function MakeView() { $this->sp_PortfolioItemView(); if ($this->returnedRows()) { inc('site/skills.class.php'); $SkillsClass = new Skills(); $SkillsArray = array(); $RowCount = $this->NumberOfRowsInResultSet(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $RowCount; $i++) { $row = $this->fetchRow(); $SkillsArray[] = $row['skill']; if ($i == $RowCount) { extract($row); $Skills = $SkillsClass->returnSkillsList($SkillsArray); require $this->TemplatePath('portfolio.viewitem'); } } } else { ?> <h4>Page Not Found</h4> <p>The item you requested could not be found. Please check your spelling or <a href="mailto:">contact me</a> if you think something is missing.</p> <p>You requested <a href="/Portfolio/<?php echo htmlentities($_GET['label']); ?> "><?php echo htmlentities($_GET['label']); ?> </a></p> <?php } }
public function __construct($gets = null, $return = true) { if (DEBUG) { alert("Controlador instanciado"); } if (is_null($gets)) { $gets = Oraculum_Request::gets(); $modulo = isset($gets[BASE]) && $gets[BASE] != "" ? $gets[BASE] : 'index'; $acao = isset($gets[BASE + 1]) && $gets[BASE + 1] != "" ? $gets[BASE + 1] : 'home'; // Carregando a classe de metodos que devem ser executados sempre new Controller(array('default', 'start'), false); } else { $modulo = isset($gets[0]) && $gets[0] != "" ? $gets[0] : 'index'; $acao = isset($gets[1]) && $gets[1] != "" ? $gets[1] : 'home'; } // Definicao dos arquivos das classes relacionadas aos modulos $controldir = "./apps/" . PROJECT . "/controllers/modulos/"; $viewsdir = "./apps/" . PROJECT . "/views/modulos/"; $this->_control = $controldir . $modulo . "/" . $acao . ".php"; $this->_view = $viewsdir . $modulo . "/" . $acao . ".shtml (ou html, ou php)"; $this->_viewphp = $viewsdir . $modulo . "/" . $acao . ".php"; $this->_viewshtml = $viewsdir . $modulo . "/" . $acao . ".shtml"; $this->_viewhtml = $viewsdir . $modulo . "/" . $acao . ".html"; $inccontrol = inc($this->_control); if ($inccontrol) { // Determina que a classe do controlador segue o padrao AcaoModulo $ofcontrol = ucwords($acao) . ucwords($modulo); $ofobj = new $ofcontrol(); $ofreturn = $ofobj->{$acao}($gets); } else { $inccontrol = inc($controldir . "default/home.php"); // Defermina que sera utilizada a classe padrao $ofcontrol = "HomeDefault"; $ofobj = new $ofcontrol(); $ofreturn = $ofobj->home($gets); } // Incluindo view e fazendo verificacao se existe if ($return) { if (file_exists($this->_viewshtml)) { include $this->_viewshtml; } else { if (file_exists($this->_viewhtml)) { include $this->_viewhtml; } else { if (file_exists($this->_viewphp)) { include $this->_viewphp; } else { if ($ofcontrol == "HomeDefault") { include "./apps/" . PROJECT . "/views/modulos/default/home.shtml"; } else { if (DEBUG) { alert("Arquivo <u>" . $this->_view . "</u> nao encontrado"); } } } } } } }
function TClients_base() { global $str, $actions; TTable::TTable(); # Языковые константы. # $str[get_class_name($this)] = array_merge($str[get_class_name($this)], array('title' => array('Работа с клиентами', 'Clients'), 'email' => array('E-mail', 'E-mail'), 'system_info' => array('Системная информация', 'System Information'), 'company_info' => array('Информация о компании', 'Company information'), 'crm' => array('Меню', 'Menu'), 'client_info' => array('Информация о Клиенте', 'Client Information'), 'fullname' => array('Полное имя', 'fullname'), 'bill' => array('Состояние счёта', 'Balance'), 'id' => array('Клиент ID', 'Client ID'), 'client_id' => array('Клиент ID', 'Client ID'), 'recieve_bills' => array('Получено счетов', 'Recieve bills'), 'paid_bills' => array('Оплачено счетов', 'Paid bills'), 'paid_bills_sum' => array('Сумма оплаченных счетов', 'Sum of paid bills'), 'bonus' => array('Количество бонусов', 'Bonuses'), 'bonus_sum' => array('Сумма бонусов', 'Sum of bonuses'), 'orders' => array('Всего заказов', 'Orders'), 'ready_orders' => array('Выполнено заказов', 'Closed orders'), 'orders_sum' => array('Сумма выполненных заказов', 'Sum of orders'), 'title_' => array('Клиент #', 'Client #'), 'name' => array('Имя', 'Name'), 'lname' => array('Фамилия', 'Last name'), 'addr' => array('Адрес', 'Address'), 'cell_phone' => array('Мобильный телефон', 'Cell phone'), 'phone' => array('Телефон', 'Phone'), 'pass1' => array('Новый пароль', 'New password'), 'pass2' => array('Повторите