<?php include '../includes/dbutil.php'; include 'includes/validation.php'; $parameters = array("user_name", "user_email", "fb_id", "device_id"); $is_parameter_available = is_post_parameters_exists($parameters); if ($is_parameter_available == 0) { extract($_POST); $userprofile_count = get_row_count_by_condition("users", "where user_email='" . $user_email . "'"); if ($userprofile_count <= 0) { $userdata = array('user_name' => $user_name, 'user_email' => $user_email, 'fb_id' => $fb_id, 'device_id' => $device_id); $isinserted = insertdata($userdata, "users"); $result = selected_columns_by_condition("users", "upid,user_email", "where user_email='" . $user_email . "'"); $result['status'] = 'success'; echo json_encode($result); } else { $result = selected_columns_by_condition("users", "upid,user_email", "where user_email='" . $user_email . "'"); $result['status'] = 'success'; echo json_encode($result); } } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "failed")); }
<?php include '../includes/dbutil.php'; include 'includes/validation.php'; $parameters = array("user_email", "password", "device_id"); $is_parameter_available = is_post_parameters_exists($parameters); if ($is_parameter_available == 0) { extract($_POST); $password1 = md5($password); $userprofile_count = get_row_count_by_condition("users", "where user_email='" . $user_email . "' and password='******'"); if ($userprofile_count > 0) { $userdata = array('device_id' => $device_id); update($userdata, "users", "where user_email='" . $user_email . "'"); $result = selected_columns_by_condition("users", "upid,user_email", "where user_email='" . $user_email . "'"); $result['status'] = 'success'; echo json_encode($result); } else { $result['status'] = 'failed'; echo json_encode($result); } } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "failed")); }
<?php include "includes/dbutil.php"; //echo "hiii"; $state1 = get_row_by_condition("tbl_state", "WHERE state_name='" . $_POST['main_cat'] . "'"); $state_id = $state1['id']; $pcount = get_row_count_by_condition("tbl_city", "WHERE state_id=" . $state_id); if ($pcount > 0) { $scats = select_rows_by_condition("tbl_city", "WHERE state_id=" . $state_id); } ?> <select name="city" id="city"> <option value="">Select City</option> <?php if ($pcount > 0) { foreach ($scats as $row) { ?> <option value='<?php echo $row['city_name']; ?> '><?php echo $row['city_name']; ?> </option> <?php } }
<?php session_start(); include_once 'includes/dbutil.php'; extract($_POST); $count = get_row_count_by_condition('users', 'where user_email="' . $emailid . '"'); if ($count == 0) { if ($password != $conformpassword) { $_SESSION['msg'] = '<div style="color:green">password and conform password not match....</div>'; header('location:index.php'); exit; } $password1 = md5($password); $usrData = array('user_name' => $username, 'user_email' => $emailid, 'user_mobile' => $mobileno, 'password' => $password1); $user = insertdata($usrData, 'users'); if ($user) { $_SESSION['msg'] = '<div style="color:green">User successfully registered....</div>'; //header('location:index.php'); /*echo ("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'> window.alert('vendor created successfully...'); window.location.href='index.php';</SCRIPT>");*/ } else { $_SESSION['msg'] = '<div style="color:red">User not registered....</div>'; //header('location:index.php'); /*echo ("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'> window.alert('You entered incorrect Username or Password ') window.location.href='index.php'; </SCRIPT>");*/
$output= json_decode($geocode); $address = $output->results[0]->formatted_address; $sq=mysql_query("select * from driver_reg where id='$driver_id'"); $ar=mysql_fetch_array($sq); $driver_name=$ar['driver_name']; $driver_mobile=$ar['mobile']; $sql1=mysql_query("select * from trip_reg where driver_id='$driver_id' and status='0' order by id desc"); //if(mysql_num_rows($sql1)==0){ echo "<div class='admin_faile'>Presently No Cabs found.</div>"; } $arr=mysql_fetch_array($sql1); $trip_id=$arr['id']; $cab_id=$arr['cab_id']; $sql2=mysql_query("select * from cab_reg where id='$cab_id'"); $arr1=mysql_fetch_array($sql2); $cab_type=$arr1['cartype']; $cab_no=$arr1['vehicle_reg'];*/ $count = get_row_count_by_condition("trip_reg", "where status <> 0"); if ($count > 0) { $arr = select_columns_rows_by_condition("trip_reg t INNER JOIN driver_reg d INNER JOIN cab_reg c", "t.*,d.driver_name,d.mobile as driver_mobile, c.vehicle_reg", "on t.cab_id=c.id and t.driver_id=d.id where t.status <> 0"); foreach ($arr as $row) { if ($row['status'] == 0) { $status_loc = "Pending"; } else { if ($row['status'] == 1) { $status_loc = "Cab assigned"; } else { if ($row['status'] == 2) { $status_loc = "In travel"; } else { if ($row['status'] == 3) { $status_loc = "completed"; } else {
