Esempio n. 1
 public function get_file()
     $url = in($_POST['file']);
     $ext = explode('.', $url);
     $ext = end($ext);
     if (function_exists('zip_open')) {
         $url = substr($url, 0, -strlen($ext)) . $ext;
     } else {
         $url = substr($url, 0, -strlen($ext)) . 'gz';
     $file = @Http::doGet($url, 60);
     if (empty($file)) {
         if (function_exists('zip_open')) {
             $this->msg('采用正常模式获取更新文件失败,请稍后再试!', 0);
         } else {
             $this->msg('采用备用模式获取更新文件失败,请稍后再试!', 0);
     $cache_dir = __ROOTDIR__ . '/data/cache/';
     if (!is_dir($cache_dir)) {
         @mkdir($cache_dir, 0777, true);
     if (!@file_put_contents($cache_dir . $this->config['ver_date'] . '.' . $ext, $file)) {
     $this->msg('/data/cache/' . $this->config['ver_date'] . '.' . $ext, 1);
Esempio n. 2
 public function __construct()
     $this->mobile = in($_POST['mobile']);
     $this->mobile_code = in($_POST['mobile_code']);
     $this->sms_code = in($_POST['sms_code']);
Esempio n. 3
  * User command for betting on the coin toss game in the casino
  * @param bet int The amount of money to bet on the coin toss game
  * @return Array
  * @note
  * If the player bets within ~1% of the maximum bet, they will receive a reward item
 public function bet()
     $player = new Player(self_char_id());
     $bet = intval(in('bet'));
     $negative = $bet < 0;
     set_setting('bet', max(0, $bet));
     $pageParts = ['reminder-max-bet'];
     if ($negative) {
         $pageParts = ['result-cheat'];
         $player->vo->health = subtractHealth($player->id(), 99);
     } else {
         if ($bet > $player->vo->gold) {
             $pageParts = ['result-no-gold'];
         } else {
             if ($bet > 0 && $bet <= self::MAX_BET) {
                 if (rand(0, 1) === 1) {
                     $pageParts = ['result-win'];
                     $player->vo->gold = add_gold($player->id(), $bet);
                     if ($bet >= round(self::MAX_BET * 0.99)) {
                         // within about 1% of the max bet & you win, you get a reward item.
                         add_item($player->id(), self::REWARD, 1);
                 } else {
                     $player->vo->gold = subtract_gold($player->id(), $bet);
                     $pageParts = ['result-lose'];
     // End of not cheating check.
     return $this->render(['pageParts' => $pageParts, 'player' => $player, 'bet' => get_setting('bet')]);
Esempio n. 4
 public function content($dir = null, $page = null)
     if (is_numeric($dir)) {
         $aid = intval($dir);
     } else {
         $dir = in($dir);
     if (!empty($aid)) {
         $_GET['aid'] = $aid;
         $_GET['page'] = intval($page);
     if (!empty($dir)) {
         $lang = model('lang')->langid();
         $content = $this->model->field('A.aid,A.urltitle,B.lang')->table('content', 'A')->add_table('category', 'B', 'A.cid=B.cid')->where('A.urltitle="' . $dir . '" AND B.lang=' . $lang)->find();
         if (empty($content)) {
         } else {
             $_GET['aid'] = $content['aid'];
             $_GET['page'] = intval($page);
Esempio n. 5
  * Take in a url parameter of work and try to convert it to gold
 public function requestWork()
     // Initialize variables to pass to the template.
     $work_multiplier = self::WORK_MULTIPLIER;
     $worked = positive_int(in('worked'));
     // No negative work.
