<td colspan="3"><?php 
echo CD_03_06_DESC;
echo html_combo_box('ap_def_deposit_acct', $cash_chart, $_POST['ap_def_deposit_acct'] ? $_POST['ap_def_deposit_acct'] : AP_DEF_DEPOSIT_ACCT, '');
	    <td colspan="3"><?php 
echo CD_03_07_DESC;
echo html_combo_box('ap_def_dep_liab_acct', $ocl_chart, $_POST['ap_def_dep_liab_acct'] ? $_POST['ap_def_dep_liab_acct'] : AP_DEF_DEP_LIAB_ACCT, '');
	<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;width:100%">
	 <thead class="ui-widget-header">
	  <tr><th colspan="4"><?php 
	 <tbody class="ui-widget-content">
	  <td align="center">
if ($FieldListings['defaults']['buttonvalue'] == TEXT_ADD) {
    echo html_input_field('SeqNum', $FieldListings['defaults']['seqnum'], 'size="4" maxlength="3"');
} else {
    echo html_hidden_field('SeqNum', $FieldListings['defaults']['seqnum']) . $FieldListings['defaults']['seqnum'];
// end if
if ($Type != 'frm') {
    echo '<td>' . html_combo_box('FieldName', CreateSpecialDropDown($ReportID), $FieldListings['defaults']['fieldname']) . '</td>';
echo html_input_field('DisplayDesc', $FieldListings['defaults']['displaydesc'], 'size="20" maxlength="25"');
if ($Type != 'frm') {
    echo '<td align="center">' . html_checkbox_field('ColumnBreak', '1', $FieldListings['defaults']['columnbreak'] == '1' ? true : false) . '</td>';
    echo '<td align="center">' . html_input_field('ColumnWidth', $Params['columnwidth'] ? $Params['columnwidth'] : RW_DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH, 'size="4" maxlength="3"') . '</td>';
    echo '<td align="center">&nbsp;</td>';
      <td align="center"><?php 
echo html_checkbox_field('Visible', '1', $FieldListings['defaults']['visible'] == '1' ? true : false);
        <td align="right"><?php 
echo html_input_field('gov_id_number', $cInfo->gov_id_number, 'size="17" maxlength="16"');
        <td align="right"><?php 
echo TEXT_LINK_TO . ' ';
echo html_combo_box('dept_rep_id', $acct_def, $cInfo->dept_rep_id, 'onkeyup="loadContacts()"');

// *********************** Mailing/Main Address (only one allowed) ******************************
Esempio n. 4
 $imgSerialView = in_array($invType->fields['inventory_type'], array('sr', 'sa')) ? "" : "display:none;";
 if (in_array(JOURNAL_ID, array(6, 7, 12, 13))) {
     echo html_icon('actions/tab-new.png', TEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER, 'small', 'id="imgSerial_' . $i . '" align="top" style="cursor:pointer;' . $imgSerialView . '" onclick="serialList(\'serial_' . $i . '\')"');
 echo '</td>' . chr(10);
 echo '  <td nowrap="nowrap" align="center">';
 echo html_input_field('sku_' . $i, $order->item_rows[$j]['sku'], ($sku_enable ? '' : ' readonly="readonly"') . ' size="' . (MAX_INVENTORY_SKU_LENGTH + 1) . '" maxlength="' . MAX_INVENTORY_SKU_LENGTH . '" onfocus="clearField(\'sku_' . $i . '\', \'' . TEXT_SEARCH . '\')" onkeydown="checkEnterEvent(event,' . $i . ');" onblur="setField(\'sku_' . $i . '\', \'' . TEXT_SEARCH . '\'); loadSkuDetails(0, ' . $i . ')"') . chr(10);
 echo html_icon('status/folder-open.png', TEXT_SEARCH, 'small', 'id="sku_open_' . $i . '" align="top" style="cursor:pointer' . ($sku_enable ? '' : ';display:none') . '" onclick="InventoryList(' . $i . ')"') . chr(10);
 echo html_icon('actions/document-properties.png', TEXT_PROPERTIES, 'small', 'id="sku_prop_' . $i . '" align="top" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="InventoryProp(' . $i . ')"') . chr(10);
 echo '</td>' . chr(10);
 // for textarea uncomment below (NOTE: the field length is set in the db to 255, this choice does not control the users input character count, or ...
