $ogType . $ogUrl . $ogLoc . $ogImgsOut;
     $content = str_ireplace('<!-- ## NXSOGTAGS ## -->', $ogOut, $content);
     return $content;
Esempio n. 10
 function get_last_release()
     $result = sql_do('SELECT id_rel FROM ' . DB_PREF . '_releases JOIN ' . DB_PREF . '_branches USING (id_branch) JOIN ' . DB_PREF . '_projects USING (id_prj) WHERE ' . DB_PREF . '_branches.id_branch=' . DB_PREF . '_projects.default_branch AND ' . DB_PREF . '_projects.id_prj=\'' . int($this->get_id_prj()) . '\' ORDER BY date_rel DESC LIMIT 1');
     if ($result->numRows() == 0) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         $row = $result->fetchRow();
         return $row[0];
Esempio n. 11
  * volume_set
  * This isn't a required function, it sets the volume to a specified value
  * as passed in the variable it is a 0 - 100 scale the controller is
  * responsible for adjusting the scale if nessecary
 public function volume_set($value)
     /* Make sure it's int and 0 - 100 */
     $value = int($value);
     /* Make sure that it's between 0 and 100 */
     if ($value > 100 or $value < 0) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->_player->volume($value)) {
         debug_event('localplay', 'Error: Unable to set volume, check ' . $this->type . ' controller', '1');
         return false;
     return true;
 function _write_url_internal()
     $_ = func_get_args();
     $record = 0x1b8;
     # Record identifier
     $length = 0x0;
     # Bytes to follow
     $row1 = $_[0];
     # Start row
     $col1 = $_[1];
     # Start column
     $row2 = $_[2];
     # End row
     $col2 = $_[3];
     # End column
     $url = $_[4];
     # URL string
     if (isset($_[5])) {
         $str = $_[5];
         # Alternative label
     $xf = $_[6] ? $_[6] : $this->_url_format;
     # The cell format
     # Strip URL type
     $url = preg_replace('s[^internal:]', '', $url);
     # Write the visible label
     if (!isset($str)) {
         $str = $url;
     $str_error = $this->write_string($row1, $col1, $str, $xf);
     if ($str_error == -2) {
         return $str_error;
     # Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream
     $unknown1 = pack("H*", "D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000");
     # Pack the option flags
     $options = pack("V", 0x8);
     # Convert the URL type and to a null terminated wchar string
     $url = join("", preg_split("''", $url, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
     $url = $url . "";
     # Pack the length of the URL as chars (not wchars)
     $url_len = pack("V", int(strlen($url) / 2));
     # Calculate the data length
     $length = 0x24 + strlen($url);
     # Pack the header data
     $header = pack("vv", $record, $length);
     $data = pack("vvvv", $row1, $row2, $col1, $col2);
     # Write the packed data
     $this->_append($header . $data . $unknown1 . $options . $url_len . $url);
     return $str_error;
Esempio n. 13
  * 删除我的购物车的东西
  * @author   kylin <*****@*****.**>
  * @param    maxed $aid
  * @access   public
  * @return   JSON
 public function delCart()
     $idArr = I('get.aid');
     $model = M('ad_carts');
     $uid = session('userID');
     $where['uid'] = $uid;
     if (is_array($idArr)) {
         $where['aid'] = array('in', $idArr);
     } else {
         $where['aid'] = int($idArr);
     $res = $model->where($where)->delete();
     if ($res !== false) {
         $status = true;
     } else {
         $status = false;
     $this->ajaxReturn($status, 'json');
 public function updateGroup($id, $group_id)
     global $webdb;
     $webdb->query("UPDATE " . $this->tableName . " SET group_id = '" . int($group_id) . "'  WHERE id = '" . (int) $id . "'");
Esempio n. 15
 function get_last_release()
     $result = sql_do('select id_rel from releases join branches using (id_branch) join projects using (id_prj) where id_branch=default_branch and id_prj=\'' . int($this->get_id_prj()) . '\' order by date_rel desc limit 1');
     if ($result->numRows() == 0) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         $row = $result->fetchRow();
         return $row[0];
Esempio n. 16

$a = $_GET['id'];
## no SQL
## SQL! (expected false here, DiveInferno design error)
Esempio n. 17
function format_size_bytes($string)
    log_debug("misc", "Executing format_size_bytes({$string})");
    if (!$string) {
        // unknown - most likely the program hasn't called one one of the fetch_information_by_* functions first.