     $earned_gold = null;
     $not_enough_energy = null;
     $recommended_to_work = $worked;
     $is_logged_in = is_logged_in();
     $char_id = self_char_id();
     $char = new Player($char_id);
     $turns = $char->turns();
     $gold = $char->gold();
     if ($worked > $turns) {
         $not_enough_energy = true;
     } else {
         $earned_gold = $worked * $work_multiplier;
         // calc amount worked
         $char->set_gold($gold + $earned_gold);
         $char->set_turns($turns - $worked);
     $gold_display = number_format($char->gold());
     $parts = ['recommended_to_work' => $recommended_to_work, 'work_multiplier' => $work_multiplier, 'is_logged_in' => $is_logged_in, 'gold_display' => $gold_display, 'worked' => $worked, 'earned_gold' => number_format($earned_gold), 'not_enough_energy' => $not_enough_energy];
     return $this->render($parts);
Esempio n. 6
  * Action to request class change form AND execute class change
  * @todo split form request and execute into separate funcs
  * @return ViewSpec
 public function changeClass()
     if (is_logged_in()) {
         $player = new Player(self_char_id());
         $classes = $this->classesInfo();
         $requestedIdentity = in('requested_identity');
         $currentClass = $player->identity;
         $showMonks = false;
         $parts = [];
         if (isset($classes[$requestedIdentity])) {
             $error = $this->classChangeReqs($player, self::CLASS_CHANGE_COST);
             if ($currentClass != $requestedIdentity && !$error) {
                 $error = $this->changePlayerClass($player, $requestedIdentity);
             $currentClass = $player->identity;
             if (!$error) {
                 $parts['pageParts'] = ['success-class-change'];
                 $showMonks = true;
             } else {
                 $parts['error'] = $error;
         } else {
             $parts['pageParts'] = ['form-class-change'];
         $parts['classOptions'] = $classes;
         return $this->render($parts, $player, $showMonks);
     } else {
         return $this->accessDenied();
Esempio n. 7
 public function testInputWithinEnvironment()
     $id = in('id');
     $this->assertEquals(7, $id);
     $default_result = in('doesnotexist', 5);
     $this->assertEquals(5, $default_result);
Esempio n. 8
 public function process()
     if (!$this->response instanceof ActionResponse) {
     $products = $this->response->get('products');
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         $ids[$product['ID']] = !empty($product['parentID']) ? $product['parentID'] : $product['ID'];
     if (!$ids) {
     $f = select(in(f('ProductImage.productID'), array_values($ids)), new LikeCond(f('ProductImage.title'), '%Virtual Mirror%'));
     $hasMirror = array();
     foreach (ActiveRecordModel::getRecordSetArray('ProductImage', $f) as $mirror) {
         $hasMirror[$mirror['productID']] = true;
     foreach ($ids as $realID => $parentID) {
         if (!empty($hasMirror[$parentID])) {
             $hasMirror[$realID] = true;
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         if ($hasMirror[$product['ID']]) {
             $products[$key]['hasMirror'] = true;
     $this->response->set('hasMirror', $hasMirror);
     $this->response->set('products', $products);
Esempio n. 9
  * User command for betting on the coin toss game in the casino
  * @param bet int The amount of money to bet on the coin toss game
  * @return Array
  * @note
  * If the player bets within ~1% of the maximum bet, they will receive a
  * reward item
 public function bet()
     $player = Player::find(self_char_id());
     $bet = intval(in('bet'));
     $pageParts = ['reminder-max-bet'];
     if ($bet < 0) {
         $pageParts = ['result-cheat'];
     } else {
         if ($bet > $player->gold) {
             $pageParts = ['result-no-gold'];
         } else {
             if ($bet > 0 && $bet <= self::MAX_BET) {
                 if (rand(0, 1) === 1) {
                     $pageParts = ['result-win'];
                     $player->set_gold($player->gold + $bet);
                     if ($bet >= round(self::MAX_BET * 0.99)) {
                         // within about 1% of the max bet & you win, you get a reward item.
