function input_asset_tag($name, $value, $options = array())
    use_helper('Javascript', 'I18N');
    $type = 'all';
    if (isset($options['images_only'])) {
        $type = 'image';
    $form_name = '';
    if (isset($options['form_name'])) {
        $form_name = '\'' . $options['form_name'] . '\'';
    $html = '';
    if (is_file(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . $value)) {
        $ext = substr($value, strpos($value, '.') - strlen($value) + 1);
        if (in_array($ext, array('png', 'jpg', 'gif'))) {
            $image_path = $value;
        } else {
            if (!is_file(sfConfig::get('sf_plugins_dir') . '/sfMediaLibraryPlugin/web/images/' . $ext . '.png')) {
                $ext = 'unknown';
            $image_path = '/sfMediaLibraryPlugin/images/' . $ext;
        $html .= link_to_function(image_tag($image_path, array('alt' => 'File', 'height' => '64')), "'{$value}')");
        $html .= '<br />';
    $html .= input_tag($name, $value, $options);
    $html .= '&nbsp;' . image_tag('/sfMediaLibraryPlugin/images/folder_open', array('alt' => __('Insert Image'), 'style' => 'cursor: pointer; vertical-align: middle', 'onclick' => 'sfMediaLibrary.openWindow({ form_name: ' . $form_name . ', field_name: \'' . $name . '\', type: \'' . $type . '\', scrollbars: \'yes\' })'));
    $html .= init_media_library();
    return $html;
 public function render()
     $metaTitle = $this->metatag != null ? $this->metatag->getMetaTitle() : '';
     $metaKeywords = $this->metatag != null ? $this->metatag->getMetaKeywords() : '';
     $metaDescription = $this->metatag != null ? $this->metatag->getMetaDescription() : '';
     return sprintf($this->skeleton, label_for('meta_title', __('Title:')), input_tag('w3s_meta_title', $metaTitle, 'size=34'), label_for('meta_meta_keywords', __('Keywords:')), textarea_tag('w3s_meta_keywords', $metaKeywords, 'size=31x10'), label_for('meta_meta_description', __('Description:')), textarea_tag('w3s_meta_description', $metaDescription, 'size=31x10'), link_to_function(__('Store metatags'), '', 'class="link_button"'));
function geocode_auto_complete($name, $service)
    $mobile_version = c2cTools::mobileVersion();
    $service_class = $service === 'nominatim' ? ' nominatim' : ' geonames';
    $out = input_tag($name, '', array('class' => 'geocode_auto_complete' . $service_class, 'placeholder' => __('enter place name'), 'data-noresult' => __('no results')));
    if ($mobile_version) {
        $out .= content_tag('span', '<br />' . __('autocomplete_help'), array('class' => 'mobile_auto_complete_background'));
        $out .= content_tag('span', 'X', array('class' => 'mobile_auto_complete_escape'));
    // following script will automatically intanciate geocode autocompleter
    $out .= javascript_queue('$.ajax({
      url: "' . minify_get_combined_files_url('/static/js/geocode_autocompleter.js') . '",
      dataType: "script",
      cache: true});');
    return $out;
  * Renders the editor
  * @return string
 public function render()
     $idLanguage = 0;
     $isMain = 0;
     $languageName = '';
     if ($this->language != null) {
         $idLanguage = $this->language->getId();
         $isMain = $this->language->getMainLanguage();
         $languageName = $this->language->getLanguage();
     $setEnabled = $idLanguage == 0 || $idLanguage != 0 && $isMain == 0 ? '' : 'DISABLED';