        log_debug("misc", "Error: Unable to determine file size - no value provided");
        return "unknown size";
    } else {
        $string = strtolower($string);
        $string = preg_replace("/\\s*/", "", $string);
        // strip spaces
        $string = preg_replace("/,/", "", $string);
        // strip formatting
        $string = preg_match("/^([0-9]*)([a-z]*)\$/", $string, $values);
        if ($values[2]) {
            switch ($values[2]) {
                case "g":
                case "gb":
                    $bytes = $values[1] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
                case "m":
                case "mb":
                    $bytes = $values[1] * 1024 * 1024;
                case "k":
                case "kb":
                    $bytes = $values[1] * 1024;
                case "b":
                case "bytes":
                    $bytes = int($values[1]);
        } else {
            // assume value must be in bytes already.
            $bytes = int($values[1]);
        return $bytes;
Esempio n. 18
 public function get_val()
     $val = explode('-', $this->val);
     return int($val[count($val) - 1]);
Esempio n. 19
 function delete()
     sql_do('DELETE FROM licenses WHERE id_lic=\'' . int($this->get_id_lic()) . '\'');
Esempio n. 20
 public function genPet($grade, $lv, $diffGrade, $randomGrade, $addBP, $intResult = true, $times = 20, $originLv = 1, $series = 0)
     $base = array('hp' => 20, 'mp' => 20, 'atk' => 20, 'def' => 20, 'egi' => 20, 'spr' => 100, 'rec' => 100);
     $addBP = $this->pet_model->arrayToGrade(explode(',', $addBP));
     $diffGrade = $this->pet_model->arrayToGrade($this->pet_model->charsToArray($diffGrade));
     $randomGrade = $this->pet_model->arrayToGrade($this->pet_model->charsToArray($randomGrade));
     $base = mul(1000, $base);
     $addBP = mul(100, $addBP);
     $grownGrade = up0(minus($grade, $diffGrade));
     $lvOneTotalBP = mul($times, plus($grownGrade, $randomGrade));
     //echo "1bp:";print_r($lvOneTotalBP);
     $grownBP = mul(($lv - 1) * 100, $this->tnt($grownGrade));
     //echo "grown";print_r($grownBP);
     $totalBP = int(plus($lvOneTotalBP, plus($grownBP, $addBP)));
     foreach ($base as $type => $value) {
         $tmp = $this->getPropFromBP($type, $totalBP);
         $base[$type] += $tmp;
     $base = array_merge($base, mul(10, $totalBP));
     if ($intResult) {
         $base = int(mul(0.001, $base));
     } else {
         $base = mul(0.001, $base);
     $results = array();
     $results[0] = $base;
     $rmmindiff = $this->arrayToGrade(array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
     $rmmaxdiff = $this->arrayToGrade(array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
     foreach ($grownGrade as $key => $gd) {
         $gdmod = $gd % 5;
         switch ($gdmod) {
             case 0:
                 $rmmindiff[$key] = -1 * min($lv - 1, round(sqrt($lv - 1) * 6 + 1)) * 0.5;
                 $rmmaxdiff[$key] = +1 * min($lv - 1, round(sqrt($lv - 1) * 6 + 1)) * 0.5;
             case 4:
             case 1:
                 $rmmindiff[$key] = -0.5 * 3;
                 $rmmaxdiff[$key] = +0.5 * 3;
     $totalBPRmmMax = plus($totalBP, $rmmaxdiff);
     $propRmmMax = mul(1000, array('hp' => 20, 'mp' => 20, 'atk' => 20, 'def' => 20, 'egi' => 20, 'spr' => 100, 'rec' => 100));
     $propRmmMin = mul(1000, array('hp' => 20, 'mp' => 20, 'atk' => 20, 'def' => 20, 'egi' => 20, 'spr' => 100, 'rec' => 100));
     foreach ($propRmmMax as $type => $value) {
         $tmp = $this->getPropFromBP($type, int($totalBPRmmMax));