<?php session_start(); include "includes/dbutil.php"; $uname = $_POST['user_email']; $pwd = md5($_POST['password']); $cond = "where (user_email='{$uname}' or user_mobile='{$uname}') and password='******'"; $count1 = get_row_count_by_condition('users', $cond); if ($count1 > 0) { $row1 = get_row_by_condition('users', $cond); $_SESSION['upid'] = $row1['upid']; $_SESSION['user_name'] = $row1['user_name']; $_SESSION['user_type'] = $row1['user_type']; echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>\n\t\t window.location.href='" . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] . "';</SCRIPT>"; } else { echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>\n\n window.alert('You entered incorrect Username or Password ')\n\n window.location.href='" . $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] . "';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; }
<?php include_once 'includes/dbutil.php'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if (isset($_POST['submit'], $_POST['upid'])) { extract($_POST); $count = get_row_count_by_condition('users', 'where upid="' . $upid . '"'); if ($count > 0) { $pwd = md5($password); $usrdata = array('password' => $pwd); $isupdated = update($usrdata, "users", "where upid={$upid}"); if ($isupdated) { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t\twindow.alert('Please try again');\n window.location.href='index.php?message=3';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; } else { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t\twindow.alert('Please try again');\n window.location.href='{$url}?set=3';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; } } else { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t\twindow.alert('Please try again');\n window.location.href='{$url}?set=3';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; } } else { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t\twindow.alert('Please try again');\n window.location.href='{$url}?set=3';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; }
$email = filter_var($user['email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $profile_url = filter_var($user['link'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); $profile_image_url = filter_var($user['picture'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); $personMarkup = "{$email}<div><img src='{$profile_image_url}?sz=50'></div>"; $_SESSION['token'] = $gClient->getAccessToken(); } else { //For Guest user, get google login url $authUrl = $gClient->createAuthUrl(); } if (isset($authUrl)) { ++$is_user_login; } else { /* connect to database using mysqli */ //unset($_SESSION['token']); //$user_exist = $mysqli->query("SELECT COUNT(google_id) as usercount FROM user_profile WHERE google_id=$user_id ")->fetch_object()->usercount; $user_count = get_row_count_by_condition("convention_users", "where user_email='" . $email . "'"); if ($user_count > 0) { $user_info = get_row_by_condition("convention_users", "where user_email='" . $email . "'"); $_SESSION['user_mobile'] = $user_info['user_mobile']; $_SESSION['cnv_upid'] = $user_info['cnv_upid']; $_SESSION['user_name'] = $user_info['user_name']; $_SESSION['user_email'] = $user_info['user_email']; //header("location:http://localhost/safe-wash/index.php"); } else { //user is new //echo 'Hi '.$user_name.', Thanks for Registering!'; $user_info1 = array('google_id' => $user_id, 'user_name' => $user_name, 'user_email' => $email); $inserted = insertdata($user_info1, "convention_users"); /*$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO user_profile (google_id, name, email) VALUES ($user_id, '$user_name','$email')");*/ if ($inserted > 0) {
