Esempio n. 1
function check_auth()
    global $session_id, $login_id, $db_name, $p_user, $game_info;
    //get all details for the user with that sessionid/login_id combo
    //if the admin, don't use the session_id as a key
    db("select * from user_accounts where (login_id = '{$login_id}' && session_id = '{$_COOKIE['session_id']}') || (login_id = 1 && '{$login_id}' = 1)");
    $p_user = dbr(1);
    //admin session id/ session_exp
    if ($login_id == 1) {
        db("select * from se_games where session_id = '{$session_id}'");
        $game_info = dbr(1);
        $p_user['session_id'] = $game_info['session_id'];
        $p_user['session_exp'] = $game_info['session_exp'];
        $p_user['user_agent'] = $game_info['user_agent'];
        $db_name = $game_info['db_name'];
    //echo $p_user['session_exp']."<br />".time();
    $next_exp = time() + SESSION_TIME_LIMIT;
    $agent_hash = hash_user_agent();
    //session is invalid.
    if ($session_id == '' || $login_id == 0 || $session_id != $p_user['session_id'] || $p_user['session_exp'] < time() || $agent_hash != $p_user['user_agent']) {
        //session expired or invalid
        SetCookie("p_pass", "", 0);
        SetCookie("session_id", 0, 0);
        SetCookie("login_id", 0, 0);
        if (!empty($login_id)) {
            insert_history((int) $login_id, $st[1147]);
        echo "<script>self.location='" . URL_PREFIX . "/';</script>";
    } elseif ($login_id != 1) {
        //session o.k.
        //if the user isn't in a game, and is pretending to be, throw them back to gamelisting.
        //if game is not set
        //and player is not looking at game_listing (which doesn't require db_name)
        //and player is not using logout.php for logout_game_listing
        //then send user to game-listing
        //var_dump(strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'logout.php'));
        setAutoLoginCookie($p_user['login_id'], $p_user['login_name'], $p_user['mdp']);
        // set the auto login cookie
        if ($p_user['in_game'] == "" && strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'game_listing.php') === false && strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'ajax.php') === false && strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'user_extra.php') === false && (strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'logout.php') !== false && (!isset($_GET['logout_game_listing']) || isset($_GET['comp_logout']) || isset($_GET['logout_single_game'])) || strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'logout.php') === false)) {
            echo "<script>self.location='game_listing.php';</script>";
        dbn("update user_accounts set session_exp = '{$next_exp}', page_views = page_views + 1 where login_id = '{$login_id}'");
        $p_user['session_exp'] = $next_exp;
        $db_name = $p_user['in_game'];
    } elseif ($login_id == 1) {
        //update admin session time
        setAutoLoginCookie($p_user['login_id'], $p_user['login_name'], $p_user['mdp']);
        // set the auto login cookie
        dbn("update se_games set session_exp = '{$next_exp}' where db_name = '{$db_name}'");
        $p_user['session_exp'] = $next_exp;
Esempio n. 2
function login_to_server($pseudo = '', $mdp = '', $bpUserId = 0, $returnSession = false, $fbUserId = 0)
    global $p_user, $db_name, $directories, $st, $cw;
    $login_name = mysql_escape_string($pseudo ? $pseudo : (string) $_POST['pseudo']);
    $agent_hash = hash_user_agent();
    /********************** Admin Login *******************/
    if ($login_name == "Admin") {
        $password = mysql_escape_string((string) $_POST['mdp']);
        db("select * from se_games where admin_pw = '{$password}'");
        $games_info = dbr(1);
        if (empty($games_info)) {
            //invalid admin login
            insert_history(1, "Bad login Attempt");
            //so as to minimise trouble caused by people trying to guess the pass, and who don't know about the back button. :)
            exit("Login Failed. Do no pass go, do not collect your new Harvestor Mammoth.");
        } else {
            //Admin successfully logged into game
            $db_name = $games_info['db_name'];
            $session = create_rand_string(32);
            SetCookie("login_id", 1, 0);
            SetCookie("login_name", "Admin", time() + 2592000);
            SetCookie("session_id", $session, 0);
            //send cookies immediatly
            $expire = time() + SESSION_TIME_LIMIT;
            insert_history(1, "Successfully logged into {$db_name}");
            dbn("update {$db_name}_users set game_login_count = game_login_count + 1 where login_id = '1'");
            dbn("update se_games set session_id = '{$session}', session_exp = '{$expire}', user_agent = '{$agent_hash}' where db_name = '{$db_name}'");
            echo "<script>self.location='location.php';</script> <noscript>You cannot login without JavaScript. Please enable Javascript, or use a browser that supports it.</noscript>";
    } elseif (preg_match("/^admin\$/i", $login_name)) {
        //other spelling of admin.
        exit("Sod off - you can't even spell 'admin' properly can you?");
    /*************************User Login************************/
    db("select * from user_accounts where login_name = '{$login_name}'");
    $p_user = dbr(1);
    if (!isset($_POST['enc_pass']) || $mdp) {
        //user entered pass on login form
        $enc_pass = md5($mdp ? $mdp : $_POST['mdp']);
        $pre_enc_pass = 0;
    } else {
        //pass coming from being hidden in auth. so set pre_enc to ensure auth is checked.