 //				echo '  <td colspan="' . ((SINGLE_LINE_ORDER_SCREEN) ? 1 : 5) . '">' . html_textarea_field('desc_' . $i, (SINGLE_LINE_ORDER_SCREEN)?50:110, '1', $order->item_rows[$j]['desc'], 'maxlength="255"') . '</td>' . chr(10);
 // for standard controlled input, uncomment below (default setting)
 echo '  <td colspan="' . (SINGLE_LINE_ORDER_SCREEN ? 1 : 3) . '">' . html_input_field('desc_' . $i, $order->item_rows[$j]['desc'], 'size="' . (SINGLE_LINE_ORDER_SCREEN ? 50 : 75) . '" maxlength="255"') . '</td>' . chr(10);
     echo '  <td>' . html_combo_box('acct_' . $i, $gl_array_list, $order->item_rows[$j]['acct'], 'size="10"') . '</td>' . chr(10);
 } else {
     echo '  <td colspan="2">' . html_pull_down_menu('proj_' . $i, $proj_list, $order->item_rows[$j]['proj']) . '</td>' . chr(10);
     echo '</tr>' . chr(10) . '<tr class="' . ($odd ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">' . chr(10);
     echo '  <td>' . html_input_field('item_cnt_' . $i, $order->item_rows[$j]['item_cnt'], 'size="3" maxlength="3" readonly="readonly"') . '</td>' . chr(10);
     echo '  <td colspan="3">' . html_pull_down_menu('acct_' . $i, $gl_array_list, $order->item_rows[$j]['acct']) . '</td>' . chr(10);
     echo '  <td>' . html_input_field('full_' . $i, '', 'readonly="readonly" size="11" maxlength="10" style="text-align:right"') . '</td>' . chr(10);
     echo '  <td>' . html_input_field('disc_' . $i, '', 'readonly="readonly" size="11" maxlength="10" style="text-align:right"') . '</td>' . chr(10);
 echo '  <td nowrap="nowrap" align="center">';
 echo html_input_field('price_' . $i, $currencies->precise($order->item_rows[$j]['price'], true, $order->currencies_code, $order->currencies_value), 'size="8" maxlength="20" onchange="updateRowTotal(' . $i . ', false)" style="text-align:right"') . chr(10);
 echo html_icon('mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet.png', TEXT_PRICE_MANAGER, 'small', 'align="top" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="PriceManagerList(' . $i . ')"');
 echo '</td>' . chr(10);
 echo '  <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('tax_' . $i, $tax_rates, $order->item_rows[$j]['tax'], 'onchange="updateRowTotal(' . $i . ', false)"') . '</td>' . chr(10);
 echo '  <td align="center">' . chr(10);
 // Hidden fields
	<tbody class="ui-widget-content">
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($report->fieldlist); $i++) {
    echo html_combo_box('fld_fld[]', CreateSpecialDropDown($report), $report->fieldlist[$i]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"', '220px', '', 'fld_combo_' . $i);
    echo html_input_field('fld_desc[]', $report->fieldlist[$i]->description, 'size="20" maxlength="25"');
    echo html_pull_down_menu('fld_proc[]', $pFields, $report->fieldlist[$i]->processing);
      <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">
    echo html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_fld_' . $i) . chr(10);
    echo html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'class="imgIcon delete"') . chr(10);
<h2 align="center"><?php 
echo TEXT_FORM_FIELD . $DisplayName . ' - ' . TEXT_PROPERTIES;
  <table align="center" border="2" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
      <th colspan="2" align="center"><?php 
      <td id="field_list" colspan="2" align="center">
echo html_combo_box('DataField', CreateSpecialDropDown($ReportID), $Params['DataField']);
      <th colspan="2" align="center"><?php 
      <td align="center">
echo TEXT_ABSCISSA . ' ' . html_input_field('LineXStrt', !$Params['LineXStrt'] ? '10' : $Params['LineXStrt'], 'size="4" maxlength="3"');
Esempio n. 7
    echo TEXT_ALIGN;
    echo TEXT_ACTION;
		<tbody  class="ui-widget-content">
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($report->fieldlist); $i++) {
		  <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
        echo html_combo_box('fld_fld[]', CreateSpecialDropDown($report), $report->fieldlist[$i]->fieldname, '', '220px', '', 'fld_combo_' . $i);
        echo html_input_field('fld_desc[]', $report->fieldlist[$i]->description, 'size="20" maxlength="25"');
        echo html_pull_down_menu('fld_brk[]', $nyChoice, $report->fieldlist[$i]->columnbreak, 'onchange="calculateWidth()"');
        echo html_input_field('fld_clmn[]', $report->fieldlist[$i]->columnwidth ? $report->fieldlist[$i]->columnwidth : PF_DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH, 'size="4" maxlength="3" onchange="calculateWidth()"');
		  <td align="center"><?php 
  <fieldset class="formAreaTitle">
    <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
	  <tr><th colspan="5"><?php 
	    <td colspan="4"><?php 
	    <td nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
echo html_combo_box('question_posts', $all_chart, $_POST['question_posts'] ? $_POST['question_posts'] : QUESTION_POSTS, '');
	    <td colspan="4"><?php 
echo html_input_field('debit_credit_description', $_POST['debit_credit_description'] ? $_POST['debit_credit_description'] : DEBIT_CREDIT_DESCRIPTION, 'size="64"');
	  temp     = '<?php 
echo str_replace("'", "\\'", html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_tblk_row_TBD'));
	  temp    += '<?php 
echo str_replace("'", "\\'", html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"'));
	  cell[3]  = temp.replace(/row_TBD/g, boxID);
	  attr[3]  = 'right';
 	  for (var i=0; i<cell.length; i++) cell[i] = cell[i].replace(/boxTBD/g, boxID);
    case 'box_Ttl':
	  var temp = '<?php 
echo str_replace("'", "\\'", html_combo_box('box_fld_boxTBD[]', $kFields, '', 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"', '220px', '', 'box_combo_tbd'));
	  cell[0]  = temp.replace(/fld_combo_tbd/g, "fld_combo_"+boxID+rowCnt);
	  cell[1]  = '<?php 
echo str_replace("'", "\\'", html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_boxTBD[]', $pFields));
	  temp     = '<?php 
echo str_replace("'", "\\'", html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_ttl_row_TBD'));
	  temp    += '<?php 
echo str_replace("'", "\\'", html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"'));
Esempio n. 10
function box_build($properties, $i)
    global $kFonts, $kFontSizes, $kFontAlign, $kFontColors, $cFields;
    global $kFields, $kTblFields, $pFields, $tProcessing, $BarCodeTypes;
    $output = NULL;
