Esempio n. 1
 * Function to get watch later video details for home and more page videos
 * This function has videoId to hold video id
 * This function has playlistImg to hold video playlist thumb image
 * This function has watchLaterImg to hold watch Later thumb img
 * This function has watchLaterTitle to hold watch Later Title
 * This function has clickEvent to hold click event
 * This function has duration  to hold video duration 
 * This function has file_type  to hold video file_type 
 * This function has guid  to hold video guid url
 * This function has imageFea to hold imageFea
 * @return void
function watchLaterHelper($playList, $watchLaterVideoIds)
    /** videoId to hold video id */
    $this->videoId = $playList->vid;
    /** playlistImg to hold video playlist thumb image */
    $this->playlistImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/playlist.png';
    if (in_array($this->videoId, $watchLaterVideoIds)) {
        /** watchLaterImg to hold watch Later thumb img */
        $this->watchLaterImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/accepted.png';
        /** watchLaterTitle to hold watch Later Title */
        $this->watchLaterTitle = 'Added to Watch Later';
        /** clickEvent to hold click event */
        $this->clickEvent = '';
    } else {
        /** watchLaterImg to hold watch Later thumb img */
        $this->watchLaterImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/watchlater2.png';
        /** watchLaterTitle to hold watch Later Title */
        $this->watchLaterTitle = 'Add to Watch Later';
        /** clickEvent to hold click event */
        $this->clickEvent = 'onclick="watchLater(' . $this->videoId . ',this)"';
    /** duration  to hold video duration  */
    $this->duration = $playList->duration;
    /** file_type  to hold video file_type */
    $this->file_type = $playList->file_type;
    /** guid  to hold video guid url */
    $this->guid = get_video_permalink($playList->slug);
    /** imageFea to hold imageFea */
    $this->imageFea = getImagesValue($playList->image, $this->file_type, $playList->amazon_buckets, '');
Esempio n. 2
  * Function to display subscriber channel videos.
  * @param   int  $userID   user id
  * @return  string
 public function videoTemplate()
     $videoOutput = '';
     $this->thumbPath = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images' . DS;
     $this->ratearray = array('nopos1', 'onepos1', 'twopos1', 'threepos1', 'fourpos1', 'fivepos1');
     foreach ($this->channelMyVideosDetails as $videoDetail) {
         $channelVideoName = strlen($videoDetail->name) > 15 ? substr($videoDetail->name, 0, 15) . '...' : $videoDetail->name;
         $channelVideoRate = $videoDetail->rate;
         $channelVideoRateCount = $videoDetail->ratecount;
         $channelVideoUrl = get_video_permalink($videoDetail->slug);
         $channelVideoHitcount = $videoDetail->hitcount;
         $channelVideoImage = $videoDetail->image;
         $channelFile_type = $videoDetail->file_type;
         if ($channelVideoRateCount != 0) {
             $channelVideoStar = round($channelVideoRate / $channelVideoRateCount);
         } else {
             $channelVideoStar = 0;
         if ($channelVideoImage == '') {
             $thumbImage = $this->thumbPath . 'nothumbimage.jpg';
         if (($channelFile_type == 2 || $channelFile_type == 5) && !empty($channelVideoImage)) {
             $sitePath = get_site_url() . '/wp-content/uploads/videogallery/';
             $thumbImage = $sitePath . $channelVideoImage;
         if ($channelFile_type == 1) {
             $thumbImage = $channelVideoImage;
         $videoOutput .= '<div class="videoRow">
     <p class="thumbImage"><a href="' . $channelVideoUrl . '"><img src="' . $thumbImage . '" style="width:180px;height:100px;"></a></p>
     <h3 class="videoTitle"><a href="' . $channelVideoUrl . '">' . $channelVideoName . '</a></h3>
     <span class="ratethis1 ' . $this->ratearray[$channelVideoStar] . ' watchContentRate"></span>
     <span class="videoCount">' . $channelVideoHitcount . ' views</span>
     if (!empty($this->channelMyVideosDetails)) {
         echo $videoOutput;
     } else {
         echo "<p class='novideostext'>" . __('No Videos Found', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . "</p><div style='clear:both'></div>";
Esempio n. 3
  * Function to display
  * recent ,feature ,category, popular,
  * random, user and search pages
  * @parem   $type
  * @parem   $arguments
 function video_more_pages($type, $arguments)
     $TypeOFvideos = $CountOFVideos = $typename = $type_name = $morePage = $dataLimit = $div = $pagenum = '';
     /** Check homeVideo function is exists */
     if (!function_exists('homeVideo')) {
         if ($type == 'search' || $type == 'categories' || $type == '') {
             /** Get details for serach and videomore page */
         } else {
             /** Get details for other more pages */
             $moreResult = $this->getTypeOfVideos($type, $arguments);
         if (!empty($moreResult) && isset($moreResult)) {
             $TypeOFvideos = $moreResult[0];
             $CountOFVideos = $moreResult[1];
             $typename = $moreResult[2];
             $type_name = $moreResult[3];
             $morePage = $moreResult[4];
             $dataLimit = $moreResult[5];
         if (isset($arguments['cols'])) {
             $colF = $arguments['cols'];
         } else {
             $colF = $this->_colF;
         $div = '<div class="video_wrapper" id="' . $type_name . '_video"> <style type="text/css"> .video-block {  margin-left:' . $this->_settingsData->gutterspace . 'px !important; } </style>';
         /** Call function to display more video page title */
         $div .= $this->morePageTitle($type_name, $typename);
         if (!empty($TypeOFvideos)) {
             $userId = get_current_user_id();
             $watchLaterVideoIds = getWatchLaterVideoIds($userId, $this->watchDetailsTable);
             $pagenum = absint($this->_pagenum) ? absint($this->_pagenum) : 1;
             $videolist = 0;
             foreach ($TypeOFvideos as $video) {
                 $vidF[$videolist] = $video->vid;
                 $nameF[$videolist] = $video->name;
                 $hitcount[$videolist] = $video->hitcount;
                 $ratecount[$videolist] = $video->ratecount;
                 $rate[$videolist] = $video->rate;
                 $duration[$videolist] = $video->duration;
                 $file_type = $video->file_type;
                 $guid[$videolist] = get_video_permalink($video->slug);
                 $imageFea[$videolist] = getImagesValue($video->image, $file_type, $video->amazon_buckets, '');
                 if (!empty($this->_playid)) {
                     $fetched[$videolist] = $video->playlist_name;
                     $fetched_pslug[$videolist] = $video->playlist_slugname;
                     $playlist_id[$videolist] = absint($this->_playid);
                 } else {
                     $getPlaylist = $this->_wpdb->get_row('SELECT playlist_id FROM ' . $this->_wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_med2play WHERE media_id="' . intval($vidF[$videolist]) . '"');
                     if (isset($getPlaylist->playlist_id)) {
                         $playlist_id[$videolist] = $getPlaylist->playlist_id;
                         $fetPlay[$videolist] = playlistDetails($playlist_id[$videolist]);
                         $fetched[$videolist] = $fetPlay[$videolist]->playlist_name;
                         $fetched_pslug[$videolist] = $fetPlay[$videolist]->playlist_slugname;
             $div .= '<div> <ul class="video-block-container">';
             /** Display thumbnails starts */
             for ($videolist = 0; $videolist < count($TypeOFvideos); $videolist++) {
                 $videoId = $TypeOFvideos[$videolist]->vid;
                 $playlistImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/playlist.png';
                 if (in_array($videoId, $watchLaterVideoIds)) {
                     $watchLaterImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/accepted.png';
                     $watchLaterTitle = 'Added to Watch Later';
                     $clickEvent = '';
                 } else {
                     $watchLaterImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/watchlater2.png';
                     $watchLaterTitle = 'Add to Watch Later';
                     $clickEvent = 'onclick="watchLater(' . $videoId . ',this)"';
                 if ($videolist % $colF == 0 && $videolist != 0) {
                     $div .= '</ul><div class="clear"></div><ul class="video-block-container">';
                 /** Display thumb and duration */
                 $div .= '<li class="video-block"> <div  class="video-thumbimg"><a href="' . $guid[$videolist] . '" title="' . $nameF[$videolist] . '"><img src="' . $imageFea[$videolist] . '" alt="' . $nameF[$videolist] . '" class="imgHome" title="' . $nameF[$videolist] . '" /></a>';
                 if (!empty($duration[$videolist]) && $duration[$videolist] != '0:00') {
                     $div .= '<span class="video_duration">' . $duration[$videolist] . '</span>';
                 $div .= '<span class="watchlaterIcon" ' . $clickEvent . ' ><img class="watchlaterImg" style="width:24px !important;height:24px !important;" src="' . $watchLaterImg . '" title="' . $watchLaterTitle . '"></span>
               	<span class="playlistIcon" data-vid = ' . $videoId . '><img class="playlistIconImg" style="width:24px !important;height:24px !important;" src="' . $playlistImg . '" title="Add to playlist"></span>';
                 /** Display duration ends and video title starts */
                 $div .= '</div> <div class="vid_info"><a href="' . $guid[$videolist] . '" title="' . $nameF[$videolist] . '" class="videoHname"><span>' . limitTitle($nameF[$videolist]) . '</span></a>';
                 /** Display playlist name starts here */
                 if (!empty($fetched[$videolist]) && $this->_settingsData->categorydisplay == 1) {
                     $playlist_url = get_playlist_permalink($this->_mPageid, $playlist_id[$videolist], $fetched_pslug[$videolist]);
                     $div .= '<a  class="playlistName"   href="' . $playlist_url . '"><span>' . $fetched[$videolist] . '</span></a>';
                 /** Rating starts here */
                 if ($this->_settingsData->ratingscontrol == 1) {
                     $div .= getRatingValue($rate[$videolist], $ratecount[$videolist], '');
                 /** Views starts here */
                 if ($this->_settingsData->view_visible == 1) {
                     $div .= displayViews($hitcount[$videolist]);
                 $div .= '</div></li>';
                 /** Foreah ends */
             $div .= '</ul> </div> <div class="clear"></div>';
         } else {
             if ($type != 'search' && $type != 'categories' && $type != '') {
                 if ($typename == 'Category') {
                     /** Display no videos link for category page */
                     $div .= __('No', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '&nbsp;' . __('Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '&nbsp;' . __('Under&nbsp;this&nbsp;Category', APPTHA_VGALLERY);
                 } else {
                     /** Display no videos link for other more pages */
                     $div .= __('No', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '&nbsp;' . $typename . '&nbsp;' . __('Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY);
         $div .= '</div>';
         /** Pagination starts
          * Call helper function to get pagination values for more pages */
         if ($dataLimit != 0) {