     $function = $idLanguage == 0 ? link_to_function(__('Add Language'), 'W3sLanguage.add()', 'class="link_button"') : link_to_function(__('Edit Language'), 'W3sLanguage.edit()', 'class="link_button"');
     $additionalInfo = $idLanguage == 0 ? '<div id="w3s_message"><p class="error_message">' . __('PAY ATTENTION: This operation will also insert all contents for the new language. These contents will be copied from the main language of your website.') . '</p></div>' : '';
     $checked = $isMain == 1 ? 'CHECKED' : '';
     return sprintf($this->editorSkeleton, label_for('language_name', __('Language name:')), input_tag('w3s_language_name', $languageName), label_for('main_language', __('Main language:')), sprintf('<input name="w3s_main_language" id="w3s_main_language" %s type="checkbox" %s />', $setEnabled, $checked), $function, $additionalInfo);
Esempio n. 5
function backend_input($name, $input = null, $options = array(), $methode = null)
    $code = getDivLabel($options, $name);
    if ($options['validate']) {
        $errSpan = "<span id='" . $name . "Error'></span>";
    if ($options['password']) {
        $code .= input_password_tag($name, getVal($input, $methode, $name), clearOptions($options));
    } else {
        $code .= input_tag($name, getVal($input, $methode, $name), clearOptions($options));
    if ($name == "attrRewriteUrl") {
        $code .= ' <img align="absbottom" src="/images/btn_generate.gif" onClick="generateUrl(\'attrRewriteUrl\', \'attrLabel\');"/>';
    $code .= $errSpan;
    return $code;
function input_sf_asset_tag($name, $value, $options = array())
    use_helper('Form', 'I18N');
    use_javascript('/sfDoctrineAssetsLibraryPlugin/js/main', 'last');
    $options = _convert_options($options);
    $type = 'all';
    if (isset($options['images_only'])) {
        $type = 'image';
    if (!isset($options['id'])) {
        $options['id'] = get_id_from_name($name);
    $form_name = '';
    if (isset($options['form_name'])) {
        $form_name = "'" . $options['form_name'] . "'";
    // The popup should open in the currently selected subdirectory
    $html = input_tag($name, $value, $options) . '&nbsp;';
    $html .= image_tag('/sfDoctrineAssetsLibraryPlugin/images/folder_open', array('alt' => __('Insert Image'), 'style' => 'cursor: pointer; vertical-align: middle', 'onclick' => "\n      initialDir = document.getElementById('" . $options['id'] . "').value.replace(/\\/[^\\/]*\$/, '');\n      if(!initialDir) initialDir = '" . sfConfig::get('app_sfDoctrineAssetsLibrary_upload_dir', 'media') . "';\n      sfAssetsLibrary.openWindow({\n        form_name: " . $form_name . ",\n        field_name: '" . $name . "',\n        type: '" . $type . "',\n        url: '" . url_for('sfAsset/list?dir=PLACEHOLDER') . "?popup=2'.replace('PLACEHOLDER', initialDir),\n        scrollbars: 'yes'\n      });"));
    return $html;
Esempio n. 7
                    		<td class='filter_first'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[CODE]', isset($filters['CODE']) ? $filters['CODE'] : null, array('size' => 12));
		 		<td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[NAME]', isset($filters['NAME']) ? $filters['NAME'] : null, array('size' => 20));
				<td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[index]', isset($filters['index']) ? $filters['index'] : null, array('size' => 15));
				<td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[TITLE]', isset($filters['TITLE']) ? $filters['index'] : null, array('size' => 35));

