function plugin_footerDemoModeNotice($html)
    global $TABLE_PREFIX;
    // only show in demo mode
    if (!inDemoMode()) {
        return $html;
    // get minutes remaining
    $secondsRemaining = $_SESSION['demoCreatedTimeAsFloat'] + MAX_DEMO_TIME - time();
    $minutesRemaining = intval($secondsRemaining / 60);
    $html .= "<br/><br/><div style='font-size: 12px; color: #C00'><b>Demo Mode: Some features are disabled. Demo will reset in {$minutesRemaining} minutes.</b></div>";
    return $html;
Esempio n. 2
function _init_startSession()
    // Remove 0-byte session files on shutdown - added in v2.52
    // PHP _always_ creates session files, even when the sessions are empty.  This means 10 hits from a search engine spider creates
    // ... ten 0-byte session files that won't be removed until after session.gc_maxlifetime is reached.  This can create tens of thousands
    // ... of unneeded files.  This function removes zero-byte session files on shutdown by calling session destroy. For session in active
    // ... use, unsetting all $_SESSION values will cause the session file to be removed, but the same file will be recreated on next page-view.
    // PHP Docs Reference: "A file for each session (regardless of if any data is associated with that session) will be created. This is due to
    // ... the fact that a session is opened (a file is created) but no data is even written to that file. Note that this behavior is a
    // ... side-effect of the limitations of working with the file system... from:
    function _remove_empty_session_file()
        if (isset($_SESSION) && empty($_SESSION) && session_id()) {
    // removes session file
    // remove session file on shutdown
    // note: run this here so even if we're not creating a session, session's created by other PHP code won't leave 0 byte files either.
    // check if we need to start a session
    $startSession = false;
    if (inCLI()) {
        $startSession = false;
    } elseif (inDemoMode()) {
        $startSession = true;
    } elseif (defined('IS_CMS_ADMIN')) {
        $startSession = true;
    } elseif (defined('START_SESSION')) {
        $startSession = true;
    // if starting a session is explicitly requested
    if (!$startSession) {
Esempio n. 3
function disableInDemoMode($message = '', $interface = '', $showHeaderAndFooter = true)
    if (!inDemoMode()) {
    // display message
    //clearAlertsAndNotices(); // so previous alerts won't display
    if ($message == '') {
        alert(t('This feature is disabled in demo mode.'));
    } else {
        if ($message == 'settings') {
            alert(t('Changing settings is disabled in demo mode.'));
        } else {
            if ($message == 'plugins') {
                alert(t('Plugins are disabled in demo mode.'));
            } else {
                die("Unknown section name '" . htmlencode($section) . "'!");
    // display interface
    if (!$interface) {
        showInterface('home.php', $showHeaderAndFooter);
    } else {
        if ($interface == 'ajax') {
            die(t('This feature is disabled in demo mode.'));
        } else {
            showInterface($interface, $showHeaderAndFooter);
Esempio n. 4
: <?php 
echo inDemoMode() ? 'demo' : htmlencode($SETTINGS['mysql']['hostname']);
echo t('Database');
: <?php 
echo inDemoMode() ? 'demo' : htmlencode($SETTINGS['mysql']['database']);
echo t('Username');
: <?php 
echo inDemoMode() ? 'demo' : htmlencode($SETTINGS['mysql']['username']);
echo t('Table Prefix');
: <?php 
echo htmlencode($TABLE_PREFIX);

printf(t('To change %1$s settings edit %2$s'), 'MySQL', '/data/' . SETTINGS_FILENAME);

