print "</HEAD>\n<BODY onLoad = 'ck_frames();'>\n"; // 9/21/08 $evenodd = array("even", "odd"); ?> <DIV ID='to_bottom' style="position:fixed; top:4px; left:20px; height: 12px; width: 10px;" onclick = "location.href = '#bottom';"><IMG SRC="markers/down.png" BORDER=0 /></div> <A NAME="top" /> <!-- 11/11/09 --> <?php print "<SPAN STYLE='margin-left:40px'><FONT CLASS='header'>Edit Settings</FONT> (mouseover caption for help information)</SPAN><BR /><BR />\n\t\t\t\t<TABLE BORDER='0' STYLE='margin-left:40px'><FORM METHOD='POST' NAME= 'set_Form' \n\t\t\t\tonSubmit='return validate_set(document.set_Form);' ACTION='config.php?func=settings&go=true'>"; $counter = 0; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}settings` ORDER BY name") or do_error('config.php::list_settings', 'mysql_query() failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__); while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result))) { if ($row['name'][0] != "_") { // hide these $capt = str_replace("_", " ", $row['name']); print "<TR CLASS='" . $evenodd[$counter % 2] . "'><TD CLASS='td_label'><A HREF='#' TITLE='" . get_setting_help($row['name']) . "'>{$capt}</A>: </TD>"; print "<TD><INPUT MAXLENGTH='512' SIZE='128' TYPE='text' VALUE='" . $row['value'] . "' NAME='" . $row['name'] . "'></TD></TR>\n"; $counter++; } } // str_replace ( search, replace, subject) print "</FORM></TABLE>\n"; // 7/16/09 ?> <A NAME="bottom" /> <!-- 11/11/09 --> <IMG SRC="markers/up.png" BORDER=0 onclick = "location.href = '#top';" STYLE = 'margin-left: 20px'></TD> <DIV ID="foo"><DIV ID="bar"> <!-- 9/26/09 --> <INPUT TYPE='button' VALUE='Cancel' onClick='document.can_Form.submit();'><BR /><BR /> <?php // 3/19/11
for ($i = 0; $i < $_POST["frm_values"]; $i++) { $query = "UPDATE settings SET value='" . $_POST[frm_setting_value][$i] . "' WHERE id='" . $_POST[frm_setting_id][$i] . "'"; if ($debug) { print '<p> $query: ' . $query; } $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error('config.php::save_setting #$i', 'mysql_query() failed', mysql_error()); } print '<FONT CLASS="header">Settings saved.</FONT><BR><BR>'; } else { print '<FONT CLASS="header">System Settings</FONT><BR><BR><TABLE BORDER="0"> <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="config.php?mode=settings&go=true">'; $counter = 0; $query = 'SELECT * FROM settings ORDER BY name'; $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error('config.php::list_settings', 'mysql_query() failed', mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print '<TR><TD CLASS="td_label"><A HREF="#" TITLE="' . get_setting_help($row[name]) . '">' . $row[name] . '</A>: </TD>' . " \n "; print '<TD colspan="2" ><INPUT MAXLENGTH="255" SIZE="40" TYPE="text" VALUE="' . $row[value] . '" NAME="frm_setting_value[]">'; print '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="frm_setting_id[]" VALUE="' . $row[id] . "\"></TD></TR> \n "; $counter++; } print '<TR><TD></TD><TD ><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="frm_values" VALUE="' . $counter . '">' . " \n "; print '<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Apply"></FORM></TD>' . " \n "; print '<td align="right"><FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="config.php"><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Cancel / Go Back"></FORM></td></tr>' . " \n "; print '</TABLE>' . " \n "; powered(); // Print "Powered by" and end the HTML page exit; } } break; case "id":