Esempio n. 1
# load all required files
$whmcsdir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../';
require_once $whmcsdir . 'dbconnect.php';
require_once $whmcsdir . '/includes/functions.php';
require_once $whmcsdir . '/includes/gatewayfunctions.php';
require_once $whmcsdir . '/includes/invoicefunctions.php';
require_once $whmcsdir . '/modules/gateways/gocardless.php';
# get gateway params using WHMCS getGatewayVariables method
$gateway = getGatewayVariables('gocardless');
# sanity check to ensure module is active
if (!$gateway['type']) {
    die("Module Not Activated");
# set relevant API information for GoCardless module
# get the raw contents of the callback and decode JSON
$webhook = file_get_contents('php://input');
$webhook_array = json_decode($webhook, true);
# validate the webhook by verifying the integrity of the payload with GoCardless
if (GoCardless::validate_webhook($webhook_array['payload']) !== true) {
    # we could not validate the web hook
    header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
    exit(__LINE__ . ': Payload could not be verified');
# store various elements of the webhook array into params
$val = $webhook_array['payload'];
# base what we are doing depending on the resource type
switch ($val['resource_type']) {
    case 'pre_authorization':
        # handle preauths (possible actions - cancelled, expired)
Esempio n. 2
 ** WHMCS method to capture payments
 ** This method is triggered by WHMCS in an attempt to capture a PreAuth payment
 ** @param array $params Array of paramaters parsed by WHMCS
function gocardless_capture($params)
    # create GoCardless DB if it hasn't already been created
    # grab the gateway information from WHMCS
    $gateway = getGatewayVariables('gocardless');
    # Send the relevant API information to the GoCardless class for future processing
    # check against the database if the bill relevant to this invoice has already been created
    $existing_payment_query = select_query('mod_gocardless', 'resource_id', array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid']));
    $existing_payment = mysql_fetch_assoc($existing_payment_query);
    # check if any rows have been returned or if the returned result is empty.
    # If no rows were returned, the bill has not already been made for this invoice
    # If a row was returned but the resource ID is empty, the bill has not been completed
    # we have already raised a bill with GoCardless (in theory)
    if (!mysql_num_rows($existing_payment_query) || empty($existing_payment['resource_id'])) {
        #Use PreAuth table
        $userid_query = select_query('tblinvoices', 'userid', array('id' => $params['invoiceid']));
        $userid_result = mysql_fetch_array($userid_query);
        if (!empty($userid_result['userid'])) {
            $userid = $userid_result['userid'];
            $preauth_query = select_query('mod_gocardless_preauth', 'subscriptionid', array('userid' => $userid));
            $preauth_result = mysql_fetch_array($preauth_query);
            if (!empty($preauth_result['subscriptionid'])) {
                $preauthid = $preauth_result['subscriptionid'];
        # now we are out of the loop, check if we have been able to get the PreAuth ID
        if (isset($preauthid)) {
            # we have found the PreAuth ID, so get it from GoCardless and process a new bill
            $pre_auth = GoCardless_PreAuthorization::find($preauthid);
            # check the preauth returned something
            if ($pre_auth) {
                # Create a bill with the $pre_auth object
                try {
                    $bill = $pre_auth->create_bill(array('amount' => $params['amount'], 'name' => "Invoice #" . $params['invoiceid']));
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    # we failed to create a new bill, lets update mod_gocardless to alert the admin why payment hasnt been received,
                    # log this in the transaction log and exit out
                    update_query('mod_gocardless', array('payment_failed' => 1), array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid']));
                    logTransaction($params['paymentmethod'], "Failed to create GoCardless bill against pre-authorization " . $preauthid . " for invoice " . $params['invoiceid'] . ": " . print_r($e, true) . print_r($bill, true), 'Failed');
                    return array('status' => 'error', 'rawdata' => $e);
                # check that the bill has been created
                if ($bill->id) {
