/** * Generate the callback URL to be notified when a payment is received. * @param string $url * @return string */ public function generateCallbackUrl($url) { if (!is_string($url)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$url is not string'); } return http_build_url($url, array('query' => 'secret=' . $this->getSecretParameter()), HTTP_URL_STRIP_AUTH | HTTP_URL_JOIN_PATH | HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY | HTTP_URL_STRIP_FRAGMENT); }
/** * Test that www/no-www is handled correctly * * If the site is using a www URL, then no-www should redirect to www. * If the site is using a non-www URL, then www should redirect to no-www. * * The redirect should be done with 301 permanent redirect status * code. And once the user follows the redirect, he should end up on * the correct page. */ public function test_wwwRedirect() { $components = $this->components; $pos = strpos($components['host'], 'www.'); if ($pos === false || $pos > 0) { $components['host'] = 'www.' . $components['host']; } else { $components['host'] = substr($components['host'], 4); } $wwwUrl = http_build_url($components); try { $res = $this->client->get($wwwUrl, ['allow_redirects' => false, 'timeout' => $this->timeout]); $statusCode = $res->getStatusCode(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Failed fetching URL [{$wwwUrl}] : " . $e->getMessage()); } $this->assertEquals(301, $statusCode, "The www/no-www redirect did not return 301 status code"); try { $res = $this->client->get($wwwUrl, ['timeout' => $this->timeout]); $statusCode = $res->getStatusCode(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail("Failed fetching URL [{$wwwUrl}] : " . $e->getMessage()); } $this->assertEquals(200, $statusCode, "The www/no-www redirect did not end up in 200 status code"); }
private function _buildURI($append_path = null, $append_query = null) { $uri = $this->_uri_pieces; if (isset($append_path)) { if (is_array($append_path)) { $uri['path'] = array_merge($uri['path'], $append_path); } else { $uri['path'][] = $append_path; } } if (!empty($uri['path'])) { $uri['path'] = '/' . implode('/', $uri['path']); } if (isset($append_query) && is_array($append_query)) { foreach ($append_query as $key => $value) { if (is_bool($value)) { $append_query[$key] = $this->_boolString($value); } } if (!empty($uri['query'])) { $uri['query'] = array_merge($uri['query'], $append_query); } else { $uri['query'] = $append_query; } } if (!empty($uri['query'])) { $uri['query'] = http_build_query($uri['query']); } return http_build_url('http://localhost/', $uri); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('visual_themes')->library('template'); // Determine the current visual theme. if ($this->input->get('theme') != '' && $this->input->method() == 'get' && !$this->input->is_ajax_request()) { $theme = (string) $this->input->get('theme'); $this->visual_themes->set_current($theme); parse_str(parse_url(CURRENT_URL, PHP_URL_QUERY), $query); unset($query['theme']); redirect(http_build_url(current_url(), array('query' => http_build_query($query)))); } $this->template->set_theme($this->visual_themes->get_current()); $default_title = config_item('default_title'); $default_description = config_item('default_description'); $default_keywords = config_item('default_keywords'); if ($default_title != '') { $this->template->title($default_title); } if ($default_description != '') { $this->template->set_metadata('description', $default_description); } if ($default_keywords != '') { $this->template->set_metadata('keywords', $default_keywords); } $this->template->set_breadcrumb('<i class="fa fa-home"></i> ' . $this->lang->line('ui_home'), site_url()); }
/** * Creates a url with the given uri, including the base url * * @param string $uri * @param array $variables * @param array $getVariables * @param boolean $secure * * @return string */ public static function create($uri = null, $variables = [], $getVariables = [], $secure = null) { $url = ''; $uri = $uri ?: static::string(); // If the given uri is not a full URL if (!preg_match("#^(http|https|ftp)://#i", $uri)) { $url .= \Config::get('baseUrl'); if ($index_file = \Config::get('indexFile')) { $url .= $index_file . '/'; } } $url .= ltrim($uri, '/'); // Add a url_suffix if defined and the url doesn't already have one if (substr($url, -1) != '/' and (($suffix = strrchr($url, '.')) === false or strlen($suffix) > 5)) { \Config::get('url_suffix') and $url .= \Config::get('url_suffix'); } if (!empty($get_variables)) { $char = strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&'; if (is_string($get_variables)) { $url .= $char . str_replace('%3A', ':', $get_variables); } else { $url .= $char . str_replace('%3A', ':', http_build_query($get_variables)); } } array_walk($variables, function ($val, $key) use(&$url) { $url = str_replace(':' . $key, $val, $url); }); is_bool($secure) and $url = http_build_url($url, array('scheme' => $secure ? 'https' : 'http')); return $url; }
