/* The current template displays heading outside the article. So to conform to html5 structure (document outline i.e. <header> is inside <article>) we add the Article Heading as screen-reader-text */ ?> <header class="entry-header screen-reader-text"> <h1 <?php hoot_attr('entry-title'); ?> ><?php single_post_title(); ?> </h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <?php if (hoot_get_mod('post_featured_image') && !hoot_is_404()) { $img_size = apply_filters('hoot_post_image_page', ''); hoot_post_thumbnail('entry-content-featured-img', $img_size); } ?> <?php $entry_content_class = hoot_is_404() ? 'no-shadow' : ''; ?> <div <?php hoot_attr('entry-content', '', $entry_content_class); ?> > <div class="entry-the-content"> <?php the_content(); ?>
echo $linktag; if ($style == 'style4') { switch ($columns) { case 1: $image_col_width = 2; break; case 2: $image_col_width = 4; break; default: $image_col_width = 5; } } else { $image_col_width = $columns; } hoot_post_thumbnail('content-block-img', 'column-1-' . $image_col_width); echo $linktagend; ?> </div><?php } elseif ($has_icon) { $contrast_class = 'square' == $icon_style ? ' invert-typo ' : ''; ?> <div class="content-block-visual content-block-icon <?php echo 'icon-style-' . esc_attr($icon_style); echo $contrast_class; ?> "> <?php echo $linktag; ?> <i class="fa <?php
<?php /* The current template displays heading outside the article. So to conform to html5 structure (document outline i.e. <header> is inside <article>) we add the Article Heading as screen-reader-text */ ?> <header class="entry-header screen-reader-text"> <h1 <?php hoot_attr('entry-title'); ?> ><?php single_post_title(); ?> </h1> </header><!-- .entry-header --> <?php if (hoot_get_option('post_featured_image')) { hoot_post_thumbnail('entry-content-featured-img'); } ?> <div <?php hoot_attr('entry-content'); ?> > <div class="entry-the-content"> <?php global $post; if (is_attachment()) { echo wp_get_attachment_image($post->ID, 'full'); the_excerpt(); the_content();
* Archive Post Style: Big Thumbnail (default) */ ?> <article <?php hoot_attr('post', '', 'archive-category-small'); ?> > <div class="entry-grid grid"> <div class="entry-grid-content grid-span-12"> <div class="grid-span-4"> <?php $img_size = apply_filters('hoot_post_image_archive_big', ''); hoot_post_thumbnail('entry-content-featured-img entry-grid-featured-img', '4', true); ?> </div> <div class="grid-span-8"> <?php mb_cat_entry_meta(); ?> <header class="entry-header"> <div class="screen-reader-text" itemprop="datePublished" itemtype="https://schema.org/Date"><?php echo get_the_date('Y-m-d'); ?> </div> <?php the_title('<h2 ' . hoot_get_attr('entry-title') . '><a href="' . get_permalink() . '" rel="bookmark" itemprop="url">', '</a></h2>'); ?>