echo format_bytes($client['bytes_sent']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo format_bytes($client['bytes_recv']); ?> </td> <td> <table> <tr> <td> <?php $ssvc = find_service_by_openvpn_vpnid($client['vpnid']); ?> <?php echo get_service_status_icon($ssvc, false, true); ?> <?php echo get_service_control_GET_links($ssvc, true); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div>
<?php if (count($services) > 0) { foreach ($services as $service) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $service['name']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $service['description']; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo get_service_status_icon($service, true, true); ?> <?php echo get_service_control_links($service); ?> <?php echo !empty(get_shortcut_by_service_name($service['name'])) ? get_shortcut_log_link($scut, true) : ""; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } } else { ?> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <?php
uasort($services, "service_name_compare"); foreach ($services as $service) { if (!$service['name'] || in_array($service['name'], $skipservices)) { continue; } $service_desc = explode(".", $service['description']); echo "<tr><td class=\"listlr\">" . $service['name'] . "</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"listr\">" . $service_desc[0] . "</td>\n"; // if service is running then listr else listbg $bgclass = null; if (get_service_status($service)) { $bgclass = "listr"; } else { $bgclass = "listbg"; } echo "<td class=\"" . $bgclass . "\" align=\"center\">" . str_replace('btn ', 'btn btn-xs ', get_service_status_icon($service, false, true)) . "</td>\n"; echo "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"list nowrap\">" . str_replace('btn ', 'btn btn-xs ', get_service_control_links($service)) . "</td></tr>\n"; } } else { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">" . gettext("No services found") . " . </td></tr>\n"; } ?> </table> <!-- needed to display the widget settings menu --> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ selectIntLink = "services_status-configure"; textlink = document.getElementById(selectIntLink); = "inline"; //]]>
if (empty($service['name'])) { continue; } if (empty($service['description'])) { $service['description'] = get_pkg_descr($service['name']); } echo "<tr><td class=\"listlr\" width=\"20%\">" . $service['name'] . "</td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"listr\" width=\"55%\">" . $service['description'] . "</td>\n"; // if service is running then listr else listbg $bgclass = null; if (get_service_status($service)) { $bgclass = "listr"; } else { $bgclass = "listbg"; } echo "<td class=\"" . $bgclass . "\" align=\"center\">" . get_service_status_icon($service, true, true) . "</td>\n"; echo "<td valign=\"middle\" class=\"list nowrap\">" . get_service_control_links($service); $scut = get_shortcut_by_service_name($service['name']); if (!empty($scut)) { echo get_shortcut_main_link($scut, true, $service); echo get_shortcut_status_link($scut, true, $service); echo get_shortcut_log_link($scut, true); } echo "</td></tr>\n"; } } else { echo "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">" . gettext("No services found") . " . </td></tr>\n"; } ?> </tbody> </table>
<?php $skipservices = explode(",", $user_settings['widgets']['servicestatusfilter']); if (count($services) > 0) { uasort($services, "service_dispname_compare"); foreach ($services as $service) { if (!$service['dispname'] || in_array($service['dispname'], $skipservices) || !is_service_enabled($service['dispname'])) { continue; } if (empty($service['description'])) { $service['description'] = get_pkg_descr($service['name']); } $service_desc = explode(".", $service['description']); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo get_service_status_icon($service, false, true, false, "state"); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $service['dispname']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $service_desc[0]; ?> </td> <td><?php echo get_service_control_links($service); ?> </td> </tr>