function get_report() { // Inputs for our report are passed in the following format : Format (type, label, name) // Currently supported include: // date - a standard date range element which displays the BR system report ranges and // including a 'custom' option for enterying a start and end date. Start and end // dates are passed to the post array with the date field name as prepended with // _st for start and _end for end // input - a standard input field. // category - a category tree field // member_group - a member group drop down field $input[] = array('date', 'Select Date', 'date_range'); // If there are values in the post array // we can use them $range_type = $this->date_range == '' ? $this->EE->input->post("date_range", TRUE) : $this->date_range; if ($range_type == '') { $range_type = 'week'; } if ($range_type == 'custom') { $range["start"] = $this->EE->input->post("date_range_st", TRUE); $range["end"] = $this->EE->input->post("date_range_end", TRUE); } else { $range = get_range($range_type); } $this->EE->load->model('search_model'); $search = $this->EE->search_model->get_search_results($range["start"], $range["end"]); // Header row $header = array(lang('br_customer_email'), lang('br_search_phrase'), lang('br_products_found'), lang('br_search_created')); // Results array $base = 0; $tax = 0; $total = 0; $shipping = 0; $discount = 0; $result = array(); if (count($search) == 0) { $result = array(); $graph = ''; } else { $str = '_get_graph_' . $range_type; $graph = ""; } foreach ($search as $row) { // Is it member or guest ? if (isset($row["email"])) { $member = '<a href="' . BASE . '&C=myaccount&id=' . $row["member_id"] . '">' . $row["email"] . "</a>"; } else { $member = ' - '; } // only add orders if they are not canceled $result[] = array($member, $row['search_term'], $row['result_count'], $row["created"]); } $footer = array('', '', '', ''); $report = array('input' => $input, 'range' => $range, 'graph' => $graph, 'header' => $header, 'results' => $result, 'footer' => $footer); return $report; }
function get_report() { // Inputs for our report are passed in the following format : Format (type, label, name) // Currently supported include: // date - a standard date range element which displays the BR system report ranges and // including a 'custom' option for enterying a start and end date. Start and end // dates are passed to the post array with the date field name as prepended with // _st for start and _end for end // input - a standard input field. // category - a category tree field // member_group - a member group drop down field $input[] = array('date', 'br_select_date', 'date_range'); // If there are values in the post array // we can use them $range_type = $this->date_range == '' ? $this->EE->input->post("date_range", TRUE) : $this->date_range; if ($range_type == '') { $range_type = 'week'; } if ($range_type == 'custom') { $range["start"] = $this->EE->input->post("date_range_st", TRUE); $range["end"] = $this->EE->input->post("date_range_end", TRUE); } else { $range = get_range($range_type); } $this->EE->load->model('order_model'); $orders = $this->EE->order_model->get_download_collection($range["start"], $range["end"]); // Header row $header = array(lang('br_order_id'), lang('br_customer_email'), lang('br_date'), lang('br_download_count')); // Results array $base = 0; $tax = 0; $total = 0; $shipping = 0; $discount = 0; $result = array(); if (count($orders) == 0) { $result = array(); $graph = ''; } else { $str = '_get_graph_' . $range_type; $graph = ""; } foreach ($orders as $row) { // only add orders if they are not canceled if ($row["status_id"] >= 1) { $result[] = array($row['order_id'], "<strong>" . $row["email"] . "</strong>", $this->EE->localize->format_date('%m/%d/%Y', $row["created"]), $row['cnt']); $orders = $this->EE->order_model->get_order($row["order_id"]); foreach ($orders['items'] as $item) { $result[] = array("", $item['quantity'] . " x " . $item['title'], "", ""); } } } $footer = array('', '', '', ''); $report = array('input' => $input, 'range' => $range, 'graph' => $graph, 'header' => $header, 'results' => $result, 'footer' => $footer); return $report; }
