require "include/";
$bx = new box("100%", $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, $th_box_body_align);
$page = "sponsoring_accepted";
if (check_proid($proid)) {
    top_bar($proid, $page);
    $db->query("SELECT creation FROM sponsoring WHERE proid='{$proid}' " . "AND sponsor='{$sponsor}'");
    $creation = $db->f("creation");
    $db->query("UPDATE sponsoring SET status='A',creation='{$creation}' " . "WHERE proid='{$proid}' AND sponsor='{$sponsor}'");
    if ($db->affected_rows()) {
        print $t->translate('Sponsoring involvement by') . " <b>{$sponsor}</b> " . $t->translate('has been accepted') . ".<p>\n";
    } else {
        print $t->translate('There has been a database error') . ".<p>\n";
    htmlp_link("sponsoring.php", array("proid" => $proid), $t->translate("Back to the Sponsoring Involvement Page"));
    // Send mail to the ones that monitor this project
    include "";
    include "";
    monitor_mail($proid, "sponsoring", $t->translate('Sponsoring involvement accepted for project') . " {$proid}", $t->translate('An event has happened') . ".");
    // mail new sponsor that he has been accepted
    $db->query("SELECT email_usr FROM auth_user WHERE username='******'");
    $message = "\n" . $t->translate("Hi") . ",{$sponsor}\n\n" . $t->translate("Your sponsoring involvement for project") . " {$proid} " . $t->translate("has been accepted") . ".\n\n";
    mail($db->f("email_usr"), "[" . $GLOBALS["sys_name"] . "] " . $t->translate("Sponsoring involvement accepted"), $message, "From: " . $GLOBALS["ml_fromaddr"] . "\nReply-To: " . $GLOBALS["ml_replyaddr"] . "\nX-Mailer: PHP");
    // Insert into history
    $db->query("INSERT history SET proid='{$proid}', history_user='******', type='sponsoring', " . "action='Sponsor {$sponsor} accepted as sponsor'");
require "include/";
 echo "<tr><td align=right valign=top width=30%>" . $t->translate("Mother tongue") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n";
 $mother_tongue = $db->f("mother_tongue");
 echo "<tr><td align=right valign=top width=30%>" . $t->translate("Other languages") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n";
 $other_lang_1 = $db->f("other_lang_1");
 echo "1. ";
 $other_lang_2 = $db->f("other_lang_2");
 echo "<BR>2. ";
 echo "</td></tr>\n";
 if ($db->f("contact") != "no") {
     echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Contact") . ":</td><td width=70%>";
     $pquery["devname"] = $db->f("username");
     htmlp_link("pmess_compose.php", $pquery, $t->translate("write Developer"));
 if ($db->f("showemail") == "yes") {
     echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("E-Mail") . ":</td><td width=70%><a href=\"mailto:" . $db->f("email_usr") . "\">" . ereg_replace("@", " at ", htmlentities($db->f("email_usr"))) . "</a>\n";
 echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Developer last modified") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n";
 $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("modification_usr"));
 echo timestr($timestamp) . "</td></tr>\n";
 echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Developer created") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n";
 $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("creation_usr"));
 echo timestr($timestamp) . "</td></tr>\n";
 echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Profile last modified") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n";
 $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("creation"));
 echo timestr($timestamp) . "</td></tr>\n";
 $db2->query("SELECT devel_cnt FROM counter WHERE develid='{$develid}'");
Esempio n. 3
        if ($db->num_rows() == 0) {
            $bx->box_title($t->translate("Developer") . ": " . $username);
            htmlp_link("questionaire.php", "", $t->translate("Please enter your Profile"));
        } else {
            $number_of_projects = $db->f("number_of_projects");
            $db->query("SELECT * from os_projects WHERE username='******'");
            if ($db->num_rows() == 0 && $number_of_projects > 0) {
                $bx->box_title($t->translate("Developer") . ": " . $username);
