public function index() { $op = ggp('op'); if ($op == 'do') { $this->isLogin(); list($address, $realname) = explode('@', $this->my['device_token']); $this->my['decive_token'] = unserialize($this->my['device_token']); if (!$address || !$this->my['mobile'] || !$realname) { $this->myError('请完善您的收货信息', U('member/address')); } $jf_goods_id = ggp('jf_goods_id:i'); $jfitem = M('jf_goods')->where('state=1')->find($jf_goods_id); empty($jfitem) && $this->myError('没有该商品'); $jfitem['jf_goods_jf'] > $this->my['jifen'] && $this->myError('您的积分不足'); MemberModel::I()->decJf($this->my['uid'], $jfitem['jf_goods_jf']); M('jf_log')->add(array('uid' => $this->my['uid'], 'uname' => $this->my['uname'], 'order_id' => $jfitem['jf_goods_id'], 'state' => 0, 'jf_goods_jf' => -$jfitem['jf_goods_jf'], 'ctime' => TIME, 'beizhu' => serialize(array('jf_goods_name' => $jfitem['jf_goods_name'], 'address' => $address, 'realname' => $realname, 'mobile' => $this->my['mobile'])))); if ($jfitem['jf_goods_num'] > 0) { if (intval($jfitem['jf_goods_num']) === 1) { M('jf_goods')->where("jf_goods_id='{$jfitem['jf_goods_id']}'")->save(array('state' => 0)); } M('jf_goods')->where("jf_goods_id='{$jfitem['jf_goods_id']}'")->setDec('jf_goods_num'); } $this->mySuccess('兑换成功'); } $hot_goods = M('goods')->where("state=1")->order('`order` DESC,hits DESC,goods_id DESC')->limit(8)->select(); $this->assign('hot_goods', $hot_goods); $list = M('jf_goods')->where("state=1")->order('`order` desc,jf_goods_id desc')->select(); $this->a('$list', $list); $this->d(); }
public function index() { $keywords = ggp('keywords:t2'); $this->assign('keyword', $keywords); if (!$keywords) { $this->error('请输入搜索的关键词'); } $sx_price = I('get.price'); $sx_from = I('get.from'); $discount = I(''); $where['state'] = 1; $where['title'] = array('like', "%{$keywords}%"); if ($sx_from == 'tmall') { $where['goods_type'] = 'tmall'; } elseif ($sx_from == 'taobao') { $where['goods_type'] = 'taobao'; } elseif ($sx_from == 'qugoumai') { $where['goods_type'] = 'qugoumai'; } if ($sx_price == 'asc') { $orderby = '`discount_price` ASC'; } elseif ($sx_price == 'desc') { $orderby = '`discount_price` DESC'; } if ($discount == 'asc') { $orderby = $orderby ? $orderby . ',discount_price/price ASC' : 'discount_price/price ASC'; } elseif ($discount == 'desc') { $orderby = $orderby ? $orderby . ',discount_price/price DESC' : 'discount_price/price DESC'; } if ($sx_price || $discount) { $orderby .= ",`order` DESC,goods_id DESC"; } $goodsdb = M('goods'); $count = $goodsdb->where($where)->count(); $once = 20; $Page = $this->iniPage($count, $once); $result = D('Goods')->_getGoodsList($Page, $where, $orderby); if (false) { } else { $totalPage = ceil($goodsdb->where($where)->count() / $once); $shaixuan['price'] = $sx_price; $shaixuan['from'] = $sx_from; $shaixuan['discount'] = $discount; $this->assign('goods', $result); $this->assign('shaixuan', $shaixuan); $this->assign('totalPage', $totalPage); if (IS_AJAX) { $page = I('get.p', '', 'intval'); $this->assign('page', $page + 1); $this->display('Ajax:ajgetgoods'); } else { $this->display(); } } }
public function postArticle() { $op = ggp('op'); $this->a('art', $art = M('article')->find(ggp('aid:i'))); $this->a('sort', $sort = M('sort')->where("type=2 and state=1")->select()); if ($op == 'do') { $title = ggp('title:t2'); !$title && $this->myError('请填写标题'); $content = ggp('content:h2'); !$content && $this->myError('请填写文章内容'); $sort_id = ggp('sort_id:i'); $p = array('title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'sort_id' => $sort_id, 'state' => -1, 'ctime' => TIME); M('article')->add($p); $this->mySuccess('提交成功,请耐心等待理员审核'); } $this->d(); }
public function favor() { $this->isLogin(); $op = ggp('op'); if ($op == 'do') { $goods_id = ggp('id:i'); if (D('Member')->addFavor($this->my['uid'], $goods_id)) { $this->success('收藏成功'); } else { $this->success('您已经收藏该商品'); } } $pre = getPre(); $goods = M()->field('g.*')->table("{$pre}favor f")->join("{$pre}goods g on f.goods_id=g.goods_id")->where("f.uid='{$this->my['uid']}'")->select(); $this->assign('goods', $goods); $this->display(); }
