function html_street_lookup($label, $name, $intersection = FALSE) { return ' ' . html_utf8(i18n('Bookmarks')) . ': <select name="' . $name . '_bookmarks" id="' . $name . '_bookmarks"></select><br /> <label for="' . $name . '">' . html_utf8(i18n(ucfirst($label . ':'))) . '</label> <input type="text" name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '" value="' . (isset($_REQUEST[$name]) ? htmlentities($_REQUEST[$name], ENT_QUOTES) : '') . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '_id" id="' . $name . '_id" value="' . (isset($_REQUEST[$name . '_id']) ? htmlentities($_REQUEST[$name . '_id'], ENT_QUOTES) : '') . '" /> <div id="' . $name . '_options"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> new Ajax.Autocompleter("' . $name . '", "' . $name . '_options", "street_lookup.php", {"callback": function(element, params) { return params + "&zone=" + encodeURI($F("zones")) + "&subzone=" + encodeURI($F("subzones")); }, "paramName": "street", "afterUpdateElement": function(element, selected) { $("' . $name . '_id").value =; } }); </script>' . ($intersection === FALSE ? '' : '<br /><label for="' . $name . '_intersection">' . html_utf8(i18n(ucfirst($label . ' intersection:'))) . '</label> <input type="text" name="' . $name . '_intersection" id="' . $name . '_intersection" value="' . (isset($_REQUEST[$name . '_intersection']) ? htmlentities($_REQUEST[$name . '_intersection'], ENT_QUOTES) : '') . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="' . $name . '_intersection_id" id="' . $name . '_intersection_id" value="' . (isset($_REQUEST[$name . '_intersection_id']) ? htmlentities($_REQUEST[$name . '_intersection_id'], ENT_QUOTES) : '') . '" /> <div id="' . $name . '_intersection_options"></div> <input type="button" value="' . html_utf8(i18n('Bookmark!')) . '" id="bookmark_' . $name . '" /> <script type="text/javascript"> new Ajax.Autocompleter("' . $name . '_intersection", "' . $name . '_intersection_options", "street_intersection_lookup.php", { "callback": function(element, params) { return params + "&street_id=" + encodeURI($F("' . $name . '_id")) + "&zone=" + encodeURI($F("zones")) + "&subzone=" + encodeURI($F("subzones")); }, "paramName": "street_intersection", "afterUpdateElement": function(element, selected) { $("' . $name . '_intersection_id").value =; if ($("' . $name . '_intersection_id").value.length == 0) $("' . $name . '_intersection").value = ""; } }); Event.observe($("bookmark_' . $name . '"), "click", function() { if ($F("' . $name . '").length * $F("' . $name . '_id").length * $F("' . $name . '_intersection").length * $F("' . $name . '_intersection_id").length == 0) { alert("' . i18n('Please fill in a street and an intersection') . '"); } else { var name = prompt("Name the bookmark"); window.bookmarks.push({ "name": name, "street_id" : $F("' . $name . '_id"), "street_name": $F("' . $name . '"), "street_intersection_id" : $F("' . $name . '_intersection_id"), "street_intersection_name": $F("' . $name . '_intersection") }); createCookie("bookmarks", window.bookmarks.toJSON()); reloadBookmarks(); alert("Bookmark created"); } }); Event.observe($("' . $name . '_bookmarks"), "change", function() { var key = $F("' . $name . '_bookmarks"); if (key < 0) return; var info = window.bookmarks[$F("' . $name . '_bookmarks")]; $("' . $name . '").value = info.street_name; $("' . $name . '_id").value = info.street_id; $("' . $name . '_intersection").value = info.street_intersection_name; $("' . $name . '_intersection_id").value = info.street_intersection_id; }); if (!window.bookmarks_selects) window.bookmarks_selects = []; function reloadBookmarks() { for (var i = 0; i < window.bookmarks_selects.length; i++) { var select = window.bookmarks_selects[i]; $(select).update(""); $(select).insert(new Element("option", { "value": "-1" })); for (var j = 0; j < window.bookmarks.length; j++) $(select).insert(new Element("option", { value: j } ).update(window.bookmarks[j].name)); } } window.bookmarks_selects.push($("' . $name . '_bookmarks")); reloadBookmarks(); </script> '); }
if (isset($_REQUEST['train'])) { $types[] = 'train'; } foreach ($types as $type) { $temp = 'get_' . pluralize($type) . '_near_node'; $from_railways = $temp($from_node['lat'], $from_node['lon'], $from_walk_upto); $to_railways = $temp($to_node['lat'], $to_node['lon'], $from_walk_upto); foreach (filter_useful_railways($from_railways, $to_railways, $type) as $railway_id) { $temp = 'get_' . $type . '_info'; $railway_info = $temp($railway_id); $temp = 'get_' . $type . '_ways'; $results[] = array('name' => $railway_info['name'], 'operator' => $railway_info['operator'], 'ways' => $temp($railway_id), 'from_node' => $from_railways[$railway_id]['node'], 'from_ways' => list_way_names_for_node_id($from_railways[$railway_id]['node']['id']), 'to_node' => $to_railways[$railway_id]['node'], 'to_ways' => list_way_names_for_node_id($to_railways[$railway_id]['node']['id']), 'walk_distance' => $from_railways[$railway_id]['distance'] + $to_railways[$railway_id]['distance'], 'type' => $type); } } function walk_distance_sort($a, $b) { if ($a['walk_distance'] == $b['walk_distance']) { return 0; } return $a['walk_distance'] < $b['walk_distance'] ? -1 : 1; } usort($results, 'walk_distance_sort'); //$results = array_reverse($results); if (count($results) == 0) { die('Unable to find any route matching both directions'); } echo '<table border="1" width="100%">'; foreach ($results as $result) { echo '<tr><td>' . html_utf8($result['type']) . '</td><td>' . html_utf8($result['name']) . '</td><td>' . round($result['walk_distance'] * 1000) . ' m</td><td>' . html_utf8(implode(', ', $result['from_ways'])) . '</td><td>' . html_utf8(implode(', ', $result['to_ways'])) . '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>';
$streets = mysql_query('SELECT, street.full_name FROM street JOIN street_suburbs ON = street_suburbs.street_id JOIN suburb ON street_suburbs.suburb_id = suburb.node_id WHERE ' . $subzone . ' suburb.is_in = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['zone']) . '" AND != "' . mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['street_id']) . '" AND LIKE "%' . str_replace(array('%', '?'), array('\\%', '\\?'), mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['street_intersection'])) . '%" GROUP BY LIMIT 20') or die(mysql_error()); */ $i = 0; if (isset($streets) && mysql_num_rows($streets) > 0) { ?> <ul> <?php while ($street = mysql_fetch_assoc($streets)) { ?> <li class="<?php echo $i++ & 1 == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even'; ?> " id="street_<?php echo $street['id']; ?> "><?php echo html_utf8($street['full_name']); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } else { ?> <ul> <li class="even">Unable to find specified street</li> </ul> <?php }
?> /><label for="bus"><?php echo html_utf8(i18n('Bus')); ?> </label> <input type="checkbox" name="train" id="train" <?php if (isset($_POST['train'])) { echo 'checked="checked" '; } ?> /><label for="train"><?php echo html_utf8(i18n('Train')); ?> </label> <input type="checkbox" name="railway" id="railway" <?php if (isset($_POST['railway'])) { echo 'checked="checked" '; } ?> /><label for="railway"><?php echo html_utf8(i18n('Subway')); ?> </label> </div> <div> <input type="submit" value="Buscar" /> </div> </form> </body> </html>