                htmlp_link("addproj.php", "", $t->translate("Please enter your Project Data"));
        echo " ";
        echo "</TD><TD WIDTH=\"250\" VALIGN=\"top\">";
        require "./include/";
        require "./include/";
        require "./include/";
        echo "</TD></TR>\n";
        echo "</TABLE>\n";
<!-- end content -->
             $quorum = show_decision_proposals($proid);
         case '4':
             $quorum = show_decision_referees($proid);
         case '5':
             echo '<p>';
             global $g_step_text;
             // NOI18N: 'Decision on step 5 (follow-up)'
             htmlp_link('step5_sponsor.php', array('proid' => $proid), $t->translate('Decision on step 5') . ' (' . $g_step_text[5] . ')');
         case '6':
             echo '<p>';
             global $g_step_text;
             // NOI18N: 'Decision on step 6 (rating)'
             htmlp_link('step6_edit.php', array('proid' => $proid), $t->translate('Decision on step 6') . ' (' . $g_step_text[6] . ')');
             lib_die('Error in decisions.php: given project status ' . 'is not possible');
 if ($quorum || is_set_and_not_empty($Yes)) {
     if ($No || is_not_set_or_empty($Yes)) {
     } else {
         switch ($project_status) {
             case '1':
                 $what = 'consultant';
                 $table = 'consultants';
             case '2':
            $bgcolor = "gold";
            $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_form_submit($t->translate("Delete"), ""));
            $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
        $bgcolor = "gold";
        htmlp_form_action("projects.php", array(), "POST");
        htmlp_form_hidden("option", "add");
        $bx->box_column("right", "", $bgcolor, "--");
        $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_input_text("projectname", 25, 64, ""));
        $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_input_text("projecturl", 35, 255, ""));
        $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_input_text("pcomment", 35, 400, ""));
        $bx->box_colspan(2, "center", $bgcolor, html_form_submit($t->translate("Add Project"), ""));
    } else {
        htmlp_link("addproj.php", "", $t->translate("Enter your projects here"));
<!-- end content -->

require "./include/";
Esempio n. 6
        $be->box_full($t->translate("Error"), $t->translate("Database Access failed"));
    } else {
        if ($number_of_projects > 0) {
            $bx->box_title($t->translate("The Projects"));
            echo "\n<P>";
            htmlp_link("./addproj.php", "", $t->translate("Please enter your Project Data"));
            echo "\n<P>";
        } else {
            $bx->box_title($t->translate("Thank you"));
            echo "\n<P>";
            echo $t->translate("Thank you for entering your Profile");
            echo "\n<BR>";
            htmlp_link("./index.php", "", $t->translate("Please proceed with the main page"));
            echo "\n<P>";
<!-- end content -->

require "./include/";
Esempio n. 7
 echo "</td></tr>\n";
 echo "</table>\n";
 $bx->box_title($t->translate("Computer Experience"));
 echo "<table border=0 width=100% align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>\n";
 //$number_of_projects = $db->f("number_of_projects");
 echo "<tr><td align=center>";
 echo "<B><FONT SIZE=+1>" . $t->translate("Projects") . "</FONT></B><BR>";
 $db->query("SELECT * from os_projects WHERE username='******'");
 if ($db->num_rows() == 0) {
     htmlp_link("addproj.php", "", $t->translate("Manage your Project List"));
 } else {
     htmlp_link("projects.php", "", $t->translate("Manage your Project List"));
 echo "</td></tr>\n";
 echo "</TABLE>";
 echo "<table border=0 width=100% align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>\n";
 echo "<tr><td align=center><B><B><FONT SIZE=+1>" . $t->translate("Which of these programming expirience do you have?") . "</FONT></B></td></tr><tr><td>\n";
 echo "<center><table width=90% border=0>\n";
 $db2->query("select * from prog_ability_values WHERE username='******'");
 $db->query("SELECT * from prog_abilities WHERE translation='{$la}'");
 $ability_amount = $db->num_rows();
 $counter = 0;
 while ($counter < $ability_amount) {