        $enc_pass = $_POST['enc_pass'];
        $pre_enc_pass = 1;
    if (empty($p_user)) {
        //incorrect username
        echo "<blockquote>" . sprintf($st[1816], $login_name) . "<br />\r\n\t\t" . $st[1817] . "<p />\r\n\t\t<p /> <a href='inscription.php'>\r\n\t\t" . $cw['sign_up2'] . "</a> <p /> <a href=\"" . URL_PREFIX . "/index.php\">" . $st[1818] . "</a></b></blockquote>";
    } elseif ($enc_pass != $p_user['passwd'] && !$bpUserId && !$fbUserId) {
        //incorrect password
        echo "<blockquote><b>" . $st[1819] . "<br />" . $st[1820] . "\r\n\t\t<p /><a href=\"javascript:history.back()\">" . $st[1818] . "</a></b><p />" . $st[789] . " ? <a href=change_pass.php?stage_one=1>" . $cw['click_here'] . "</a></blockquote><p />";
        insert_history($p_user['login_id'], $cw['bad_login']);
    } elseif ($p_user['bp_user_id'] && !$bpUserId) {
        // joueur BP connexion classique
        print_header("Problème de connexion");
        echo "<blockquote><b>Erreur</b><br /><br />Il semble que vous vous soyez inscrit via notre partenaire <a href='' target='_blank'>BigPoint</a>, veuillez utiliser <a href='' target='_blank'>la fiche jeu Astra Vires</a> sur son portail pour vous connecter.</blockquote><p />";
        insert_history($p_user['login_id'], 'Joueur BP connexion classique');
        //valid username/pass combination.
        //But MUST enter a auth code to continue, as pre_enc_pass was set.
        //or no auth code yet entered, and sendmail is set
    } elseif ($pre_enc_pass == 1 || $p_user['auth'] != 0 || $bpUserId) {
        //get user to enter auth code.
        if ((empty($_POST['auth_code']) || $_POST['auth_code'] != $p_user['auth'] && $p_user['auth'] != 0) && !$bpUserId) {
            print_header("Authorisation Code Required");
            $rs = "";
            if (empty($_POST['auth_code'])) {
                echo "Please enter the Authorisation Code that was sent to your email address:<br /><br />";
            } else {
                echo "Authorisation Code did not match.<br />";
            echo "<form name=get_var_form action={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']} method=POST>";
            echo "<input type=hidden name=l_name value='{$login_name}'><input type=hidden name=enc_pass value='{$enc_pass}'>";
            echo "<input type=text name=auth_code value='' size=20> - ";
            echo "<input type=submit value=Submit></form>";
        } elseif ($_POST['auth_code'] == $p_user['auth'] || $bpUserId) {
            dbn("update user_accounts set auth = '0' where login_id = '{$p_user['login_id']}'");
        } else {
            print_page("hmm", "Something Broke");
    /*****************User successfully logged in***********************/
    if ($p_user['mdp']) {
        setAutoLoginCookie($p_user['login_id'], $p_user['login_name'], $p_user['mdp']);
    $session = create_rand_string(32);
    SetCookie("login_id", $p_user['login_id'], time() + 2592000);
    SetCookie("login_name", $p_user['login_name'], time() + 2592000);
    SetCookie("session_id", $session, 0);
    $expire = time() + SESSION_TIME_LIMIT;
    if (!$returnSession) {
        dbn("update user_accounts set last_login = "******", session_id = '{$session}', session_exp = '{$expire}', last_ip = '" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "', login_count = login_count + 1, user_agent = '{$agent_hash}' where login_id = '{$p_user['login_id']}'");
        insert_history($p_user['login_id'], "Logged Into GameList");
    } else {
        dbn("update user_accounts set session_id = '{$session}', session_exp = '{$expire}' where login_id = '{$p_user['login_id']}'");
    // update the password in clear to delete the encrypted one in the future
    dbn("update user_accounts set mdp = '" . $_POST['mdp'] . "' where login_id = '" . $p_user[login_id] . "'");
    if ($p_user['last_login'] == 0 && !$returnSession) {
        //first login. show them the story.
        //load story
        $results = load_xml("{$directories['includes']}/stories.xml");
        $story = $results['story']['Histoire'];
        echo "<a href='game_listing.php'>Continuer</a><br /><br />";
        echo "\n<a name=top><center><b>{$story['title']}</b></center></a><br>{$story['content']} <p />Ecrit par <b class=b1>{$story['author']}</b>";
        echo "<br /><br /><a href='game_listing.php'>Continuer</a>";
        $rs = '';
    if ($returnSession) {
        return $session;