Esempio n. 1
             $_GET["mp" . $pc] = $postar[0];
             $_GET["mi" . $pc] = base64UrlEncode($id);
             $_GET["mrid" . $pc] = $id;
             $_GET["mc" . $pc++] = $postar[1];
             queryDB(true, "DELETE FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_POSTS . "` WHERE `id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($id) . "' LIMIT 1;");
         $pc = 0;
         $USER->Browsers[0]->QueuedPosts = array();
 if (!empty($_GET["mi" . $pc]) || $USER->Browsers[0]->Waiting || !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->InitChatWith) || !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->Forward) && !$USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->Received && $USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->Processed) {
     if ($USER->Browsers[0]->Waiting && $BOTMODE && !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->QueuedPosts)) {
         $USER->Browsers[0]->QueuedPosts = array();
     } else {
         if (!$openChatExternal) {
     if (!empty($USER->Browsers[0]->Forward) && !$USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->Received && $USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->Processed) {
         $USER->Browsers[0]->Forward->Save(true, true);
         $ACTIVE_OVLC = !$USER->Browsers[0]->Declined;
 if (!empty($USER->Browsers[0]->ChatId)) {
     $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_id='" . $USER->Browsers[0]->ChatId . "';", false);
 $HTML = "";
 $USER->Browsers[0]->VisitId = $USER->VisitId;
 while (!empty($_GET["mi" . $pc])) {
     $id = !empty($_GET["mrid" . $pc]) ? $_GET["mrid" . $pc] : md5($USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId . $USER->Browsers[0]->ChatId . $_GET["mi" . $pc]);
     $senderName = !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->Fullname) ? $USER->Browsers[0]->Fullname : $LZLANG["client_guest"] . " " . getNoName($USER->UserId . getIP());

require 'init_database.php';
header('content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
header("access-control-allow-origin: *");
define("INIT_CHAT", "init_chat");
$conn = TalentMeDB::getConnection();
if (array_key_exists(INIT_CHAT, $_GET)) {
    $request = json_decode(str_rot13($_GET[INIT_CHAT]));
    initChat($request->host_email, $request->user_email);
function initChat($host_email, $user_email)
    global $conn;
    // check for existence of host
    $result = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM UserTable WHERE user_email='{$host_email}'");
    if ($result->num_rows < 1) {
        echo '{"error" : "$host_email does not exist in UserTable"}';
        return null;
    // check for existence of user
    $result = $conn->query("SELECT * FROM UserTable WHERE user_email='{$user_email}'");
    if ($result->num_rows < 1) {
        echo '{"error" : "$user_email does not exist in UserTable"}';
        return null;
    // create chat session with checking existence of chat session mechanism
    	// Way 1
    	$sql = "SELECT * FROM ChatLineTable as t1 WHERE user_email = $host_email AND group_id IS NULL AND ".