             $div .= paginateLinks($CountOFVideos, $dataLimit, $pagenum, '', '');
         return $div;
    function widget($args, $instance)
        // and after_title are the array keys." - These are set up by the theme
        extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
        $title = empty($instance['title']) ? ' ' : apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
        $show = 3;
        if (!empty($title)) {
            // WIDGET CODE GOES HERE
            $tt = 1;
        global $wpdb, $wp_version, $popular_posts_current_ID;
        // These are our own options
        $options = get_option('widget_ContusFeaturedVideos');
        // $title = $instance['title']; // Title in sidebar for widget
        if ($instance['show']) {
            if (absint($instance['show'])) {
                $show = $instance['show'];
        $excerpt = $options['excerpt'];
        // Showing the excerpt or not
        $exclude = $options['exclude'];
        // Categories to exclude
        $site_url = get_site_url();
        $dir = dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__));
        $dirExp = explode('/', $dir);
        $dirPage = $dirExp[0];
<!-- Recent videos -->
<script type="text/javascript">
    var baseurl;
    baseurl = '<?php 
        echo $site_url;
    folder  = '<?php 
        echo $dirPage;
<!-- For Getting The Page Id More and Video-->
        $moreName = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "posts WHERE post_content LIKE '%[videomore]%' AND post_status='publish' AND post_type='page' LIMIT 1");
        $settings_result = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT ratingscontrol,view_visible FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "hdflvvideoshare_settings WHERE settings_id='1'");
        $more_videos_link = get_morepage_permalink($moreName, 'featured');
<!-- For Featured Videos -->
        echo $before_widget;
        $fetched = '';
        $ratearray = array("nopos1", "onepos1", "twopos1", "threepos1", "fourpos1", "fivepos1");
        $viewslang = __('Views', 'video_gallery');
        $viewlang = __('View', 'video_gallery');
        $div = '<div id="featured-videos"  class="sidebar-wrap ">
                            <h3 class="widget-title"><a href="' . $more_videos_link . '">' . $title . '</a></h3>';
        $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT a.*,s.guid,b.playlist_id,p.playlist_name FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "hdflvvideoshare a\r\n                            LEFT JOIN " . $wpdb->prefix . "hdflvvideoshare_med2play b ON a.vid=b.media_id\r\n                            LEFT JOIN " . $wpdb->prefix . "hdflvvideoshare_playlist p ON\r\n                            LEFT JOIN " . $wpdb->prefix . "posts s ON s.ID=a.slug\r\n                            WHERE a.publish='1' AND p.is_publish='1' AND a.featured='1' GROUP BY a.vid ORDER BY a.ordering ASC  LIMIT " . $show;
        $features = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
        if (!empty($features)) {
            $playlist_id = $features[0]->playlist_id;
            $fetched = $features[0]->playlist_name;
        $moreF = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(a.vid) AS contus FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "hdflvvideoshare a\r\n                            LEFT JOIN " . $wpdb->prefix . "hdflvvideoshare_med2play b ON a.vid=b.media_id LEFT JOIN " . $wpdb->prefix . "hdflvvideoshare_playlist p ON WHERE a.publish='1' AND p.is_publish='1' AND a.featured='1'");
        $countF = $moreF[0]->contus;
        $div .= '<ul class="ulwidget">';
        // were there any posts found?
        if (!empty($features)) {
            // posts were found, loop through them
            $image_path = str_replace('plugins/' . $dirPage . '/', 'uploads/videogallery/', APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL);
            $_imagePath = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images' . DS;
            foreach ($features as $feature) {
                $file_type = $feature->file_type;
                // Video Type
                $imageFea = $feature->image;
                // VIDEO IMAGE
                $guid = get_video_permalink($feature->slug);
                // guid
                if ($imageFea == '') {
                    // If there is no thumb image for video
                    $imageFea = $_imagePath . 'nothumbimage.jpg';
                } else {
                    if ($file_type == 2 || $file_type == 5) {
                        // For uploaded image
                        if ($file_type == 2 && strpos($imageFea, '/')) {
                            $imageFea = $imageFea;
                        } else {
                            $imageFea = $image_path . $imageFea;
                    if ($file_type == 3) {
                        $imageFea = $imageFea;
                $vidF = $feature->vid;
                $name = strlen($feature->name);
                // output to screen
                $div .= '<li class="clearfix sideThumb">';
                $div .= '<div class="imgBorder"><a href="' . $guid . '" title="' . $feature->name . '"><img src="' . $imageFea . '" alt="' . $feature->name . '"  class="img" width="120" height="80" style="width: 120px; height: 80px;"  /></a>';
                if ($feature->duration != 0.0) {
                    $div .= '<span class="video_duration">' . $feature->duration . '</span>';
                $div .= '</div>';
                $div .= '<div class="side_video_info"><a title="' . $feature->name . '" class="videoHname" href="' . $guid . '">';
                if ($name > 25) {
                    $div .= substr($feature->name, 0, 25) . '..';
                } else {
                    $div .= $feature->name;
                $div .= '</a>';
                $div .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
                if ($settings_result->view_visible == 1) {
                    if ($feature->hitcount > 1) {
                        $viewlanguage = $viewslang;
                    } else {
                        $viewlanguage = $viewlang;
                    $div .= '<span class="views">' . $feature->hitcount . ' ' . $viewlanguage . '</span>';
                // Rating starts here
                if ($settings_result->ratingscontrol == 1) {
                    if (isset($feature->ratecount) && $feature->ratecount != 0) {
                        $ratestar = round($feature->rate / $feature->ratecount);
                    } else {
                        $ratestar = 0;
                    $div .= '<span class="ratethis1 ' . $ratearray[$ratestar] . '"></span>';
                // Rating ends here
                $div .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
                $div .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
                $div .= '</div>';
                $div .= '</li>';
        } else {
            $div .= "<li>" . __('No Featured Videos', 'video_gallery') . "</li>";
        // end list
        if ($show < $countF || $show == $countF) {
            $div .= '<li><div class="video-more"><a href="' . $more_videos_link . '">' . __('More&nbsp;Videos', 'video_gallery') . '&nbsp;&#187;</a></div>';
            $div .= '<div class="clear"></div></li>';
        } else {
            $div .= '<li><div align="right"> </div></li>';
        $div .= '</ul></div>';
        echo $div;
        // echo widget closing tag
        echo $after_widget;
Esempio n. 5
  * Function to display related videos slider in video detail page
  * @param unknown $vid
  * @param unknown $video_playlist_id
  * @param unknown $pluginflashvars
  * @param unknown $width
  * @param unknown $height
  * @return string
 public function relatedVideoSlider($vid, $video_playlist_id, $pluginflashvars, $width, $height, $videodivId)
     global $wpdb;
     $reavideourl = $player_div = $result = $output = '';
     $related1 = array();
     /** Get related videos count */
     $Limit = get_related_video_count();
     /** Check related videos count. If it is empty then assign default value as 100 */
     if (empty($Limit)) {
         /** set limit as 100 */
         $Limit = 100;
     /** Get video details for the current video id from helper */
     $vidDetails = videoDetails($vid, 'related');
     if (!empty($vidDetails)) {
         $related1 = array($vidDetails);
         /** Get related videos for the given video id */
         $related = $this->relatedVideosDetails($related1[0]->vid, $video_playlist_id, $Limit);
         /** Merge the current video, related video details */
         $related = array_merge($related1, $related);
     if (!empty($related)) {
         $result = count($related);
     if ($result < 4) {
         $output .= '<style>.jcarousel-next , .jcarousel-prev {display:none!important;}</style>';
     /** Display related videos in slider */
     $output .= '<div class="player_related_video"><h2 class="related-videos">' . __('Related Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '</h2><div style="clear: both;"></div>';
     if ($result != '') {
         /** Slide display starts here */
         $output .= '<ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-tango">';
         /** Check for mobile platform */
         $mobile = vgallery_detect_mobile();
         /** Looping related video details */
         foreach ($related as $relFet) {
             $file_type = $relFet->file_type;
             /** Get featured images list */
             $imageFea = getImagesValue($relFet->image, $file_type, $relFet->amazon_buckets, '');
             $reafile = $relFet->file;
             $guid = get_video_permalink($relFet->slug);
             /** Embed player code in detail page
              * Get width and height for player */
             if ($file_type == 5 && !empty($relFet->embedcode)) {
                 /** Embed code for fearured 
                  * Width for related videos */
                 $relFetembedcode = stripslashes($relFet->embedcode);
                 $relFetiframewidth = preg_replace(array('/width="\\d+"/i'), array(sprintf('width="%d"', $width)), $relFetembedcode);
                 if ($mobile === true) {
                     /** Embed code type for mobile view */
                     $player_values = htmlentities($relFetiframewidth);
                 } else {
                     $player_values = htmlentities(preg_replace(array('/height="\\d+"/i'), array(sprintf('height="%d"', $height)), $relFetiframewidth));
             } else {
                 /** Code for mobile device */
                 if ($mobile) {
                     /** Check for youtube video  */
                     if (strpos($reafile, 'youtube') > 0) {
                         $reavideourl = '' . getYoutubeVideoID($reafile);
                         /** Generate youtube embed code for html5 player */
                         $player_values = htmlentities('<iframe  width="100%" type="text/html" src="' . $reavideourl . '" frameborder="0"></iframe>');
                     } else {
                         if ($file_type != 5) {
                             /** Check for upload, URL and RTMP videos */
                             switch ($file_type) {
                                 case 2:
                                     $reavideourl = $this->_uploadPath . $reafile;
                                 case 4:
                                     $streamer = str_replace('rtmp://', 'http://', $media->streamer_path);
                                     $reavideourl = $streamer . '_definst_/mp4:' . $reafile . '/playlist.m3u8';
                             /** Generate video code for html5 player */
