$sql = "select (sum(accepted_shares)*pow(2,32))/10800 as avghash, sum(accepted_shares) as sharecount, keyhash, min(users.id) as user_id from {$psqlschema}.stats_shareagg left join users on user_id=users.id where server={$serverid} and time > '{$stime}'::timestamp without time zone and accepted_shares > 0 group by keyhash order by avghash desc {$minilimit};"; $result = pg_exec($link, $sql); $numrows = pg_numrows($result); $pdata = "<TABLE BORDER=1 class=\"contributors\">"; $pdata .= "<TR class=\"contribhead\"><TD>Rank</TD><TD>Address</TD><TD>3-hr Avg Hashrate</TD><TD>3-hr Shares</TD><TD>Percentage of Pool</TD></TR>"; $oe = 0; $rank = 1; for ($ri = 0; $ri < $numrows; $ri++) { $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $ri); $phash = prettyHashrate($row["avghash"]); $tpercent = $row["avghash"] / $poolhashrate3hr * 100; $tpercent = round($tpercent, 4); $user_id = $row["user_id"]; if (isset($row['keyhash'])) { $address = \Bitcoin::hash160ToAddress(bits2hex($row['keyhash'])); $nickname = get_nickname($link2, get_user_id_from_address($link2, $address)); if ($nickname != "" && $nickname != $address) { $address = "<A HREF=\"userstats.php/{$address}\">{$nickname}<BR><FONT SIZE=\"-3\">({$address})</FONT></A>"; } else { $address = "<A HREF=\"userstats.php/{$address}\">{$address}</A>"; } } else { $address = "(Unknown users)"; } if ($oe == 1) { $oclass = "class=\"odd\""; $oe = 0; } else { $oclass = "class=\"notodd\""; $oe = 1; }
<?php require_once 'includes.php'; require_once 'hashrate.php'; if (!isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { print json_encode(array("error" => "No username specified in URL path Please try again.")); exit; } $link = pg_pconnect("dbname={$psqldb} user={$psqluser} password='******' host={$psqlhost}"); if (pg_connection_status($link) != PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK) { pg_close($link); $link = pg_pconnect("dbname={$psqldb} user={$psqluser} password='******' host={$psqlhost}"); if (pg_connection_status($link) != PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK) { print json_encode(array("error" => "Unable to establish a connection to the stats database. Please try again later. If this issue persists, please report it to the pool operator.")); exit; } } $givenuser = substr($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], 1, strlen($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) - 1); $user_id = get_user_id_from_address($link, $givenuser); if (!$user_id) { print json_encode(array("error" => "Username {$givenuser} not found in database. Please try again later. If this issue persists, please report it to the pool operator.")); exit; } $cache_key = hash("sha256", "hashrate-json.php hashrate JSON for {$givenuser} with id {$user_id}"); $json = get_stats_cache($link, 11, $cache_key); if ($json == "") { $hashrate_info = get_hashrate_stats($link, $givenuser, $user_id); $json = json_encode($hashrate_info); set_stats_cache($link, 11, $cache_key, $json, 30); } print $json;
<?php $nouser = 0; $reason = ""; if (!isset($_COOKIE["u"]) && !isset($_GET["u"]) || isset($_GET["u"]) && strlen($_GET["u"]) == 0) { $nouser = 1; } else { $u = ""; if (isset($_GET["u"])) { $u = $_GET["u"]; } else { if (isset($_COOKIE["u"])) { $u = $_COOKIE["u"]; } } $user_id = get_user_id_from_address($link, $u); if (!$user_id) { $nouser = 1; $reason = "{$u} was not found in database.<BR>"; } } if ($cmd == "switchaddr") { $nouser = 1; } if ($nouser == 1) { if ($cmd != "switchaddr") { ?> <H2>No address sent for <I>My Stats</I> page</H2><BR> <?php }