пароль', 'Re-enter password'), 'fax' => array('Факс', 'Fax'), 'comp_name' => array('Компания', 'Company Name'), 'comp_fname' => array('Полное имя компании', 'Full company name'), 'comp_inn' => array('ИНН', 'INN'), 'comp_kpp' => array('КПП', 'KPP'), 'comp_zip' => array('Индекс', 'ZIP'), 'comp_addr' => array('Юридический адрес', 'Company adress'), 'comp_paddr' => array('Фактический адрес', 'Company adress'), 'comp_phone' => array('Рабочий телефон', 'Work Phone'), 'comp_fax' => array('Рабочий факс', 'Work fax'), 'comp_email' => array('Рабочий e-mail', 'Work e-mail'), 'comp_bank' => array('Наименования банка', 'Bank name'), 'comp_bik' => array('БИК', 'BIK'), 'comp_ks' => array('Кор. счёт', 'KS'), 'comp_rs' => array('Рассчётный счёт', 'RS'), 'tname' => array('Отчество', 'Surname'), 'login' => array('Логин', 'Login'), 'email' => array('E-mail', 'E-mail'), 'balance' => array('Баланс', 'Balance'), 'group' => array('Группа', 'Group'), 'count' => array('Кол-во', 'Count'), 'sum' => array('Сумма', 'Sum'), 'header' => array('Информация', 'Information'), 'saved' => array('Успешно сохранено!', 'Succesfully Saved!'), 'passwords_neq' => array('Пароли не совпадают!', 'Passwords are not equal!'), 'error' => array('Ошибка!', 'Error!'), 'reg_date' => array('Дата регистрации', 'Register date'), 'allow' => array('Включен', 'Aviable'), 'active' => array('Активен', 'Active'), 'inactive' => array('Заблокирован', 'Blocked'), 'last_access' => array('Дата последнего входа', 'Last access time'), 'requests' => array('Участие в тендерах', 'Tender requests'), 'subscribe' => array('Подписан', 'Subscribed'), 'prod_types' => array('Скидки', 'Discounts'), 'discnow' => array('Текущая скидка', 'Discount'), 'discount' => array('Скидка', 'Discount'), 'discount_group' => array('Скидочная группа', 'Discount group'), 'briz_club' => array('Участник Бриз клуба', 'briz club'), 'otkat' => array('Жесткая скидка', 'Discount'))); # actions.. # $actions[$this->name] = array('save' => array('Сохранить', 'Save', 'link' => 'cnt.mySubmit(\'' . $this->name . '\')', 'img' => '', 'display' => 'none'), 'edit' => &$actions['table']['edit'], 'create' => &$actions['table']['create'], 'delete' => array('Удалить', 'Delete', 'link' => 'cnt.deleteItems(\'' . $this->name . '\')', 'img' => 'icon.delete.gif', 'display' => 'none')); # crm_menu # $this->client_id = $this->GetClientID(); require_once inc('modules/' . $this->name . '/config.php'); }
function TCheckConstants() { global $actions, $str; TTable::TTable(); $str[get_class_name($this)] = array_merge($str[get_class_name($this)], array('title' => array('Поиск неиспользуемых констант', 'Check constants'), 'go' => array('Начать поиск', 'Start'), 'delete' => array('Удалить выбранные', 'Delete selected'), 'check_all' => array('Выделить все', 'Check all'), 'uncheck_all' => array('Снять выделение', 'UnCheck all'))); $ini_file = 'modules/' . $this->name . '/module.ini'; if (!is_file($ini_file)) { $ini_file = inc($this->name . '/module.ini'); } $config = ini_read($ini_file); if (isset($config) && isset($config['exclude']) && !empty($config['exclude'])) { $this->exclude = array_keys($config['exclude']); } }
function TCheckFiles() { global $actions, $str; TTable::TTable(); $str[get_class_name($this)] = array_merge($str[get_class_name($this)], array('title' => array('Поиск неиспользуемых файлов', 'Check files'), 'go' => array('Начать поиск', 'Start'), 'delete' => array('Удалить выбранные', 'Delete selected'), 'move' => array('Переместить выбранные в папку ', 'Move selected into'), 'check_all' => array('Выделить все', 'Check all'), 'uncheck_all' => array('Снять выделение', 'UnCheck all'), 'pause' => array('Остановить поиск', 'Pause'), 'play' => array('Продолжить поиск', 'Play'), 'clear_cache' => array('Сбросить кеш', 'Clear cache'))); $ini_file = 'modules/' . $this->name . '/module.ini'; if (!is_file($ini_file)) { $ini_file = inc($this->name . '/module.ini'); } $config = ini_read($ini_file); if (isset($config) && isset($config['exclude_tables']) && !empty($config['exclude_tables'])) { $this->exclude_tables = array_keys($config['exclude_tables']); } $actions[$this->name] = array(); }