                             $player_values = htmlentities('<video width="100%" id="video" poster="' . $imageFea . '"   src="' . $reavideourl . '" autobuffer controls onerror="failed( event )">' . $htmlplayer_not_support . '</video>');
                         } else {
                             $player_values = '';
                 } else {
                     /** Flash player code */
                     $player_values = htmlentities('<embed src="' . $this->_swfPath . '" flashvars="' . $pluginflashvars . '&amp;mtype=playerModule&amp;vid=' . $relFet->vid . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent">');
             /** Check the post type is videogallery page */
             if ($this->_post_type === APPTHAVIDEOGALLERY || $this->_page_post_type === APPTHAVIDEOGALLERY) {
                 $thumb_href = 'href="' . $guid . '"';
             } else {
                 $player_div = 'mediaspace';
                 $embedplayer = "videogallery_change_player( '{$player_values}',{$videodivId},'{$player_div}',{$file_type},{$relFet->vid},'{$relFet->name}' )";
                 $thumb_href = 'href="javascript:void( 0 );" onclick="' . $embedplayer . '"';
             $output .= '<li><div  class="imgSidethumb"><a  title="' . $relFet->name . '" ' . $thumb_href . '><img src="' . $imageFea . '" alt="' . $relFet->name . '" class="related" /></a></div>';
             /** Display title under thumbnails */
             $output .= '<div class="vid_info"><span><a ' . $thumb_href . ' class="videoHname" title="' . $relFet->name . '">' . limitTitle($relFet->name) . '</a></span></div>';
             $output .= '</li>';
         $output .= '</ul>';
         /** Slide display ends here and if ends */
     return $output . '</div>';
Esempio n. 6
 function searchlist($video_search, $CountOFVideos, $TypeOFvideos, $pagenum, $dataLimit)
     $div = '';
     $pagenum = isset($pagenum) ? absint($pagenum) : 1;
     // Calculating page number
     $start = ($pagenum - 1) * $dataLimit;
     // Video starting from
     $limit = $dataLimit;
     // Video Limit
     $ratearray = array('nopos1', 'onepos1', 'twopos1', 'threepos1', 'fourpos1', 'fivepos1');
     $div .= '<div class="video_wrapper" id="video_search_result"><h3 class="entry-title">' . __('Search Results', 'video_gallery') . ' - ' . $video_search . '</h3>';
     $div .= '<style> .video-block { margin-left:' . $this->_settingsData->gutterspace . 'px !important; } </style>';
     // Fetch videos for every category
     if (!empty($TypeOFvideos)) {
         $i = $inc = 0;
         $image_path = str_replace('plugins/' . $this->_folder . '/', 'uploads/videogallery/', APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL);
         $div .= '<ul class="video-block-container">';
         foreach ($TypeOFvideos as $playList) {
             $duration = $playList->duration;
             $imageFea = $playList->image;
             // VIDEO IMAGE
             $file_type = $playList->file_type;
             // Video Type
             $guid = get_video_permalink($playList->slug);
             // guid
             if ($imageFea == '') {
                 // If there is no thumb image for video
                 $imageFea = $this->_imagePath . 'nothumbimage.jpg';
             } else {
                 if ($file_type == 2 || $file_type == 5) {
                     if (strpos($imageFea, '/')) {
                         $imageFea = $imageFea;
                     } else {
                         $imageFea = $image_path . $imageFea;
                 } else {
                     if ($file_type == 3) {
                         $imageFea = $imageFea;
             if (strlen($playList->name) > 30) {
                 $playListName = substr($playList->name, 0, 30) . '..';
             } else {
                 $playListName = $playList->name;
             if ($inc % $this->_colF == 0 && $inc != 0) {
                 // COLUMN COUNT
                 $div .= '</ul><div class="clear"></div><ul class="video-block-container">';
             $div .= '<li class="video-block"><div class="video-thumbimg"><a href="' . $guid . '" title="' . $playList->name . '"><img src="' . $imageFea . '" alt="" class="imgHome" title="" /></a>';
             if ($duration != '0:00') {
                 $div .= '<span class="video_duration">' . $duration . '</span>';
             $div .= '</div><div class="vid_info"><a href="' . $guid . '" class="videoHname" title="' . $playList->name . '" >' . $playListName . '</a>';
             if (!empty($playList->playlist_name)) {
                 $playlist_url = get_playlist_permalink($this->_mPageid, $playList->pid, $playList->playlist_slugname);
                 $div .= '<a class="playlistName" href="' . $playlist_url . '">' . $playList->playlist_name . '</a>';
             // Rating starts here
             if ($this->_settingsData->ratingscontrol == 1) {
                 if (isset($playList->ratecount) && $playList->ratecount != 0) {
                     $ratestar = round($playList->rate / $playList->ratecount);
                 } else {
                     $ratestar = 0;
                 $div .= '<span class="ratethis1 ' . $ratearray[$ratestar] . '"></span>';
             // Rating ends and views starts here
             if ($this->_settingsData->view_visible == 1) {
                 if ($playList->hitcount > 1) {
                     $viewlang = $this->_viewslang;
                 } else {
                     $viewlang = $this->_viewlang;
                 $div .= '<span class="video_views">' . $playList->hitcount . '&nbsp;' . $viewlang . '</span>';
             $div .= '</div></li>';
         $div .= '</ul>';
     } else {
         // If there is no video for category
         $div .= '<div>' . __('No&nbsp;Videos&nbsp;Found', 'video_gallery') . '</div>';
     $div .= '</div>';
     $div .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
     $total = $CountOFVideos;
     $num_of_pages = ceil($total / $dataLimit);
     $video_search = str_replace(' ', '%20', $video_search);
     $arr_params = array('pagenum' => '%#%');
     $page_links = paginate_links(array('base' => add_query_arg($arr_params), 'format' => '', 'prev_text' => __('&laquo;', 'aag'), 'next_text' => __('&raquo;', 'aag'), 'total' => $num_of_pages, 'current' => $pagenum));
     if ($page_links) {
         $div .= '<div class="contus_tablenav"><div class="contus_tablenav-pages" >' . $page_links . '</div></div>';
     return $div;
Esempio n. 7
function send_report()
    global $wpdb, $current_user;
    /** Set report video email template path  */
    $emailTemplatePath = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'front/emailtemplate';
    /** Get slug id from parameters and get permalink URL */
    $slugId = intval($_GET['redirect_url']);
    $redirect_url = get_video_permalink($slugId);
    /** Get report type from params */
    $reportvideotype = $_GET['reporttype'];
    /** Get admin email from WordPress options table */
    $admin_email = get_option('admin_email');
    /** Get current user email id */
    $reporter_email = $current_user->user_email;
    /** Get current user name */
    $sender_name = $current_user->display_name;
    /** Get video title for the corresponding slug id */
    $video_title = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT name  FROM ' . HDFLVVIDEOSHARE . ' WHERE publish=1 AND slug=' . intval($slugId));
    /** Set subject for email */
    $subject = $sender_name . ' report your video';
    /** Set headers (mime version, content type) for email */
    $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n";
    /** Set headers ( from email) for email */
    $headers .= "From: " . "<" . $reporter_email . ">\r\n";
    /** Set headers ( to email) for email */
    $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $reporter_email . "\r\n";
    /** Set headers ( return path ) for email */
    $headers .= "Return-path: " . $reporter_email;
    /** Get sfile contents from report video email template */
    $message = file_get_contents($emailTemplatePath . '/reportvideo.html');
    /** Replace all datas into the mail template */
    $message = str_replace('{reporter_email}', $reporter_email, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{report_type}', $message, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{username}', $sender_name, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{reportmsg}', $reportvideotype, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{video_url}', $redirect_url, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{video_title}', $video_title, $message);
    $message = str_replace('{sender_name}', $sender_name, $message);
    /** Send video repot email to admin */
    if (@mail($admin_email, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
        echo "send";
    } else {
        echo "fail";
     * Front end widget show function
    function widget($args, $instance)
        // and after_title are the array keys." - These are set up by the theme
        extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
        $title = empty($instance['title']) ? ' ' : apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
        $show = 3;
        global $wpdb;
        // These are our own options
        $site_url = get_site_url();
        $dir = dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__));
        $dirExp = explode('/', $dir);
        $dirPage = $dirExp[0];
<!-- For Getting The Page Id More and Video-->
        $moreName = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT ID FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'posts WHERE post_content LIKE "%[videomore]%" AND post_status="publish" AND post_type="page" LIMIT 1');
        $settings_result = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT ratingscontrol,view_visible FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_settings WHERE settings_id=1');
        $more_videos_link = get_morepage_permalink($moreName, 'random');
<!-- Random videos -->
        $fetched = '';
        $ratearray = array('nopos1', 'onepos1', 'twopos1', 'threepos1', 'fourpos1', 'fivepos1');
        $viewslang = __('Views', 'video_gallery');
        $viewlang = __('View', 'video_gallery');
        echo $before_widget;
        $div = '<div id="random-videos" class="sidebar-wrap "><h3 class="widget-title"><a href="' . $more_videos_link . '">' . $title . '</a></h3>';
        //show no of  video  show
        if ($instance['show']) {
            if (absint($instance['show'])) {
                $show = $instance['show'];
        $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT a.*,s.guid,b.playlist_id,p.playlist_name FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare a
				LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_med2play b ON a.vid=b.media_id
				LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_playlist p ON
				LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'posts s ON s.ID=a.slug
				WHERE a.publish=1 AND p.is_publish=1 GROUP BY a.vid ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ' . $show;
        $posts = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
        if (!empty($posts)) {
            $fetched = $posts[0]->playlist_name;
        $moreR = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT count(a.vid) as contus from ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare a
				LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_med2play b ON a.vid=b.media_id
				LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_playlist p ON
				WHERE a.publish=1 AND p.is_publish=1 ORDER BY a.vid DESC');
        $countR = $moreR[0]->contus;
        $div .= '<ul class="ulwidget">';
        // were there any posts found?
