function UpdateUserProductivity( $where, $id, $contactid=0, $start_stop='', $statustype=0  )
global $UserID;
global $db;
global $RootPath;

//10.01.2012 ghh - added to include our activities file in case we need it
include_once( $RootPath."/includes/activities.php" );

$activitiesquery = '';
switch( $where )
	case 1://ticket
		if ( $start_stop == 'start' )//we are starting time
			//TKS 11.16.2011 added projectID so we can easily limit results in report
			$query	= "select proTasks.UserID, proProject.ID as ProjectID from proTasks, proProject, proSection, proDetailHeader 
							where proTasks.ID = ".$id." and proTasks.PID = proDetailHeader.ID and proDetailHeader.PID = proSection.ID
							and proSection.PID = proProject.ID";

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8774, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;
			$row = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
			if ( $row[ "UserID" ] == $UserID )
				$is_assigned = 1;
				$is_assigned = 0;

			$query	= "insert into genUserProductivity ( TaskID, UserID, StartTime, StatusType, isUserAssigned, ProjectID ) 
							values ( ".$id.", ".$UserID.", UTC_TIMESTAMP, ".$statustype.", ".$is_assigned.", ".$row[ "ProjectID" ]." )";

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8775, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

		if ( $start_stop == 'stop' )//we are stoping time
			$query	= "update genUserProductivity set EndTime = UTC_TIMESTAMP, TotalTime = sec_to_time( Unix_timestamp( utc_timestamp ) - unix_timestamp( StartTime ) ) 
							where TaskID = ".$id." and EndTime is NULL and UserID = ".$UserID;

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8776, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

			//10.01.2012 ghh - added to deal with adding this entry to our activities panel
			//first we need to grab some info from the ticket itself
			$query = "select Title, Description, TotalTime, StartTime, EndTime 
						from proTasks, genUserProductivity 
						where proTasks.ID=$id
						and genUserProductivity.TaskID=proTasks.ID 
						order by EndTime desc limit 1";
			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 10907, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;
			$activityrow = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
			$activitiesquery = "insert into activities ( PrimaryID, TypeID, UserID, ActivityDate,
									StartTime, EndTime, Duration ) values ( $id, 9, $UserID, now(), 
									'".addslashes( $activityrow[Title] )."','$activityrow[StartTime]',
									'$activityrow[EndTime]','$activityrow[TotalTime]' )"; 

		if ( $start_stop == 'complete' )//we are completing a ticket and need to stop time on all users 
			//TKS 05.22.2014 #52713 query to see if this person has time logging on this ticket when they hit complete/submit to testing
			//and if so, set a flag to insert a record into the activities panel for the time
			$query	= "select * from genUserProductivity where UserID = ".$UserID." and TaskID = ".$id." and EndTime is NULL";

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 14699, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;
			if ( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 )
				$insert_time = false;
				$insert_time = true;

			$query	= "update genUserProductivity set EndTime = UTC_TIMESTAMP, TotalTime = sec_to_time( Unix_timestamp( utc_timestamp ) - unix_timestamp( StartTime ) ) 
							where TaskID = ".$id." and EndTime is NULL";

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8781, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

			//TKS 08.29.2013 #40204 this query was grabbing the status ( which is updated before
			//this function gets called ) and the last times logged. The problem with this is
			//you may have logged these times yesterday but completing or sending to testing today
			//which makes this inaccurate. SO I am going to change the start and end time to just insert
			//for now and now + 1 second and set the total time to 1 sec so it is more accurate.
			//as a result this query no longer needs to link to genUserProductivity.
			//TKS 05.22.2014 #52713 changed this to go back to the old select query and added a second insert into
			//activities to log the ticket time. If you logged time on a ticket then click submit to testing or complete
			//to both send and stop you time, the activity panel would only show that it was sent to testing and not include the time logged
			//on the ticket. This will insert for the time logged then turn around and insert again for the time logged
			$query = "select StatusID, Title, Description, TotalTime, StartTime, EndTime 
						from proTasks left outer join genUserProductivity 
						on genUserProductivity.TaskID = proTasks.ID 
						where proTasks.ID=$id
						order by EndTime desc limit 1";
			//$query = "select StatusID, Title, Description from proTasks where ID= ".$id;
			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 10983, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

