Esempio n. 1
function image_create()
    header("Content-type: image/png");
    $string = $_GET['text'];
    $font = imageloadfont("font.gdf");
    $im = imagecreatefrompng("captsource.png");
    $color[0] = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
    $color[1] = imagecolorallocate($im, 192, 192, 192);
    $color[2] = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 00);
    $color[3] = imagecolorallocate($im, 00, 128, 255);
    $A = rand(0, 9);
    //Диапазон для A
    $B = rand(0, 9);
    //Диапазон для B
    $answer = 0;
    if ($B > $A) {
        $tmp = $B;
        $B = $A;
        $A = $tmp;
    imagestring($im, $font, 5, rand(0, 2), $A, $color[rand(0, 3)]);
    if (rand(0, 1)) {
        imagestring($im, $font, 25, rand(0, 4), '+', $color[2]);
        $answer = $A + $B;
    } else {
        imagestring($im, $font, 25, rand(0, 4), '-', $color[rand(0, 3)]);
        $answer = $A - $B;
    imagestring($im, $font, 50, rand(0, 2), $B, $color[rand(0, 3)]);
    imagestring($im, $font, 78, 1, '=', $color[0]);
    $_SESSION['answer'] = $answer;
Esempio n. 2
 public function setFont($fuente)
     if (is_nan($fuente)) {
         $fuente = imageloadfont($fuente);
     $this->fuente = $fuente;
Esempio n. 3
 private function generate()
     $this->image = imagecreate($this->width, $this->height);
     imagecolorallocate($this->image, 200, 200, 200);
     $text_color = imagecolorallocate($this->image, 50, 50, 50);
     $font = imageloadfont(Kennel::$ROOT_PATH . '/system/assets/files/dots.gdf');
     imagestring($this->image, $font, 5, 5, $this->text, $text_color);
Esempio n. 4
 function __construct($face, $color)
     if (is_int($face) && $face >= 1 && $face <= 5) {
         $this->font = $face;
     } else {
         $this->font = imageloadfont($face);
     $this->color = $color;
Esempio n. 5
function add_ticket($var_filename, $number, $dest, $text, $fax_img = null)
    $convert_cmd = "/usr/bin/convert  {$var_filename} " . IMAGEN_FAX;
    if (file_exists($var_filename)) {
        exec($convert_cmd, $exec_output, $exec_return);
    if (file_exists(IMAGEN_FAX)) {
        $files .= IMAGEN_FAX . " ";
        echo "entro 19";
        if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
            die("no existe");
        $image = imagecreatefromjpeg(IMAGEN_FAX);
        $fuente1 = imageloadfont("arialns.gdf");
        $fuente2 = imageloadfont("arial.gdf");
        $fuente3 = imageloadfont("code.gdf");
        imagestring($image, $fuente1, 10, 10, " Al contestar por favor cite estos datos", $negro);
        imagestring($image, $fuente2, 10, 30, " Fecha de Radicado: " . date('d-m-Y') . "", $negro);
        imagestring($image, $fuente2, 10, 50, " No. de Radicado:20075000000491", $negro);
        imagestring($image, $fuente3, 10, 70, " 20075000000491", $negro);
        imagejpeg($image, IMAGEN_FAX, 100);
    } else {
        $i = 0;
        while (file_exists(IMAGEN_FAX . ".{$i}")) {
            $image = imagecreatefrompng(IMAGEN_FAX . ".{$i}");
            $negro = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
            $x = imagesx($image);
            imagerectangle($image, $x / 2 - 5, 90, $x / 2 + 240, 170, $negro);
            imagestring($image, 5, $x / 2, 100, "SUPERSOLIDARIA Rad No. {$number}", $negro);
            imagestring($image, 5, $x / 2, 120, "{$text}", $negro);
            imagestring($image, 5, $x / 2, 140, "Gestion Documental Orfeo", $negro);
            imagepng($image, IMAGEN_FAX . ".{$i}");
            $files .= IMAGEN_FAX . ".{$i} ";
        echo "entro else fax_temp";
    $convert = "/usr/bin/convert -adjoin {$files} {$dest}";
    exec($convert, $exec_output, $exec_return);
    echo $convert;
    if (file_exists(IMAGEN_FAX)) {
        exec("rm -rf " . IMAGEN_FAX);
    } else {
        $i = 0;
        while (file_exists(IMAGEN_FAX . ".{$i}")) {
            exec("rm -rf " . IMAGEN_FAX . ".{$i}");
Esempio n. 6
 function createImage()
     $rgb = explode(',', $this->textcolor);
     $im = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
     $text_color = imagecolorallocate($im, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]);
     $font = imageloadfont('./Army.ttf');
     imagestring($im, $font, 100, 105, $this->slidetext, $text_color);
     // Set the content type header - in this case image/jpeg
     header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
     // Output the image
     imagejpeg($im, './slides/slide1.jpeg');
     // Free up memory
Esempio n. 7
function kleeja_cpatcha_image()
    //Let's generate a totally random string using md5
    $md5_hash = md5(rand(0, 999));
    //I think the bad things in captcha is two things, O and 0 , so let's remove zero.
    $security_code = str_replace('0', '', $md5_hash);
    //We don't need a 32 character long string so we trim it down to 5
    $security_code = substr($security_code, 15, 5);
    //Set the session to store the security code
    $_SESSION["klj_sec_code"] = $security_code;
    //Set the image width and height
    $width = 150;
    $height = 25;
    //Create the image resource
    $image = ImageCreate($width, $height);
    //We are making three colors, white, black and gray
    $white = ImageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
    $black = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand(0, 100), 0, rand(0, 50));
    $grey = ImageColorAllocate($image, 204, 204, 204);
    //Make the background black
    ImageFill($image, 0, 0, $black);
    $x = 10;
    $y = 14;
    $angle = rand(-7, -10);
    //Add randomly generated string in white to the image
    if (function_exists('imagettftext')) {
        // We figure a bug that happens when you add font name without './' before it ..
        // he search in the Linux fonts cache , but when you add './' he will know it's our font.
        imagettftext($image, 16, $angle, rand(50, $x), $y + rand(1, 3), $white, './arial.ttf', $security_code);
    } else {
        imagestring($image, imageloadfont('arial.gdf'), $x + rand(10, 15), $y - rand(10, 15), $security_code, $white);
    //kleeja !
    imagestring($image, 1, $width - 35, $height - 10, 'Kleeja', ImageColorAllocate($image, 200, 200, 200));
    //Throw in some lines to make it a little bit harder for any bots to break
    ImageRectangle($image, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $grey);
    imageline($image, 0, $height / 2, $width, $height / 2, $grey);
    imageline($image, $width / 2, 0, $width / 2, $height, $grey);
    //Tell the browser what kind of file is come in
    header("Content-Type: image/png");
    //Output the newly created image in jpeg format
    //Free up resources
Esempio n. 8
 function display()
     $width = 26 * $this->size;
     $height = 50;
     $string = $this->randStr();
     $im = ImageCreate($width, $height);
     $imBG = imagecreatefromjpeg(dirname(__FILE__) . "/captcha/images/captcha.jpg");
     $bg = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
     $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
     $grey = imagecolorallocate($im, 170, 170, 170);
     imagerectangle($im, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $grey);
     $font = imageloadfont(dirname(__FILE__) . "/captcha/font/anonymous.gdf");
     imagestring($im, $font, $this->size, 5, $string, $black);
     imagecopymerge($im, $imBG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256, 55);
Esempio n. 9
 public function __construct($aWidth = 0, $aHeight = 0, $aFormat = DEFAULT_GFORMAT, $aSetAutoMargin = true)
     $this->original_width = $aWidth;
     $this->original_height = $aHeight;
     $this->CreateImgCanvas($aWidth, $aHeight);
     if ($aSetAutoMargin) {
     if (!$this->SetImgFormat($aFormat)) {
         Util\JpGraphError::RaiseL(25081, $aFormat);
         //("JpGraph: Selected graphic format is either not supported or unknown [$aFormat]");
     $this->ttf = new TTF();
     $this->langconv = new LanguageConv();
     $this->ff_font0 = imageloadfont(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/fonts/FF_FONT0.gdf");
     $this->ff_font1 = imageloadfont(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/fonts/FF_FONT1.gdf");
     $this->ff_font2 = imageloadfont(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/fonts/FF_FONT2.gdf");
     $this->ff_font1_bold = imageloadfont(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/fonts/FF_FONT1-Bold.gdf");
     $this->ff_font2_bold = imageloadfont(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/fonts/FF_FONT2-Bold.gdf");
Esempio n. 10
 public function show()
     $str = $this->randomString();
     Session::getInstance()->Captcha = $str;
     $image_x = 100;
     $image_y = 40;
     $im = imagecreatetruecolor($image_x, $image_y);
     $bgcoolor = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(177, 255), rand(177, 255), rand(177, 255));
     imagefill($im, 0, 0, $bgcoolor);
     $cl = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100), rand(0, 100));
     $f = imageloadfont('hadi.gdf');
     imagestring($im, $f, 10, 10, $str, $cl);
     $lineCount = rand(7, 12);
     while ($lineCount--) {
         $cl = imagecolorallocate($im, rand(0, 127), rand(0, 127), rand(0, 127));
         imageline($im, rand(0, $image_x), rand(0, $image_y), rand(0, $image_x), rand(0, $image_y), $cl);
Esempio n. 11
 function createImage($width = 135, $height = 45)
     // send header for our image
     // create an image
     $im = imagecreate($width, $height);
     // white background
     $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
     // black text and grid
     $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
     $other = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255);
     // get a random number to start drawing out grid from
     $num = rand(0, 5);
     // draw vertical bars
     for ($i = $num; $i <= $width; $i += 10) {
         imageline($im, $i, 0, $i, 45, $other);
     // draw horizontal bars
     for ($i = $num; $i <= $height + 10; $i += 10) {
         imageline($im, 0, $i, 135, $i, $other);
     // generate a random string
     $string = substr(strtolower(md5(uniqid(rand(), 1))), 0, 7);
     $string = str_replace('2', 'a', $string);
     $string = str_replace('l', 'p', $string);
     $string = str_replace('1', 'h', $string);
     $string = str_replace('0', 'y', $string);
     $string = str_replace('o', 'y', $string);
     // place this string into the image
     $font = imageloadfont('anticlimax.gdf');
     imagestring($im, $font, 10, 10, $string, $white);
     // create the image and send to browser
     // destroy the image
     // return the random text generated
     return $this->text = $string;
Esempio n. 12
function abatly_captcha()
    $md5_hash = md5(rand(0, 999));
    $security_code = str_replace('0', '', $md5_hash);
    $security_code = substr($security_code, 15, 5);
    $_SESSION["security_code"] = $security_code;
    $width = 128;
    $height = 40;
    $image = ImageCreate($width, $height);
    $white = ImageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
    $black = ImageColorAllocate($image, rand(0, 100), 0, rand(0, 50));
    $grey = ImageColorAllocate($image, 204, 204, 204);
    $red = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 255, 0, 0, 75);
    $green = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 255, 0, 75);
    $blue = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 255, 75);
    imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $white);
    imagefilledellipse($image, ceil(rand(5, 145)), ceil(rand(0, 35)), 30, 30, $red);
    imagefilledellipse($image, ceil(rand(5, 145)), ceil(rand(0, 35)), 30, 30, $green);
    imagefilledellipse($image, ceil(rand(5, 145)), ceil(rand(0, 35)), 30, 30, $blue);
    imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $width, 0, $black);
    imagefilledrectangle($image, $width - 1, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $black);
    imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, 0, $height - 1, $black);
    imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, $height - 1, $width, $height - 1, $black);
    ImageFill($image, 0, 0, $black);
    $x = 20;
    $y = 24;
    $angle = rand(-7, -10);
    if (function_exists('imagettftext')) {
        imagettftext($image, 20, $angle, rand(20, $x), $y + rand(1, 3), $black, 'arial.ttf', $security_code);
    } else {
        imagestring($image, imageloadfont('arial.gdf'), $x + rand(10, 15), $y - rand(10, 15), $security_code, $white);
    ImageRectangle($image, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $black);
    imageline($image, $width / 2, 0, $width / 2, $height, $black);
    header("Content-Type: image/png");
Esempio n. 13
function imgtxt_mk($t, $fx, $fy, $lac, $hac, $fnt, $clr, $dest)
    $t = str_replace("&nbsp;", ' ', $t);
    $nb_chars = strlen($t);
    $width = 400;
    if ($lac && $width) {
        $maxl = floor($width / $lac);
    } else {
        $maxl = 400;
    $la = $nb_chars * $lac;
    $la = $la > $width - 8 ? $width - 8 : $la;
    if ($nb_chars > $maxl or strpos($t, "\n") !== false) {
        $r = gdf_nblines($t, $maxl);
    $ha = $r ? $hac * count($r) : ($hac ? $hac : 20);
    $clr = $clr ? $clr : '000000';
    $rh = hexdec(substr($clr, 0, 2));
    $gh = hexdec(substr($clr, 2, 2));
    $bh = hexdec(substr($clr, 4, 2));
    $image = imagecreate($la, $ha);
    $blanc = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
    $color = imagecolorallocate($image, $rh, $gh, $bh);
    $font = imageloadfont($fnt);
    if ($r) {
        foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
            $fx = $k * lac;
            $fy = $k * $hac;
            imagestring($image, $font, 1, $fy, $v, $color);
    } else {
        imagestring($image, $font, $fx ? $fx : 0, $fy ? $fy : 0, $t, $color);
    imagecolortransparent($image, $blanc);
    imagepng($image, $dest);
Esempio n. 14
 function generateValidationImage($rand)
     global $site_font_path;
     global $site_font_validation;
     $width = 120;
     $height = 40;
     $image = imagecreate($width, $height);
     $bgColor = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
     $textColor = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
     // Add Random noise
     for ($i = 0; $i < 250; $i++) {
         $rx1 = rand(0, $width);
         $rx2 = rand(0, $width);
         $ry1 = rand(0, $height);
         $ry2 = rand(0, $height);
         $rcVal = rand(0, 255);
         $rc1 = imagecolorallocate($image, rand(0, 255), rand(0, 255), rand(100, 255));
         imageline($image, $rx1, $ry1, $rx2, $ry2, $rc1);
     // write the random number
     $font = imageloadfont($site_font_path . "/" . $site_font_validation);
     imagestring($image, $font, 3, 0, $rand, $textColor);
     // send several headers to make sure the image is not cached
     // Date in the past
     header("Expires: Mon, 23 Jul 1993 05:00:00 GMT");
     // always modified
     header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
     // HTTP/1.1
     header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
     header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
     // HTTP/1.0
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     // send the content type header so the image is displayed properly
     header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
Esempio n. 15
  * Actually uploads the file, and act on it according to the set processing class variables
  * This function copies the uploaded file to the given location, eventually performing actions on it.
  * Typically, you can call {@link process} several times for the same file,
  * for instance to create a resized image and a thumbnail of the same file.
  * The original uploaded file remains intact in its temporary location, so you can use {@link process} several times.
  * You will be able to delete the uploaded file with {@link clean} when you have finished all your {@link process} calls.
  * According to the processing class variables set in the calling file, the file can be renamed,
  * and if it is an image, can be resized or converted.
  * When the processing is completed, and the file copied to its new location, the
  * processing class variables will be reset to their default value.
  * This allows you to set new properties, and perform another {@link process} on the same uploaded file
  * It will set {@link processed} (and {@link error} is an error occurred)
  * @access public
  * @param  string $server_path Path location of the uploaded file, with an ending slash
 function process($server_path)
     $this->error = '';
     $this->processed = true;
     if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'win') {
         if (substr($server_path, -1, 1) != '\\') {
             $server_path = $server_path . '\\';
     } else {
         if (substr($server_path, -1, 1) != '/') {
             $server_path = $server_path . '/';
     $this->log .= '<b>' . _("process file to") . ' ' . $server_path . '</b><br />';
     // checks file size and mine type
     if ($this->uploaded) {
         if ($this->file_src_size > $this->file_max_size) {
             $this->processed = false;
             $this->error = _(MSG019);
         } else {
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("file size OK") . '<br />';
         // turn dangerous scripts into text files
         if ($this->no_script) {
             if ((substr($this->file_src_mime, 0, 5) == 'text/' || strpos($this->file_src_mime, 'javascript') !== false) && substr($this->file_src_name, -4) != '.txt' || preg_match('/\\.(php|pl|py|cgi|asp)$/i', $this->file_src_name) || empty($this->file_src_name_ext)) {
                 $this->file_src_mime = 'text/plain';
                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("script") . ' ' . $this->file_src_name . ' ' . _("renamed as") . ' ' . $this->file_src_name . '.txt!<br />';
                 $this->file_src_name_ext .= empty($this->file_src_name_ext) ? 'txt' : '.txt';
         // checks MIME type with mime_magic
         if ($this->mime_magic_check && function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
             $detected_mime = mime_content_type($this->file_src_pathname);
             if ($this->file_src_mime != $detected_mime) {
                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("MIME type detected as") . ' ' . $detected_mime . ' ' . _("but given as") . ' ' . $this->file_src_mime . '!<br />';
                 $this->file_src_mime = $detected_mime;
         if ($this->mime_check && empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
             $this->processed = false;
             $this->error = _("MIME type can't be detected!");
         } else {
             if ($this->mime_check && !empty($this->file_src_mime) && !array_key_exists($this->file_src_mime, array_flip($this->allowed))) {
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = _("Incorrect type of file");
             } else {
                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("file mime OK") . ' : ' . $this->file_src_mime . '<br />';
     } else {
         $this->error = _("File not uploaded. Can't carry on a process");
         $this->processed = false;
     if ($this->processed) {
         $this->file_dst_path = $server_path;
         // repopulate dst variables from src
         $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_src_name;
         $this->file_dst_name_body = $this->file_src_name_body;
         $this->file_dst_name_ext = $this->file_src_name_ext;
         if ($this->file_new_name_body != '') {
             // rename file body
             $this->file_dst_name_body = $this->file_new_name_body;
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("new file name body") . ' : ' . $this->file_new_name_body . '<br />';
         if ($this->file_new_name_ext != '') {
             // rename file ext
             $this->file_dst_name_ext = $this->file_new_name_ext;
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("new file name ext") . ' : ' . $this->file_new_name_ext . '<br />';
         if ($this->file_name_body_add != '') {
             // append a bit to the name
             $this->file_dst_name_body = $this->file_dst_name_body . $this->file_name_body_add;
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("file name body add") . ' : ' . $this->file_name_body_add . '<br />';
         if ($this->file_safe_name) {
             // formats the name
             $this->file_dst_name_body = str_replace(array(' ', '-'), array('_', '_'), $this->file_dst_name_body);
             $this->file_dst_name_body = ereg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '', $this->file_dst_name_body);
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("file name safe format") . '<br />';
         $this->log .= '- ' . _("destination variables") . '<br />';
         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_path         : ' . $this->file_dst_path . '<br />';
         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_name_body    : ' . $this->file_dst_name_body . '<br />';
         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_name_ext     : ' . $this->file_dst_name_ext . '<br />';
         // do we do some image manipulation?