				<td class='filter'>
echo object_select_tag(isset($filters['department_id']) ? $filters['department_id'] : null, null, array('include_blank' => true, 'related_class' => 'VDepartment', 'text_method' => '__toString', 'peer_method' => 'doSelectFiltered', 'control_name' => 'filters[department_id]', 'style' => "width: 80px;"));

				<td class='filter'>
echo input_date_range_tag('filters[ORDER_DATE]', isset($filters['ORDER_DATE']) ? $filters['ORDER_DATE'] : null, array('rich' => true, 'withtime' => false, 'calendar_button_img' => '/images/calendar.gif', 'middle' => '<br/>'));
if ($sf_user->isAuthenticated() && $project->hasPermission('create-task')) {
    <div id="task-new-holder">
    echo form_remote_tag(array('update' => 'edit-tasks-holder', 'url' => 'project/ajaxAddTask'));
          <div id="task-details" class="float-left" style="vertical-align:top;">
    echo input_hidden_tag('project', $project->getUuid(), array());
    echo input_tag('task_name', 'Task Name');
    echo textarea_tag('task_description', 'Task Description', array('rows' => '3'));
    echo textarea_tag('task_tags', '', array('rows' => '3'));
          <div id="task-dates" class="float-right" style="text-align:right;">
            <label for="task_begin">Task Starts: <?php 
    echo input_date_tag('task_begin', '', array('rich' => 'true'));
</label><br />
            <label for="task_finish">Task Due: <?php 
    echo input_date_tag('task_finish', '', array('rich' => 'true'));
Esempio n. 9
<br />
<br />
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="model[Reference]"> Reference&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="model[Entity]">Entity&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="model[Relationship]">Relationship&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="model[Address]"> Address&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="model[Image]"> Image&nbsp;&nbsp;
<br />
<br />
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="is_delete"> Is delete?&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="is_create"> Is create?&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="distinct"> Distinct user&nbsp;&nbsp;
Users matching <?php 
echo input_tag('user', $sf_request->getParameter('user'));
echo submit_tag('Go', 'class=button_small');

<br />
<br />

//echo link_to('show users only', 'modification/list?users_only=1')
Esempio n. 10
                                            <td class='filter_first'><?php 
echo object_select_tag(isset($filters['ACADEMIC_CALENDAR_ID']) ? $filters['ACADEMIC_CALENDAR_ID'] : null, null, array('include_blank' => true, 'related_class' => 'AcademicCalendar', 'text_method' => '__toString', 'control_name' => 'filters[ACADEMIC_CALENDAR_ID]', 'peer_method' => 'doSelectSpecial', 'style' => 'width: 100px;'));
                                            <td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[EMP_NO]', isset($filters['EMP_NO']) ? $filters['EMP_NO'] : null, array('size' => 7));
                                            <td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[EXTRA_CODE]', isset($filters['EXTRA_CODE']) ? $filters['EXTRA_CODE'] : null, array('size' => 7));
                                            <td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[EMP_NAME]', isset($filters['EMP_NAME']) ? $filters['EMP_NAME'] : null, array('size' => 10));
if ($pager->getNbResults() < 1) {
                                    <tr class="list"><td colspan="100"><div class="no_record"><?php 
    echo __('No record found');
} else {
echo end_fieldset_tag();
echo fieldset_tag('Manage your email');
echo object_group_tag($user_private_data, 'email', array('class' => 'medium_input', 'type' => 'email'));
echo end_fieldset_tag();
    <div class="form-row">
echo fieldset_tag('Manage your private data');
echo label_for('edit_topo_name', __('topoName_desc'), array('class' => 'fieldname', 'id' => '_topo_name')) . ' ' . input_tag('edit_topo_name', $user_private_data->get('topo_name'), array('class' => 'medium_input'));
echo label_for('edit_nickname', __('nickName_desc'), array('class' => 'fieldname', 'id' => '_nick_name')) . ' ' . input_tag('edit_nickname', $user_private_data->get('username'), array('class' => 'medium_input'));
echo label_for('login_name', __('LoginName_desc'), array('class' => 'fieldname', 'id' => '_login_name')) . '<strong>' . $user_private_data->getLoginName() . '</strong>';
echo end_fieldset_tag();
echo fieldset_tag('Manage your profile page');
echo object_group_tag($user_private_data, 'is_profile_public', array('callback' => 'object_checkbox_tag'));
echo end_fieldset_tag();
    <ul class="action_buttons">
Esempio n. 12
if (!$sf_params->get('id')) {
    <div class="row right_col">
    echo cryptographp_picture();
    echo cryptographp_reload();
    <div class="row">
    echo label_for('captcha', __('Type the code shown') . required());
    echo input_tag('captcha', $sf_params->get('captcha'));
    echo form_error('captcha');
    <div class="row right_col">
echo submit_tag(__('Save'));
Esempio n. 13
if ($_request->hasErrors()) {
	<p>Oops! There are some validation errors.</p>

if ($_params->has('reset')) {

	<p>This uiAjaxPanel uses loading indicator, but no shading.

    echo input_tag('txtName', 'Default value');
 <input type="submit" name="commit" value="Submit" class="JsAction-post" />

