Esempio n. 1
 public function __construct($cipher, $key, $taglen)
     $logging = \Plop\Plop::getInstance();
     $this->cipher = mcrypt_module_open($cipher, null, 'ecb', null);
     mcrypt_generic_init($this->cipher, $key, str_repeat("", 16));
     $this->taglen = $taglen;
     $logging->debug('Pre-computing GCM table');
     $H = gmp_init(bin2hex(mcrypt_generic($this->cipher, str_repeat("", 16))), 16);
     $H = str_pad(gmp_strval($H, 2), 128, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
     $R = gmp_init('E1000000000000000000000000000000', 16);
     $this->table = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
         $this->table[$i] = array();
         for ($j = 0; $j < 256; $j++) {
             $V = gmp_init(dechex($j) . str_repeat("00", $i), 16);
             $Z = gmp_init(0);
             for ($k = 0; $k < 128; $k++) {
                 // Compute Z_n+1
                 if ($H[$k]) {
                     $Z = gmp_xor($Z, $V);
                 // Compute V_n+1
                 $odd = gmp_testbit($V, 0);
                 $V = gmp_div_q($V, 2);
                 if ($odd) {
                     $V = gmp_xor($V, $R);
             $this->table[$i][$j] = pack('H*', str_pad(gmp_strval($Z, 16), 32, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT));
     $logging->debug('Done pre-computing GCM table');
Esempio n. 2
  * Pack a long.
  * If it is a 32bit PHP we suppose that this log is treated by bcmath
  * TODO 32bit
  * @param int|string $value
  * @return string the packed long
 public static function packLong($value)
     if (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4) {
         $value = (int) $value;
         $binaryString = chr($value >> 56 & 0xff) . chr($value >> 48 & 0xff) . chr($value >> 40 & 0xff) . chr($value >> 32 & 0xff) . chr($value >> 24 & 0xff) . chr($value >> 16 & 0xff) . chr($value >> 8 & 0xff) . chr($value & 0xff);
     } else {
          * To get the two's complement of a binary number,
          * the bits are inverted, or "flipped",
          * by using the bitwise NOT operation;
          * the value of 1 is then added to the resulting value
         $bitString = '';
         $isNegative = $value[0] == '-';
         if (function_exists("bcmod")) {
             //add 1 for the two's complement
             if ($isNegative) {
                 $value = bcadd($value, '1');
             while ($value !== '0') {
                 $bitString = (string) abs((int) bcmod($value, '2')) . $bitString;
                 $value = bcdiv($value, '2');
         } elseif (function_exists("gmp_mod")) {
             //add 1 for the two's complement
             if ($isNegative) {
                 $value = gmp_strval(gmp_add($value, '1'));
             while ($value !== '0') {
                 $bitString = gmp_strval(gmp_abs(gmp_mod($value, '2'))) . $bitString;
                 $value = gmp_strval(gmp_div_q($value, '2'));
         } else {
             while ($value != 0) {
                 list($value, $remainder) = self::str2bin((string) $value);
                 $bitString = $remainder . $bitString;
         //Now do the logical not for the two's complement last phase
         if ($isNegative) {
             $len = strlen($bitString);
             for ($x = 0; $x < $len; $x++) {
                 $bitString[$x] = $bitString[$x] == '1' ? '0' : '1';
         //pad to have 64 bit
         if ($bitString != '' && $isNegative) {
             $bitString = str_pad($bitString, 64, '1', STR_PAD_LEFT);
         } else {
             $bitString = str_pad($bitString, 64, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $hi = substr($bitString, 0, 32);
         $lo = substr($bitString, 32, 32);
         $hiBin = pack('H*', str_pad(base_convert($hi, 2, 16), 8, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT));
         $loBin = pack('H*', str_pad(base_convert($lo, 2, 16), 8, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT));
         $binaryString = $hiBin . $loBin;
     return $binaryString;
function digit($n1, $n2, $d)
    global $u, $v;
    $u = gmp_div_q($n1, $d);
    $v = gmp_div_q($n2, $d);
    if (gmp_cmp($u, $v) == 0) {
        return $u;
    return false;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function encodeSFixed64($sFixed64)
     $value = $this->is32Bit ? gmp_and($sFixed64, '0x0ffffffffffffffff') : gmp_init(sprintf('%u', $sFixed64));