protected function _processAnchors($content, $url, $depth) { $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0'); @$dom->loadHTML($content); $anchors = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a'); foreach ($anchors as $element) { $href = $element->getAttribute('href'); if (0 !== strpos($href, 'http')) { $path = '/' . ltrim($href, '/'); if (extension_loaded('http')) { $href = http_build_url($url, array('path' => $path)); } else { $parts = parse_url($url); $href = $parts['scheme'] . '://'; if (isset($parts['user']) && isset($parts['pass'])) { $href .= $parts['user'] . ':' . $parts['pass'] . '@'; } $href .= $parts['host']; if (isset($parts['port'])) { $href .= ':' . $parts['port']; } $href .= $path; } } // Crawl only link that belongs to the start domain $this->crawl_page($href, $depth - 1); } }
/** * Creates a URL for requesting a custom user photo. */ public function get($photo, $size = null, $default_image = null, $force_default_image = null) { $url = $this->base_url . 'avatar/' . $photo; $query = array(); $size = (int) $size; if ($size <= 0) { $size = $this->image_size; } if ($size > 0) { $query['s'] = $size; } if (isset($default_image)) { $default_image = (string) $default_image; } else { $default_image = $this->default_image; } if ($default_image != '') { $query['d'] = $default_image; } if (isset($force_default_image)) { $force_default_image = !empty($force_default_image); } else { $force_default_image = $this->force_default_image; } if ($force_default_image) { $query['f'] = 'y'; } if (!empty($query)) { $url = http_build_url($url, array('query' => http_build_query($query))); } return $url; }
/** * Wrapper for "http_build_url" -- will use http_build_url() if it exists, if not will do same thing. * * See: http://php.net/manual/en/function.http-build-query.php * * @param $url * @param array $parts * @param int $flags * @param bool|false $new_url * * @return string */ function cf_http_build_url($url, $parts = array(), $flags = HTTP_URL_REPLACE, &$new_url = false) { if (function_exists('http_build_url')) { return http_build_url($url, $parts, $flags, $new_url); } $keys = array('user', 'pass', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'fragment'); if ($flags & HTTP_URL_STRIP_ALL) { $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER; $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS; $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PORT; $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PATH; $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_QUERY; $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_FRAGMENT; } elseif ($flags & HTTP_URL_STRIP_AUTH) { $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_USER; $flags |= HTTP_URL_STRIP_PASS; } // Parse the original URL $parse_url = parse_url($url); // Scheme and Host are always replaced if (isset($parts['scheme'])) { $parse_url['scheme'] = $parts['scheme']; } if (isset($parts['host'])) { $parse_url['host'] = $parts['host']; } if ($flags & HTTP_URL_REPLACE) { foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($parts[$key])) { $parse_url[$key] = $parts[$key]; } } } else { if (isset($parts['path']) && $flags & HTTP_URL_JOIN_PATH) { if (isset($parse_url['path'])) { $parse_url['path'] = rtrim(str_replace(basename($parse_url['path']), '', $parse_url['path']), '/') . '/' . ltrim($parts['path'], '/'); } else { $parse_url['path'] = $parts['path']; } } if (isset($parts['query']) && $flags & HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY) { if (isset($parse_url['query'])) { $parse_url['query'] .