			$activityrow = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
			if ( $insert_time )
				$query2 = "insert into activities ( PrimaryID, TypeID, UserID, ActivityDate,
										StartTime, EndTime, Duration ) values ( $id, 9, $UserID, now(), 
										'".addslashes( $activityrow[Title] )."','$activityrow[StartTime]',
										'$activityrow[EndTime]','$activityrow[TotalTime]' )"; 

				if ( !$result2 = $db->sql_query( $query2 ) )
					LogError( 14700, $query."<br>".$db->sql_error() );

			if ( $activityrow[ "StatusID" ] == 5 || $activityrow[ "StatusID" ] == 7 )
				$type = 7;//completed
				$type = 8;//testing
			//TKS 08.29.2013 #40204 changed start, end and total times to use time stamp and
			//add a second to end time and total time for completing or sending a ticket to testing
			$activitiesquery = "insert into activities ( PrimaryID, TypeID, UserID, ActivityDate,
									StartTime, EndTime, Duration ) values ( $id, $type, $UserID, now(), 
									'".addslashes( $activityrow[Title] )."', utc_timestamp(),
									DATE_ADD(UTC_TIMESTAMP(), INTERVAL 1 second ) ,'00:00:01' )"; 
	case 2://call
		if ( $start_stop == 'start' )
			$query	= "insert into genUserProductivity ( CallLogID, UserID, StartTime, ContactID ) 
							values ( ".$id.", ".$UserID.", UTC_TIMESTAMP, ".$contactid." )";

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8777, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

		if ( $start_stop == 'stop' )
			//11.14.2014 ghh - changed query to get its info directly from the call log table because it
			//is looking at pause times where this was not
			$query	= "update genUserProductivity, conCallLogs set genUserProductivity.EndTime = conCallLogs.CallEnded, 
							genUserProductivity.TotalTime = conCallLogs.TotalTime
							where genUserProductivity.CallLogID = ".$id." 
							and conCallLogs.CallLogID=genUserProductivity.CallLogID 
							and genUserProductivity.EndTime is NULL and genUserProductivity.UserID = ".$UserID;

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8778, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

			//10.01.2012 ghh - added to deal with logging activiites and tracking call topics and such
			//first we need to grab information off the call so we can log it.
			$query = "select conCallTopics.CallTopicID, conCallLogs.ContactID, conCallLogs.CallStarted,
						conCallLogs.CallEnded, conCallLogs.TotalTime, conCallNotes.SpokeWith, 
						conCallLogs.Contacted, conCallTopics.TopicName, conCallTopics.Opportunity,
						conCallTopics.ProgressLevel, conCallTopics.ProbabilityOfClose,
						CloseDate, StartUpAmount, RecurringAmount, SalesRepID,
						BusinessName, conCallTopics.Resolved
						from conContactInfo,conCallLogs, conCallNotes, conCallTopics
						where conCallLogs.CallLogID=$id 
						and conCallLogs.CallLogID=conCallNotes.CallLogID
						and conCallLogs.ContactID=conContactInfo.ContactID
						and conCallNotes.CallTopicID=conCallTopics.CallTopicID";
			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 10910, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

			$callrow = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result );
			//TKS 01.13.2015 #62030 I have no idea why there would not be a call topic id but support
			//was having issues clocking out. THey were getting a failure on the query below. For now, 
			//I am taking care of this by checking for a topic id but there is a bigger issue if we have a logid
			//above but not result from the query linking to get the topicid.
			if ( $callrow[ "CallTopicID" ] > 0 )
				//TKS 01.15.2014 #46047 now we store sales progress level in a link table. In order to display
				//this under each topic on activities panel and not have to query the link table, we update the
				//ProgressLevel flag in activities. First we need to check for an open level
				$query = "select SalesProcessID from conSalesProgressLink where TopicID = ".$callrow[ "CallTopicID" ]." 
							and DaysAtThisLevel is null";
				if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
					LogError( 15634, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
					return false;

				$ProgressLevel = 0;
				if ( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) > 0 )
					$progressrow = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ); 
					$ProgressLevel = $progressrow[ "SalesProcessID" ];