                         add_item($player->id(), self::REWARD, 1);
                 } else {
                     $player->set_gold($player->gold - $bet);
                     $pageParts = ['result-lose'];
     return $this->render(['pageParts' => $pageParts, 'player' => $player]);
Esempio n. 10
function chia($tu1, $mau1, $tu2, $mau2)
    // xu ly chia
    $tu3 = $tu1 * $mau2;
    $mau3 = $mau1 * $tu2;
    in($tu1, $mau1, $tu2, $mau2, $tu3, $mau3);
function in($t, $arrays = true, $keyEncode = '')
    if (is_array($t)) {
        if ($arrays) {
            $b = array();
            foreach ($t as $i) {
                $n = array();
                foreach ($i as $k => $v) {
                    $n[chgName($k)] = $v;
                $n['_' . chgName($keyEncode)] = in($i[$keyEncode]);
                array_push($b, $n);
            return $b;
        } else {
            $n = array();
            foreach ($t as $k => $v) {
                $n[chgName($k)] = $v;
            $n['_' . chgName($keyEncode)] = in($t[$keyEncode]);
            return $n;
    } else {
        $encode = base64_encode(time());
        return base64_encode(str_pad(strlen($encode), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $encode . base64_encode($t));
Esempio n. 12
 public function index()
     $type = $_GET['type'];
     if (!empty($type)) {
         $url_type = '-type-' . $type;
         if ($type == 'no') {
             $where = 'type is Null';
         } else {
             $where = 'type="' . $type . '"';
     $ext = intval($_GET['ext']);
     if (!empty($ext)) {
         $ext1 = '"jpg","gif","jpeg","bmp","png"';
         $ext2 = '"flv","wmv","wma","mp3","jpeg","mp4","3gp","avi","swf","mkv"';
         $ext3 = '"doc","xsl","wps","docx","xslx","ppt","pptx"';
         $ext4 = '"zip","rar","7z"';
         $ext5 = $ext1 . ',' . $ext2 . ',' . $ext3 . ',' . $ext4;
         $url_ext = '-ext-' . $ext;
         switch ($ext) {
             case 1:
                 $where = 'ext in(' . $ext1 . ')';
             case 2:
                 $where = 'ext in(' . $ext2 . ')';
             case 3:
                 $where = 'ext in(' . $ext3 . ')';
             case 4:
                 $where = 'ext in(' . $ext4 . ')';
             case 5:
                 $where = 'ext not in(' . $ext5 . ')';
     $search = in(urldecode($_GET['search']));
     if (!empty($search)) {
         $where = ' title like "%' . $search . '%"';
         $url_search = '-search-' . $search;
     $url = __URL__ . '/index/page-{page}' . $url_type . $url_ext . $url_search;
     $listRows = 50;
     $page = new Page();
     $cur_page = $page->getCurPage($url);
     $limit_start = ($cur_page - 1) * $listRows;
     $limit = $limit_start . ',' . $listRows;
     $this->list = model('upload')->file_list($where, $limit);
     $count = model('upload')->count($where);
     $this->assign('page', $this->page($url, $count, $listRows));
     $this->module_list = model('upload')->module_list();
Esempio n. 13
  * Take an enemy off a pc's list.
 public function deleteEnemy()
     $remove_enemy = in('remove_enemy', null, 'toInt');
     if (is_numeric($remove_enemy) && $remove_enemy != 0) {
         $this->removeEnemyFromPlayer(self_char_id(), $remove_enemy);
     return new RedirectResponse('enemies.php');
Esempio n. 14
function check_for_debug()
    $dbg = in('debug');
    if ($dbg == 'on') {
        $_COOKIE['debug'] == true;
    } elseif ($dbg == 'off') {
        $_COOKIE['debug'] == false;
Esempio n. 15
  * Display that list of public quests!
 public function index()
     $quest_id = in('quest_id');
     $quest_accepted = in('quest_accepted');
     $quests = format_quests(get_quests());
     $title = 'Quests';
     $tpl = 'quests.tpl';
     $parts = ['quests' => $quests];
     return ['template' => $tpl, 'title' => $title, 'parts' => $parts, 'options' => null];
Esempio n. 16
 protected function postProcessData()
     $addresses = array();
     foreach ($this->data as $key => $shipment) {
         $id = !empty($shipment['shippingAddressID']) ? $shipment['shippingAddressID'] : $shipment['CustomerOrder']['shippingAddressID'];
         $addresses[$id] = $key;
     foreach (ActiveRecordModel::getRecordSetArray('UserAddress', select(in('UserAddress.ID', array_keys($addresses)))) as $address) {
         $this->data[$addresses[$address['ID']]]['ShippingAddress'] = $address;
Esempio n. 17
 public function getLocale()
     $languages = $this->agent->languages();
     if (!$languages) {
         return null;
     $locales = array_values(array_filter($languages, function ($l) {
         return strlen($l) == 2;
     return in($locales, 0);
Esempio n. 18
  * Get the slugs and parameters values.
