$date = explode("-", $date); $timeofnextaction = mktime(8 + $timeoffset, 0, 0, $date[1], $date[2], $date[0]); $now = time(); if ($timeofnextaction < 0) { $timeofnextaction = 0; } break; default: $timeofnextaction = 0; break; } // Put text into body of update for field changes (reverse order) // delim first $bodytext = "<hr>" . $bodytext; $oldstatus = incident_status($id); $oldtimeofnextaction = incident_timeofnextaction($id); if ($newstatus != $oldstatus) { $bodytext = "Status: " . mysql_real_escape_string(incidentstatus_name($oldstatus)) . " -> <b>" . mysql_real_escape_string(incidentstatus_name($newstatus)) . "</b>\n\n" . $bodytext; } if ($newpriority != incident_priority($id)) { $bodytext = "New Priority: <b>" . mysql_real_escape_string(priority_name($newpriority)) . "</b>\n\n" . $bodytext; } if ($timeofnextaction > $oldtimeofnextaction + 60) { $timetext = "Next Action Time: "; if ($oldtimeofnextaction - $now < 1) { $timetext .= "None"; } else { $timetext .= date("D jS M Y @ g:i A", $oldtimeofnextaction); } $timetext .= " -> <b>"; if ($timeofnextaction < 1) {
/** * Output html for the 'time to next action' box * Used in add incident and update incident * @param string $formid. HTML ID of the form containing the controls * @return $html string html to output * @author Kieran Hogg * @TODO populate $id */ function show_next_action($formid) { global $now, $strAM, $strPM; $html = "{$GLOBALS['strPlaceIncidentInWaitingQueue']}<br />"; $oldtimeofnextaction = incident_timeofnextaction($id); //FIXME $id never populated if ($oldtimeofnextaction < 1) { $oldtimeofnextaction = $now; } $wait_time = $oldtimeofnextaction - $now; $na_days = floor($wait_time / 86400); $na_remainder = $wait_time % 86400; $na_hours = floor($na_remainder / 3600); $na_remainder = $wait_time % 3600; $na_minutes = floor($na_remainder / 60); if ($na_days < 0) { $na_days = 0; } if ($na_hours < 0) { $na_hours = 0; } if ($na_minutes < 0) { $na_minutes = 0; } $html .= "<label>"; $html .= "<input checked='checked' type='radio' name='timetonextaction' "; $html .= "id='ttna_none' onchange=\"update_ttna();\" "; // $html .= "onclick=\"$('timetonextaction_days').value = ''; window.document.updateform."; // $html .= "timetonextaction_hours.value = ''; window.document.updateform."; timetonextaction_minutes.value = '';\" $html .= " value='None' />{$GLOBALS['strNo']}"; $html .= "</label><br />"; $html .= "<label><input type='radio' name='timetonextaction' "; $html .= "id='ttna_time' value='time' onchange=\"update_ttna();\" />"; $html .= "{$GLOBALS['strForXDaysHoursMinutes']}</label><br />\n"; $html .= "<span id='ttnacountdown'"; if (empty($na_days) and empty($na_hours) and empty($na_minutes)) { $html .= " style='display: none;'"; } $html .= ">"; $html .= " <input name='timetonextaction_days' "; $html .= " id='timetonextaction_days' value='{$na_days}' maxlength='3' "; $html .= "onclick=\"\$('ttna_time').checked = true;\" "; $html .= "size='3' /> {$GLOBALS['strDays']} "; $html .= "<input maxlength='2' name='timetonextaction_hours' "; $html .= "id='timetonextaction_hours' value='{$na_hours}' "; $html .= "onclick=\"\$('ttna_time').checked = true;\" "; $html .= "size='3' /> {$GLOBALS['strHours']} "; $html .= "<input maxlength='2' name='timetonextaction_minutes' id='"; $html .= "timetonextaction_minutes' value='{$na_minutes}' "; $html .= "onclick=\"\$('ttna_time').checked = true;\" "; $html .= "size='3' /> {$GLOBALS['strMinutes']}"; $html .= "<br />\n</span>"; $html .= "<label><input type='radio' name='timetonextaction' id='ttna_date' "; $html .= "value='date' onchange=\"update_ttna();\" />"; $html .= "{$GLOBALS['strUntilSpecificDateAndTime']}</label><br />\n"; $html .= "<div id='ttnadate' style='display: none;'>"; $html .= "<input name='date' id='timetonextaction_date' size='10' value='{$date}' "; $html .= "onclick=\"\$('ttna_date').checked = true;\" /> "; $html .= date_picker("{$formid}.timetonextaction_date"); $html .= " <select name='timeoffset' id='timeoffset' "; $html .= "onclick=\"\$('ttna_date').checked = true;\" >"; $html .= "<option value='0'></option>"; $html .= "<option value='0'>8:00 {$strAM}</option>"; $html .= "<option value='1'>9:00 {$strAM}</option>"; $html .= "<option value='2'>10:00 {$strAM}</option>"; $html .= "<option value='3'>11:00 {$strAM}</option>"; $html .= "<option value='4'>12:00 {$strPM}</option>"; $html .= "<option value='5'>1:00 {$strPM}</option>"; $html .= "<option value='6'>2:00 {$strPM}</option>"; $html .= "<option value='7'>3:00 {$strPM}</option>"; $html .= "<option value='8'>4:00 {$strPM}</option>"; $html .= "<option value='9'>5:00 {$strPM}</option>"; $html .= "</select>"; $html .= "<br />\n</div>"; return $html; }