        if (!empty($posts)) {
            // posts were found, loop through them
            $image_path = str_replace('plugins/' . $dirPage . '/', 'uploads/videogallery/', APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL);
            $_imagePath = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images' . DS;
            foreach ($posts as $post) {
                $file_type = $post->file_type;
                // Video Type
                $image = $post->image;
                $guid = get_video_permalink($post->slug);
                // guid
                if ($image == '') {
                    // If there is no thumb image for video
                    $image = $_imagePath . 'nothumbimage.jpg';
                } else {
                    if ($file_type == 2 || $file_type == 5) {
                        // For uploaded image
                        if ($file_type == 2 && strpos($image, '/')) {
                            $image = $image;
                        } else {
                            $image = $image_path . $image;
                    if ($file_type == 3) {
                        $image = $image;
                $name = strlen($post->name);
                // output to screen
                $div .= '<li class="clearfix sideThumb">';
                $div .= '<div class="imgBorder"><a href="' . $guid . '" title="' . $post->name . '"><img src="' . $image . '" alt="' . $post->name . '" class="img" width="120" height="80" style="width: 120px; height: 80px;" /></a>';
                if ($post->duration != 0.0) {
                    $div .= '<span class="video_duration">' . $post->duration . '</span>';
                $div .= '</div>';
                $div .= '<div class="side_video_info"><a title="' . $post->name . '" class="videoHname" href="' . $guid . '">';
                if ($name > 25) {
                    $div .= substr($post->name, 0, 25) . '..';
                } else {
                    $div .= $post->name;
                $div .= '</a><div class="clear"></div>';
                if ($settings_result->view_visible == 1) {
                    if ($post->hitcount > 1) {
                        $viewlanguage = $viewslang;
                    } else {
                        $viewlanguage = $viewlang;
                    $div .= '<span class="views">' . $post->hitcount . ' ' . $viewlanguage;
                    $div .= '</span>';
                // Rating starts here
                if ($settings_result->ratingscontrol == 1) {
                    if (isset($post->ratecount) && $post->ratecount != 0) {
                        $ratestar = round($post->rate / $post->ratecount);
                    } else {
                        $ratestar = 0;
                    $div .= '<span class="ratethis1 ' . $ratearray[$ratestar] . '"></span>';
                // Rating ends here
                $div .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
                $div .= '</div>';
                $div .= '</li>';
        } else {
            $div .= '<li>' . __('No Random Videos', 'video_gallery') . '</li>';
        // end list
        if ($show < $countR || $show == $countR) {
            $more_videos_link = get_morepage_permalink($moreName, 'random');
            $div .= '<li><div class="right video-more"><a href="' . $more_videos_link . '">' . __('More&nbsp;Videos', 'video_gallery') . '&nbsp;&#187;</a></div>';
            $div .= '<div class="clear"></div></li>';
        $div .= '</ul></div>';
        echo balanceTags($div);
        echo $after_widget;
Esempio n. 9
         * Function  for get the video from  category based.
         * @global type $wpdb
         * @param type $CountOFVideos
         * @param type $TypeOFvideos
         * @param type $pagenum
         * @param type $dataLimit
         * @param type $category_page
         * @return $category_videos
        function categorylist($CountOFVideos, $TypeOFvideos, $pagenum, $dataLimit, $category_page)
            global $wpdb;
            $div = '';
            $ratearray = array('nopos1', 'onepos1', 'twopos1', 'threepos1', 'fourpos1', 'fivepos1');
            $pagenum = isset($pagenum) ? absint($pagenum) : 1;
            //  Calculating page number
            $div .= '<style scoped> .video-block { margin-left:' . $this->_settingsData->gutterspace . 'px !important;float:left;} </style>';
            foreach ($TypeOFvideos as $catList) {
                $sql = 'SELECT s.guid,w.* FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare as w
					LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_med2play as m ON m.media_id = w.vid
					LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_playlist as p on m.playlist_id =
					LEFT JOIN ' . $this->_wpdb->prefix . 'posts s ON s.ID=w.slug
					WHERE w.publish=1 and p.is_publish=1 and m.playlist_id=' . intval($catList->pid) . ' GROUP BY w.vid LIMIT ' . $dataLimit;
                $playLists = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
                $playlistCount = count($playLists);
                //Get count video assign this category.
                $category_video = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_med2play as m 
					LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_playlist as p on m.playlist_id = WHERE m.playlist_id=' . intval($catList->pid) . ' AND p.is_publish=1');
                $video_count = count($category_video);
                // end of  get count
                $div .= '<div class="titleouter"> <h4 class="more_title">' . $catList->playlist_name . '</h4></div>';
                if (!empty($playlistCount)) {
                    $inc = 1;
                    $image_path = str_replace('plugins/' . $this->_plugin_name . '/', 'uploads/videogallery/', APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL);
                    $div .= '<ul class="video-block-container">';
                    foreach ($playLists as $playList) {
                        $duration = $playList->duration;
                        $imageFea = $playList->image;
                        //  VIDEO IMAGE
                        $file_type = $playList->file_type;
                        //  Video Type
                        $guid = get_video_permalink($playList->slug);
                        //  guid - url for video detail page
                        if ($imageFea == '') {
                            //  If there is no thumb image for video
                            $imageFea = $this->_imagePath . 'nothumbimage.jpg';
                        } else {
                            if ($file_type == 2 || $file_type == 5) {
                                if (strpos($imageFea, '/')) {
                                    $imageFea = $imageFea;
                                } else {
                                    $imageFea = $image_path . $imageFea;
                            } else {
                                if ($file_type == 3) {
                                    $imageFea = $imageFea;
                        if (strlen($playList->name) > 30) {
                            $playListName = substr($playList->name, 0, 30) . '..';
                        } else {
                            $playListName = $playList->name;
                        $div .= '<li class="video-block"><div class="video-thumbimg"><a href="' . $guid . '"><img src="' . $imageFea . '" alt="" class="imgHome" title=""></a>';
                        if ($duration != '0:00') {
                            $div .= '<span class="video_duration">' . $duration . '</span>';
                        $div .= '</div><div class="vid_info"><a href="' . $guid . '" title="' . $playList->name . '" class="videoHname"><span>' . $playListName . '</span></a>';
                        //Rating for  category video
                        if ($this->_settingsData->ratingscontrol == 1) {
                            if (isset($playList->ratecount) && $playList->ratecount != 0) {
                                $ratestar = round($playList->rate / $playList->ratecount);
                            } else {
                                $ratestar = 0;
                            $div .= '<span class="ratethis1 ' . $ratearray[$ratestar] . '"></span>';
                        // Show views count for video
                        if ($this->_settingsData->view_visible == 1) {
                            if ($playList->hitcount > 1) {
                                $viewlang = $this->_viewslang;
                            } else {
                                $viewlang = $this->_viewlang;
                            $div .= '<span class="video_views">' . $playList->hitcount . '&nbsp;' . $viewlang . '</span>';
                        $div .= '</div></li>';
                        if ($inc % $this->_colCat == 0 && $inc != 0) {
                            // COLUMN COUNT
                            $div .= '</ul><div class="clear"></div><ul class="video-block-container">';
                    $div .= '</ul>';
                    // Video category thumb based on gallery seeting number of rows,cols based
                    $colF = $this->_settingsData->colCat;
                    $rowF = $this->_settingsData->rowCat;
                    $CatLimit = $colF * $rowF;
                    if ($video_count > $CatLimit) {
                        $more_playlist_link = get_playlist_permalink($this->_mPageid, $catList->pid, $catList->playlist_slugname);
                        $div .= '<a class="video-more" href="' . $more_playlist_link . '">' . __('More&nbsp;Videos', 'video_gallery') . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        $div .= '<div align="clear"> </div>';
                } else {
                    //  If there is no video for category
                    $div .= '<div class="titleouter">' . __('No Videos for this Category', 'video_gallery') . '</div>';
            $div .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
            if ($category_page != 0) {
                // PAGINATION STARTS
                $total = $CountOFVideos;
                $num_of_pages = ceil($total / $category_page);
                $page_links = paginate_links(array('base' => add_query_arg('pagenum', '%#%'), 'format' => '', 'prev_text' => __('&laquo;', 'aag'), 'next_text' => __('&raquo;', 'aag'), 'total' => $num_of_pages, 'current' => $pagenum));
                if ($page_links) {
                    $div .= '<div class="contus_tablenav"><div class="contus_tablenav-pages" >' . $page_links . '</div></div>';
                // PAGINATION ENDS
            return $div;
 * Function definition to add og detail for facebook
 * */
function add_meta_details()
    global $wpdb;
    global $dirPage;
    $videoURL = get_permalink();
    $videoID = url_to_custompostid(get_permalink());
    if (isset($_GET['p'])) {
        $videoID = intval($_GET['p']);
    if (!empty($videoID)) {
        $keyApps = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT keyApps FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_settings');
        $videoID = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT vid FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare WHERE slug="' . intval($videoID) . '"');
        $video_count = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT t1.description,t4.tags_name,,t1.ratecount,t1.rate,t1.image,t1.file_type,t1.slug
						FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare AS t1
						LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_med2play AS t2
						ON t2.media_id = t1.vid
						LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_playlist AS t3
						ON = t2.playlist_id
						LEFT JOIN ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_tags AS t4
						ON t1.vid = t4.media_id
						WHERE t1.publish=1 AND t3.is_publish=1 AND t1.vid=' . intval($videoID) . ' LIMIT 1');
        $image_path = str_replace('plugins/' . $dirPage . '/', 'uploads/videogallery/', APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL);
        $_imagePath = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images' . DS;
        if (!empty($video_count)) {
            $imageFea = $video_count->image;
            $file_type = $video_count->file_type;
            if ($imageFea == '') {
                $imageFea = $_imagePath . 'nothumbimage.jpg';
            } else {
                if ($file_type == 2) {
                    $imageFea = $image_path . $imageFea;
            if (strpos($imageFea, 'youtube') > 0 || strpos($imageFea, 'ytimg') > 0) {
                $imgstr = explode('/', $imageFea);