 private function parse_slugs($give = false, $self_use = false)
     $url_part = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $path = parse_url($url_part, PHP_URL_PATH);
     $slugs = explode('/', trim($path, '/'));
     $selfTarget = whichever(in('selfTarget'), $self_use);
     $link_back = whichever(in('link_back'), $selfTarget ? 'inventory' : null);
     $item_in = $slugs[2];
     $in_target = isset($slugs[3]) ? $slugs[3] : null;
     return ['link_back' => $link_back, 'item_in' => $item_in, 'in_target' => $in_target, 'selfTarget' => $selfTarget, 'give' => $give];
Esempio n. 19
 public function process()
     if (!$this->response instanceof ActionResponse) {
     $products = $this->response->get('products');
     $parents = $variations = array();
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         if ($product['parentID']) {
             $parents[$product['parentID']] = true;
             $variations[$key] = $product;
     if (!$parents) {
     $loadedParents = array();
     foreach (ActiveRecordModel::getRecordSetArray('Product', select(in(f('Product.ID'), array_keys($parents))), array('Manufacturer', 'DefaultImage' => 'ProductImage', 'Category')) as $parent) {
         $loadedParents[$parent['ID']] = $parent;
     foreach ($products as $key => $product) {
         if ($product['parentID']) {
             $parent = $loadedParents[$product['parentID']];
             foreach ($parent as $field => $value) {
                 if (empty($product[$field])) {
                     $product[$field] = $parent[$field];
             foreach (array('price_USD', 'price_CAD', 'formattedPrice', 'formattedListPrice') as $field) {
                 if (isset($parent[$field])) {
                     $product[$field] = $parent[$field];
             $products[$key] = $product;
     foreach ($variations as $key => $variation) {
         $vars = array();
         foreach ($variation['variationTypes'] as $type) {
             $vars[] = $type['name_lang'];
         if ($vars) {
             $products[$key]['name_lang'] .= ' (' . implode(' / ', $vars) . ')';
     $this->response->set('products', $products);
  * 安装处理
 public function importing()
     $data = in($_POST);
     $configDb = $data['DB'];
     if (strpos($configDb['DB_HOST'], ':') !== false) {
         $db_host = explode(':', $configDb['DB_HOST']);
         $configDb['DB_HOST'] = $db_host[0];
         $configDb['DB_PORT'] = $db_host[1];
     } else {
         $configDb['DB_PORT'] = '3306';
     $link = @mysql_connect($configDb['DB_HOST'] . ':' . $configDb['DB_PORT'], $configDb['DB_USER'], $configDb['DB_PWD']);
     if (!$link) {
         $this->msg('数据库连接失败,请检查连接信息是否正确!', false);
     $mysqlInfo = @mysql_get_server_info($link);
     if ($mysqlInfo < '5.0') {
         $this->msg('MySql版本低于5.0,无法继续安装!', false);
     $status = @mysql_select_db($configDb['DB_NAME'], $link);
     if (!$status) {
         $this->msg('数据库' . $configDb['DB_NAME'] . '不存在,请检查数据库!', false);
     if ($data['agree'] != 1) {
         $this->msg('请认真阅读并同意安装协议!', false);
     $dbPrefix = $configDb['DB_PREFIX'] ? $configDb['DB_PREFIX'] : '';
     $dbData = ROOT_PATH . 'data/install.sql';
     $sqlData = Install::mysql($dbData, 'ecs_', $dbPrefix);
     try {
         #############################################因为ECShop的order_info表没有表前缀, 所以去掉$dbPrefix
         #$if (!model('Install')->get_column($configDb, $dbPrefix . 'order_info', 'mobile_pay')) {
         if (!model('Install')->get_column($configDb, 'order_info', 'mobile_pay')) {
             $sqlData[] = "ALTER TABLE `" . $dbPrefix . "order_info` ADD COLUMN `mobile_order` int(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,ADD COLUMN `mobile_pay` int(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `discount`;";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $e->getMessage();
     $sqlData[] = "UPDATE `" . $dbPrefix . "touch_shop_config` SET `value` = '" . str_replace('/mobile', '', __URL__) . "' where `code`='shop_url';";
     if (!model('Install')->runSql($configDb, $sqlData)) {
         $this->msg('数据导入失败,请检查后手动删除数据库重新安装!', false);
     model('Install')->filter_column($configDb, 'touch_shop_config');
     $this->msg('安装成功!', true);
Esempio n. 21
  * Display standard login page.