     $bytes = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i) {
         $bytes .= chr(gmp_intval(gmp_and($value, $this->gmp_xff)));
         $value = gmp_div_q($value, $this->gmp_x100);
     return $bytes;
Esempio n. 5
 public function xrecover($y)
     $xx = gmp_mul(gmp_sub(gmp_mul($y, $y), 1), $this->inv(gmp_add(gmp_mul(gmp_mul($this->params['d'], $y), $y), 1)));
     $x = gmp_powm($xx, gmp_div_q(gmp_add($this->params['q'], 3), 8), $this->params['q']);
     $t = gmp_mod(gmp_sub(gmp_mul($x, $x), $xx), $this->params['q']);
     if (gmp_cmp($t, 0)) {
         $x = gmp_mod(gmp_mul($x, $this->params['I']), $this->params['q']);
     if (gmp_cmp(gmp_mod($x, 2), 0)) {
         $x = gmp_sub($this->params['q'], $x);
     return $x;
Esempio n. 6
 * Назначение: Основные пользовательские функции
function number62_encode($number)
    if (preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#iu', $number) == 0) {
        return "";
    $out = "";
    $string = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    do {
        $key = gmp_mod($number, 62);
        $out = $string[$key] . $out;
        $number = gmp_strval(gmp_div_q($number, 62, GMP_ROUND_ZERO));
    } while (gmp_cmp($number, 0) > 0);
    return $out;
Esempio n. 7
 public function totalPages()
     $remainder = gmp_div_r(count($this->items_array), $this->items_x_page);
     $quotient = gmp_intval(gmp_div_q(count($this->items_array), $this->items_x_page));
     if ($quotient > 0) {
         if ($remainder > 0) {
             $this->total_pages = $quotient + 1;
         } else {
             $this->total_pages = $quotient;
     } else {
         $this->total_pages = 1;
     return $this->total_pages;
function fatorar_raiz_quadrada($numOrig)
    $result = '';
    $fatoracao = fatoracao_numeros_primos($numOrig);
    if (is_array($fatoracao) && count($fatoracao) > 0) {
        $resultFatNumero = 0;
        $resultFatRaiz = array();
        foreach ($fatoracao as $fator => $qtd) {
            if ($qtd > 1) {
                $agrupamentoPares = gmp_div_q($qtd, 2);
                // divide por dois, simples, retorna inteiro
                $resultPares = $fator * gmp_strval($agrupamentoPares);
                // os pares são tirados da raiz quadrada, portanto numeros normais no resultado;
                $resultFatNumero = $resultFatNumero > 0 ? $resultFatNumero * $resultPares : $resultPares;
                $restoImpar = gmp_div_r($qtd, 2);
                if ($restoImpar > 0) {
                    $resultFatRaiz[] = "raiz quadrada(" . gmp_strval($fator) . ")";
            } else {
                $resultFatRaiz[] = "raiz quadrada({$fator})";
        if ($resultFatNumero > 0) {
            $result = $resultFatNumero;
        if (count($resultFatRaiz) > 0) {
            $resultFatRaiz = implode(' * ', $resultFatRaiz);
            if ($result != '') {
                // caso exista numerico, multiplicar por este
                $result .= ' * ';
            $result .= $resultFatRaiz;
    } else {
        $result = "<b>{$fatoracao}<b><br>";
    return $result;
Esempio n. 9
$cmp3 = gmp_cmp("1234", "1234");
// equal to
echo "{$cmp1} {$cmp2} {$cmp3}" . "\n";
// gmp_com
$com = gmp_com("1234");
echo gmp_strval($com) . "\n";
// gmp_div_q
$div1 = gmp_div_q("100", "5");
echo gmp_strval($div1) . "\n";
$div2 = gmp_div_q("1", "3");
echo gmp_strval($div2) . "\n";
$div3 = gmp_div_q("1", "3", GMP_ROUND_PLUSINF);
echo gmp_strval($div3) . "\n";
$div4 = gmp_div_q("-1", "4", GMP_ROUND_PLUSINF);
echo gmp_strval($div4) . "\n";
$div5 = gmp_div_q("-1", "4", GMP_ROUND_MINUSINF);
echo gmp_strval($div5) . "\n";
// gmp_div_qr
$a = gmp_init("0x41682179fbf5");
$res = gmp_div_qr($a, "0xDEFE75");
printf("Result is: q - %s, r - %s" . PHP_EOL, gmp_strval($res[0]), gmp_strval($res[1]));
// gmp_div_r
$div = gmp_div_r("105", "20");
echo gmp_strval($div) . "\n";
// gmp_div
$div1 = gmp_div("100", "5");
echo gmp_strval($div1) . "\n";
// gmp_divexact
$div1 = gmp_divexact("10", "2");
echo gmp_strval($div1) . "\n";
Esempio n. 10
 public function getPubKeyWithRS($flag, $R, $S, $hash)
     $isCompressed = false;
     if ($flag < 27 || $flag >= 35) {
         return false;
     if ($flag >= 31) {
         $isCompressed = true;
         $flag -= 4;
     $recid = $flag - 27;
     //step 1.1
     $x = null;
     $x = gmp_add(gmp_init($R, 16), gmp_mul($this->n, gmp_div_q(gmp_init($recid, 10), gmp_init(2, 10))));