                $imageFea = '' . $imgstr[4] . '/hqdefault.jpg';
            $videoname = $video_count->name;
            $des = $video_count->description;
            $tags_name = $video_count->tags_name;
            $output = '
	<meta name="description" content="' . strip_tags($des) . '" />
	<meta name="keyword" content="' . $tags_name . '" />
	<link rel="image_src" href="' . $imageFea . '"/>
	<link rel="canonical" href="' . get_video_permalink($video_count->slug) . '"/>
	<meta property="og:image" content="' . $imageFea . '"/>
	<meta property="og:url" content="' . get_video_permalink($video_count->slug) . '"/>
	<meta property="og:title" content="' . $videoname . '"/>
	<meta property="og:description" content="' . strip_tags($des) . '"/>
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> 
            $rate = $video_count->rate;
            $ratecount = $video_count->ratecount;
            if ($des) {
                $description = $des;
            } else {
                $description = 'No description';
            if ($rate) {
                $rate_snippet = round($rate / $ratecount);
            } else {
                $rate_snippet = 0;
            $swfPath = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'hdflvplayer' . DS . 'hdplayer.swf';
            $output .= '<div id="video-container" class="" itemscope itemid="" itemtype="">';
            $output .= '<link itemprop="url" href="' . $videoURL . '"/>';
            $output .= '<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">';
            $output .= '<meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="' . $rate_snippet . '"/><meta itemprop="ratingCount" content="' . $ratecount . '"/></div>
				<div itemprop="video" itemscope itemtype="">
					<meta itemprop="name" content="' . $videoname . '" />
					<meta itemprop="thumbnail" content="' . $imageFea . '" />
					<meta itemprop="description" content="' . strip_tags($description) . '" />
				<meta itemprop="image" content="' . $imageFea . '" />
				<meta itemprop="thumbnailUrl" content="' . $imageFea . '" />
				<meta itemprop="embedURL" content="' . $swfPath . '" />
            echo $output;
Esempio n. 11
 * Function definition to add og detail for facebook
function add_meta_details()
    global $wpdb;
    $tags_name = '';
    /** Get video id for meta details */
    $videoID = pluginVideoID();
    $output = '<script type="text/javascript">var baseurl = "' . site_url() . '";var adminurl = "' . admin_url() . '";</script>';
    /** If video is not empty then get video details */
    if (!empty($videoID)) {
        /** Get video details for given video id */
        $video_count = videoDetails($videoID, '');
        /** Check video details are exist */
        if (!empty($video_count)) {
            /** Get video name  */
            $videoname = $video_count->name;
            if (isset($video_count->tags_name)) {
                /** Get tags name  */
                $tags_name = $video_count->tags_name;
            /** Get swf file URL path  */
            $swfPath = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'hdflvplayer' . DS . 'hdplayer.swf';
            /** Get video page URL */
            $videoPageURL = get_video_permalink($video_count->slug);
            /** Get thumb description for og:description */
            $description = get_bloginfo('name');
            if ($video_count->description) {
                $description = $video_count->description;
            /** Get rating value for rich snippet */
            $rateSnippet = getRatingValue($video_count->rate, $video_count->ratecount, 'calc');
            /** Get thumb image for og:image */
            $imageFea = getImagesValue($video_count->image, $video_count->file_type, $video_count->amazon_buckets, '');
            /** Check video url is YouTube */
            if (strpos($imageFea, 'youtube') > 0 || strpos($imageFea, 'ytimg') > 0) {
                /** Get YouTube video thumb image */
                $imgstr = explode('/', $imageFea);
                $imageFea = '' . $imgstr[4] . '/hqdefault.jpg';
            /** Add meta details in the page for current video */
            $output .= '<meta name="description" content="' . strip_tags($description) . '" />
              <meta name="keyword" content="' . $tags_name . '" />
              <link rel="image_src" href="' . $imageFea . '"/>
              <link rel="canonical" href="' . $videoPageURL . '"/>
              <meta property="og:image" content="' . $imageFea . '"/>
              <meta property="og:url" content="' . $videoPageURL . '"/>
              <meta property="og:title" content="' . $videoname . '"/>
              <meta property="og:description" content="' . strip_tags($description) . '"/>
              <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> ';
            /** Check if SSL is enabled in site
             * If it is enbaled then add og:video, og:video:type, 
             * og:video:secure_url in meta details to play video in facebook */
            if (is_ssl() && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) {
                $output .= '<meta property="og:video:type" content="application/x-shockwave-flash" />
                <meta property="og:video" content="' . $swfPath . '?vid=' . $videoID . '&baserefW=' . APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . '&embedplayer=true" />
                <meta property="og:video:secure_url" content="' . $swfPath . '?vid=' . $videoID . '&baserefW=' . APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . '&embedplayer=true" />';
            /** Set rich snippet details */
            $output .= '<div id="video-container" class="" itemscope itemid="" itemtype="">';
            $output .= '<link itemprop="url" href="' . $videoPageURL . '"/>';
            $output .= '<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="">';
            $output .= '<meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="' . $rateSnippet . '"/>
                  <meta itemprop="ratingCount" content="' . $video_count->ratecount . '"/></div>
                  <div itemprop="video" itemscope itemtype="">
                  <meta itemprop="name" content="' . $videoname . '" />
                  <meta itemprop="thumbnail" content="' . $imageFea . '" />
                  <meta itemprop="description" content="' . strip_tags($description) . '" />
              <meta itemprop="image" content="' . $imageFea . '" />
              <meta itemprop="thumbnailUrl" content="' . $imageFea . '" />
              <meta itemprop="embedURL" content="' . $swfPath . '" />
    /** Display meta details */
    echo $output;
Esempio n. 12
  * Function to display  recent ,feature ,category and popular video in home page after player
  * @param unknown $type
  * @return Ambigous <$category_videos, string>|string
 function home_thumb($type)
     global $playlistElement;
     /** Check homeVideo function is exists */
     if (!function_exists('homeVideo')) {
         $TypeSet = $recent_video_order = $class = $divOutput = '';
         $player_colors = $this->_player_colors;
         $recent_video_order = $player_colors['recentvideo_order'];
         /** Get popular, recent, featured  video settings status and row, column values
          * Get home page category video settings status and row, column values
          * Call function to display home page category videos */
         $where = '';
         switch ($type) {
             case 'popular':
                 $TypeSet = $this->_settingsData->popular;
                 $rowF = $this->_settingsData->rowsPop;
                 $colF = $this->_settingsData->colPop;
                 $dataLimit = $rowF * $colF;
                 $thumImageorder = 'w.hitcount DESC';
                 $typename = __('Popular', APPTHA_VGALLERY);
                 $type_name = $morePage = 'popular';
             case 'recent':
                 $TypeSet = $this->_settingsData->recent;
                 $rowF = $this->_settingsData->rowsRec;
                 $colF = $this->_settingsData->colRec;
                 $dataLimit = $rowF * $colF;
                 $thumImageorder = 'w.vid DESC';
                 $typename = __('Recent', APPTHA_VGALLERY);
                 $type_name = $morePage = 'recent';
             case 'featured':
                 $TypeSet = $this->_settingsData->feature;
                 $rowF = $this->_settingsData->rowsFea;
                 $colF = $this->_settingsData->colFea;
                 $dataLimit = $rowF * $colF;
                 $where = ' AND w.featured=1 ';
                 $thumImageorder = getVideoOrder($recent_video_order);
                 $typename = __('Featured', APPTHA_VGALLERY);
                 $type_name = $morePage = 'featured';
             case 'cat':
                 if ($this->_settingsData->homecategory == 1) {
                     $category_page = $this->_settingsData->category_page;
                     $rowF = $this->_settingsData->rowCat;
                     $colF = $this->_settingsData->colCat;
                     $dataLimit = $rowF * $colF;
                     $thumImageorder = getVideoOrder($recent_video_order);
                     $typename = __('Video Categories', APPTHA_VGALLERY);
         if ($type == 'popular' || $type == 'recent' || $type == 'featured') {
             /** Get home page thumb data and get count of videos */
             $TypeOFvideos = $this->home_thumbdata($thumImageorder, $where, $dataLimit);
             $CountOFVideos = $this->countof_home_thumbdata($thumImageorder, $where);
         if ($type == 'cat') {
             /** Get home page category thumb data and get count of videos */
             $TypeOFvideos = $this->home_categoriesthumbdata($this->_pagenum, $category_page);
             $CountOFVideos = getPlaylistCount();
             /** Call function to display category videos in home page */
             return $this->categorylist($CountOFVideos, $TypeOFvideos, $this->_pagenum, $dataLimit, $category_page, $thumImageorder);
         if ($TypeSet) {
             /** Display thumbnail block strats */
             $divOutput = '<div class="video_wrapper" id="' . $type_name . '_video">';
             $divOutput .= '<style type="text/css" scoped> .video-block {margin-left:' . $this->_settingsData->gutterspace . 'px !important;float:left;}  </style>';
             if (!empty($TypeOFvideos)) {
                 $userId = get_current_user_id();
                 $watchLaterVideoIds = getWatchLaterVideoIds($userId, $this->watchDetailsTable);
                 /** Display videos title in home page */
                 $divOutput .= '<h2 class="video_header">' . $typename . ' ' . __('Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '</h2>';
                 $videolist = 0;
                 foreach ($TypeOFvideos as $video) {
                     /** Get video duration, image, filetype, slug, video id,
                      * video name, view and rate count */
                     $videoId = $video->vid;
                     $duration[$videolist] = $video->duration;
                     $file_type = $video->file_type;
                     $guid[$videolist] = get_video_permalink($video->slug);
                     $imageFea[$videolist] = getImagesValue($video->image, $file_type, $video->amazon_buckets, '');
                     $nameF[$videolist] = $video->name;
                     $ratecount[$videolist] = $video->ratecount;
                     $rate[$videolist] = $video->rate;
                     $hitcount[$videolist] = $video->hitcount;
                     /** Get playlist id, name and slugname */
                     $playlist_id[$videolist] = $video->pid;
                     $fetched[$videolist] = $video->playlist_name;
                     $fetched_pslug[$videolist] = $video->playlist_slugname;
                 /** Code to display thumbs for popular / recent and featured videos */
                 $divOutput .= '<div class="video_thumb_content">';
                 $divOutput .= '<ul class="video-block-container">';
                 $playlistImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/playlist.png';
                 $playlistCreateImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/playlist_create.png';
                 $playlistSearchImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/playlist_search.png';
                 /** Display video list container */
                 for ($videolist = 0; $videolist < count($TypeOFvideos); $videolist++) {
                     $videoId = $TypeOFvideos[$videolist]->vid;