 public function index()
     $logged_out = in('logged_out');
     // Logout page redirected to this one, so display the message.
     $login_error_message = in('error');
     // Error to display after unsuccessful login and redirection.
     $stored_username = isset($_COOKIE['username']) ? $_COOKIE['username'] : null;
     $referrer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null;
     $is_logged_in = is_logged_in();
     if ($is_logged_in) {
         return new RedirectResponse(WEB_ROOT);
     $parts = ['is_logged_in' => $is_logged_in, 'login_error_message' => $login_error_message, 'logged_out' => $logged_out, 'referrer' => $referrer, 'stored_username' => $stored_username];
     return $this->render('Login', $parts);
Esempio n. 22
 * 数据过滤函数
 * @param string|array $data 待过滤的字符串或字符串数组
 * @param boolean $force 为true时忽略get_magic_quotes_gpc
 * @return mixed
function in($data, $force = false) {
    if (is_string($data)) {
        $data = trim(htmlspecialchars($data)); // 防止被挂马,跨站攻击
        if (($force == true) || (!get_magic_quotes_gpc())) {
            $data = addslashes($data); // 防止sql注入
        return $data;
    } else if (is_array($data)) {
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $data[$key] = in($value, $force);
        return $data;
    } else {
        return $data;
Esempio n. 23
 public function info()
     $tag = urldecode($_GET['tag']);
     if (!is_utf8($tag)) {
         $tag = auto_charset($tag, 'gbk', 'utf-8');
     $tag = msubstr(in($tag), 0, 20);
     if (!empty($tag)) {
         $info = model('tags')->tag_info($tag);
     } else {
     if (empty($info)) {
     model('tags')->views_content($info['id'], $info['click']);
     $this->plus_hook('tags', 'index', $info);
     /*hook end*/
     $url = __INDEX__ . '/tags-' . $tag . '/pages-{page}.html';
     $listrows = $this->config['TPL_TAGS_PAGE'];
     if (empty($listrows)) {
         $listrows = 20;
     $limit = $this->pagelimit($url, $listrows);
     $nav = array(0 => array('name' => 'TAG', 'url' => __INDEX__ . '/tags/index'), 1 => array('name' => $tag, 'url' => __INDEX__ . '/tags-' . $tag . '/'));
     $this->common = model('pageinfo')->media($info['name'] . ' - TAGS', $tag);
     $loop = model('tags')->tag_list($info['id'], $limit);
     $count = model('tags')->tag_count($info['id']);
     $this->page = $this->page($url, $count, $listrows);
     $this->prepage = $this->page($url, $count, $listrows, '', 1);
     $this->nextpage = $this->page($url, $count, $listrows, '', 2);
     $this->assign('loop', $loop);
     $this->assign('nav', $nav);
     $this->assign('info', $info);
Esempio n. 24
  * Pull & display the chats and a chat send if logged in
 public function index()
     // Initialize variables to pass to the template.
     $field_size = self::FIELD_SIZE;
     $target = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
     $all_chats_count = $this->getChatCount();
     $view_all = in('view_all');
     $error = in('error');
     $chatlength = in('chatlength', self::DEFAULT_LIMIT, 'toInt');
     $chatlength = min(3000, max(30, $chatlength));
     // Min 30, max 3000
     // Output section.