function eraseRecordsUploads($recordNumsAsCSV)
    global $tableName;
    if (inDemoMode()) {
    // create query
    $where = "tableName = '" . mysql_escape($tableName) . "' AND ";
    $where .= " recordNum IN (" . mysql_escape($recordNumsAsCSV) . ")";
function _showUpload($fieldSchema, $record)
    global $preSaveTempId, $SETTINGS, $menu;
    $prefixText = @$fieldSchema['fieldPrefix'];
    $description = @$fieldSchema['description'];
    if ($prefixText) {
        $prefixText .= "<br/>";
    // create uploadList url
    $uploadList = "?" . "menu=" . urlencode($menu) . "&amp;action=uploadList" . "&amp;fieldName=" . urlencode($fieldSchema['name']) . "&amp;num=" . urlencode(@$_REQUEST['num']) . "&amp;preSaveTempId=" . urlencode($preSaveTempId);
    // create uploadLink url
    $uploadLink = "?menu=" . urlencode($menu) . "&amp;action=uploadForm" . "&amp;fieldName=" . urlencode($fieldSchema['name']) . "&amp;num=" . urlencode(@$_REQUEST['num']) . "&amp;preSaveTempId=" . urlencode($preSaveTempId) . "&amp;TB_iframe=true&amp;height=350&amp;width=700&amp;modal=true";
    // error checking
    $errors = '';
    list($uploadDir, $uploadUrl) = getUploadDirAndUrl($fieldSchema);
    if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) {
        mkdir_recursive($uploadDir, 0755);
    // create upload dir (if not possible, dir not exists error will show below)
    if (!file_exists($uploadDir)) {
        $errors .= "Upload directory '" . htmlencode($uploadDir) . "' doesn't exist!.<br/>\n";
    } elseif (!is_writable($uploadDir)) {
        $errors .= "Upload directory '" . htmlencode($uploadDir) . "' isn't writable!.<br/>\n";
    // display errors
    if ($errors) {
        print <<<__HTML__
   <td valign="top"><br/>{$fieldSchema['label']}<br/></td>
   <td><div id='alert'><span>{$errors}</span></div></td>
    // display field
    <td style="vertical-align: top"><?php 
    echo $fieldSchema['label'];
    echo $prefixText;
      <iframe id="<?php 
    echo $fieldSchema['name'];
_iframe" src="<?php 
    echo $uploadList;
" height="100" width="100%" frameborder="0" class="uploadIframe"></iframe><br/>

    $displayDefaultLink = applyFilters('edit_show_upload_link', true, $fieldSchema, $record);
    if ($displayDefaultLink) {

        <div style="position: relative; height: 24px;">
          <div style="position: absolute; top: 6px; width: 100%; text-align: center;">
        if (inDemoMode()) {
              <a href="javascript:alert('<?php 
            echo jsEncode(t('This feature is disabled in demo mode.'));
            echo t('Add or Upload File(s)');
        } else {
              <a href="<?php 
            echo $uploadLink;
" class="thickbox"><b><?php 
            echo t('Add or Upload File(s)');
          <div style="position: absolute; z-index: 1; width: 100%; text-align: center;">
            <div id="<?php 
        echo $fieldSchema['name'];

        $useFlashUploader = !@$SETTINGS['advanced']['disableFlashUploader'];

        if ($useFlashUploader && !inDemoMode()) {
            $fileExtCSV = implode(',', preg_split("/\\s*\\,\\s*/", strtolower($fieldSchema['allowedExtensions'])));
          <div id="<?php 
            echo $fieldSchema['name'];
_uploadTips" style="display: none; text-align: center; font-size: xx-small; margin-top: 2px;">
            $isMac = preg_match('/macintosh|mac os x/i', @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
            $key = $isMac ? '<Command>' : '<Ctrl>';
            if (@$fieldSchema['maxUploads'] != 1) {
                echo htmlencode(t("Tip: hold {$key} to select multiple files"));
            echo $description;
          <div class="uploadifyQueue" id="<?php 
            echo $fieldSchema['name'];
          <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
            $(document).ready(function() {
            echo $fieldSchema['name'];
                'script'           : <?php 
            echo json_encode(basename(@$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
                'modifyAfterSave'  : <?php 
            echo count(getUploadInfoFields($fieldSchema['name']));
                'menu'             : <?php 
            echo json_encode($menu);
                'fieldName'        : <?php 
            echo json_encode($fieldSchema['name']);
                'num'              : <?php 
            echo json_encode(@$_REQUEST['num'] ? $_REQUEST['num'] : '');
                'preSaveTempId'    : <?php 
            echo json_encode($preSaveTempId);
                'buttonText'       : <?php 
            echo json_encode(t('Upload File(s)'));
                'fileExtCSV'       : <?php 
            echo json_encode($fileExtCSV);
                'maxUploadSizeKB'  : <?php 
            echo json_encode($fieldSchema['checkMaxUploadSize'] ? $fieldSchema['maxUploadSizeKB'] : 0);
                'loginDataEncoded' : <?php 
            echo json_encode(@$_COOKIE[loginCookie_name(true)]);
                'queueID'          : <?php 
            echo json_encode($fieldSchema['name'] . "_uploadQueue");
          // ]]></script>