     //step 1.3
     $y = null;
     if (1 == $flag % 2) {
         $gmpY = $this->calculateYWithX(gmp_strval($x, 16), '02');
         if (null != $gmpY) {
             $y = gmp_init($gmpY, 16);
     } else {
         $gmpY = $this->calculateYWithX(gmp_strval($x, 16), '03');
         if (null != $gmpY) {
             $y = gmp_init($gmpY, 16);
     if (null == $y) {
         return null;
     $Rpt = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y);
     //step 1.6.1
     //calculate r^-1 (S*Rpt - eG)
     $eG = $this->mulPoint($hash, $this->G);
     $eG['y'] = gmp_mod(gmp_neg($eG['y']), $this->p);
     $SR = $this->mulPoint($S, $Rpt);
     $pubKey = $this->mulPoint(gmp_strval(gmp_invert(gmp_init($R, 16), $this->n), 16), $this->addPoints($SR, $eG));
     $pubKey['x'] = gmp_strval($pubKey['x'], 16);
     $pubKey['y'] = gmp_strval($pubKey['y'], 16);
     while (strlen($pubKey['x']) < 64) {
         $pubKey['x'] = '0' . $pubKey['x'];
     while (strlen($pubKey['y']) < 64) {
         $pubKey['y'] = '0' . $pubKey['y'];
     $derPubKey = $this->getDerPubKeyWithPubKeyPoints($pubKey, $isCompressed);
     if ($this->checkSignaturePoints($derPubKey, $R, $S, $hash)) {
         return $derPubKey;
     } else {
         return false;
Esempio n. 11
File: Gmp.php Progetto: zae/bigmath
 public function Div($left, $right)
     return $this->string(gmp_div_q($left, $right));
Esempio n. 12
  * Divides two numbers.
  * @param resource $a The first number
  * @param resource $b The second number
  * @return resource
 public function div($a, $b)
     return gmp_div_q($a, $b);
Esempio n. 13
  * Return all prime factors of this number
  * The keys (prime factors) will be strings
  * The values (exponents will be integers
  * Adapted from
  * @return array [primeFactor => exponent,...]
 public function primeFactors()
     $number = $this->cloneValue();
     $divisor = 2;
     $zero = gmp_init(0);
     $one = gmp_init(1);
     $dmax = gmp_sqrt($number);
     $factors = array();
     $sieve = array_fill(1, intval(gmp_strval($dmax)), 1);
     do {
         $rFlag = false;
         while (gmp_cmp(gmp_mod($number, $divisor), $zero) == 0) {
             $factors[$divisor] = isset($factors[$divisor]) ? $factors[$divisor] + 1 : 1;
             $number = gmp_div_q($number, $divisor);
             $rFlag = true;
         if ($rFlag) {
             $dmax = gmp_sqrt($number);
         if (gmp_cmp($number, $one) > 0) {
             for ($i = $divisor; gmp_cmp($i, $dmax) <= 0; $i += $divisor) {
                 $sieve[$i] = 0;
             do {
             } while (gmp_cmp($divisor, $dmax) < 0 && $sieve[$divisor] != 1);
             if (gmp_cmp($divisor, $dmax) > 0) {
                 $key = gmp_strval($number);
                 $factors[$key] = isset($factors[$key]) ? $factors[$key] + 1 : 1;
     } while (gmp_cmp($number, $one) > 0 && gmp_cmp($divisor, $dmax) <= 0);
     return $factors;
 public function import()
     if (extension_loaded('xhprof')) {
         // xhprof slows things down
     if (!extension_loaded('gmp')) {
         throw new Exception('The blockchain importer requires the PHP GMP module to be installed and enabled');
     echo "\nTodo:\n\n* add Output_Key join table to support multisig, convert data, then re-import all multisig transactions\n* detect if PHP is 64-bit, if not, check if GMP is installed, otherwise us BCMath\n  - ACTUALLY, just move to PHPSECLIB: \n* move RPC calls into separate class\n* move bitcoin specific utils into separate class\n* move conversion from satoshis to floats into view model\n* fix trailing decimal point on whole numbers in block and blockchain views\n\nMaybe:\n\n* move entities to model binder?\n";
     // this can take a long time
     $client = new \Zend\Json\Server\Client($this->bitcoindServerUrl);
     $client->getHttpClient()->setOptions(array('timeout' => 30));
     $blockcount = $client->call('getblockcount');
     // Get the last block in the DB
     $query = $this->objectManager->createQuery('SELECT b FROM Blockchain\\Entity\\Block b WHERE = (SELECT MAX( FROM Blockchain\\Entity\\Block bm)');
     $result = $query->getResult();
     if (count($result) == 1) {
         $blockEntity = $result[0];
         $blockId = $blockEntity->getId();
         $blockhash = $blockEntity->getBlockhash();
         $blockNumber = $blockEntity->getBlockNumber();