         $propRmmMax[$type] += $tmp;
     $propRmmMax = array_merge($propRmmMax, mul(10, $totalBPRmmMax));
     if ($intResult) {
         $propRmmMax = int(mul(0.001, $propRmmMax));
     } else {
         $propRmmMax = mul(0.001, $propRmmMax);
     $totalBPRmmMin = plus($totalBP, $rmmindiff);
     foreach ($propRmmMin as $type => $value) {
         $tmp = $this->getPropFromBP($type, int($totalBPRmmMin));
         $propRmmMin[$type] += $tmp;
     $propRmmMin = array_merge($propRmmMin, mul(10, $totalBPRmmMin));
     if ($intResult) {
         $propRmmMin = int(mul(0.001, $propRmmMin));
     } else {
         $propRmmMin = mul(0.001, $propRmmMin);
     $results[1] = $propRmmMin;
     $results[2] = $propRmmMax;
     return $results;
Esempio n. 21
 public function toInt()
     return int($this);
Esempio n. 22
 function IXR_Date($time)
     // $time can be a PHP timestamp or an ISO one
     if (int($time) == $time) {
     } else {
Esempio n. 23
 function orders()
     if ($this->input->get('last', TRUE) != NULL and $this->input->get('id', TRUE) == NULL) {
         if ($this->input->get('last') == 'all') {
             $orders = $this->db->query('SELECT id FROM orders WHERE guid=""')->result_array();
             $this->output->set_header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
         } else {
             $last = int($this->input->get('last'));
             $orders = $this->db->query('SELECT id FROM orders WHERE guid="" ORDER BY id LIMIT ' . $last . '')->result_array();
             $this->output->set_header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
     } else {
         if ($this->input->get('id', TRUE) != NULL and $this->input->get('last', TRUE) == NULL) {
             $order_main = $this->db->query('SELECT guid as order_guid, price_rur as full_price,  DATE_FORMAT(date,"%d.%m.%Y %T") as date, comment, user_guid , manager_guid FROM orders WHERE id=' . $this->input->get('id'))->row_array();
             $order_full = $this->db->query('SELECT product_guid, price_rur/number as price, number, char_guid FROM order_products WHERE order_id=' . $this->input->get('id'))->result_array();
             $json = array('order_guid' => $order_main['order_guid'], 'full_price' => $order_main['full_price'], 'date' => $order_main['date'], 'comment' => $order_main['comment'], 'user_guid' => $order_main['user_guid'], 'manager_guid' => $order_main['manager_guid'], 'rows' => $order_full);
             $this->output->set_header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
         } else {
             $users = $this->db->query("SELECT id, guid FROM orders")->result_array();
             $this->output->set_header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
Esempio n. 24
             $htm_tr = $num % 4 == 0 ? '' : '';
             $g_checked = strpos($o_weibo_groups, ",{$key},") !== false ? 'checked' : '';
             $creategroup .= "<li><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"groups[]\" value=\"{$key}\" {$g_checked}>{$value}</li>{$htm_tr}";
     $creategroup && ($creategroup = "<ul class=\"list_A list_120 cc\">{$creategroup}</ul>");
     require_once PrintApp('admin');
 } else {
     S::gp(array('creditset', 'creditlog', 'weibophoto', 'weibopost', 'weibourl', 'weibotip', 'weibo_hottopicdays', 'weibo_hotcommentdays', 'weibo_hotfansdays', 'weibo_hottransmitdays'), 'GP');
     S::gp(array('groups'), 'GP', 2);
     $updatecache = false;
     $config['weibophoto'] = $weibophoto ? 1 : 0;
     $config['weibopost'] = $weibopost ? 1 : 0;
     $config['weibourl'] = $weibourl ? 1 : 0;