function get_report() { // Inputs for our report are passed in the following format : Format (type, label, name) // Currently supported include: // date - a standard date range element which displays the BR system report ranges and // including a 'custom' option for enterying a start and end date. Start and end // dates are passed to the post array with the date field name as prepended with // _st for start and _end for end // input - a standard input field. // category - a category tree field // member_group - a member group drop down field $input[] = array('date', 'Select Date', 'date_range'); // If there are values in the post array // we can use them $range_type = $this->date_range == '' ? $this->EE->input->post("date_range", TRUE) : $this->date_range; if ($range_type == '') { $range_type = 'week'; } if ($range_type == 'custom') { $range["start"] = $this->EE->input->post("date_range_st", TRUE); $range["end"] = $this->EE->input->post("date_range_end", TRUE); } else { $range = get_range($range_type); } $this->EE->load->model('order_model'); $products = $this->EE->order_model->get_best_products($range["start"], $range["end"]); $header = array(lang('br_product_title'), lang('br_qty_sold'), lang('br_total_value')); // Results array $result = array(); $ttl = 0; $qty = 0; if (count($products) == 0) { $result = array(); $graph = ''; } else { $str = '_get_graph_' . $range_type; $graph = ""; } $base_url = str_replace('&', '&', BASE) . '&C=addons_modules&M=show_module_cp&module=brilliant_retail'; foreach ($products as $row) { $result[] = array($row['title'], $row['qty'], $this->_currency_round($row['total_sales'])); $ttl += $row['total_sales']; $qty += $row['qty']; } $footer = array(strtoupper(lang('br_total')), $qty, $this->_currency_round($ttl)); $report = array('input' => $input, 'range' => $range, 'graph' => $graph, 'header' => $header, 'results' => $result, 'footer' => $footer); return $report; }
function get_limits($id) { global $bzwrapper, $DAYS; $res = array(); $arange = get_range($id, $DAYS); $json = $bzwrapper->get_records_in_timeframe($id, 'Bluetooth%20Count%20match', $arange[1], $arange[0]); $avalue = json_decode($json, true); $ares = array(); $xmax = 0; $xsum = 0; $xcount = 0; // ciclo i valori json per ottenere // la somma totale dei mezzi($xsum) // il massimo nr dei mezzi su quella strada ($xmax) // il conteggio dei rilevamenti ($xcount) // e carico $ares array per il calcolo della moda for ($i = 0; $xcount < count($avalue); $i++) { $xcount += 1; $a = $avalue[$i]; $value = $a['value']; if (!isset($ares[$value])) { $ares[$value] = 0; } $ares[$value] += 1; $xsum += $value; if ($value > $xmax) { $xmax = $value; } } //calcolo la moda $xmode = 0; $vmax = 0; foreach ($ares as $key => $value) { if ($value > $vmax) { $vmax = $value; $xmode = $key; } } // linea verde fino alla media $res['max-low'] = $xsum / $xcount; $res['max-medium'] = ($xmode + $xmax) / 2; $res['min-high'] = $res['max-medium'] + 1; return $res; }
function write_setting() { extract($_POST); db_connect(); $check1 = getCSetting("BLOCKED_FROM"); $check2 = getCSetting("BLOCKED_TO"); if (!isset($check1) or strlen($check1) < 1) { $ins_sql = "\n\t\t\tINSERT INTO settings (\n\t\t\t\tconstant, label, value, type, \n\t\t\t\tdatatype, minlen, maxlen, div, readonly\n\t\t\t) VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t'BLOCKED_FROM', 'Blocked Period Date Range From', '{$from_year}-{$from_month}-{$from_day}', 'accounting', \n\t\t\t\t'allstring', '10', '10', '0','f'\n\t\t\t)"; $run_ins = db_exec($ins_sql) or errDie("Unable to record blocked period information."); } else { $upd1_sql = "UPDATE settings SET value = '{$from_year}-{$from_month}-{$from_day}' WHERE constant = 'BLOCKED_FROM'"; $run_upd1 = db_exec($upd1_sql) or errDie("Unable to update blocked period information."); } if (!isset($check2) or strlen($check2) < 1) { $ins_sql = "\n\t\t\tINSERT INTO settings (\n\t\t\t\tconstant, label, value, type, \n\t\t\t\tdatatype, minlen, maxlen, div, readonly\n\t\t\t) VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t'BLOCKED_TO', 'Blocked Period Date Range To', '{$to_year}-{$to_month}-{$to_day}', 'accounting', \n\t\t\t\t'allstring', '10', '10', '0','f'\n\t\t\t)"; $run_ins = db_exec($ins_sql) or errDie("Unable to record blocked period information."); } else { $upd2_sql = "UPDATE settings SET value = '{$to_year}-{$to_month}-{$to_day}' WHERE constant = 'BLOCKED_TO'"; $run_upd2 = db_exec($upd2_sql) or errDie("Unable to update blocked period information."); } return get_range("<li class='yay'>Setting has been saved.</li><br>"); }
function prepare_report() { $cntryarr = load_countries_from_csv("./country.csv"); $category = load_catnames_from_db(); global $curr; $fname = tempnam("/tmp", "krep"); //$report_fname=$client_dir."/".