move_uploaded_file($file_tmp,"$desired_dir".$file_name); $val[]=$file_name; } else{ $msg = "<div class='errordiv'>Please Upload image less than .</div>"; } } } $images=implode(",",$val); } */ $user_count = get_row_count_by_condition("convention_users", "where cnv_upid=" . $cnv_upid); $isSuccess = 0; $usrData = array('cnv_upid' => $cnv_upid, 'title' => $title, 'ctype' => $ctype, 'convention_type' => $convention_type, 'contact_person_name' => $contact_person_name, 'contact_person_mobile' => $contact_person_mobile, 'contact_person_email' => $contact_person_email, 'country' => $country, 'state' => $state, 'city' => $city, 'locality' => $locality, 'address' => $address, 'location_lat' => $latitude, 'location_long' => $longitude); /*if(isset($images)) { $usrData['images'] = $images; }*/ if ($user_count > 0) { insertdata($usrData, 'convention_post_add'); $post_id = mysql_insert_id(); $result['status'] = "success"; $result['convention_post_id'] = $post_id; echo json_encode($result); } else { $result['status'] = "your not auser"; echo json_encode($result);
<?php session_start(); include_once 'includes/dbutil.php'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERRER']; extract($_POST); $count = get_row_count_by_condition('users', 'where user_email="' . $user_email . '"'); if ($count > 0) { $user_info = get_row_count_by_condition('users', 'where user_email="' . $user_email . '"'); //define the subject of the email $subject = 'Forgot password Reset Link'; //define the message to be sent. Each line should be separated with \n $link = URI . "/preset-password.php?userinfo=" . base64_encode($user_info['upid']); $message = "Please click this link and reset your password"; //define the headers we want passed. Note that they are separated with \r\n $headers = "From: info@toletbro.com\r\nReply-To: info@toletbro.com"; //send the email $mail_sent = @mail($user_email, $subject, $message, $headers); //if the message is sent successfully print "Mail sent". Otherwise print "Mail failed" //echo $mail_sent ? "Mail sent" : "Mail failed"; if ($mail_sent) { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t \n window.location.href='index.php?message=4';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; } else { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t window.alert('Please provide Registered Email id')\t\n window.location.href='{$url}?set=3';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; } } else { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t window.alert('Please provide Registered Email id')\t\n window.location.href='{$url}?set=3';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; }
<?php include_once 'includes/dbutil.php'; $url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if (isset($_POST['submit'], $_POST['cnv_upid'])) { extract($_POST); $count = get_row_count_by_condition('convention_users', 'where cnv_upid="' . $cnv_upid . '"'); if ($count > 0) { $pwd = md5($password); $usrdata = array('password' => $pwd); $isupdated = update($usrdata, "convention_users", "where cnv_upid={$cnv_upid}"); if ($isupdated) { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t\twindow.alert('Please try again');\n window.location.href='index.php?message=3';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; } else { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t\twindow.alert('Please try again');\n window.location.href='{$url}?set=3';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; } } else { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t\twindow.alert('Please try again');\n window.location.href='{$url}?set=3';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; } } else { echo "<SCRIPT>\n\t\twindow.alert('Please try again');\n window.location.href='{$url}?set=3';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; }
<?php session_start(); include_once 'includes/dbutil.php'; extract($_POST); $count = get_row_count_by_condition("users", "where fb_token='{$id}' and user_email='{$email}'"); if ($count > 0) { $row = get_row_by_condition("users", "where user_email='{$email}'"); $_SESSION['upid'] = $row['upid']; $_SESSION['user_name'] = $row['user_name']; $result['status'] = "true"; echo json_encode($result); } else { $name = $first_name . " " . $last_name; $userdata = array('user_name' => $name, 'fb_token' => $id, 'user_email' => $email); $isupdated = insertdata($userdata, "users"); if ($isupdated > 0) { $row1 = get_row_by_condition("users", "where user_email='{$email}'"); $_SESSION['upid'] = $row1['upid']; $_SESSION['user_name'] = $row1['user_name']; $result['status'] = "true"; echo json_encode($result); } }