} else {

    echo input_hidden_tag('i', 1);
    echo input_hidden_tag('love', 1);
    echo input_hidden_tag('summer', 1);

	<p><strong>You typed in "<?php 
    echo $_request->getParameter('txtName');
Esempio n. 14
        echo input_tag($name, $cs_setting->getValue(), 'size=55');
    case 'textarea':
        echo textarea_tag($name, $cs_setting->getValue());
    case 'yesno':
        echo 'Yes: ' . radiobutton_tag($name, 1, $cs_setting->getValue());
        echo 'No: ' . radiobutton_tag($name, 0, $cs_setting->getValue() ? false : true);
    case 'select':
        $options = _parse_attributes($cs_setting->getOptions());
        echo select_tag($name, options_for_select($options, $cs_setting->getValue(), 'include_blank=true'));
    case 'model':
        $config = _parse_attributes($cs_setting->getOptions());
        $method = $cs_setting->getOption('table_method');
        $method = $method ? $method : 'findAll';
        $options = Doctrine::getTable($cs_setting->getOption('model', true))->{$method}();
        echo select_tag($name, objects_for_select($options, 'getId', '__toString', $cs_setting->getValue()), 'include_blank=true');
    case 'wysiwyg':
        echo textarea_tag($name, $cs_setting->getvalue(), 'rich=true ' . $cs_setting->getOptions());
    case 'upload':
        echo $cs_setting->getValue() ? link_to($cs_setting->getValue(), public_path('uploads/setting/' . $cs_setting->getValue())) . '<br />' : '';
        echo input_file_tag($name, $cs_setting->getValue(), $cs_setting->getOptions());
        echo input_tag($name, $cs_setting->getValue(), 'size=55');
Esempio n. 15
					<td class='filter' style="vertical-align: middle;">
echo submit_image_tag('/images/magnifier.png', array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();"));
					<td class='filter_first' style="vertical-align:middle;">
echo object_select_tag(isset($filters['ACADEMIC_CALENDAR_ID']) ? $filters['ACADEMIC_CALENDAR_ID'] : null, null, array('include_blank' => true, 'related_class' => 'AcademicCalendar', 'text_method' => '__toString', 'control_name' => 'filters[ACADEMIC_CALENDAR_ID]', 'peer_method' => 'doSelectFiltered', 'style' => 'width: 100px;'));
                    			<td class='filter' style="vertical-align: middle;">
echo input_tag('filters[CODE_CLASS]', isset($filters['CODE_CLASS']) ? $filters['CODE_CLASS'] : null, array('size' => 7));
                    			<!-- UTS -->
                    			<td class="filter" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: middle;"><?php 
echo __('Semester 1');
                    			<td class="filter" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: middle;"><?php 
echo __('Semester 2');
                    			<!-- UAS -->
                    			<td class="filter" style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: middle;"><?php 
Esempio n. 16

<br /><br />
echo '<div class="fieldname">' . picto_tag('picto_routes') . __('Route:') . ' </div>' . (isset($autofocus) ? input_tag('rnam', null, array('autofocus' => 'autofocus')) : input_tag('rnam'));
echo georef_selector('With GPS track:');
<br /><br />
$activities_raw = $sf_data->getRaw('activities');
$paragliding_tag = sfConfig::get('app_tags_paragliding');
$paragliding_tag = implode('/', $paragliding_tag);
echo __('activities') . ' ' . field_value_selector('acttyp', 'mod_routes_activities_type_list', array('keepfirst' => false, 'filled_options' => false));
echo activities_selector(true, true, $activities_raw, array(8 => $paragliding_tag));
echo __('max_elevation') . ' ' . elevation_selector('malt');
echo __('height_diff_up') . ' ' . elevation_selector('hdif');
<div data-act-filter="1 2 3 4 5" style="display:none">
echo __('difficulties_start_elevation') . ' ' . elevation_selector('ralt');
echo __('difficulties_height') . ' ' . elevation_selector('dhei');
echo __('approach_height') . ' ' . elevation_selector('rappr');
<div data-act-filter="1 2 3 4" style="display:none">
Esempio n. 17
echo form_errors();
echo form_tag('@request_password', array('class' => 'block'));

