$rcolor = $data[TAGRPC];
        $rgrcolor = $data[TAGRGC];
        $rtext_color = $data[TAGRTC];
        $quality = $data[TAGQ];
        $image_locate = $data[TAGIL];
        $image_height = $data[TAGIH];
        $image_name = $data[TAGIN];
        $image_foreground = $data[TAGIF];
        $image_foregroundcolor = $data[TAGIFC];
        $image_transparent = $data[TAGIT];
        $image_transparentcolor = $data[TAGITC];
        $font_style = $fonts->GetFontIndexFromName($font_name) + 1;
// get the image dimensions
if ($imagesize = get_zip_image(basename($zippath), "0", $favimgext, $pngimg, $imagename)) {
    $imgsize = getimagesize($pngimg);
    $neww = $imgsize[0];
    $newh = $imgsize[1];
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Glassy Buttons</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="glassy.css" type="text/css" />

<script type="text/javascript">
  /* <![CDATA[ */
// everything looks promising, proceed with includes, etc.
// includes
require "buttonincludes.php";
$image = null;
$imagename = null;
$size = 0;
if (!file_exists(LOGGINGPATH)) {
    @mkdir(LOGGINGPATH, 0700);
    @chmod(LOGGINGPATH, 0700);
$logfilepath = LOGGINGPATH . "/image.php.log";
$f = @fopen($logfilepath, "a");
// fwrite($f,date('r')." ".$_REQUEST["name"]." ".$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]."\r\n");
// retrieve a single button image
$size = get_zip_image($base, $imgselect, $imgext, $image, $imagename);
if ($size) {
    header("Content-Disposition: image; filename=" . $imagename);
    header("Cache-Control: max-age=36000");
    header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
    // with composite image, we don't know the size without making a temp image file (bah!)
    //  header("Content-Length: ".$size);
    header("Content-type: image/" . $imgext);
} else {
    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");