    switch ($properties->type) {
        case 'BarCode':
            $output = '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl;
            $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th>' . TEXT_FIELDNAME . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th>' . TEXT_TYPE . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '   </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            $output .= '   <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', gen_build_pull_down($BarCodeTypes), $properties->boxfield[0]->processing) . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, false);
        case 'CBlk':
            $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <table id="box_Cblk' . $i . '" class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '    <tr><th colspan="4">' . TEXT_FIELD_LIST . '</th></tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_FIELDNAME . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_SEPARATOR . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_ACTION . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '    </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '	</thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($properties->boxfield); $j++) {
                $output .= '		  <tr>' . nl;
                $output .= '		    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $cFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->fieldname) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '		    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $tProcessing, $properties->boxfield[$j]->processing) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '		    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_fmt_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->formatting) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '		    <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">';
                $output .= html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_cblk_' . $i . '_' . $j) . chr(10);
                $output .= html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"');
                $output .= '			</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '		  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    </tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <td valign="bottom">' . html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'box_Cblk\', \'add\', ' . $i . ')"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '</tr></table>' . nl;
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i);
            $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">tableInit[tableCount] = \'box_Cblk' . $i . '\'; tableCount++;</script>' . nl;
        case 'CDta':
            $output = '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl;
            $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th>' . TEXT_FIELDNAME . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td align="center">' . html_pull_down_menu('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $cFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->fieldname) . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i);
        case 'Data':
            $output = '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl;
            $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th>' . PHREEFORM_TBLFNAME . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->processing) . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i);
        case 'Img':
            $output = '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl;
            $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . TEXT_CURRENT_IMAGE . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td align="center">' . nl;
            $output .= !$properties->filename ? TEXT_NO_IMAGE_SELECTED : html_image(PF_WEB_MY_REPORTS . 'images/' . $properties->filename, '', '', '32');
            $output .= '    </td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th colspan="2">' . PHREEFORM_IMAGESEL . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_radio_field('img_sel_' . $i, 'U', false) . TEXT_UPLOAD_MAGE . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_file_field('img_upload_' . $i) . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_radio_field('img_sel_' . $i, 'S', true) . TEXT_STORED_IMAGES . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('img_file_' . $i, ReadImages(), $properties->filename, 'size="6"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl;
        case 'ImgLink':
            $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl;
            $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th>' . PHREEFORM_TBLFNAME . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[0]->processing) . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr class="ui-widget-header"><th colspan="2">' . TEXT_IMAGE_LINK . '</th></tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td align="center" colspan="2">' . html_input_field('box_txt_' . $i, $properties->text ? $properties->text : DIR_WS_MY_FILES, 'size="40"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl;
            //	  $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, false, false, false);
        case 'Line':
            $output = '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl;
            $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th colspan="3">' . PHREEFORM_LINE_TYPE . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_radio_field('box_ltype_' . $i, 'H', !$properties->linetype || $properties->linetype == 'H' ? true : false) . TEXT_HORIZONTAL . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_radio_field('box_ltype_' . $i, 'V', $properties->linetype == 'V' ? true : false) . TEXT_VERTICAL . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . TEXT_LENGTH . ' ' . html_input_field('box_len_' . $i, $properties->length, 'size="4" maxlength="3"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th colspan="3">' . PHREEFORM_ENDPOS . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_radio_field('box_ltype_' . $i, 'C', $properties->linetype == 'C' ? true : false) . TEXT_CUSTOM . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . TEXT_ABSCISSA . html_input_field('box_eabs_' . $i, $properties->endabscissa, 'size="4" maxlength="3"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . TEXT_ORDINATE . html_input_field('box_eord_' . $i, $properties->endordinate, 'size="4" maxlength="3"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, false, true, false);