<?php include '../includes/dbutil.php'; include 'includes/validation.php'; $parameters = array("state_id"); $is_parameter_available = is_post_parameters_exists($parameters); if ($is_parameter_available == 0) { extract($_POST); $check_count = get_row_count_by_condition("tbl_city", "where state_id='" . $state_id . "' "); if ($check_count > 0) { $cities = select_columns_rows_by_condition("tbl_city t", "t.id,t.city_name", "where t.state_id='" . $state_id . "'"); foreach ($cities as $ct_info1) { //$product_info=$product_info1; $results[] = $ct_info1; } $results['status'] = "success"; echo json_encode($results); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "There is no data")); } } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "failed")); } ?>
<?php include '../includes/dbutil.php'; include 'includes/validation.php'; $parameters = array('user_id', 'post_id', 'post_type'); $is_parameter_available = is_post_parameters_exists($parameters); if ($is_parameter_available == 0) { extract($_POST); $count = get_row_count_by_condition("users", "WHERE upid=" . $user_id); if ($count > 0) { $usrData = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'post_id' => $post_id, 'post_type' => $post_type); //$pcount=get_row_count_by_condition("post_add","WHERE post_id=".$_SESSION['last_id']." and upid=".$_SESSION['upid']); insertdata($usrData, 'short_lists'); //$result['post_id'] = mysql_insert_id(); $result['status'] = 'success'; echo json_encode($result); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "failed")); } } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "failed")); }
<?php session_start(); include "includes/dbutil.php"; $count = get_row_count_by_condition("post_add", "where upid = '" . $_SESSION['upid'] . "' and post_id = '" . $_REQUEST['post'] . "'"); if ($count > 0) { $convention_info = get_row_by_condition("post_add", "where upid = '" . $_SESSION['upid'] . "' and post_id = '" . $_REQUEST['post'] . "'"); if (!empty($convention_info["property_image"])) { $images = explode(",", $convention_info["property_image"]); foreach ($images as $image) { unlink("uploads/property_images/{$image}"); } } //delete_row("tbl_showcase","where showcase_id='$showcase_id' and school_id='$school_id'"); mysql_query("delete from post_add where upid = '" . $_SESSION['upid'] . "' and post_id = '" . $_REQUEST['post'] . "'"); echo "<SCRIPT>\t\t \t\n window.location.href='property-profile-list.php?message=del';\n </SCRIPT>"; //} }
<?php session_start(); include "includes/dbutil.php"; $uname = $_POST['user_email']; $pwd = md5($_POST['password']); $cond = "where (user_email='{$uname}' or user_mobile='{$uname}') and password='******'"; $count1 = get_row_count_by_condition('convention_users', $cond); if ($count1 > 0) { $row1 = get_row_by_condition('convention_users', $cond); $_SESSION['cnv_upid'] = $row1['cnv_upid']; $_SESSION['user_name'] = $row1['user_name']; $_SESSION['user_type'] = $row1['user_type']; echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>\n\t\t window.location.href='convention-post.php';</SCRIPT>"; } else { echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>\n\n window.alert('You entered incorrect Username or Password ')\n\n window.location.href='convention-centre.php';\n\n </SCRIPT>"; }
<?php session_start(); include "includes/dbutil.php"; $count = get_row_count_by_condition("convention_post_add", "where cnv_upid = '" . $_SESSION['cnv_upid'] . "' and convention_post_id = '" . $_REQUEST['post'] . "'"); if ($count > 0) { $convention_info = get_row_by_condition("convention_post_add", "where cnv_upid = '" . $_SESSION['cnv_upid'] . "' and convention_post_id = '" . $_REQUEST['post'] . "'"); if (!empty($convention_info["images"])) { $images = explode(",", $convention_info["images"]); foreach ($images as $image) { unlink("uploads/convention_images/{$image}"); } } //delete_row("tbl_showcase","where showcase_id='$showcase_id' and school_id='$school_id'"); mysql_query("delete from convention_post_add where cnv_upid = '" . $_SESSION['cnv_upid'] . "' and convention_post_id = '" . $_REQUEST['post'] . "'"); echo "<SCRIPT>\t\t \t\n window.location.href='convention-profile-list.php?message=del';\n </SCRIPT>"; //} }