     $chats = $this->getChats($view_all ? null : $chatlength);
     // Limit by chatlength unless a request to view all came in.
     $more_chats_to_see = rco($chats) < $all_chats_count ? true : null;
     $parts = ['field_size' => $field_size, 'target' => $target, 'chats' => $chats, 'error' => $error, 'more_chats_to_see' => $more_chats_to_see];
     return $this->render($parts);
Esempio n. 25
  * Command for current user to purchase a quantity of a specific item
  * @param quantity int The quantity of the item to purchase
  * @param item string The identity of the item to purchase
  * @return Array
 public function buy()
     $in_quantity = in('quantity');
     $in_item = in('item');
     $gold = get_gold($this->sessionData['char_id']);
     $current_item_cost = 0;
     $no_funny_business = false;
     // Pull the item info from the database
     $item_costs = $this->itemForSaleCosts();
     $item = getItemByID(item_id_from_display_name($in_item));
     $quantity = whichever(positive_int($in_quantity), 1);
     $item_text = null;
     if ($item instanceof Item) {
         $item_text = $quantity > 1 ? $item->getPluralName() : $item->getName();
         $purchaseOrder = new PurchaseOrder();
         // Determine the quantity from input or as a fallback, default of 1.
         $purchaseOrder->quantity = $quantity;
         $purchaseOrder->item = $item;
         $potential_cost = isset($item_costs[$purchaseOrder->item->identity()]['item_cost']) ? $item_costs[$purchaseOrder->item->identity()]['item_cost'] : null;
         $current_item_cost = first_value($potential_cost, 0);
         $current_item_cost = $current_item_cost * $purchaseOrder->quantity;
         if (!$this->sessionData['char_id'] || !$purchaseOrder->item || $purchaseOrder->quantity < 1) {
             $no_funny_business = true;
         } else {
             if ($gold >= $current_item_cost) {
                 // Has enough gold.
                 try {
                     add_item($this->sessionData['char_id'], $purchaseOrder->item->identity(), $purchaseOrder->quantity);
                     subtract_gold($this->sessionData['char_id'], $current_item_cost);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $invalid_item = $e->getMessage();
                     error_log('Invalid Item attempted :' . $invalid_item);
                     $no_funny_business = true;
     } else {
         $no_funny_business = true;
     $parts = array('current_item_cost' => $current_item_cost, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'item_text' => $item_text, 'no_funny_business' => $no_funny_business, 'view_part' => 'buy');
     return $this->render($parts);
Esempio n. 26
 public function edit($data)
     $dir = __ROOTDIR__ . '/lang/' . in($data['lang']);
     $info = $this->info($data['id']);
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         if (!@mkdir($dir, 0777)) {
             return false;
         @copy_dir(__ROOTDIR__ . '/lang/zh', $dir);
     } else {
         if (!@copy_dir(__ROOTDIR__ . '/lang/' . $info['lang'], $dir)) {
             return false;
     if (is_dir($dir)) {
         @del_dir(__ROOTDIR__ . '/lang/' . $info['lang']);
     $condition['id'] = intval($data['id']);
     return $this->model->table('lang')->data($data)->where($condition)->update();
Esempio n. 27
 public function index()
     $where_url = '';
     $order = ' desc';
     $sequence = intval($_GET['sequence']);
     if ($sequence == 1) {
         $where_url .= 'sequence-1-';
         $order = ' desc ';
     if ($sequence == 2) {
         $where_url .= 'sequence-2-';
         $order = ' asc ';
     if (isset($_GET['cid'])) {
         $cid = intval($_GET['cid']);
         if ($cid) {
             $where_url .= 'cid-' . $cid . '-';
             $where = ' AND A.cid=' . $cid;
         } else {
             $where_url .= 'cid-0-';
             $where = ' AND (A.cid=0 OR A.cid is null)';
     $search = in(urldecode($_GET['search']));
     if (!empty($search)) {
         $where_url .= 'cid-' . urlencode($search) . '-';
         $where = ' AND like "%' . $search . '%"';
     $url = __URL__ . '/index/' . $where_url . 'page-{page}.html';
     $listRows = 50;
     $limit = $this->pagelimit($url, $listRows);
     $this->list = model('tags')->tag_list($where, $limit, $order);
     $count = model('tags')->count($where);
     $this->assign('page', $this->page($url, $count, $listRows));
     $this->category_list = model('tags')->tag_category();
Esempio n. 28
 * Determine if value A is contained in value B.