                    # check if the bill already exists in the database, if it does we will just update the record
                    # if not, we will create a new record and record the transaction
                    if (!mysql_num_rows($existing_payment_query)) {
                        # Add the bill ID to the table and mark the transaction as pending
                        insert_query('mod_gocardless', array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid'], 'billcreated' => 1, 'resource_id' => $bill->id, 'preauth_id' => $pre_auth->id));
                        if ($gateway['instantpaid'] == on) {
                            # The Instant Activation option is on, so add to the Gateway Log and log a transaction on the invoice
                            addInvoicePayment($params['invoiceid'], $bill->id, $bill->amount, $bill->gocardless_fees, $gateway['paymentmethod']);
                            logTransaction($gateway['paymentmethod'], 'Bill of ' . $bill->amount . ' raised and logged for invoice ' . $params['invoiceid'] . ' with GoCardless ID ' . $bill->id, 'Successful');
                            return array('status' => 'success', 'rawdata' => print_r($bill, true));
                        } else {
                            # Instant Activation is off, so just add to the gateway log and wait before marking as paid until web hook arrives
                            logTransaction($gateway['paymentmethod'], 'Bill of ' . $bill->amount . ' raised for invoice ' . $params['invoiceid'] . ' with GoCardless ID ' . $bill->id, 'Successful');
                            return array('status' => 'pending', 'rawdata' => print_r($bill, true));
                    } else {
                        # update the table with the bill ID
                        update_query('mod_gocardless', array('billcreated' => 1, 'resource_id' => $bill->id), array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid']));
            } else {
                # PreAuth could not be verified
                logTransaction($gateway['paymentmethod'], 'The pre-authorization specified for invoice ' . $params['invoiceid'] . ' (' . $preauthid . ') does not seem to exist - something has gone wrong, or the customer needs to set up their Direct Debit again.', 'Incomplete');
                return array('status' => 'error', 'rawdata' => array('message' => 'The pre-authorization ID was found for invoice ' . $params['invoiceid'] . ' but it could not be fetched.'));
        } else {
            # we couldn't find the PreAuthID meaning at this point all we can do is give up!
            # the client will have to setup a new preauth to begin recurring payments again
            # or pay using an alternative method
            logTransaction($gateway['paymentmethod'], 'No pre-authorization found when trying to raise payment for invoice ' . $params['invoiceid'] . ' - something has gone wrong, or the customer needs to set up their Direct Debit again.', 'Incomplete');
            return array('status' => 'error', 'rawdata' => array('message' => 'No pre-authorisation ID found in WHMCS for invoice ' . $params['invoiceid']));
    } else {
        # WHMCS is trying to collect the bill but one has already been created - this happens because the bill is not mark as 'paid'
        # until a web hook is received by default, so WHMCS thinks it still needs to collect.
        # logTransaction('GoCardless', 'Bill already created - awaiting update via web hook...' . "\nBill ID: " . $existing_payment['resource_id'], 'Pending');
        # return array('status' => 'Bill already created - awaiting update via web hook...', 'rawdata' =>
        #    array('message' => 'Bill already created - awaiting update via web hook...'));
        return array('status' => 'pending', 'rawdata' => array('message' => 'The bill has already been created for invoice ' . $params['invoiceid']));
 ** WHMCS method to capture payments
 ** This method is triggered by WHMCS in an attempt to capture a PreAuth payment
 ** @param array $params Array of paramaters parsed by WHMCS
function gocardless_capture($params)
    # create GoCardless DB if it hasn't already been created
    # Send the relevant API information to the GoCardless class for future processing
    # check against the database if the bill relevant to this invoice has already been created
    $existing_payment_query = select_query('mod_gocardless', 'resource_id', array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid']));
    $existing_payment = mysql_fetch_assoc($existing_payment_query);
