?> <script type="text/javascript"> alert("<img src=images/error.png class=alert_image><div class=alert_text>Een regio kan slechts met 2 andere regio's of gemeenten worden vergeleken.</div>"); </script> <?php exit; } $q = $dbh->prepare("select cache from barometer_cache where pijler = '{$pijler}'"); $q->bindParam(':pijler', $pijler); $q->execute(); $result = $q->fetch(); $cache = $result[cache]; $cache_table = 'barometer_' . $pijler; if ($cache == false) { init_cache($cache_table); } $rand_pijler = rand(); init_pijler($num_comparisons, $rand_pijler, $compare_years); get_table_headers($regio, $cbs, $num_comparisons, $compare, $screen_width, $pijler, $compare_years); /*KWETSBARE GROEPEN*/ $indicator = ' kwetsbare groepen'; //random number voor tijdelijke tabel $rand = rand(); init_indicator($num_comparisons, $rand, $compare_years); //obesitas $nr = 2927; $oms = 'inwoners (19 en ouder) met obesitas'; $geslacht = 'totaal'; $start_lft = 19; $end_lft = 99;
/** * Cache the result of the function call in the cache backend. * @param key cache key to use * @param ttl time to live for the cache entry * @param function function to call * @return return value of function (will be cached) */ function cache_function($key, $ttl, $function) { init_cache(); $CI =& get_instance(); if (!($content = $CI->cache->get($key))) { $content = $function(); $CI->cache->save($key, $content, $ttl); } return $content; }