        case 'PgNum':
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false);
        case 'Rect':
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, false, true, true);
        case 'Tbl':
            $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <table id="box_Tbl' . $i . '" class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '    <tr><th colspan="9">' . TEXT_FIELD_LIST . '</th></tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_FIELDNAME . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_DESCRIPTION . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_FONT . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_SIZE . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_ALIGN . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_COLOR . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_WIDTH . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . '&nbsp;' . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '    </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '	</thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($properties->boxfield); $j++) {
                $output .= '	  <tr>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td nowrap="nowrap">' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kTblFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"', '220px', '', 'box_fld_' . $i . $j) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td>' . html_input_field('box_desc_' . $i . '[]', $properties->boxfield[$j]->description, 'size="15"') . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->processing) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_fnt_' . $i . '[]', $kFonts, $properties->boxfield[$j]->font) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_size_' . $i . '[]', $kFontSizes, $properties->boxfield[$j]->size) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_aln_' . $i . '[]', $kFontAlign, $properties->boxfield[$j]->align) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_clr_' . $i . '[]', $kFontColors, $properties->boxfield[$j]->color) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td>' . html_input_field('box_wid_' . $i . '[]', $properties->boxfield[$j]->width, 'size="4" maxlength="4"') . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">' . nl;
                $output .= html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_tbl_' . $i . '_' . $j);
                $output .= html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"');
                $output .= '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '<td valign="bottom">' . html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'box_Tbl\', \'add\', ' . $i . ')"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '</tr></table>' . nl;
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, true, true, true, 'h', PHREEFORM_TABLE_HEADING_PROP);
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i, false, false, true, true, '', TEXT_TABLE_BODY_PROPERTIES);
            $output .= PHREEFORM_FORM_TABLE_NOTES;
            $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">tableInit[tableCount] = \'box_Tbl' . $i . '\'; tableCount++;</script>' . nl;
        case 'TBlk':
            $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <table id="box_Tblk' . $i . '" class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '    <tr><th colspan="4">' . TEXT_FIELD_LIST . '</th></tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . PHREEFORM_TBLFNAME . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_SEPARATOR . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_ACTION . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '    </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '</thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($properties->boxfield); $j++) {
                $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
                $output .= '    <td>' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"', '220px', '', 'box_fld_' . $i . '_' . $j) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $tProcessing, $properties->boxfield[$j]->processing) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	<td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_fmt_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->formatting) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '    <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">' . nl;
                $output .= html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_tblk_' . $i . '_' . $j) . chr(10);
                $output .= html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"');
                $output .= '    </td>' . nl;
                $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '</tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '<td valign="bottom">' . html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'box_Tblk\', \'add\', ' . $i . ')"');
            $output .= '</td></tr></table>' . nl;
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i);
            $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">tableInit[tableCount] = \'box_Tblk' . $i . '\'; tableCount++;</script>' . nl;
        case 'TDup':
            $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl;
            $output .= ' <tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td align="center">' . TEXT_NO_PROPERTIES . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl;
        case 'LtrTpl':
            $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl;
            $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th>' . PHREEFORM_TEXTDISP . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_textarea_field('box_txt_' . $i, '50', '20', $properties->text) . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i);
        case 'LtrData':