         $image_manipulation = $this->image_resize || $this->image_convert != '' || is_numeric($this->image_brightness) || is_numeric($this->image_contrast) || is_numeric($this->image_threshold) || !empty($this->image_tint_color) || !empty($this->image_overlay_color) || !empty($this->image_text) || $this->image_greyscale || $this->image_negative || !empty($this->image_watermark) || is_numeric($this->image_rotate) || is_numeric($this->jpeg_size) || !empty($this->image_flip) || !empty($this->image_crop) || !empty($this->image_border) || $this->image_frame > 0 || $this->image_bevel > 0 || $this->image_reflection_height;
         if ($image_manipulation) {
             if ($this->image_convert == '') {
                 $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . (!empty($this->file_dst_name_ext) ? '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext : '');
                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("image operation, keep extension") . '<br />';
             } else {
                 $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . '.' . $this->image_convert;
                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("image operation, change extension for conversion type") . '<br />';
         } else {
             $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . (!empty($this->file_dst_name_ext) ? '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext : '');
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("no image operation, keep extension") . '<br />';
         if (!$this->file_auto_rename) {
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("no auto_rename if same filename exists") . '<br />';
             $this->file_dst_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $this->file_dst_name;
         } else {
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("checking for auto_rename") . '<br />';
             $this->file_dst_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $this->file_dst_name;
             $body = $this->file_dst_name_body;
             $cpt = 1;
             while (@file_exists($this->file_dst_pathname)) {
                 $this->file_dst_name_body = $body . '_' . $cpt;
                 $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . (!empty($this->file_dst_name_ext) ? '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext : '');
                 $this->file_dst_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $this->file_dst_name;
             if ($cpt > 1) {
                 $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("auto_rename to") . ' ' . $this->file_dst_name . '<br />';
         $this->log .= '- ' . _("destination file details") . '<br />';
         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_name         : ' . $this->file_dst_name . '<br />';
         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_pathname     : ' . $this->file_dst_pathname . '<br />';
         if ($this->file_overwrite) {
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("no overwrite checking") . '<br />';
         } else {
             if (@file_exists($this->file_dst_pathname)) {
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = $this->file_dst_name . ' ' . _("already exists. Please change the file name");
             } else {
                 $this->log .= '- ' . $this->file_dst_name . ' ' . _("doesn't exist already") . '<br />';
     } else {
         $this->processed = false;
     if (!$this->no_upload_check && !is_uploaded_file($this->file_src_pathname)) {
         $this->processed = false;
         $this->error = _("No correct source file. Can't carry on a process");
     // checks if the destination directory exists, and attempt to create it
     if ($this->processed && !file_exists($this->file_dst_path)) {
         if ($this->dir_auto_create) {
             $this->log .= '- ' . $this->file_dst_path . ' ' . _("doesn't exist. Attempting creation:");
             if (!$this->r_mkdir($this->file_dst_path, $this->dir_chmod)) {
                 $this->log .= ' ' . _("failed") . '<br />';
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = _("Destination directory can't be created. Can't carry on a process");
             } else {
                 $this->log .= ' ' . _("success") . '<br />';
         } else {
             $this->error = _("Destination directory doesn't exist. Can't carry on a process");
     if ($this->processed && !is_dir($this->file_dst_path)) {
         $this->processed = false;
         $this->error = _("Destination path is not a directory. Can't carry on a process");
     // checks if the destination directory is writeable, and attempt to make it writeable
     $hash = md5($this->file_dst_name_body . rand(1, 1000));
     if ($this->processed && !($f = @fopen($this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext, 'a+'))) {
         if ($this->dir_auto_chmod) {
             $this->log .= '- ' . $this->file_dst_path . ' ' . _("is not writeable. Attempting chmod:");
             if (!@chmod($this->file_dst_path, $this->dir_chmod)) {
                 $this->log .= ' ' . _("failed") . '<br />';
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = _("Destination directory can't be made writeable. Can't carry on a process");
             } else {
                 $this->log .= ' ' . _("success") . '<br />';
                 if (!($f = @fopen($this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext, 'a+'))) {
                     // we re-check
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = _("Destination directory is still not writeable. Can't carry on a process");
                 } else {
         } else {
             $this->processed = false;
             $this->error = _("Destination path is not a writeable. Can't carry on a process");
     } else {
         @unlink($this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext);
     if ($this->processed) {
         if ($image_manipulation) {
             // we have a writeable destination, but we need to check if we can read the file directly
             // if we can't (open_basedir, etc...), we will copy it with a temporary name
             $has_temp_file = false;
             if ($this->processed && !file_exists($this->file_src_pathname)) {
                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("can't directly access the uploaded file" . '<br />');
                 $this->log .= '    ' . _("attempting creating a temp file:");
                 $hash = md5($this->file_dst_name_body . rand(1, 1000));
                 if (move_uploaded_file($this->file_src_pathname, $this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext)) {
                     $this->file_src_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext;
                     $this->log .= ' ' . _("file created") . '<br />';
                     $this->log .= '    ' . _("temp file is:") . ' ' . $this->file_src_pathname . '<br />';
                     $has_temp_file = true;
                 } else {
                     $this->log .= ' ' . _("failed") . '<br />';
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = _("Can't create the temporary file. Can't carry on a process");
             // checks if the source file is readable
             if ($this->processed && !($f = @fopen($this->file_src_pathname, 'r'))) {
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = _("Source file is not readable. Can't carry on a process");
             } else {
             // we now do all the image manipulations
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("image resizing or conversion wanted") . '<br />';
             if ($this->gd_version()) {
                 switch ($this->file_src_mime) {
                     case 'image/pjpeg':
                     case 'image/jpeg':
                     case 'image/jpg':
                         if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = _("No create from JPEG support");
                         } else {
                             $image_src = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->file_src_pathname);
                             if (!$image_src) {
                                 $this->processed = false;
                                 $this->error = _("Error in creating JPEG image from source");
                             } else {
                                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("source image is JPEG") . '<br />';
                     case 'image/x-png':
                     case 'image/png':
                         if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = _("No create from PNG support");
                         } else {
                             $image_src = @imagecreatefrompng($this->file_src_pathname);
                             if (!$image_src) {
                                 $this->processed = false;
                                 $this->error = _("Error in creating PNG image from source");
                             } else {
                                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("source image is PNG") . '<br />';
                     case 'image/gif':
                         if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = _("Error in creating GIF image from source");
                         } else {
                             $image_src = @imagecreatefromgif($this->file_src_pathname);
                             if (!$image_src) {
                                 $this->processed = false;
                                 $this->error = _("No GIF read support");
                             } else {
                                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("source image is GIF") . '<br />';
                         $this->processed = false;
                         $this->error = _(MSG012);
             } else {
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = _("GD doesn't seem to be present");
             if ($this->processed && $image_src) {
                 $this->image_src_x = imagesx($image_src);
                 $this->image_src_y = imagesy($image_src);
                 $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_src_x;
                 $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_src_y;
                 $gd_version = $this->gd_version();
                 $ratio_crop = null;
                 if ($this->image_resize) {
                     $this->log .= '- ' . _("resizing...") . '<br />';
                     if ($this->image_ratio_x) {
                         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("calculate x size") . '<br />';
                         $this->image_dst_x = round($this->image_src_x * $this->image_y / $this->image_src_y);
                         $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->image_ratio_y) {
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("calculate y size") . '<br />';
                             $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                             $this->image_dst_y = round($this->image_src_y * $this->image_x / $this->image_src_x);
                         } else {
                             if ($this->image_ratio || $this->image_ratio_crop || $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_in || $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_out) {
                                 $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("check x/y sizes") . '<br />';
                                 if (!$this->image_ratio_no_zoom_in && !$this->image_ratio_no_zoom_out || $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_in && ($this->image_src_x > $this->image_x || $this->image_src_y > $this->image_y) || $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_out && $this->image_src_x < $this->image_x && $this->image_src_y < $this->image_y) {
                                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                     if ($this->image_ratio_crop) {
                                         if (!is_string($this->image_ratio_crop)) {
                                             $this->image_ratio_crop = '';
                                         $this->image_ratio_crop = strtolower($this->image_ratio_crop);
                                         if ($this->image_src_x / $this->image_x > $this->image_src_y / $this->image_y) {
                                             $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                             $this->image_dst_x = intval($this->image_src_x * ($this->image_y / $this->image_src_y));
                                             $ratio_crop = array();
                                             $ratio_crop['x'] = $this->image_dst_x - $this->image_x;
                                             if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 'l') !== false) {
                                                 $ratio_crop['l'] = 0;
                                                 $ratio_crop['r'] = $ratio_crop['x'];
                                             } else {
                                                 if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 'r') !== false) {
                                                     $ratio_crop['l'] = $ratio_crop['x'];
                                                     $ratio_crop['r'] = 0;
                                                 } else {
                                                     $ratio_crop['l'] = round($ratio_crop['x'] / 2);
                                                     $ratio_crop['r'] = $ratio_crop['x'] - $ratio_crop['l'];
                                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("ratio_crop_x") . '         : ' . $ratio_crop['x'] . ' (' . $ratio_crop['l'] . ';' . $ratio_crop['r'] . ')<br />';
                                             if (is_null($this->image_crop)) {
                                                 $this->image_crop = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                         } else {
                                             $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                             $this->image_dst_y = intval($this->image_src_y * ($this->image_x / $this->image_src_x));
                                             $ratio_crop = array();
                                             $ratio_crop['y'] = $this->image_dst_y - $this->image_y;
                                             if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 't') !== false) {
                                                 $ratio_crop['t'] = 0;
                                                 $ratio_crop['b'] = $ratio_crop['y'];
                                             } else {
                                                 if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 'b') !== false) {
                                                     $ratio_crop['t'] = $ratio_crop['y'];
                                                     $ratio_crop['b'] = 0;
                                                 } else {
                                                     $ratio_crop['t'] = round($ratio_crop['y'] / 2);
                                                     $ratio_crop['b'] = $ratio_crop['y'] - $ratio_crop['t'];
                                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("ratio_crop_y") . '         : ' . $ratio_crop['y'] . ' (' . $ratio_crop['t'] . ';' . $ratio_crop['b'] . ')<br />';
                                             if (is_null($this->image_crop)) {
                                                 $this->image_crop = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($this->image_src_x / $this->image_x > $this->image_src_y / $this->image_y) {
                                             $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                             $this->image_dst_y = intval($this->image_src_y * ($this->image_x / $this->image_src_x));
                                         } else {
                                             $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                             $this->image_dst_x = intval($this->image_src_x * ($this->image_y / $this->image_src_y));
                                 } else {
                                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("doesn't calculate x/y sizes") . '<br />';
                                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_src_x;
                                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_src_y;
                             } else {
                                 $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("use plain sizes") . '<br />';
                                 $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                 $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                     if ($this->preserve_transparency && $this->file_src_mime != 'image/gif' && $this->file_src_mime != 'image/png') {
                         $this->preserve_transparency = false;
                     if ($gd_version >= 2 && !$this->preserve_transparency) {
                         $image_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     } else {
                         $image_dst = imagecreate($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     if ($this->preserve_transparency) {
                         $this->log .= '- ' . _("preserve transparency") . '<br />';
                         $transparent_color = imagecolortransparent($image_src);
                         imagepalettecopy($image_dst, $image_src);
                         imagefill($image_dst, 0, 0, $transparent_color);
                         imagecolortransparent($image_dst, $transparent_color);
                     if ($gd_version >= 2 && !$this->preserve_transparency) {
                         $res = imagecopyresampled($image_dst, $image_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y);
                     } else {
                         $res = imagecopyresized($image_dst, $image_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y);
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("resized image object created") . '<br />';
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_src_x y        : ' . $this->image_src_x . ' x ' . $this->image_src_y . '<br />';
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_dst_x y        : ' . $this->image_dst_x . ' x ' . $this->image_dst_y . '<br />';
                 } else {
                     // we only convert, so we link the dst image to the src image
                     $image_dst =& $image_src;
                 // we have to set image_convert if it is not already
                 if (empty($this->image_convert)) {
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("setting destination file type to") . ' ' . $this->file_src_name_ext . '<br />';
                     $this->image_convert = $this->file_src_name_ext;
                 // crop imag (and also crops if image_ratio_crop is used)
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && (!empty($this->image_crop) || !is_null($ratio_crop))) {
                     if (is_array($this->image_crop)) {
                         $vars = $this->image_crop;
                     } else {
                         $vars = explode(' ', $this->image_crop);
                     if (sizeof($vars) == 4) {
                         $ct = $vars[0];
                         $cr = $vars[1];
                         $cb = $vars[2];
                         $cl = $vars[3];
                     } else {
                         if (sizeof($vars) == 2) {
                             $ct = $vars[0];
                             $cr = $vars[1];
                             $cb = $vars[0];
                             $cl = $vars[1];
                         } else {
                             $ct = $vars[0];
                             $cr = $vars[0];
                             $cb = $vars[0];
                             $cl = $vars[0];
                     if (strpos($ct, '%') > 0) {
                         $ct = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%', '', $ct) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cr, '%') > 0) {
                         $cr = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%', '', $cr) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cb, '%') > 0) {
                         $cb = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%', '', $cb) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cl, '%') > 0) {
                         $cl = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%', '', $cl) / 100);
                     if (strpos($ct, 'px') > 0) {
                         $ct = str_replace('px', '', $ct);
                     if (strpos($cr, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cr = str_replace('px', '', $cr);
                     if (strpos($cb, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cb = str_replace('px', '', $cb);
                     if (strpos($cl, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cl = str_replace('px', '', $cl);
                     $ct = (int) $ct;
                     $cr = (int) $cr;
                     $cb = (int) $cb;
                     $cl = (int) $cl;
                     // we adjust the cropping if we use image_ratio_crop
                     if (!is_null($ratio_crop)) {
                         if (array_key_exists('t', $ratio_crop)) {
                             $ct += $ratio_crop['t'];
                         if (array_key_exists('r', $ratio_crop)) {
                             $cr += $ratio_crop['r'];
                         if (array_key_exists('b', $ratio_crop)) {
                             $cb += $ratio_crop['b'];
                         if (array_key_exists('l', $ratio_crop)) {
                             $cl += $ratio_crop['l'];
                     $this->log .= '- ' . _("crop image") . ' : ' . $ct . ' ' . $cr . ' ' . $cb . ' ' . $cl . ' <br />';
                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_dst_x - $cl - $cr;
                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y - $ct - $cb;
                     if ($this->image_dst_x < 1) {
                         $this->image_dst_x = 1;
                     if ($this->image_dst_y < 1) {
                         $this->image_dst_y = 1;
                     $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, 0, 0, $cl, $ct, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     imagecopy($image_dst, $tmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                 // flip image
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && !empty($this->image_flip)) {
                     $this->image_flip = strtolower($this->image_flip);
                     $this->log .= '- ' . _("flip image") . ' : ' . $this->image_flip . '<br />';
                     $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                         for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                             if (strpos($this->image_flip, 'v') !== false) {
                                 imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $this->image_dst_x - $x - 1, $y, $x, $y, 1, 1);
                             } else {
                                 imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $x, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1, $x, $y, 1, 1);
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     imagecopy($image_dst, $tmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                 // rotate image
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && is_numeric($this->image_rotate)) {
                     if (!in_array($this->image_rotate, array(0, 90, 180, 270))) {
                         $this->image_rotate = 0;
                     if ($this->image_rotate != 0) {
                         if ($this->image_rotate == 90 || $this->image_rotate == 270) {
                             $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_y, $this->image_dst_x);
                         } else {
                             $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                         $this->log .= '- ' . _("rotate image") . ' : ' . $this->image_rotate . '<br />';
                         for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                             for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                 if ($this->image_rotate == 90) {
                                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $y, $x, $x, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1, 1, 1);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($this->image_rotate == 180) {
                                         imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $x, $y, $this->image_dst_x - $x - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1, 1, 1);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($this->image_rotate == 270) {
                                             imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $y, $x, $this->image_dst_x - $x - 1, $y, 1, 1);
                                         } else {
                                             imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $x, $y, $x, $y, 1, 1);
                         if ($this->image_rotate == 90 || $this->image_rotate == 270) {
                             $t = $this->image_dst_y;
                             $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_x;
                             $this->image_dst_x = $t;
                         // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                         $image_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                         imagecopy($image_dst, $tmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                 // add color overlay
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && (is_numeric($this->image_overlay_percent) && !empty($this->image_overlay_color))) {
                     $this->log .= '- ' . _("apply color overlay") . '<br />';
                     sscanf($this->image_overlay_color, "#%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue);
                     $filter = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     $color = imagecolorallocate($filter, $red, $green, $blue);
                     imagefilledrectangle($filter, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $color);
                     imagecopymerge($image_dst, $filter, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $this->image_overlay_percent);
                 // add brightness, contrast and tint, turns to greyscale and inverts colors
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && ($this->image_negative || $this->image_greyscale || is_numeric($this->image_threshold) || is_numeric($this->image_brightness) || is_numeric($this->image_contrast) || !empty($this->image_tint_color))) {
                     $this->log .= '- ' . _("apply tint, light, contrast correction, negative, greyscale and threshold") . '<br />';
                     if (!empty($this->image_tint_color)) {
                         sscanf($this->image_tint_color, "#%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue);
                     $background = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, 255, 255, 255, 0);
                     imagefill($image_dst, 0, 0, $background);
                     imagealphablending($image_dst, TRUE);
                     for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                         for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                             if ($this->image_greyscale) {
                                 $rgb = imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y);
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, $rgb);
                                 $r = $g = $b = round(0.2125 * $pixel['red'] + 0.7154 * $pixel['green'] + 0.0721 * $pixel['blue']);
                                 $a = $pixel['alpha'];
                                 $pixelcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $a);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $pixelcolor);
                             if (is_numeric($this->image_threshold)) {
                                 $rgb = imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y);
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, $rgb);
                                 $c = round($pixel['red'] + $pixel['green'] + $pixel['blue']) / 3 - 127;
                                 $r = $g = $b = $c > $this->image_threshold ? 255 : 0;
                                 $a = $pixel['alpha'];
                                 $pixelcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $a);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $pixelcolor);
                             if (is_numeric($this->image_brightness)) {
                                 $rgb = imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y);
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, $rgb);
                                 $r = max(min(round($pixel['red'] + $this->image_brightness * 2), 255), 0);
                                 $g = max(min(round($pixel['green'] + $this->image_brightness * 2), 255), 0);
                                 $b = max(min(round($pixel['blue'] + $this->image_brightness * 2), 255), 0);
                                 $a = $pixel['alpha'];
                                 $pixelcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $a);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $pixelcolor);
                             if (is_numeric($this->image_contrast)) {
                                 $rgb = imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y);
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, $rgb);
                                 $r = max(min(round(($this->image_contrast + 128) * $pixel['red'] / 128), 255), 0);
                                 $g = max(min(round(($this->image_contrast + 128) * $pixel['green'] / 128), 255), 0);
                                 $b = max(min(round(($this->image_contrast + 128) * $pixel['blue'] / 128), 255), 0);
                                 $a = $pixel['alpha'];
                                 $pixelcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $a);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $pixelcolor);
                             if (!empty($this->image_tint_color)) {
                                 $rgb = imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y);
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, $rgb);
                                 $r = min(round($red * $pixel['red'] / 169), 255);
                                 $g = min(round($green * $pixel['green'] / 169), 255);
                                 $b = min(round($blue * $pixel['blue'] / 169), 255);
                                 $a = $pixel['alpha'];
                                 $pixelcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $a);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $pixelcolor);
                             if (!empty($this->image_negative)) {
                                 $rgb = imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y);
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, $rgb);
                                 $r = round(255 - $pixel['red']);
                                 $g = round(255 - $pixel['green']);
                                 $b = round(255 - $pixel['blue']);
                                 $a = $pixel['alpha'];
                                 $pixelcolor = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $a);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $pixelcolor);
                 // adds a border
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && !empty($this->image_border)) {
                     if (is_array($this->image_border)) {
                         $vars = $this->image_border;
                         $this->log .= '- ' . _("add border") . ' : ' . implode(' ', $this->image_border) . '<br />';
                     } else {
                         $this->log .= '- ' . _("add border") . ' : ' . $this->image_border . '<br />';
                         $vars = explode(' ', $this->image_border);
                     if (sizeof($vars) == 4) {
                         $ct = $vars[0];
                         $cr = $vars[1];
                         $cb = $vars[2];
                         $cl = $vars[3];
                     } else {
                         if (sizeof($vars) == 2) {
                             $ct = $vars[0];
                             $cr = $vars[1];
                             $cb = $vars[0];
                             $cl = $vars[1];
                         } else {
                             $ct = $vars[0];
                             $cr = $vars[0];
                             $cb = $vars[0];
                             $cl = $vars[0];
                     if (strpos($ct, '%') > 0) {
                         $ct = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%', '', $ct) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cr, '%') > 0) {
                         $cr = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%', '', $cr) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cb, '%') > 0) {
                         $cb = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%', '', $cb) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cl, '%') > 0) {
                         $cl = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%', '', $cl) / 100);
                     if (strpos($ct, 'px') > 0) {
                         $ct = str_replace('px', '', $ct);
                     if (strpos($cr, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cr = str_replace('px', '', $cr);
                     if (strpos($cb, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cb = str_replace('px', '', $cb);
                     if (strpos($cl, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cl = str_replace('px', '', $cl);
                     $ct = (int) $ct;
                     $cr = (int) $cr;
                     $cb = (int) $cb;
                     $cl = (int) $cl;
                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_dst_x + $cl + $cr;
                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y + $ct + $cb;
                     if (!empty($this->image_border_color)) {
                         sscanf($this->image_border_color, "#%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue);
                     $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     $background = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, $red, $green, $blue, 0);
                     imagefill($tmp, 0, 0, $background);