         $block = $this->getBlockFromServer($blockhash);
         // remove last block and all associated transactions in case it wasn't loaded full or there was no "nextblockhash"
         $connection = $this->objectManager->getConnection();
         if ($connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName() == 'mysql') {
             // The input and output tables have cyclical foreign keys, so rows can't be deleted
             $connection->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0');
         if ($connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName() == 'mysql') {
             $connection->query('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1');
         $coinbaseExp = floor($blockNumber / 210000);
         $gmp_coinbaseValue = gmp_div_q(gmp_init("5000000000"), gmp_pow(gmp_init("2"), $coinbaseExp));
     } else {
         $blockNumber = 0;
         $blockhash = $client->call('getblockhash', array($blockNumber));
         $gmp_coinbaseValue = gmp_init("5000000000");
     $batchSize = 25;
     $count = 0;
     // Start importing
     $lastTime = 0;
     $currTime = 0;
     $avgTime = 0;
     $blockCount = 0;
     while ($blockhash) {
         $currTime = microtime(true);
         if ($lastTime) {
             $diff = $currTime - $lastTime;
             // update average time between blocks
             $avgTime = ($avgTime * ($blockCount - 1) + $diff) / $blockCount;
             $blocksLeft = $blockcount - $blockNumber;
             $estimatedCompletion = $blocksLeft * $avgTime;
             echo sprintf("\n\nEstimated completion: %s (blocks left: %d, average block time: %s seconds\n", self::secondsToString($estimatedCompletion), $blocksLeft, number_format($avgTime, 2));
         if ($blockNumber % 210000 == 0) {
             // only calculate this when necessary instead of every loop
             $coinbaseExp = floor($blockNumber / 210000);
             $gmp_coinbaseValue = gmp_div_q(gmp_init("5000000000"), gmp_pow(gmp_init("2"), $coinbaseExp));
         echo "\nBlock {$blockNumber}, Transactions: ";
         $gmp_totalBlockValue = gmp_init("0");
         $block = $this->getBlockFromServer($blockhash);
         $blockEntity = new \Blockchain\Entity\Block();
         $blockEntity->setTime(new \DateTime('@' . $block['time']));
         if (isset($block['nextblockhash'])) {
         if (isset($block['previousblockhash'])) {
         $gmp_offeredFees = gmp_init("0");
         $gmp_takenFees = gmp_init("0");
         // First block is unique
         if ($blockNumber > 0) {
             $seenTxids = array();
             $seenAddresses = array();
             $txCount = 0;
             foreach ($block['tx'] as $txid) {
                 if ($txCount > 1) {
                     echo ', ';
                 echo $txCount;
                 // the JSON RPC client appears to have a memory leak, so isolate it inside a function
                 $transaction = $this->getRawTransactionFromServer($txid);
                 if (!$transaction) {
                     die('failure retrieving transaction');
                 if ($blockNumber == 91842 && $transaction['txid'] == 'd5d27987d2a3dfc724e359870c6644b40e497bdc0589a033220fe15429d88599') {
                     // Special case where a transaction was duplicated in block 91812 and 91842 due to a bug in a mining client
                     // ignore the second instance
                 if ($blockNumber == 91880 && $transaction['txid'] == 'e3bf3d07d4b0375638d5f1db5255fe07ba2c4cb067cd81b84ee974b6585fb468') {
                     // Special case where a transaction was duplicated in block 91722 and 91880 due to a bug in a mining client
                     // ignore the second instance
                 $transactionEntity = new \Blockchain\Entity\Transaction();
                 $gmp_totalInputValue = gmp_init("0");
                 foreach ($transaction['vin'] as $input) {
                     $inputEntity = new \Blockchain\Entity\Input();
                     if (isset($input['coinbase'])) {
                         $gmp_totalInputValue = gmp_add($gmp_totalInputValue, $gmp_coinbaseValue);
                     } else {
                         if (isset($seenTxids[$input['txid']])) {
                             // input of one transaction is referencing the output of another transaction in the same block.  flush writes.