$fname.".csv"; $fw = fopen($fname, "w"); fputs($fw, "id,launch_time,till_days,pname, parent_category, goal, pledged, state, state_days, creator_name, bakerscount, category_name, categoryposition, location_name, location_state, location_country,days_till_deadline,pledged_pct,year,month,goal_dim, till_days_dim, pct_dim, state_days_dim, pledged_rng, goal_rng\n"); $res = pg_query("select as id,deadline, currency, pname, goal, pledged, \"state\", to_timestamp(launchedat) as launch_time, ((deadline-launchedat)/86400) as till_days, ((statechangedat-launchedat)/86400) as state_days, cr.cname as creator_name, bakerscount, cat.cname as category_name , cat.parentid as parent_category, categoryposition, l.lname as loc_name, l.cstate as loc_state, l.ccountry as loc_country from project as p, creator as cr, category as cat, location as l where and and;"); while ($row2 = @pg_fetch_assoc($res)) { if (0 == $row2['launch_time']) { continue; } // skip fake projects if (100 < $row2['till_days']) { continue; } // export row $line = array(); $line[] = $row2['id']; $line[] = convert_to_cps_date($row2['launch_time']); $line[] = $row2['till_days']; $line[] = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\ \\-]/', '', $row2['pname']); $pcat = (int) $row2['parent_category']; if (0 == $pcat) { $line[] = $row2['category_name']; } else { $line[] = $category[$pcat]; } $currency = $row2['currency']; //process currency $goal = $line[] = convert_to_usd($curr, $currency, $row2['goal']); $pledged = $line[] = convert_to_usd($curr, $currency, $row2['pledged']); // rest of $line[] = $row2['state']; $line[] = $row2['state_days']; $line[] = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\\ \\-]/', '', $row2['creator_name']); $line[] = $row2['bakerscount']; $line[] = $row2['category_name']; $line[] = $row2['categoryposition']; $line[] = $row2['loc_name']; $line[] = $row2['loc_state']; if (!isset($cntryarr[$row2['loc_country']])) { $line[] = "unknown country"; } else { $line[] = $cntryarr[$row2['loc_country']]; } $days_left = floor(($row2['deadline'] - time()) / 86400); if (0 > $days_left) { $days_left = 0; } $line[] = $days_left; if (0 == $goal) { $goal = 1.0E-5; } $line[] = floor($pledged / $goal * 100); //$line[]=$row2['loc_country']; $launch_date = strtotime($row2['launch_time']); $line[] = date("Y", $launch_date); $line[] = date("M", $launch_date); $line[] = $goal; $line[] = $row2['till_days']; $line[] = floor($pledged / $goal * 100); $line[] = $row2['state_days']; $line[] = get_range($pledged); $line[] = get_range($goal); fputcsv($fw, $line); } fclose($fw); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $filename = $fname . ".zip"; if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) { die("cant open <{$filename}>\n"); } $zip->addFile($fname, "data.csv"); $zip->close(); @unlink($fname); return $filename; }
function _get_graph_quarter($type, $orders) { $range = get_range('quarter'); for ($i = date("n", strtotime($range["start"])); $i <= date("n", strtotime($range["end"])); $i++) { $months[$i] = 0; } foreach ($orders as $row) { if (isset($months[date("n", $row["created"])])) { $months[date("n", $row["created"])] += $row["total"]; } } $max = 0; foreach ($months as $key => $val) { $axis_x[] = date('F', strtotime('2010-' . $key . '-01')); $vals[] = $val; if ($val > $max) { $max = $val; } } $ratio = $max == 0 ? 0 : 100 / $max; foreach ($vals as $v) { $values[] = $v * $ratio; } $axis_y = $this->_get_y($max); return ',lg,90,b4dcec,0,e6f3f8,0.5&chma=40,125,20,30&chdl=' . join('|', $axis_x) . '&chco=116d88|5db9d4|baecfb&chd=t:' . join(',', $values); }
function prepare_report($db) { $fulldata_collection = $db->fulldata; $investments_collection = $db->investments; $investments = load_investments_from_mongo($investments_collection); $jsondata_collection = $db->jsondata; $fulljson = load_objs_list_from_mongo($jsondata_collection); $fname = tempnam("/tmp", "cb-rep"); $fw = fopen($fname, "w"); fputs($fw, "investor_name,investment_sum_usd,funding_series,funding_type,recipient,date,year,month, quarter, category, investment_range\n"); $cursor1 = $fulldata_collection->find(); foreach ($cursor1 as $doc) { $name = $doc['name']; $inv = $doc['investments']; $markets = $doc['markets']; foreach ($inv as $investment) { if (!isset($investments[$investment]['s'])) { continue; } $funding_sum = $investments[$investment]['s']; $funding_type = $investments[$investment]['t']; $funding_date = $investments[$investment]['d']; $funding_round = $investments[$investment]['r']; $funding_company = $investments[$investment]['c']; $line = array(); $line[0] = $name; $line[1] = $funding_sum; $line[2] = $funding_round; $line[3] = $funding_type; $line[4] = $funding_company; $line[5] = cps_date_from_utime($funding_date); $line[6] = year_from_utime($funding_date); $line[7] = month_from_utime($funding_date); $line[8] = quarter_from_utime($funding_date); $line[9] = null; $line[10] = get_range($funding_sum); foreach ($markets as $market) { $line[9] = $market->name; fputcsv($fw, $line); } // each market } // each investment } //each investor fclose($fw); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $filename = $fname . ""; if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) { die("cant open <{$filename}>\n"); } $zip->addFile($fname, "data.csv"); $zip->close(); @unlink($fname); return $filename; }
function get_ranges($range_arr) { $result = []; if (is_array($range_arr)) { foreach ($range_arr as $range_str) { $result[] = get_range($range_str); } } else { } return $result; }