		<li><span class="lbl"><?php 
echo label_for('username', 'Username');
			<span class="fld medium"><?php 
echo input_tag('username', '', array('class' => 'textfield'));
		<li><span class="lbl"></span>
			<span class="btn"><?php 
echo submit_tag('Get a new password');

		<p class="small">
			The new password is randomly generated, and may not be easy to remember.
			If you had difficulty remembering your password, consider using a <strong>pass phrase</strong>
Esempio n. 18
echo jq_form_remote_tag(array('update' => $oAppCommon->ssDivId, 'url' => $oAppCommon->ssLink), array('name' => 'frmSearch', 'id' => 'frmSearch', 'method' => 'post', 'class' => 'fright'));
echo input_hidden_tag('ssSortOn', $oAppCommon->ssSortOn);
echo input_hidden_tag('ssSortBy', $oAppCommon->ssSortBy);
echo __("Search By");
&nbsp; <?php 
echo select_tag('ssSearchOption', options_for_select($oAppCommon->aSearchOptions, $sf_params->get('ssSearchOption')), array('tabindex' => 2));
		<div class="searchinput"><?php 
echo __('Search For');
echo input_tag('ssSearchWord', trim($sf_params->get('ssSearchWord')), array('size' => '20', 'maxlength' => '100', 'tabindex' => 1));
		<div class="menu padding0"><?php 
echo submit_tag(__('Search'), array('title' => __('Search'), 'tabindex' => 1));
		<div class="menu padding0"><?php 
echo link_to(__('Show All'), $oAppCommon->ssLink, array('title' => __('Show All'), 'tabindex' => 1));
Esempio n. 19
					<td class='filter'><?php 
echo submit_image_tag('/images/magnifier.png', array('class' => 'sort', 'onclick' => "blur();"));
					<td class='filter_first'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[CODE]', isset($filters['CODE']) ? $filters['CODE'] : null, array('size' => 15));
					<td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[NAME]', isset($filters['NAME']) ? $filters['NAME'] : null, array('size' => 15));
					<td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[CREDIT]', isset($filters['CREDIT']) ? $filters['CREDIT'] : null, array('size' => 12));
					<td class='filter'><?php 
echo object_select_tag(isset($filters['SUBJECT_GROUP_ID']) ? $filters['SUBJECT_GROUP_ID'] : null, null, array('include_blank' => true, 'related_class' => 'SubjectGroup', 'text_method' => '__toString', 'control_name' => 'filters[SUBJECT_GROUP_ID]'));
					<td class='filter'><?php 
echo object_select_tag(isset($filters['DEPARTMENT_ID']) ? $filters['DEPARTMENT_ID'] : null, null, array('include_blank' => true, 'related_class' => 'Department', 'peer_method' => 'doSelectOrdered', 'control_name' => 'filters[DEPARTMENT_ID]'));
if ($pager->getNbResults() < 1) {
Esempio n. 20
echo input_tag('filters[PUBLISHED_YEAR]', isset($filters['PUBLISHED_YEAR']) ? $filters['PUBLISHED_YEAR'] : null, array('size' => 10));
#echo input_date_range_tag('filters[PUBLISHED_YEAR]', isset($filters['PUBLISHED_YEAR']) ? $filters['PUBLISHED_YEAR'] : null, array ( 'rich' => true, 'withtime' => false, 'calendar_button_img' => '/images/calendar.gif', 'middle' => ' &nbsp; s/d &nbsp;', ))
echo input_tag('filters[TOTAL_COL_ITEM]', isset($filters['TOTAL_COL_ITEM']) ? $filters['TOTAL_COL_ITEM'] : null, array('size' => 10));
echo input_tag('filters[TOTAL_CATALOG]', isset($filters['TOTAL_CATALOG']) ? $filters['TOTAL_CATALOG'] : null, array('size' => 10));
if ($pager->getNbResults() < 1) {
				<tr class="list"><td colspan="100"><div class="no_record"><?php 
    echo __('No record found');
} else {
      <label for="mail">la tua mail (non verr&agrave; pubblicata)</label>

