/** * Create Stage * * Creates a stage for concerto by name or through a stage archive */ function createStage($name, $file = null) { // Check if a stage of the same name exists global $stages; foreach ($stages->stages as $stage) { if (strtolower($stage['name']) == strtolower($name)) { return 0; } } $name = ucfirst($name); if (is_writable(CONCERTO_STAGES)) { $dir = CONCERTO_STAGES . $name; if (!is_dir($dir) && !is_readable($dir)) { @mkdir($dir, 0755); } if (is_dir($dir) && is_readable($dir)) { $file = $file != null ? $file : CONCERTO_LIBS . 'stage' . _DS . 'default.zip'; if (file_exists($file)) { if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($file) === TRUE) { if (is_numeric($zip->locateName('style.css'))) { $zip->extractTo($dir); $zip->close(); if ($zip->locateName('options.cfwconf')) { // we read the configuration file from the stage importConcertoOptions($dir . _DS . 'options.cfwconf', strtolower($name)); @unlink($dir . _DS . 'options.cfwconf'); } return 1; } @rmdir($dir); return 0; } } return 16; // ZipArchive class is not available } return 8; // File does not exist } return 4; // Couldn't make the stage folder } return 2; // Stage folder not writable }
// Create a nonce for swfupload update_option('concerto_upload_nonce', md5(microtime())); update_option('concerto_upload_nonce_made', 1); } } // We Register Options $this->registerSettings(); } /** * Menu * * Binds menus to the Concerto Admin Dashboard * * @return void */ public function menu() { global $menu; $menu[99] = array('', 'read', 'separator-concerto', '', 'wp-menu-separator'); add_menu_page('General', 'Concérto', 'switch_themes', 'concerto_admin_menu', 'admin_general', null, 100); add_submenu_page('concerto_admin_menu', 'Concérto - General', 'General', 'switch_themes', 'concerto_admin_menu', 'admin_general'); add_submenu_page('concerto_admin_menu', 'Concérto - Design', 'Design', 'switch_themes', 'concerto_admin_design', 'admin_design'); add_submenu_page('concerto_admin_menu', 'Concérto - Tools', 'Tools', 'switch_themes', 'concerto_admin_tools', 'admin_tools'); add_submenu_page('concerto_admin_menu', 'Concérto - Support', 'Support', 'switch_themes', 'concerto_admin_support', 'admin_support'); } /** * Register Settings * * Registers settings for option pages in Concerto * * @return void