} if (!$no_log_ip) { $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT * FROM ips WHERE ip = " . ann_sqlesc($ip) . " AND userid =" . ann_sqlesc($userid)) or ann_sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysqli_num_rows($res) == 0) { mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "INSERT LOW_PRIORITY INTO ips (userid, ip, lastannounce, type) VALUES (" . ann_sqlesc($userid) . ", " . ann_sqlesc($ip) . ", " . TIME_NOW . ",'announce')") or ann_sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $mc1->delete_value('ip_history_' . $userid); $mc1->delete_value('u_passkey_' . $passkey); } else { mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY ips SET lastannounce = " . TIME_NOW . " WHERE ip = " . ann_sqlesc($ip) . " AND userid =" . ann_sqlesc($userid)) or ann_sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $mc1->delete_value('ip_history_' . $userid); $mc1->delete_value('u_passkey_' . $passkey); } } // End Ip logger $realip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $torrent = get_torrent_from_hash($info_hash, $userid); if (!$torrent) { err("torrent query error - contact site admin"); } $torrentid = (int) $torrent["id"]; $torrent_modifier = get_slots($torrentid, $userid); $torrent['freeslot'] = $torrent_modifier['freeslot']; $torrent['doubleslot'] = $torrent_modifier['doubleslot']; $happy_multiplier = get_happy($torrentid, $userid); $fields = 'seeder, peer_id, ip, port, uploaded, downloaded, userid, (' . TIME_NOW . ' - last_action) AS announcetime, last_action AS ts, ' . TIME_NOW . ' AS nowts, prev_action AS prevts'; //== Wantseeds - Retro $limit = ''; if ($torrent['numpeers'] > $rsize) { $limit = "ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT {$rsize}"; } // if user is a seeder, then only supply leechers.
if (!@($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"] = mysqli_connect($INSTALLER09['mysql_host'], $INSTALLER09['mysql_user'], $INSTALLER09['mysql_pass']))) { exit; } @(bool) mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "USE {$INSTALLER09['mysql_db']}") or exit; $numhash = count($_GET['info_hash']); $torrents = array(); if ($numhash < 1) { die("Scrape Error d5:filesdee"); } elseif ($numhash == 1) { $torrent = get_torrent_from_hash($_GET['info_hash']); if ($torrent) { $torrents[$_GET['info_hash']] = $torrent; } } else { foreach ($_GET['info_hash'] as $hash) { $torrent = get_torrent_from_hash($hash); if ($torrent) { $torrents[$hash] = $torrent; } } } $user = get_user_from_torrent_pass($torrent_pass); if (!$user || !count($torrents)) { die('scrape user error'); } $r = 'd5:filesd'; foreach ($torrents as $info_hash => $torrent) { $r .= '20:' . $info_hash . 'd8:completei' . $torrent['seeders'] . 'e10:downloadedi' . $torrent['times_completed'] . 'e10:incompletei' . $torrent['leechers'] . 'ee'; } $r .= 'ee'; header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
@(bool) mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "USE {$INSTALLER09['mysql_db']}") or exit; if (!isset($_GET['info_hash']) or strlen($_GET['info_hash']) != 20) { error('Invalid hash'); } $numhash = count($_GET['info_hash']); $torrents = array(); if ($numhash < 1) { die("Scrape Error d5:filesdee"); } elseif ($numhash == 1) { $torrent = get_torrent_from_hash(bin2hex($_GET['info_hash'])); if ($torrent) { $torrents[$_GET['info_hash']] = $torrent; } } else { foreach ($_GET['info_hash'] as $hash) { $torrent = get_torrent_from_hash(bin2hex($hash)); if ($torrent) { $torrents[$hash] = $torrent; } } } $r = 'd5:filesd'; foreach ($torrents as $info_hash => $torrent) { $r .= '20:' . $info_hash . 'd8:completei' . $torrent['seeders'] . 'e10:downloadedi' . $torrent['times_completed'] . 'e10:incompletei' . $torrent['leechers'] . 'ee'; } $r .= 'ee'; header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); echo $r; die; //die($r);