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. or check */ include "inc/parseconf.php"; include "inc/lib.php"; if (!is_file('etc/localis.conf')) { die("localis.conf not found<br>Maybe you need to copy localis.conf.dist"); } $conf = parseconf('etc/localis.conf'); $page = $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'] ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['page'] : 'index'; $lang = $HTTP_GET_VARS['lang'] ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['lang'] : $conf['general']['lang']; $mode = $HTTP_GET_VARS['mode'] ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['mode'] : $conf['general']['mode']; if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['lang']) { $glob['query'] .= "&lang={$lang}"; $glob['input'] .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lang\" value=\"{$lang}\">"; } if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']) { $glob['query'] .= "&mode={$mode}"; $glob['input'] .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mode\" value=\"{$mode}\">"; } $tpl_path = $conf[general][tpl_path] . "/{$mode}"; if (is_file("{$tpl_path}/{$lang}/globals.php")) { include "{$tpl_path}/{$lang}/globals.php"; } $glob["lang{$lang}"] = "selected"; echo inc("head"); echo inc("search"); echo inc("{$page}"); echo inc("foot");
<?php inc('molecule', 'block-inset'); ?> </div> <div class="gi"> <?php inc('molecule', 'block-inset'); ?> </div> </div><!--end 3up--> <hr /> <div class="l-two-col"> <div class="l-main"> <?php inc('organism', 'latest-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="l-sidebar"> <?php inc('organism', 'recent-tweets'); ?> </div> </div> </div><!--End role=main--> <?php inc('organism', 'footer');
<html> <body> <?php function sqr($par) { return $par * $par; } function inc(&$par) { ++$par; } $txt1 = "Hello World!"; $txt2 = "What a nice day!"; $txt = $txt1 . " " . $txt2; echo $txt . "<br>" . strlen($txt) . '\\n' . strpos($txt, "World") . '<br>'; echo sqr(5) . '<br>'; $par = 5; inc($par); echo $par; ?> </body> </html>
<?php // def_text_inspector - оборачивает функцию, так что можно следить за её // вызовом, переданными аргументами и возвращаемыми значениями set_time_limit(1); def('inc', function ($i) { echo "Increment {$i}\n"; return $i + 1; }); def_text_inspector('inc'); echo inc(3, 'hello'); ?> --- >> Calling 'inc' function with arguments: >> - 3 >> - hello Increment 3 >> return value is '4' 4
<section class="section related-posts"> <h3 class="section-title">Recent Tweets</h3> <ul class="headline-list"> <li><h4><a href="#">Headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</a></h4> <?php inc('atom', 'time'); ?> </li> <li><h4><a href="#">Laborum, molestiae, rerum, dolores eveniet </a></h4> <?php inc('atom', 'time'); ?> </li> <li><h4><a href="#">quae est fugit distinctio iure odit minus non ipsum </a></h4> <?php inc('atom', 'time'); ?> </li> <li><h4><a href="#">dolorum deserunt omnis voluptates voluptatum</a></h4> <?php inc('atom', 'time'); ?> </li> <li><h4><a href="#">nventore dignissimos vel molestiae, rerum, dolore</a></h4> <?php inc('atom', 'time'); ?> </li> <li><h4><a href="#"></a></h4></li> </ul> <a href="#" class="text-btn">Follow us on Twitter</a> </section>
post_class(null, $blog_page); ?> > <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6 col-xs-offset-3"> <h2 class="font-cond caps text-center pg-tag"><?php echo get_the_title($blog_page); ?> </h2> </div> </div> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> <?php inc('post-list-grid', 'blog'); ?> <?php inc('social-feed', 'blog'); ?> </article> </div> <!-- Container end --> <?php get_footer();
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/general.include.php'; inc('/site/page.class.php'); $Page = new Page(); $Template->AddStyleSheet('smallbox'); $Template->makeHeader(); $Page->Output(); $Page->traceWindow(); $Template->makeFooter();