= '&' . $parts['query']; } else { $parse_url['query'] = $parts['query']; } } } foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($flags & (int) constant('HTTP_URL_STRIP_' . strtoupper($key))) { unset($parse_url[$key]); } if (isset($parse_url[$key]) && is_array($parse_url[$key])) { $parse_url[$key] = http_build_query($parse_url[$key]); } } $new_url = $parse_url; return (isset($parse_url['scheme']) ? $parse_url['scheme'] . '://' : '') . (isset($parse_url['user']) ? $parse_url['user'] . (isset($parse_url['pass']) ? ':' . $parse_url['pass'] : '') . '@' : '') . (isset($parse_url['host']) ? $parse_url['host'] : '') . (isset($parse_url['port']) ? ':' . $parse_url['port'] : '') . (isset($parse_url['path']) ? $parse_url['path'] : '') . (isset($parse_url['query']) ? '?' . $parse_url['query'] : '') . (isset($parse_url['fragment']) ? '#' . $parse_url['fragment'] : ''); }
public static function joinURL($parts) { // imgix idiosyncracy for signing URLs when only the signature exists. Our query string must begin with '?&s=' if (substr($parts['query'], 0, 2) === "s=") { $parts['query'] = "&" . $parts['query']; } return http_build_url($parts); }
public function action_chat() { $this->template->content = \View::forge('member/chat'); $config = Config::get('db.nodejs.chat', array()); $host = empty($config['host']) ? Config::get('base_url') : $config['host']; $port = empty($config['port']) ? 0 : (int) $config['port']; $this->template->content->chat_url = $port ? http_build_url('/', array('host' => $host, 'port' => $port)) : $host; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->language('welcome')->library('curl'); $title = 'Lex Parser Test'; $this->template->append_title($title)->set_breadcrumb($title, http_build_url(site_url('playground/lex-parser'), array('query' => http_build_query(array('q_1' => 'query_param_1', 'q_2' => 'query_param_2'))))); $this->registry->set('nav', 'playground/lex'); }
function validate_url($variable, $options = null) { $parsed_url = parse_url($variable); if (empty($parsed_url) || !is_array($parsed_url) || empty($parsed_url['host'])) { return false; } $parsed_url['host'] = idn_to_ascii($parsed_url['host']); return (bool) filter_var(http_build_url($parsed_url), FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, $options); }
function authenticated_url($url) { // we are using HTTP authentication in this example // if using sessions you'll want to put the session name and ID into the query string instead $parts = array(); $parts['user'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $parts['pass'] = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; return http_build_url($url, $parts); }
public function buildURL() { $params = []; foreach ($this->paramsName as $key => $_name) { $params[$_name] = $this->{$key}; } $this->url = ($this->region ? "{$this->region}." : "") . "{$this->site}/" . ($this->mainCategory ? "/{$this->mainCategory}/" : "") . ($this->childCategory ? "/{$this->childCategory}/" : ""); return http_build_url($this->url, $params); }
/** * Returns domain link from url. * @param $url * @return string */ protected function getDomainLink($url) { $parsedLink = parse_url($url); if ($parsedLink == false) { return ""; } $domainLink = http_build_url($url, $parsedLink, HTTP_URL_STRIP_PATH | HTTP_URL_STRIP_QUERY | HTTP_URL_STRIP_FRAGMENT); return $domainLink; }
public function getAbsoluteURL($source_url, $relative_url) { $url_parts = parse_url($relative_url); if (array_key_exists('scheme', $url_parts)) { return $relative_url; } $absolute = http_build_url($source_url, $url_parts, HTTP_URL_JOIN_PATH); return $absolute; }
/** * Remove ugly parts of a url to make it nice */ public function Nice() { if ($this->value && ($parts = parse_url($this->URL()))) { $remove = array('scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'port', 'query', 'fragment'); foreach ($remove as $part) { unset($parts[$part]); } return rtrim(http_build_url($parts), "/"); } }
/** * Set PhpMyAdmin language according language set in panel * * Note: If panel language doesn't match any language available for PMA, language * is set to English (en). * * @access private * @param string $location PMA URI location * @return string PMA URI location */ function _client_pmaSetLanguage($location) { /** @var Zend_Translate_Adapter $translator */ $translator = iMSCP_Registry::get('translator')->getAdapter(); $uriComponents = parse_url($location); parse_str($uriComponents['query'], $queryParts); $queryParts['lang'] = substr($translator->getLocale(), 0, 2); $uriComponents['query'] = http_build_query($queryParts); return http_build_url($location, $uriComponents); }