    # check if any rows have been returned or if the returned result is empty.
    # If no rows were returned, the bill has not already been made for this invoice
    # If a row was returned but the resource ID is empty, the bill has not been completed
    # we have already raised a bill with GoCardless (in theory)
    if (!mysql_num_rows($existing_payment_query) || empty($existing_payment['resource_id'])) {
        # query the database to get the relid of all invoice items
        $invoice_item_query = select_query('tblinvoiceitems', 'relid', array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid'], 'type' => 'Hosting'));
        # loop through each returned (each invoice item) and attempt to find a subscription ID
        while ($invoice_item = mysql_fetch_assoc($invoice_item_query)) {
            $package_query = select_query('tblhosting', 'subscriptionid', array('id' => $invoice_item['relid']));
            $package = mysql_fetch_assoc($package_query);
            # if we have found a subscriptionID, store it in $preauthid
            if (!empty($package['subscriptionid'])) {
                $preauthid = $package['subscriptionid'];
        # now we are out of the loop, check if we have been able to get the PreAuth ID
        if (isset($preauthid)) {
            # we have found the PreAuth ID, so get it from GoCardless and process a new bill
            $pre_auth = GoCardless_PreAuthorization::find($preauthid);
            # check the preauth returned something
            if ($pre_auth) {
                # Create a bill with the $pre_auth object
                try {
                    $bill = $pre_auth->create_bill(array('amount' => $params['amount']));
                } catch (Exception $e) {
                    # we failed to create a new bill, lets update mod_gocardless to alert the admin why payment hasnt been received,
                    # log this in the transaction log and exit out
                    update_query('mod_gocardless', array('payment_failed' => 1), array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid']));
                    logTransaction($params['paymentmethod'], "Failed to create GoCardless bill: " . print_r($e, true) . print_r($bill, true), 'Failed');
                    return array('status' => 'error', 'rawdata' => $e);
                # check that the bill has been created
                if ($bill->id) {
                    # check if the bill already exists in the database, if it does we will just update the record
                    # if not, we will create a new record and record the transaction
                    if (!mysql_num_rows($existing_payment_query)) {
                        # Add the bill ID to the table and mark the transaction as pending
                        insert_query('mod_gocardless', array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid'], 'billcreated' => 1, 'resource_id' => $bill->id, 'preauth_id' => $pre_auth->id));
                        logTransaction('GoCardless', 'Transaction initiated successfully, confirmation will take 2-5 days' . "\nPreAuth: " . $pre_auth->id . "\nBill ID: " . $bill->id, 'Pending');
                        return array('status' => 'Bill Created', 'rawdata' => $bill);
                    } else {
                        # update the table with the bill ID
                        update_query('mod_gocardless', array('billcreated' => 1, 'resource_id' => $bill->id), array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid']));
            } else {
                # PreAuth could not be verified
                logTransaction('GoCardless', 'Pre-Authorisation could not be verified', 'Incomplete');
                return array('status' => 'Pre-Authorisation could not be verified', 'rawdata' => array('message' => 'No pre-authorisation ID found in WHMCS'));
        } else {
            # we couldn't find the PreAuthID meaning at this point all we can do is give up!
            # the client will have to setup a new preauth to begin recurring payments again
            # or pay using an alternative method
            logTransaction('GoCardless', 'No pre-authorisation found', 'Incomplete');
            return array('status' => 'No Pre-auth Found', 'rawdata' => array('message' => 'No pre-authorisation ID found in WHMCS'));
    } else {
        # WHMCS is trying to collect the bill but one has already been created - this happens because the bill is not mark as 'paid'
        # until a web hook is received by default, so WHMCS thinks it still needs to collect.
        logTransaction('GoCardless', 'Bill already created - awaiting update via web hook...' . "\nBill ID: " . $existing_payment['resource_id'], 'Pending');
        return array('status' => 'Bill already created - awaiting update via web hook...', 'rawdata' => array('message' => 'Bill already created - awaiting update via web hook...'));