?> </a></td> </tr> <?php foreach ($_['page']['parents'] as $parent) { print_unescaped("<tr>\n"); print_unescaped("\t<td>Parent</td>\n"); print_unescaped("\t<td><a href=\"" . makelink(array('a' => 'commit', 'p' => $_['page']['project'], 'h' => $parent)) . "\">{$parent}</a></td>\n"); print_unescaped("</tr>\n"); } ?> </tbody> </table> <div class="commitmessage"><pre><?php print_unescaped(htmlentities_wrapper($_['page']['message_full'])); ?> </pre></div> <div class="filelist"> <table id="commit_filelist"> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="2">Affected files:</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($_['page']['affected_files'] as $details) { print_unescaped("<tr><td>");
?> </a></td> </tr> <?php foreach ($page['parents'] as $parent) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo "\t<td>Parent</td>\n"; echo "\t<td><a href=\"" . makelink(array('a' => 'commit', 'p' => $page['project'], 'h' => $parent)) . "\">{$parent}</a></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } ?> </tbody> </table> <div class="commitmessage"><pre><?php echo htmlentities_wrapper($page['message_full']); ?> </pre></div> <div class="filelist"> <table id="commit_filelist"> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="2">Affected files:</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($page['affected_files'] as $details) { echo '<tr><td>'; echo '<a href="' . makelink(array('a' => 'viewblob', 'p' => $page['project'], 'h' => $details['hash'], 'hb' => $page['commit_id'], 'f' => $details['name'])) . "\">{$details['name']}</a>";
</div> <h2>Branches</h2> <ul class="branches"> <?php $tr_class = 'even'; foreach ($_['page']['heads'] as $h) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php print_unescaped(makelink(array('a' => 'shortlog', 'p' => $_['page']['project'], 'h' => $h['fullname']))); ?> "> <?php print_unescaped(htmlentities_wrapper($h['name'])); ?> <span class="date shady smalltext"><?php p($h[date]); ?> </span> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php print_unescaped($this->inc('shortlog'));
?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="h" value="<?php echo $page['commit_id']; ?> " /> <select name="st"> <?php $opts = array('commit', 'change', 'author', 'committer'); foreach ($opts as $opt) { echo "\t<option"; if (isset($page['search_t']) && $opt == $page['search_t']) { echo ' selected="selected"'; } echo ">{$opt}</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <input type="text" name="s"<?php if (isset($page['search_s'])) { echo ' value="' . htmlentities_wrapper($page['search_s']) . '"'; } ?> /> </form> </div> <?php } ?>
/** * Used to format RSS item title and description. * * @param info commit info from git_get_commit_info() */ function rss_item_format($format, $info) { return preg_replace(array('/{AUTHOR}/', '/{AUTHOR_MAIL}/', '/{SHORTLOG}/', '/{LOG}/', '/{COMMITTER}/', '/{COMMITTER_MAIL}/', '/{DIFFSTAT}/'), array(htmlentities_wrapper($info['author_name']), htmlentities_wrapper($info['author_mail']), htmlentities_wrapper($info['message_firstline']), htmlentities_wrapper($info['message_full']), htmlentities_wrapper($info['committer_name']), htmlentities_wrapper($info['committer_mail']), htmlentities_wrapper(isset($info['diffstat']) ? $info['diffstat'] : '')), $format); }
<th>Description</th> <th>Last Commit</th> <th>Last Change</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($page['projects'] as $p) { $tr_class = $tr_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd'; echo "<tr class=\"{$tr_class}\">\n"; echo "\t<td><a href=\"" . makelink(array('a' => 'summary', 'p' => $p['name'])) . "\">{$p['name']}</a>"; if ($p['www']) { //echo "<a href=\"$p[www]\" class=\"external\">↗</a>"; tpl_extlink($p['www']); } echo "</td>\n"; echo "\t<td>" . htmlentities_wrapper($p['description']) . "</td>\n"; echo "\t<td>" . htmlentities_wrapper($p['message']) . "</td>\n"; echo "\t<td>" . htmlentities_wrapper($p['head_datetime']) . "</td>\n"; echo "\t<td>"; echo '<a href="' . makelink(array('a' => 'tree', 'p' => $p['name'], 'h' => $p['head_tree'], 'hb' => $p['head_hash'])) . '" class="tree_link" title="Tree">tree</a>'; echo ' <a href="' . makelink(array('a' => 'archive', 'p' => $p['name'], 'h' => $p['head_tree'], 'hb' => $p['head_hash'], 't' => 'targz')) . '" rel="nofollow" class="tar_link" title="tar/gz">tar/gz</a>'; echo ' <a href="' . makelink(array('a' => 'archive', 'p' => $p['name'], 'h' => $p['head_tree'], 'hb' => $p['head_hash'], 't' => 'zip')) . '" rel="nofollow" class="zip_link" title="zip">zip</a>'; echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } ?> </tbody> </table>