                     if (in_array($videoId, $watchLaterVideoIds)) {
                         $watchLaterImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/accepted.png';
                         $watchLaterTitle = 'Added to Watch Later';
                     } else {
                         $watchLaterImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/watchlater2.png';
                         $watchLaterTitle = 'Add to Watch Later';
                         $clickEvent = 'onclick="watchLater(' . $videoId . ',this)"';
                     $class = '<div class="clear"></div>';
                     if ($videolist % $colF == 0 && $videolist != 0) {
                         $divOutput .= '</ul><div class="clear"></div><ul class="video-block-container">';
                     $divOutput .= '<li class="video-block">';
                     /** Video thumb image display block starts */
                     $divOutput .= '<div  class="video-thumbimg"><a href="' . $guid[$videolist] . '"><img src="' . $imageFea[$videolist] . '" alt="' . $nameF[$videolist] . '" class="imgHome" title="' . $nameF[$videolist] . '" /></a>';
                     if ($duration[$videolist]) {
                         $divOutput .= '<span class="video_duration" >' . $duration[$videolist] . '</span>';
                     $divOutput .= '
               		<span class="watchlaterIcon" ' . $clickEvent . ' ><img class="watchlaterImg" style="width:24px !important;height:24px !important;" src="' . $watchLaterImg . '" title="' . $watchLaterTitle . '"></span>
               		<span class="playlistIcon" data-vid = ' . $videoId . '><img class="playlistIconImg" style="width:24px !important;height:24px !important;" src="' . $playlistImg . '" title="Add to playlist"></span>';
                     /** Display video details block starts */
                     $divOutput .= '</div><div class="vid_info"><a title="' . $nameF[$videolist] . '" href="' . $guid[$videolist] . '" class="videoHname"><span>' . limitTitle($nameF[$videolist]) . '</span></a>';
                     $divOutput .= '';
                     if ($fetched[$videolist] != '' && $this->_settingsData->categorydisplay == 1) {
                         $playlist_url = get_playlist_permalink($this->_mPageid, $playlist_id[$videolist], $fetched_pslug[$videolist]);
                         /** Display output videos */
                         $divOutput .= '<a class="playlistName"  href="' . $playlist_url . '"><span>' . $fetched[$videolist] . '</span></a>';
                     /** Display rating for video home page */
                     if ($this->_settingsData->ratingscontrol == 1) {
                         $divOutput .= getRatingValue($rate[$videolist], $ratecount[$videolist], '');
                     /** Display views for video home page */
                     if ($this->_settingsData->view_visible == 1) {
                         $divOutput .= displayViews($hitcount[$videolist]);
                     /** Display video details block ends */
                     $divOutput .= '</div> </li>';
                 $divOutput .= '</ul></div> <div class="clear"></div>';
                 /** Code to display more videos link for featured / popular/ recent videos */
                 if ($dataLimit < $CountOFVideos) {
                     $more_videos_link = get_morepage_permalink($this->_mPageid, $morePage);
                     /** Display more title for category */
                     $divOutput .= '<span class="more_title" ><a class="video-more" href="' . $more_videos_link . '">' . __('More&nbsp;Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '&nbsp;&#187;</a></span>';
                     $divOutput .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
                 /** View more to the right */
                 if ($dataLimit == $CountOFVideos) {
                     $divOutput .= '<div style="float:right"></div>';
             } else {
                 $divOutput .= __('No', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . ' ' . $typename . ' ' . __('Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY);
             $divOutput .= '</div>';
         return $divOutput;
Esempio n. 13
  * Function getVideos return watch later video element content to display
  * Function getVideos return playlist video element content to display
  * This function has videoName to hold video name
  * This function has videoDescription to hold video description
  * This function has videoRate to hold video rate
  * This function has videoRateCount to hold video rate count
  * This function has videoUrl to hold video url
  * This function has videoHitcount to hold video hit count
  * This function has videoImage to hold video thumb image
  * This function has file_type  to hold video file type
  * This function has image_path to hold image base url
  * This function has videoStar to hold int value
  * This function has videoOutput to hold html content to display video thumb on front page
  * This function return html content to display video thumb on front page
  * @return string watch later video details
 public function getVideos()
     $watchLaterVideoOutput = '';
     foreach ($this->watchLaterDetails as $watchLaterDetail) {
         /** videoName to hold video name */
         $videoName = $watchLaterDetail->name;
         /** videoDescription to hold video description */
         $videoDescription = $watchLaterDetail->description != '' ? $watchLaterDetail->description : 'No description';
         /** videoRate to hold video rate */
         $this->videoRate = $watchLaterDetail->rate;
         /** videoRateCount to hold video rate count */
         $this->videoRateCount = $watchLaterDetail->ratecount;
         /** videoUrl to hold video url */
         $videoUrl = get_video_permalink($watchLaterDetail->slug);
         /** videoHitcount to hold video hit count */
         $videoHitcount = $watchLaterDetail->hitcount;
         /** videoImage to hold video thumb image */
         $this->videoImage = $watchLaterDetail->image;
         /** file_type  to hold video file type */
         $this->file_type = $watchLaterDetail->file_type;
         /** image_path to hold image base url */
         $this->image_path = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL;
         $watchLaterVideoOutput .= '<div class="watchVideo">
     <div class="watchThumb">';
         if (in_array($watchLaterDetail->vid, $this->watchLaterVideosStatus)) {
             $watchLaterVideoOutput .= '<a class="watchLinkElement" id="watchLinkElement" href="' . $videoUrl . '" target="_blank" onclick="changeWatchLaterVideoStatus(' . $watchLaterDetail->vid . ',this)">';
         } else {
             $watchLaterVideoOutput .= '<a href="' . $videoUrl . '" target="_blank">';
         $watchLaterVideoOutput .= '<img style="height:100px !important;"src="' . $this->thumbImage . '" title="' . $videoName . '">';
         if (!in_array($watchLaterDetail->vid, $this->watchLaterVideosStatus)) {
             $watchLaterVideoOutput .= '<span class="videoWatchedBox">Watched</span>';
         $watchLaterVideoOutput .= '</a><p class="watchRateBox">
     <span class="watchContentCount">' . $videoHitcount . ' views</span>
     <span class="ratethis1 ' . $this->ratearray[$this->videoStar] . ' watchContentRate"></span>
     <div class="watchContent">
     <h3 class="watchContentTitle">';
         if (in_array($watchLaterDetail->vid, $this->watchLaterVideosStatus)) {
             $watchLaterVideoOutput .= '<a href="' . $videoUrl . '" target="_blank" onclick="changeWatchLaterVideoStatus(' . $watchLaterDetail->vid . ',this)" title="' . $videoName . '">' . $videoName . '</a>';
         } else {
             $watchLaterVideoOutput .= '<a href="' . $videoUrl . '" target="_blank" title="' . $videoName . '">' . $videoName . '</a>';
         $watchLaterVideoOutput .= '</h3>
     <p class="watchContentDescription">' . $videoDescription . '</p>
     <span class="watchVideoCloseButton" onclick="clearSingleVideo(this,' . $watchLaterDetail->vid . ')"><img src="' . $this->closeButtonPath . '" title="Delete video"></span>
     return $watchLaterVideoOutput;
Esempio n. 14
 * Function to display popular / recent / featured / random widget videos
 * @param unknown $title
 * @param unknown $type
 * @param unknown $videosData
 * @param unknown $show
 * @param unknown $pID
 * @param unknown $playlist_slugname
 * @return string
function displayWidgetVideos($title, $type, $videosData, $show, $pID, $playlist_slugname, $watchLaterVideoIds)
    global $wpdb;
    /** Get more page id , videos link for featured videos and plugin settings value */
    $moreName = morePageID();
    $more_videos_link = get_morepage_permalink($moreName, $type);
    $settings_result = getPluginSettings();
    if ($type == 'watch history') {
        $postShortcodeContent = '[watch_history]';
    if ($type == 'watch later') {
        $postShortcodeContent = '[watch_later]';
    $watch_history_page = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "posts WHERE post_content=%s AND post_status=%s", "[watch_history]", "publish"));
    if (get_option('permalink_structure')) {
        $watchlink = get_site_url() . '/' . $watch_history_page[0]->post_name;
    } else {
        $watchlink = $watch_history_page[0]->guid;
    $watch_later_page = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "posts WHERE post_content=%s AND post_status=%s", "[watch_later]", "publish"));
    if (get_option('permalink_structure')) {
        $watchLaterlink = get_site_url() . '/' . $watch_later_page[0]->post_name;
    } else {
        $watchLaterlink = $watch_later_page[0]->guid;
    if ($type == 'watch history') {
        $more_videos_link = $watchlink;
    if ($type == 'watch later') {
        $more_videos_link = $watchLaterlink;
    /** Display widget tilte */
    $div = '<div id="' . $type . '-videos"  class="sidebar-wrap "> <h3 class="widget-title">';
    /** Check type is realted */
    if ($type == 'related') {
        /** Set title for widgets */
        $link = $title;
        if (!empty($pID)) {
            /** Set link for related vidos title */
            $link = '<a href=' . home_url() . '/?page_id=' . $moreName . '&amp;playid=' . $pID . '>' . $title . '</a>';
        $div .= $link;
    } else {
        $div .= '<a href="' . $more_videos_link . '">' . $title . '</a>';
    $div .= ' </h3>';
    /** Get count of videos */
    $videosCount = getWidgetVideosCount($type, $pID);
    /** Display video thumbs */
    $div .= '<ul class="ulwidget">';
    /** Check videos are exist */
    if (!empty($videosData)) {
        /** Looping widget video detials */
        foreach ($videosData as $videodata) {
            $videoId = $videodata->vid;
            if (in_array($videoId, $watchLaterVideoIds)) {
                $watchLaterImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/accepted.png';
                $watchLaterTitle = 'Added to Watch Later';
                $clickEvent = '';
            } else {
                $watchLaterImg = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images/watchlater2.png';
                $watchLaterTitle = 'Add to Watch Later';
                $clickEvent = 'onclick="watchLater(' . $videoId . ',this)"';
            /** Get video file type */
            $file_type = $videodata->file_type;
            /** Get video permalink */
            $guid = get_video_permalink($videodata->slug);
            /** Get video name */
            $name = limitTitle($videodata->name);
            /** Get thumb image url based on file type from helper */
            $imageFea = $videodata->image;
            $imageFea = getImagesValue($videodata->image, $file_type, $videodata->amazon_buckets, '');
            /** Output to screen */
            $div .= '<li class="clearfix sideThumb">';
            /** Display video thumb */
            $div .= '<div class="imgBorder"> <a href="' . $guid . '" title="' . $videodata->name . '"> <img src="' . $imageFea . '" alt="' . $videodata->name . '" class="img" width="120" height="80" style="width: 120px; height: 80px;" /> </a>';
            /** Display video duration */
            if (!empty($videodata->duration) && $videodata->duration != 0.0) {
                $div .= '<span class="video_duration">' . $videodata->duration . '</span>';
            if ($type != 'watch history' && $type != 'watch later') {
                $div .= '<span class="watchlaterIcon" ' . $clickEvent . ' ><img class="watchlaterImg" style="width:24px !important;height:24px !important;" src="' . $watchLaterImg . '" title="' . $watchLaterTitle . '"></span>';