            $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <table id="box_LtrData' . $i . '" class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '    <tr><th colspan="9">' . TEXT_FIELD_LIST . '</th></tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_FIELDNAME . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_DESCRIPTION . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . '&nbsp;' . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '    </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '	</thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($properties->boxfield); $j++) {
                $output .= '	  <tr>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td nowrap="nowrap">' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kTblFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"', '220px', '', 'box_fld_' . $i . $j) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td>' . html_input_field('box_desc_' . $i . '[]', $properties->boxfield[$j]->description, 'size="15"') . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->processing) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	    <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">' . nl;
                $output .= html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_tbl_' . $i . '_' . $j);
                $output .= html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"');
                $output .= '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '	  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '<td valign="bottom">' . html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'box_LtrData\', \'add\', ' . $i . ')"') . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '</tr></table>' . nl;
            $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">tableInit[tableCount] = \'box_LtrData' . $i . '\'; tableCount++;</script>' . nl;
        case 'Text':
            $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;">' . nl;
            $output .= ' <thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <th>' . PHREEFORM_TEXTDISP . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <td>' . html_textarea_field('box_txt_' . $i, '50', '3', $properties->text) . '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i);
        case 'Ttl':
            $output .= '<table class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td>' . nl;
            $output .= '  <table id="box_Ttl' . $i . '" class="ui-widget" style="border-collapse:collapse;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><thead class="ui-widget-header">' . nl;
            $output .= '    <tr><th colspan="3">' . TEXT_FIELD_LIST . '</th></tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '    <tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . PHREEFORM_TBLFNAME . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_PROCESSING . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '      <th>' . TEXT_ACTION . '</th>' . nl;
            $output .= '    </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= ' </thead><tbody class="ui-widget-content">' . nl;
            for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($properties->boxfield); $j++) {
                $output .= '  <tr>' . nl;
                $output .= '    <td>' . html_combo_box('box_fld_' . $i . '[]', $kFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->fieldname, 'onclick="updateFieldList(this)"', '220px', '', 'box_fld_' . $i . $j) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '    <td>' . html_pull_down_menu('box_proc_' . $i . '[]', $pFields, $properties->boxfield[$j]->processing) . '</td>' . nl;
                $output .= '    <td nowrap="nowrap" align="right">' . nl;
                $output .= html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_ttl_' . $i . '_' . $j) . chr(10);
                $output .= html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'onclick="if (confirm(\'' . TEXT_DELETE_ENTRY . '\')) $(this).parent().parent().remove();"');
                $output .= '    </td>' . nl;
                $output .= '  </tr>' . nl;
            $output .= '</tbody></table>' . nl;
            $output .= '</td>' . nl;
            $output .= '<td valign="bottom">' . html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'box_Ttl\', \'add\', ' . $i . ')"');
            $output .= '</td></tr></table>' . nl;
            $output .= box_build_attributes($properties, $i);
            $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">tableInit[tableCount] = \'box_Ttl' . $i . '\'; tableCount++;</script>' . nl;
    return $output;
    // only this module
    $structure = $params['structure'];
    if (!$structure->Module->Table) {
    // no tables to import
    if (!is_array($structure->Module->Table)) {
        $structure->Module->Table = array($structure->Module->Table);
    foreach ($structure->Module->Table as $table) {
        if ($table->CanImport) {
            echo html_combo_box('bank_acct', $cash_chart, '', '');
            echo html_file_field('file_name') . ' ';
            echo html_button_field('import_table', TEXT_IMPORT, 'onclick="submitToDo(\'import_csv\')"');
            echo html_button_field('sample_csv', SAMPLE_CSV, 'onclick="submitToDo(\'sample_csv\')"');
      <td rowspan="3" align="center">
if ($ButtonValue == TEXT_CHANGE) {
    echo html_hidden_field('TblSeqNum', $Params['TblSeqNum']) . $Params['TblSeqNum'];
} else {
    echo html_input_field('TblSeqNum', $Params['TblSeqNum'], 'size="3" maxlength="2"');
      <td id="field_list" colspan="2"><?php 
echo html_combo_box('TblField', $TblFieldChoices, $Params['TblField']);
      <td colspan="2"><?php 
echo html_input_field('TblDesc', $Params['TblDesc'], '');
      <td colspan="2"><?php 
echo html_pull_down_menu('Processing', gen_build_pull_down($FormProcessing), $Params['Processing']);
      <td align="center"><?php 
echo '&nbsp;';
	    <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
echo html_combo_box('inv_desc_default_sales', $inc_chart, $_POST['inv_desc_default_sales'] ? $_POST['inv_desc_default_sales'] : INV_DESC_DEFAULT_SALES, '');
	    <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap"><?php 
echo html_combo_box('inv_desc_default_inventory', $inv_chart, $_POST['inv_desc_default_inventory'] ? $_POST['inv_desc_default_inventory'] : INV_DESC_DEFAULT_INVENTORY, '');
echo '&nbsp;';
echo '&nbsp;';
	  <tr><th colspan="5"><?php 