echo _Ti('app_input_title') . $row['title'] . "<br />\n"; echo _Ti('app_input_type') . _Tkw('appointments', $row['type']) . "<br />\n"; if ($row['hidden'] == 'Y') { echo '<p class="normal_text"><strong>' . _T('app_info_is_deleted') . "</strong>"; if ($ac['a']) { echo " " . _T('app_info_is_deleted2'); } echo "</p>\n"; } show_page_subtitle(_T('generic_subtitle_general'), 'tools_agenda'); echo _Ti('app_input_description') . nl2br($row['description']) . "<br />\n"; echo "<br />\n"; echo _Ti('time_input_date_start') . format_date($row['start_time'], 'short'); $year_for_cal = "&annee=" . annee($row['start_time']) . "&mois=" . mois($row['start_time']) . "&jour=" . journum($row['start_time']); // day echo ' ' . http_href_img("calendar.php?type=jour" . $year_for_cal, 'cal-today.gif', '', _T('app_info_see_cal_for_day_tooltip')); echo "<br />\n"; /* [ML] removing: not really useful for now $end_time = vider_date($row['end_time']); $reminder = vider_date($row['reminder']); if ($prefs['time_intervals'] == 'absolute') { echo _Ti('time_input_date_end') . format_date($row['end_time'], 'short') . "<br />\n"; echo _Ti('app_input_reminder') . format_date($row['reminder'], 'short') . "<br />\n"; } else { $duration = ($end_time ? strtotime($row['end_time']) - strtotime($row['start_time']) : 0); echo _Ti('app_input_time_length') . format_time_interval($duration,($prefs['time_intervals_notation'] == 'hours_only')) . "<br />\n"; $reminder_offset = ($reminder ? strtotime($row['start_time']) - strtotime($row['reminder']) : 0); echo _Ti('app_input_reminder') . format_time_interval($reminder_offset,($prefs['time_intervals_notation'] == 'hours_only')) . " " . _T('time_info_before_start') . "<br />\n"; }
function http_calendrier_navigation($jour, $mois, $annee, $partie_cal, $echelle, $nom, $script, $args_pred, $args_suiv, $type, $ancre) { if (!$echelle) { $echelle = DEFAULT_D_SCALE; } $script = http_calendrier_retire_args($script); if (!preg_match('/[?&]$/', $script)) { $script .= strpos($script, '?') ? '&' : '?'; } $args = "jour={$jour}&mois={$mois}&annee={$annee}{$ancre}"; $retour = "<div class='cal_navigation'>"; if ($type != "mois") { if ($partie_cal == "tout") { $img_att = " style='-moz-opacity: 0.3; filter: alpha(opacity=30)'"; } else { $img_att = ""; } // Button: 'all day' $retour .= "<span{$img_att}>" . http_href_img($script . "type={$type}&set_partie_cal=tout&{$args}", "heures-tout.png", "width='13' height='13' style='behavior: url('", _T('calendar_button_fullday')) . "</span>"; // Button: 'morning only' if ($partie_cal == "matin") { $img_att = " style='-moz-opacity: 0.3; filter: alpha(opacity=30)'"; } else { $img_att = ""; } $retour .= "<span{$img_att}>" . http_href_img($script . "type={$type}&set_partie_cal=matin&{$args}", "heures-am.png", "width='13' height='13' style='behavior: url('", _T('calendar_button_morning')) . "</span>"; // Button: 'after-noon only' if ($partie_cal == "soir") { $img_att = " style='-moz-opacity: 0.3; filter: alpha(opacity=30)'"; } else { $img_att = ""; } $retour .= "<span{$img_att}>" . http_href_img($script . "type={$type}&set_partie_cal=soir&{$args}", "heures-pm.png", "width='13' height='13' style='behavior: url('", _T('calendar_button_afternoon')) . "</span>"; $retour .= " "; // Button: Zoom out $retour .= http_href_img($script . "type={$type}&set_echelle=" . floor($echelle * 1.5) . "&{$args}", "loupe-moins.gif", '', _T('button_zoom') . '-'); // Button: Zoom in $retour .= http_href_img($script . "type={$type}&set_echelle=" . floor($echelle / 1.5) . "&{$args}", "loupe-plus.gif", '', _T('button_zoom') . '+'); $retour .= " "; } // Button: specific day view $img_att = $type == 'jour' ? " style='-moz-opacity: 0.3; filter: alpha(opacity=30)'" : ''; $retour .= http_href_img($script . "type=jour&echelle={$echelle}&{$args}", "cal-jour.gif", $img_att, _T('calendar_button_daily')) . " "; // Button: specific week view $img_att = $type == 'semaine' ? " style='-moz-opacity: 0.3; filter: alpha(opacity=30)'" : ""; $retour .= http_href_img($script . "type=semaine&echelle={$echelle}&{$args}", "cal-semaine.gif", $img_att, _T('calendar_button_weekly')) . " "; // Button: specific month view $img_att = $type == 'mois' ? " style='-moz-opacity: 0.3; filter: alpha(opacity=30)'" : ""; $retour .= http_href_img($script . "type=mois&echelle={$echelle}&{$args}", "cal-mois.gif", $img_att, _T('calendar_button_monthly')); $retour .= " "; $today = getdate(time()); $jour_today = $today["mday"]; $mois_today = $today["mon"]; $annee_today = $today["year"]; $arguments = "jour={$jour_today}&mois={$mois_today}&annee={$annee_today}{$ancre}"; if ($type == 'mois') { $condition = $annee == $annee_today && $mois == $mois_today; } else { $condition = $annee == $annee_today && $mois == $mois_today && $jour == $jour_today; } // Button: 'today' view + mouseover of 3-month cal + previous/future months in year $id = 'nav-agenda' . preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '', $ancre); $retour .= "<span onmouseover=\"lcm_show('{$id}');\">"; $retour .= http_href_img($script . "type={$type}&echelle={$echelle}&{$arguments}", "cal-today.gif", $condition ? " style='-moz-opacity: 0.3; filter: alpha(opacity=30)'" : "", _T("calendar_button_now")); // Button: Previous month if ($args_pred) { $retour .= http_href($script . "type={$type}&echelle={$echelle}&{$args_pred}{$ancre}", http_img_pack("fleche-left.png", '<<<', "style='behavior: url(' width='12' height='12'"), _T('listnav_link_previous')); } // Button: Next month if ($args_suiv) { $retour .= http_href($script . "type={$type}&echelle={$echelle}&{$args_suiv}{$ancre}", http_img_pack("fleche-right.png", '>>>', "style='behavior: url(' width='12' height='12'"), _T('listnav_link_next')); } $retour .= "</span> "; $retour .= " "; // Current month name $retour .= "<span style='font-weight: bold'>{$nom}</span>"; // Hidden agenda shown on mouseover of 'current day' button return $retour . "</div>" . http_agenda_invisible($id, $annee, $jour, $mois, $script, $ancre); }