# # # # # # # # # get settings require "../settings.php"; require "../core-settings.php"; # decide what to do if (isset($_POST["key"])) { switch ($_POST["key"]) { case "print": $OUTPUT = inc($_POST); break; case "printsave": $OUTPUT = save_inc($_POST); break; default: $OUTPUT = view(); } } else { # Display default output $OUTPUT = view(); } require "../template.php"; # Default View function view() {
//$fileDir = realpath('./../forums/'); $fileDir = '/home2/bukkit/public_html/forums/'; require $fileDir . '/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php'; XenForo_Autoloader::getInstance()->setupAutoloader($fileDir . '/library'); XenForo_Application::initialize($fileDir . '/library', $fileDir); XenForo_Application::set('page_start_time', $startTime); // Not required if you are not using any of the preloaded data $dependencies = new XenForo_Dependencies_Public(); $dependencies->preLoadData(); XenForo_Session::startPublicSession(); Log::add('XF initialisation complete!'); // End XenForo inc('db.php'); inc('content.php'); inc('sidebar.php'); inc('user.php'); inc('template.php'); inc('message.php'); inc('plugin.php'); // Mandatory include-everywhere libraries inclib('phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'); // because then we can set defaults here $mailer = new PHPMailer(); $mailer->SetFrom('*****@*****.**', 'hRepo System'); $mailer->IsSendmail(); // Now check the user! User::bootstrap(); foreach (glob(HR_PAGES . '*.php') as $page) { require $page; } template();
<div class="block block-hero"> <a href="#" class="inner"> <div class="b-thumb"> <?php inc('atom', 'landscape'); ?> </div> <div class="b-text"> <h2 class="headline">Headline Text Lorem Ipsum Dolar Samet</h2> <p class="excerpt">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste, eligendi obcaecati delectus ducimus. Excepturi, modi, amet, culpa veritatis magni quidem ducimus consequuntur.</p> </div> </a> </div>
<aside class="blog-sidebar"> <?php if (!is_single()) { ?> <?php inc('post-filters', 'blog'); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (is_single()) { ?> <?php inc('single-post-sidebar', 'blog'); ?> <?php } ?> </aside>
<?php require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/general.include.php'; inc('site/skills.class.php'); $Skills = new Skills(); $Template->AddStyleSheet('largebox'); $Template->AddStyleSheet('skills'); $Template->makeHeader(); $Skills->makeHeader(); $Skills->makeList(); $Skills->makeFooter(); //$Page->traceWindow(); $Template->makeFooter();
<div class="form-group"> <label for="fullName">Full Name</label> <input type="text" id="fullName" class="form-control" placeholder="Full Name" value="<?php echo $data->full_name; ?> "> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="email">Email</label> <input type="email" id="email" class="form-control" placeholder="E-Mail" value="<?php echo $data->email; ?> "> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="userName">User Name</label> <input type="text" id="userName" class="form-control" placeholder="User Name" value="<?php echo $data->user; ?> "> </div> <div class="form-group"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-block btn-primary" value="Update"> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> <?php inc('inc/footer');
<?php require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/header.php"; $APPLICATION->SetPageProperty("column", "2"); $APPLICATION->SetTitle("Title"); inc("header_after.php"); ?> <p class="text-warning"> Раздел находится в наполнении </p> <?php inc("footer_before.php"); require $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/footer.php";
return getDoc()->getElementById($id)->item(0); } return getDoc()->getElementById($id); } function cHTML($what, $value = "") { return getDoc()->createElement($what, $value); } function cText($node, $value) { $node2 = getDoc()->createTextNode($value); $node->appendChild($node2); return $node; } function addHTML($where, $what, $value = "", $text = false) { if ($text) { $node = cHTML($what); $node = cText($node, $value); } else { $node = cHTML($what, $value); } $where->appendChild($node); return $node; } function putHTML($where, $node) { $where->appendChild($node); } inc("dom-function");
<section class="section latest-posts"> <h2 class="section-title">Latest Posts</h2> <ul class="post-list"> <li><?php inc('molecule', 'block-thumb-headline'); ?> </li> <li><?php inc('molecule', 'block-thumb-headline'); ?> </li> <li><?php inc('molecule', 'block-thumb-headline'); ?> </li> <li><?php inc('molecule', 'block-thumb-headline'); ?> </li> <li><?php inc('molecule', 'block-thumb-headline'); ?> </li> </ul> </section>
?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($form_active) { inc('request-a-callback', 'sections'); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($quote_active) { inc('client-quote', 'sections'); ?> <?php } ?> <?php } } ?> <?php get_footer();
