function rocket_insert_deferred_js($buffer) { // Don't add anything on 404 page or on a page without these query strings if (is_404() || !empty($_GET) && !isset($_GET['utm_source'], $_GET['utm_medium'], $_GET['utm_campaign']) && !isset($_GET['fb_action_ids'], $_GET['fb_action_types'], $_GET['fb_source']) && !isset($_GET['gclid']) && !isset($_GET['permalink_name']) && !isset($_GET['lp-variation-id']) && !isset($_GET['lang'])) { return; } /** * Filter LABjs file URL * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param string LABjs file URL */ $labjs_src = WP_ROCKET_FRONT_JS_URL . 'LAB.' . WP_ROCKET_LAB_JS_VERSION . '.min.js'; $labjs_src = get_rocket_cdn_url($labjs_src, array('all', 'css_js', 'js')); $labjs_src = apply_filters('rocket_labjs_src', $labjs_src); /** * Filter list of LABjs options * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param array List of LABjs options */ $labjs_options = apply_filters('rocket_labjs_options', array('AlwaysPreserveOrder' => true)); /** * Filter list of Deferred JavaScript files waiting to load * * @since 1.1.0 * * @param array List of Deferred JavaScript files waiting to load */ $deferred_js_wait = apply_filters('rocket_minify_deferred_js_wait', get_rocket_option('deferred_js_wait')); $defer = '<script src="' . $labjs_src . '" data-no-minify="1"></script>'; $defer .= '<script>'; $defer .= '$LAB'; // Set LABjs options // All options is available in if (count($labjs_options)) { $defer .= '.setOptions(' . json_encode($labjs_options) . ')'; } $deferred_js_files = get_rocket_deferred_js_files(); foreach ($deferred_js_files as $k => $js) { $wait = $deferred_js_wait[$k] == '1' ? '.wait(' . esc_js(apply_filters('rocket_labjs_wait_callback', false, $js)) . ')' : ''; $defer .= '.script("' . esc_js($js) . '")' . $wait; } $defer .= ';</script>'; echo $defer; }
function __rocket_extract_js_files_from_footer() { global $rocket_enqueue_js_in_footer, $wp_scripts, $pagenow; /** This filter is documented in inc/front/process.php */ $rocket_cache_search = apply_filters('rocket_cache_search', false); if (isset($wp_scripts->in_footer) && !is_array($wp_scripts->in_footer) || !get_rocket_option('minify_js', false) || in_array($pagenow, array('wp-login.php', 'wp-register.php')) || defined('DONOTMINIFYJS') && DONOTMINIFYJS || defined('DONOTCACHEPAGE') && DONOTCACHEPAGE || is_rocket_post_excluded_option('minify_js') || is_404() || is_search() && !$rocket_cache_search) { return; } // Digg Digg ( if (defined('DD_PLUGIN_URL')) { $rocket_enqueue_js_in_footer[] = DD_PLUGIN_URL . '/js/diggdigg-floating-bar.js'; } // nrelate Flyout ( if (defined('NRELATE_PLUGIN_VERSION')) { $rocket_enqueue_js_in_footer[] = NRELATE_JS_DEBUG ? '' . NRELATE_PLUGIN_VERSION . '/nrelate_js.js' : NRELATE_ADMIN_URL . '/nrelate_js.min.js'; } $home_host = parse_url(home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST); $deferred_js_files = get_rocket_deferred_js_files(); $excluded_js = get_rocket_exclude_js(); $excluded_external_js = get_rocket_minify_excluded_external_js(); foreach ($wp_scripts->in_footer as $handle) { $script_src = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->src; $script_src = strstr($script_src, '/wp-includes/js/') ? $wp_scripts->base_url . $script_src : $script_src; $script_src_cleaned = str_replace(array('http:', 'https:', '//' . $home_host), '', $script_src); if (in_array($handle, $wp_scripts->queue) && !in_array(parse_url($script_src, PHP_URL_HOST), $excluded_external_js) && !in_array($script_src, $deferred_js_files) && !in_array(parse_url($script_src, PHP_URL_PATH), $excluded_js) && !in_array(parse_url($script_src_cleaned, PHP_URL_PATH), $excluded_js)) { // Dequeue JS files without extension if (pathinfo($script_src, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == '') { wp_dequeue_script($handle); } // Add protocol on external JS to prevent conflict if ($home_host != parse_url($script_src, PHP_URL_HOST) && strpos($script_src, 'http://') === false && strpos($script_src, 'https://') === false) { $script_src = set_url_scheme($script_src); } // Add dependency enqueued in the footer foreach ($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->deps as $handle_dep) { if (in_array($handle_dep, $wp_scripts->in_footer)) { $src = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle_dep]->src; $src = strstr($src, '/wp-includes/js/') ? $wp_scripts->base_url . $src : $src; $rocket_enqueue_js_in_footer[$handle_dep] = rocket_set_internal_url_scheme($src); } } $rocket_enqueue_js_in_footer[$handle] = rocket_set_internal_url_scheme($script_src); } } }