                             // clear objects to free memory
                             // reload associated entities
                             $blockEntity = $this->objectManager->getRepository('Blockchain\\Entity\\Block')->findOneBy(array('blockhash' => $blockhash));
                             $transactionEntity = $this->objectManager->getRepository('Blockchain\\Entity\\Transaction')->findOneBy(array('txid' => $txid));
                         $redeemedOutputEntity = $this->objectManager->getRepository('Blockchain\\Entity\\Output')->findOneBy(array('txid' => $input['txid'], 'n' => $input['vout']));
                         if (!$redeemedOutputEntity) {
                             die('could not find output');
                         $nonstandard = false;
                         $pubkey = null;
                         $hash160 = null;
                         $address = null;
                         $keyEntity = null;
                         if (preg_match('/(.+) (.+)/', $input['scriptSig']['asm'], $matches)) {
                             // Standard Transaction to Bitcoin address (pay-to-pubkey-hash)
                             // scriptPubKey: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <pubKeyHash> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
                             // scriptSig: <sig> <pubKey>
                             $signature = $matches[1];
                             $pubkey = $matches[2];
                             $hash160 = self::pubkeyToHash160($pubkey);
                             $address = self::hash160ToAddress($hash160);
                         } else {
                             if ($redeemedOutputEntity->getType() == 'nonstandard') {
                                 $nonstandard = true;
                                 echo "...nonstandard output, scriptsig: " . $input['scriptSig']['asm'] . "...";
                                 $redeemedOutputKeyEntity = $redeemedOutputEntity->getKey();
                                 if ($redeemedOutputKeyEntity) {
                                     $pubkey = $redeemedOutputKeyEntity->getPubkey();
                                     $hash160 = $redeemedOutputKeyEntity->getHash160();
                                     $address = $redeemedOutputKeyEntity->getAddress();
                             } else {
                                 if (preg_match('/([\\S]+)/', $input['scriptSig']['asm'])) {
                                     // Standard Generation Transaction (pay-to-pubkey)
                                     // scriptPubKey: <pubKey> OP_CHECKSIG
                                     // scriptSig: <sig>
                                     $redeemedOutputKeyEntity = $redeemedOutputEntity->getKey();
                                     if ($redeemedOutputKeyEntity) {
                                         $pubkey = $redeemedOutputKeyEntity->getPubkey();
                                         $hash160 = $redeemedOutputKeyEntity->getHash160();
                                         $address = $redeemedOutputKeyEntity->getAddress();
                                     } else {
                                         echo "\n\n" . $input['scriptSig']['asm'] . "\n";
                                         die("\nStandard Generation without key\n");
                                 } else {
                                     die("strange scriptSig: " . $input['scriptSig']['asm'] . "\n");
                         $keyEntity = $this->objectManager->getRepository('Blockchain\\Entity\\Key')->findOneBy(array('address' => $address));
                         if (!$keyEntity) {
                             if ($address && !isset($seenAddresses[$address])) {
                                 $keyEntity = new \Blockchain\Entity\Key();
                                 $seenAddresses[$address] = array('pubkey' => $pubkey);
                             } else {
                                 $keyEntity = $this->objectManager->getRepository('Blockchain\\Entity\\Key')->findOneBy(array('address' => $address));
                         if (!$keyEntity && !$nonstandard) {
                             die("problem finding input key: {$address}\n");
                         if ($keyEntity) {
                             if ($pubkey && !$keyEntity->getPubkey()) {
                         $gmp_inputValue = gmp_init($redeemedOutputEntity->getValue());
                         $gmp_totalInputValue = gmp_add($gmp_totalInputValue, gmp_init($inputEntity->getValue()));
                         // echo 'txid: '.$txid.', input txid: '.$input['txid'].', vout: '.$input['vout'].", val: ".gmp_strval($gmp_inputValue)."\n";
                         // Need to figure out how to extract hash160, if it is of any value...
