public function __construct()
     if (!($this->caches[$this->cache_prefix] = $this->cache->get($this->cache_prefix))) {
         $query = $this->get_many_by('active', 1);
         foreach ((array) $query as $row) {
             $this->caches[$this->cache_prefix][$row->match] = $row->url;
         $this->cache->save($this->cache_prefix, $this->caches[$this->cache_prefix], get_ttl());
Esempio n. 2
 protected function _firstaccess()
     switch ($this->mode) {
         case 'database':
             if (!($value = ci()->cache->get($this->database_table))) {
                 $this->database_resource = ci()->load->database($this->database_group, true);
                 $dbc = $this->database_resource->get_where($this->database_table, ['id' => 1]);
                 $dbr = $dbc->row();
                 $value = $dbr->value;
                 ci()->cache->save($this->database_table, $value, get_ttl());
             $this->appvar = json_decode($value, true);
         case 'file':
             if (file_exists($this->appvarpath) == true) {
                 $this->appvar = (include $this->appvarpath);
Esempio n. 3
 public function show($options)
     if (in_array($options['widget'], $this->force_token) || $this->token_required) {
         if ($options['wkey'] !== $this->token) {
             $this->_throw_error('Token Validation Failed');
     /* remove the wkey because it changes with each page request and we already tested it */
     /* are they asking for a user? if so we insert it here so it's on the cache key */
     if ($options['user'] == 'true') {
         $options['user'] = isset(ci()->user->id) ? ci()->user->id : 0;
     /* are they asking for a role? if so we insert it here so it's on the cache key */
     if ($options['role'] == 'true') {
         $options['role'] = isset(ci()->user->role_id) ? ci()->user->role_id : 0;
     /* In code are we forcing a user? if so we insert it here so it's on the cache key */
     if (in_array($options['widget'], $this->force_user)) {
         $options['user'] = $this->force_user[$options['widget']];
     /* In code are we forcing a role? if so we insert it here so it's on the cache key */
     if (in_array($options['widget'], $this->force_role)) {
         $options['role'] = $this->force_role[$options['widget']];
     /* In code are we forcing a cache? if so we insert it here so it's on the cache key */
     if (in_array($options['widget'], $this->force_cache)) {
         $options['cache'] = $this->force_cache[$options['widget']];
     /* ok now we can figure out the cache key */
     $cache_name = 'widget_' . md5(json_encode($options));
     /* was this cached or has it expired? */
     if (!($output = ci()->cache->get($cache_name))) {
         /* add a validation rule just for widgets */
         ci()->validate->attach('widget_command', function ($validate, $field, $options) {
             /* make sure we only have 2 parts ie 1 colon */
             if (count(explode(':', $field)) !== 2) {
                 return false;
             return (bool) preg_match("#^[0-9A-Za-z\\/:_]+\$#", $field);
         /* validate the library and class */
         if (!ci()->input->is_valid('required|max_length[64]|widget_command', $options['widget'], false)) {
             $this->_throw_error('Unknown Widget');
         /* verification passed - split off the library and method */
         list($class, $method) = explode(':', $options['widget'], 2);
         /* add widget to the begining of the class name */
         $classname = 'Widget_' . basename($class);
         Let PHP try to autoload it through any available autoloaders
         (including Composer and user's custom autoloaders). If we
         don't find it, then assume it's a CI library that we can reach.
         if (class_exists($classname)) {
             $obj = new $classname();
         } else {
             $classfile = trim(dirname($class) . '/' . $classname, '/.');
             if (!ci()->load->exists($classfile)) {
                 $this->_throw_error('Widget Not Found');
             $classname = strtolower($classname);
             $obj =& ci()->{$classname};
         if (!method_exists($obj, $method)) {
             /* failed - can't find the method */
             $this->_throw_error('Widget Method Not Found');
         /* Call the class with our parameters */
         $output = $obj->{$method}($options);
         /* cache length - use parameter cache="0" for no cache */
         $cache_ttl = isset($options['cache']) ? (int) $options['cache'] : get_ttl(false);
         /* cache it */
         if ($cache_ttl > 0) {
             ci()->cache->save($cache_name, $output, $cache_ttl + mt_rand(1, 120));
     return $output;