function getSays($model_id = -1) { if ($model_id == -1) { $resultarray = getconf('crawler_contents', ' where history_id = ' . getId() . ' and rc_id = 3'); } else { $resultarray = getconf('crawler_contents', ' where history_id = ' . getId() . ' and rc_id = 3 and mc_id = ' . $model_id); } //$namearray=split(',',$resultarray[0][1]); //print_r($resultarray); return $resultarray; }
example ampbackup.php "My_Nightly_Backup" yes yes no no yes This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ //get options $amp_conf = getconf(isset($_ENV['FREEPBXCONFIG']) && strlen($_ENV['FREEPBXCONFIG']) ? $_ENV['FREEPBXCONFIG'] : '/etc/amportal.conf'); $ast_conf = getconf(isset($_ENV['ASTERISKCONFIG']) && strlen($_ENV['ASTERISKCONFIG']) ? $_ENV['ASTERISKCONFIG'] : '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf'); //connect to database include_once 'DB.php'; if (!isset($db)) { $db = DB::connect('mysql://' . $amp_conf['AMPDBUSER'] . ':' . $amp_conf['AMPDBPASS'] . '@' . $amp_conf['AMPDBHOST'] . '/' . $amp_conf['AMPDBNAME']); } // attempt connection switch (true) { case $argc == 1: //no args recieved - show help text showopts(); break; case $argv[1] == 'cli': //args passed on cli for ($i = 2; $i < $argc; $i++) { if (substr($argv[$i], 0, 2) == '--') {
// Astdb trees that should be deleted before the restore // $deltree = array('AMPUSER', 'DEVICE', 'CF', 'CFB', 'CFU', 'CW', 'DND', 'DAYNIGHT'); function getconf($filename) { $file = file($filename); foreach ($file as $line) { if (preg_match("/^\\s*([\\w]+)\\s*=\\s*\"?([\\w\\/\\:\\.\\%-]*)\"?\\s*([;#].*)?/", $line, $matches)) { $conf[$matches[1]] = $matches[2]; } } return $conf; } # Get configuration $amportalconf = isset($_ENV["FREEPBXCONFIG"]) && strlen($_ENV["FREEPBXCONFIG"]) ? $_ENV["FREEPBXCONFIG"] : "/etc/amportal.conf"; $amp_conf = getconf($amportalconf); if (!isset($amp_conf["ASTMANAGERHOST"])) { $amp_conf["ASTMANAGERHOST"] = ''; } if (!isset($amp_conf["ASTMANAGERPORT"])) { $amp_conf["ASTMANAGERPORT"] = '5038'; } require_once $amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT'] . "/admin/"; require_once $amp_conf['AMPWEBROOT'] . "/admin/common/php-asmanager.php"; $astman = new AGI_AsteriskManager(); if (!($res = $astman->connect($amp_conf["ASTMANAGERHOST"] . ":" . $amp_conf["ASTMANAGERPORT"], $amp_conf["AMPMGRUSER"], $amp_conf["AMPMGRPASS"]))) { unset($astman); exit(10); } if (!$argv[1] || strstr($argv[1], "/") || strstr($argv[1], "..")) { // You must supply a single filename, which will be written to /tmp
$modelArray[$i]["model_name"] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $modelArray[$i]["model_name"]); } //print_r($modelArray); $modelJson = json_encode($modelArray); //print_r($modelArray); echo $modelJson; } if (!empty($_GET["isf"])) { if ($_GET["isf"] == 1) { //echo "hnjkjkb".$_GET[key].$_GET[username].$_GET[pwd].$_GET[model_class]; if (!empty($_GET[key])) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO crawler_history (`history_id`,`history_key`,`category_id`,`isdown`) VALUES (NULL,'" . $_GET[key] . "','" . $_GET[cid] . "','0')"); $insertid = mysql_insert_id(); system('cmd /c java com.nupt.main.CrawlerMain ' . $_GET[model_class] . ' ' . $insertid . ' ' . $_GET[key]); //µ÷ÓÃÅÀ³æ echo "<&&>" . $insertid; } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO crawler_history (`history_id`,`history_key`,`category_id`,`isdown`) VALUES (NULL,'" . $_GET[username] . "','" . $_GET[cid] . "','0')"); $insertid = mysql_insert_id(); system('cmd /c java com.nupt.main.CrawlerMain ' . $_GET[model_class] . ' ' . $insertid . ' ' . $_GET[username] . ' ' . $_GET[pwd]); //µ÷ÓÃÅÀ³æ echo "<&&>" . $insertid; } } else { if ($_GET["isf"] == 2) { //$isdownarray=getconf("crawler_history"," where history_id in (select max(history_id) from crawler_history)"); $isdownarray = getconf("crawler_history", " where history_id = " . $_GET['insid']); echo $isdownarray[0][isdown]; } } }