            $div .= '</div>';
            /** Display video title */
            $div .= '<div class="side_video_info"> <a title="' . $videodata->name . '" class="videoHname" href="' . $guid . '">' . $name . '</a> <div class="clear"></div>';
            /** Check view is enabled in settings page */
            if ($settings_result->view_visible == 1) {
                /** Display views count */
                $div .= displayViews($videodata->hitcount);
            /** Check rating is enabled in settings page */
            if ($settings_result->ratingscontrol == 1) {
                /** Display ratingss count */
                $div .= getRatingValue($videodata->rate, $videodata->ratecount, '');
            $div .= '<div class="clear"></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div></li>';
    } else {
        /** Display no videos link */
        $div .= "<li>" . __('No', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . ' ' . ucfirst($type) . ' ' . __('Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . "</li>";
     * Check number of videos to be shown count is less than or equal to total count
    $totalVideoCount = count($videosData);
    if ($show < $videosCount || $show == $videosCount) {
        /** If type is realted video, then display playlist URL as a link */
        if ($type == 'related') {
            $playlist_url = get_playlist_permalink($moreName, $pID, $playlist_slugname);
            $div .= '<li><div class="right video-more"><a href="' . $playlist_url . '">';
        } else {
            /** Else display more pages URL as a link */
            $div .= '<li><div class="video-more"><a href="' . $more_videos_link . '">';
        $div .= __('More&nbsp;Videos', APPTHA_VGALLERY) . '&nbsp;&#187; </a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </li>';
    } else {
        $div .= '<li> <div align="right"></div> </li>';
    /** Return widget content */
    return $div . '</ul></div>';
Esempio n. 15
 * Function getVideos return playlist video element content to display
 * This function has videoName to hold video name
 * This function has videoDescription to hold video description
 * This function has videoRate to hold video rate
 * This function has videoRateCount to hold video rate count
 * This function has videoUrl to hold video url
 * This function has videoHitcount to hold video hit count
 * This function has videoImage to hold video thumb image
 * This function has file_type  to hold video file type
 * This function has image_path to hold image base url
 * This function has videoStar to hold int value
 * This function has result to hold video details as a array
 * This function return video details as a array without status property when statusArray arguments is empty or 
 * return video details as a array with status property
 * @return string
function getVideoByAjax($videoResults, $statusArray = '', $noThumbImage, $ratearrays)
    foreach ($videoResults as $videoDetail) {
        /** videoName to hold video name */
        $videoName = $videoDetail->name;
        /** videoDescription to hold video description */
        $videoDescription = $videoDetail->description != '' ? $videoDetail->description : 'No description';
        /** videoRate to hold video rate */
        $videoRate = $videoDetail->rate;
        /** videoRateCount to hold video rate count */
        $videoRateCount = $videoDetail->ratecount;
        /** videoUrl to hold video url */
        $videoUrl = get_video_permalink($videoDetail->slug);
        /** videoHitcount to hold video hit count */
        $videoHitcount = $videoDetail->hitcount;
        /** videoImage to hold video thumb image */
        $videoImage = $videoDetail->image;
        /** file_type  to hold video file type */
        $file_type = $videoDetail->file_type;
        /** image_path to hold image base url */
        $image_path = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL;
        if ($videoRateCount != 0) {
            /** videoStar to hold int value */
            $videoStar = round($videoRate / $videoRateCount);
        } else {
            $videoStar = 0;
        if ($videoImage == '') {
            /** thumbImageto hold thumb image url */
            $thumbImage = $noThumbImage;
        if (($file_type == 2 || $file_type == 5) && !empty($videoImage)) {
            /** thumbImageto hold thumb image url */
            $sitePath = get_site_url() . '/wp-content/uploads/videogallery/';
            $thumbImage = $sitePath . $videoImage;
        if ($file_type == 1) {
            /** thumbImageto hold thumb image url */
            $thumbImage = $videoImage;
        if (empty($statusArray)) {
            $result[] = array('vid' => $videoDetail->vid, 'name' => $videoName, 'url' => $videoUrl, 'hitcount' => $videoHitcount, 'rate' => $ratearrays[$videoStar], 'thumb' => $thumbImage, 'description' => $videoDescription);
        } else {
            $result[] = array('vid' => $videoDetail->vid, 'name' => $videoName, 'url' => $videoUrl, 'hitcount' => $videoHitcount, 'rate' => $ratearrays[$videoStar], 'thumb' => $thumbImage, 'description' => $videoDescription, 'status' => in_array($videoDetail->vid, $statusArray) ? 1 : -2);
    return $result;
Esempio n. 16
         *  Display player details
        function hdflv_sharerender($arguments = array())
            global $wpdb;
            $output = $videourl = $imgurl = $player_div = $vid = $playlistid = $homeplayerData = $reavideourl = $ratecount = $rate = $plugin_css = $no_views = '';
            $video_playlist_id = $videoId = $hitcount = $show_posted_by = $show_social_icon = $show_related_video = 0;
            $videodivId = rand();
            $image_path = str_replace('plugins/' . $this->_plugin_name . '/', 'uploads/videogallery/', APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL);
            $_imagePath = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'images' . DS;
            $configXML = $wpdb->get_row('SELECT playlist,ratingscontrol,view_visible,tagdisplay,categorydisplay,embed_visible,keydisqusApps,comment_option,keyApps,configXML,width,height,showTag,player_colors FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'hdflvvideoshare_settings');
            $flashvars = $pluginflashvars = 'baserefW=' . get_option('siteurl');
            // generate flashvars detail for player starts here
            if (isset($arguments['width'])) {
                $width = $arguments['width'];
                // get width from short code
            } else {
                $width = $configXML->width;
                // get width from settings
            if (isset($arguments['height'])) {
                $height = $arguments['height'];
                // get height from short code
            } else {
                $height = $configXML->height;
                // get height from settings
            $showTags = $configXML->tagdisplay;
            $showRatting = $configXML->ratingscontrol;
            $player_color = unserialize($configXML->player_colors);
            $show_posted_by = $player_color['show_posted_by'];
            $show_social_icon = $player_color['show_social_icon'];
            $show_rss_icon = $player_color['show_rss_icon'];
            $number_related_video = $player_color['related_video_count'];
            if (isset($player_color['show_added_on'])) {
                $show_added_on = $player_color['show_added_on'];
            } else {
                $show_added_on = '0';
            //Send report for  video
            if (isset($arguments['id'])) {
                $videodivId .= $arguments['id'];
                // get video id from short code
                $vid = $arguments['id'];
            if (!empty($vid)) {
                $homeplayerData = $this->video_detail($vid, $number_related_video);
                $fetched[] = $homeplayerData;
            // store video details in variables
            if (!empty($homeplayerData)) {
                $videoUrl = $homeplayerData->file;
                $videoId = $homeplayerData->vid;
                $video_title = $homeplayerData->name;
                $video_file_type = $homeplayerData->file_type;
                $video_thumb = $homeplayerData->image;
                if ($video_file_type == 2 || $video_file_type == 5) {
                    if (strpos($video_thumb, '/')) {
                        $video_thumb = $homeplayerData->image;
                    } else {
                        $video_thumb = $image_path . $homeplayerData->image;
                $video_playlist_id = $homeplayerData->playlist_id;
                $description = $homeplayerData->description;
                $tag_name = $homeplayerData->tags_name;
                $hitcount = $homeplayerData->hitcount;
                $uploadedby = $homeplayerData->display_name;
                $uploadedby_id = $homeplayerData->ID;
                $ratecount = $homeplayerData->ratecount;
                $rate = $homeplayerData->rate;
                $post_date = $homeplayerData->post_date;
            // get Playlist detail
            $playlistData = $this->playlist_detail($vid);
            $incre = 0;
            $playlistname = $windo = $htmlvideo = '';
            if (isset($arguments['playlistid'])) {
                $videodivId .= $arguments['playlistid'];
                // get playlist id from short code
                $playlistid = $arguments['playlistid'];
                $flashvars .= '&amp;mtype=playerModule';
            // generate flashvars detail for player starts here
            if (!empty($playlistid) && !empty($vid)) {
                $flashvars .= '&amp;pid=' . $playlistid;
                $flashvars .= '&amp;vid=' . $vid;
            } elseif (!empty($playlistid)) {
                $flashvars .= '&amp;pid=' . $playlistid . '&showPlaylist=true';
                $playlist_videos = $this->_contOBJ->video_pid_detail($playlistid, 'detailpage', $number_related_video);
                if (!empty($playlist_videos)) {
                    $videoId = $playlist_videos[0]->vid;
                    $video_playlist_id = $playlist_videos[0]->playlist_id;
                    $hitcount = $playlist_videos[0]->hitcount;
                    $uploadedby = $playlist_videos[0]->display_name;
                    $uploadedby_id = $playlist_videos[0]->ID;
                    $ratecount = $playlist_videos[0]->ratecount;
                    $rate = $playlist_videos[0]->rate;
                    $fetched[] = $playlist_videos[0];
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                } else {
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            if (!isset($arguments['playlistid']) && isset($arguments['id']) && $this->_post_type !== 'videogallery' && $this->_page_post_type !== 'videogallery') {
                $flashvars .= '&amp;playlist_autoplay=false&amp;playlist_auto=false';
            // generate flashvars detail for player ends here
            $player_not_support = __('Player doesnot support this video.', 'video_gallery');
            $htmlplayer_not_support = __('Html5 Not support This video Format.', 'video_gallery');
            $output .= ' <script>
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						folder  = "' . $this->_plugin_name . '";
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                    $output .= '<script> current_video( ' . $fetched[0]->vid . ',"' . $fetched[0]->name . '" ); </script>';
                    // Get video detail for HTML5 player
                    foreach ($fetched as $media) {
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                                    $imgurl = $imgurl;
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                                    $imgurl = $image_path . $imgurl;
                    if ($file_type == 1) {
                        // Check for youtube video
                        if (preg_match('/www\\.youtube\\.com\\/watch\\?v=[^&]+/', $videourl, $vresult)) {
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                            $video_id = trim($urlArray[1]);
                            $videourl = '' . $video_id;
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                            // For dailymotion videos
                            $split = explode("/", $videourl);
                            $split_id = explode("_", $split[4]);
                            $image_url = '';
                            $video = $videourl = $previewurl = '' . $split_id[0];