                         // $inputEntity->setHash160();
                 $gmp_totalBlockValue = gmp_add($gmp_totalBlockValue, $gmp_totalInputValue);
                 $gmp_totalOutputValue = gmp_init("0");
                 foreach ($transaction['vout'] as $output) {
                     $outputEntity = new \Blockchain\Entity\Output();
                     $gmp_outputValue = self::floatBTCToGmpSatoshis($output['value']);
                     $gmp_totalOutputValue = gmp_add($gmp_totalOutputValue, $gmp_outputValue);
                     $pubkey = null;
                     $hash160 = null;
                     $address = null;
                     if (preg_match('/OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ([\\S]+) OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG/', $output['scriptPubKey']['asm'], $matches)) {
                         $hash160 = $matches[1];
                         $address = self::hash160ToAddress($hash160);
                     } else {
                         if (preg_match('/^([\\S]+) OP_CHECKSIG$/', $output['scriptPubKey']['asm'], $matches)) {
                             $pubkey = $matches[1];
                             $hash160 = self::pubkeyToHash160($pubkey);
                             $address = self::hash160ToAddress($hash160);
                     $keyEntity = null;
                     if ($address) {
                         $keyEntity = $this->objectManager->getRepository('Blockchain\\Entity\\Key')->findOneBy(array('address' => $address));
                         if (!$keyEntity) {
                             if (!isset($seenAddresses[$address])) {
                                 $keyEntity = new \Blockchain\Entity\Key();
                                 $seenAddresses[$address] = array('pubkey' => $pubkey);
                             } else {
                                 $keyEntity = $this->objectManager->getRepository('Blockchain\\Entity\\Key')->findOneBy(array('address' => $address));
                         if ($keyEntity) {
                             if ($pubkey && !$keyEntity->getPubkey()) {
                         if (!$keyEntity && $pubkey && !$seenAddresses[$address]['pubkey']) {
                             die("Situation: address seen multiple times in transaction, and pubkey available\n");
                     if ($address && !$keyEntity) {
                         die("Output key entity not generated: {$address}\n");
                     if (isset($output['scriptPubKey']['reqSigs'])) {
                     if (count($output['scriptPubKey']['addresses']) > 1) {
                         echo "\n\noutput with multiple addresses found:\n";
                         echo print_r($output, true);
                         echo "\n";
                     } else {
                         if (isset($output['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0]) && $address != $output['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0]) {
                             echo $output['scriptPubKey']['asm'] . "\n";
                             die("inconsistent output addresses\n    parsed: {$address}\n    given: {$output['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0]}\n");
                 if (isset($input['coinbase'])) {
                     $gmp_takenFees = gmp_sub($gmp_totalOutputValue, $gmp_coinbaseValue);
                 if (!isset($input['coinbase'])) {
                     $gmp_fee = gmp_sub($gmp_totalInputValue, $gmp_totalOutputValue);
                     $gmp_offeredFees = gmp_add($gmp_offeredFees, $gmp_fee);
                 } else {
                     $gmp_fee = gmp_init("0");
                 $seenTxids[$txid] = true;
                 if ($count % $batchSize == 0) {
                     $blockEntity = $this->objectManager->getRepository('Blockchain\\Entity\\Block')->findOneBy(array('blockhash' => $blockhash));
         if (gmp_cmp($gmp_offeredFees, $gmp_takenFees) > 0) {
             echo "WARNING: Possible lost coins. Offered Fees: " . gmp_strval($gmp_offeredFees) . ", Taken Fees: " . gmp_strval($gmp_takenFees) . "\n";
         if (gmp_cmp($gmp_takenFees, $gmp_offeredFees) > 0) {
             die("ERROR.  Impossible transaction: Offered Fees: " . gmp_strval($gmp_offeredFees) . ", Taken Fees: " . gmp_strval($gmp_takenFees) . "\n");
         $gmp_lostValue = gmp_sub($gmp_offeredFees, $gmp_takenFees);
         if (isset($block['nextblockhash'])) {
             $nextblockhash = $block['nextblockhash'];
         } else {
             $nextblockhash = null;
         $blockhash = $nextblockhash;
         $lastTime = $currTime;
Esempio n. 15
  * Divide two big integers and return integer part result.
  * Raises exception if the divisor is zero.
  * @param  string $leftOperand
  * @param  string $rightOperand
  * @return string|null
  * @throws Exception\DivisionByZeroException
 public function div($leftOperand, $rightOperand)
     if ($rightOperand == 0) {
         throw new Exception\DivisionByZeroException("Division by zero; divisor = {$rightOperand}");
     $result = gmp_div_q($leftOperand, $rightOperand);
     return gmp_strval($result);
Esempio n. 16
  * Reduce this number to it's lowest form
 protected function reduce()
     $gcd = gmp_gcd($this->value['num']->gmp(), $this->value['den']->gmp());
     if (gmp_cmp($gcd, 1) > 0) {
         $this->value['num']->set(gmp_div_q($this->value['num']->gmp(), $gcd));
         $this->value['den']->set(gmp_div_q($this->value['den']->gmp(), $gcd));
Esempio n. 17
 public function bitwise_rightShift($shift)
     $temp = new Math_BigInteger();
     switch (MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE) {
             static $two;
             if (!isset($two)) {
                 $two = gmp_init('2');
             $temp->value = gmp_div_q($this->value, gmp_pow($two, $shift));
             $temp->value = bcdiv($this->value, bcpow('2', $shift, 0), 0);
             $temp->value = $this->value;
     return $this->_normalize($temp);
Esempio n. 18
  * This method returns the result of dividing the specified value against this object's
  * value.