                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $cl, $ct, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x - $cr - $cl, $this->image_dst_y - $cb - $ct);
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     imagecopy($image_dst, $tmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                 // add frame border
                 if (is_numeric($this->image_frame)) {
                     if (is_array($this->image_frame_colors)) {
                         $vars = $this->image_frame_colors;
                         $this->log .= '- ' . _("add frame") . ' : ' . implode(' ', $this->image_frame_colors) . '<br />';
                     } else {
                         $this->log .= '- ' . _("add frame") . ' : ' . $this->image_frame_colors . '<br />';
                         $vars = explode(' ', $this->image_frame_colors);
                     $nb = sizeof($vars);
                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_dst_x + $nb * 2;
                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y + $nb * 2;
                     $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $nb, $nb, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x - $nb * 2, $this->image_dst_y - $nb * 2);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
                         sscanf($vars[$i], "#%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue);
                         $c = imagecolorallocate($tmp, $red, $green, $blue);
                         if ($this->image_frame == 1) {
                             imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $i, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $i, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $c);
                         } else {
                             imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $i, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $nb + $i, $this->image_dst_y - $nb + $i, $this->image_dst_x - $nb + $i, $nb - $i, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $nb + $i, $this->image_dst_y - $nb + $i, $nb - $i, $this->image_dst_y - $nb + $i, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $c);
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     imagecopy($image_dst, $tmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                 // add bevel border
                 if ($this->image_bevel > 0) {
                     if (empty($this->image_bevel_color1)) {
                         $this->image_bevel_color1 = '#FFFFFF';
                     if (empty($this->image_bevel_color2)) {
                         $this->image_bevel_color2 = '#000000';
                     sscanf($this->image_bevel_color1, "#%2x%2x%2x", $red1, $green1, $blue1);
                     sscanf($this->image_bevel_color2, "#%2x%2x%2x", $red2, $green2, $blue2);
                     imagealphablending($image_dst, true);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->image_bevel; $i++) {
                         $alpha = round($i / $this->image_bevel * 127);
                         $c1 = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $red1, $green1, $blue1, $alpha);
                         $c2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $red2, $green2, $blue2, $alpha);
                         imageline($image_dst, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $i, $c1);
                         imageline($image_dst, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $i, $c2);
                         imageline($image_dst, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $c2);
                         imageline($image_dst, $i, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $c1);
                 // add watermark image
                 if ($this->image_watermark != '' && file_exists($this->image_watermark)) {
                     $this->log .= '- ' . _("add watermark") . '<br />';
                     $this->image_watermark_position = strtolower($this->image_watermark_position);
                     $watermark_info = getimagesize($this->image_watermark);
                     $watermark_type = array_key_exists(2, $watermark_info) ? $watermark_info[2] : NULL;
                     // 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG
                     $watermark_checked = false;
                     if ($watermark_type == 1) {
                         if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
                             $this->error = _("No create from GIF support, can't read watermark");
                         } else {
                             $filter = @imagecreatefromgif($this->image_watermark);
                             if (!$filter) {
                                 $this->error = _("No GIF read support, can't create watermark");
                             } else {
                                 $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("watermark source image is GIF") . '<br />';
                                 $watermark_checked = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($watermark_type == 2) {
                             if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
                                 $this->error = _("No create from JPG support, can't read watermark");
                             } else {
                                 $filter = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->image_watermark);
                                 if (!$filter) {
                                     $this->error = _("No JPG read support, can't create watermark");
                                 } else {
                                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("watermark source image is JPG") . '<br />';
                                     $watermark_checked = true;
                         } else {
                             if ($watermark_type == 3) {
                                 if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
                                     $this->error = _("No create from PNG support, can't read watermark");
                                 } else {
                                     $filter = @imagecreatefrompng($this->image_watermark);
                                     if (!$filter) {
                                         $this->error = _("No PNG read support, can't create watermark");
                                     } else {
                                         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("watermark source image is PNG") . '<br />';
                                         $watermark_checked = true;
                     if ($watermark_checked) {
                         $watermark_width = imagesx($filter);
                         $watermark_height = imagesy($filter);
                         $watermark_x = 0;
                         $watermark_y = 0;
                         if (is_numeric($this->image_watermark_x)) {
                             if ($this->image_watermark_x < 0) {
                                 $watermark_x = $this->image_dst_x - $watermark_width + $this->image_watermark_x;
                             } else {
                                 $watermark_x = $this->image_watermark_x;
                         } else {
                             if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 'r') !== false) {
                                 $watermark_x = $this->image_dst_x - $watermark_width;
                             } else {
                                 if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 'l') !== false) {
                                     $watermark_x = 0;
                                 } else {
                                     $watermark_x = ($this->image_dst_x - $watermark_width) / 2;
                         if (is_numeric($this->image_watermark_y)) {
                             if ($this->image_watermark_y < 0) {
                                 $watermark_y = $this->image_dst_y - $watermark_height + $this->image_watermark_y;
                             } else {
                                 $watermark_y = $this->image_watermark_y;
                         } else {
                             if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 'b') !== false) {
                                 $watermark_y = $this->image_dst_y - $watermark_height;
                             } else {
                                 if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 't') !== false) {
                                     $watermark_y = 0;
                                 } else {
                                     $watermark_y = ($this->image_dst_y - $watermark_height) / 2;
                         imagecopyresampled($image_dst, $filter, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, 0, 0, $watermark_width, $watermark_height, $watermark_width, $watermark_height);
                     } else {
                         $this->error = _("Watermark image is of unknown type");
                 // add text
                 if (!empty($this->image_text)) {
                     $this->log .= '- ' . _("add text") . '<br />';
                     if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_padding)) {
                         $this->image_text_padding = 0;
                     if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_line_spacing)) {
                         $this->image_text_line_spacing = 0;
                     if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_padding_x)) {
                         $this->image_text_padding_x = $this->image_text_padding;
                     if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_padding_y)) {
                         $this->image_text_padding_y = $this->image_text_padding;
                     $this->image_text_position = strtolower($this->image_text_position);
                     $this->image_text_direction = strtolower($this->image_text_direction);
                     $this->image_text_alignment = strtolower($this->image_text_alignment);
                     // if the font is a string, we assume that we might want to load a font
                     if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_font) && strlen($this->image_text_font) > 4 && substr(strtolower($this->image_text_font), -4) == '.gdf') {
                         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("try to load font") . ' ' . $this->image_text_font . '... ';
                         if ($this->image_text_font = @imageloadfont($this->image_text_font)) {
                             $this->log .= _("success") . '<br />';
                         } else {
                             $this->log .= _("error") . '<br />';
                             $this->image_text_font = 5;
                     $text = explode("\n", $this->image_text);
                     $char_width = ImageFontWidth($this->image_text_font);
                     $char_height = ImageFontHeight($this->image_text_font);
                     $text_height = 0;
                     $text_width = 0;
                     $line_height = 0;
                     $line_width = 0;
                     foreach ($text as $k => $v) {
                         if ($this->image_text_direction == 'v') {
                             $h = $char_width * strlen($v);
                             if ($h > $text_height) {
                                 $text_height = $h;
                             $line_width = $char_height;
                             $text_width += $line_width + ($k < sizeof($text) - 1 ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0);
                         } else {
                             $w = $char_width * strlen($v);
                             if ($w > $text_width) {
                                 $text_width = $w;
                             $line_height = $char_height;
                             $text_height += $line_height + ($k < sizeof($text) - 1 ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0);
                     $text_width += 2 * $this->image_text_padding_x;
                     $text_height += 2 * $this->image_text_padding_y;
                     $text_x = 0;
                     $text_y = 0;
                     if (is_numeric($this->image_text_x)) {
                         if ($this->image_text_x < 0) {
                             $text_x = $this->image_dst_x - $text_width + $this->image_text_x;
                         } else {
                             $text_x = $this->image_text_x;
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 'r') !== false) {
                             $text_x = $this->image_dst_x - $text_width;
                         } else {
                             if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 'l') !== false) {
                                 $text_x = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $text_x = ($this->image_dst_x - $text_width) / 2;
                     if (is_numeric($this->image_text_y)) {
                         if ($this->image_text_y < 0) {
                             $text_y = $this->image_dst_y - $text_height + $this->image_text_y;
                         } else {
                             $text_y = $this->image_text_y;
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 'b') !== false) {
                             $text_y = $this->image_dst_y - $text_height;
                         } else {
                             if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 't') !== false) {
                                 $text_y = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $text_y = ($this->image_dst_y - $text_height) / 2;
                     // add a background, maybe transparent
                     if (!empty($this->image_text_background)) {
                         sscanf($this->image_text_background, "#%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue);
                         if ($gd_version >= 2 && is_numeric($this->image_text_background_percent) && $this->image_text_background_percent >= 0 && $this->image_text_background_percent <= 100) {
                             $filter = imagecreatetruecolor($text_width, $text_height);
                             $background_color = imagecolorallocate($filter, $red, $green, $blue);
                             imagefilledrectangle($filter, 0, 0, $text_width, $text_height, $background_color);
                             imagecopymerge($image_dst, $filter, $text_x, $text_y, 0, 0, $text_width, $text_height, $this->image_text_background_percent);
                         } else {
                             $background_color = imageColorAllocate($image_dst, $red, $green, $blue);
                             imagefilledrectangle($image_dst, $text_x, $text_y, $text_x + $text_width, $text_y + $text_height, $background_color);
                     $text_x += $this->image_text_padding_x;
                     $text_y += $this->image_text_padding_y;
                     $t_width = $text_width - 2 * $this->image_text_padding_x;
                     $t_height = $text_height - 2 * $this->image_text_padding_y;
                     sscanf($this->image_text_color, "#%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue);
                     // add the text, maybe transparent
                     if ($gd_version >= 2 && is_numeric($this->image_text_percent) && $this->image_text_percent >= 0 && $this->image_text_percent <= 100) {
                         if ($t_width < 0) {
                             $t_width = 0;
                         if ($t_height < 0) {
                             $t_height = 0;
                         $filter = imagecreatetruecolor($t_width, $t_height);
                         $color = imagecolorallocate($filter, 0, 0, $blue == 0 ? 255 : 0);
                         imagefill($filter, 0, 0, $color);
                         $text_color = imagecolorallocate($filter, $red, $green, $blue);
                         imagecolortransparent($filter, $color);
                         foreach ($text as $k => $v) {
                             if ($this->image_text_direction == 'v') {
                                 imagestringup($filter, $this->image_text_font, $k * ($line_width + ($k > 0 && $k < sizeof($text) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)), $text_height - 2 * $this->image_text_padding_y - ($this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : ($t_height - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2)), $v, $text_color);
                             } else {
                                 imagestring($filter, $this->image_text_font, $this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : ($t_width - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2), $k * ($line_height + ($k > 0 && $k < sizeof($text) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)), $v, $text_color);
                         imagecopymerge($image_dst, $filter, $text_x, $text_y, 0, 0, $t_width, $t_height, $this->image_text_percent);
                     } else {
                         $text_color = imageColorAllocate($image_dst, $red, $green, $blue);
                         foreach ($text as $k => $v) {
                             if ($this->image_text_direction == 'v') {
                                 imagestringup($image_dst, $this->image_text_font, $text_x + $k * ($line_width + ($k > 0 && $k < sizeof($text) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)), $text_y + $text_height - 2 * $this->image_text_padding_y - ($this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : ($t_height - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2)), $v, $text_color);
                             } else {
                                 imagestring($image_dst, $this->image_text_font, $text_x + ($this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : ($t_width - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2)), $text_y + $k * ($line_height + ($k > 0 && $k < sizeof($text) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)), $v, $text_color);
                 // add a reflection
                 if ($this->image_reflection_height) {
                     $this->log .= '- ' . _("add reflection") . ' : ' . $this->image_reflection_height . '<br />';
                     // we decode image_reflection_height, which can be a integer, a string in pixels or percentage
                     $image_reflection_height = $this->image_reflection_height;
                     if (strpos($image_reflection_height, '%') > 0) {
                         $image_reflection_height = $this->image_dst_y * str_replace('%', '', $image_reflection_height / 100);
                     if (strpos($image_reflection_height, 'px') > 0) {
                         $image_reflection_height = str_replace('px', '', $image_reflection_height);
                     $image_reflection_height = (int) $image_reflection_height;
                     if ($image_reflection_height > $this->image_dst_y) {
                         $image_reflection_height = $this->image_dst_y;
                     if (empty($this->image_reflection_color)) {
                         $this->image_reflection_color = '#FFFFFF';
                     if (empty($this->image_reflection_opacity)) {
                         $this->image_reflection_opacity = 60;
                     // create the new destination image
                     $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y + $image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space);
                     sscanf($this->image_reflection_color, "#%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue);
                     $color = imagecolorallocate($tmp, $red, $green, $blue);
                     imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y + $image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space, $color);
                     $transparency = $this->image_reflection_opacity;
                     // copy the original image
                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y + ($this->image_reflection_space < 0 ? $this->image_reflection_space : 0));
                     // copy the reflection
                     for ($y = 0; $y < $image_reflection_height; $y++) {
                         imagecopymerge($tmp, $image_dst, 0, $y + $this->image_dst_y + $this->image_reflection_space, 0, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1 + ($this->image_reflection_space < 0 ? $this->image_reflection_space : 0), $this->image_dst_x, 1, (int) $transparency);
                         if ($transparency > 0) {
                             $transparency = $transparency - $this->image_reflection_opacity / $image_reflection_height;
                     // copy the resulting image into the destination image
                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y + $image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space;
                     $image_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     imagecopy($image_dst, $tmp, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                 if (is_numeric($this->jpeg_size) && $this->jpeg_size > 0 && ($this->image_convert == 'jpeg' || $this->image_convert == 'jpg')) {
                     // inspired by: JPEGReducer class version 1, 25 November 2004, Author: Huda M ElMatsani, justhuda at netscape dot net
                     $this->log .= '- ' . _("JPEG desired file size") . ' : ' . $this->jpeg_size . '<br />';
                     //calculate size of each image. 75%, 50%, and 25% quality
                     imagejpeg($image_dst, '', 75);
                     $buffer = ob_get_contents();
                     $size75 = strlen($buffer);
                     imagejpeg($image_dst, '', 50);
                     $buffer = ob_get_contents();
                     $size50 = strlen($buffer);
                     imagejpeg($image_dst, '', 25);
                     $buffer = ob_get_contents();
                     $size25 = strlen($buffer);
                     //calculate gradient of size reduction by quality
                     $mgrad1 = 25 / ($size50 - $size25);
                     $mgrad2 = 25 / ($size75 - $size50);
                     $mgrad3 = 50 / ($size75 - $size25);
                     $mgrad = ($mgrad1 + $mgrad2 + $mgrad3) / 3;
                     //result of approx. quality factor for expected size
                     $q_factor = round($mgrad * ($this->jpeg_size - $size50) + 50);
                     if ($q_factor < 1) {
                         $this->jpeg_quality = 1;
                     } elseif ($q_factor > 100) {
                         $this->jpeg_quality = 100;
                     } else {
                         $this->jpeg_quality = $q_factor;
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("JPEG quality factor set to") . ' ' . $this->jpeg_quality . '<br />';
                 // outputs image
                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("converting..") . '<br />';
                 switch ($this->image_convert) {
                     case 'jpeg':
                     case 'jpg':
                         $result = @imagejpeg($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname, $this->jpeg_quality);
                         if (!$result) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = _("No JPEG create support");
                         } else {
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("JPEG image created") . '<br />';
                     case 'png':
                         $result = @imagepng($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname);
                         if (!$result) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = _("No PNG create support");
                         } else {
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("PNG image created") . '<br />';
                     case 'gif':
                         $result = @imagegif($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname);
                         if (!$result) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = _("No GIF create support");
                         } else {
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("GIF image created") . '<br />';
                         $this->processed = false;
                         $this->error = _("No convertion type defined");
                 if ($this->processed) {
                     if (is_resource($image_src)) {
                     if (is_resource($image_dst)) {
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . _("image objects destroyed") . '<br />';
             if ($has_temp_file) {
                 $this->log .= '- ' . _("deletes temporary file") . '<br />';
         } else {
             $this->log .= '- ' . _("no image processing wanted") . '<br />';
             if (!$this->no_upload_check) {
                 $result = is_uploaded_file($this->file_src_pathname);
             } else {
                 $result = TRUE;
             if ($result) {
                 if (!$this->no_upload_check) {
                     if (!move_uploaded_file($this->file_src_pathname, $this->file_dst_pathname)) {
                         $this->processed = false;
                         $this->error = _("Error copying file on the server. move_uploaded_file() failed");
                 } else {
                     if (!copy($this->file_src_pathname, $this->file_dst_pathname)) {
                         $this->processed = false;
                         $this->error = _("Error copying file on the server. copy() failed");
             } else {
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = _("Error copying file on the server. Incorrect source file");
     if ($this->processed) {
         $this->log .= '- <b>' . _("process OK") . '</b><br />';
     // we reinit all the var
Esempio n. 16
  * Draw the CAPTCHA code over the image
  * @access private
 function drawWord()
     if ($this->use_gd_font == true) {
         if (!is_int($this->gd_font_file)) {
             //is a file name
             $font = @imageloadfont($this->gd_font_file);
             if ($font == false) {
                 trigger_error("Failed to load GD Font file {$this->gd_font_file} ", E_USER_WARNING);
         } else {
             //gd font identifier
             $font = $this->gd_font_file;
         $color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 5, 2)));
         imagestring($this->im, $font, $this->text_x_start, $this->image_height / 2 - $this->gd_font_size / 2, $this->code, $color);
     } else {
         //ttf font
         if ($this->use_transparent_text == true) {
             $alpha = intval($this->text_transparency_percentage / 100 * 127);
             $font_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 5, 2)), $alpha);
         } else {
             //no transparency
             $font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 5, 2)));
         $x = $this->text_x_start;
         $strlen = strlen($this->code);
         $y_min = $this->image_height / 2 + $this->font_size / 2 - 2;
         $y_max = $this->image_height / 2 + $this->font_size / 2 + 2;
         $colors = explode(',', $this->multi_text_color);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; ++$i) {
             $angle = rand($this->text_angle_minimum, $this->text_angle_maximum);
             $y = rand($y_min, $y_max);
             if ($this->use_multi_text == true) {
                 $idx = rand(0, sizeof($colors) - 1);
                 $r = substr($colors[$idx], 1, 2);
                 $g = substr($colors[$idx], 3, 2);
                 $b = substr($colors[$idx], 5, 2);
                 if ($this->use_transparent_text == true) {
                     $font_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im, "0x{$r}", "0x{$g}", "0x{$b}", $alpha);
                 } else {
                     $font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, "0x{$r}", "0x{$g}", "0x{$b}");
             @imagettftext($this->im, $this->font_size, $angle, $x, $y, $font_color, $this->ttf_file, $this->code[$i]);
             $x += rand($this->text_minimum_distance, $this->text_maximum_distance);
         //for loop
     //else ttf font
Esempio n. 17
  * Draw the CAPTCHA code over the image
  * @access private
 function drawWord()
     if ($this->use_gd_font == true) {
         if (!is_int($this->gd_font_file)) {
             //is a file name
             $font = @imageloadfont($this->gd_font_file);
             if ($font == false) {
                 trigger_error("Failed to load GD Font file {$this->gd_font_file} ", E_USER_WARNING);
         } else {
             //gd font identifier
             $font = $this->gd_font_file;
         $color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 5, 2)));
         imagestring($this->im, $font, $this->text_x_start, $this->image_height / 2 - $this->gd_font_size / 2, $this->code, $color);
     } else {
         //ttf font
         if ($this->use_transparent_text == true) {
             $alpha = intval($this->text_transparency_percentage / 100 * 127);
             $font_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 5, 2)), $alpha);
         } else {
             //no transparency
             $font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->text_color, 5, 2)));
         $x = $this->text_x_start;
         $strlen = strlen($this->code);
         $y_min = $this->image_height / 2 + $this->font_size / 2 - 2;
         $y_max = $this->image_height / 2 + $this->font_size / 2 + 2;
         $colors = explode(',', $this->multi_text_color);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; ++$i) {
             $angle = rand($this->text_angle_minimum, $this->text_angle_maximum);
             $y = rand($y_min, $y_max);
             if ($this->use_multi_text == true) {
                 $idx = rand(0, sizeof($colors) - 1);
                 $r = substr($colors[$idx], 1, 2);
                 $g = substr($colors[$idx], 3, 2);
                 $b = substr($colors[$idx], 5, 2);
                 if ($this->use_transparent_text == true) {
                     $font_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->im, "0x{$r}", "0x{$g}", "0x{$b}", $alpha);
                 } else {
                     $font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, "0x{$r}", "0x{$g}", "0x{$b}");
             /* Will check if the FreeType library is loaded, if not, use the default PHP fonts.
              * @customized by ATutor, Harris Wong
             if (function_exists('imagettftext')) {
                 @imagettftext($this->im, $this->font_size, $angle, $x, $y, $font_color, $this->ttf_file, $this->code[$i]);
             } else {
                 $this->arc_linethrough = false;
                 //no arcline then,too hard to see with the built in fonts and limited size
                 imagestring($this->im, 5, $x, $y - 15, $this->code[$i], $font_color);
             $x += rand($this->text_minimum_distance, $this->text_maximum_distance);
         //for loop
     //else ttf font
Esempio n. 18
function showCodeImage($code)
    global $settings, $user_info, $modSettings;
    	Note: The higher the value of visual_verification_type the harder the verification is - from 0 as disabled through to 4 as "Very hard".
    // What type are we going to be doing?
    $imageType = $modSettings['visual_verification_type'];
    // Special case to allow the admin center to show samples.
    if ($user_info['is_admin'] && isset($_GET['type'])) {
        $imageType = (int) $_GET['type'];
    // Some quick references for what we do.
    // Do we show no, low or high noise?
    $noiseType = $imageType == 3 ? 'low' : ($imageType == 4 ? 'high' : ($imageType == 5 ? 'extreme' : 'none'));
    // Can we have more than one font in use?
    $varyFonts = $imageType > 3 ? true : false;
    // Just a plain white background?
    $simpleBGColor = $imageType < 3 ? true : false;
    // Plain black foreground?
    $simpleFGColor = $imageType == 0 ? true : false;
    // High much to rotate each character.
    $rotationType = $imageType == 1 ? 'none' : ($imageType > 3 ? 'low' : 'high');
    // Do we show some characters inversed?
    $showReverseChars = $imageType > 3 ? true : false;
    // Special case for not showing any characters.
    $disableChars = $imageType == 0 ? true : false;
    // What do we do with the font colors. Are they one color, close to one color or random?
    $fontColorType = $imageType == 1 ? 'plain' : ($imageType > 3 ? 'random' : 'cyclic');
    // Are the fonts random sizes?
    $fontSizeRandom = $imageType > 3 ? true : false;
    // How much space between characters?
    $fontHorSpace = $imageType > 3 ? 'high' : ($imageType == 1 ? 'medium' : 'minus');
    // Where do characters sit on the image? (Fixed position or random/very random)
    $fontVerPos = $imageType == 1 ? 'fixed' : ($imageType > 3 ? 'vrandom' : 'random');
    // Make font semi-transparent?
    $fontTrans = $imageType == 2 || $imageType == 3 ? true : false;
    // Give the image a border?
    $hasBorder = $simpleBGColor;
    // Is this GD2? Needed for pixel size.
    $testGD = get_extension_funcs('gd');
    $gd2 = in_array('imagecreatetruecolor', $testGD) && function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor');
    // The amount of pixels inbetween characters.
    $character_spacing = 1;
    // What color is the background - generally white unless we're on "hard".
    if ($simpleBGColor) {
        $background_color = array(255, 255, 255);
    } else {
        $background_color = isset($settings['verification_background']) ? $settings['verification_background'] : array(236, 237, 243);
    // The color of the characters shown (red, green, blue).
    if ($simpleFGColor) {
        $foreground_color = array(0, 0, 0);
    } else {
        $foreground_color = array(64, 101, 136);
        // Has the theme author requested a custom color?
        if (isset($settings['verification_foreground'])) {
            $foreground_color = $settings['verification_foreground'];
    if (!is_dir($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts')) {
        return false;
    // Get a list of the available fonts.
    $font_dir = dir($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts');
    $font_list = array();
    $ttfont_list = array();
    while ($entry = $font_dir->read()) {
        if (preg_match('~^(.+)\\.gdf$~', $entry, $matches) === 1) {
            $font_list[] = $entry;
        } elseif (preg_match('~^(.+)\\.ttf$~', $entry, $matches) === 1) {
            $ttfont_list[] = $entry;
    if (empty($font_list)) {
        return false;
    // For non-hard things don't even change fonts.
    if (!$varyFonts) {
        $font_list = array($font_list[0]);
        // Try use Screenge if we can - it looks good!
        if (in_array('Screenge.ttf', $ttfont_list)) {
            $ttfont_list = array('Screenge.ttf');
        } else {
            $ttfont_list = empty($ttfont_list) ? array() : array($ttfont_list[0]);
    // Create a list of characters to be shown.