function image_process_nowm($src, $width = null, $height = null, $no_crop = null, $keep_canvas_size = null) { if ($no_crop !== null) { $no_crop = empty($no_crop) ? 0 : 1; } if ($keep_canvas_size !== null) { $keep_canvas_size = empty($keep_canvas_size) ? 0 : 1; } return http_build_url(site_url('playground/image-process-nowm'), array('query' => http_build_query(array('src' => $src, 'w' => $width, 'h' => $height, 'no_crop' => $no_crop, 'keep_canvas_size' => $keep_canvas_size))), HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY); }
/** * Class constructor * * Sets the $config data from the primary config.php file as a class variable. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { $this->config =& get_config(); global $DETECT_URL; // Set the base_url automatically if none was provided if (empty($this->config['base_url'])) { $this->set_item('base_url', $DETECT_URL['base_url']); } else { $this->set_item('base_url', http_build_url($this->config['base_url'], array('scheme' => $DETECT_URL['server_protocol'], 'port' => $DETECT_URL['port']))); } if (!defined('BASE_URL')) { define('BASE_URL', $this->add_slash($this->base_url())); } if (!defined('BASE_URI')) { define('BASE_URI', $DETECT_URL['base_uri']); } if (!defined('SERVER_URL')) { define('SERVER_URL', $this->add_slash(substr(BASE_URL, 0, strlen(BASE_URL) - strlen(BASE_URI)))); } if (!defined('SITE_URL')) { define('SITE_URL', $this->add_slash($this->site_url())); } if (!defined('SITE_URI')) { define('SITE_URI', '/' . str_replace(SERVER_URL, '', SITE_URL)); } if (!defined('CURRENT_URI')) { define('CURRENT_URI', $DETECT_URL['current_uri']); } if (!defined('CURRENT_URL')) { define('CURRENT_URL', rtrim(SERVER_URL, '/') . CURRENT_URI); } // Added by Ivan Tcholakov, 26-DEC-2013. // See https://github.com/EllisLab/CodeIgniter/issues/2792 if (!defined('IS_UTF8_CHARSET')) { define('IS_UTF8_CHARSET', strtolower($this->config['charset']) === 'utf-8'); } // // Common Purpose File System Repositories $public_upload_path = $this->add_slash(isset($this->config['public_upload_path']) && $this->config['public_upload_path'] != '' ? $this->config['public_upload_path'] : FCPATH . 'upload/'); $this->set_item('public_upload_path', $public_upload_path); if (!defined('PUBLIC_UPLOAD_PATH')) { define('PUBLIC_UPLOAD_PATH', $public_upload_path); } $public_upload_url = $this->add_slash(isset($this->config['public_upload_url']) && $this->config['public_upload_url'] != '' ? str_replace('{base_url}', BASE_URL, $this->config['public_upload_url']) : BASE_URL . 'upload/'); $this->set_item('public_upload_url', $public_upload_url); if (!defined('PUBLIC_UPLOAD_URL')) { define('PUBLIC_UPLOAD_URL', $public_upload_url); } $platform_upload_path = $this->add_slash(isset($this->config['platform_upload_path']) && $this->config['platform_upload_path'] != '' ? $this->config['platform_upload_path'] : PLATFORMPATH . 'upload/'); $this->set_item('platform_upload_path', $platform_upload_path); if (!defined('PLATFORM_UPLOAD_PATH')) { define('PLATFORM_UPLOAD_PATH', $platform_upload_path); } log_message('info', 'Config Class Initialized'); }
public static function my_image_url($src = null, $width = null, $height = null, $no_crop = null, $keep_canvas_size = null) { $src = isset($src) && $src != '' ? $src : image_url('lib/blank.png'); if ($no_crop !== null) { $no_crop = empty($no_crop) ? 0 : 1; } if ($keep_canvas_size !== null) { $keep_canvas_size = empty($keep_canvas_size) ? 0 : 1; } return http_build_url(site_url('playground/image-process'), array('query' => http_build_query(array('src' => $src, 'w' => $width, 'h' => $height, 'no_crop' => $no_crop, 'keep_canvas_size' => $keep_canvas_size))), HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY); }
/** * 生成用户授权的跳转网址,便于应用执行跳转 * @param string $redirect_uri 应用的跳转地址 * @param string $shop_key 友好速搭安装应用的店铺唯一key * @param string $state 自定义的参数 * @return string 用户授权的跳转网址 * @throws Exception */ public function authorize_url($redirect_uri, $shop_key, $state = '') { $this->validate(); if (empty($this->app_scope)) { throw new Exception('未设置scope'); } $params = array('response_type' => 'code', 'client_id' => $this->app_key, 'shop_key' => $shop_key, 'scope' => $this->app_scope, 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirect_uri, 'state' => $state); $params_str = http_build_query($params); $url = http_build_url($this->auth_url, array('query' => $params_str)); return $url; }