     $config['weibo_hottopicdays'] = $weibo_hottopicdays ? int($weibo_hottopicdays) : 7;
     $config['weibo_hotcommentdays'] = $weibo_hotcommentdays ? intval($weibo_hotcommentdays) : 1;
     $config['weibo_hottransmitdays'] = $weibo_hottransmitdays ? intval($weibo_hottransmitdays) : 1;
     $config['weibo_hotfansdays'] = $weibo_hotfansdays ? intval($weibo_hotfansdays) : 1;
     $config['weibo_creditset'] = '';
     $config['weibotip'] = S::escapeStr($weibotip);
     $config['weibo_groups'] = is_array($groups) ? ',' . implode(',', $groups) . ',' : '';
     if (is_array($creditset) && !empty($creditset)) {
         foreach ($creditset as $key => $value) {
             foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
                 $creditset[$key][$k] = round($v, $k == 'rvrc' ? 1 : 0);
         $config['weibo_creditset'] = addslashes(serialize($creditset));
     is_array($creditlog) && !empty($creditlog) && ($config['weibo_creditlog'] = addslashes(serialize($creditlog)));
Esempio n. 25
 function list_categories()
     return get_array_by_query('SELECT id_cat FROM ' . DB_PREF . '_belongsto WHERE id_rel=\'' . int($this->get_id_rel()) . '\'');
 function delete()
     sql_do('DELETE FROM platforms WHERE id_pf=\'' . int($this->get_id_pf()) . '\'');
Esempio n. 27
 function list_releases()
     return get_array_by_query('SELECT id_rel FROM authors WHERE id_user=\'' . int($this->get_id_user()) . '\'');
Esempio n. 28
 function format_image($args)
     $src = array_key_exists('src', $args) ? $args['src'] : '';
     $extra = $args['extra'];
     $align = $args['align'];
     $pre = array_key_exists('pre', $args) ? $args['pre'] : '';
     $post = array_key_exists('post', $args) ? $args['post'] : '';
     $link = $args['url'];
     $clsty = $args['clsty'];
     _strip_borders($pre, $post);
     if ($src == '') {
         return $pre . '!!' . $post;
     if (preg_match('/^xhtml2/', $this->flavor)) {
         # poor man's mime typing. need to extend this externally
         if (preg_match('/(?:\\.jpeg|\\.jpg)$/i', $src)) {
             $type = 'image/jpeg';
         } elseif (preg_match('/\\.gif$/i', $src)) {
             $type = 'image/gif';
         } elseif (preg_match('/\\.png$/i', $src)) {
             $type = 'image/png';
         } elseif (preg_match('/\\.tiff$/i', $src)) {
             $type = 'image/tiff';
         $tag = '<object';
         if ($type) {
             $tag .= " type=\"{$type}\"";
         $tag .= " data=\"{$src}\"";
     } else {
         $tag = "<img src=\"{$src}\"";
     if (isset($align)) {
         if ($this->css_mode) {
             $alignment = _halign($align);
             if ($alignment) {
                 $style .= ";float:{$alignment}";
                 $class .= ' ' . $alignment;
             $alignment = _valign($align);
             if ($alignment) {
                 $imgvalign = preg_match('/(top|bottom)/', $alignment) ? 'text-' . $alignment : $alignment;
                 if ($imgvalign) {
                     $style .= ";vertical-align:{$imgvalign}";
                 if ($aligment) {
                     $class .= ' ' . $this->css["class_align_{$alignment}"];
         } else {
             $alignment = _halign($align) or _valign($align);
             if ($alignment) {
                 $tag .= " align=\"{$alignment}\"";
     if (isset($extra)) {
         if (preg_match('/\\(([^\\)]+)\\)/', $extra, $matches)) {
             $alt = $matches[1];
         $extra = preg_replace('/\\([^\\)]+\\)/', '', $extra, 1);
         if (preg_match('/(?:^|\\s)(\\d+)%(?:\\s|$)/', $extra, $matches)) {
             $pct = $matches[1];