public function index() { $once = 20; $where = 'state=1'; $sort_id = ggp('sort_id:i'); $this->a('sort_id', $sort_id); $keywords = ggp('keywords:t2'); $this->a('keywords', $keywords); $sort_id && ($where .= " and sort_id='{$sort_id}'"); $keywords && ($where .= " and title like '%{$keywords}%'"); $goodsdb = M('goods'); $count = $goodsdb->where($where)->count(); $totalPage = ceil($count / $once); $page = $this->iniPage($count, $once); $this->assign('goods', $goodsdb->where($where)->order("`order` desc,goods_id desc")->limit("{$page->firstRow},{$page->listRows}")->select()); $this->assign('totalPage', $totalPage); $this->display(ggp('ajax') ? 'ajaxindex' : ''); }
public function settingSlide() { $op = ggp('op'); if ($op == 'do') { for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $slide[$i] = ggp("slide{$i}:t2"); } $_POST['slide'] = serialize($slide); $this->_setting(); } $slide = unserialize($this->setting['slide']); }
$parentSort = IndexModel::I()->getSortById($sort['p_id']); ?> <?php if ($parentSort) { ?> <a href="<?php echo U('article/artlist', array('id' => $parentSort['sort_id'])); ?> "><?php echo $parentSort['sort_name']; ?> </a> ><?php } ?> <a href="<?php echo U('article/artlist', array('id' => ggp('id:i'))); ?> "><?php echo $sort['sort_name']; ?> </a> </h2> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="span9"> <div class="" id="artlist"> <ul> <?php if (is_array($artList)) { $i = 0;
public function myGoods() { $op = ggp('op'); $goodsM = M('goods'); if ($op == 'del') { $goods_id = ggp('goods_id'); $goodsM->where("goods_id='{$goods_id}'")->delete(); $this->mySuccess('操作成功'); } $where = "1 and add_uname='{$this->my['uname']}'"; $page = $this->iniPage($goodsM->where($where)->count()); $myGoods = $goodsM->where($where)->limit("{$page->firstRow},{$page->listRows}")->order('goods_id desc')->select(); $this->a('myGoods', $myGoods); $this->a('page', $page->show()); $this->d(); }
public function wxPay() { $order_id = ggp('order_id:i'); vendor('WxPayPubHelper.WxPay', '', '.pub.config.php'); WxPayConf_pub::$SSLCERT_PATH .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '_cert.pem'; WxPayConf_pub::$SSLKEY_PATH .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '_key.pem'; WxPayConf_pub::$APPID = $this->setting['wx_appid']; WxPayConf_pub::$MCHID = $this->setting['wx_mchid']; WxPayConf_pub::$KEY = $this->setting['wx_key']; WxPayConf_pub::$APPSECRET = $this->setting['wx_appsecret']; vendor('WxPayPubHelper.WxPayPubHelper'); $where = "order_id='{$order_id}' and state=6"; $order = M('order')->where($where)->find(); if (empty($order)) { exit('没有找到订单'); } $unifiedOrder = new UnifiedOrder_pub(); $unifiedOrder->setParameter("body", $order['store_name']); //商品描述 $unifiedOrder->setParameter("out_trade_no", $order['order_sn']); //商户订单号 $unifiedOrder->setParameter("total_fee", $order['pay_price'] * 100); //总金额 $notify = "http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/wx_notify.php"; $unifiedOrder->setParameter("notify_url", $notify); //通知地址 $unifiedOrder->setParameter("trade_type", "NATIVE"); //交易类型 $unifiedOrderResult = $unifiedOrder->getResult(); //商户根据实际情况设置相应的处理流程 if ($unifiedOrderResult["return_code"] == "FAIL") { //商户自行增加处理流程 echo "通信出错:" . $unifiedOrderResult['return_msg'] . "<br>"; } elseif ($unifiedOrderResult["result_code"] == "FAIL") { //商户自行增加处理流程 echo "错误代码:" . $unifiedOrderResult['err_code'] . "<br>"; echo "错误代码描述:" . $unifiedOrderResult['err_code_des'] . "<br>"; } elseif ($unifiedOrderResult["code_url"] != NULL) { //从统一支付接口获取到code_url $codeUrl = $unifiedOrderResult["code_url"]; } $this->a('codeUrl', $codeUrl); $this->a('order_id', $order_id); $this->d("Order:wxpay"); }