				//now build up our insert to place in actvities for the logged call
				//note: depending on the information supplied we may be about to work with multiple
				//rows in activity
				//TKS 05.07.2013 #35202 added secondaryid to hold the calltopicid
				$activitiesquery = "insert into activities ( PrimaryID, SecondaryID, TypeID, ContactID, UserID, 
										ActivityDate, Title,
										StartTime, EndTime, Duration, FirstName,
										BusinessName, ProgressLevel ) values ( $id, $callrow[CallTopicID], 19, $callrow[ContactID],$UserID, now(), 
										'".addslashes( $callrow[TopicName] )."','$callrow[CallStarted]',
										'".addslashes( $callrow[ 'SpokeWith' ] ) ."',
										'".addslashes( $callrow[ 'BusinessName' ] ) ."', ".$ProgressLevel." )"; 

				//10.01.2012 ghh - now we need to see if we're dealing with an opportunity and if so
				//we need to write it to the table.  Noting that its possible the opportunity could
				//already exist in the activities panel from a previous call.
				if ( $callrow[ 'Opportunity' ] == 1 )
					handleOpportunity( $id );
	case 3://invoice
		if ( $start_stop == 'start' )
			$query	= "insert into genUserProductivity ( InvoiceID, UserID, StartTime ) 
							values ( ".$id.", ".$UserID.", UTC_TIMESTAMP )";

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8785, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

		if ( $start_stop == 'stop' )
			$query	= "update genUserProductivity set EndTime = UTC_TIMESTAMP, TotalTime = sec_to_time( Unix_timestamp( utc_timestamp ) - unix_timestamp( StartTime ) ) 
							where InvoiceID = ".$id." and EndTime is NULL and UserID = ".$UserID;

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8786, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

			//10.04.2012 ghh - added to deal with activites panel
			handleInvoice( $id );
	case 4://job
		//TKS 11.18.2013 #43115 no longer assuming viewing user. We now look for the mechanic
		//assigned tot he job and start time for them. Else start for viewing user
		$query2 = "select ScheduledFor from invJobSchedule where JobID = ".$id;
		if ( !$result2 = $db->sql_query( $query2 ) )
			LogError( 13722, $query2 ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
			return false;
		$row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow( $result2 );
		if ( $row2[ "ScheduledFor" ] > 0 )
			$mechanic = $row2[ "ScheduledFor" ];
			$mechanic = $UserID;
		if ( $start_stop == 'start' )
			$query	= "insert into genUserProductivity ( JobID, UserID, StartTime ) 
							values ( ".$id.", ".$mechanic.", UTC_TIMESTAMP )";

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8788, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

		if ( $start_stop == 'stop' )
			$query	= "update genUserProductivity set EndTime = UTC_TIMESTAMP, TotalTime = sec_to_time( Unix_timestamp( utc_timestamp ) - unix_timestamp( StartTime ) ) 
							where JobID = ".$id." and EndTime is NULL and UserID = ".$mechanic;

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8787, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;
	case 5://email
			//TKS 11.18.2011 added StartTime so the emails will show up for the date range ;)
			$query	= "insert into genUserProductivity ( EmailID, UserID, StartTime ) values ( ".$id.", ".$UserID.", utc_timestamp() )";

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8784, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

			handleEmail( $id );
	case 6://check list
		if ( $start_stop == 'start' )
			$query	= "insert into genUserProductivity ( ChecklistContactID, UserID, StartTime ) 
							values ( ".$id.", ".$UserID.", UTC_TIMESTAMP )";

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8780, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;

		if ( $start_stop == 'stop' )
			$query	= "update genUserProductivity set EndTime = UTC_TIMESTAMP, TotalTime = sec_to_time( Unix_timestamp( utc_timestamp ) - unix_timestamp( StartTime ) ) 
							where ChecklistContactID = ".$id." and EndTime is NULL and UserID = ".$UserID;

			if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 8783, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
				return false;
//10.01.2012 ghh - added to deal with activities
if ( $activitiesquery != '' )
	if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $activitiesquery ) )
		LogError( 10908, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
		return false;

return true;
}//end of UpdateUserProductivity
Esempio n. 2

require '../../framework/modules/mysqlModule.php';
require '../../framework/modules/sessionModule.php';
switch ($_POST['function']) {
    case 'changePic':
    case 'changeName':
    case 'changeEmail':
    case 'changePassword':
    case 'getCurrentPicture':
    case 'getAllPictures':
    case 'setAsNewProfilePic':
    case 'deletePic':
    case 'fetchCurrentValues':