    if (!$sf_user->isAuthenticated() && $sf_user->getAttribute('automoderation', '', 'comment') === 'captcha') {
        echo form_error('captcha');
        echo image_tag('star.png', array('alt' => '*'));
        echo input_tag('captcha', $sf_request->hasErrors() ? $sf_params->get('captcha') : '', 'id= class=text autocomplete=off');
        <label for="captcha">scrivi qui le cifre che leggi sotto</label>
      <p style="margin-left: 20px;"><img src="<?php 
        echo url_for('@sf_captcha?rk=' . rand());
" alt="captcha" /></p>
    echo image_tag('star.png', array('alt' => '*'));
&nbsp;&nbsp;i campi contrassegnati da asterisco sono obbligatori</p>
Esempio n. 22

  <div id="login" style="display: none">
echo __('please sign-in first');
echo form_tag('@login', 'id=loginform');
      <label for="nickname"><?php 
echo __('nickname:');
echo input_tag('nickname');
      <label for="password"><?php 
echo __('password:'******'password');
echo input_hidden_tag('referer', $sf_params->get('referer') ? $sf_params->get('referer') : $sf_request->getUri());
echo submit_tag(__('login'));
echo link_to_function(__('cancel'), visual_effect('blind_up', 'login', array('duration' => 0.5)));
Esempio n. 23
                    <td class='filter'>
echo input_tag('filters[ACTIVITY_LENGTH]', isset($filters['ACTIVITY_LENGTH']) ? $filters['ACTIVITY_LENGTH'] : null, array('size' => 7));
					 <td class='filter'><?php 
echo object_select_tag(isset($filters['ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID']) ? $filters['ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID'] : null, null, array('include_blank' => true, 'related_class' => 'ActivityType', 'text_method' => '__toString', 'control_name' => 'filters[ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID]'));
                    <td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[DETAIL]', isset($filters['DETAIL']) ? $filters['DETAIL'] : null, array('size' => 15));
if ($pager->getNbResults() < 1) {
				<tr class="list"><td colspan="100"><div class="no_record"><?php 
    echo __('No record found');
} else {
Esempio n. 24
        <div class="row">
            <label for="login">Wybierz swój blog: </label>
echo select_tag('blog_id', objects_for_select($blogs, 'getId', 'getName'));
        <div class="infobox"><p class="center">Podaj swój login i hasło z <a href="">Forum</a></p></div>
        <div class="row">
echo form_error('login');
            <label for="login">Login: </label>
echo input_tag('login');
        <div class="row">
echo form_error('password');
            <label for="password">Hasło: </label>
echo input_password_tag('password');
Esempio n. 25
                    <td class='filter_first'>
echo input_tag('filters[NO_REG]', isset($filters['NO_REG']) ? $filters['NO_REG'] : null, array('size' => 12));
                    <td class='filter'>
echo input_tag('filters[CODE]', isset($filters['CODE']) ? $filters['CODE'] : null, array('size' => 12));
		 			<td class='filter'>
echo input_tag('filters[NAME]', isset($filters['NAME']) ? $filters['NAME'] : null, array('size' => 25));
					<td class='filter'>
echo input_hidden_tag('filters[COL_ITEM_ID]', isset($filters['COL_ITEM_ID']) ? $filters['COL_ITEM_ID'] : null);
if (isset($filters['COL_ITEM_ID']) && $filters['COL_ITEM_ID']) {
    echo input_auto_complete_tag('index', isset($filters['COL_ITEM_ID']) && $filters['COL_ITEM_ID'] ? ColItemPeer::retrieveByPk($filters['COL_ITEM_ID'])->getIndexNo() : '', '/col_item/getIndex', array('size' => 20), array('after_update_element' => 'function(f, s) {$("COL_ITEM_ID").updateFromInformalAutocomplete(f, s);}', 'min_chars' => 1));
} else {
    echo input_auto_complete_tag('index', null, '/col_item/getIndex', array('size' => 20), array('after_update_element' => 'function(f, s) {$("filters_COL_ITEM_ID").updateFromInformalAutocomplete(f, s);}', 'min_chars' => 1));
#echo object_select_tag(isset($filters['col_item_id']) ? $filters['col_item_id'] : null, null, array ( 'include_blank' => true, 'related_class' => 'ColItem', 'text_method' => '__toString', 'control_name' => 'filters[col_item_id]', 'style'=>"width: 80px;", ))
Esempio n. 26
if ($sf_request->hasError('tabla{orden}')) {
    echo form_error('tabla{orden}', array('class' => 'form-error-msg'));
$value = input_tag('tabla[orden]', $tabla->getOrden(), array('size' => 5, 'control_name' => 'tabla[orden]'));
echo $value ? $value : '&nbsp;';
  <div class="sf_edit_help"><?php 
echo __('Indique el orden de la tabla dentro de la lisa');