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @param IInteger\Type $x                                  the left operand
  * @param IInteger\Type $y                                  the right operand
  * @return IInteger\Type                                    the result
 public static function divide(IInteger\Type $x, IInteger\Type $y) : IInteger\Type
     return IInteger\Type::box(gmp_strval(gmp_div_q($x->unbox(), $y->unbox())));
Esempio n. 19
  * Divide two big integers and return result or NULL if the denominator
  * is zero.
  * @param  string $left_operand
  * @param  string $right_operand
  * @return string|null
 public function divide($left_operand, $right_operand)
     $result = gmp_div_q($left_operand, $right_operand);
     return gmp_strval($result);
Esempio n. 20
 * Create a big math division function
 * @param string $l
 * @param string $r
 * @param int $z
 * @return string
 * @url Inspired by
function bmdiv($l, $r, $z = 0)
    if (function_exists('bcdiv')) {
        return $z == 0 ? bcdiv($l, $r) : bcmod($l, $r);
    global $profile;
    if ($profile['use_gmp']) {
        return gmp_strval($z == 0 ? gmp_div_q($l, $r) : gmp_mod($l, $r));
    $l = strval($l);
    $r = strval($r);
    $v = '0';
    while (true) {
        if (bmcomp($l, $r) < 0) {
        $delta = strlen($l) - strlen($r);
        if ($delta >= 1) {
            $zeroes = str_repeat("0", $delta);
            $r2 = $r . $zeroes;
            if (strcmp($l, $r2) >= 0) {
                $v = bmadd($v, "1" . $zeroes);
                $l = bmsub($l, $r2);
            } else {
                $zeroes = str_repeat("0", $delta - 1);
                $v = bmadd($v, "1" . $zeroes);
                $l = bmsub($l, $r . $zeroes);
        } else {
            $l = bmsub($l, $r);
            $v = bmadd($v, "1");
    return $z == 0 ? $v : $l;
Esempio n. 21
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function divide($amount, $divisor)
     $divisor = Number::fromString((string) $divisor);
     if ($divisor->isDecimal()) {
         $decimalPlaces = strlen($divisor->getFractionalPart());
         if ($divisor->getIntegerPart()) {
             $divisor = Number::fromString($divisor->getIntegerPart() . $divisor->getFractionalPart());
         } else {
             $divisor = Number::fromString(ltrim($divisor->getFractionalPart(), '0'));
         $amount = gmp_strval(gmp_mul(gmp_init($amount), gmp_init('1' . str_pad('', $decimalPlaces, '0'))));
     list($integer, $remainder) = gmp_div_qr(gmp_init($amount), gmp_init((string) $divisor));
     if (gmp_cmp($remainder, '0') === 0) {
         return gmp_strval($integer);
     $divisionOfRemainder = gmp_strval(gmp_div_q(gmp_mul($remainder, gmp_init('1' . str_pad('', $this->scale, '0'))), gmp_init((string) $divisor), GMP_ROUND_MINUSINF));
     return gmp_strval($integer) . '.' . str_pad($divisionOfRemainder, $this->scale, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
Esempio n. 22
   port from pidigits.lua-5.lua (Mike Pall, Wim Couwenberg)
   modified by Craig Russell
$N = (int) $argv[1];
ob_start(NULL, 4096);
$w = gmp_init(0);
$k = 1;
$n1 = gmp_init(4);
$n2 = gmp_init(3);
$d = gmp_init(1);
$i = 0;
while (true) {
    $u = gmp_div_q($n1, $d);
    $v = gmp_div_q($n2, $d);
    if (gmp_cmp($u, $v) == 0) {
        echo gmp_strval($u);
        if ($i % 10 == 0) {
            echo "\t:", $i, "\n";
        if ($i == $N) {
        $u = gmp_mul($d, gmp_mul(-10, $u));
        $n1 = gmp_mul($n1, 10);
        $n1 = gmp_add($n1, $u);
        $n2 = gmp_mul($n2, 10);
        $n2 = gmp_add($n2, $u);
Esempio n. 23
 public function sFixed64_gmp($value)
     static $xff, $x100;
     if (NULL === $xff) {
         $xff = gmp_init(0xff);
         $x100 = gmp_init(0x100);
     $value = PHP_INT_SIZE < 8 ? gmp_and($value, '0x0ffffffffffffffff') : gmp_init(sprintf('%u', $value));
     $bytes = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
         $bytes .= chr(gmp_intval(gmp_and($value, $xff)));
         $value = gmp_div_q($value, $x100);
Esempio n. 24
 public static function unserialize(\fpoirotte\Pssht\ECC\Curve $curve, $s)
     $len = strlen($s);
     if ($len === 0) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     if ($s[0] === "" && $len === 1) {
         return new static(null, null);
     /// @TODO Support point compression?