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                                // For viddler videos
                                $imgstr = explode('/', $videourl);
                                $viddler_id = $imgstr[4];
                                $output .= '<iframe id="viddler-' . $viddler_id . '" width="' . $width . '" src="//' . $viddler_id . '/?f=1&autoplay=0&player=full&secret=26392356&loop=false&nologo=false&hd=false" frameborder="0" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>';
                    } else {
                        if ($file_type == 3) {
                            if (preg_match('/www\\.youtube\\.com\\/watch\\?v=[^&]+/', $videourl, $vresult)) {
                                $urlArray = explode('=', $vresult[0]);
                                $video_id = trim($urlArray[1]);
                                $videourl = '' . $video_id;
                                // Generate youtube embed code for html5 player
                                $output .= '<iframe  type="text/html" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" src="' . $videourl . '" frameborder="0"></iframe>';
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                                if (strpos($videourl, 'viddler') > 0) {
                                    $imgstr = explode('/', $videourl);
                                    $viddler_id = $imgstr[4];
                                    $output .= '<iframe id="viddler-' . $viddler_id . '" width="' . $width . '" src="//' . $viddler_id . '/?f=1&autoplay=0&player=full&secret=26392356&loop=false&nologo=false&hd=false" frameborder="0" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>';
                                } elseif (strpos($videourl, 'dailymotion') > 0) {
                                    // For dailymotion videos
                                    $split = explode("/", $videourl);
                                    $split_id = explode("_", $split[4]);
                                    $image_url = '';
                                    $video = $videourl = $previewurl = '' . $split_id[0];
                                    $output .= '<iframe src="' . $video . '?allowed_in_playlists=0" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '"  class="iframe_frameborder" ></iframe>';
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                                    $output .= '<video widht="100%" id="video" poster="' . $imgurl . '"   src="' . $videourl . '" autobuffer controls onerror="failed( event )">' . $htmlplayer_not_support . '</video>';
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                            // Check for upload, URL and RTMP videos
                            if ($file_type == 2 || $file_type == 5) {
                                if ($file_type == 2 && strpos($videourl, '/')) {
                                    $videourl = $videourl;
                                } else {
                                    $videourl = $image_path . $videourl;
                            } else {
                                if ($file_type == 4) {
                                    // For RTMP videos
                                    $streamer = str_replace('rtmp://', 'http://', $media->streamer_path);
                                    $videourl = $streamer . '_definst_/mp4:' . $videourl . '/playlist.m3u8';
                            // Generate video code for html5 player
                            $output .= '<video widht="100%" id="video" poster="' . $imgurl . '"   src="' . $videourl . '" autobuffer controls onerror="failed( event )">' . $htmlplayer_not_support . '</video>';
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                    // Google adsense code Start
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                            } else {
                                $margin_left = ($width - 100) / 2;
                                $adwidth = $width - 100;
                                $adstyle = "width:" . $adwidth . "px;margin-left: -" . $margin_left . "px;";
                            $output .= '<div id="lightm"  style="' . $adstyle . 'height:76px;position:absolute;display:none;background:none !important;background-position: initial initial !important;background-repeat: initial initial !important;bottom: 50px;left: 50%;">
								 		<span id="divimgm" ><img alt="close" id="closeimgm" src="' . APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . '/images/close.png" style="z-index: 10000000;width:48px;height:12px;cursor:pointer;top:-12px;" onclick="googleclose();"  /> </span>
								 				<iframe  height="60" width="' . ($width - 100) . '" scrolling="no" align="middle" id="IFrameName" src="" name="IFrameName" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" class="iframe_frameborder" ></iframe>
                            $details = $this->get_video_google_adsense_details($vid);
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                            } else {
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                                $ropen = $details1['adsense_reopen_time'];
                            } else {
                                $ropen = 0;
                            $output .= '<script type="text/javascript">
								var pagepath  = "' . get_site_url() . '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=googleadsense&vid=' . $homeplayerData->vid . '";
							    var closeadd = ' . $closeadd * 1000 . ';
							    var ropen = ' . $ropen * 1000 . ';
							<script src="' . APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . 'js/googlead.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
            $output .= '</div>';
            // End Google adsense End.
            $useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
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                // check for windows phone
                $windo = 'Windows Phone';
            // Check platform
            $output .= ' <script>
					function current_video_' . $videodivId . '( video_id,d_title ){ 
						if( d_title == undefined )
							document.getElementById( "video_title' . $videodivId . '" ).innerHTML="";
						else { 
							document.getElementById( "video_title' . $videodivId . '" ).innerHTML="";
							document.getElementById( "video_title' . $videodivId . '" ).innerHTML=d_title;
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						alert( "' . $player_not_support . '" ); 
            // player ends here
            // Display description, views, tags, playlist names detail under player
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                    $output .= '<div class="video-page-date"><strong>' . __('Posted&nbsp;on', 'video_gallery') . '&nbsp;:&nbsp;</strong><span>' . date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($post_date)) . '</span></div>';
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                $output .= '<div class="video-page-views"><strong>' . __('Views', 'video_gallery') . '&nbsp;:&nbsp;</strong><span>' . $hitcount . '</span></div>';
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                    $output .= '<div class="video-page-category"><strong>' . __('Category', 'video_gallery') . '&nbsp;:&nbsp;</strong>';
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                        if ($incre > 0) {
                            $playlistname .= ',&nbsp;' . '<a href="' . $playlist_url . '">' . str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $playlist->playlist_name) . '</a>';
                        } else {
                            $playlistname .= '<a href="' . $playlist_url . '">' . str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $playlist->playlist_name) . '</a>';
                    $output .= $playlistname . '</div>';
            $output .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
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                } else {
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							<li class="three" >
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                $output .= 'function createObject' . $videodivId . $vid . '() {
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							request_type = new XMLHttpRequest();
							return request_type;
							var http = createObject' . $videodivId . $vid . '();
							var nocache = 0;
							function getrate' . $videodivId . $vid . '( t ) {
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							document.getElementById( "rate' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).className="ratethis fivepos";
							document.getElementById( "a' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).className="ratethis fivepos";
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							document.getElementById( "ratemsg' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).innerHTML="Thanks for rating!";
							var vid     = document.getElementById( "videoid' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).value;
							nocache     = Math.random(); "get", baseurl+"/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=ratecount&vid="+vid+"&rate="+t,true ); //Rating calling
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							document.getElementById( "rate' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).className="";
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							document.getElementById( "ratemsg' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).style.display="block";
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							document.getElementById( "ratemsg' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).innerHTML="Ratings&nbsp;:&nbsp;' . $ratecount . '";
							} else {
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							} else if( t==3 ) {
							document.getElementById( "ratemsg' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).innerHTML="Worth&nbsp;Watching";
							} else if( t==4 ) {
							document.getElementById( "ratemsg' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).innerHTML="Pretty&nbsp;Cool";
							} else if( t==5 ) {
							document.getElementById( "ratemsg' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).innerHTML="Awesome";
							document.getElementById( "ratemsg1' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).style.display="none";
							document.getElementById( "ratemsg' . $videodivId . $vid . '" ).style.display="block";
            // Rating ends here
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                $output .= '<input type="radio" name="reportvideotype" id="reportvideotype" value="Hateful or abusive content" >Hateful or abusive content<label class="reportvideotype" title="Content that promotes harted against protected groups, abuses vulnerable individuals , or enganges in cyberling"></label><br>';
                $output .= '<input type="radio" name="reportvideotype" id="reportvideotype" value="Harmful dangerous acts" >Harmful dangerous acts<label class="reportvideotype" title="Content  that includes acts that many results in  physical harm"></label><br>';
                $output .= '<input type="radio" name="reportvideotype" id="reportvideotype" value="Spam or misleading">Spam or misleading<label class="reportvideotype" title="Content that is massively posted or otherwise misleading in nature"></label><br>';
                $output .= '<input type="radio" name="reportvideotype" class="reportvideotype" id="reportvideotype" value="Child abuse">Child abuse<label class="reportvideotype" title="Content that includes sexual,predatory or abusive communication  towards minors"></label><br>';
                $output .= '<input type="radio" name="reportvideotype" class="reportvideotype" id="reportvideotype" value="Sexual content">Sexual content<label class="reportvideotype" title="Includes graphic sexual activity, nutity and other sexual content"></label><br>';
                $output .= '<input type="hidden" id="admin_email" value="' . $admin_email . '" name="admin_email" />';
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                $output .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="reset" onclick="return hideReportForm();" class="reportbutton" value="Cancel" id="ReportFormreset"  name="reportclear" />';
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                        $output .= '</li>';
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