inc('theme-options/destaques.php'); inc('theme-options/mapasculturais-configuration.php'); inc('theme-options/mapasculturais-configuration-category.php'); // plugin do mapas culturais inc('mapasculturais2post/mapasculturais2post.php'); // proxy da api do mapas cuturais inc('mapasculturais-api-proxy.php'); // Custom template tags for this theme. inc('template-tags.php'); // Custom functions that act independently of the theme templates. inc('extras.php'); // Customizer additions. inc('customizer.php'); inc('category-colors.php'); // Extra classes for the widgets inc('widgets-extra-classes.php'); if (!isset($content_width)) { $content_width = 1000; } if (!function_exists('cultural_setup')) { function cultural_setup() { /* * Make theme available for translation. * Translations can be filed in the /languages/ directory. */ load_theme_textdomain('cultural', get_template_directory() . '/languages'); /** * Add styles to post editor (editor-style.css) */ add_editor_style();
$type = "Admin"; break; case "Login": $type = "Login"; break; } define("PAGETYPE", $type); $GLOBALS["C"]["pagetype"] = $type; inc("dom-manage"); switch ($type) { case "Admin": explode("/", $uri)[1]; if ($uri == "") { $uri = "index.php"; } if (file_exists(HERE . "admin" . DS . $uri)) { inc("admin" . DS . $uri); } else { inc("admin" . DS . "404"); } break; case "Login": inc("pages" . DS . "login"); break; case "none": setTitle(L("404", true)); inc("404"); break; } //Show the Page echo $GLOBALS["C"]["doc"]->saveHTML();
if (!empty($post_content['extended'])) { ?> <button id="continue-read-btn" class="btn btn-default btn-block"><?php echo $more_btn_text; ?> <i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i></button> <?php } ?> </article> </div> <!-- Container end --> <?php inc('request-a-callback', 'sections'); ?> <?php inc('related-posts', 'blog'); ?> <?php } } ?> <?php get_footer();
</main> <!-- FOOTER START --> <?php footer_info(); ?> </div> <!-- wrapper end --> <?php inc('search-pop-up', 'global'); ?> <?php wp_footer(); ?> </body> </html>
public static function record_device_action($act, $ip) { $_id = $today = intval(date("Ymd")) . '-' . $act . '-' . $ip; return inc('wozhua_data', 'user_records', $_id, 'times'); }
<?php require_once inc('modules/clients/clients_base.php'); class TClients extends TClients_base { //----------------------------------------------------------- function TClients() { TClients_base::TClients_base(); global $str; $str[get_class_name($this)] = array_merge($str[get_class_name($this)], array('trusted' => array('ƒоверенный', 'Trusted'), 'count_objects' => array(' ол-во объ¤влений', 'Count'), 'free' => array('Ѕесплатный', 'Free'))); } //----------------------------------------------------------- function table_get_last_access($value) { if (empty($value)) { return ''; } return date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $value); } function table_get_reg_date($value) { return date("d.m.Y", strtotime($value)); } # ќтображение списка клиентов. # function Show() { if (!empty($_POST)) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}();
<div id="page"> <!-- Begin .header --> <header class="header cf" role="banner"> <?php inc('atom', 'logo'); ?> <a href="#" class="nav-toggle nav-toggle-search icon-search"><span class="is-vishidden">Search</span></a> <a href="#" class="nav-toggle nav-toggle-menu icon-menu" id="nav-toggle"><span class="is-vishidden">Menu</span></a> <?php inc('molecule', 'search'); ?> <?php inc('molecule', 'primary-nav'); ?> </header> <!-- End .header -->
<?php //require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/classes/debug.class.php'); //require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/classes/database.class.php'); //require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/inc/classes/masterclass.class.php"); inc('shared/debug.class.php'); inc('shared/database.class.php'); inc('shared/masterclass.class.php'); inc('visual/template.class.php'); $Template = new Template(); //Shortcut to the /inc/ directory function inc($path) { $prepend = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/classes/'; $file = $prepend . $path; if (is_file($file)) { require_once $file; return true; } else { return false; } } //HTTP redirect function Redirect($to) { $root = SITE_ROOT; header("Location: {$root}{$to}"); exit; } //Shortcut to var_dump() function vd($mixed)