Esempio n. 1
 function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files)
     $ret = true;
     $filenames = array();
     foreach ($css_files as $cssfile => $content) {
         if (basename($cssfile) === 'style.css') {
             $data = get_theme_data_from_contents($content);
     if (!$data['Tags']) {
         $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('<strong>Tags:</strong> is either empty or missing in style.css header.', 'theme-check');
         return $ret;
     $deprecated_tags = array("flexible-width", "fixed-width", "black", "blue", "brown", "gray", "green", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "silver", "tan", "white", "yellow", "dark", "light", "fixed-layout", "fluid-layout", "responsive-layout", "blavatar", "holiday", "photoblogging", "seasonal");
     $allowed_tags = array('grid-layout', "one-column", "two-columns", "three-columns", "four-columns", "left-sidebar", "right-sidebar", "flexible-header", 'footer-widgets', "accessibility-ready", "buddypress", "custom-background", "custom-colors", "custom-header", "custom-menu", "custom-logo", "editor-style", "featured-image-header", "featured-images", "front-page-post-form", "full-width-template", "microformats", "post-formats", "rtl-language-support", "sticky-post", "theme-options", "threaded-comments", "translation-ready", 'blog', 'e-commerce', 'education', 'entertainment', 'food-and-drink', 'holiday', 'news', 'photography', 'portfolio');
     foreach ($data['Tags'] as $tag) {
         if (strpos(strtolower($tag), "accessibility-ready") !== false) {
             $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-info">' . __('INFO', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('Themes that use the tag accessibility-ready will need to undergo an accessibility review.', 'theme-check') . ' ' . __('See <a href=""></a>', 'theme-check');
         if (!in_array(strtolower($tag), $allowed_tags)) {
             if (in_array(strtolower($tag), $deprecated_tags)) {
                 $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . sprintf(__('The tag %s has been deprecated, please remove it from your style.css header.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $tag . '</strong>');
             } else {
                 $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . sprintf(__('Found wrong tag, remove %s from your style.css header.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $tag . '</strong>');
                 $ret = false;
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 2
 function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files)
     $ret = true;
     $filenames = array();
     foreach ($css_files as $cssfile => $content) {
         if (basename($cssfile) === 'style.css') {
             $data = get_theme_data_from_contents($content);
     if (!$data['Tags']) {
         $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-recommended">' . __('RECOMMENDED', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('<strong>Tags:</strong> is either empty or missing in style.css header.', 'theme-check');
         return $ret;
     $allowed_tags = array("black", "blue", "brown", "gray", "green", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "silver", "tan", "white", "yellow", "dark", "light", "one-column", "two-columns", "three-columns", "four-columns", "left-sidebar", "right-sidebar", "fixed-layout", "fluid-layout", "responsive-layout", "flexible-header", "accessibility-ready", "blavatar", "buddypress", "custom-background", "custom-colors", "custom-header", "custom-menu", "editor-style", "featured-image-header", "featured-images", "front-page-post-form", "full-width-template", "microformats", "post-formats", "rtl-language-support", "sticky-post", "theme-options", "threaded-comments", "translation-ready", "holiday", "photoblogging", "seasonal");
     foreach ($data['Tags'] as $tag) {
         if (!in_array(strtolower($tag), $allowed_tags)) {
             if (in_array(strtolower($tag), array("flexible-width", "fixed-width"))) {
                 $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . __('The flexible-width and fixed-width tags changed to fluid-layout and fixed-layout tags in WordPress 3.8. Additionally, the responsive-layout tag was added. Please change to using one of the new tags.', 'theme-check');
             } else {
                 $this->error[] = '<span class="tc-lead tc-warning">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span>: ' . sprintf(__('Found wrong tag, remove %s from your style.css header.', 'theme-check'), '<strong>' . $tag . '</strong>');
                 $ret = false;
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 3
 function check($php_files, $css_files, $other_files)
     $ret = true;
     $filenames = array();
     foreach ($css_files as $cssfile => $content) {
         if (basename($cssfile) === 'style.css') {
             $data = get_theme_data_from_contents($content);
     if (!$data['Tags']) {
         $this->error[] = __("<span class='tc-lead tc-recommended'>RECOMMENDED</span>: <strong>Tags:</strong> is either empty or missing in style.css header.", "themecheck");
         return $ret;
     $allowed_tags = array("black", "blue", "brown", "gray", "green", "orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "silver", "tan", "white", "yellow", "dark", "light", "one-column", "two-columns", "three-columns", "four-columns", "left-sidebar", "right-sidebar", "fixed-width", "flexible-width", "blavatar", "buddypress", "custom-background", "custom-colors", "custom-header", "custom-menu", "editor-style", "featured-image-header", "featured-images", "front-page-post-form", "full-width-template", "microformats", "post-formats", "rtl-language-support", "sticky-post", "theme-options", "threaded-comments", "translation-ready", "holiday", "photoblogging", "seasonal");
     foreach ($data['Tags'] as $tag) {
         if (!in_array(strtolower($tag), $allowed_tags)) {
             $this->error[] = "<span class='tc-lead tc-warning'>WARNING</span>: Found wrong tag, remove <strong>{$tag}</strong> from your style.css header.";
             $ret = false;
     return $ret;