         if (!$pct) {
             if (preg_match('/(?:^|\\s)(\\d+)%x(\\d+)%(?:\\s|$)/', $extra, $matches)) {
                 $pctw = $matches[1];
                 $pcth = $matches[2];
         } else {
             $pctw = $pct;
             $pcth = $pct;
         if (!$pctw && !$pcth) {
             if (preg_match('/(?:^|\\s)(\\d+|\\*)x(\\d+|\\*)(?:\\s|$)/', $extra, $matches)) {
                 $w = $matches[1];
                 $h = $matches[2];
             if ($w == '*') {
                 $w = '';
             if ($h == '*') {
                 $h = '';
             if (!$w) {
                 if (preg_match('/(^|[,\\s])(\\d+)w([\\s,]|$)/', $extra, $matches)) {
                     $w = $matches[1];
             if (!$h) {
                 if (preg_match('/(^|[,\\s])(\\d+)h([\\s,]|$)/', $extra, $matches)) {
                     $h = $matches[1];
     if (!isset($alt)) {
         $alt = '';
     if (!preg_match('/^xhtml2/', $this->flavor)) {
         $tag .= ' alt="' . $this->encode_html_basic($alt) . '"';
     if ($w && $h) {
         if (!preg_match('/^xhtml2/', $this->flavor)) {
             $tag .= " height=\"{$h}\" width=\"{$w}\"";
         } else {
             $style .= ";height:{$h}\\px;width:{$w}\\px";
     } else {
         list($image_w, $image_h) = $this->image_size($src);
         if ($image_w && $image_h && ($w || $h)) {
             # image size determined, but only width or height specified
             if ($w && !$h) {
                 # width defined, scale down height proportionately
                 $h = int($image_h * ($w / $image_w));
             } elseif ($h && !$w) {
                 $w = int($image_w * ($h / $image_h));
         } else {
             $w = $image_w;
             $h = $image_h;
         if ($w && $h) {
             if ($pctw || $pcth) {
                 $w = int($w * $pctw / 100);
                 $h = int($h * $pcth / 100);
             if (preg_match('/^xhtml2', $this->flavor)) {
                 $tag .= " height=\"{$h}\" width=\"{$w}\"";
             } else {
                 $style .= ";height:{$h}\\px;width:{$w}\\px";
     $attr = $this->format_classstyle($clsty, $class, $style);
     if ($attr) {
         $tag .= " {$attr}";
     if (preg_match('/^xhtml2/', $this->flavor)) {
         $tag .= '><p>' . $this->encode_html_basic($alt) . '</p></object>';
     } elseif (preg_match('/^xhtml/', $this->flavor)) {
         $tag .= ' />';
     } else {
         $tag .= '>';
     if ($link != '') {
         $link = preg_replace('/^:/', '', $link);
         $link = $this->format_url(array('url' => $link));
         $tag = '<a href="' . $link . '">' . $tag . '</a>';
     return $pre . $tag . $post;
Esempio n. 29
function nv_theme_genealogy_detail($row_genealogy, $row_detail, $array_parentid, $OrgChart)
    global $global_config, $module_name, $module_file, $lang_module, $my_head, $module_info, $op;
    if (!defined('SHADOWBOX')) {
        $my_head .= "<link rel=\"Stylesheet\" href=\"" . NV_BASE_SITEURL . "js/shadowbox/shadowbox.css\" />\n";
        $my_head .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" . NV_BASE_SITEURL . "js/shadowbox/shadowbox.js\"></script>\n";
        $my_head .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">Shadowbox.init({ handleOversize: \"drag\" });</script>";
        define('SHADOWBOX', true);
    $xtpl = new XTemplate("gdetail.tpl", NV_ROOTDIR . "/themes/" . $module_info['template'] . "/modules/" . $module_file);
    $xtpl->assign('LANG', $lang_module);
    $xtpl->assign('GENEALOGY', $row_genealogy);
    $xtpl->assign('ACTIVE', 'ui-genealogys-selected');