    $characters = array();
    $loaded_fonts = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($code); $i++) {
        $characters[$i] = array('id' => $code[$i], 'font' => array_rand($font_list));
        $loaded_fonts[$characters[$i]['font']] = null;
    // Load all fonts and determine the maximum font height.
    foreach ($loaded_fonts as $font_index => $dummy) {
        $loaded_fonts[$font_index] = imageloadfont($settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts/' . $font_list[$font_index]);
    // Determine the dimensions of each character.
    $total_width = $character_spacing * strlen($code) + 20;
    $max_height = 0;
    foreach ($characters as $char_index => $character) {
        $characters[$char_index]['width'] = imagefontwidth($loaded_fonts[$character['font']]);
        $characters[$char_index]['height'] = imagefontheight($loaded_fonts[$character['font']]);
        $max_height = max($characters[$char_index]['height'] + 5, $max_height);
        $total_width += $characters[$char_index]['width'];
    // Create an image.
    $code_image = $gd2 ? imagecreatetruecolor($total_width, $max_height) : imagecreate($total_width, $max_height);
    // Draw the background.
    $bg_color = imagecolorallocate($code_image, $background_color[0], $background_color[1], $background_color[2]);
    imagefilledrectangle($code_image, 0, 0, $total_width - 1, $max_height - 1, $bg_color);
    // Randomize the foreground color a little.
    for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
        $foreground_color[$i] = mt_rand(max($foreground_color[$i] - 3, 0), min($foreground_color[$i] + 3, 255));
    $fg_color = imagecolorallocate($code_image, $foreground_color[0], $foreground_color[1], $foreground_color[2]);
    // Color for the dots.
    for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
        $dotbgcolor[$i] = $background_color[$i] < $foreground_color[$i] ? mt_rand(0, max($foreground_color[$i] - 20, 0)) : mt_rand(min($foreground_color[$i] + 20, 255), 255);
    $randomness_color = imagecolorallocate($code_image, $dotbgcolor[0], $dotbgcolor[1], $dotbgcolor[2]);
    // Some squares/rectanges for new extreme level
    if ($noiseType == 'extreme') {
        for ($i = 0; $i < rand(1, 5); $i++) {
            $x1 = rand(0, $total_width / 4);
            $x2 = $x1 + round(rand($total_width / 4, $total_width));
            $y1 = rand(0, $max_height);
            $y2 = $y1 + round(rand(0, $max_height / 3));
            imagefilledrectangle($code_image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, mt_rand(0, 1) ? $fg_color : $randomness_color);
    // Fill in the characters.
    if (!$disableChars) {
        $cur_x = 0;
        foreach ($characters as $char_index => $character) {
            // Can we use true type fonts?
            $can_do_ttf = function_exists('imagettftext');
            // How much rotation will we give?
            if ($rotationType == 'none') {
                $angle = 0;
            } else {
                $angle = mt_rand(-100, 100) / ($rotationType == 'high' ? 6 : 10);
            // What color shall we do it?
            if ($fontColorType == 'cyclic') {
                // Here we'll pick from a set of acceptance types.
                $colors = array(array(10, 120, 95), array(46, 81, 29), array(4, 22, 154), array(131, 9, 130), array(0, 0, 0), array(143, 39, 31));
                if (!isset($last_index)) {
                    $last_index = -1;
                $new_index = $last_index;
                while ($last_index == $new_index) {
                    $new_index = mt_rand(0, count($colors) - 1);
                $char_fg_color = $colors[$new_index];
                $last_index = $new_index;
            } elseif ($fontColorType == 'random') {
                $char_fg_color = array(mt_rand(max($foreground_color[0] - 2, 0), $foreground_color[0]), mt_rand(max($foreground_color[1] - 2, 0), $foreground_color[1]), mt_rand(max($foreground_color[2] - 2, 0), $foreground_color[2]));
            } else {
                $char_fg_color = array($foreground_color[0], $foreground_color[1], $foreground_color[2]);
            if (!empty($can_do_ttf)) {
                // GD2 handles font size differently.
                if ($fontSizeRandom) {
                    $font_size = $gd2 ? mt_rand(17, 19) : mt_rand(18, 25);
                } else {
                    $font_size = $gd2 ? 18 : 24;
                // Work out the sizes - also fix the character width cause TTF not quite so wide!
                $font_x = $fontHorSpace == 'minus' && $cur_x > 0 ? $cur_x - 3 : $cur_x + 5;
                $font_y = $max_height - ($fontVerPos == 'vrandom' ? mt_rand(2, 8) : ($fontVerPos == 'random' ? mt_rand(3, 5) : 5));
                // What font face?
                if (!empty($ttfont_list)) {
                    $fontface = $settings['default_theme_dir'] . '/fonts/' . $ttfont_list[mt_rand(0, count($ttfont_list) - 1)];
                // What color are we to do it in?
                $is_reverse = $showReverseChars ? mt_rand(0, 1) : false;
                $char_color = function_exists('imagecolorallocatealpha') && $fontTrans ? imagecolorallocatealpha($code_image, $char_fg_color[0], $char_fg_color[1], $char_fg_color[2], 50) : imagecolorallocate($code_image, $char_fg_color[0], $char_fg_color[1], $char_fg_color[2]);
                $fontcord = @imagettftext($code_image, $font_size, $angle, $font_x, $font_y, $char_color, $fontface, $character['id']);
                if (empty($fontcord)) {
                    $can_do_ttf = false;
                } elseif ($is_reverse) {
                    imagefilledpolygon($code_image, $fontcord, 4, $fg_color);
                    // Put the character back!
                    imagettftext($code_image, $font_size, $angle, $font_x, $font_y, $randomness_color, $fontface, $character['id']);
                if ($can_do_ttf) {
                    $cur_x = max($fontcord[2], $fontcord[4]) + ($angle == 0 ? 0 : 3);
            if (!$can_do_ttf) {
                // Rotating the characters a little...
                if (function_exists('imagerotate')) {
                    $char_image = $gd2 ? imagecreatetruecolor($character['width'], $character['height']) : imagecreate($character['width'], $character['height']);
                    $char_bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($char_image, $background_color[0], $background_color[1], $background_color[2]);
                    imagefilledrectangle($char_image, 0, 0, $character['width'] - 1, $character['height'] - 1, $char_bgcolor);
                    imagechar($char_image, $loaded_fonts[$character['font']], 0, 0, $character['id'], imagecolorallocate($char_image, $char_fg_color[0], $char_fg_color[1], $char_fg_color[2]));
                    $rotated_char = imagerotate($char_image, mt_rand(-100, 100) / 10, $char_bgcolor);
                    imagecopy($code_image, $rotated_char, $cur_x, 0, 0, 0, $character['width'], $character['height']);
                } else {
                    imagechar($code_image, $loaded_fonts[$character['font']], $cur_x, floor(($max_height - $character['height']) / 2), $character['id'], imagecolorallocate($code_image, $char_fg_color[0], $char_fg_color[1], $char_fg_color[2]));
                $cur_x += $character['width'] + $character_spacing;
    } else {
        imageline($code_image, 0, 0, $total_width, $max_height, $fg_color);
        imageline($code_image, 0, $max_height, $total_width, 0, $fg_color);
    // Make the background color transparent on the hard image.
    if (!$simpleBGColor) {
        imagecolortransparent($code_image, $bg_color);
    if ($hasBorder) {
        imagerectangle($code_image, 0, 0, $total_width - 1, $max_height - 1, $fg_color);
    // Add some noise to the background?
    if ($noiseType != 'none') {
        for ($i = mt_rand(0, 2); $i < $max_height; $i += mt_rand(1, 2)) {
            for ($j = mt_rand(0, 10); $j < $total_width; $j += mt_rand(1, 10)) {
                imagesetpixel($code_image, $j, $i, mt_rand(0, 1) ? $fg_color : $randomness_color);
        // Put in some lines too?
        if ($noiseType != 'extreme') {
            $num_lines = $noiseType == 'high' ? mt_rand(3, 7) : mt_rand(2, 5);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_lines; $i++) {
                if (mt_rand(0, 1)) {
                    $x1 = mt_rand(0, $total_width);
                    $x2 = mt_rand(0, $total_width);
                    $y1 = 0;
                    $y2 = $max_height;
                } else {
                    $y1 = mt_rand(0, $max_height);
                    $y2 = mt_rand(0, $max_height);
                    $x1 = 0;
                    $x2 = $total_width;
                imagesetthickness($code_image, mt_rand(1, 2));
                imageline($code_image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, mt_rand(0, 1) ? $fg_color : $randomness_color);
        } else {
            // Put in some ellipse
            $num_ellipse = $noiseType == 'extreme' ? mt_rand(6, 12) : mt_rand(2, 6);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_ellipse; $i++) {
                $x1 = round(rand($total_width / 4 * -1, $total_width + $total_width / 4));
                $x2 = round(rand($total_width / 2, 2 * $total_width));
                $y1 = round(rand($max_height / 4 * -1, $max_height + $max_height / 4));
                $y2 = round(rand($max_height / 2, 2 * $max_height));
                imageellipse($code_image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, mt_rand(0, 1) ? $fg_color : $randomness_color);
    // Show the image.
    if (function_exists('imagegif')) {
        header('Content-type: image/gif');
    } else {
        header('Content-type: image/png');
    // Bail out.
Esempio n. 19
function marktpreise()
    // berechnet die marktpreise neu
    $select = "SELECT SUM( eisenmine ) AS ges FROM `gebauede`;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $eisen_gw = ($row['ges'] * 30 / 100 * ($row['ges'] * 5) + (40 + $row['ges'] * 30)) * 2;
    $select = "SELECT SUM( titanmine ) AS ges FROM `gebauede`;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $titan_gw = ($row['ges'] * 20 / 100 * ($row['ges'] * 5) + (20 + $row['ges'] * 20)) * 2;
    $select = "SELECT SUM( oelpumpe ) AS ges FROM `gebauede`;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $oel_gw = ($row['ges'] * 25 / 100 * ($row['ges'] * 5) + (32 + $row['ges'] * 25)) * 2;
    $select = "SELECT SUM( uranmine ) AS ges FROM `gebauede`;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $uran_gw = ($row['ges'] * 12 / 100 * ($row['ges'] * 5) + $row['ges'] * 12) * 2;
    $select = "SELECT einheit, SUM(menge) as ges FROM `markt` WHERE `type` = '0' AND `einheit` = '1' GROUP BY einheit;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $ges['eisen'] = $row['ges'] + $eisen_gw;
    $select = "SELECT einheit, SUM(menge) as ges FROM `markt` WHERE `type` = '0' AND `einheit` = '2' GROUP BY einheit;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $ges['titan'] = $row['ges'] + $titan_gw;
    $select = "SELECT einheit, SUM(menge) as ges FROM `markt` WHERE `type` = '0' AND `einheit` = '3' GROUP BY einheit;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $ges['oel'] = $row['ges'] + $oel_gw;
    $select = "SELECT einheit, SUM(menge) as ges FROM `markt` WHERE `type` = '0' AND `einheit` = '4' GROUP BY einheit;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $ges['uran'] = $row['ges'] + $uran_gw;
    $select = "SELECT einheit, SUM(menge) as ges FROM `markt` WHERE `type` = '1' AND `einheit` = '1' GROUP BY einheit;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $mges['eisen'] = $row['ges'] + $eisen_gw;
    $select = "SELECT einheit, SUM(menge) as ges FROM `markt` WHERE `type` = '1' AND `einheit` = '2' GROUP BY einheit;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $mges['titan'] = $row['ges'] + $titan_gw;
    $select = "SELECT einheit, SUM(menge) as ges FROM `markt` WHERE `type` = '1' AND `einheit` = '3' GROUP BY einheit;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $mges['oel'] = $row['ges'] + $oel_gw;
    $select = "SELECT einheit, SUM(menge) as ges FROM `markt` WHERE `type` = '1' AND `einheit` = '4' GROUP BY einheit;";
    $result = mysql_query($select);
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $mges['uran'] = $row['ges'] + $uran_gw;
    $ek['eisen'] = number_format(300 / 100 * $ges['eisen'] / (($ges['eisen'] + $mges['eisen']) / 100), 2);
    $vk['eisen'] = number_format(300 / 100 * $ges['eisen'] / (($ges['eisen'] + $mges['eisen']) / 100) / 2, 2);
    $ek['titan'] = number_format(400 / 100 * $ges['titan'] / (($ges['titan'] + $mges['titan']) / 100), 2);
    $vk['titan'] = number_format(400 / 100 * $ges['titan'] / (($ges['titan'] + $mges['titan']) / 100) / 2, 2);
    $ek['oel'] = number_format(350 / 100 * $ges['oel'] / (($ges['oel'] + $mges['oel']) / 100), 2);
    $vk['oel'] = number_format(350 / 100 * $ges['oel'] / (($ges['oel'] + $mges['oel']) / 100) / 2, 2);
    $ek['uran'] = number_format(500 / 100 * $ges['uran'] / (($ges['uran'] + $mges['uran']) / 100), 2);
    $vk['uran'] = number_format(500 / 100 * $ges['uran'] / (($ges['uran'] + $mges['uran']) / 100) / 2, 2);
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO `marktpreise` ( `id` , `time` , `ek_eisen` , `ek_oel` , `ek_titan` , `ek_uran` , `vk_eisen` , `vk_oel` , `vk_titan` , `vk_uran` ) VALUES ( '', '" . date('U') . "', '" . $ek['eisen'] . "', '" . $ek['oel'] . "', '" . $ek['titan'] . "', '" . $ek['uran'] . "', '" . $vk['eisen'] . "', '" . $vk['oel'] . "', '" . $vk['titan'] . "', '" . $vk['uran'] . "' );");
    $bild1 = imagecreatefromgif("img/graph.gif");
    $bild2 = imagecreatefromgif("img/graph.gif");
    $bild3 = imagecreatefromgif("img/graph.gif");
    $bild4 = imagecreatefromgif("img/graph.gif");
    $farbe = imagecolorallocate($bild1, 0, 0, 0);
    $font = imageloadfont('code/addlg10.gdf');
    imagestring($bild1, 10, 30, 230, 'Preisentwicklung Eisen ' . date('(d.m.Y - H:i)'), $farbe);
    imagestring($bild2, 10, 30, 230, 'Preisentwicklung Titan ' . date('(d.m.Y - H:i)'), $farbe);
    imagestring($bild3, 10, 40, 230, 'Preisentwicklung Oel ' . date('(d.m.Y - H:i)'), $farbe);
    imagestring($bild4, 10, 35, 230, 'Preisentwicklung Uran ' . date('(d.m.Y - H:i)'), $farbe);
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `marktpreise` GROUP BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0,42;");
    do {
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
        $y1 = number_format($row['ek_eisen'] / 2, 0, '', '');
        $y2 = number_format($row['ek_titan'] / 2, 0, '', '');
        $y3 = number_format($row['ek_oel'] / 2, 0, '', '');
        $y4 = number_format($row['ek_uran'] / 2, 0, '', '');
        if ($oldy1 != '') {
            imageline($bild1, 420 - $i * 10, 210 - $y1, 420 - ($i - 1) * 10, 210 - $oldy1, $farbe);
            imageline($bild2, 420 - $i * 10, 210 - $y2, 420 - ($i - 1) * 10, 210 - $oldy2, $farbe);
            imageline($bild3, 420 - $i * 10, 210 - $y3, 420 - ($i - 1) * 10, 210 - $oldy3, $farbe);
            imageline($bild4, 420 - $i * 10, 210 - $y4, 420 - ($i - 1) * 10, 210 - $oldy4, $farbe);
        $oldy1 = $y1;
        $oldy2 = $y2;
        $oldy3 = $y3;
        $oldy4 = $y4;
    } while ($row and $i < 41);
    imagepng($bild1, 'eisenstats.png');
    imagepng($bild2, 'titanstats.png');
    imagepng($bild3, 'oelstats.png');
    imagepng($bild4, 'uranstats.png');
Esempio n. 20
     return array(hexdec(substr($color, 0, 2)), hexdec(substr($color, 2, 2)), hexdec(substr($color, 4, 2)));
 for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
     if (is_array($var['line' . $i]['value_p'])) {
         $use_country = true;
         $_flag_xy = $flag_xy[$i];
         $_flag = $var['line' . $i]['value_p']['iso'];
         $var['line' . $i]['value_p'] = $var['line' . $i]['value_p']['name'];
 //create image
 $im = imagecreatetruecolor(150, 190);
 //load font
 $fonts = array(1 => 'msmincho.gdf', 2 => 'smallfont.gdf', 3 => 'visitort2.gdf');
 $font = imageloadfont("fonts/" . $fonts[$var['font']]);
 //define colors
 //border color
 list($br, $bg, $bb) = hex2rgb($var['bColor']);
 $bColor = imagecolorallocate($im, $br, $bg, $bb);
 //background color
 list($bgr, $bgg, $bgb) = hex2rgb($var['bgColor']);
 $bgColor = imagecolorallocate($im, $bgr, $bgg, $bgb);
 //font color
 list($fr, $fg, $fb) = hex2rgb($var['fontColor']);
 $fontColor = imagecolorallocate($im, $fr, $fg, $fb);
 //fill avatar body with the background color
 imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 150, 190, $bgColor);
 //draw border
 imagerectangle($im, 0, 0, 149, 189, $bColor);
 //add smile
Esempio n. 21

header("Content-type: image/png");
$captcha_image = imagecreatefrompng("counter/captcha.png");
$captcha_font = imageloadfont("counter/font.gdf");
$captcha_text = substr(md5(uniqid('')), -6, 6);
$_SESSION['captcha_session'] = $captcha_text;
$captcha_color = imagecolorallocate($captcha_image, 0, 0, 0);
imagestring($captcha_image, $captcha_font, 15, 5, $captcha_text, $captcha_color);
Esempio n. 22
 public function render($params = array())
     $roit1 = rand(1, 6);
     $font = dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'catcha_fonts' . DS . 'font' . $roit1 . '.ttf';
     $font = normalize_path($font, 0);
     if (function_exists('imagettftext')) {
         $text1 = mt_rand(100, 4500);
     } else {
         $text1 = mt_rand(100, 999);
     $text2 = mt_rand(2, 9);
     $roit = mt_rand(1, 5);
     $text = "{$text1}";
     $answ = $text1;
     $x = 100;
     $y = 20;
     $image = @imagecreate($x, 20) or die('Unable to render a CAPTCHA picture!');
     $tcol1z = rand(1, 150);
     $ttcol1z1 = rand(0, 150);
     $tcol1z11 = rand(0, 150);
     $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
     $gray = imagecolorallocate($image, 240, 240, 240);
     // $black = imagecolorallocate($image, $tcol1z, $ttcol1z1, $tcol1z11);
     $black = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
     $captcha_sid = 'captcha';
     if (isset($params['id'])) {
         $captcha_sid = 'captcha_' . $params['id'];
     } elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) {
         $captcha_sid = 'captcha_' . $_GET['id'];
     $old = mw()->user_manager->session_get('captcha');
     if ($old != false) {
         $old_array = mw()->user_manager->session_get('captcha_recent');
         if (!is_array($old_array)) {
             $old_array = array();
         array_unshift($old_array, $old);
         array_slice($old_array, 20);
         mw()->user_manager->session_set('captcha_recent', $old_array);
     $sess = mw()->user_manager->session_set($captcha_sid, $answ);
     $col1z = rand(200, 242);
     $col1z1 = rand(150, 242);
     $col1z11 = rand(150, 242);
     $color1 = imagecolorallocate($image, $col1z, $col1z1, $tcol1z11);
     $color2 = imagecolorallocate($image, $tcol1z - 1, $ttcol1z1 - 1, $tcol1z11 - 2);
     // imagefill($image, 0, 0, $color1);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $x; ++$i) {
         for ($j = 0; $j < $y; ++$j) {
             if (mt_rand(0, 20) < 10) {
                 //$coords = array(mt_rand(0, 10), mt_rand(0, 10), mt_rand(0, 10), mt_rand(0, 10), 5, 6);
                 $y21 = mt_rand(5, 20);
                 $this->captcha_vector($image, $x - mt_rand(0, 10), mt_rand(0, 10), mt_rand(0, 180), 200, $bgcolor);
                 //  imagesetpixel($image, $i, $j, $color2);
     $x1 = mt_rand(0, 5);
     $y1 = mt_rand(20, 22);
     $tsize = rand(13, 15);
     $pad = 2;
     // extra char spacing for text
     if (function_exists('imagettftext')) {
         imagettftext($image, $tsize, $roit, $x1, $y1, $black, $font, $text);
     } else {
         if (function_exists('imagestring')) {
             $font = mw_includes_path() . DS . 'admin' . DS . 'catcha_fonts' . DS . 'font' . $roit1 . '.gdf';
             $font = normalize_path($font, 0);
             $font = imageloadfont($font);
             imagestring($image, $font, 0, 0, $text, $black);
         } else {
     $s = 180;
     $e = 360;
     if (function_exists('imagefilter')) {
         $filter_img = rand(1, 6);
         switch ($filter_img) {
             case 1:
                 $gaussian = array(array(1.0, 2.0, 1.0), array(2.0, 4.0, 2.0), array(1.0, 2.0, 1.0));
                 imageconvolution($image, $gaussian, 16, 0);
                 // break;
             // break;
             case 3:
                 imagefilter($image, IMG_FILTER_PIXELATE, 1);
     $y21 = mt_rand(5, 20);
     $this->captcha_vector($image, $x, $y21 / 2, 180, 200, $bgcolor);
     $y21 = mt_rand(5, 20);