     if ($s[0] !== "") {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     $mod = $curve->getModulus();
     $mlen = gmp_init(strlen(gmp_strval($mod, 2)));
     $mlen = gmp_intval(gmp_div_q($mlen, 8, GMP_ROUND_PLUSINF)) * 2;
     if ($len !== $mlen + 1) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     $x = gmp_init(bin2hex(substr($s, 1, $mlen / 2)), 16);
     $y = gmp_init(bin2hex(substr($s, 1 + $mlen / 2)), 16);
     if (gmp_cmp($x, $mod) >= 0 || gmp_cmp($y, $mod) >= 0) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
     return new static($x, $y);
Esempio n. 25
 function div($x, $y)
     return gmp_div_q($x, $y);
Esempio n. 26
  * Divide two big integers and return result or NULL if the denominator
  * is zero.
  * @param string $left_operand
  * @param string $right_operand
  * @return string|null
 public function divide($left_operand, $right_operand)
     return gmp_strval(gmp_div_q($left_operand, $right_operand));
Esempio n. 27
function Transformation_Extract($tr, $j)
    return gmp_div_q(gmp_add(gmp_mul($tr[0], $j), $tr[1]), gmp_add(gmp_mul($tr[2], $j), $tr[3]));
Esempio n. 28
function dots($num)
    if (strstr($num, ".")) {
        $ost1 = substr($num, 1 + strpos($num, "."));
        $num = substr($num, 0, strpos($num, "."));
    if (substr($num, 0, 1) == "-") {
        $min = 1;
        $num = substr($num, 1);
    if (strstr($num, ".")) {
        $num = substr($num, 0, strpos($num, "."));
    $ost = gmp_strval(gmp_div_r(strlen($num), 3));
    for ($i = 1; $i <= gmp_strval(gmp_div_q(strlen($num), 3)); $i++) {
        $str = substr($num, strlen($num) - $i * 3, 3) . "." . $str;
    if ($ost > 0) {
        $str = substr($num, 0, $ost) . "." . $str;
    $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str) - 1);
    if ($str == "") {
        $str = 0;
    if ($min) {
        $str = "-" . $str;
    if ($ost1) {
        $str = $str . "," . $ost1;
    return $str;
Esempio n. 29
  * Logical Right Shift
  * Shifts BigInteger's by $shift bits, effectively dividing by 2**$shift.
  * @param int $shift
  * @return Math_BigInteger
  * @access public
  * @internal The only version that yields any speed increases is the internal version.
 function bitwise_rightShift($shift)
     $temp = new Math_BigInteger();
     switch (MATH_BIGINTEGER_MODE) {
             static $two;
             if (!isset($two)) {
                 $two = gmp_init('2');
             $temp->value = gmp_div_q($this->value, gmp_pow($two, $shift));
             $temp->value = bcdiv($this->value, bcpow('2', $shift, 0), 0);
             // could just replace _lshift with this, but then all _lshift() calls would need to be rewritten
             // and I don't want to do that...
             $temp->value = $this->value;
     return $this->_normalize($temp);
Esempio n. 30

var_dump(gmp_div_q(0, 1));
var_dump(gmp_div_q(1, 0));
var_dump(gmp_div_q(12653, 23482734));
var_dump(gmp_div_q(12653, 23482734, 10));
var_dump(gmp_div_q(1123123, 123));
var_dump(gmp_div_q(1123123, 123, 1));
var_dump(gmp_div_q(1123123, 123, 2));
var_dump(gmp_div_q(1123123, 123, GMP_ROUND_ZERO));
var_dump(gmp_div_q(1123123, 123, GMP_ROUND_PLUSINF));
var_dump(gmp_div_q(1123123, 123, GMP_ROUND_MINUSINF));
$fp = fopen(__FILE__, 'r');
var_dump(gmp_div_q($fp, $fp));
var_dump(gmp_div_q(array(), array()));
echo "Done\n";