    if (int(count($row_detail['id'])) != 0) {
        $array_key = array('full_name', 'gender', 'status', 'code', 'name1', 'name2', 'birthday', 'dieday', 'life', 'burial');
        $i = 0;
        $lang_module['u_life'] = $row_detail['life'] >= 50 ? $lang_module['u_life_ht'] : $lang_module['u_life_hd'];
        foreach ($array_key as $key) {
            if ($row_detail[$key] != "") {
                $dataloop = array('class' => $i % 2 == 0 ? 'class="second"' : '', 'lang' => $lang_module['u_' . $key], 'value' => $row_detail[$key]);
                $xtpl->assign('DATALOOP', $dataloop);
        $xtpl->assign('DATA', $row_detail);
        foreach ($array_parentid as $array_parentid_i) {
            $xtpl->assign('PARENTIDCAPTION', $array_parentid_i['caption']);
            if (isset($array_parentid_i['items'])) {
                $items = $array_parentid_i['items'];
                $number = 1;
                foreach ($items as $item) {
                    $item['number'] = $number++;
                    $item['class'] = $number % 2 == 0 ? 'class="second"' : '';
                    $xtpl->assign('DATALOOP', $item);
        if (!empty($row_detail['content'])) {
        if (!empty($OrgChart)) {
            $xtpl->assign('DATACHARTROWS', count($OrgChart));
            foreach ($OrgChart as $item) {
                if ($item['id'] == $row_detail['id']) {
                    $item['full_name'] = '<span style="color:red; font-weight: 700">' . $item['full_name'] . '</span>';
                $xtpl->assign('DATACHART', $item);
                if ($item['number'] > 0) {
    } else {
    return $xtpl->text('main');
Esempio n. 30
         if ($row['birthday'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             preg_match("/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})/", $row['birthday'], $datetime);
             $row['birthday'] = $datetime[3] . "/" . $datetime[2] . "/" . $datetime[1];
         } else {
             $row['birthday'] = "";
         $row['status'] = $array_status[$row['status']];
         $array_parentid[1]['items'][] = $row;
 //Danh sách vợ
 if ($info_users['gender'] == 1) {
     $query = "SELECT id, parentid, weight, relationships, gender, status, alias, full_name, birthday FROM " . NV_PREFIXLANG . "_" . $module_data . " WHERE gid=" . $info_users['gid'] . " AND parentid=" . $info_users['id'] . " AND relationships=2 ORDER BY weight ASC";
     $result = $db->query($query);
     if (int(count($result)) != 0) {
         $array_parentid[2]['caption'] = $lang_module['list_parentid_2'];
         while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
             $row['link'] = nv_url_rewrite(NV_BASE_SITEURL . 'index.php?' . NV_LANG_VARIABLE . '=' . NV_LANG_DATA . '&amp;' . NV_NAME_VARIABLE . '=' . $module_name . '&amp;' . NV_OP_VARIABLE . '=' . $global_array_fam[$news_contents['fid']]['alias'] . '/' . $news_contents['alias'] . '/' . $alias_family_tree . '/' . $row['alias'] . $global_config['rewrite_exturl'], true);
             //$row_genealogy['link_main'] . '/' . $row['alias'];
             if ($row['birthday'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                 preg_match("/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}) ([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})/", $row['birthday'], $datetime);
                 $row['birthday'] = $datetime[3] . "/" . $datetime[2] . "/" . $datetime[1];
             } else {
                 $row['birthday'] = "";
             $row['status'] = $array_status[$row['status']];
             $array_parentid[2]['items'][] = $row;