     $this->captcha_vector($image, $x, $y21 / 2, $col1z11, 200, $bgcolor);
     $y21 = mt_rand(5, 20);
     $this->captcha_vector($image, $x / 3, $y21 / 3, $col1z11, 200, $bgcolor);
     if (function_exists('imagestring')) {
         $this->captcha_vector($image, $x / 3, $y21 / 3, $col1z11, 200, $gray);
         imagestring($image, 0, $y21, 2, $text, $gray);
     //		$emboss = array(array(2, 0, 0), array(0, -1, 0), array(0, 0, -1));
     //		$embize = mt_rand(1, 4);
     header('Content-type: image/png');
     header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
     header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false);
     header('Pragma: no-cache');
     imagecolordeallocate($image, $bgcolor);
     imagecolordeallocate($image, $black);
Esempio n. 23
  * Draw the CAPTCHA code over the image
  * @access private
 function drawWord()
     $width2 = $this->image_width * $this->iscale;
     $height2 = $this->image_height * $this->iscale;
     if ($this->use_gd_font == true || !is_readable($this->ttf_file)) {
         if (!is_int($this->gd_font_file)) {
             //is a file name
             $font = @imageloadfont($this->gd_font_file);
             if ($font == false) {
                 trigger_error("Failed to load GD Font file {$this->gd_font_file} ", E_USER_WARNING);
         } else {
             //gd font identifier
             $font = $this->gd_font_file;
         imagestring($this->im, $font, $this->text_x_start, $this->image_height / 2 - $this->gd_font_size / 2, $this->code, $this->gdtextcolor);
     } else {
         //ttf font
         $font_size = $height2 * 0.35;
         $bb = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $this->ttf_file, $this->code);
         $tx = $bb[4] - $bb[0];
         $ty = $bb[5] - $bb[1];
         $x = floor($width2 / 2 - $tx / 2 - $bb[0]);
         $y = round($height2 / 2 - $ty / 2 - $bb[1]);
         $strlen = strlen($this->code);
         if (!is_array($this->multi_text_color)) {
             $this->use_multi_text = false;
         if ($this->use_multi_text == false && $this->text_angle_minimum == 0 && $this->text_angle_maximum == 0) {
             // no angled or multi-color characters
             imagettftext($this->tmpimg, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $this->gdtextcolor, $this->ttf_file, $this->code);
         } else {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; ++$i) {
                 $angle = rand($this->text_angle_minimum, $this->text_angle_maximum);
                 $y = rand($y - 5, $y + 5);
                 if ($this->use_multi_text == true) {
                     $font_color = $this->gdmulticolor[rand(0, sizeof($this->gdmulticolor) - 1)];
                 } else {
                     $font_color = $this->gdtextcolor;
                 $ch = $this->code[$i];
                 imagettftext($this->tmpimg, $font_size, $angle, $x, $y, $font_color, $this->ttf_file, $ch);
                 // estimate character widths to increment $x without creating spaces that are too large or too small
                 // these are best estimates to align text but may vary between fonts
                 // for optimal character widths, do not use multiple text colors or character angles and the complete string will be written by imagettftext
                 if (strpos('abcdeghknopqsuvxyz', $ch) !== false) {
                     $min_x = $font_size - $this->iscale * 6;
                     $max_x = $font_size - $this->iscale * 6;
                 } else {
                     if (strpos('ilI1', $ch) !== false) {
                         $min_x = $font_size / 5;
                         $max_x = $font_size / 3;
                     } else {
                         if (strpos('fjrt', $ch) !== false) {
                             $min_x = $font_size - $this->iscale * 12;
                             $max_x = $font_size - $this->iscale * 12;
                         } else {
                             if ($ch == 'wm') {
                                 $min_x = $font_size;
                                 $max_x = $font_size + $this->iscale * 3;
                             } else {
                                 // numbers, capitals or unicode
                                 $min_x = $font_size + $this->iscale * 2;
                                 $max_x = $font_size + $this->iscale * 5;
                 $x += rand($min_x, $max_x);
             //for loop
         // angled or multi-color
     //else ttf font
     //$this->im = $this->tmpimg;
Esempio n. 24
  * 生成验证码图像,返回 QView_Output 对象
  * $param string $code
  * @return QView_Output
 function generateImage($code)
     // 根据选项确定绘图选项
     $padding = intval($this->_options['padding']);
     if ($padding < 0) {
         $padding = 0;
     $color = $this->_options['color'];
     $bgcolor = $this->_options['bgcolor'];
     $border = $this->_options['border'];
     $bdcolor = $this->_options['bdcolor'];
     $float_pixel = intval($this->_options['float_pixel']);
     // 确定要使用的字体
     if (is_int($this->_options['font'])) {
         $font = intval($this->_options['font']);
         if ($font < 0 || $font > 5) {
             $font = 5;
     } else {
         $font = imageloadfont($this->_options['font']);
     // 确定字体宽度和高度
     $font_width = imagefontwidth($font);
     $font_height = imagefontheight($font);
     // 确定图像的宽度和高度
     $width = $font_width * strlen($code) + $padding * 2 + $border * 2 + 1;
     $height = $font_height + $padding * 2 + $border * 2 + 1 + $float_pixel;
     // 创建图像
     $img = imagecreate($width, $height);
     // 绘制边框
     if ($border) {
         list($r, $g, $b) = Helper_ImgCode::hex2rgb($bdcolor);
         $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b);
         imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, $width, $height, $color);
     // 绘制背景
     list($r, $g, $b) = Helper_ImgCode::hex2rgb($bgcolor);
     $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b);
     imagefilledrectangle($img, $border, $border, $width - $border - 1, $height - $border - 1, $color);
     // 绘制文字
     list($r, $g, $b) = Helper_ImgCode::hex2rgb($color);
     $color = imagecolorallocate($img, $r, $g, $b);
     for ($i = 0, $max = strlen($code); $i < $max; $i++) {
         imagestring($img, $font, $padding + $border + $font_width * $i, $padding + $border + mt_rand(0, $float_pixel), $code[$i], $color);
     $filename = 'imgcode-' . mt_rand();
     // 输出图像
     switch (strtolower($this->_options['image_type'])) {
         case 'png':
             $filename .= '.png';
             $mime = image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_PNG);
         case 'gif':
             $filename .= '.gif';
             $mime = image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_GIF);
         case 'jpg':
             $filename .= '.jpg';
             $mime = image_type_to_mime_type(IMAGETYPE_JPEG);
     $output = new QView_Output($filename, $mime, ob_get_clean());
     return $output;
Esempio n. 25
 protected function loadFontFile()
     $result = false;
     $fpath = false;
     $pA = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path());
     foreach ($pA as $path) {
         $fpath = $path . '/' . $this->font;
         if (file_exists($fpath)) {
             $result = true;
     if ($result === false) {
         throw new BuildException(self::thisName . ': invalid font file.');
     $this->font = imageloadfont($fpath);
Esempio n. 26
                imageline($image, mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), $noise_color);
        if ($ttf_supported) {
            $textbox = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $font, $code);
            $x = ($width - $textbox[4]) / 2;
            $y = ($height - $textbox[5]) / 2;
            imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $text_color, $font, $code);
        } else {
            $x = 4;
            $y = 5;
            imagestring($image, $font_ballback, $x, $y, $code, $text_color);
        /* create textbox and add text*/
        $textbox = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $font, $code) or die('Error in imagettfbbox function');
        $x = ($width - $textbox[4]) / 2;
        $y = ($height - $textbox[5]) / 2;
        imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $text_color, $font, $code) or die('Error in imagettftext function');
        /*output captcha image to browser */
        header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
        $_SESSION['security_code'] = $code;
$width = 90;
$height = 30;
$characters = 6;
$font = KU_ROOTDIR . 'lib/fonts/monofont.ttf';
$font_fallback = imageloadfont(KU_ROOTDIR . 'lib/fonts/captchafont.gdf');
$captcha = new CaptchaSecurityImages($width, $height, $characters, $font);
Esempio n. 27
  *    captchaAction
  *    Create captcha
 public function captchaAction()
     // Set views layout to empty
     // generate code with 5 characters
     $security_code = $this->generateCode(5);
     // start session so user input can be compared to $security_code
     $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('registration');
     $session->security_code = md5($security_code);
     // Set the image width and height
     $width = 150;
     $height = 48;
     // Create the image resource
     $image = ImageCreate($width, $height);
     // Set the font
     $font = imageloadfont("images/anonymous.gdf");
     // define colors used in image
     $white = ImageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
     $blue = ImageColorAllocate($image, 51, 102, 153);
     $green = ImageColorAllocate($image, 112, 191, 12);
     $black = ImageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
     $grey = ImageColorAllocate($image, 150, 150, 150);
     //Make the background blue
     ImageFill($image, 0, 0, $blue);
     //Generate random(ish) position for image text
     $text_x = mt_rand(-2, 30);
     $text_y = mt_rand(-2, 10);
     //Add randomly generated string in white to the image
     ImageString($image, $font, $text_x, $text_y, strtoupper($security_code), $white);
     //Throw in some lines to make it a little bit harder for any bots to break
     $s = $width * $height / 500;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $s; $i++) {
         imageline($image, mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), mt_rand(0, $width), mt_rand(0, $height), $grey);
     // end for
     // borders for captcha; syntax is (image, Xstart, Ystart, Xend, Yend, color)
     imageline($image, 0,        0,          $width,     0,          $blue); //topl-topr
     imageline($image, 0,        $height-1,  $width,     $height-1,  $blue); //btml-btmr
     imageline($image, 0,        0,          0,          $height,    $blue); //topl-btml
     imageline($image, $width-1, 0,          $width-1,   $height,    $blue); //topr-btmr
     $this->view->image = $image;
Esempio n. 28
  * Actually uploads the file, and act on it according to the set processing class variables
  * This function copies the uploaded file to the given location, eventually performing actions on it.
  * Typically, you can call {@link process} several times for the same file,
  * for instance to create a resized image and a thumbnail of the same file.
  * The original uploaded file remains intact in its temporary location, so you can use {@link process} several times.
  * You will be able to delete the uploaded file with {@link clean} when you have finished all your {@link process} calls.
  * According to the processing class variables set in the calling file, the file can be renamed,
  * and if it is an image, can be resized or converted.
  * When the processing is completed, and the file copied to its new location, the
  * processing class variables will be reset to their default value.
  * This allows you to set new properties, and perform another {@link process} on the same uploaded file
  * If the function is called with a null or empty argument, then it will return the content of the picture
  * It will set {@link processed} (and {@link error} is an error occurred)
  * @access public
  * @param  string $server_path Optional path location of the uploaded file, with an ending slash
  * @return string Optional content of the image
 function process($server_path = null)
     $this->error = '';
     $this->processed = true;
     $return_mode = false;
     $return_content = null;
     // clean up dst variables
     $this->file_dst_path = '';
     $this->file_dst_pathname = '';
     $this->file_dst_name = '';
     $this->file_dst_name_body = '';
     $this->file_dst_name_ext = '';
     if (!$this->uploaded) {
         $this->error = $this->translate('file_not_uploaded');
         $this->processed = false;
     if ($this->processed) {
         if (empty($server_path) || is_null($server_path)) {
             $this->log .= '<b>process file and return the content</b><br />';
             $return_mode = true;
         } else {
             if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'win') {
                 if (substr($server_path, -1, 1) != '\\') {
                     $server_path = $server_path . '\\';
             } else {
                 if (substr($server_path, -1, 1) != '/') {
                     $server_path = $server_path . '/';
             $this->log .= '<b>process file to ' . $server_path . '</b><br />';
     if ($this->processed) {
         // checks file max size
         if ($this->file_src_size > $this->file_max_size) {
             $this->processed = false;
             $this->error = $this->translate('file_too_big');
         } else {
             $this->log .= '- file size OK<br />';
     if ($this->processed) {
         // if we have an image without extension, set it
         if ($this->file_is_image && !$this->file_src_name_ext_) {
             $this->file_src_name_ext = $this->file_src_name_ext_ = $this->image_src_type;
         // turn dangerous scripts into text files
         if ($this->no_script) {
             if ((substr($this->file_src_mime, 0, 5) == 'text/' && $this->file_src_mime != 'text/rtf' || strpos($this->file_src_mime, 'javascript') !== false) && substr($this->file_src_name, -4) != '.txt' || preg_match('/\\.(php|pl|py|cgi|asp|js)$/i', $this->file_src_name) || empty($this->file_src_name_ext_)) {
                 $this->file_src_mime = 'text/plain';
                 $this->log .= '- script ' . $this->file_src_name . ' renamed as ' . $this->file_src_name . '.txt!<br />';
                 $this->file_src_name_ext = $this->file_src_name_ext_ . (empty($this->file_src_name_ext_) ? 'txt' : '.txt');
         if ($this->mime_check && empty($this->file_src_mime)) {
             $this->processed = false;
             $this->error = $this->translate('no_mime');
         } else {
             if ($this->mime_check && !empty($this->file_src_mime) && strpos($this->file_src_mime, '/') !== false) {
                 list($m1, $m2) = explode('/', $this->file_src_mime);
                 $allowed = false;
                 // check wether the mime type is allowed
                 foreach ($this->allowed as $k => $v) {
                     list($v1, $v2) = explode('/', $v);
                     if ($v1 == '*' && $v2 == '*' || $v1 == $m1 && ($v2 == $m2 || $v2 == '*')) {
                         $allowed = true;
                 // check wether the mime type is forbidden
                 foreach ($this->forbidden as $k => $v) {
                     list($v1, $v2) = explode('/', $v);
                     if ($v1 == '*' && $v2 == '*' || $v1 == $m1 && ($v2 == $m2 || $v2 == '*')) {
                         $allowed = false;
                 if (!$allowed) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('incorrect_file');
                 } else {
                     $this->log .= '- file mime OK : ' . $this->file_src_mime . '<br />';
             } else {
                 $this->log .= '- file mime (not checked) : ' . $this->file_src_mime . '<br />';
         // if the file is an image, we can check on its dimensions
         // these checks are not available if open_basedir restrictions are in place
         if ($this->file_is_image) {
             if (is_numeric($this->image_src_x) && is_numeric($this->image_src_y)) {
                 $ratio = $this->image_src_x / $this->image_src_y;
                 if (!is_null($this->image_max_width) && $this->image_src_x > $this->image_max_width) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('image_too_wide');
                 if (!is_null($this->image_min_width) && $this->image_src_x < $this->image_min_width) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('image_too_narrow');
                 if (!is_null($this->image_max_height) && $this->image_src_y > $this->image_max_height) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('image_too_high');
                 if (!is_null($this->image_min_height) && $this->image_src_y < $this->image_min_height) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('image_too_short');
                 if (!is_null($this->image_max_ratio) && $ratio > $this->image_max_ratio) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('ratio_too_high');
                 if (!is_null($this->image_min_ratio) && $ratio < $this->image_min_ratio) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('ratio_too_low');
                 if (!is_null($this->image_max_pixels) && $this->image_src_pixels > $this->image_max_pixels) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('too_many_pixels');
                 if (!is_null($this->image_min_pixels) && $this->image_src_pixels < $this->image_min_pixels) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('not_enough_pixels');
             } else {
                 $this->log .= '- no image properties available, can\'t enforce dimension checks : ' . $this->file_src_mime . '<br />';
     if ($this->processed) {
         $this->file_dst_path = $server_path;
         // repopulate dst variables from src
         $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_src_name;
         $this->file_dst_name_body = $this->file_src_name_body;
         $this->file_dst_name_ext = $this->file_src_name_ext;
         if ($this->file_overwrite) {
             $this->file_auto_rename = false;
         if ($this->image_convert != '') {
             // if we convert as an image
             $this->file_dst_name_ext = $this->image_convert;
             $this->log .= '- new file name ext : ' . $this->image_convert . '<br />';
         if ($this->file_new_name_body != '') {
             // rename file body
             $this->file_dst_name_body = $this->file_new_name_body;
             $this->log .= '- new file name body : ' . $this->file_new_name_body . '<br />';
         if ($this->file_new_name_ext != '') {
             // rename file ext
             $this->file_dst_name_ext = $this->file_new_name_ext;
             $this->log .= '- new file name ext : ' . $this->file_new_name_ext . '<br />';
         if ($this->file_name_body_add != '') {
             // append a string to the name
             $this->file_dst_name_body = $this->file_dst_name_body . $this->file_name_body_add;
             $this->log .= '- file name body append : ' . $this->file_name_body_add . '<br />';
         if ($this->file_name_body_pre != '') {
             // prepend a string to the name
             $this->file_dst_name_body = $this->file_name_body_pre . $this->file_dst_name_body;
             $this->log .= '- file name body prepend : ' . $this->file_name_body_pre . '<br />';
         if ($this->file_safe_name) {
             // formats the name
             $this->file_dst_name_body = str_replace(array(' ', '-'), array('_', '_'), $this->file_dst_name_body);
             $this->file_dst_name_body = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '', $this->file_dst_name_body);
             $this->log .= '- file name safe format<br />';
         $this->log .= '- destination variables<br />';
         if (empty($this->file_dst_path) || is_null($this->file_dst_path)) {
             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_path         : n/a<br />';
         } else {
             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_path         : ' . $this->file_dst_path . '<br />';
         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_name_body    : ' . $this->file_dst_name_body . '<br />';
         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_name_ext     : ' . $this->file_dst_name_ext . '<br />';
         // do we do some image manipulation?