private function getEndpointUrl($endpoint) { $uriParts = parse_url($this->apiUrl); if (!array_key_exists('path', $uriParts)) { $uriParts['path'] = '/' . $endpoint; } elseif (substr($uriParts['path'], -1) === '/') { $uriParts['path'] .= $endpoint; } else { $uriParts['path'] .= '/' . $endpoint; } return http_build_url($uriParts); }
function convert_punycode($url, $is_encode = true) { $url_parts = parse_url($url); $Punycode = new Punycode(); if ($is_encode) { $host = $Punycode->encode($url_parts['host']); } else { $host = $Punycode->decode($url_parts['host']); } $url_parts['host'] = $host; return http_build_url($url, $url_parts); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * @see Scalr\Service\OpenStack\Services.AbstractService::getEndpointUrl() */ public function getEndpointUrl() { //Endpoint url in the service catalog does not include version $cfg = $this->getOpenStack()->getConfig(); if ($cfg->getAuthToken() === null) { return $cfg->getIdentityEndpoint(); } else { if (!isset($this->cache['endpoint'])) { $this->cache['endpoint'] = http_build_url($cfg->getIdentityEndpoint(), array('port' => self::CONTRAIL_PORT, 'path' => '/')); } } return $this->cache['endpoint']; }
function index() { if (empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) || $_SERVER["HTTPS"] !== 'on') { $this->obj =& get_instance(); $this->obj->load->helper(array('url', 'http')); $current = current_url(); $current = parse_url($current); if (stripos($current['path'], "/account/") !== false) { $current['scheme'] = 'https'; redirect(http_build_url('', $current), 'refresh'); } } }
/** * Creates an html link * * @param string the url * @param string the text value * @param array the attributes array * @param bool true to force https, false to force http * @return string the html link */ public static function anchor($href, $text = null, $attr = array(), $secure = null) { if (!preg_match('#^(\\w+://|javascript:|\\#)# i', $href)) { $urlparts = explode('?', $href, 2); $href = \Uri::create($urlparts[0], array(), isset($urlparts[1]) ? $urlparts[1] : array(), $secure); } elseif (!preg_match('#^(javascript:|\\#)# i', $href) and is_bool($secure)) { $href = http_build_url($href, array('scheme' => $secure ? 'https' : 'http')); } // Create and display a URL hyperlink is_null($text) and $text = $href; $attr['href'] = $href; return html_tag('a', $attr, $text); }
/** * Finish oauth authorization. * Builds redirect uri and performs redirect. * If user is not logged on or user denied to access, redirect contains the Access Denied Error */ public function finishAuthorization() { $responseType = $this->getResponseType(); if (\Yii::$app->user->isGuest || !$this->isAuthorized) { $responseType->errorRedirect('The User denied access to your application', Exception::ACCESS_DENIED); } $parts = $responseType->getResponseData(); $redirectUri = http_build_url($responseType->redirect_uri, $parts, HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY | HTTP_URL_STRIP_FRAGMENT); if (isset($parts['fragment'])) { $redirectUri .= '#' . $parts['fragment']; } \Yii::$app->response->redirect($redirectUri); }
public function getAuthenticatedRequest($method, $url, $token, array $options = []) { $parsedUrl = \parse_url($url); $queryString = array(); if (isset($parsedUrl['query'])) { parse_str($parsedUrl['query'], $queryString); } if (!isset($queryString['access_token'])) { $queryString['access_token'] = (string) $token; } $url = \http_build_url($url, ['query' => \http_build_query($queryString)]); return $this->createRequest($method, $url, null, $options); }
/** * @param string $redirect_uri * @param string $error_description (optional) * @param string $error A single error code * @param string $state Cross-Site Request Forgery * @see http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-20#section- */ public function __construct($redirect_uri, $error_description = null, $error = self::INVALID_REQUEST, $state = null) { parent::__construct($error_description, $error); $query = ['error' => $error]; if ($error_description) { $query['error_description'] = $error_description; } $request = \Yii::$app->request; if ($state) { $query['state'] = $state; } \Yii::$app->response->redirect(http_build_url($redirect_uri, [PHP_URL_QUERY => $query], HTTP_URL_REPLACE | HTTP_URL_JOIN_QUERY)); }