include_partial('edit_actions', array('tabla' => $tabla));
    echo input_hidden_tag('topic_id', $topic->getId());
} else {
    echo form_error('title');
    echo label_for('title', __('Title', null, 'sfSimpleForum'));
    echo input_tag('title', '', 'id=topic_title');
    if (isset($forum)) {
        echo input_hidden_tag('forum_name', $forum->getStrippedName());
    } else {
        echo label_for('forum', __('Forum', null, 'sfSimpleForum'));
        echo select_tag('forum_name', options_for_select(sfSimpleForumForumPeer::getAllAsArray()));
Esempio n. 28
<form action="<?php 
echo url_for($entity->getInternalUrl('addAlias'));
" method="POST">
echo input_hidden_tag('id', $entity->id);
echo input_tag('alias', $sf_request->getParameter('alias'), 'size=30');

if ($sf_user->hasCredential('admin')) {
    echo input_tag('context', $sf_request->getParameter('context'), 'size=20');

echo submit_tag('Add', 'class=button_small');

<div class="padded">
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
Esempio n. 29
                    <!--td class='filter'>
#echo my_object_select_tag(isset($filters['DEPARTMENT_ID']) ? $filters['DEPARTMENT_ID'] : null, null, DepartmentPeer::getParents(), array ( 'include_blank' => true, 'related_class' => 'Department', 'peer_method'=>'doSelectFiltered', 'control_name' => 'filters[DEPARTMENT_ID]',))
                    <!--td class='filter'><?php 
#echo input_tag('filters[YEAR]', isset($filters['YEAR']) ? $filters['YEAR'] : null, array ( 'size' => 5,))
                    <td class='filter'><?php 
echo input_tag('filters[CAPACITY]', isset($filters['CAPACITY']) ? $filters['CAPACITY'] : null, array('size' => 5));
                    <td class='filter'><?php 
echo object_select_tag(isset($filters['LOCATION_CATEGORY_ID']) ? $filters['LOCATION_CATEGORY_ID'] : null, null, array('include_blank' => true, 'related_class' => 'LocationCategory', 'text_method' => '__toString', 'control_name' => 'filters[LOCATION_CATEGORY_ID]'));

                    <td class='filter'><?php 
echo object_select_tag(isset($filters['LOCATION_CONDITION_ID']) ? $filters['LOCATION_CONDITION_ID'] : null, null, array('include_blank' => true, 'related_class' => 'LocationCondition', 'text_method' => '__toString', 'control_name' => 'filters[LOCATION_CONDITION_ID]'));

Esempio n. 30
function tag_file_download_description()
    global $step, $endform, $tag_name;
    $atts = gpsa(array('class', 'escape', 'wraptag'));
    $out = form(startTable('tagbuilder') . tr(tdcs(hed(gTxt('tag_' . $tag_name), 3), 2)) . tagRow('escape', escape_pop($escape)) . tagRow('wraptag', input_tag('wraptag', $wraptag)) . tagRow('class', fInput('text', 'class', $class, 'edit', '', '', 25)) . $endform);
    if ($step == 'build') {
        $out .= tdb(tb($tag_name, $atts));
    return $out;