Esempio n. 1
     $auth = false;
 $pathWithName = $_GET['saveto'] . PATH_SPLITTER . basename(urldecode($_GET['filename']));
 while (strpos($pathWithName, "\\\\") !== false) {
     $pathWithName = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $pathWithName);
 if (strpos($pathWithName, '?') !== false) {
     $pathWithName = substr($pathWithName, 0, strpos($pathWithName, '?'));
 echo "<script type='text/javascript'>updateStatus({$i}, '" . lang(26) . "');</script>{$nn}";
 $url = parse_url($_GET['link']);
 if (empty($url['port'])) {
     $url['port'] = $_GET['port'];
 if (isset($url['scheme']) && $url['scheme'] == 'ftp' && empty($_GET['proxy'])) {
     $file = getftpurl($_GET['host'], defport($url), urldecode($_GET['path']), $pathWithName);
 } else {
     !empty($_GET['force_name']) ? $force_name = urldecode($_GET['force_name']) : '';
     $file = geturl($_GET['host'], defport($url), $_GET['path'], $_GET['referer'], $_GET['cookie'], $_GET['post'], $pathWithName, $_GET['proxy'], $pauth, $auth, $url['scheme']);
 if ($options['redir'] && $lastError && strpos($lastError, substr(lang(95), 0, strpos(lang(95), '%1$s'))) !== false) {
     $redirectto = trim(cut_str($lastError, substr(lang(95), 0, strpos(lang(95), '%1$s')), ']'));
     $_GET['referer'] = urlencode($_GET['link']);
     if (strpos($redirectto, '://') === false) {
         // If redirect doesn't have the host
         $ref = parse_url(urldecode($_GET['referer']));
         unset($ref['user'], $ref['pass'], $ref['query'], $ref['fragment']);
         if (substr($redirectto, 0, 1) != '/') {
             $redirectto = "/{$redirectto}";
         $purl = array_merge($ref, parse_url($redirectto));
Esempio n. 2
     $AUTH["use"] = TRUE;
     $AUTH["str"] = $_GET["auth"];
 } else {
 $ftp = parse_url($_GET["link"]);
 $IS_FTP = $ftp["scheme"] == "ftp" ? TRUE : FALSE;
 $AUTH["ftp"] = array("login" => $ftp["user"] ? $ftp["user"] : "******", "password" => $ftp["pass"] ? $ftp["pass"] : "******");
 $pathWithName = $_GET["saveto"] . PATH_SPLITTER . $_GET["filename"];
 while (stristr($pathWithName, "\\\\")) {
     $pathWithName = str_replace("\\\\", "\\", $pathWithName);
 list($pathWithName, $tmp) = explode('?', $pathWithName);
 echo '<script type="text/javascript">updateStatus(' . $i . ", '" . lang(26) . "');</script>" . $nn;
 if ($ftp["scheme"] == "ftp" && !$_GET["proxy"]) {
     $file = getftpurl($_GET["host"], $ftp["port"] ? $ftp["port"] : 21, $_GET["path"], $pathWithName);
 } else {
     $_GET["force_name"] ? $force_name = urldecode($_GET["force_name"]) : '';
     $file = geturl($_GET["host"], $_GET["port"], $_GET["path"], $_GET["referer"], $_GET["cookie"], $_GET["post"], $pathWithName, $_GET["proxy"], $pauth, $auth, $ftp["scheme"]);
 if ($redir && $lastError && stristr($lastError, "Error! it is redirected to [")) {
     $redirectto = trim(cut_str($lastError, "Error! it is redirected to [", "]"));
     $_GET["link"] = $redirectto;
     $purl = parse_url($redirectto);
     list($_GET["filename"], $tmp) = explode('?', basename($redirectto));
     $_GET["host"] = $purl["host"];
     $_GET["path"] = $purl["path"] . ($purl["query"] ? "?" . $purl["query"] : "");
     $lastError = "";
 if ($lastError) {
     echo '<script type="text/javascript">updateStatus(' . $i . ", '" . $lastError . "');</script>" . $nn;