         $image_manipulation = $this->file_is_image && ($this->image_resize || $this->image_convert != '' || is_numeric($this->image_brightness) || is_numeric($this->image_contrast) || is_numeric($this->image_threshold) || !empty($this->image_tint_color) || !empty($this->image_overlay_color) || $this->image_unsharp || !empty($this->image_text) || $this->image_greyscale || $this->image_negative || !empty($this->image_watermark) || is_numeric($this->image_rotate) || is_numeric($this->jpeg_size) || !empty($this->image_flip) || !empty($this->image_crop) || !empty($this->image_precrop) || !empty($this->image_border) || $this->image_frame > 0 || $this->image_bevel > 0 || $this->image_reflection_height);
         if ($image_manipulation) {
             if ($this->image_convert == '') {
                 $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . (!empty($this->file_dst_name_ext) ? '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext : '');
                 $this->log .= '- image operation, keep extension<br />';
             } else {
                 $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . '.' . $this->image_convert;
                 $this->log .= '- image operation, change extension for conversion type<br />';
         } else {
             $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . (!empty($this->file_dst_name_ext) ? '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext : '');
             $this->log .= '- no image operation, keep extension<br />';
         if (!$return_mode) {
             if (!$this->file_auto_rename) {
                 $this->log .= '- no auto_rename if same filename exists<br />';
                 $this->file_dst_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $this->file_dst_name;
             } else {
                 $this->log .= '- checking for auto_rename<br />';
                 $this->file_dst_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $this->file_dst_name;
                 $body = $this->file_dst_name_body;
                 $cpt = 1;
                 while (@file_exists($this->file_dst_pathname)) {
                     $this->file_dst_name_body = $body . '_' . $cpt;
                     $this->file_dst_name = $this->file_dst_name_body . (!empty($this->file_dst_name_ext) ? '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext : '');
                     $this->file_dst_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $this->file_dst_name;
                 if ($cpt > 1) {
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;auto_rename to ' . $this->file_dst_name . '<br />';
             $this->log .= '- destination file details<br />';
             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_name         : ' . $this->file_dst_name . '<br />';
             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;file_dst_pathname     : ' . $this->file_dst_pathname . '<br />';
             if ($this->file_overwrite) {
                 $this->log .= '- no overwrite checking<br />';
             } else {
                 if (@file_exists($this->file_dst_pathname)) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('already_exists', array($this->file_dst_name));
                 } else {
                     $this->log .= '- ' . $this->file_dst_name . ' doesn\'t exist already<br />';
     if ($this->processed) {
         // if we have already moved the uploaded file, we use the temporary copy as source file, and check if it exists
         if (!empty($this->file_src_temp)) {
             $this->log .= '- use the temp file instead of the original file since it is a second process<br />';
             $this->file_src_pathname = $this->file_src_temp;
             if (!file_exists($this->file_src_pathname)) {
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = $this->translate('temp_file_missing');
             // if we haven't a temp file, and that we do check on uploads, we use is_uploaded_file()
         } else {
             if (!$this->no_upload_check) {
                 if (!is_uploaded_file($this->file_src_pathname)) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('source_missing');
                 // otherwise, if we don't check on uploaded files (local file for instance), we use file_exists()
             } else {
                 if (!file_exists($this->file_src_pathname)) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('source_missing');
         // checks if the destination directory exists, and attempt to create it
         if (!$return_mode) {
             if ($this->processed && !file_exists($this->file_dst_path)) {
                 if ($this->dir_auto_create) {
                     $this->log .= '- ' . $this->file_dst_path . ' doesn\'t exist. Attempting creation:';
                     if (!$this->rmkdir($this->file_dst_path, $this->dir_chmod)) {
                         $this->log .= ' failed<br />';
                         $this->processed = false;
                         $this->error = $this->translate('destination_dir');
                     } else {
                         $this->log .= ' success<br />';
                 } else {
                     $this->error = $this->translate('destination_dir_missing');
             if ($this->processed && !is_dir($this->file_dst_path)) {
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = $this->translate('destination_path_not_dir');
             // checks if the destination directory is writeable, and attempt to make it writeable
             $hash = md5($this->file_dst_name_body . rand(1, 1000));
             if ($this->processed && !($f = @fopen($this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext, 'a+'))) {
                 if ($this->dir_auto_chmod) {
                     $this->log .= '- ' . $this->file_dst_path . ' is not writeable. Attempting chmod:';
                     if (!@chmod($this->file_dst_path, $this->dir_chmod)) {
                         $this->log .= ' failed<br />';
                         $this->processed = false;
                         $this->error = $this->translate('destination_dir_write');
                     } else {
                         $this->log .= ' success<br />';
                         if (!($f = @fopen($this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext, 'a+'))) {
                             // we re-check
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = $this->translate('destination_dir_write');
                         } else {
                 } else {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('destination_path_write');
             } else {
                 if ($this->processed) {
                 @unlink($this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext);
             // if we have an uploaded file, and if it is the first process, and if we can't access the file directly (open_basedir restriction)
             // then we create a temp file that will be used as the source file in subsequent processes
             // the third condition is there to check if the file is not accessible *directly* (it already has positively gone through is_uploaded_file(), so it exists)
             if (!$this->no_upload_check && empty($this->file_src_temp) && !@file_exists($this->file_src_pathname)) {
                 $this->log .= '- attempting to use a temp file:';
                 $hash = md5($this->file_dst_name_body . rand(1, 1000));
                 if (move_uploaded_file($this->file_src_pathname, $this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext)) {
                     $this->file_src_pathname = $this->file_dst_path . $hash . '.' . $this->file_dst_name_ext;
                     $this->file_src_temp = $this->file_src_pathname;
                     $this->log .= ' file created<br />';
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;temp file is: ' . $this->file_src_temp . '<br />';
                 } else {
                     $this->log .= ' failed<br />';
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('temp_file');
     if ($this->processed) {
         // we do a quick check to ensure the file is really an image
         // we can do this only now, as it would have failed before in case of open_basedir
         if ($image_manipulation && !@getimagesize($this->file_src_pathname)) {
             $this->log .= '- the file is not an image!<br />';
             $image_manipulation = false;
         if ($image_manipulation) {
             // checks if the source file is readable
             if ($this->processed && !($f = @fopen($this->file_src_pathname, 'r'))) {
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = $this->translate('source_not_readable');
             } else {
             // we now do all the image manipulations
             $this->log .= '- image resizing or conversion wanted<br />';
             if ($this->gdversion()) {
                 switch ($this->image_src_type) {
                     case 'jpg':
                         if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = $this->translate('no_create_support', array('JPEG'));
                         } else {
                             $image_src = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->file_src_pathname);
                             if (!$image_src) {
                                 $this->processed = false;
                                 $this->error = $this->translate('create_error', array('JPEG'));
                             } else {
                                 $this->log .= '- source image is JPEG<br />';
                     case 'png':
                         if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = $this->translate('no_create_support', array('PNG'));
                         } else {
                             $image_src = @imagecreatefrompng($this->file_src_pathname);
                             if (!$image_src) {
                                 $this->processed = false;
                                 $this->error = $this->translate('create_error', array('PNG'));
                             } else {
                                 $this->log .= '- source image is PNG<br />';
                     case 'gif':
                         if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = $this->translate('no_create_support', array('GIF'));
                         } else {
                             $image_src = @imagecreatefromgif($this->file_src_pathname);
                             if (!$image_src) {
                                 $this->processed = false;
                                 $this->error = $this->translate('create_error', array('GIF'));
                             } else {
                                 $this->log .= '- source image is GIF<br />';
                     case 'bmp':
                         if (!method_exists($this, 'imagecreatefrombmp')) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = $this->translate('no_create_support', array('BMP'));
                         } else {
                             $image_src = @$this->imagecreatefrombmp($this->file_src_pathname);
                             if (!$image_src) {
                                 $this->processed = false;
                                 $this->error = $this->translate('create_error', array('BMP'));
                             } else {
                                 $this->log .= '- source image is BMP<br />';
                         $this->processed = false;
                         $this->error = $this->translate('source_invalid');
             } else {
                 $this->processed = false;
                 $this->error = $this->translate('gd_missing');
             if ($this->processed && $image_src) {
                 // we have to set image_convert if it is not already
                 if (empty($this->image_convert)) {
                     $this->log .= '- setting destination file type to ' . $this->file_src_name_ext . '<br />';
                     $this->image_convert = $this->file_src_name_ext;
                 if (!in_array($this->image_convert, $this->image_supported)) {
                     $this->image_convert = 'jpg';
                 // we set the default color to be the background color if we don't output in a transparent format
                 if ($this->image_convert != 'png' && $this->image_convert != 'gif' && !empty($this->image_default_color) && empty($this->image_background_color)) {
                     $this->image_background_color = $this->image_default_color;
                 if (!empty($this->image_background_color)) {
                     $this->image_default_color = $this->image_background_color;
                 if (empty($this->image_default_color)) {
                     $this->image_default_color = '#FFFFFF';
                 $this->image_src_x = imagesx($image_src);
                 $this->image_src_y = imagesy($image_src);
                 $gd_version = $this->gdversion();
                 $ratio_crop = null;
                 if (!imageistruecolor($image_src)) {
                     // $this->image_src_type == 'gif'
                     $this->log .= '- image is detected as having a palette<br />';
                     $this->image_is_palette = true;
                     $this->image_transparent_color = imagecolortransparent($image_src);
                     if ($this->image_transparent_color >= 0 && imagecolorstotal($image_src) > $this->image_transparent_color) {
                         $this->image_is_transparent = true;
                         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;palette image is detected as transparent<br />';
                     // if the image has a palette (GIF), we convert it to true color, preserving transparency
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;convert palette image to true color<br />';
                     $true_color = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y);
                     imagealphablending($true_color, false);
                     imagesavealpha($true_color, true);
                     for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_src_x; $x++) {
                         for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_src_y; $y++) {
                             if ($this->image_transparent_color >= 0 && imagecolorat($image_src, $x, $y) == $this->image_transparent_color) {
                                 imagesetpixel($true_color, $x, $y, 127 << 24);
                             } else {
                                 $rgb = imagecolorsforindex($image_src, imagecolorat($image_src, $x, $y));
                                 imagesetpixel($true_color, $x, $y, $rgb['alpha'] << 24 | $rgb['red'] << 16 | $rgb['green'] << 8 | $rgb['blue']);
                     $image_src = $this->imagetransfer($true_color, $image_src);
                     imagealphablending($image_src, false);
                     imagesavealpha($image_src, true);
                     $this->image_is_palette = false;
                 $image_dst =& $image_src;
                 // pre-crop image, before resizing
                 if (!empty($this->image_precrop)) {
                     if (is_array($this->image_precrop)) {
                         $vars = $this->image_precrop;
                     } else {
                         $vars = explode(' ', $this->image_precrop);
                     if (sizeof($vars) == 4) {
                         $ct = $vars[0];
                         $cr = $vars[1];
                         $cb = $vars[2];
                         $cl = $vars[3];
                     } else {
                         if (sizeof($vars) == 2) {
                             $ct = $vars[0];
                             $cr = $vars[1];
                             $cb = $vars[0];
                             $cl = $vars[1];
                         } else {
                             $ct = $vars[0];
                             $cr = $vars[0];
                             $cb = $vars[0];
                             $cl = $vars[0];
                     if (strpos($ct, '%') > 0) {
                         $ct = $this->image_src_y * (str_replace('%', '', $ct) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cr, '%') > 0) {
                         $cr = $this->image_src_x * (str_replace('%', '', $cr) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cb, '%') > 0) {
                         $cb = $this->image_src_y * (str_replace('%', '', $cb) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cl, '%') > 0) {
                         $cl = $this->image_src_x * (str_replace('%', '', $cl) / 100);
                     if (strpos($ct, 'px') > 0) {
                         $ct = str_replace('px', '', $ct);
                     if (strpos($cr, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cr = str_replace('px', '', $cr);
                     if (strpos($cb, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cb = str_replace('px', '', $cb);
                     if (strpos($cl, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cl = str_replace('px', '', $cl);
                     $ct = (int) $ct;
                     $cr = (int) $cr;
                     $cb = (int) $cb;
                     $cl = (int) $cl;
                     $this->log .= '- pre-crop image : ' . $ct . ' ' . $cr . ' ' . $cb . ' ' . $cl . ' <br />';
                     $this->image_src_x = $this->image_src_x - $cl - $cr;
                     $this->image_src_y = $this->image_src_y - $ct - $cb;
                     if ($this->image_src_x < 1) {
                         $this->image_src_x = 1;
                     if ($this->image_src_y < 1) {
                         $this->image_src_y = 1;
                     $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y);
                     // we copy the image into the recieving image
                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, 0, 0, $cl, $ct, $this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y);
                     // if we crop with negative margins, we have to make sure the extra bits are the right color, or transparent
                     if ($ct < 0 || $cr < 0 || $cb < 0 || $cl < 0) {
                         // use the background color if present
                         if (!empty($this->image_background_color)) {
                             list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_background_color);
                             $fill = imagecolorallocate($tmp, $red, $green, $blue);
                         } else {
                             $fill = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, 0, 0, 0, 127);
                         // fills eventual negative margins
                         if ($ct < 0) {
                             imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, $this->image_src_x, -$ct, $fill);
                         if ($cr < 0) {
                             imagefilledrectangle($tmp, $this->image_src_x + $cr, 0, $this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y, $fill);
                         if ($cb < 0) {
                             imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, $this->image_src_y + $cb, $this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y, $fill);
                         if ($cl < 0) {
                             imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, -$cl, $this->image_src_y, $fill);
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);
                 // resize image (and move image_src_x, image_src_y dimensions into image_dst_x, image_dst_y)
                 if ($this->image_resize) {
                     $this->log .= '- resizing...<br />';
                     if ($this->image_ratio_x) {
                         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;calculate x size<br />';
                         $this->image_dst_x = round($this->image_src_x * $this->image_y / $this->image_src_y);
                         $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->image_ratio_y) {
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;calculate y size<br />';
                             $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                             $this->image_dst_y = round($this->image_src_y * $this->image_x / $this->image_src_x);
                         } else {
                             if (is_numeric($this->image_ratio_pixels)) {
                                 $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;calculate x/y size to match a number of pixels<br />';
                                 $pixels = $this->image_src_y * $this->image_src_x;
                                 $diff = sqrt($this->image_ratio_pixels / $pixels);
                                 $this->image_dst_x = round($this->image_src_x * $diff);
                                 $this->image_dst_y = round($this->image_src_y * $diff);
                             } else {
                                 if ($this->image_ratio || $this->image_ratio_crop || $this->image_ratio_fill || $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_in || $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_out) {
                                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;check x/y sizes<br />';
                                     if (!$this->image_ratio_no_zoom_in && !$this->image_ratio_no_zoom_out || $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_in && ($this->image_src_x > $this->image_x || $this->image_src_y > $this->image_y) || $this->image_ratio_no_zoom_out && $this->image_src_x < $this->image_x && $this->image_src_y < $this->image_y) {
                                         $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                         $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                         if ($this->image_ratio_crop) {
                                             if (!is_string($this->image_ratio_crop)) {
                                                 $this->image_ratio_crop = '';
                                             $this->image_ratio_crop = strtolower($this->image_ratio_crop);
                                             if ($this->image_src_x / $this->image_x > $this->image_src_y / $this->image_y) {
                                                 $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                                 $this->image_dst_x = intval($this->image_src_x * ($this->image_y / $this->image_src_y));
                                                 $ratio_crop = array();
                                                 $ratio_crop['x'] = $this->image_dst_x - $this->image_x;
                                                 if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 'l') !== false) {
                                                     $ratio_crop['l'] = 0;
                                                     $ratio_crop['r'] = $ratio_crop['x'];
                                                 } else {
                                                     if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 'r') !== false) {
                                                         $ratio_crop['l'] = $ratio_crop['x'];
                                                         $ratio_crop['r'] = 0;
                                                     } else {
                                                         $ratio_crop['l'] = round($ratio_crop['x'] / 2);
                                                         $ratio_crop['r'] = $ratio_crop['x'] - $ratio_crop['l'];
                                                 $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ratio_crop_x         : ' . $ratio_crop['x'] . ' (' . $ratio_crop['l'] . ';' . $ratio_crop['r'] . ')<br />';
                                                 if (is_null($this->image_crop)) {
                                                     $this->image_crop = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                             } else {
                                                 $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                                 $this->image_dst_y = intval($this->image_src_y * ($this->image_x / $this->image_src_x));
                                                 $ratio_crop = array();
                                                 $ratio_crop['y'] = $this->image_dst_y - $this->image_y;
                                                 if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 't') !== false) {
                                                     $ratio_crop['t'] = 0;
                                                     $ratio_crop['b'] = $ratio_crop['y'];
                                                 } else {
                                                     if (strpos($this->image_ratio_crop, 'b') !== false) {
                                                         $ratio_crop['t'] = $ratio_crop['y'];
                                                         $ratio_crop['b'] = 0;
                                                     } else {
                                                         $ratio_crop['t'] = round($ratio_crop['y'] / 2);
                                                         $ratio_crop['b'] = $ratio_crop['y'] - $ratio_crop['t'];
                                                 $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ratio_crop_y         : ' . $ratio_crop['y'] . ' (' . $ratio_crop['t'] . ';' . $ratio_crop['b'] . ')<br />';
                                                 if (is_null($this->image_crop)) {
                                                     $this->image_crop = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                         } else {
                                             if ($this->image_ratio_fill) {
                                                 if (!is_string($this->image_ratio_fill)) {
                                                     $this->image_ratio_fill = '';
                                                 $this->image_ratio_fill = strtolower($this->image_ratio_fill);
                                                 if ($this->image_src_x / $this->image_x < $this->image_src_y / $this->image_y) {
                                                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                                     $this->image_dst_x = intval($this->image_src_x * ($this->image_y / $this->image_src_y));
                                                     $ratio_crop = array();
                                                     $ratio_crop['x'] = $this->image_dst_x - $this->image_x;
                                                     if (strpos($this->image_ratio_fill, 'l') !== false) {
                                                         $ratio_crop['l'] = 0;
                                                         $ratio_crop['r'] = $ratio_crop['x'];
                                                     } else {
                                                         if (strpos($this->image_ratio_fill, 'r') !== false) {
                                                             $ratio_crop['l'] = $ratio_crop['x'];
                                                             $ratio_crop['r'] = 0;
                                                         } else {
                                                             $ratio_crop['l'] = round($ratio_crop['x'] / 2);
                                                             $ratio_crop['r'] = $ratio_crop['x'] - $ratio_crop['l'];
                                                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ratio_fill_x         : ' . $ratio_crop['x'] . ' (' . $ratio_crop['l'] . ';' . $ratio_crop['r'] . ')<br />';
                                                     if (is_null($this->image_crop)) {
                                                         $this->image_crop = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                                 } else {
                                                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                                     $this->image_dst_y = intval($this->image_src_y * ($this->image_x / $this->image_src_x));
                                                     $ratio_crop = array();
                                                     $ratio_crop['y'] = $this->image_dst_y - $this->image_y;
                                                     if (strpos($this->image_ratio_fill, 't') !== false) {
                                                         $ratio_crop['t'] = 0;
                                                         $ratio_crop['b'] = $ratio_crop['y'];
                                                     } else {
                                                         if (strpos($this->image_ratio_fill, 'b') !== false) {
                                                             $ratio_crop['t'] = $ratio_crop['y'];
                                                             $ratio_crop['b'] = 0;
                                                         } else {
                                                             $ratio_crop['t'] = round($ratio_crop['y'] / 2);
                                                             $ratio_crop['b'] = $ratio_crop['y'] - $ratio_crop['t'];
                                                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ratio_fill_y         : ' . $ratio_crop['y'] . ' (' . $ratio_crop['t'] . ';' . $ratio_crop['b'] . ')<br />';
                                                     if (is_null($this->image_crop)) {
                                                         $this->image_crop = array(0, 0, 0, 0);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($this->image_src_x / $this->image_x > $this->image_src_y / $this->image_y) {
                                                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                                     $this->image_dst_y = intval($this->image_src_y * ($this->image_x / $this->image_src_x));
                                                 } else {
                                                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                                                     $this->image_dst_x = intval($this->image_src_x * ($this->image_y / $this->image_src_y));
                                     } else {
                                         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;doesn\'t calculate x/y sizes<br />';
                                         $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_src_x;
                                         $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_src_y;
                                 } else {
                                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;use plain sizes<br />';
                                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_x;
                                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_y;
                     if ($this->image_dst_x < 1) {
                         $this->image_dst_x = 1;
                     if ($this->image_dst_y < 1) {
                         $this->image_dst_y = 1;
                     $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     if ($gd_version >= 2) {
                         $res = imagecopyresampled($tmp, $image_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y);
                     } else {
                         $res = imagecopyresized($tmp, $image_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y);
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;resized image object created<br />';
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_src_x y        : ' . $this->image_src_x . ' x ' . $this->image_src_y . '<br />';
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image_dst_x y        : ' . $this->image_dst_x . ' x ' . $this->image_dst_y . '<br />';
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);
                 } else {
                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_src_x;
                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_src_y;
                 // crop image (and also crops if image_ratio_crop is used)
                 if (!empty($this->image_crop) || !is_null($ratio_crop)) {
                     if (is_array($this->image_crop)) {
                         $vars = $this->image_crop;
                     } else {
                         $vars = explode(' ', $this->image_crop);
                     if (sizeof($vars) == 4) {
                         $ct = $vars[0];
                         $cr = $vars[1];
                         $cb = $vars[2];
                         $cl = $vars[3];
                     } else {
                         if (sizeof($vars) == 2) {
                             $ct = $vars[0];
                             $cr = $vars[1];
                             $cb = $vars[0];
                             $cl = $vars[1];
                         } else {
                             $ct = $vars[0];
                             $cr = $vars[0];
                             $cb = $vars[0];
                             $cl = $vars[0];
                     if (strpos($ct, '%') > 0) {
                         $ct = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%', '', $ct) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cr, '%') > 0) {
                         $cr = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%', '', $cr) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cb, '%') > 0) {
                         $cb = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%', '', $cb) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cl, '%') > 0) {
                         $cl = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%', '', $cl) / 100);
                     if (strpos($ct, 'px') > 0) {
                         $ct = str_replace('px', '', $ct);
                     if (strpos($cr, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cr = str_replace('px', '', $cr);
                     if (strpos($cb, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cb = str_replace('px', '', $cb);
                     if (strpos($cl, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cl = str_replace('px', '', $cl);
                     $ct = (int) $ct;
                     $cr = (int) $cr;
                     $cb = (int) $cb;
                     $cl = (int) $cl;
                     // we adjust the cropping if we use image_ratio_crop
                     if (!is_null($ratio_crop)) {
                         if (array_key_exists('t', $ratio_crop)) {
                             $ct += $ratio_crop['t'];
                         if (array_key_exists('r', $ratio_crop)) {
                             $cr += $ratio_crop['r'];
                         if (array_key_exists('b', $ratio_crop)) {
                             $cb += $ratio_crop['b'];
                         if (array_key_exists('l', $ratio_crop)) {
                             $cl += $ratio_crop['l'];
                     $this->log .= '- crop image : ' . $ct . ' ' . $cr . ' ' . $cb . ' ' . $cl . ' <br />';
                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_dst_x - $cl - $cr;
                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y - $ct - $cb;
                     if ($this->image_dst_x < 1) {
                         $this->image_dst_x = 1;
                     if ($this->image_dst_y < 1) {
                         $this->image_dst_y = 1;
                     $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     // we copy the image into the recieving image
                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, 0, 0, $cl, $ct, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     // if we crop with negative margins, we have to make sure the extra bits are the right color, or transparent
                     if ($ct < 0 || $cr < 0 || $cb < 0 || $cl < 0) {
                         // use the background color if present
                         if (!empty($this->image_background_color)) {
                             list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_background_color);
                             $fill = imagecolorallocate($tmp, $red, $green, $blue);
                         } else {
                             $fill = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, 0, 0, 0, 127);
                         // fills eventual negative margins
                         if ($ct < 0) {
                             imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, -$ct - 1, $fill);
                         if ($cr < 0) {
                             imagefilledrectangle($tmp, $this->image_dst_x + $cr, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $fill);
                         if ($cb < 0) {
                             imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, $this->image_dst_y + $cb, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $fill);
                         if ($cl < 0) {
                             imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, -$cl - 1, $this->image_dst_y, $fill);
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);
                 // flip image
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && !empty($this->image_flip)) {
                     $this->image_flip = strtolower($this->image_flip);
                     $this->log .= '- flip image : ' . $this->image_flip . '<br />';
                     $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                         for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                             if (strpos($this->image_flip, 'v') !== false) {
                                 imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $this->image_dst_x - $x - 1, $y, $x, $y, 1, 1);
                             } else {
                                 imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $x, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1, $x, $y, 1, 1);
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);
                 // rotate image
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && is_numeric($this->image_rotate)) {
                     if (!in_array($this->image_rotate, array(0, 90, 180, 270))) {
                         $this->image_rotate = 0;
                     if ($this->image_rotate != 0) {
                         if ($this->image_rotate == 90 || $this->image_rotate == 270) {
                             $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_y, $this->image_dst_x);
                         } else {
                             $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                         $this->log .= '- rotate image : ' . $this->image_rotate . '<br />';
                         for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                             for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                 if ($this->image_rotate == 90) {
                                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $y, $x, $x, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1, 1, 1);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($this->image_rotate == 180) {
                                         imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $x, $y, $this->image_dst_x - $x - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1, 1, 1);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($this->image_rotate == 270) {
                                             imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $y, $x, $this->image_dst_x - $x - 1, $y, 1, 1);
                                         } else {
                                             imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $x, $y, $x, $y, 1, 1);
                         if ($this->image_rotate == 90 || $this->image_rotate == 270) {
                             $t = $this->image_dst_y;
                             $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_x;
                             $this->image_dst_x = $t;
                         // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                         $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);
                 // unsharp mask
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && $this->image_unsharp && is_numeric($this->image_unsharp_amount) && is_numeric($this->image_unsharp_radius) && is_numeric($this->image_unsharp_threshold)) {
                     // Unsharp Mask for PHP - version 2.1.1
                     // Unsharp mask algorithm by Torstein Hønsi 2003-07.