$tr_class = $tr_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd'; echo "<tr class=\"{$tr_class}\">\n"; echo "\t<td>{$l['date']}</td>\n"; echo "\t<td>" . format_author($l['author']) . "</td>\n"; echo "\t<td><a href=\"" . makelink(array('a' => 'commit', 'p' => $page['project'], 'h' => $l['commit_id'])) . "\">" . htmlentities_wrapper($l['message']) . '</a>'; if (count($l['refs']) > 0) { foreach ($l['refs'] as $ref) { $parts = explode('/', $ref); $shortref = join('/', array_slice($parts, 1)); $type = 'head'; if ($parts[0] == 'tags') { $type = 'tag'; } elseif ($parts[0] == 'remotes') { $type = 'remote'; } echo "<span class=\"label {$type}\" title=\"{$ref}\">" . htmlentities_wrapper($shortref) . '</span>'; } } echo "</td>\n"; echo "\t<td>"; echo '<a href="' . makelink(array('a' => 'commitdiff', 'p' => $page['project'], 'h' => $l['commit_id'])) . '" class="cdiff_link" title="Commit Diff">commitdiff</a>'; echo ' <a href="' . makelink(array('a' => 'tree', 'p' => $page['project'], 'h' => $l['tree'], 'hb' => $l['commit_id'])) . '" class="tree_link" title="Tree">tree</a>'; echo ' <a href="' . makelink(array('a' => 'archive', 'p' => $page['project'], 'h' => $l['tree'], 'hb' => $l['commit_id'], 't' => 'targz')) . '" rel="nofollow" class="tar_link" title="tar/gz">tar/gz</a>'; echo ' <a href="' . makelink(array('a' => 'archive', 'p' => $page['project'], 'h' => $l['tree'], 'hb' => $l['commit_id'], 't' => 'zip')) . '" rel="nofollow" class="zip_link" title="zip">zip</a>'; echo ' <a href="' . makelink(array('a' => 'patch', 'p' => $page['project'], 'h' => $l['commit_id'])) . '" class="patch_link" title="Patch">patch</a>'; echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; $page['lasthash'] = $l['commit_id']; } ?> </tbody>
</span> <?php if (count($l['refs']) > 0) { ?> <div class="refs shady"> <?php foreach ($l['refs'] as $ref) { $parts = explode('/', $ref); $shortref = join('/', array_slice($parts, 1)); $type = 'head'; if ($parts[0] == 'tags') { $type = 'tag'; } elseif ($parts[0] == 'remotes') { $type = 'remote'; } print_unescaped("<span class=\"label {$type}\" title=\"{$ref}\">" . htmlentities_wrapper($shortref) . "</span>"); } ?> </div> <div class="bottom-links"> <a href="<?php print_unescaped(makelink(array('a' => 'commitdiff', 'p' => $_['page']['project'], 'h' => $l['commit_id']))); ?> " class="cdiff_link" title="Commit Diff">Commit Diff</a> <a href="<?php print_unescaped(makelink(array('a' => 'tree', 'p' => $_['page']['project'], 'h' => $l['tree'], 'hb' => $l['commit_id']))); ?> " class="tree_link" title="Tree">Tree</a> </div> <?php }
<ul class="git-view git-projects"> <?php foreach ($_['projectlist'] as $p) { ?> <li><a href="<?php print_unescaped(makelink(array('a' => 'summary', 'p' => $p['name']))); ?> "><?php print_unescaped($p[name]); ?> <span class="date"><?php print_unescaped(htmlentities_wrapper($p['head_datetime'])); ?> </span></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul>
<tr> <th class="date">Date</th> <th class="author">Author</th> <th class="message">Message</th> <th class="actions">Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $page['lasthash'] = 'HEAD'; foreach ($page['shortlog'] as $l) { $tr_class = $tr_class == "odd" ? "even" : "odd"; echo "<tr class=\"{$tr_class}\">\n"; echo "\t<td>{$l['date']}</td>\n"; echo "\t<td>" . format_author($l['author']) . "</td>\n"; echo "\t<td><a href=\"" . makelink(array('a' => 'commit', 'p' => $page['project'], 'h' => $l['commit_id'])) . "\">" . htmlentities_wrapper($l['message']) . "</a>"; if (count($l['refs']) > 0) { foreach ($l['refs'] as $ref) { $parts = explode('/', $ref); $shortref = join('/', array_slice($parts, 1)); $type = 'head'; if ($parts[0] == 'tags') { $type = 'tag'; } elseif ($parts[0] == 'remotes') { $type = 'remote'; } echo "<span class=\"label {$type}\" title=\"{$ref}\">{$shortref}</span>"; } } echo "</td>\n"; echo "\t<td>";
<h1>Heads</h1> <table class="heads" id="heads"> <thead> <tr> <th class="date">Date</th> <th class="branch">Branch</th> <th class="actions">Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $tr_class = 'even'; foreach ($page['heads'] as $h) { $tr_class = $tr_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd'; echo "<tr class=\"{$tr_class}\">\n"; echo "\t<td>{$h['date']}</td>\n"; echo "\t<td><a href=\"" . makelink(array('a' => 'shortlog', 'p' => $page['project'], 'h' => $h['fullname'])) . "\">" . htmlentities_wrapper($h['name']) . "</a></td>\n"; echo "\t<td></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php // call plugins that register "summary" hook if (in_array('summary', array_keys(VGPlugin::$plugin_hooks))) { VGPlugin::call_hooks('summary'); }