 *		Usage example:
 *			{$values = [a, b, c]}
 *			{if a|in:$values} # true
 *			{if x|in:$values} # false
 *			...
 *			{$value = "Hello World"}
 *			{if "Hello"|in:$value} # true
 *			{if "Goodbye"|in:$value} # false
function in($val_a, $val_b = null)
    if (is_scalar($val_a)) {
        if (is_array($val_b)) {
            return in_array($val_a, $val_b);
        } else {
            if ($val_a && is_scalar($val_b)) {
                return strpos($val_b, $val_a) !== false;
    } else {
        if (is_array($val_a)) {
            foreach ($val_a as $k => $v) {
                if (!in($v, $val_b)) {
                    return false;
                return true;
Esempio n. 29
 public function upInfo()
     $state = $this->in_get('state', None, 2, 'True');
     $wx_data = base64_decode($state);
     $con['p_id'] = $this->in_cookie('pId', None, 1, 'True');
     // 获取用户订单信息
     $wx_data_arr = explode('@@', $wx_data);
     $room = in($wx_data_arr[0]);
     $phone = in($wx_data_arr[1]);
     $msg = Check::rule(array(check::mobile($phone), '手机电话号码格式不对'));
     if ($msg != 1) {
     $data['addr'] = $room;
     $data['phone'] = $phone;
     $res = $this->model->table($this->config['info_person'])->data($data)->where($con)->update();
     if ($res) {
         $this->alert('个人信息更新成功', __ROOT__ . '/person');
     } else {
Esempio n. 30
 * Determine which function to call to get the json for.
function nw_json($type, $dirty_jsoncallback)
    $jsoncallback = $dirty_jsoncallback;
    $jsoncallback = !preg_match('/[^a-z_0-9]/i', $dirty_jsoncallback) ? $dirty_jsoncallback : null;
    // Reject if non alphanumeric and _ chars
    if (!$jsoncallback) {
        header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8');
        return json_encode(false);
    $res = false;
    //  Whitelist of valid callbacks.
    $valid_type_map = array('player' => 'json_player', 'latest_event' => 'json_latest_event', 'chats' => 'json_chats', 'latest_message' => 'json_latest_message', 'index' => 'json_index', 'latest_chat_id' => 'json_latest_chat_id', 'inventory' => 'json_inventory', 'new_chats' => 'json_new_chats', 'send_chat' => 'json_send_chat', 'char_search' => 'json_char_search');
    $res = null;
    $data = in('data');
    if (isset($valid_type_map[$type])) {
        if ($type == 'send_chat') {
            $res = $jsoncallback . '(' . json_send_chat(in('msg')) . ')';
        } else {
            if ($type == 'new_chats') {
                $chat_since = in('since', null);
                $chat_limit = in('chat_limit', 100);
                $res = $jsoncallback . '(' . json_new_chats($chat_since, $chat_limit) . ')';
            } elseif ($type == 'chats') {
                $chat_limit = in('chat_limit', 20);
                $res = $jsoncallback . '(' . json_chats($chat_limit) . ')';
            } elseif ($type == 'char_search') {
                $res = $jsoncallback . '(' . json_char_search(in('term'), in('limit')) . ')';
            } elseif (!empty($data)) {
                // If data param is present, pass data to the function
                $res = $jsoncallback . '(' . $valid_type_map[$type]($data) . ')';
            } else {
                // No data present, just call the function with no arguments.
                $res = $jsoncallback . '(' . $valid_type_map[$type]() . ')';
    return $res;