                     // Used with permission
                     // Modified to support alpha transparency
                     if ($this->image_unsharp_amount > 500) {
                         $this->image_unsharp_amount = 500;
                     $this->image_unsharp_amount = $this->image_unsharp_amount * 0.016;
                     if ($this->image_unsharp_radius > 50) {
                         $this->image_unsharp_radius = 50;
                     $this->image_unsharp_radius = $this->image_unsharp_radius * 2;
                     if ($this->image_unsharp_threshold > 255) {
                         $this->image_unsharp_threshold = 255;
                     $this->image_unsharp_radius = abs(round($this->image_unsharp_radius));
                     if ($this->image_unsharp_radius != 0) {
                         $this->image_dst_x = imagesx($image_dst);
                         $this->image_dst_y = imagesy($image_dst);
                         $canvas = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, false, true);
                         $blur = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, false, true);
                         if (function_exists('imageconvolution')) {
                             // PHP >= 5.1
                             $matrix = array(array(1, 2, 1), array(2, 4, 2), array(1, 2, 1));
                             imagecopy($blur, $image_dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                             imageconvolution($blur, $matrix, 16, 0);
                         } else {
                             for ($i = 0; $i < $this->image_unsharp_radius; $i++) {
                                 imagecopy($blur, $image_dst, 0, 0, 1, 0, $this->image_dst_x - 1, $this->image_dst_y);
                                 // left
                                 $this->imagecopymergealpha($blur, $image_dst, 1, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, 50);
                                 // right
                                 $this->imagecopymergealpha($blur, $image_dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, 50);
                                 // center
                                 imagecopy($canvas, $blur, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                                 $this->imagecopymergealpha($blur, $canvas, 0, 0, 0, 1, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y - 1, 33.33333);
                                 // up
                                 $this->imagecopymergealpha($blur, $canvas, 0, 1, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, 25);
                                 // down
                         $p_new = array();
                         if ($this->image_unsharp_threshold > 0) {
                             for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x - 1; $x++) {
                                 for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                     $p_orig = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                     $p_blur = imagecolorsforindex($blur, imagecolorat($blur, $x, $y));
                                     $p_new['red'] = abs($p_orig['red'] - $p_blur['red']) >= $this->image_unsharp_threshold ? max(0, min(255, $this->image_unsharp_amount * ($p_orig['red'] - $p_blur['red']) + $p_orig['red'])) : $p_orig['red'];
                                     $p_new['green'] = abs($p_orig['green'] - $p_blur['green']) >= $this->image_unsharp_threshold ? max(0, min(255, $this->image_unsharp_amount * ($p_orig['green'] - $p_blur['green']) + $p_orig['green'])) : $p_orig['green'];
                                     $p_new['blue'] = abs($p_orig['blue'] - $p_blur['blue']) >= $this->image_unsharp_threshold ? max(0, min(255, $this->image_unsharp_amount * ($p_orig['blue'] - $p_blur['blue']) + $p_orig['blue'])) : $p_orig['blue'];
                                     if ($p_orig['red'] != $p_new['red'] || $p_orig['green'] != $p_new['green'] || $p_orig['blue'] != $p_new['blue']) {
                                         $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $p_new['red'], $p_new['green'], $p_new['blue'], $p_orig['alpha']);
                                         imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                         } else {
                             for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                 for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                     $p_orig = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                     $p_blur = imagecolorsforindex($blur, imagecolorat($blur, $x, $y));
                                     $p_new['red'] = $this->image_unsharp_amount * ($p_orig['red'] - $p_blur['red']) + $p_orig['red'];
                                     if ($p_new['red'] > 255) {
                                         $p_new['red'] = 255;
                                     } elseif ($p_new['red'] < 0) {
                                         $p_new['red'] = 0;
                                     $p_new['green'] = $this->image_unsharp_amount * ($p_orig['green'] - $p_blur['green']) + $p_orig['green'];
                                     if ($p_new['green'] > 255) {
                                         $p_new['green'] = 255;
                                     } elseif ($p_new['green'] < 0) {
                                         $p_new['green'] = 0;
                                     $p_new['blue'] = $this->image_unsharp_amount * ($p_orig['blue'] - $p_blur['blue']) + $p_orig['blue'];
                                     if ($p_new['blue'] > 255) {
                                         $p_new['blue'] = 255;
                                     } elseif ($p_new['blue'] < 0) {
                                         $p_new['blue'] = 0;
                                     $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $p_new['red'], $p_new['green'], $p_new['blue'], $p_orig['alpha']);
                                     imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                 // add color overlay
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && (is_numeric($this->image_overlay_percent) && $this->image_overlay_percent > 0 && !empty($this->image_overlay_color))) {
                     $this->log .= '- apply color overlay<br />';
                     list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_overlay_color);
                     $filter = imagecreatetruecolor($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     $color = imagecolorallocate($filter, $red, $green, $blue);
                     imagefilledrectangle($filter, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $color);
                     $this->imagecopymergealpha($image_dst, $filter, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $this->image_overlay_percent);
                 // add brightness, contrast and tint, turns to greyscale and inverts colors
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && ($this->image_negative || $this->image_greyscale || is_numeric($this->image_threshold) || is_numeric($this->image_brightness) || is_numeric($this->image_contrast) || !empty($this->image_tint_color))) {
                     $this->log .= '- apply tint, light, contrast correction, negative, greyscale and threshold<br />';
                     if (!empty($this->image_tint_color)) {
                         list($tint_red, $tint_green, $tint_blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_tint_color);
                     imagealphablending($image_dst, true);
                     for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                         for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                             if ($this->image_greyscale) {
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                 $r = $g = $b = round(0.2125 * $pixel['red'] + 0.7154 * $pixel['green'] + 0.0721 * $pixel['blue']);
                                 $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                             if (is_numeric($this->image_threshold)) {
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                 $c = round($pixel['red'] + $pixel['green'] + $pixel['blue']) / 3 - 127;
                                 $r = $g = $b = $c > $this->image_threshold ? 255 : 0;
                                 $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                             if (is_numeric($this->image_brightness)) {
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                 $r = max(min(round($pixel['red'] + $this->image_brightness * 2), 255), 0);
                                 $g = max(min(round($pixel['green'] + $this->image_brightness * 2), 255), 0);
                                 $b = max(min(round($pixel['blue'] + $this->image_brightness * 2), 255), 0);
                                 $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                             if (is_numeric($this->image_contrast)) {
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                 $r = max(min(round(($this->image_contrast + 128) * $pixel['red'] / 128), 255), 0);
                                 $g = max(min(round(($this->image_contrast + 128) * $pixel['green'] / 128), 255), 0);
                                 $b = max(min(round(($this->image_contrast + 128) * $pixel['blue'] / 128), 255), 0);
                                 $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                             if (!empty($this->image_tint_color)) {
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                 $r = min(round($tint_red * $pixel['red'] / 169), 255);
                                 $g = min(round($tint_green * $pixel['green'] / 169), 255);
                                 $b = min(round($tint_blue * $pixel['blue'] / 169), 255);
                                 $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                             if (!empty($this->image_negative)) {
                                 $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                 $r = round(255 - $pixel['red']);
                                 $g = round(255 - $pixel['green']);
                                 $b = round(255 - $pixel['blue']);
                                 $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image_dst, $r, $g, $b, $pixel['alpha']);
                                 imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                 // adds a border
                 if ($gd_version >= 2 && !empty($this->image_border)) {
                     if (is_array($this->image_border)) {
                         $vars = $this->image_border;
                         $this->log .= '- add border : ' . implode(' ', $this->image_border) . '<br />';
                     } else {
                         $this->log .= '- add border : ' . $this->image_border . '<br />';
                         $vars = explode(' ', $this->image_border);
                     if (sizeof($vars) == 4) {
                         $ct = $vars[0];
                         $cr = $vars[1];
                         $cb = $vars[2];
                         $cl = $vars[3];
                     } else {
                         if (sizeof($vars) == 2) {
                             $ct = $vars[0];
                             $cr = $vars[1];
                             $cb = $vars[0];
                             $cl = $vars[1];
                         } else {
                             $ct = $vars[0];
                             $cr = $vars[0];
                             $cb = $vars[0];
                             $cl = $vars[0];
                     if (strpos($ct, '%') > 0) {
                         $ct = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%', '', $ct) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cr, '%') > 0) {
                         $cr = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%', '', $cr) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cb, '%') > 0) {
                         $cb = $this->image_dst_y * (str_replace('%', '', $cb) / 100);
                     if (strpos($cl, '%') > 0) {
                         $cl = $this->image_dst_x * (str_replace('%', '', $cl) / 100);
                     if (strpos($ct, 'px') > 0) {
                         $ct = str_replace('px', '', $ct);
                     if (strpos($cr, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cr = str_replace('px', '', $cr);
                     if (strpos($cb, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cb = str_replace('px', '', $cb);
                     if (strpos($cl, 'px') > 0) {
                         $cl = str_replace('px', '', $cl);
                     $ct = (int) $ct;
                     $cr = (int) $cr;
                     $cb = (int) $cb;
                     $cl = (int) $cl;
                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_dst_x + $cl + $cr;
                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y + $ct + $cb;
                     if (!empty($this->image_border_color)) {
                         list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_border_color);
                     // we now create an image, that we fill with the border color
                     $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     $background = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, $red, $green, $blue, 0);
                     imagefilledrectangle($tmp, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, $background);
                     // we then copy the source image into the new image, without merging so that only the border is actually kept
                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $cl, $ct, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x - $cr - $cl, $this->image_dst_y - $cb - $ct);
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);
                 // add frame border
                 if (is_numeric($this->image_frame)) {
                     if (is_array($this->image_frame_colors)) {
                         $vars = $this->image_frame_colors;
                         $this->log .= '- add frame : ' . implode(' ', $this->image_frame_colors) . '<br />';
                     } else {
                         $this->log .= '- add frame : ' . $this->image_frame_colors . '<br />';
                         $vars = explode(' ', $this->image_frame_colors);
                     $nb = sizeof($vars);
                     $this->image_dst_x = $this->image_dst_x + $nb * 2;
                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y + $nb * 2;
                     $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, $nb, $nb, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x - $nb * 2, $this->image_dst_y - $nb * 2);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
                         list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($vars[$i]);
                         $c = imagecolorallocate($tmp, $red, $green, $blue);
                         if ($this->image_frame == 1) {
                             imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $i, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $i, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $c);
                         } else {
                             imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $i, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $nb + $i, $this->image_dst_y - $nb + $i, $this->image_dst_x - $nb + $i, $nb - $i, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $nb + $i, $this->image_dst_y - $nb + $i, $nb - $i, $this->image_dst_y - $nb + $i, $c);
                             imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $c);
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);
                 // add bevel border
                 if ($this->image_bevel > 0) {
                     if (empty($this->image_bevel_color1)) {
                         $this->image_bevel_color1 = '#FFFFFF';
                     if (empty($this->image_bevel_color2)) {
                         $this->image_bevel_color2 = '#000000';
                     list($red1, $green1, $blue1) = $this->getcolors($this->image_bevel_color1);
                     list($red2, $green2, $blue2) = $this->getcolors($this->image_bevel_color2);
                     $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y);
                     imagealphablending($tmp, true);
                     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->image_bevel; $i++) {
                         $alpha = round($i / $this->image_bevel * 127);
                         $c1 = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, $red1, $green1, $blue1, $alpha);
                         $c2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, $red2, $green2, $blue2, $alpha);
                         imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $i, $c1);
                         imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $i, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $i, $c2);
                         imageline($tmp, $this->image_dst_x - $i - 1, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $c2);
                         imageline($tmp, $i, $i, $i, $this->image_dst_y - $i - 1, $c1);
                     // we transfert tmp into image_dst
                     $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);
                 // add watermark image
                 if ($this->image_watermark != '' && file_exists($this->image_watermark)) {
                     $this->log .= '- add watermark<br />';
                     $this->image_watermark_position = strtolower($this->image_watermark_position);
                     $watermark_info = getimagesize($this->image_watermark);
                     $watermark_type = array_key_exists(2, $watermark_info) ? $watermark_info[2] : null;
                     // 1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG
                     $watermark_checked = false;
                     if ($watermark_type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) {
                         if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
                             $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_no_create_support', array('GIF'));
                         } else {
                             $filter = @imagecreatefromgif($this->image_watermark);
                             if (!$filter) {
                                 $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_create_error', array('GIF'));
                             } else {
                                 $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;watermark source image is GIF<br />';
                                 $watermark_checked = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($watermark_type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) {
                             if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) {
                                 $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_no_create_support', array('JPEG'));
                             } else {
                                 $filter = @imagecreatefromjpeg($this->image_watermark);
                                 if (!$filter) {
                                     $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_create_error', array('JPEG'));
                                 } else {
                                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;watermark source image is JPEG<br />';
                                     $watermark_checked = true;
                         } else {
                             if ($watermark_type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) {
                                 if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrompng')) {
                                     $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_no_create_support', array('PNG'));
                                 } else {
                                     $filter = @imagecreatefrompng($this->image_watermark);
                                     if (!$filter) {
                                         $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_create_error', array('PNG'));
                                     } else {
                                         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;watermark source image is PNG<br />';
                                         $watermark_checked = true;
                             } else {
                                 if ($watermark_type == IMAGETYPE_BMP) {
                                     if (!method_exists($this, 'imagecreatefrombmp')) {
                                         $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_no_create_support', array('BMP'));
                                     } else {
                                         $filter = @$this->imagecreatefrombmp($this->image_watermark);
                                         if (!$filter) {
                                             $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_create_error', array('BMP'));
                                         } else {
                                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;watermark source image is BMP<br />';
                                             $watermark_checked = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_invalid');
                     if ($watermark_checked) {
                         $watermark_dst_width = $watermark_src_width = imagesx($filter);
                         $watermark_dst_height = $watermark_src_height = imagesy($filter);
                         // if watermark is too large/tall, resize it first
                         if (!$this->image_watermark_no_zoom_out && ($watermark_dst_width > $this->image_dst_x || $watermark_dst_height > $this->image_dst_y) || !$this->image_watermark_no_zoom_in && $watermark_dst_width < $this->image_dst_x && $watermark_dst_height < $this->image_dst_y) {
                             $canvas_width = $this->image_dst_x - abs($this->image_watermark_x);
                             $canvas_height = $this->image_dst_y - abs($this->image_watermark_y);
                             if ($watermark_src_width / $canvas_width > $watermark_src_height / $canvas_height) {
                                 $watermark_dst_width = $canvas_width;
                                 $watermark_dst_height = intval($watermark_src_height * ($canvas_width / $watermark_src_width));
                             } else {
                                 $watermark_dst_height = $canvas_height;
                                 $watermark_dst_width = intval($watermark_src_width * ($canvas_height / $watermark_src_height));
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;watermark resized from ' . $watermark_src_width . 'x' . $watermark_src_height . ' to ' . $watermark_dst_width . 'x' . $watermark_dst_height . '<br />';
                         // determine watermark position
                         $watermark_x = 0;
                         $watermark_y = 0;
                         if (is_numeric($this->image_watermark_x)) {
                             if ($this->image_watermark_x < 0) {
                                 $watermark_x = $this->image_dst_x - $watermark_dst_width + $this->image_watermark_x;
                             } else {
                                 $watermark_x = $this->image_watermark_x;
                         } else {
                             if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 'r') !== false) {
                                 $watermark_x = $this->image_dst_x - $watermark_dst_width;
                             } else {
                                 if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 'l') !== false) {
                                     $watermark_x = 0;
                                 } else {
                                     $watermark_x = ($this->image_dst_x - $watermark_dst_width) / 2;
                         if (is_numeric($this->image_watermark_y)) {
                             if ($this->image_watermark_y < 0) {
                                 $watermark_y = $this->image_dst_y - $watermark_dst_height + $this->image_watermark_y;
                             } else {
                                 $watermark_y = $this->image_watermark_y;
                         } else {
                             if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 'b') !== false) {
                                 $watermark_y = $this->image_dst_y - $watermark_dst_height;
                             } else {
                                 if (strpos($this->image_watermark_position, 't') !== false) {
                                     $watermark_y = 0;
                                 } else {
                                     $watermark_y = ($this->image_dst_y - $watermark_dst_height) / 2;
                         imagealphablending($image_dst, true);
                         imagecopyresampled($image_dst, $filter, $watermark_x, $watermark_y, 0, 0, $watermark_dst_width, $watermark_dst_height, $watermark_src_width, $watermark_src_height);
                     } else {
                         $this->error = $this->translate('watermark_invalid');
                 // add text
                 if (!empty($this->image_text)) {
                     $this->log .= '- add text<br />';
                     // calculate sizes in human readable format
                     $src_size = $this->file_src_size / 1024;
                     $src_size_mb = number_format($src_size / 1024, 1, ".", " ");
                     $src_size_kb = number_format($src_size, 1, ".", " ");
                     $src_size_human = $src_size > 1024 ? $src_size_mb . " MB" : $src_size_kb . " kb";
                     $this->image_text = str_replace(array('[src_name]', '[src_name_body]', '[src_name_ext]', '[src_pathname]', '[src_mime]', '[src_size]', '[src_size_kb]', '[src_size_mb]', '[src_size_human]', '[src_x]', '[src_y]', '[src_pixels]', '[src_type]', '[src_bits]', '[dst_path]', '[dst_name_body]', '[dst_name_ext]', '[dst_name]', '[dst_pathname]', '[dst_x]', '[dst_y]', '[date]', '[time]', '[host]', '[server]', '[ip]', '[gd_version]'), array($this->file_src_name, $this->file_src_name_body, $this->file_src_name_ext, $this->file_src_pathname, $this->file_src_mime, $this->file_src_size, $src_size_kb, $src_size_mb, $src_size_human, $this->image_src_x, $this->image_src_y, $this->image_src_pixels, $this->image_src_type, $this->image_src_bits, $this->file_dst_path, $this->file_dst_name_body, $this->file_dst_name_ext, $this->file_dst_name, $this->file_dst_pathname, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y, date('Y-m-d'), date('H:i:s'), isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : 'n/a', isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : 'n/a', isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : 'n/a', $this->gdversion(true)), $this->image_text);
                     if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_padding)) {
                         $this->image_text_padding = 0;
                     if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_line_spacing)) {
                         $this->image_text_line_spacing = 0;
                     if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_padding_x)) {
                         $this->image_text_padding_x = $this->image_text_padding;
                     if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_padding_y)) {
                         $this->image_text_padding_y = $this->image_text_padding;
                     $this->image_text_position = strtolower($this->image_text_position);
                     $this->image_text_direction = strtolower($this->image_text_direction);
                     $this->image_text_alignment = strtolower($this->image_text_alignment);
                     // if the font is a string, we assume that we might want to load a font
                     if (!is_numeric($this->image_text_font) && strlen($this->image_text_font) > 4 && substr(strtolower($this->image_text_font), -4) == '.gdf') {
                         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;try to load font ' . $this->image_text_font . '... ';
                         if ($this->image_text_font = @imageloadfont($this->image_text_font)) {
                             $this->log .= 'success<br />';
                         } else {
                             $this->log .= 'error<br />';
                             $this->image_text_font = 5;
                     $text = explode("\n", $this->image_text);
                     $char_width = imagefontwidth($this->image_text_font);
                     $char_height = imagefontheight($this->image_text_font);
                     $text_height = 0;
                     $text_width = 0;
                     $line_height = 0;
                     $line_width = 0;
                     foreach ($text as $k => $v) {
                         if ($this->image_text_direction == 'v') {
                             $h = $char_width * strlen($v);
                             if ($h > $text_height) {
                                 $text_height = $h;
                             $line_width = $char_height;
                             $text_width += $line_width + ($k < sizeof($text) - 1 ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0);
                         } else {
                             $w = $char_width * strlen($v);
                             if ($w > $text_width) {
                                 $text_width = $w;
                             $line_height = $char_height;
                             $text_height += $line_height + ($k < sizeof($text) - 1 ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0);
                     $text_width += 2 * $this->image_text_padding_x;
                     $text_height += 2 * $this->image_text_padding_y;
                     $text_x = 0;
                     $text_y = 0;
                     if (is_numeric($this->image_text_x)) {
                         if ($this->image_text_x < 0) {
                             $text_x = $this->image_dst_x - $text_width + $this->image_text_x;
                         } else {
                             $text_x = $this->image_text_x;
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 'r') !== false) {
                             $text_x = $this->image_dst_x - $text_width;
                         } else {
                             if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 'l') !== false) {
                                 $text_x = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $text_x = ($this->image_dst_x - $text_width) / 2;
                     if (is_numeric($this->image_text_y)) {
                         if ($this->image_text_y < 0) {
                             $text_y = $this->image_dst_y - $text_height + $this->image_text_y;
                         } else {
                             $text_y = $this->image_text_y;
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 'b') !== false) {
                             $text_y = $this->image_dst_y - $text_height;
                         } else {
                             if (strpos($this->image_text_position, 't') !== false) {
                                 $text_y = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $text_y = ($this->image_dst_y - $text_height) / 2;
                     // add a background, maybe transparent
                     if (!empty($this->image_text_background)) {
                         list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_text_background);
                         if ($gd_version >= 2 && is_numeric($this->image_text_background_percent) && $this->image_text_background_percent >= 0 && $this->image_text_background_percent <= 100) {
                             $filter = imagecreatetruecolor($text_width, $text_height);
                             $background_color = imagecolorallocate($filter, $red, $green, $blue);
                             imagefilledrectangle($filter, 0, 0, $text_width, $text_height, $background_color);
                             $this->imagecopymergealpha($image_dst, $filter, $text_x, $text_y, 0, 0, $text_width, $text_height, $this->image_text_background_percent);
                         } else {
                             $background_color = imagecolorallocate($image_dst, $red, $green, $blue);
                             imagefilledrectangle($image_dst, $text_x, $text_y, $text_x + $text_width, $text_y + $text_height, $background_color);
                     $text_x += $this->image_text_padding_x;
                     $text_y += $this->image_text_padding_y;
                     $t_width = $text_width - 2 * $this->image_text_padding_x;
                     $t_height = $text_height - 2 * $this->image_text_padding_y;
                     list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_text_color);
                     // add the text, maybe transparent
                     if ($gd_version >= 2 && is_numeric($this->image_text_percent) && $this->image_text_percent >= 0 && $this->image_text_percent <= 100) {
                         if ($t_width < 0) {
                             $t_width = 0;
                         if ($t_height < 0) {
                             $t_height = 0;
                         $filter = $this->imagecreatenew($t_width, $t_height, false, true);
                         $text_color = imagecolorallocate($filter, $red, $green, $blue);
                         foreach ($text as $k => $v) {
                             if ($this->image_text_direction == 'v') {
                                 imagestringup($filter, $this->image_text_font, $k * ($line_width + ($k > 0 && $k < sizeof($text) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)), $text_height - 2 * $this->image_text_padding_y - ($this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : ($t_height - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2)), $v, $text_color);
                             } else {
                                 imagestring($filter, $this->image_text_font, $this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : ($t_width - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2), $k * ($line_height + ($k > 0 && $k < sizeof($text) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)), $v, $text_color);
                         $this->imagecopymergealpha($image_dst, $filter, $text_x, $text_y, 0, 0, $t_width, $t_height, $this->image_text_percent);
                     } else {
                         $text_color = imageColorAllocate($image_dst, $red, $green, $blue);
                         foreach ($text as $k => $v) {
                             if ($this->image_text_direction == 'v') {
                                 imagestringup($image_dst, $this->image_text_font, $text_x + $k * ($line_width + ($k > 0 && $k < sizeof($text) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)), $text_y + $text_height - 2 * $this->image_text_padding_y - ($this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : ($t_height - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2)), $v, $text_color);
                             } else {
                                 imagestring($image_dst, $this->image_text_font, $text_x + ($this->image_text_alignment == 'l' ? 0 : ($t_width - strlen($v) * $char_width) / ($this->image_text_alignment == 'r' ? 1 : 2)), $text_y + $k * ($line_height + ($k > 0 && $k < sizeof($text) ? $this->image_text_line_spacing : 0)), $v, $text_color);
                 // add a reflection
                 if ($this->image_reflection_height) {
                     $this->log .= '- add reflection : ' . $this->image_reflection_height . '<br />';
                     // we decode image_reflection_height, which can be a integer, a string in pixels or percentage
                     $image_reflection_height = $this->image_reflection_height;
                     if (strpos($image_reflection_height, '%') > 0) {
                         $image_reflection_height = $this->image_dst_y * str_replace('%', '', $image_reflection_height / 100);
                     if (strpos($image_reflection_height, 'px') > 0) {
                         $image_reflection_height = str_replace('px', '', $image_reflection_height);
                     $image_reflection_height = (int) $image_reflection_height;
                     if ($image_reflection_height > $this->image_dst_y) {
                         $image_reflection_height = $this->image_dst_y;
                     if (empty($this->image_reflection_opacity)) {
                         $this->image_reflection_opacity = 60;
                     // create the new destination image
                     $tmp = $this->imagecreatenew($this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y + $image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space, true);
                     $transparency = $this->image_reflection_opacity;
                     // copy the original image
                     imagecopy($tmp, $image_dst, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_dst_x, $this->image_dst_y + ($this->image_reflection_space < 0 ? $this->image_reflection_space : 0));
                     // we have to make sure the extra bit is the right color, or transparent
                     if ($image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space > 0) {
                         // use the background color if present
                         if (!empty($this->image_background_color)) {
                             list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_background_color);
                             $fill = imagecolorallocate($tmp, $red, $green, $blue);
                         } else {
                             $fill = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, 0, 0, 0, 127);
                         // fill in from the edge of the extra bit
                         imagefill($tmp, round($this->image_dst_x / 2), $this->image_dst_y + $image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space - 1, $fill);
                     // copy the reflection
                     for ($y = 0; $y < $image_reflection_height; $y++) {
                         for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                             $pixel_b = imagecolorsforindex($tmp, imagecolorat($tmp, $x, $y + $this->image_dst_y + $this->image_reflection_space));
                             $pixel_o = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $this->image_dst_y - $y - 1 + ($this->image_reflection_space < 0 ? $this->image_reflection_space : 0)));
                             $alpha_o = 1 - $pixel_o['alpha'] / 127;
                             $alpha_b = 1 - $pixel_b['alpha'] / 127;
                             $opacity = $alpha_o * $transparency / 100;
                             if ($opacity > 0) {
                                 $red = round(($pixel_o['red'] * $opacity + $pixel_b['red'] * $alpha_b) / ($alpha_b + $opacity));
                                 $green = round(($pixel_o['green'] * $opacity + $pixel_b['green'] * $alpha_b) / ($alpha_b + $opacity));
                                 $blue = round(($pixel_o['blue'] * $opacity + $pixel_b['blue'] * $alpha_b) / ($alpha_b + $opacity));
                                 $alpha = $opacity + $alpha_b;
                                 if ($alpha > 1) {
                                     $alpha = 1;
                                 $alpha = round((1 - $alpha) * 127);
                                 $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($tmp, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha);
                                 imagesetpixel($tmp, $x, $y + $this->image_dst_y + $this->image_reflection_space, $color);
                         if ($transparency > 0) {
                             $transparency = $transparency - $this->image_reflection_opacity / $image_reflection_height;
                     // copy the resulting image into the destination image
                     $this->image_dst_y = $this->image_dst_y + $image_reflection_height + $this->image_reflection_space;
                     $image_dst = $this->imagetransfer($tmp, $image_dst);
                 // reduce the JPEG image to a set desired size
                 if (is_numeric($this->jpeg_size) && $this->jpeg_size > 0 && ($this->image_convert == 'jpeg' || $this->image_convert == 'jpg')) {
                     // inspired by: JPEGReducer class version 1, 25 November 2004, Author: Huda M ElMatsani, justhuda at netscape dot net
                     $this->log .= '- JPEG desired file size : ' . $this->jpeg_size . '<br />';
                     // calculate size of each image. 75%, 50%, and 25% quality
                     imagejpeg($image_dst, '', 75);
                     $buffer = ob_get_contents();
                     $size75 = strlen($buffer);
                     imagejpeg($image_dst, '', 50);
                     $buffer = ob_get_contents();
                     $size50 = strlen($buffer);
                     imagejpeg($image_dst, '', 25);
                     $buffer = ob_get_contents();
                     $size25 = strlen($buffer);
                     // calculate gradient of size reduction by quality
                     $mgrad1 = 25 / ($size50 - $size25);
                     $mgrad2 = 25 / ($size75 - $size50);
                     $mgrad3 = 50 / ($size75 - $size25);
                     $mgrad = ($mgrad1 + $mgrad2 + $mgrad3) / 3;
                     // result of approx. quality factor for expected size
                     $q_factor = round($mgrad * ($this->jpeg_size - $size50) + 50);
                     if ($q_factor < 1) {
                         $this->jpeg_quality = 1;
                     } elseif ($q_factor > 100) {
                         $this->jpeg_quality = 100;
                     } else {
                         $this->jpeg_quality = $q_factor;
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JPEG quality factor set to ' . $this->jpeg_quality . '<br />';
                 // converts image from true color, and fix transparency if needed
                 $this->log .= '- converting...<br />';
                 switch ($this->image_convert) {
                     case 'gif':
                         // if the image is true color, we convert it to a palette
                         if (imageistruecolor($image_dst)) {
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;true color to palette<br />';
                             // creates a black and white mask
                             $mask = array(array());
                             for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                 for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                     $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                     $mask[$x][$y] = $pixel['alpha'];
                             list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_default_color);
                             // first, we merge the image with the background color, so we know which colors we will have
                             for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                 for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                     if ($mask[$x][$y] > 0) {
                                         // we have some transparency. we combine the color with the default color
                                         $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                         $alpha = $mask[$x][$y] / 127;
                                         $pixel['red'] = round($pixel['red'] * (1 - $alpha) + $red * $alpha);
                                         $pixel['green'] = round($pixel['green'] * (1 - $alpha) + $green * $alpha);
                                         $pixel['blue'] = round($pixel['blue'] * (1 - $alpha) + $blue * $alpha);
                                         $color = imagecolorallocate($image_dst, $pixel['red'], $pixel['green'], $pixel['blue']);
                                         imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                             // transforms the true color image into palette, with its merged default color
                             if (empty($this->image_background_color)) {
                                 imagetruecolortopalette($image_dst, true, 255);
                                 $transparency = imagecolorallocate($image_dst, 254, 1, 253);
                                 imagecolortransparent($image_dst, $transparency);
                                 // make the transparent areas transparent
                                 for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                                     for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                         // we test wether we have enough opacity to justify keeping the color
                                         if ($mask[$x][$y] > 120) {
                                             imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $transparency);
                     case 'jpg':
                     case 'bmp':
                         // if the image doesn't support any transparency, then we merge it with the default color
                         $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;fills in transparency with default color<br />';
                         list($red, $green, $blue) = $this->getcolors($this->image_default_color);
                         $transparency = imagecolorallocate($image_dst, $red, $green, $blue);
                         // make the transaparent areas transparent
                         for ($x = 0; $x < $this->image_dst_x; $x++) {
                             for ($y = 0; $y < $this->image_dst_y; $y++) {
                                 // we test wether we have some transparency, in which case we will merge the colors
                                 if (imageistruecolor($image_dst)) {
                                     $rgba = imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y);
                                     $pixel = array('red' => $rgba >> 16 & 0xff, 'green' => $rgba >> 8 & 0xff, 'blue' => $rgba & 0xff, 'alpha' => ($rgba & 0x7f000000) >> 24);
                                 } else {
                                     $pixel = imagecolorsforindex($image_dst, imagecolorat($image_dst, $x, $y));
                                 if ($pixel['alpha'] == 127) {
                                     // we have full transparency. we make the pixel transparent
                                     imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $transparency);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($pixel['alpha'] > 0) {
                                         // we have some transparency. we combine the color with the default color
                                         $alpha = $pixel['alpha'] / 127;
                                         $pixel['red'] = round($pixel['red'] * (1 - $alpha) + $red * $alpha);
                                         $pixel['green'] = round($pixel['green'] * (1 - $alpha) + $green * $alpha);
                                         $pixel['blue'] = round($pixel['blue'] * (1 - $alpha) + $blue * $alpha);
                                         $color = imagecolorclosest($image_dst, $pixel['red'], $pixel['green'], $pixel['blue']);
                                         imagesetpixel($image_dst, $x, $y, $color);
                 // outputs image
                 $this->log .= '- saving image...<br />';
                 switch ($this->image_convert) {
                     case 'jpeg':
                     case 'jpg':
                         if (!$return_mode) {
                             $result = @imagejpeg($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname, $this->jpeg_quality);
                         } else {
                             $result = @imagejpeg($image_dst, '', $this->jpeg_quality);
                             $return_content = ob_get_contents();
                         if (!$result) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = $this->translate('file_create', array('JPEG'));
                         } else {
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;JPEG image created<br />';
                     case 'png':
                         imagealphablending($image_dst, false);
                         imagesavealpha($image_dst, true);
                         if (!$return_mode) {
                             $result = @imagepng($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname);
                         } else {
                             $result = @imagepng($image_dst);
                             $return_content = ob_get_contents();
                         if (!$result) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = $this->translate('file_create', array('PNG'));
                         } else {
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PNG image created<br />';
                     case 'gif':
                         if (!$return_mode) {
                             $result = @imagegif($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname);
                         } else {
                             $result = @imagegif($image_dst);
                             $return_content = ob_get_contents();
                         if (!$result) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = $this->translate('file_create', array('GIF'));
                         } else {
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;GIF image created<br />';
                     case 'bmp':
                         if (!$return_mode) {
                             $result = $this->imagebmp($image_dst, $this->file_dst_pathname);
                         } else {
                             $result = $this->imagebmp($image_dst);
                             $return_content = ob_get_contents();
                         if (!$result) {
                             $this->processed = false;
                             $this->error = $this->translate('file_create', array('BMP'));
                         } else {
                             $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BMP image created<br />';
                         $this->processed = false;
                         $this->error = $this->translate('no_conversion_type');
                 if ($this->processed) {
                     if (is_resource($image_src)) {
                     if (is_resource($image_dst)) {
                     $this->log .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;image objects destroyed<br />';
         } else {
             $this->log .= '- no image processing wanted<br />';
             if (!$return_mode) {
                 // copy the file to its final destination. we don't use move_uploaded_file here
                 // if we happen to have open_basedir restrictions, it is a temp file that we copy, not the original uploaded file
                 if (!copy($this->file_src_pathname, $this->file_dst_pathname)) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('copy_failed');
             } else {
                 // returns the file, so that its content can be received by the caller
                 $return_content = @file_get_contents($this->file_src_pathname);
                 if ($return_content === FALSE) {
                     $this->processed = false;
                     $this->error = $this->translate('reading_failed');
     if ($this->processed) {
         $this->log .= '- <b>process OK</b><br />';
     } else {
         $this->log .= '- <b>error</b>: ' . $this->error . '<br />';
     // we reinit all the vars
     // we may return the image content
     if ($return_mode) {
         return $return_content;
Esempio n. 29
  * main class method; Create the image and return the url to the image file;
  * @param string relative path to site root
  * @return mixt image url or error
 function getImageURL($relpath)
     // check write permissions on captcha folder
     $fld = new KT_folder();
     if (!$fld->checkRights(KT_CAPTCHA_TEMP_FOLDER, 'write')) {
         if ($GLOBALS['tNG_debug_mode'] == 'DEVELOPMENT') {
             $error = KT_getResource('FOLDER_ERROR_D', 'Captcha', array(KT_CAPTCHA_TEMP_FOLDER));
         } else {
             $error = KT_getResource('FOLDER_ERROR', 'Captcha');
         return $this->formatError($error);
     // with gd
     if ($this->lib == "gd") {
         $arr["GD Version"] = 'GD not available';
         if (function_exists('gd_info')) {
             $arr = gd_info();
             preg_match("/(2)\\.[\\d]+/i", $arr["GD Version"], $matches);
         if (!isset($arr) || !isset($matches[1]) || (int) $matches[1] < 2) {
             $error = KT_getResource('PHP_GD_VERSION_ERROR', 'Captcha', array($arr["GD Version"]));
             return $this->formatError($error);
         $im = imagecreatefrompng(dirname(__FILE__) . '/captcha.png') or $error = KT_getResource('PHP_GD_ERROR', 'Captcha', array());
         if (isset($error)) {
             return $this->formatError($error);
         $string = $this->getTextCaptcha();
         $font = imageloadfont(dirname(__FILE__) . "/fonts/Courier.gdf");
         if ($font === false) {
             $font = 5;
         $fontFileName = dirname(__FILE__) . '/fonts/MyriadWebPro.ttf';
         $wFont = 24;
         $hFont = 24;
         // write the letters
         for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
             $color1 = rand(0, 64);
             $color2 = rand(0, 64);
             $color3 = rand(0, 64);
             $text_color = imagecolorallocate($im, $color1, $color2, $color3);
             $okttf = false;
             if (function_exists('imagettftext')) {
                 $okttf = @imagettftext($im, 14, rand(-25, 25), 10 + $i * $wFont, $hFont + rand(4, 26), $text_color, $fontFileName, $string[$i]);
             if ($okttf === false) {
                 $fim = imagecreatetruecolor($wFont + 9, $hFont + 9);
                 $back = imagecolorallocate($fim, 255, 255, 255);
                 imagefilledrectangle($fim, 0, 0, $wFont + 8, $hFont + 8, $back);
                 $transparent2 = imagecolorallocate($fim, 255, 255, 255);
                 $text_color = imagecolorallocate($fim, $color1, $color2, $color3);
                 imagestring($fim, $font, 4, 4, $string[$i], $text_color);
                 if (function_exists("imagerotate")) {
                     $fim = imagerotate($fim, rand(-25, 25), $transparent2);
                 $iTranspa2 = imagecolortransparent($fim, $transparent2);
                 imagecopymerge($im, $fim, 0 + $i * $wFont, rand(4, 26), 0, 0, $wFont + 9, $hFont + 9, 80);
         imagepng($im, KT_CAPTCHA_TEMP_FOLDER . $this->filename);
         // with imagemagick
     } else {
         $sourceFileName = dirname(__FILE__) . '/captcha.png';
         $fontFileName = dirname(__FILE__) . '/fonts/MyriadWebPro.ttf';
         $destFileName = KT_CAPTCHA_TEMP_FOLDER . $this->filename;
         $arrCommands = array($GLOBALS['KT_prefered_imagemagick_path'] . 'convert');
         $shell = new KT_shell();
         $direction = rand(0, 10);
         if ($direction % 2 == 0) {
             $textRend = -rand(8, 11) . 'x0+' . (5 + (8 - strlen($this->text)) * 20) . '+' . (70 - (8 - strlen($this->text)) * 5);
         } else {
             $textRend = rand(8, 11) . 'x0+' . (5 + (8 - strlen($this->text)) * 20) . '+' . (35 + (8 - strlen($this->text)) * 5);
         $arrArguments = array('-font', $fontFileName, '-pointsize', '34', '-fill', 'rgb(' . rand(0, 32) . ',' . rand(0, 32) . ',' . rand(0, 32) . ')', '-annotate', $textRend, $this->text, '-wave', '3x50', '-region', '100x70+' . rand(0, 100) . '+0', '-swirl', '25', '-region', '100x70+' . rand(0, 100) . '+0', '-swirl', '-25', $sourceFileName, $destFileName);
         $shell->execute($arrCommands, $arrArguments);
         if ($shell->hasError()) {
             $arr = $shell->getError();
             $ret = $this->formatError($arr[0]);
             return $ret;
     return $relpath . KT_CAPTCHA_TEMP_URL . $this->filename;
Esempio n. 30
  * Draw the CAPTCHA code over the image
  * @access private
 function drawWord()
     $width2 = $this->image_width * $this->iscale;
     $height2 = $this->image_height * $this->iscale;
     $text_color = $this->text_color;
     $gd_info = gd_info();
     if ($this->use_gd_font == true || !function_exists('imagettftext') || $gd_info['FreeType Support'] == false) {
         $this->gd_font_file = $this->getFontFromDirectory($this->gd_font_directory, 'gdf');
         if (!is_int($this->gd_font_file)) {
             //is a file name
             $font = @imageloadfont($this->gd_font_file);
             if ($font == false) {
                 trigger_error("Failed to load GD Font file {$this->gd_font_file} ", E_USER_WARNING);
         } else {
             //gd font identifier
             $font = $this->gd_font_file;
         $color = imagecolorallocate($this->im, hexdec(substr($text_color, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($text_color, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($text_color, 5, 2)));
         imagestring($this->im, $font, $this->text_x_start, $this->image_height / 2 - $this->gd_font_size / 2, $this->code, $color);
     } else {
         //ttf font
         $this->ttf_file = $this->getFontFromDirectory($this->ttf_font_directory, 'ttf');
         $text_color = $this->getColorArray($this->text_color, '#3d3d3d');
         $font_size = $height2 * 0.6;
         // was .35 but fonts wre too small
         $bb = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $this->ttf_file, $this->code);
         // repeat this line to fix random missing text on some Debian servers
         $bb = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $this->ttf_file, $this->code);
         $tx = $bb[4] - $bb[0];
         $ty = $bb[5] - $bb[1];
         $x = floor($width2 / 2 - $tx / 2 - $bb[0]);
         $y = round($height2 / 2 - $ty / 2 - $bb[1]);
         if ($this->use_transparent_text == true) {
             $alpha = intval($this->text_transparency_percentage / 100 * 127);
             $font_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->tmpimg, $text_color[0], $text_color[1], $text_color[2], $alpha);
         } else {
             //no transparency
             $font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->tmpimg, $text_color[0], $text_color[1], $text_color[2]);
         $strlen = strlen($this->code);
         if (!is_array($this->multi_text_color)) {
             $this->use_multi_text = false;
         if ($this->use_multi_text == false && $this->text_angle_minimum == 0 && $this->text_angle_maximum == 0) {
             // no angled or multi-color characters
             imagettftext($this->tmpimg, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $font_color, $this->ttf_file, $this->code);
         } else {
             $this->multi_text_color = $this->convertMultiTextColor($this->multi_text_color);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; ++$i) {
                 $angle = rand($this->text_angle_minimum, $this->text_angle_maximum);
                 $y = rand($y - 2, $y + 2);
                 // up/down align was 5 , but diff was too steep
                 $x = $x - 5;
                 // left placement
                 if ($this->use_multi_text == true) {
                     $idx = rand(0, sizeof($this->multi_text_color) - 1);
                     if ($this->use_transparent_text == true) {
                         $font_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->tmpimg, $this->multi_text_color[$idx][0], $this->multi_text_color[$idx][1], $this->multi_text_color[$idx][2], $alpha);
                     } else {
                         $font_color = imagecolorallocate($this->tmpimg, $this->multi_text_color[$idx][0], $this->multi_text_color[$idx][1], $this->multi_text_color[$idx][2]);
                 $ch = $this->code[$i];
                 imagettftext($this->tmpimg, $font_size, $angle, $x, $y, $font_color, $this->ttf_file, $ch);
                 // estimate character widths to increment $x without creating spaces that are too large or too small
                 // these are best estimates to align text but may vary between fonts
                 // for optimal character widths, do not use multiple text colors or character angles and the complete string will be written by imagettftext
                 if (strpos('abcdeghknopqsuvxyz', $ch) !== false) {
                     $min_x = $font_size - $this->iscale * 6;
                     $max_x = $font_size - $this->iscale * 6;
                 } else {
                     if (strpos('ilI1', $ch) !== false) {
                         $min_x = $font_size / 5;
                         $max_x = $font_size / 3;
                     } else {
                         if (strpos('fjrt', $ch) !== false) {
                             $min_x = $font_size - $this->iscale * 12;
                             $max_x = $font_size - $this->iscale * 12;
                         } else {
                             if ($ch == 'wm') {
                                 $min_x = $font_size;
                                 $max_x = $font_size + $this->iscale * 3;
                             } else {
                                 // numbers, capitals or unicode
                                 $min_x = $font_size + $this->iscale * 2;
                                 $max_x = $font_size + $this->iscale * 5;
                 $x += rand($min_x, $max_x);
             //for loop
         // angled or multi-color
     //else ttf font
     //$this->im = $this->tmpimg;